#also i wrote this in one go on twt so sorry for any errors HAHASDLKJSD
azu1as · 4 months
—a tangcheong reincarnation ficlet set during the shaolin tournament arc 👍
Part 1 2 3
baek cheon didn't think much of the loud commotion being made in the audience stands as a large family entered the arena.
"huh? what's all that noise over there?" yoon jong voiced out.
the rest of the mount hua disciples turned their heads in the direction yoon jong was pointing at and they watched as people unabashedly stared at the person in the center of the group.
"you missing a cousin or something, samae?" one of the disciples joked.
the man in question looked closer to a tang than he did his own family members who walked beside him. whereas their hair were varying shades of light brown, his was dark and closer to tang soso's own color.
tang soso frowned, narrowing her eyes as she tried to peer at his features which were slightly too far to distinguish properly.
"I don't recall having any cousins in shaolin..." she mutters as yu iseol also tilted her head in question.
the man's gaze sweeped lazily across the arena. even from afar, baek cheon could tell that the man's gaze was contemptuous.
he didn't need to use his qi to enhance his eyesight to know that the gaze that was thrown towards the sect leaders' stand was absolutely scathing.
jo gul scratched his cheek. "he must be the rumored son of the zheng merchant family. see the crest on his robes?"
"what do you know of him?" baek cheon asked. he doesn't really understand why but a part of him felt like he had to be on-guard towards the strange man.
"not much," jo gul winced, "just that he's a bit older than us and that he...mildly poisoned one of the daughters of another family in sichuan."
they all turned towards tang soso.
"are you sure he's not part-tang or something?" yoon jong asked.
their conversation is abruptly interrupted by loud shouts cheering for shaolin.
the disciples of mount hua shared resolute nods as they began marching forward, letting the praises pouring out from the audience straighten their spines and walk more resolutely.
chung myung seamlessly slipped back into their fold, the money pouches he brought with him noticably emptier than when he had arrived.
it felt as if the cheers for them rang louder than those for shaolin. it was a very ovewhelming feeling and all of them could feel the pressure on their shoulders.
once again, they watch the reliable back of their sajil as chung myung finally sets foot on the stage, gazing up.
the current head of the zheng family was not influenced by the excitement that seemed to radiate from his fellow tournament-goers. rather, his eyes were locked on the face of his elder brother who he had never seen look as emotional as he did now.
there was disbelief on his face. he wore a strange expression which wavered between hope and doubt. unfathomable emotions swam in his eyes.
"ge, is everything alright?" he worriedly asked. "if you wish to leave, we don't have to—"
"no." zheng bo cut him off. "we're staying."
he shared concerned looks with his other siblings, but they silently agreed to let it be.
their eldest brother had always been distant, but he was never unkind to them.
they could never understand where the weight zheng bo seemed to always carry on his shoulders came from, but he never lashed at them.
they had never known zheng bo to be anything other than melancholic, so seeing the way the beginnings of a lively spark enter his eyes...
it was as if they were watching him transform into someone else for a moment.
"hyung...?" zheng bo murmured as he practically threw himself over the railing to get a closer look.
luckily, their youngest sibling, about the same age as the youngest second class disciple of mount hua, managed to pull their eldest brother back by the robe.
"zheng bo, what's gotten into you?" their mother worriedly clutched at him.
a string of incomprehensible muttering escaped zheng bo's lips. "...a descendant? no, he—a wife? no, as if..."
questioning stares were thrown their way from other audience members, but they were quickly distracted by the start of the deciding battle between the two finalists.
it was a battle that no one could have ever expected.
it felt too one-sided and the zheng family, as with the rest of the spectators, found themselves at a complete loss over the practically one-sided battle between shaolin's hye yeon and mount hua's chung myung.
there was heavy and glooming feeling charging the atmosphere. the previous racuous and excited cheers turned into silent feelings of apprehension and confusion.
“this is nothing compared to what mount hua has been through.”
zheng bo let out a pained, heartaching noise.
"ge," the second zheng son started, still lost. "do you know what he's talking about?"
it seemed to him that chung myung was talking about something beyond the prior slow decline of their sect.
zheng bo seemed to be too overcome with his own emotions to answer.
they all turned back their heads to the stage and were graced with the sight of a soft curve of a blade that arched beautifully, tearing apart all the golden winds thrown towards its weilder's way by hye yeon.
