#also i will absolutly have some reading to catch up on tomorrow it looks like
maple-writes · 3 years
WHG 15 prompt 3: Final Visit
@concealeddarkness13 @ratracechronicler @thoughts-of-nora @knmartinshouldbewriting @sparkles-and-hens @pen-of-roses
technically i still have 45 minutes left of the day so I can still say I'm keeping up with the prompts lol
Why hadn’t any one thought to put a clock in the farewell rooms? Volt paced back and forth across the freshly-cleaned floor in the room too small for footsteps to have any kind of echo to them. How long had it been? It felt like hours since a pair of peacekeepers whisked her from the stage into this little room. Warren, they were coming, right? They had to be. Unless…
Volt swallowed. Was Skyler okay? Was that why they hadn’t come yet, caught up in making sure Skyler didn’t do something rash? But they’d be here eventually. Eventually. Rick though… She stopped in the middle of the room, lowering her eyes to the floor. There’d be no goodbye.
A click came from the door as it opened and Warren stepped inside. Alone. For far too long they stood in the doorway, eyes locked with her and shoulders tense before they each broke their stare and threw their arms around each other. Volt squeezed her eyes shut, fighting to keep her breath steady as Warren’s tickled her ear.
“Listen, Volt, we don’t have much time.” They sucked in a deep breath and drew back, taking her hands in theirs.
Her eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?” Surely they knew, of course they knew she knew that. What were they—
“I know we talked about it a little bit, and I know, I know this isn’t how either of us wanted it to go,” Warren pulled themself back from their rambling with a long breath and met her eyes. “Volt, do you want to get married? Right now?”
Now? Volt blinked, frozen in place and staring until Warren’s figure swam and she had to turn away. She drew her sleeve over her eyes. How many times had they both thought of this moment, laying in each other’s arms at the end of movie neither were paying attention to, over dinners, over phone calls…
“Can we?” She ran a hand through her hair, straightening up and trying to think. What kind of things did they need for a wedding? How would they get everything together before they had to go? She hadn’t even thought of anything that they might have needed to get in order and it was all happening so fast and she could still feel the threat of tears and—
“I convinced a judge someone to come officiate, Skyler’s bringing them right now. I’ll take care of the rest.” Warren smiled, tense and nervous. “If you want to we can do it.”
Volt took their hands again, leaning in until her forehead rested against theirs. “Of course.” It might be their last chance if she didn’t… She bit back the thought. Not now. There’d be all the time in the world to worry about what could happen later.
When the commissioner arrived everything happened quickly as she set out the documents and Warren begged two marginally sympathetic peacekeepers to bear witness. If only Skyler were old enough.
“I apologize, we don’t have the time for a full ceremony.” The commissioner slid the blank certificate and a pen across the little table she’d set up.
Volt took the pen first, pausing as she skimmed the certificate. So this was how they were going to get married? She signed her name, passed the pen to Warren and they did the same. Stepping back, the two peacekeepers signed as witnesses and wasted no time leaving the room again, their jobs done. She didn’t even know their names. The commissioner left with the paper work and the three of them were alone again. For now.
Warren slipped their watch—the one that belonged to their late mother—off their wrist and gently took Volt’s hand. “It’s no ring, but…” They slid it onto her wrist, carefully adjusting it to fit. “Take it.”
Her other hand went to her face, covering her mouth to hide the way it wrenched. They had so few reminders of either of their parents. The strap couldn’t have been much nicer than old stainless steel, and the face plain as could be, but as long as she’d known them it hardly left their wrist.
“I…” Volt swallowed. “I don’t know what to say. Warren, I,” She hadn’t brought anything nice with her, nothing worth enough to come close to what they meant. “I wish I had something to give but I—”
They shook their head, holding up a hand for her to pause. “Your name is more than enough.” They smiled, weak but warm. “Warren Powell. Now it doesn’t matter what happens.” Their voice strained, sharp and pinched thin. “I’ll always have your name.”
There couldn’t be much time left now. Biting back everything she wished she had time to tell them, Volt pulled herself from Warren and turned to Skyler. He stood with his eyes on the ground and with a tension that suggested he was trying his best not to cry.
“Come here.” She pulled him in, holding him tight against her chest. “Take care of yourself Sky. Don’t worry about me.” It was pointless, trying to tell him that but what else could she say? “You’ll get through this.”
He didn’t say anything, burying his head in her shoulder and clutching at her shirt. “No, no, I can’t…”
Volt swallowed and gently stepped out of his grip, pushing his hair back out of his face. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Her voice shook despite her every effort. “Listen, I’m going to do everything I can to stay alive. You know I will.” They both knew it didn’t matter. Didn’t matter how hard she tried, it wasn’t going to made the odds any better. She could only hope he didn’t do anything stupid, didn’t hide himself away again.
