#whg 15
kennak · 4 months
~ 上場ビジネス・シティホテル「客室単価・稼働率」調査 ~  株式上場するホテル運営会社13社(15ブランド)の客室単価と稼働率が、都心を中心にコロナ禍前とほぼ同水準まで回復したことがわかった。客室単価が2019年以降の5年間で、最高を更新したホテルもある。  日中関係の先行き不透明感が漂うが、春節を迎える2月初旬には中国からの訪日観光客数がコロナ禍前の水準に回復する可能性もあり、客室単価はさらに上昇する事態も想定される。  コロナ禍の移動制限が解消され、入国審査も緩和された。日本政府観光局によると、2023年11月の訪日外客数は2019年同月とほぼ同数の244万800人と、6カ月連続で200万人を超えた。2023年1月-11月の累計は2,233万2,000人にのぼり、2023年は2,500万人を上回ることが確実になった。  2023年7-9月期の客室単価は、コロナ禍前と比較可能な12ブランド(11社)で平均1万3,212円に上昇、コロナ禍で最安値だった2021年の平均8,320円から58.7%上昇した。  また、12ブランドのうち、11ブランドはコロナ禍前の2019年の客室単価も上回り、さらに上昇が見込まれる。客室稼働率(2023年7-9月期)は、12ブランドすべてで60%を超え、8ブランドは80%以上の稼働率と好調だ。インバウンド需要には長引く円安も追い風になり、2024年以降もホテルの客室予約は、国内旅行客と訪日観光客での争奪戦が激しさを増すとみられる。 ※本調査は、国内の上場ホテル運営会社13社の客室単価と稼働率を集計した。調査は2023年9月に次いで2回目で、稼働率・客室単価は開示資料をもとに集計した。 ※集計対象の企業・ブランドは以下の通り。  藤田観光(株)(ワシントンホテル)、東日本旅客鉄道(株)(ホテルメッツ、メトロポリタンホテルズ)、相鉄ホールディングス(株)(相鉄フレッサ・サンルート)、東急不動産ホールディングス(株)(東急ステイ)、(株)共立メンテナンス(ドーミーイン)、(株)グリーンズ(コンフォートホテル、ホテルエコノなど)、西日本鉄道(株)(西鉄ホテル)、ポラリス・ホールディングス(株)(ベストウェスタン)、大和ハウス工業(株)(ダイワロイネットホテル)、(株)西武ホールディングス(プリンスホテル)、阪急阪神ホールディングス(株)(阪急阪神ホテルズ)、三井不動産(株)(三井ガーデンホテル)、九州旅客鉄道(株)(THE BLOSSOMなど) 客室単価(前年同期比) 1.7倍以上の値上げも  2023年7-9月期と前年同期の客室単価を比較した。2期の比較可能な13社(15ブランド)は、すべて客室単価が前年同期より上昇した。  上昇率の最多レンジは、20%以上50%未満で8ブランド。以下、50%以上70%未満が4ブランド、70%以上も2ブランドあった。20%未満は1ブランドにとどまった。  前年同期は、外国人観光客の利用が限定的で、主力需要は国内の観光客が占めていた。上昇幅の最大はワシントンホテルなどを擁するWHG(藤田観光)で76.4%上昇した。
上場ホテルの客室単価、9割以上でコロナ前を超える 7‐9月期は前年同期比で平均1.5倍に価格上昇 | TSRデータインサイト | 東京商工リサーチ
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whgmasterofceremonies · 11 months
WHG 20 - Day 15
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Without her rival, Maura goes from predator to prey as Chess has had enough and puts up a surprising fight. Under a sky so thick with clouds it looks like the sun hasn’t risen, Yuen and Lyra huddle and hang on for dear life.
Night falls, and no anthem plays, no cannons fire to honor the dead, no faces appear in hologram across the sky one more time.
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Everyone turns against Maura as the only person with any kills--even Yuen, who has been relatively harmless up til now. Chess and Lyra continue their alliance, and it’s pretty clear which way the needle of fate is turning. But unexpected grooves can cause the needle to skip, the metaphors to mix.
Four tributes left. After two weeks and some change, it’s impossible to tell if the entire nation is hanging on every second or if no one is bothering to watch anymore, or if Panem even exists beyond beyond the cliffs and sputtering force fields.
One thing’s for sure...this can’t last much longer. Tomorrow, the storm will break.
District 1
Asher Sang (he/him) @maple-writes​
Ares Machina (she/her) @concealeddarkness13​
District 2
Yuen (he/him) @grailfish​
Razzle (they/them) @grailfish​
District 3
Cian (they/them) @ink-and-spite​
Steele (he/they) @grailfish​
District 4
Hugo Atwater (he/him) @ratracechronicler​
Vera (she/her) @bloodlessheirbyjacques​
District 5
Della (she/her) @ink-and-spite​
Maura (she/her) @bloodlessheirbyjacques​
District 6
Ash (she/her) @knmartinshouldbewriting​
Hadrian (he/him) @bloodlessheirbyjacques​
District 7
Silver (they/them) @pen-of-roses​
Layla (she/her) @pied-piper-of-hamlet​
District 8
Lyra (she/they) @forthesanityofstorytellers​
Najdinel Blytridj (she/her) @pen-of-roses​
District 9
Maya (she/her) @pied-piper-of-hamlet​
Graeme (he/him) @onmywaytobe​
District 10
Jubilee (xe/xem) @ink-and-spite​
Angie (she/her) @pied-piper-of-hamlet​
District 11
Triel Reeves (she/her) @concealeddarkness13​
Chess (she/her) @concealeddarkness13​
District 12
Beau (he/him) @drabbleitout​
Jaime Garnet-Batista “Garnet” (he/him) @drabbleitout​
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faytelumos · 2 years
Prompt Fills w/ Main Story Characters
Just a directory for some OC content hidden in various nooks and crannies.
A Month of Kisses, #15: routine kisses where a person doesn't even look away from what they're doing
Whumptober '22, Day 2: Nowhere to Run
Whumptober '22, Day 7: The Way You Shake and Shiver
"Are you waiting for someone?"
WHG - Training, pt2: Shryth and her new allies enter a training room with others they will soon be fighting to the death.
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tumnikkeimatome · 2 months
藤田観光の危機と改革 新型コロナウイルスの流行は、多くの業界に未曾有の打撃を与えた。その中でも、「ホテル椿山荘東京」をはじめとする藤田観光は、債務超過の深刻な危機に直面した。しかし、この逆境をチャンスに変えるべく、同社は断固たるコスト構造改革に乗り出した。結果、2023年12月期には自己資本利益率(ROE)が30%を超える快挙を成し遂げ、株価も15年半ぶりの高値を記録した。 インバウンドバブルと業績回復 訪日外国人客の増加に伴うインバウンドバブルが、藤田観光にとって大きな追い風となった。特にビジネスホテル部門(WHG事業)は、前期比で黒字幅を大幅に伸ばし、過去最大の黒字を達成。さらに、ラグジュアリー&バンケット事業も好調を維持し、5期ぶりの営業黒字に転換した。これらの業績向上には、円安効果や高単価なスイートルームへの需要増が寄与している。 構造改革の成果 藤田観光の稼ぐ力の向上…
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maple-writes · 3 years
WHG 15 prompt 1: The Big Day
First prompt of the new event!!! Tagging those who wanted to be tagged from the discord (let me know if anyone else wants to be or if i missed someone) :
@concealeddarkness13 @ratracechronicler @thoughts-of-nora @knmartinshouldbewriting @sparkles-and-hens @pen-of-roses
“How many times have I shown you how to do this?”