"beautiful..." someone in the audience behind them mumbled.
and it truly was a mesmerizing sight to see.
and it became all the more so when plum blossoms pink, an unstoppable multitude, bloomed from chung myung's sword.
tang bo crumpled where he had was standing.
happiness, guilt, and, most of all, /relief/ wrapped themselves around his heart—his heart which, for the longest time, for over three decades, had been hollowed and emptied out of any possible feelings.
"you're here too."
tang bo didn't have to be alone anymore.
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azu1as · 4 months
dumb rotmhs fanfic idea: one hundred years after his death, tang bo reincarnates as the son of a wealthy merchant family in shaolin.
—basically, a tangcheong reincarnation ficlet set during the shaolin tournament arc 👍
Part 1 2 3
the zheng family was the leader of a wealthy merchant guild in shaolin. while they were not on the same level as the hwang, they were still influential enough for rumors to run amok.
And rumors always circled their eldest son.
zheng bo was as much of an enigma to his family as he was to those within their village. he had always been a quiet child but, one day, something happened that /changed/ the then five-year old.
the zheng family's son cried tears upon tears. he was absolutely inconsolable. his small body shook, overcome with emotions so heavy that his entire body was painfully heaving.
and when he woke up, eyes bloodshot and distant, it was as if the childhood spark in his eyes disappeared along with his tears the previous night.
off-handedly, his father noted the history book that was dropped haphazardly on the floor. several of its pages were scrunched up terribly.
the zheng partiarch mistook it as his son's desire to learn martial arts, but quickly learned the opposite as his son glared at the instructor with so much vitriol it was poisonous.
no matter how many instructors he sent his son's way, he all turned them back—uncaring whether they were decades-long martial artists, instructors of renowned ones, or teachers from the shaolin sect itself. if anything the latter worsened zheng bo's mood to the nth degree.
ashamedly and with deep regret, both the zheng patriarch and matriarch had to give up on their son as they realized the teaching him how to inherit their merchant guild was a futile endeavor. zheng bo would rather stay cooped up in his room in complete silence.
the zheng family had three more children after their eldest yet none of their births affected the dark veil of mourning that shadowed their eldest brother.
A veil that no one could ever seem to lift.
other families often asked after him, most in hopes of marrying off their daughters, but the zheng matriarch stiffly laughed them off.
they had tried once to set a play date with another merchant family's daughter, but it ended up with her in tears and vomiting with an upset stomach. the same occured with the next and third ones.
they catch zheng bo slip a vial with an unknown substance back into his sleeve and understood the lengths he would go to avoid such a thing from happening again.
many years go by and their second son inherited their family's merchant guild, much to the confusion of many.
it stirred up interest in zheng bo. rumors went around about his inability to perform his duties as the eldest son; some said that he was actually a bastard which was why he was overlooked.
former servants and workers from the zheng family whispered about the eldest son's madness and how his mania could not be cured by even the best of doctors and healers.
but as with all rumors and public interest, it died down when no new information sprung forth.
zheng bo was simply a crazy son who was better kept within the walls of the zheng estate than be let out for fear of what his madness would lead him to do.
when the shaolin tournament began with warriors and fighters from the ten great sects and other notable families, the zheng patriarch tried to urge zheng bo to attend and simply watch the battles with the rest of the family.
zheng bo scoffed at him.
their second son placed a comforting hand on his father's shoulders and suggested that they just let him be, "the winner has already been decided. i'm sure eldest brother would end up bored."
but the world had a funny sense of irony.
mount hua was the competition's dark horse. they were nigh unstoppable, flicking away their opponent's swords with absolute ease and twisiting around them as if they were falling petals themselves. it was an unexpected but amazing start to the competition.
as the finals approached, discussion about the upcoming fight between mount hua's divine dragon and shaolin's hye yeon run rampant outside of shaolin's walls. inside the zheng estate, no one could stop talking about the unexpected showing from what should have been a fallen sect.
tang bo, by chance, overheard the praises heeped on mount hua's divine dragon who had beaten everyone he had faced undeniably and soundly.
a part of him felt guilty that he had been too overwhelmed by his own grief and pain to even step out and check on his family and hyung's sect—especially after what he had learned about the aftermath of the battle against the demonic sect one hundred year ago.