The door opened and the peacekeeper stood in the doorway. Volt sighed, letting her head drop. Already?
“Volt,” Warren shifted in close, resting a hand on Skyler’s back. “Don’t worry about us. We’ll be okay, we’ll figure it out.” They paused, glancing up as the peacekeepers entered the room. “I love you, Volt.”
More silent tears welled up in her eyes, tension cutting off her voice. Before the peacekeepers could reach her, she leaned over and met Warren with a kiss over too fast when a hand closed on her elbow.
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h0ly-fire · 3 years
Chapter 1
Hi! So this is the first chapter of my Loki x reader fic based off the show! Its really long because its basically the entirety of the first episode. The reader will have Female pronouns in this story solely based on the fact that this will be very self indulgent and I identify as Female. So im sorry to those who do not identify as such. Also this has no editing or proof reading.. so there will probably be a lot of mistakes.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to be here. Loki was a God how could these people think that they could ever capture him! Strip him of his clothes and make him wait to stand trial? On top of all that they made him question wether or not he was a Robot.  Unbelievable!
 Now here he was with a man in front of him when a guard near by told them to take a ticket. “ Take a ticket.” the guard told them“ What is this a deli?” the man questioned the guard  “ No!” the man said rudely and walked off. “ Take your ticket” the guard said towards Loki as he stepped up. Loki looked at the guard with an are you serious look “ there’s only two of us in here.” Loki said looking around the room. The guard once more told him to take a ticket and Loki huffed grabbing a ticket and shoving it in the Guards face before walking away and shoving it in his pocket. 
“ This is an mistake I shouldn’t be here!” Loki shouted at the guard. Loki turned around when a strange voice sounded around the room “ Hi there! You’re probably saying ,this is a mistake I shouldn’t be here, “ . Loki then saw a television with a clock on it explaining the “ Time Keepers” and how they protect the flow of time and everyone and everything. Apparently he now has to stand trial for his “ crimes”. Loki chuckled before disbelievingly saying “ Time Keepers?” “ The sacred timeline?” he swung his arms out before yelling “ who would actually believe this? “ 
A guard once again asked for a ticket. Loki turned around to see a guard talking to the other man . The man started yelling “ That man didn’t give me a ticket! I tried to ask for one!” The guard rasied his voice “ ticket sir!” “ I tried to asked that guy for a ticket.” Loki then saw the guard pull out a baton and disintegrate the man out of existence. Loki , shocked, searched for his ticket pulled it out and heled it in the air.
Loki was escorted to a court room where women sat up front. “ Variant L1130, aka Loki Laufeyson. Is charged with sequence violation 72089. “ The women sat the paper down as Loki stood on the podium. “ How do you plead ?” she asked him. Loki looked up laughing “ Madam , a God doesn’t plead. “ “ Look this has been a very enjoyable pantomime , but i’d like to go home now.” “ Are you guilty of not guilty,sir?” the women asked . Loki laughed again “ Guilty of being the God of mischief , yes.” “Guilty of finding this all incredably tedious, yes “ “ Guilty of a crime against the sacred timeline? Absolutly not , you have the wrong person.” 
They continued on arguing until the women once again asked him how he pleads. Loki said guilty and then streched his arms out trying to summon his powers. He tried a few times , but each time he failed. The women told him that magic was no good in the TVA. She sentenced him to be reset . Loki freaked out asking what reset meant before being grabbed by the guards. “ You ridiculous beauracrates will not dictate on how my story ends!” Loki screamed. The women said it was never his story . “ You have no idea what I’m capable of!” Loki yelled out in frustration. A man wearing a suite then stood up “ I think I do.” “ I have an idea of what he’s capable of” he said pointing at Loki. He then walked up and stood in front of the women. 
The two talked in whispers before the man turned to Loki. Loki breathed heavy before starring the man down “ and who are you?” the man smirked before leading Loki towards his office. “ I’m gonna burn this place to the ground “ Loki said walking next to the man. “ I’ll show you where my desk is you can start there.” Loki looked out of the hall to see a grand city. Filled with lights , floating buildings, flying cars, the giant statues of the Time Keepers. “ Home sweet home” Loki looked to the man “ I thought there was no magic here.” the man shook his head “ there isn’t.” 
Loki found himself in an elevator with the man. Said man stuck his hand out for Loki to shake before telling his name “ I’m agent Mobius by the way.” Loki looked down at Mobiuses hand before looking back up at him. “ Are you taking me somewhere to kills me?” Loki asked. “ No” Mobius answerd “ thats where you just were. I’m taking you some place to talk.” “ I don’t like to talk” Loki said shaking his head. “ but you like to lie “ Mobius told him “ which you just did. Cause we both know you love to talk.” Loki looked at mobius with a scowl on his face. “ How Long have you been here? “ Loki asked him. “ I don’t know its hard to say time passes diffrently at the TVA.” Mobius replied. 