Skyler tossed his head as Volt finished tying his tie around his neck. She shook her head and sighed, but didn’t bother telling him to pay attention. It wasn’t every day the kid let her help him anymore. Besides… She stepped back and crossed her arms, hiding the faint tremble in her hands. Every year. Every damned year the odds just got worse. For all of them. Volt’s jaw tightened. Once she thought she’d never even think of volunteering in someone else’s place. Tragedy was tragedy but nothing a smart woman would sacrifice herself for but now…
She nodded to the door. “I’ll meet you outside.”
He left, silent. That wasn’t good, though really she couldn’t blame him for being anxious. Hands planted on the counter top, Volt hunched over the bathroom sink. Tortoiseshell hair fell in front of her face, shiny with products she only used once or twice a year.
A hand on her shoulder made her jump, gasping, but it was only Rick with a solemn smile. The only one on the Lord of Chaos not dressed in their best, not leaving to stand among the others at the reaping. The only one who by all records didn’t exist.
“Sleep at all last night?” He spoke low, just between the two of them. They both knew he already knew the answer.
Volt shook her head, dropping her eyes back to the sink. “Barely.”
Antenna near his ear twitched and Rick’s head swiveled. Muffled through the narrow passageways of the ship Volt could just make out Warren’s greeting and Skyler’s response. Good, he must have opened the door for them. Groaning, she pulled herself to stand up more or less straight. If Warren was here that could only mean one thing: it was almost time to go.
She took a deep breath. “Look after things while we’re gone, keep an eye out for trouble.” She didn’t have to remind him, she knew that. He didn’t protest though, nodding along with every order as if they both hadn’t been through this time and time again. “If you get bored you can go through the supplies. I think some might be close to expiring.”
Again Rick nodded, keeping up the false routine of the day. Pretending there wasn’t some risk overhanging them all, pretending there wasn’t a chance that someone might not come home. Pretending nothing was wrong for her sake.
Why bother pretending. “Richard.” Volt set her shoulders back and met his one still-functioning eye. “If something happens I—”
“Don’t.” Rick failed to soften the natural growl to his voice, sharp and grinding like broken glass. “it’s going to be fine. You’ll be alright.” He took a breath and his voice softened again, smoothing over the edges like he always tried so hard to do. “I’ll see you tonight.”
He was right. “Sure,” she gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze as she slipped by him out into the hall. No use worrying about something that might not even happen. “I’ll see you tonight.”
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dreamwishing · 3 years
WHG Prompt 2 - The Reaping
The crowd is still only because of the Peacekeepers surrounding them. As Elizabeth stands in the assigned area, she looks ahead of her, at the children all younger than her. This is it, her last year with a chance of being Reaped.
She shifts her weight nervously. She remembers being in their place. How the idea of being Reaped had made her stomach twist. She can almost remember every word of the escort’s speech that year. Of course, it had basically been the same speech as every other year, but that one had felt somehow different. 
The crowd grows as more people join. The noise never grows above a dull murmur, though, as everyone offers quiet attempts at comforting each other, or themselves, that everything will work out. A few of the kids in the middle of the crowd—probably about 14 or 15, if she had to guess—whisper quietly among themselves. She vaguely recognizes them, though their names don’t immediately come to mind. She catches the word “volunteer”, and her heart sinks. Children shouldn’t be making the choice to sacrifice themselves to protect other children.
When she manages to tear her eyes off of the children in front of her, they’re glued to the bowls on stage. Specifically, the bowl that she knows has 14 slips of paper with her name on them. 14 entries too many, if you ask her. 
The murmur of the crowd dwindles to nothing as the escort steps out on stage in front of them, dressed in a shade of pastel pink Elizabeth was sure wouldn’t be flattering on anyone. The escort greets the crowd with outstretched arms and a sickeningly sweet smile. “Welcome everyone, and happy Hunger Games!”
"Happy" is not the word Elizabeth would use to describe this situation.
Everyone’s attention is directed to the large screens on either side of the stage for the video they show every year. The narrator’s voice drones on for several minutes. Somehow it feels like both an instant and an eternity.
It tells them everything they could ever want to know about the Hunger Games, except why they’re expected to be happy about sending children off to be slaughtered.
As the video finishes, the escort strides over to the first of the two bowls on stage. “I know we’re all excited to see who gets the honor of representing District 7 in this year’s Games, so let’s not delay it any longer. First, we have…” she pauses dramatically, swirling her hand in the bowl before retrieving one of the pieces of paper. The level of tension rises instantly. Elizabeth watches the Peacekeepers out of the corner of her eye, as they ready to escort the first young Tribute to the stage. “Elizabeth Ward!”
She almost doesn’t recognize her own name.  Knowing no one woud be stupid enough to volunteer in her place, she takes a step forward. Moments later, there are Peacekeepers on either side of her, hands on her back, directing her towards the stage. She doesn’t fight them—it’s pointless to try and escape. Numbly, she makes her way up the steps. 
The escort pulls her into a handshake, more of a formality than anything. “Come on darling, give us a big smile. Isn’t it exciting, being here in front of all these people?” She gestures to the crowd. Her voice sounds muffled, as if Elizabeth is underwater.
The thought of her parents out there makes Elizabeth’s stomach turn. She doesn’t lift her head to look for them. She doesn’t want to see them like that. Instead, she forces a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. The rest of her focus is on not throwing up on this woman, no matter how much she thought she deserved it. 
There are a few shocked gasps when the next name is called. "Rabban!" It's a name she's heard once or twice, though she can't match it to a face.
Elizabeth's smile falls when the Peacekeepers drag a child onto the stage. She watches the crowd, expecting someone, anyone to take the place of the 12 year old beside her. The crowd remains silent. 
The escort begins her last statements. The cheerful tone of her voice feels cruel. Elizabeth keeps watching Rabban from the corner of her eye. Could I really kill a child? 
The only applause when the ceremony ends is from the escort herself. Elizabeth almost doesn't realize it's over until she and Rabban are marched off the stage.
I'm pretty sure this is everyone who asked to be tagged. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in my whg prompt responses in this round!
@concealeddarkness13 @oxer @should-be-writing @maple-writes @pen-of-roses @thoughts-of-nora @ratracechronicler
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starry-voidss · 3 years
Prompt Four and Five - Syl
AN: I already made the mentor a guy, and I refuse to write Finnick Odair I'm sorry I don't want to get his character wrong- (Also 100th post!)
Tag list: @ratracechronicler @concealeddarkness13 @maple-writes @pen-of-roses
The train ride was quick. They were escorted on, and they had walked down the hallway until they found a compartment to sit in. Syl vaguely remembered their District partner, Scorpio (was that his name?) waving and saying hello, but Syl ignored him and sat down in their own compartment.
