#also idk if snow elves could have horns
the-ace-of-fools · 1 year
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my tes oc -- Iueleai :)
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saintthousand · 4 years
What i wish to see in tesvi: long post
Bretons aren't just french-inspired people who like to cook! They're half elves and should have slightly pointy ears! You should be able to modify their magic ancestry and maybe give a little variation to their pointy ears. Also: it could work as a subrace but REACHMEN! Give us different tattoos and facemarkings! Make everyone react differently if your character is a Reachperson or looks like your typical medieval breton! Make nord npcs react to a breton differently if they have rechamen face tattoos! Allow us to learn different spells depending on the cultural background.
Argonians should be able to have those fin-like things give us the full dinosaur experience of argonians! I don't know much about their lore but they come in all shapes. Also there should be different options/quests/reactions/dialogue in-game regarding the Hist, sithis, etc.
Altmer. They should look like in Skyrim, not just like a typical Caucasian Imperialist, leave that look for imperials. They are Golden! Maybe let them shine! Let us adorn our altmers with beautiful makeup and jewelry, let other altmer npcs react calmly to our altmer but make almost all human races act a bit nervous around the altmer.
Dunmer. Ok so i dont really know much about dunmer but they should have more depth to their magic talents! Give us dunmer-based and exclusive spells! Make argonians judgemental towards us and give us mORE FIRE. Also about how they look: theire not just grey, in oblivion they also look blue-ish and purple! Give us more colors! Also also: why do they have to look all wrinkly? ESO dunmers look better i guess.
Nords. Make them real barbaric, i think theyre really well done, specially in Skyrim. It would be nice if we had giantborns / titanborns or something like that. BUT GIVE US A REAL NORDIC PANTHEON!!!! Make them mention shor, talos, alduin not just in battle!!! And even if they're not talented in magic, give us storm/weather/snowy spells or just nature based spells specially for hunting, make them less affected by animal attacks like bears idk. Also let other npcs react to them depending if they're human or elf you know
Redguards. I DEMAND A LOT FOR REDGUARD CULTURE. we need a really different pantheon, we already know there's differences so please if tesvi is based in part in hammerfell dont do like skyrim and just throw the imperial pantheon. Also maybe they have desert based spells to help them survive in long journeys, maybe related to ancient left-handed elves' sand magic??? We need a lot of lore and i hope they deliver. We also need a lot of magic/weapons/culture/quests related to them being the best sailors. Give us war with the maormer! Give us war with the elves! Give us war with the sload and lots of piracy and tales!
I'm pretending left-handed elves are extinct or supposed to be extinct like falmers or snow elfs. I doubt they'll appear as playable races but i want to know what happened to the rest of the snow elfs! Maybe we can get close to a community of survivors of both races? Have access to their technology, weapons, armor, spells like sand-"bending" of the sinister elves, or snow/sun magic from the snow elves
I also doubt we'll be able to play as dwemer BUT since there's a theory about them disappearing because they got yeeted to the future maybe we can see them in tes VI. A lot of them. All of them. Maybe the main quest goes around them re-claiming their abandoned cities. Give us lore about their telepathy, tuning, give us followers and machines please. Even if they dont appear, give us dwemer technology
Khajiit. Ok so if tesvi is partly located in hammerfell, khajiits surely make a huge population since its also a desert. So dont give us just khajiiti caravans. Give us full khajiit marketplaces, guilds, factions, martial arts, etc. It'd be nice to allow us more customization, maybe even allow us to select from two or three humanoid khajiit forms, give us manes, and a lot of adornments. Make them excellent merchants and the most agile race please.
BOSMER! One of my favorite races. GIVE US THE HORNS, give us the chance to make our skin green, have tree-markings, AND IF I WANT TO, GIVE ME THE CHANCE TO FOLLOW THE GREEN PACT! Give us pointy teeth and exclusive marksman talents. I doubt we well be given the wild hunt but maybe we can witness it, or maybe they can extend the "command animal" power into a more powerfull version, let me ride a bear, let me pet any wolf, let me carry snakes idk
Imperials. Ok i know they're the almost the most boring race but it would be nice if they could be based not just off the Roman Empire, but all their colonies as well. Make them excellent at adapting to new cultures. Maybe as an imperial character we suffer the less prejudice except for altmers or something, make them versatile and not just roman, make them not exclusively caucasian, give us Mediterranean vibes, phoenicians, northern african-inspired clothing and weapons depending if theyre imperials from cyrodiil, or born in hammerfell. It would be nice if nocs had some sort of ayleid possessions.
Orcs. I WANT TO SEE THE DRAGONTAIL MOUNTAINS. i want the drama of every clan. But i need to see more than just their brute type. I need to know more about their magic, rites, etc. I want to see their soft side. I want to see that theres more to their fixation with battle, war and lineage, let us see honor, sacrifice and love in the most alien way but show us that theyre not just green tanks. Also their architecture: *chef (chief) kiss*
MAORMER. So its not exactly a playable race, if the game is going to be set in the illiac bay, hammerfell etc. I NEED TO SEE THE FISHY PIRATES AND THEIR HUGE SNAKES. IM A THIRSTY BOY FOR THE SEA ELVES. Give us the chance to play as them, maybe they only have small properties in big ports (i see it as the Nauts in Greedfall) , give us white and slightly iridescent scaly skin. Storm and snake magic all the way! Weather magic! Fog magic! Tridents, harpoons instead of bows, pirates pirates pirates. ALSO MAKE EVERY ALTMER HATE THEM.
Give us a quest involving a forbidden romance between a noble high elf in a breton embassy, soon to be wed unwillingly to a breton noble for family interest, BUT its our job to help them escape with a sea elf pirate or sailor because they're in love!!!!!!!! Make it gay if possible. Give us the gay pirates Todd! Please im begging you!
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