They stepped out the elevator ,Loki asking Mobius about the three space lizards and how its absurd how they decide the lives of millions. They then step into a big spacious room with a table and two chair in the middle. Loki made the comment on how it really feels like Mobius is going to kill him. Mobius fiddled with a device that sat on the table. Loki tried to attack Mobius, but he didn’t get far when mobius pulled something out and sent him back to where he was standing. Loki looked annoyed before he finally took a seat. 
Loki sat crossing his arms. “ If looks could kill.” Mobius said smartly. They carried on their chat as Mobius pulled a drink out explaing he specializes in dangerous variants. Mobius then started to ask Loki a seires of questions. Loki explained how he wanted to be King of Midgard and the nine realms. How he would have made it easy. “ People like easy.” Mobius said. Loki looked down at the table “ The first depressing lie ever uttered was the song of freedom.” he said before looking back up at Mobius. Mobius continued to write Loki’s answers down as they continued on their chat. Mobius then clicked on the red device in front of them and then it played something catching Loki’s attention.
It started to play his life. It showed him killing Coulson, Mobius asking if he enjoys killing people whilst the video showed Loki destroying NewYork. He then showed Loki in Germany taking out the eyes of a man. “ Look at that smile.You are enjoying that. “ Mobius stated. “ Did you enjoy hurting them?” Loki looked at the floor shaking his head. “ I don’t have to play this game.” Loki told Mobius. “ I’m a God.” Mobius looked at him before replying “ Of what? In mischief right? “ “ yeah, I don’t see anything mischievous about this.” He paused the video before talking about Loki’s escapes. Loki called himself a mischievous scamp and then Mobius continued the video . It was Loki on a Plane . He was D.B Cooper. Apparently he had lost a bet to Thor. Mobius brought the conversation back to Lokis escapes. Loki tried to get up but was brought back to his chair.
Loki was frustrated beyond belief. Mobius showed him another clip agreeing with what his past self had said . Mobius asked if he was finished before showing him what would have happend if he hadn’t taken the Teseract. It showed Loki in chains walking towards his mother. Mobius mouthing “ thats you” towards Loki. Loki looked up starring at his Mother. “ Have I made you proud?” “ Please don’t make this worse.” Loki stood crossing his arms “ What is this? It’s nonsense.” He asked Mobius. “ More tricks this never even happend.” He sais gesturing the the video. “ Not to you, not yet “ Mobius said. The video continued on showing what would have been had Loki stayed within his timeline. He watched as his mother died. How he lead the dark elves to her. How HE killed her. 
“Do you enjoy killing!?” Mobius asked Loki. “ I’ll kill you!” Loki stated. “ What like how you killed your Mother.” Mobius told him. Loki then the the chair at him. Mobius moving out of the way and the chair going through the picture of his dead Mom. “ You weren’t born to be King Loki. You were born to cause Pain and suffering and Death. That’s how it is that’s how it was and that’s how it will be.” Mobius told him. Loki sat on the ground in a mix of grief and anger. He watched the Avengers fighting each other. All of them on the screen. Including you. Oh how he wished to see you right now . Taking him away from this terrible place. You were next to Steve and Natasha, eyes glowing yellow while power surges through your hands. You looked so powerful in that moment. A moment he’d never be able to truly witness. He just couldn’t wrap his head around the idea of you joining the avengers though.
He shook his head and looked up at Mobius sticking his hand out for him. He stood and then the door opened. In came the women guard “ what are you doing?” she asked Mobius. “ My job” Mobius said as if it was obvious. “ Is it yours to interupt?” he asked her. She looked at him before she spoke up “ We have a situation.” she told him. Mobius and the women left, leaving Loki to his own devises. Outside the room Mobius and the women were in a heated argument. “ We just lost another unit!” the women yelled at him. Mobius sighed before walking back in the room. “ Okay Loki I think we can finish up tomorrow and just-” Mobius stopped mid sentence when he noticed Loki was no where to be found. 
Outside Loki wandered around until he ended up in an office like room. TVA workers going about . “ Hey!” Loki shouted in a whispered tone towards the man he saw at the front desk. “ Hey I know you!” the man shouted. Loki grabbed him, pulling him down to keep him quite. “ What’s your name?” Loki asked, the man looked confused before replying “ Casey” he told him. “ Get me the Tesseract or i’ll gut you like a fish!” Loki threated him.” What’s a fish?” Casey loudly asked. Loki sushed him before asking “ how do you not know what a fish is?” “ i’ve lived my entire life behind a desk” casey said. 