so felt a strong wave of relief at the knowledge that mount hua had regained its footing somehow and that it was doing well enough to receive awed praise.
he felt imensely grateful towards whoever this divine dragon was because he seemed to the center of mount hua's revival.
tang bo idly wondered if chung myung was berating him in the afterlife. he asked him to take care of tang bo's family, but couldn't offer the same for his sect, he imagined that the other man would just exaggeratedly roll his eyes and tell him to start doing better then, you bastard.
and so tang bo, for the first time in a decade, knowingly chose to leave his room and approach his second-life father first.
thirty years was a long enough period to mourn, even if his heart still aches with regret.
but tang bo supposed supporting mount hua's divine dragon in the finals was a start.
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azu1as · 4 months
dumb rotmhs fanfic idea where chung myung doesn't reincarnate and instead turns into a lost ghost on mount hua.
that is, until his spirit stumbles into yu iseol chasing after their lost plum blossoms technique that he begins to slowly regain his memories.
Got inspired by @dew-in-the-morning's tweet here!! You can also read the original fic thread :DD
yu iseol doesn't know who the one-armed stranger was. she had opted to ignore him when she first noticed his presence in the far distance upon arrival at the clearing. but he'd been observing her for almost two hours now, and it seemed as if he had no intentions to leave at all.
"come out." she tells the one-armed man, but frustratingly receives no response at all.
she makes a move towards him but he disappears within a blink.
a part of yu iseol becomes unsettled, but she decides to brush it off as nothing more than a one-off encounter.
she's quickly proven wrong.
the following night, she once again finds him in the same spot, facing her direction. it continues that way the next night until the next week. the man is consistently there and always leaves whenever yu iseol outwardly acknowledges his presence.
after almost two weeks of this occurring, yu iseol decides to stare just as intently at the man as he did at her sword.
she doesn't often feel conscious about how others perceived her, but something about the way the man's eyes visibly narrows when she swings or stabs her sword makes her every move feel like they were being scrutinized and dissected.
and that her results were unsatisfactory if the random clucks and tsks she hears off to the side whenever she overextends her swings were any indication.
the man's robes were clearly from mount hua. but she quickly realizes that what she initially thought were shadows on his garbs were actually dark blood stains.
then a sense of uneasiness washes over her when she notices that she could see the edges of a tree through him.
it seems that her nightly companion was some sort of supernatural entity.
she doesn't feel any true fear though because no amount of malice or resentment was ever turned her direction since she began seeing the man.
"who are you?" yu iseol finally asks.
but, as expected, the man disappears and she's left alone in the clearing.
"are there ghosts on mount hua?" yu iseol asks the sect leader much to his bemusement.
"perhaps." he replies to her after a beat passes. "what brought this on?"
yu iseol silently huffs at the admittedly lackluster reply, but responds politely, "i just saw something."
before she could turn away, the sect leader hums pensively and gently adds,
"maybe what you saw was the ghost of an ancestor watching over you."
clearly, it was intended to be an acknowledgement of her nightly sword training and visible efforts towards attaining mount hua's swordsmanship.
yu iseol, however, took the message quite differently.
that night, yu iseol lets out a breath and lowers her sword as she once again catches sight of the semi-translucent man observing her from behind a tree.
her attention zooms in on the bloodied embroidery of a plum blossom on his chest and the sword sheath strapped to his waist.
she steels herself as her eyes locks onto sharp, pink ones. she was certain that whoever this man had been, he was a strong swordsman with the way he held himself even in death.
and if the way he attentively observed her sword training was a potential indication....
"excuse me," yu iseol begins, fists clenched, "do you know how to make plum blossoms bloom?"
there was a long pause between them. for a moment, yu iseol worried that she was mistaken and that the spirit of this ancestor would disappear as he usually did.
but then the one-armed man steps forward for the first time into the clearing and replies by unsheathing his sword.
it glints against the moonlight despite its translucency and yu iseol knows that she couldn't miss the next moments no matter what.
the ghost of her ancestor holds it aloft in the air for a brief moment. And then he swings his sword into an arc.
in yu iseol's chest, the uncertain flicker of hope ignites into an unstoppable wildfire.
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