They attempted to form some sort of plan while eating, but after several minutes concluded that it would be impossible without knowing the conditions of the arena, and knowing the other tributes.
A man suddenly burst into the compartment. "District Four?" He asked.
Syl nodded, scanning the man. He must be the 'mentor'- a previous Victor who would give them advice. The man fully stepped into the room, sitting down.
“I’m T.” He said. “I’m your mentor. What’s your name?”
“I’m Syl.” They replied. “So you give us...advice on how to survive?”
“Something like that.” T chuckled. “I’ll be straight with you, kid, there’s not much I can tell you. It’s all up to who your opponents are, the arena, and of course yourself. Since you’re from Four, you’ve been training for this your whole life. You’ve been taught how to shoot a bow, use a sword, fight with your fists, but there will be someone faster or stronger than you. Just keep fighting, that’s all you can really do, y’know?”
Syl sat silent for a moment, absorbing the information. “Yeah. All I can really do is try my best and try not to die.”
“Even though the goal is to be the last one alive, don’t kill unless you have to. They’ll...” the victor shuddered. “It’ll haunt you.” His eyes were full of pain and memory.
“But keep it entertaining. Sponsors love fighting and big emotional stories.” T finished, leaning back in his seat. “Do you know where your District partner is?”
Syl cringed a little when they remembered how they had ignored Scorpio. “I think he’s in the compartment across from here.”
T grunted in acknowledgement. “I’ll talk to him later.”
“Anything else I need to know?”
“A dress? Can’t I wear pants?” Syl glared at the pirate outfit the stylist had made.
“Oh, but it’s so nice as a dress...” she trailed off. After a scowl from the tribute, she hastily added, "But it would look nice with some modifications!"
Soon enough, the skirt was transformed into a pair of pants, and Syl tried it on. They smiled at their image. Baggy, tan pants, a dark red shirt and a black jacket. A large pirate hat sat snugly on their head.
"You look wonderful," The stylist hummed. "Let's see if I can find your tribute partner, I want to make sure you match."
Syl cringed inwardly. The first interaction they had had with Scorpio was them ignoring him. Not the best first impression. Who knew how the second one would go?
Soon enough, he showed up, in a similar outfit to Syl's but in opposite colors. Black pants, a tan shirt and deep red jacket. He lifted the corner of his hat jokingly. "Aye, matey," He grinned. Maybe he didn't hate them.
The stylist ushered them together and inspected them. "Oh, you look great." She smiled encouragingly. "Do you have your tokens?"
Syl held up her ring and Scorpio his rope bracelet. "Okay then. Go out for the parade!" The tailor waved them away.
The two District Four tributes wandered to where they were supposed to be waiting. They nodded to each other, and split off to talk to the other tributes.
Finally, it was time for the parade. They boarded the pirate ship-themed-carriage and started forward.
Scorpio nudged them in a reminder to wave. Syl resisted the urge to flip off the cheering crowd and waved with a forced smile. Put on a show, get sponsors. They both reminded themselves. Get sponsors, get a better chance at survival. Syl felt a pang of regret for when they inevitably had to kill the redhead. They felt fear for when they entered the death match.
But most of all, they felt determination that they would survive. Sure, killing would be... hard, but it was life or death.
Oh, why aren't there any cracks in this universe?
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Pre-Games Writing Prompts
General prompts
WHG Prompt 1: The Big Day
It’s the day of the reaping. Nobody knows who will be reaped yet. It will be two citizens of any occupation, gender, and age. Work has stopped for most people in the District, and school is out. It’s almost like a holiday, almost peaceful. Almost.
How does your character feel about the possibility of going to the Arena? How do they prepare?
WHG Prompt 2: The Reaping
Now it happens. Your character is standing in the crowd, waiting. A brightly-colored escort stands on a stage with a bowl full of names and reads off the Capitol-approved speech about how the Games are meant to remind the Districts who is in control. Two names will be called. After each one, there will be a chance for anyone of any gender or age to volunteer to go in the person’s place.
No powers, changes of form, weapons, or surrenders will be allowed in the Arena. Of course, though, there are always...accidents. Twenty-four go in. One survivor will come out.
The reaping begins. A name is called.
WHG Prompt 3: The Last Visit
Every tribute is given one hour for others to visit them. No cameras. Your character sits in the bare gray room of their District’s Justice Building, waiting for the door to open. Does it? Does anyone come to visit them? Just one person? Whole parties of them? Does your character have a token, something harmless to bring along? Did they have it all along, or did someone give it to them?
And finally, they are left alone in the room.
WHG Prompt 4: The Train Ride
After a brief trek from the Justice Building to the train station, cameras flashing everywhere, your character boards the train to the Capitol. Greenery flies past the window as the sky darkens.
The other tributes are there, along with the frilly Capitol escort desperate to get your character to talk about their personalities and home lives. There are little to no mentors this year, though the tributes are free to discuss their strengths, weaknesses, strategies. There is a bounty of decadent food, screens to watch recaps of the Reaping, places to sleep, and places to speak privately.
What does your character do? Where do they go?
WHG Prompt 5: Chariots
The trains arrive at the Capitol. Your character is whisked away by a prep team and stylist to give them a District-themed outfit. Then they are put atop a horse-drawn chariot and paraded between cheering Capitol crowds to the City Center, then into the shadows of the Training Center.
How does your character react to being here with these other two tributes? What are their outfits like? Do they like the outfits? The limelight? The false glory of the Capitol?
You can coordinate with your District mates on this…or not! You don’t have to match.
WHG Prompt 6: Training
Once in the Training Center, your character is assigned to lavish living quarters with food and beverages at their fingertips. An elevator ride down takes them to a large, open area with weapons, ranges to test them on, and stations to teach people survival skills. Gamemakers watch from a table. At the end of the week, your character must privately perform for 15 minutes for them and be assigned a score from 1-12.
How does your character prepare for the Games? Mentally? Physically? What about for their interview?
Do they make alliances? Avoid other tributes?
What do they do for the judges? What’s their score?
WHG Prompt 7: The Interview
Your character’s stylists have gone all-out to make the most magnificent outfit for your character, regardless of their District. Your character walks out of the tunnel towards the huge crowd seated just outside the light—human shapes are identifiable, but not faces. Only Caesar Flickerman, done up this year in brilliant rainbow colors, is in full view, sitting easily in his chair next to an empty one. It seems like every camera in Panem is pointed at the stage.
Your character gets three minutes. Time starts now.
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maple-writes · 3 years
WHG 15 prompt 3: Final Visit
@concealeddarkness13 @ratracechronicler @thoughts-of-nora @knmartinshouldbewriting @sparkles-and-hens @pen-of-roses
technically i still have 45 minutes left of the day so I can still say I'm keeping up with the prompts lol
Why hadn’t any one thought to put a clock in the farewell rooms? Volt paced back and forth across the freshly-cleaned floor in the room too small for footsteps to have any kind of echo to them. How long had it been? It felt like hours since a pair of peacekeepers whisked her from the stage into this little room. Warren, they were coming, right? They had to be. Unless…
Volt swallowed. Was Skyler okay? Was that why they hadn’t come yet, caught up in making sure Skyler didn’t do something rash? But they’d be here eventually. Eventually. Rick though… She stopped in the middle of the room, lowering her eyes to the floor. There’d be no goodbye.