After Casey agreed to comply he got up and pulled open a drawer. He pulled out the Teseract and handed it off to Loki. Finally, Loki thought, I have it. he helled it in his hands before glancing down. He saw infinity stones. A lot of them, just sitting there useless. “ What? Infinity stones? “ Loki asked him self, gently touching them as if they weren’t real. He stumbeld over his words “ how do you have these ?” he asked. “ Oh” Casey said “ We actually got a lot of those. Some of the guys use them as paper weights.” he said smiling to himself. Loki stood up and then walked in front of the big television. The weight of everything catching up to him. “ Is this the greatest power in the universe?” Loki questioned. 
The women guard came charging towards Loki with her weapon, but Loki teleported before she could hit him. He went back to the room Mobius had taken him to earlier. Out of breath, Loki got up looking at the Avengers still on the video along with you. He sat in the chair before rewinding the video and playing it again. He saw his life. What happened and what would have happened. 
He saw his Mother, dead on the floor. He saw his Father saying he loved them both. He saw you, your hands intertwined. Bodies pressed together and sweet kisses. He saw a ring on your finger and your smiling face looking up at him. He saw a version of himself being loved by you and living a life together. A life he’d never get to live now. He was crying , his tears streaming down his face. His breathe was shaky as he continued the video. He saw his brother, the two of them, fighting side by side. The video then showed him in front of Thanos. Thanos grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up. Loki stood up walking closer to the screen. He was struggling to breath as Thanos squeezed the life out of him. He could hear your cries of anguish as you pleaded for Thanos to let him go. You ran and banged on Thano’s back to stop him, but it was to late . A crack sound could be heard and he was dead. His body dropping to the floor. You came running up to him , cradling his limp body. Thanos looked down at you in disgust before stabbing you. Your body laying lifelessly next to his. As dead to the universe has he was.
Lokis face was one of fear, shock, and sadness. Seeing his death was teirrble enough, but to see you die was something else entirely. It broke his heart. The last thing he saw was Thor holding on to both your bodies and then the screen said end of file. Loki laughed at himself and then the women stepped in. “ what’s so funny?” she asked. Loki shook his head “ Glorious Purpose “ he turned around starring at her and then marched towards her. He threw a punch but she retaliated. The two fought but Loki brought her down attaching the collor to her neck. He fiddle with the remote causing her to go this way and that before she left the room completly. 
Mobius ran into you in the hall way telling you the Variant “ Loki” as he was called had escaped an he needed your help to find him. “ Mobius how many times do I have to tell you to keep watch of variants?” you huffed. “ I mean isn’t that your job?” He looked at you before pleading “ Please just help me Red, I’ll make it up to you.” “ fine” you pointed your finger at him “ but you owe me” the two of you set a brisk pace  and made it to what you usually call the showing room. It usually just shows the lives of people and variants, but TVA workers were not allowed to look at their own files. You and Mobius both pulled out your weapons entering the room. “ Loki” Mobius said, causiously walking towards him. You trailed behind walking behind Mobius . You moved to stand next to him as you got closer to the variant. He was sitting with his hands over his face.” No where left to run.” you said. Loki looked up hearing your familiar voice. He looked at you in disbelief.  
You weren’t real. How could you possably be here? He saw you die along with him! He saw you being carried away in shackles back on Midgard before he stole the Tesseract and ran off. There was no way that this could be you. He looked away from you and stared back at Mobius “ I can’t go back can I? “ it was more of a statement then a question though. You looked at him feeling some sort of sense of familiarity but sook it off as nerves. “ back to my timeline” Loki continued. Nither you nor Mobius said anything as Loki continued. “ I don’t enjoy hurting people.” he looked back at you “ I don’t enjoy it.” He looked in your eyes “ I do it because I have to. Because I had to.” Mobius shook his head and you spoke up. ‘Explain that to me.” Loki still couldn’t believe you were here right in front of him, but he pushed on anyway “ because it’s part of the illusion. “ “ It’s the cruel elabrate trick, conjured by the weak to inspire fear.” Mobius spoke this time “ a desprate play for control.” “ you do know yourself.” Loki sighed again “ a villain” he stated. “ That’s not how I see it” you said. Loki once again looked up at you . That since of familiarity coming back to you. “ 
Loki grabbed the Tesseract and spoke“ The TVA is formidable” Mobius shook his head in agreement “ that’s been my experince.” Mobius spoke to him,offering him a deal. You grabbed a hold of Mobius arm before yelling at him “you’re not doing what i think you’re doing are you?” Mobius shrugged your arm off before saying yes and then looked back at Loki. Loki got up walking towards the both of you. “ Fugitive Variant has been killing our minutemen” Mobius told him. “ and you need the God of mischief to help you stop him.” Loki said.” That’s right “ “ why me?” Loki asked .You butted in , standing infront of Mobius , looking up at Loki “ the variant we’re hunting is you.” “I beg your Pardon?” Loki asked. You chuckled,not suprised by his reaction. “ I’m sorry , but I think i’m in even more shock as to why you’re even here.” he gestured towards the room and then pointed at you stepping closer. You were face to face , noses almost touching. “ why’re you working for these people?” he furrowed his brows at you “ what are you doing here y/n?” You looked just as confused as he was and uncrossed your arms. “ I’m sorry, but who’s y/n ?” 
