#also if i missed some crucial lucien lore element that only exists in dominion of the dark djinn then that sucks ig
botslayer9000 · 2 years
So I'm on a bit of a Ni No Kuni kick recently, and it seems like there's a small community of fans here on tumblr. So, has anybody else here ever lost themselves in thought about how Lucien was really just some guy? He wasn't a sage, or descended from one, or any kind of royalty. He was probably some peasant dude who decided "yeah sure I'll study magic and become a soldier to protect my country" and was dragged into a war of aggression because of it. Literally just some dude. He was a practical nobody from a village that doesn't exist anymore in a country that hasn't survived to the present day who became one of the most powerful, feared figures in the entire other world, partly because he was functionally powerless to do anything else before he got that power of hatred and despair level up. Anybody else think about that sometimes? Because I do
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