A click came from the door as it opened and Warren stepped inside. Alone. For far too long they stood in the doorway, eyes locked with her and shoulders tense before they each broke their stare and threw their arms around each other. Volt squeezed her eyes shut, fighting to keep her breath steady as Warren’s tickled her ear.
“Listen, Volt, we don’t have much time.” They sucked in a deep breath and drew back, taking her hands in theirs.
Her eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?” Surely they knew, of course they knew she knew that. What were they—
“I know we talked about it a little bit, and I know, I know this isn’t how either of us wanted it to go,” Warren pulled themself back from their rambling with a long breath and met her eyes. “Volt, do you want to get married? Right now?”
Now? Volt blinked, frozen in place and staring until Warren’s figure swam and she had to turn away. She drew her sleeve over her eyes. How many times had they both thought of this moment, laying in each other’s arms at the end of movie neither were paying attention to, over dinners, over phone calls…
“Can we?” She ran a hand through her hair, straightening up and trying to think. What kind of things did they need for a wedding? How would they get everything together before they had to go? She hadn’t even thought of anything that they might have needed to get in order and it was all happening so fast and she could still feel the threat of tears and—
“I convinced a judge someone to come officiate, Skyler’s bringing them right now. I’ll take care of the rest.” Warren smiled, tense and nervous. “If you want to we can do it.”
Volt took their hands again, leaning in until her forehead rested against theirs. “Of course.” It might be their last chance if she didn’t… She bit back the thought. Not now. There’d be all the time in the world to worry about what could happen later.
When the commissioner arrived everything happened quickly as she set out the documents and Warren begged two marginally sympathetic peacekeepers to bear witness. If only Skyler were old enough.
“I apologize, we don’t have the time for a full ceremony.” The commissioner slid the blank certificate and a pen across the little table she’d set up.
Volt took the pen first, pausing as she skimmed the certificate. So this was how they were going to get married? She signed her name, passed the pen to Warren and they did the same. Stepping back, the two peacekeepers signed as witnesses and wasted no time leaving the room again, their jobs done. She didn’t even know their names. The commissioner left with the paper work and the three of them were alone again. For now.
Warren slipped their watch—the one that belonged to their late mother—off their wrist and gently took Volt’s hand. “It’s no ring, but…” They slid it onto her wrist, carefully adjusting it to fit. “Take it.”
Her other hand went to her face, covering her mouth to hide the way it wrenched. They had so few reminders of either of their parents. The strap couldn’t have been much nicer than old stainless steel, and the face plain as could be, but as long as she’d known them it hardly left their wrist.
“I…” Volt swallowed. “I don’t know what to say. Warren, I,” She hadn’t brought anything nice with her, nothing worth enough to come close to what they meant. “I wish I had something to give but I—”
They shook their head, holding up a hand for her to pause. “Your name is more than enough.” They smiled, weak but warm. “Warren Powell. Now it doesn’t matter what happens.” Their voice strained, sharp and pinched thin. “I’ll always have your name.”
There couldn’t be much time left now. Biting back everything she wished she had time to tell them, Volt pulled herself from Warren and turned to Skyler. He stood with his eyes on the ground and with a tension that suggested he was trying his best not to cry.
“Come here.” She pulled him in, holding him tight against her chest. “Take care of yourself Sky. Don’t worry about me.” It was pointless, trying to tell him that but what else could she say? “You’ll get through this.”
He didn’t say anything, burying his head in her shoulder and clutching at her shirt. “No, no, I can’t…”
Volt swallowed and gently stepped out of his grip, pushing his hair back out of his face. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Her voice shook despite her every effort. “Listen, I’m going to do everything I can to stay alive. You know I will.” They both knew it didn’t matter. Didn’t matter how hard she tried, it wasn’t going to made the odds any better. She could only hope he didn’t do anything stupid, didn’t hide himself away again.
The door opened and the peacekeeper stood in the doorway. Volt sighed, letting her head drop. Already?
“Volt,” Warren shifted in close, resting a hand on Skyler’s back. “Don’t worry about us. We’ll be okay, we’ll figure it out.” They paused, glancing up as the peacekeepers entered the room. “I love you, Volt.”
More silent tears welled up in her eyes, tension cutting off her voice. Before the peacekeepers could reach her, she leaned over and met Warren with a kiss over too fast when a hand closed on her elbow.
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dreamwishing · 3 years
WHG 15 - The Train Ride
Thanks @writingmilkshake for letting me borrow Rabban! I hope I did them justice!
WHG 15 taglist:  @concealeddarkness13 @oxer @should-be-writing @maple-writes @pen-of-roses @thoughts-of-nora @ratracechronicler @whgmasterofceremonies (i finally remembered!)
Elizabeth has never seen this much food in her life. Tables, lined with meats and pastries she can’t even name. She busies herself with stacking as many as she can on a plate. She’s going to try them all by the time they arrive. Outside, the world rushes past, and District 7 is quickly left behind them. 
The first thing she notices as the world flies by is the lack of trees. Everything feels so...exposed. Open. Wrong.
The escort has been lingering around her for what feels like hours now. God, if she never had to see that pink outfit again it would be too soon. Shouldn’t she be pestering Rabban instead? Surely a poor 12 year old being sent to the arena would be a much more interesting story for the Capitol.
Part of her is glad they’ve been alone though. The kid probably wasn’t handling this particularly well. Maybe she should go check on them?
“Excuse me,” she says to the escort, already out of her seat. She doesn’t bother trying to sound polite. On her way to the next car, she makes sure to grab a few extra pastries. She hoped it would be a sort of peace offering.
To say Rabban isn’t handling the train ride well is an understatement. They have a wild look in their eye. She holds the plate of food at arms length. “Hey, kid. I’m sure you’re hungry. You’ll probably never have a chance to have food like this. You ought to try it.”
They don’t immediately come to take it, so she sets it on a nearby table and moves to sink down on the couch. She sinks down much farther into it than she expected. 
She’s able to get a much better look at her fellow tribute, now. They must be from one of the poorer areas. The dust and dirt still stuck to their skin; the scratches and scrapes along their hands, arms, legs; their matted and frizzy hair, told her most of what she needed to know.
The Capitol stylists would have a field day with them.
“Look, kid. Rabban, was it? I’m not someone you’re gonna have to worry about out there. I’m not looking to win this thing. But you might have a chance. I can help you.”
Rabban doesn’t answer, but they’re busy stuffing their face with food. At least they’re eating something. If the situation were any different, she’d almost feel happy for them. 
Her best chance at helping Rabban is to watch the rest of the Reapings and see who they’re going to be up against. It sounds definitely like something she doesn’t want to do alone. Still, Rabban doesn’t seem particularly interested in watching tv, and she isn’t going to force them to do anything they don’t want to do. Not now. They’ll get plenty of that from everyone else. 
With a soft sigh, she turns to the screen, and listens as the escort for District 1 begins to speak.