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bunnyandrabbitkpop · 7 years
The Final Warning pt.4
Bangtan & reader (only bangtan pov)
Gender: Horror, a bit of supernatural, kind of Until Dawn AU
Warning: swearing, mention of blood and death
Summary: What was they supposed to do when they accidentally killed there childhood friend ? They were terrified and panicked but maybe they didn’t took the good decision… Now there trapped in their worst nightmare…
Lenght: 4k
A/N: Hi there ! How are you guys ? Here I am again with part 4 ! Did you wait for to long ? I’m sorry I planned to post it earlier but I decided to add Jungkook’s pov at the last minute so it took me longer. Hop you like it anyway and sorry for the english errors I’ll edit when I had the time. I also have to excuse myself if the pt.5 don’t come quickly, i’ll be busy for a few weeks and I don’t know if I’ll have the time to write. Sorry and thank you to read my fic ! Kiss ! ♥
pt.1   pt.2   pt.3
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Yoongi pov
Insane. It was insane. All of this was. How could a man kill deer ? There was something off with this story. No one could have done something like that, even the strongest man. Maybe Seokjin mistook because of the shock. It could be possible, it might be less than he thought. But still, even if it was that impressive, there was seven dead deer, murdered. I couldn't ignore what he said. Even if it was hardly belivable, I don't know why he would have lied.
I rushed out of the room without even paying attention if they would have follow me. If there was a thing I agreed with Seokjin was that we had to go as soon as possible. I went in my room to unpacked my things as quickly as I could.
"Go get your things Jim." I said when I noticed his small silhouette by the door.
He disapeard in a blink of an eye. Soon after, I was ready to leave this damn place. I went downstairs where the others were, Jungkook standing with his bag already on his back and Hoseok and Namjoon sitting on the couch. Jungkook looked at me with a glimpse of hope, probably glad to leave this place.
"We're leaving. Now." I said, taking Hoseok's and Namjoon's bags to give them to them.
They both looked at me with those glassy eyes but I didn't pay attention to it, I turn to the stairs to see Jimin rushing down, closely followed by Jin and Tae. We all had our things, now it was time to leave. I took the key car on the kitchen's counter and handed it to Seokjin.
"But wait, wait." Jungkook said, stopping in his track toward the door. "What about Bogun ? We can't let him out there."
"Don't worry 'bout him, he leaves here 24/7. It's not a pinch of drakness that will frighten him." Seokjin answered him.
"Tae said he was kinda abducted." Jimin lowly added.
"He got a gun, he's gonna be ok. Now let's get going."
Seokjin open the door and everyone rushed outside but the second we all passed the door, a strong light and a deafning sound caught us by surprise, making us almost fall to the ground. An explosion. It was the sound of an explosion, the blow, the heat, the light, the boom. It was a fucking explosion. When I open my eyes, I felt like a stone crashed on my shoulder, breaking all my hopes. The car was on fire. It litteraly exploded just before us. We just stared at the car unable to utter a single word.
"What..." Seokjin breathed out, shocked. "How...?"
I stare at the flames, my body shaking by the rage that was taking over me and without even noticing it, I was screaming. "FUCK !!"
"What are we gonna do now ?" Jungkook asked, panicked.
"L- Let's go back inside... W- We'll find another way." Seokjin stuttered as he headed back inside the cottage.
Everyone followed him but I stayed still in front of the car, eyebrows locked together in a deep frown. I was boiling. Who ever did that, I swear the god they're gonna regret it. I'm gonna make them pay for that. Maybe I was overreacting, it was just a car, but at this exact moment, I felt like someone tried to make a bad joke on us and it was frustrating to not be able to do anything.
"Hyung... Let's go inside." I heard Jimin said, catching my arm to drag me inside, but I didn't moved an inch.
He stared at me, utterly worry to see me as tensed, but I didn't care, I just turn away and burst into the chalet. I climb the stairs without paying attention to all the interrogative stares and questions to me, I just made my way upstairs. I than stop in the middle of the corridor, looked up to see a little knob on the roof. I pull it and a foldable ladder fall down. I quickly climb it and I walk toward the stuffed desk and sat on the chair. 
"Hyung what are you doing ?" Jimin asked out of breath.
"Calling someone." I said as I turned on the big radio transmitter before me.
I turned some wheel as the crackling sound filled the room. I took the mike and put it in front of my mouth, hoping to hear a voice at the other end of the radio but nothing.
"Did somebody hear me ?" I talked to the mike. "This is Min Yoongi, me and six other people are stuck in the Kims' cottage. I repeat, we have no way to go home, did someone hear me ?" I wait but no answer. "Our car is dead, I think this is not an accident, our car explode before our eyes, we are not alone." 
I continued to turn the wheel and speaking when I heard something. I almost jumped of my chair and both Jimin and I quickly lean closer to try to understand what the voice was saying but the crackling was to loud to hear a distinct word. I push the button of the mike to speak again.
"I can't here you clearly, please, come to get us, we are not alone. I repeat, we. are. not. alone."
The voice tried to make its way to us, but the crackling was still too noisy. I bet heard the word 'morning' and 'car' but I'm not sure. Still, if they meant they want to get us tomorrow morning, we'll have a problem.
"We can't wait 'til tomorrow ! You have to get us now !" 
Even if they didn't said that, it was still good to say. I don't know why I felt the urge to get out of this place, this atmosphere was suffocating. The last word I bet heard before the line went off was 'wait' and it made me slap me hand on the desk. We didn't had the time to wait ! Was it so complicate to take a car, drive here, take us and go back to civilisation ? I let myself fall back against the seat back and I sight loudly, letting the soft continuous crackling filling the silence of the attic. Jimin had his eyes glued to the ground, nervously playing with his finger. I stared at him for a second, but some jolt in the radio's crackling bring my attention. I first thought it was nothing, but a detail made me think that, maybe it wasn't just that. I bet heard something humming. A pitched sound, like a female voice. It was very low so I lean forward to hear it better. It was clearer and clearer and it was definitly a woman's voice. 
"-ember... -one... Do you... -ember... -at you... -one..." I frowned at the voice, not sure what it was saying, but it seem to repeat something over and over again, until the entire sentence was clear enough to understand. "Do you remember what you've done ?" Than a loud bang ring and the radio went off.
Jimin and I looked at each other, utterly confused. I tried to turn on the radio again, but there was nothing to do.
"It's dead." I said defeated.
"What was that ?"
"I don't know... Maybe someone making a cruel joke on us." I took a glance at a nervous Jimin before getting up and headed to the ladder.
"It sounds like her voice..." He bearly uttered.
I stopped in my track. "It's not." And than I get out of the attic.
It was. It clearly was and I knew it. But I wanted to believe it was not. It couldn't be possible. Maybe someone recorded her voice and put it in the radio God knows how. We did a lot of video recording when we were together, it was probably that. What else ? 
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Seokjin pov
"Breath in..." I said, taking a deep breath. "Breath out..." I blow all the air in my lungs.
I stare at Taehyung just before me doing as I told, slowly recovering some colors. It was good to see, he will soon be able to talk and even react again. "How do you feel ?" I asked him, hoping to have an answer, but the look he gave me was enough.
He wasn't ready yet, he was still in shock. I patted his head and get up, taking a glance at the second floor. I know what Yoongi was doing, it was the best to do right now. Without a car, it's almost impossible to make it through the woods. It would take ages to reach the main road, and still, even if we made through it, in the total darkness, there's absolutly no soul passing by this road. We just have to wait for backups, nothing else. And there's probably someone or... Something in the woods. Something really dangerous. Strong enough to kill seven deer, smart enough to destroy a car. Cause hell, this wasn't an accident. Cars don't explode just like that, someone did it. I looked at my friends, Namjoon and Hoseok sat lazyly on the couch and Jungkook and Taehyung now in the kitchen, the last one drinking the glass of water the younger seems to have gave him.
I sight, feeling utterly tired and desperate. I hoped some good news would come when I saw Yoongi walk down the stairs, but his entire self told me there were none. 
"So ?" I asked Yoongi when he joined us in the living room.
"The radio is dead." He said. "Guess someone heard us but they seem decided to wait until tomorrow."
"What if we can't wait till tomorrow ?" Jungkook said, taking few steps toward us. "We have no choice." 
"Than let's wait." I said, looking at everyone.
I frowned when I saw Jimin. His face was livid with a worried gaze fixed to the ground, his hands shacking violently. I saw him took quick glance at Yoongi, as if he wanted to tell him something. I wonder what. 
"I don't want to wait ! I want to leave, now !" Jungkook protested.
"How ?" Yoongi spat, clearly annoyed. "Should I remind you that our car exploded ?"
"Than we'll walk !" The younger slaped his fist against the kitchen counter, a deep frown on his face.
"The road is several miles away from here, it would take at least an hour if not even more and by night it would be insanity to go in the woods." I said, staring at Jungkook.
I knew he was afraid, we all were, but we didn't have the choice. We were stuck here and walk in the woods to reach the road was insane. We would never get through it and even less with Taehyung in this state.
"What should we do than ?" Namjoon's voice raised and I looked at him.
"Wait and get some rest. The police will come back tomorrow, they'll bring us home." I tried my best to be rassuring, there were no point at frightening them even more. "Come on it's not the first time we sleep here all alone huh ?" "But it's the first time someone destroy our car." Yoongi said, not really convinced.