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windwardstar · 2 years
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[image: a gif stating "my tumblr year in review" end id]
I posted 433 times in 2021
108 posts created (25%)
325 posts reblogged (75%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.0 posts.
I added 166 tags in 2021
#tag for me - 51 posts
#writing - 28 posts
#ableism - 15 posts
#accessibility - 14 posts
#my writing progress - 14 posts
#ableism tw - 12 posts
#history - 9 posts
#whg 16 - 8 posts
#writeblr hunger games - 8 posts
#same name hunger game - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#for real though i can't read large chunks of bolded or italics texts and if the font is weird or too large or too small my eyes go wonky
My Top Posts in 2021
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[image: the “oops! all berries” meme but it’s “oops! all angst.” ]
Well... at least I have a brand as a writer. even if it’s just “everything is angst.”
29 notes • Posted 2021-06-08 04:30:26 GMT
i would get so much writing done if my brain would just engage
41 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 04:05:56 GMT
Y'all need to actually take a moment and consider that something could be ableist when someone says it is rather than dismissing it out of hand and then laughing at the idea something could be ableist and hurt disabled people.
If someone says, "x is ableist," take a fucking minute to listen and think about things beyond your immediate understanding of the world.
61 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 18:00:58 GMT
y’all. please. I’m begging you. don’t fucking smoke indoors, and don’t smoke at bus stops or near doors. I’m allergic to both cigarette smoke and marijuana smoke.
I get ear infections. I couldn’t hear out of my right ear for a solid six months last year because of a roommate who smoked marijuana and the resulting ear infections. I get sinus infections. It makes it hard for me to breathe. It triggers my migraines.
There are other people who have other reactions. I’m sure there’s medications that really shouldn’t be mixed with it. People also have pets and birds are very susceptible to smoke in the air and can get sick/die from it.
Like. I know cold weather is setting in and all that and I get it, going outside when it’s cold especially when it’s wet and cold sucks. But PLEASE, if you are in any type of public or communal space, go outside or find an alternative indoor space. Especially if it’s an apartment or dorm because doors don’t block everything. The smoke doesn’t stay in just your room or unit and will spread. Also when you do go outside, be aware of how close you are to windows and doors because the smoke can go inside through those.
88 notes • Posted 2021-10-31 02:44:49 GMT
the “don’t name it or you’ll want to keep it” and “if you give the fey your name they own you” are just different ends of the same deal
2496 notes • Posted 2021-10-20 03:28:35 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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WHG 19 - Prompts
Prompt 1: The Big Day
It’s the day of the reaping. Nobody knows who will be reaped yet. Work has stopped for most people in the District, and school is out. It’s almost like a holiday, almost peaceful. Almost.
How does your character feel about the possibility of going to the Arena? How do they prepare?
Prompt 2: The Reaping
Now it happens. Your character is standing in the crowd, waiting. A brightly-colored escort stands on a stage with 2 bowls and reads off the Capitol-approved speech about how the Games are meant to remind the Districts who is in control. The Capitol has set a new rule this year. In order to give the better performing districts an advantage, three names will be called for Districts 1 through 9, with only two names called for Districts 10 through 12. To give them even more of a disadvantage. 2 or 3 names will be called. After each one, there will be a chance for anyone of any gender or age to volunteer to go in the person’s place.
No powers, changes of form, weapons, or surrenders will be allowed in the Arena. 24 go in. One survivor will come out.
The reaping begins. A name is called.
WHG Prompt 3: The Last Visit
Every tribute is given one hour for others to visit them. No cameras. Your character sits in the bare gray room of their District’s Justice Building, waiting for the door to open. Does it? Does anyone come to visit them? Just one person? Whole parties of them? Does your character have a token, an item they can hold onto for comfort in the Arena? Did they have it all along, or did someone give it to them?
And finally, they are left alone in the room.
WHG Prompt 4: The Train Ride
After a brief trek from the Justice Building to the train station, cameras flashing everywhere, your character boards the train to the Capitol. Greenery flies past the window as the sky darkens.
The other tributes are there, along with the frilly Capitol escort desperate to get your character to talk about their personalities and home lives, plus a few previous District victors who might like to know your character’s strengths, weaknesses, strategies. You can even imagine the train picks up tributes from across different Districts. There is a bounty of decadent food, screens to watch recaps of the Reaping, places to sleep, and places to speak privately.
What does your character do? Where do they go?
WHG Prompt 5: Chariots
The trains arrive at the Capitol. Your character is whisked away by a prep team and stylist to give them a District-themed outfit. Then they are put atop a horse-drawn chariot and paraded between cheering Capitol crowds to the City Center, then into the shadows of the Training Center.
How does your character react to being here with this other tribute? What are their outfits like? Do they like the outfits? The limelight? The false glory of the Capitol?
You can coordinate with your District mates on this…or not! You don’t have to match.
WHG Prompt 6: Training
Once in the Training Center, your character is assigned to lavish living quarters with food and beverages at their fingertips. An elevator ride down takes them to a large, open area with weapons, ranges to test them on, and stations to teach people survival skills. Gamemakers watch from a table. At the end of the week, your character must privately perform for 15 minutes for them and be assigned a score from 1-12.
How does your character prepare for the Games? Mentally? Physically? What about for their interview?
Do they make alliances? Avoid other tributes?
What do they do for the judges? What’s their score?
WHG Prompt 7: The Interview
Your character’s stylists have gone all-out to make the most magnificent outfit for your character, regardless of their District. Your character walks out of the tunnel towards the huge crowd seated just outside the light—human shapes are identifiable, but not faces. Only Caesar Flickerman, done up this year in a neon green, is in full view, sitting easily in his chair next to an empty one. It seems like every camera in Panem is pointed at the stage.
Your character gets three minutes. Time starts now.
Taglist below the cut:
@funky-writer-man, @addisons-damn-dialogue, @pied-piper-of-hamlet, @written-in-gold, @bloodlessheirbyjacques, @maple-writes, @spacebrick3, @forthesanityofsome, @clocksandchaos, @knmartinshouldbewriting, @multi-lefaiye, @ratracechronicler, @pen-of-roses, @autie-auden-writes, and @faytelumos
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γινωσκετε οτι ο επιστρεψας αμαρτωλον εκ πλανης οδου αυτου σωσει ψυχην αυτου εκ θανατου και καλυψει πληθος αμαρτιων
(Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.) — James 5:20 | 1881 Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament (WHG) The New Testament in the Original Greek is a Greek-language version of the New Testament published in 1881 by Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort. Cross References: Proverbs 10:12; Proverbs 11:30; Proverbs 17:9; Romans 11:14; 1 Corinthians 1:21; James 1:21; James 5:15
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concealeddarkness13 · 3 years
WHG 15 Post-Games Imposter Syndrome Part 25
This is a couple of days after part 24. I haven’t really proofread these, so I hope there aren’t too many typos! Tagging the collaboration crew: @ratracechronicler, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses (also thanks for Avery and Haven!), and @thoughts-of-nora!
That morning, I woke up when my phone buzzed. I frowned and looked at it. The number…it was Shine’s number. Shit. What was the Capitol doing now?
I opened it anyway, and I froze, staring at the message. Bring me that horizon. Fly out to the sea.