"We don't know if it's a someone, it might be an accident, I was suppose to do a checkup because of a problem with the engine." I saw Yoongi stare at me skeptical but I just shoot him a glare telling him to keep his mouth shut and, fortunatly, he didn't say anything else.
Panic leads to stupid acts and stupid acts lead to even more danger so it was useless to do such frightening speculations. I was aware that the problem I had with my car wasn't enough to make it expose like that, but if it could ease some minds, than it will be a mecanical problem and nothing else. For our safety, it was better to stay inside and lock every issues so this psycho outside will not come in. 
"Ok than. Let's wait." Yoongi finally spoke, taking a seat beside Namjoon. I sighed and I went to lock the front door and the back door in the kitchen, as well as the huge bay window in the second living room. We better be cautious. Who knows who's this mad man outside. Or what is it. I stared for a wile through the window. Where the hell was Bogun ? 
"Jimin, go get Taehyung to bed and get some rest too, it's useless to stay up now." I said while I walked toward the boys. 
Jimin looked at me but lowered his gaze before nodding shyly. I shoot him a rassuring smile as I stare at him dragging Taehyung upstairs. They both looked terrible, they needed some rest, especially Taehyung. I came near the couch and I laid a hand on Hoseok's shoulder.
"You should too." I said, looking uturlly concern.
It should be hard for him to be here. Y/n was his girlfriend. I don't even know why he insisted to come back. His face was so cold, so lifeless.  
"I'm fine." He spoke blankly.
It was definitly not a good idea to come back here. Firstly because of this thing outside, secondly because of what happenned. We shouldn't have came back. It would have been so much better if we never have came back ever again. All this felt like a trick. A huge trap to get us all here. A very successful trap. 
"You should Hoseok." Yoongi said, trying to convince him but the way Hoseok slowly turns his head to him, with this sharp gaze, gave me chills. 
"I said, I'm fine." He said in between his tightly clenched jaw.
"If you say so." Yoongi shrugged. 
I let my hand fall from Hoseok's shoulder and I start wandering in the house. Not knowing what to do to kill time. Too nervous to have a sleep, too worried to leave the door out of sight, too concerned to leave the boys alone. I stared at the front door, hoping to hear Bogun's voice screaming behind, his loud knock filling the entire house, saying everything was OK, saying there was nothing in the woods, saying we were safe. But it didn't happen.
I heard Jungkook grumble and angrily letting his back fall from his shoulder. He shoot me an upset glance and stormed into the bedroom we liked to call our little sanctuary. It used to be Tae's siblings' bedroom since their the youngest but they hated being downstairs so we change the room in a huge cinema room with fluffy pillows and blankets all over the ground and a huge TV with tons of dvds. It was Y/N's idea. Tae's sibilings just slept upstairs in their brother's room while Taehyung just slept in random rooms when he didn't wanted to stay with them. Mostly in Hoseok's actually but he wasn't the only one who wanted to sleep in this room so after getting kicked out, he usually ended up in Jungkook's or Jimin's. It was the good old time, when we were still young and innocent. After Y/N came back from USA. Where everything was finally good.
I heard Namjoon and Yoongi low chatting but I didn't understand. I wasn't listening at all, too focus on whatever was outside. I didn't even see the both of them heading toward me. But the second they reach the door, I shoot them a deadly glare.
"What are you doing ?" I spat, my voice coming out harsher than i thought.
"Just taking a breath." Yoongi said, staring at me half confused.
"Open the window then."
"It's ok, we'll just be here and we'll let the door open." Namjoon spoke this time. "I said, the window." I commended harshly.
No one outside. We didn't know who was there with us, we didn't know where was Bogun or what happenned to him. That was too dangerous. What if they just vanished in the dark without a single sound. What if the thing sneaked in the house while they're outside ? I shoot them an other deadly glare and Yoongi raise his hands up, defeated. I groaned lowly before walking to the living room. I sat beside Hoseok, whom didn't moved an inch, on the couch.
"This is insane." I muttered, a hand massaging my forehead slowly.
How could something like this happenned ? Was it a joke ? Did the deer were real ? Were everything was real ? Did Bogun really disapeard or is it just a bad joke from him and mom ? It didn't feel true. Nothing felt real. What was we afraid of ? A hunter ? Hunting our deer in a natural reserve ? A crazy hunter who liked ripping animals' faces appart ? Ok, that was scary. But I still wonder what happenned to Bogun. He wouldn't leave us like that, without saying a single word.
My phone's ring dragged me out of my thoughts. I instinctively get it out of my pocket and frown. A message ? But there's no signal here, like, not in any part of the woods. Not even Internet. It was Mrs. Jeon 's idea, she proposed to make this place somewhere where we could reconnect to each other, talk and play without any phoned or something. No social media, no work. Well we quickly found a solution by bringing tons of dvds and video games. Anyway, receiving a message was strange, but what was stranger was the sender. Y/n. After her death, we left her phone in the cottage, as if she forgot it. Now the police had it so no one would have used it. Even for a joke. 
I took a glance at Hoseok, his head was lying on his hand, he looked absolutely done. I wouldn't be surprise if he ends up falling asleep. Well at least he wouldn't see it. Not sure how he would react at this. I open the message and what was writien made my heart races.
Bad kids should be punished.
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Jungkook pov 
I was boiling. Why the hell couldn't we leave this place ? Why did the car have to burn ? Just, how ? Was it a trick to scare us ? I was leaning against the kitchen counter, stunned by Seokjin's attitude. Why was he actting like everything was ok ? Nothing was ok. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself, nothing was ok and he knew it. I wanted to shout, to scream at him to make him react, to alarm him. We had to leave. He said it himself, so why did he want to wait now ? 
"Wait, wait... Yeah so we can be killed one by one just like Bogun..." I mumbled angrily as I let my bag fall from my shoulder.
I catched Seokjin's eyes but all I could do was shooting a deadly glare at his worried expression before leaving the room, taking shelter in our sanctuary. The door slaped and I just crashed on the pillow floor, sighing angrily as I rubbed my brown hair.
What a great idea ! Let's wait until the deer killer come and get us all. The car surely didn't exploded by itself and the deer... Well, how ever they had been killed, it's certainly not in a very natural way. There was something off with all of this that makes me feel like we weren't totally safe around here. And this feeling in the woods. What was that ? Boo looked so scared. I, myself, was scared to death. This feeling deep inside my guts, this feeling of danger, this scent of death. No, it was unbelievable. It couldn't be true. It shouldn't be true. Whatever was this feeling, it was just my imagination. Boo might have seen a wolf or something like that and get scared, this dog is scared of everything anyway. 
I lean deeper in the mattress and start to look at the dark of the night, the slight moonlight piercing through the trees to crash in the room, giving just enough light to see the wild shadows of the leaves dancing on the walls. The scene was so peacful right now, I wanted this to last forever.
"You can't come here everytime Taehyung invade your room you know ?"
I opened my eyes and stared at the smily silouette by the door. "Why not ?"
Y/n came closer and she laid beside me, joining her hands under her head and closing her eyes.
"Because someone else might want to crash here to find some peace." She smiled, staring right inside my eyes.
"Then maybe we can find this peace together." I smiled back.
"Only if we watch Fight Club !"
"Ash again ? Don't you ever get tired of this movie ?"
"Never ever. It's the best movie in the world." She slaped my arm as she sat up.
"I don't want to watch it, I want silence." I said teasingly, putting a finger on my mouth. 
"You're boooring !" She laid down again and rolled on her side to face me. "What were you thinking about ?"
I stared at the ceiling before turning my head to look at her. "Nothing and everything."
She paused. She seemed thougthfull, as if something was bothering her in the back of her mind. I just stared at her, trying to figure out what she was thinking, waiting for her to speak again. 
"Aren't you nervous ?" She finally spoke.
"About what ?" I said a bit confused.
"About... That." 
"That ? Y/n this isn't a big deal." I chuckled, turning back to the ceiling.
"It is ! What if I fail ? What if you fail ? What if we both fail ?"
"Me ? I never fail. And you won't fail neighter, you're a freaking smart ass, how would you ?"
"That's not what Namjoon used to say." She pouted.
"Namjoon ? He was a stupid kid trying to act smart." I chuckled teasingly. 
"You're dumb." She giggled, slapping my arm again.
"You'll not fail, if you fail then shame on you !"
"Stop this you dumbass kid !" She laughed lightly, hitting me playfully.
I opened my eyes slowly, feeling utterly tired. I looked around but no trace of Y/n. A dream. I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I wonder how long I slept. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. 10 pm. Well, it was a very tiny nap. Wish I slept more, at least time would have passed quicker. I streched a little before getting up. I was wonder either getting out of here to see the others or just stay here and watch a movie, or play a video game. It would past time and I wouldn't think to much of what happened. 
I was ready to get out to ask who wanted to watch a movie, but the TV turned on by it self, making me jump. I stared at it, dumbfounded. It was a snow screen but there was something run behind, as if it was a very old censored channel. I took a better look, trying to figure out the sound and images the TV was showing and bet have reconized the movie for seeing it thousands of times. Fight Club. I took a glance at the dvd lector but it was turned off. Ok, that was strange. I took few steps towards the TV and as soon as I approche it, a loud sound filled the room, a loud bip as if the TV lost the signal.
I covered my ears, surprised by such a noise and when I looked up at the now black screen, I saw something flickering in it. I narrow my eyes to see what was it and then, everything stopped. The noise and the flickering and I could clearly see what was written now.
It's all your fault.
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