Tears filled my eyes, and I looked away from the phone. How did the Capitol know about the code? Or, could it possibly be someone from the crew? I sucked in a breath and texted back. Who the hell is using this phone and why?
I sat back, tears falling down my cheeks. I couldn’t sit in here. I couldn’t look at my phone. I stood up and walked to the door and looked out. Just in time to see Avery leaving the apartment, not even with any Peacekeeper escort. What were they having her do? And was there anything I could do to help?
So, I followed her out, sneaking very sneakily. She walked through the Capitol towards a nondescript building, but when she walked down an alley, and I followed her, she pulled a knife on me.
Eh. I hadn’t been trying to be super sneaky anyway. I grinned at her. “Hi! You’re amazing at this! How are you doing?”
She looked confused for a bit before she backed off and started tossing her knife. “We’ve been captured by the Capitol and you’re trailing me, so either you’re part of them and very bad at being a tail, or you’re overly curious for your own good. They already know I won’t make a break again, I didn’t before the Games.”
“Eh. I just want to see what’s going on. What else the Capitol is planning. Their old tricks for me are so boring. And maybe I could help a little?”
She snorted, but she just kicked back against the wall and started walking, but giving me enough room to walk with her. “Come on then, doubt they’ll really care if someone else is there, particularly someone with magic. Gods, they’ll probably be thrilled. Any chance you’re good at researching it? Or have learned anything useful about your boyfriend?”
Ugh. Did she have to bring Bystander up? “Not like I wanted him to be my boyfriend. Actually, he’s a horrible kisser.” I paused, distinctly thinking about how much of a lie that last one was. “But I’m pretty damn good at research, so I’ll see what I can do.”
She smiled, putting the dagger in her jacket pocket. “Really the pretty boy isn’t as great as he pretends to be, huh? Shame, but I doubt they’ll care much for one of their kissing skills. Unless you think he can be bested by undoing his ego?”
“I’ve already tried to hurt his pride enough. I don’t think anything bothers him. He’s told me that he has an unnaturally long life, and he can…hear better than normal? But I don’t know how much truth he was telling.”
“Sadly, the complete truth. Though vague enough to still be close to a lie.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. Mood. “You don’t seem to have fallen for his ‘charms’ though, thank gods for that or else I’m not sure I’d be able to stand you.”
I again distinctly didn’t think about how good he was at kissing. “Oh, he’s a piece of shit.” I shook my head. It was annoying to think about him. “But I can’t stand thinking about him the whole time. I’m curious about this group you’re going to.” Of course I had tried to look up some stuff on what was going on with the rest of the captured tributes. “I haven’t heard about them. What are their goals?”
“Do you want the party line that dragged me into it, or my best guess at the truth? The former is ‘keeping people safe from magical and divine threats against us so people can stay in charge of their own lives’. Hence my research and questions. Somehow I thought that meant they’d never be in bed with the Capitol of all people.”
Huh. Interesting. I nodded. “Especially because the Capitol employs magic threats. And would that mean I’m one too since I have magic? Which means their whole motto is untrue.” I sighed. This was so tiring. “I really love people who think they can save humans from magic.” The Shades said the same excuse.
She nodded as well. “Speaking of, what exactly is your magic like? They’ve been giving us just enough information to keep Haven sated, but I’ve always been a bit more hands on with research.”
It would be prudent to be a little cautious. I didn’t know what they would do if I just gave them everything. I eyed her. “Will they destroy me after I give away all my secrets? If so, I’d like to keep them, if that’s okay.”
“Fair enough, and worth a shot.” Avery took the dagger out of her pocket, rolled the sleeve up on her jacket, and pressed the dagger to her arm. It disappeared into a tattoo, and I blinked and stared. That was so cool! “I’d say it’d be hypocritical of them to do so, but…” She stiffened slightly as we approached the building, and a man was waiting for us. Haven?
“Avery, is there a reason why you’re late?” He was staring straight at me, so I smiled and waved.
“She wants to join us, maybe give a demonstration or two like we were promised.” Avery covered up her arm quickly.
“Indeed? Then it is time we get started, shall we?” He turned on his heel and walked into the building, not waiting for a response. Oh boy.
Avery hesitated and turned back to me. “Last chance to run.”
Oh, I’d mess with him a little instead. The way Avery was acting, it would be fun to mess with him. I smirked. “I’m not going anywhere. Hope that’s okay with you.”
“Just keep your head down, these people are how I ended up in the Games in the first place.” She led me to a small room that looked like an office, with papers and books lying around everywhere. Beautiful! There were so many books!
Before I could go look at the books, my eyes landed on Haven. He was reading one of the papers. Avery headed in. “Wonderful, you’re apparently worthy of an audience today.”
Fun! “I guess I’m just that interesting. So, do we start reading? What are we looking for?”
“Currently, we’re focusing on them and any accounts we can find, some of whom we’ve already met.” She gestured at the photographs on the wall, with people who looked suspiciously like Reine, Aleksis, and Conor in them. And some others I didn’t recognize. “As well as anyone else we—”
Haven decided to graciously interrupt. “Given our guest, it might be better to switch focuses for the day on them.”
Oh, I didn’t mind if they found out everything about the Shades. But I probably wouldn’t be much help. “The Shades?” I crossed my arms. “I’m afraid I don’t know much about them. Especially not any weaknesses.”
“Shame, but you do know something?” He nodded at Avery, and she brushed past me to sit down at her desk and grabbing a piece of paper and a writing utensil.
“I do. I’ve had to deal with Churi enough to know something about them.” But I wouldn’t just divulge information unless he specifically asked.
“What do you know of their origins?”
“They just showed up one day, claiming that our magic was evil, so they took it away and will only give the magic to people they control.”
“And yet there’s you, a sign their control isn’t as strong as they claim.” In the background, Avery was writing down notes and looking through books. Hopefully, I could do that soon.
I cocked my head as a smirk pulled at my lips. “Yeah, I’m a fucking miracle. Or a fucking mistake. Whichever you prefer.”
He frowned slightly. “Is your power any different from what they give to others.”
“Yes.” If he wanted a specific answer, he should have asked.
His frown changed into a scowl, and Avery had to stifle a snicker in the background. “How?”
I still wouldn’t be specific. “It’s diluted with human blood.”
“Interesting difference,” Avery said as she wrote down notes.
“Indeed. A demonstration then?”
I shrugged. It still wasn’t giving away all my secrets. “Why not? You’ve probably already seen videos of me using my magic anyway. I haven’t exactly been subtle about it.” I walked over to the glass of water just sitting on the table, and I activated my magic. The water in front of me flashed, and it was now a pretty crystal flower.
Avery watched the demonstration intently and reached out to touch it afterwards. Her fingers brushed it before she spoke. “May I?”
I nodded and handed it to her after I deactivated my magic. And then I turned to Haven. “Does that satisfy your curiosity?”
“For the moment. Captain, keep an eye on her for the moment.” He left after Avery nodded while she was still staring at the flower and writing down notes.
She examined the flower more closely. “What exactly is this? It’s no longer water or even the more expected ice. Almost…crystalline? And you can do this naturally with no training?”
I turned to Avery. I wouldn’t answer all of her questions. Just some. “Crystal. And it’s as hard as a diamond. I can cut through almost anything with a crystal knife.”
“Is this what people were supposedly able to do before they took it away? And this is what they give people? How does it hold up against a diamond then? And when you say almost anything?” She went and sat back at the desk.
I laughed. All these questions were so much fun! “I haven’t tried it on everything, so I didn’t want to make a claim I couldn’t back up. Not sure how it holds up against a diamond. So, could you answer a question of my own? What’s with the knife tattoo change thing? That’s awesome!”
“Oh that, not nearly as impressive, a bit of old magic.” She slipped off her jacket, revealing multiple tattoos on her arms. Two knives, one looked like fire, and a cool symbol. “I can call upon them when I need them, daggers are particularly useful, as is fire when you’re lacking light. But the uniforms for the arena were covering my arms.”
“The Capitol probably did that on purpose, the jerks.” I leaned over to see what she was reading, and I smiled. Amanda Ginser. I knew that name. “Oh. That’s probably accurate information. That’s the fake name of the person I went to to get my information. Look for books by her. She always knows everything.”
She smiled and pulled out a stack of books by the same author, and I grinned and started looking through them. After a little bit, I glanced up at Avery. Her magic was just so interesting. “So, can you summon anything from those tattoos?”
“Not anything.” She thought for a bit. “I have to know the name of it in this language I’ve been looking into, or well my friend was looking into, I’m nowhere near as good as him at it. But then I have to make the tattoo out of a real object. It’s a rather complex process and we have many failed attempts tattooed on us from it when we were figuring it out.”
I grinned. “That’s so awesome! What’s the weirdest thing you’ve been able to summon?”
“Fire.” She put her hand carefully on the tattoo until a real fire appeared in her palm! Awesome! “We had to perfect getting it so we wouldn’t be burned in the creation and being able to perfectly capture what the magical deemed an acceptable replica…”
“Yeah, that’s amazing! I wish I could do that!”
“Your own ability seems to be far more useful to be honest, and versatile.”
“Eh.” I shrugged. “I have to be really close to the liquid to actually crystallize it, unlike someone whose magic wasn’t diluted.”
She shrugged and put out the fire. “Still,” she didn’t finish the sentence, just went back to reading, so I did too.
After a while, Avery spoke up. “Would you be against one more demonstration? I can literally not tell anyone else about it without putting myself in more danger for what I want to do if that helps.” She sounded casual, but there was an edge of nervousness to her voice.
I grinned with a shrug. “Why not? I like testing my magic too.”
“Consider this a test for us both then.” She relaxed and pressed a hand to the cool symbol tattooed on her arm and concentrated before nodding at me.
I found another water source and activated  my magic and crystallized it, this time into a small ship. I looked over at her. “Is that good?”
She blinked a few times, staring at the crystal, before she bit her lip. “Yeah, I…gods you’re so weird.” She stopped touching the symbol and slumped against the desk. “Not weird, just, not what I’m used to dealing with. I can’t get a read on you as easily as I can the others, maybe because you have a different source?”
I couldn’t help her there. I laughed. “I’m fine being weird. It’s more fun that way. Do you need me to do anything else?” Just to show off, I moved my hands and the ship molded into a small, crystal dog instead.
She sounded tired. “A viable way to get away from all this permanently would be nice. But I think I got what I was looking for, sadly I don’t think it’ll be much use to either of our predicaments.” She reached out to touch the crystal again.
A way to escape. My smile slipped from my lips. The message from Shine’s phone number. How trapped I really was. I sat down and started thumbing through some pages. “I’ll work on it.” I kept reading, and I came across a passage that mention hearsay about the Shades manipulating emotions. Huh. It had felt like Churi had done something like that before. “If you want to learn more about the Shades, I’ve been thinking about another ability I think they have that hasn’t been publicized yet.”
“It’s hardly on you alone—” She cut herself off when she looked up at me with wide eyes.
Glad I could help, at least a little. I took a deep breath. “This is just an educated guess, and I don’t know how they do it, but a few days ago, Churi visited me. When he wrapped his hand around my neck and breathed in, it was as if he took away all my emotions except fear. I couldn’t feel anything else, and it took a while for my other emotions to fully come back even after he broke contact. I think they can take away emotions and possibly just choose what to keep. I’m not sure why or how, but that’s what I felt. And this book mentions something in passing about a possibility that they can manipulate emotions. So, other people think the same way.”
“Well, that’s…useful? Can we, Abyss, what can we do with that? It’s…absolutely terrifying.” Her head fell in her hands, and she groaned. “What have we gotten ourselves into? Gods and magic and nightmares from under the bed, wasn’t this all supposed to be children’s stories?” She sounded like she was trying to sound teasing as she tilted her head to look at me.
This had been my whole life. I laughed ruefully. “If only. I wonder sometimes if it would have been nicer to not know anything about this. To just have a normal life without living in fear that the Shades would discover me.” I looked over at her. Better to not dwell on that. “How did you find out about this anyway?”
“I stole a book on magic as a child and broke into Haven’s home to learn more about a week later.” In the most deadpan tone.
Really? Wow! A thief! I loved it. I laughed. “That’s fantastic!”
Her smile grew. “Yes, but that’s a lie, I didn’t break into Haven’s home. I broke into the highly volatile magical area that was being investigated by him and his group and sat in the middle of it until they finally caught me.”
So dramatic! Looked like we’d get along. I smirked. “A woman after my own heart. I wish I could have seen his expression.”
With a fake serious expression, she ticked off on her fingers. “Surprise, anger—lot of that one—, confusion, worry, interest—the most dangerous of course—, and would believe me if I said fear?” Her shoulders were shaking from the effort of not laughing, and, damn it, it was infectious. “I think I watched the extent of all his emotions in under five minutes.”
“That’s awesome.” I leaned back in my chair. This was fun, but I’d love to get up to some mischief. “I wish I could do something like that right now.” And then I had the perfect idea. I eyed Avery. “Does Haven happen to have a hat I can steal?”
“Oh this sounds like a terrible idea. Lucky for you, those are the only ideas I listen to.” She winked and grabbed her jacket, and I grinned and followed her. She was amazing. She kept to the shadows, and there were times that I lost her, and I was right behind her.
No one saw us, and we made it to an office without any trouble. She picked the lock of the door after checking to make sure no one was there, and she opened the door for me with a wink. Hell, she was attractive when she did that. Mischief looked good on her.
It was a neat office, which meant it was boring. The desk was all organized, and the bookshelf mostly had pictures on it. And there was a coat and hat on a rack, but it was just a plain, old hat. RIP.
I sighed and walked up to the hat. “He’s got boring taste.” I snatched it anyway and put it on my head, turning to Avery with a grin. “But I’d say it still looks pretty good on me!” More serious tone. “You’re really good at the whole sneaking thing. Would you be willing to teach me sometime?”
She shifted uncomfortably and bit her lip. “If we ever get a chance yeah, after I’ve gotten out of my own mess. Sell your soul and all that.” She shrugged.
Was she still talking about getting out of the Capitol? I nodded. “Don’t worry. I’m working on it.” I winked. “So, it’s a date.”
She looked confused. Maybe I was wrong? “Working on undoing handing myself—wait what?” She sputtered, and I grinned a little more. She was cute when she was flustered.
I put a finger on Avery’s lips. “Shh. Don’t worry. We can figure out the details later.” With a wink.
“Uhm. Yeah, what?” She winced, swallowed hard, and took a deep breath. “We should, uhh, get back before,” She waved her hand toward the hallway, turning away from me.
I nodded and bowed. “After you.”
I stayed and researched with Avery until she went back. When I was back in my room, I looked at the reply from Shine’s number. This is Shine, and I’d like to meet you, if you can.
I fought tears and set the phone down. I couldn’t respond yet. Who were they trying to fool? Or maybe they weren’t and I had been lied to? They had started with the code, after all. I just didn’t know if I wanted to take the chance yet.
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I posted 2,597 times in 2021
136 posts created (5%)
2461 posts reblogged (95%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 18.1 posts.
I added 208 tags in 2021
#whg - 34 posts
#the other side - 32 posts
#other people's writing - 26 posts
#the outer series - 24 posts
#character: nemeah - 19 posts
#character: rj - 18 posts
#character: monsoon - 16 posts
#unreality - 14 posts
#character: rat - 13 posts
#long post - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 97 characters
#i think what happened was i (accidentally) ended up following and unfollowing it a bunch of times
My Top Posts in 2021
WHG Prompt 1 - Ariel/Nemeah and Enzo/Monsoon
Note: I will be using civilian names for these prompts, even though the hero names are what is actually used in The Other Side. 
@sparkles-and-hens @thoughts-of-nora @maple-writes @pen-of-roses @concealeddarkness13 @ratracechronicler
Even staring straight up at the sky, he could see the buildings. 
District 8 was nothing but factories and apartment buildings. The tall buildings, the concrete, the lack of nature - it was suffocating. And it was so much worse inside the buildings, with the bare walls and no windows and and stale air and and and- 
“You know I hate it when you do that.” 
Feet appeared by Enzo’s head, and Ariel leaned down. 
Enzo sighed. “You know I can’t sleep inside.” 
“Doesn’t look like you’re sleeping much out here,” Ariel replied. “Come on. You’re soaking.” 
It had rained last night. Enzo loved the rain - it felt like something truly natural, truly free. 
No one was free here. 
Slowly, Enzo stumbled onto his feet. His body protested at the movement, and the sleeping on the concrete ground, but if he didn’t move he’d get stepped on. 
“You look awful,” Ariel commented. 
“You say that every morning,” Enzo replied. He ran his fingers through his hair, still damp, as Ariel ushered him indoors. 
The door shut behind him with a suffocating thump. 
Breakfast that day was a sandwich made with stale bread. Ariel was silent, either thinking or moping about the upcoming readings. Enzo was too nervous to sit still, and ate while pacing. 
They remained silent as they changed. 
Neither had “nice” clothes, but Enzo found a shirt with no rips to put on under his sweatshirt, and used a rag to clean the mud off of his shoes. Ariel’s shirt had a rip down the sleeve, and her pants were torn at the knees, but they were cleaner than anything else she had. 
Ariel pulled her uneven hair back so that it looked even, and Enzo quickly fingered combed his again, and they were ready. 
Well, as ready as they could be. 
13 notes • Posted 2021-05-18 04:15:59 GMT
Friendly reminder that “go outside and touch some grass” is ableist even if you didn’t mean it that way
15 notes • Posted 2021-06-12 23:03:44 GMT
I’ve seen some others do this, so I thought I would.
Quick about me/this blog
- I’m 21+. Full grown adult, believe it or not. However I do not do anything nsfw, and I do not want to see, read, or even think anything nsfw.
- this is a writeblr, but also where I tend to reblog non-specific things. I also have a fandom blog - ladyofthewifi- and a music blog - I-baroque-my-bow.
Icon ID: picrew from the shoulder up. The picrew is done in the general picrew style. The picrew is of a white female wearing a red shirt, with short brown hair that gets lighter towards the end. She has freckles and blue eyes. The background is purple with space-related symbols. End ID
Picrew source: https://picrew.me/image_maker/137904
Header ID: grayscale image of pencils in a case, with only the tips sticking out. End ID
Main WIPS:
The OUTER Series: The Fall of Shatterthought super hero/dystopian NA novel.
A little over a hundred years after people suddenly developed super powers, and it seems things have leveled out in Neuron’s world. But he’s in for a shock when he’s sent to a different timeline - one where the villains Shatterthought and The Emperor rule over a dystopian nightmare. With only a worn-out superhero team to work with, Neuron isn’t sure there is a way to win this fight. But that doesn’t mean he won’t try.
Character list
The Alliance Of Rain: The Divided Lands: fantasy novel
The war has come with a great cost for the island. As enemies surround them, the society within seems to be crumbling to pieces. Cassandra has a received a warning: she needs to unite the twelve outlying divisions, or the island faces certain doom. With the help of Crown Princess Ariadne, Cassandra is the best person for the job. But even she isn’t sure she can do it.
24 notes • Posted 2021-05-11 04:08:13 GMT
How do I name cities? Help?
24 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 01:27:55 GMT
90% of any craft is gritting your teeth and getting through the stage(s) where you suck or think you suck because we all start off sucking at our craft
91 notes • Posted 2021-05-24 03:31:05 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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dreamwishing · 3 years
WHG Prompt 3 - The Last Visit
Elizabeth stares at the wall. It’s all there is to do, now. Stare at the wall, wait for someone to show up, and try not to think too hard about the torture she’s about to be put through. 
Part of her hopes her parents won’t come. She knows they will, of course they will. She sighs, running her thumb across her fingernails. How much time has passed. A minute? Ten? 
The door opens, and she looks up sharply. Her mother and father step into the room. “Five minutes,” the guard says, and closes them in.
Elizabeth turns back to the wall. She can’t tell whether she’s protecting her own feelings or their memories of her. Soon, that’s all she’ll be to them. “I’m not coming home.”
Her mother lets out a shaky gasp. Guilt punches her in the chest. Still, they deserve to know the truth. A hand grasps her shoulder. Father. “You’re strong, you’re clever. You can win.”
“I can, but I won’t.” How could they expect her to? “I refuse.”
“Elizabeth, please. Think about what you’re saying. Think about--”
“I have thought about it! How could I not? I’m going into that arena, but I’m not coming back out. I am not going to be winning this twisted game! If you can’t accept that...well, it’s not my problem anymore! Now, if you’re planning on lecturing me, I’d really rather you just leave.”
Her father doesn’t respond right away, but she feels his hand leave her shoulder. It leaves her feeling somehow emptier than before. The door opens. “Goodbye,” she says, hoping she doesn’t sound as hurt as she thinks she does. 
“I love you.” Her mother’s tearful voice is the last thing she hears before the door clicks shut and she is once again left alone.
I’m pretty sure this is everyone who asked to be tagged. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in my whg prompt responses in this round!
@concealeddarkness13 @oxer @should-be-writing @maple-writes @pen-of-roses @thoughts-of-nora @ratracechronicler
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