#but it was the world that made shadar
toastandjamie · 9 months
Hey so I wanna talk about the two distinct types of evil present in WoT, the Dark one and Shadar Logoth.
These evils are similar in that they amplify negative emotions to the point that they boil over into cruelty and violence, where they differ however is that the emotions that draw people to them are born from different places, the dark one being an internal force where as Shadar Logoth relies on external forces.
The dark one is very classic satan allegory where the emotions he preys upon are the seven deadly sins. Greed, envy, lust, pride. The people who seek out the dark one and become dark friends usually feel like they are entitled to something that they aren’t receiving, whether that’s power, money, attention, knowledge- the dark one in turn offers them a way to achieve these goals they feel they deserve but evil is a corruptive force and eventually these feelings of envy and greed grow to the point where they no longer care about who gets hurt in the process of attaining their perceived just reward. The core of the Dark Ones evil is selfishness.
Shadar Logoth by contrast is a more “sympathetic” evil, born of feelings of anxiety and fear. Shadar Logoth was born from the people of Aridhol’s fears of the Trolloks and dark friends and as that paranoia grew they lashed out inwards and destroyed themselves. The evil of Shadar Logoth doesn’t make you violent or angry, the irritability and violence we associate it with are just side affects of the long lasting stress the evil does amplify. The core of Shadar Logoths evil is distrust.
These two types of evil while they do claim to despise eachother are not mutually exclusive however as we see Padan Faine seamlessly blend his greed and pride with Mordreth’s anxiety and fear, which feed on eachother until it developed into what we see him become where he’s callous and cruel, and specifically in the way he targets Rand, he “hates” Rand because of the anxiety that was born of failing the dark one and being tortured was amplified and mixed with his already present contempt and feelings of superiority.
However we see the flaws in the evil in the characters that manage to break out of the cycles of violence that they both feed on.
Verin, though she doesn’t go in with the intention of joining the dark went in with the selfish motivation of seeking out knowledge not for the good of the world but out of curiosity and boredom. She breaks away from the corruptive evil by her selfless act of sacrificing herself to bring to light the knowledge of the black ajah to the Tower.
Mat, is an interesting case because the corruptive nature of Shadar Logoth is more obvious. We see his fear amplified and it might be easy to say that the only reason he was freed from the evil was outside intervention and while that was what finished the job of cutting out the rot we also learn that he held up surprisingly well against the daggers corruption. He was able to last as long as he did because he was willing to be vulnerable and trust Rand. He was able to suppress many of the violent urges his fear created by sheer force of will because of the fact that he knew that he COULD trust someone which is antithetical to the evil of shadar logoth.
The two evils can survive on their own but they truly thrive in tandem and that was what made Faine so powerful that both the light and dark feared him. Because he exemplified all the worst parts of humanity all the fear, distrust, greed, envy and hate all personified into one being. The one thing however the destroys them both is in the most cliche of senses love, it is trust and kindness and selflessness that both evils can not defend against.
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mangosundae · 2 months
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Greetings, Ni No Kuni fandom! I’ve seen a couple people on here post their NNK ocs on here so I thought I’d add my own blorbo to the collection. Now presenting: Penelope Homebrew of the Land of Nod! She’s from WotWW and has a whole DLC post game mission, which ends with Penelope becoming a playable character. I’ll write out how her story goes under the cut, but basically she’s a potion saleswoman who helps the gang close the Nightmare Rifts (name in progress) that have taken over Castaway Cove, Yule, and Perdida.
***GIANT infodump under the cut!!***
The Land of Nod: Where Dreaming is Doing.
- Okay so Nod is a kingdom located on the Spindle, a small island near Autumnia. I’m pretty sure spindle is a reference to mining, but we’ll say it references the spindle from Sleeping Beauty.
- The Land of Nod is all about dreaming. Its inhabitants, called Nodlanders, have the ability to bring whatever they dream of to life. This ability is called Manifesting. Manifesting requires the user to both come up with the item they desire, dream it, AND remember it when they wake up. Nodlanders grow up practicing how to lucid dream, and how to remember their dreams in the waking world. It’s a hard skill to master, which is why so few can actually make a career out of it.
- But since Nodlanders who do master this skill are very powerful, Shadar saw them as a threat, which is why he put all of Nod to sleep with a spell. That’s also why Nod doesn’t show up on the map in the main game, because it’s hidden from sight. And also he made everyone have nightmares, which is important later.
- Since Nod is a postgame area, the items you can buy here are very powerful, but also very pricey. They can only be found in Nod because the Nodlanders literally dreamed them up. Most Nodlanders have a specific kind of item they focus on, like weapons or armor. It’s a HUGE tourist trap.
- Also you might be asking, why isn’t Nod the richest place in the world? Why can’t they just dream up infinite money and food? I thought of that. You can’t really read or write in dreams, so any dreamed currency is obviously fake. And Nodlanders CAN dream up food, but it can’t inwardly be food. So basically dream food can look and taste a certain way, but doesn’t contain substance or calories, so you can’t survive off it. Snack stands and buffets are very popular in Nod for this reason, as you’ll never get stuffed.
Penelope Homebrew: Saleswoman Extraordinaire (?)
- Penelope lives in Nod but has no dream powers. She’s a disappointment to her parents because of this, and spends the whole story trying to prove herself, before eventually realizing she doesn’t have to prove herself to anyone. Also I want her and Swaine to be besties so they bond over being non-magicals from magical families.
- Since she has no dreaming abilities of her own, Penelope runs the Homebrew Apothecary, where she sells potions made from the Dream Energy of other Nodlanders. They look down on her for not having powers of her own, which makes her feel bad. The apothecary got very little business before Shadar, since tourists were more interested in real dream-based products, but Penelope sees traveling with Oliver as a chance to get her brand out there. There are several cutscenes where she’s just advertising to anyone who’ll listen, and she uses the fights to show off her potions.
- Penelope comes with several potions to use in battle and in the overworld. Each of them has a silly little name because you can’t have NNK without some silly little names.
- Nightcap: This potion induces the sleep status on an opponent for 20 seconds.
- Seeing Stars: A potion that induces the confusion status on an opponent.
- A Dream is a Wish: This drinkable potion will, at random, increase the user’s MP or HP, or take away their status condition (the third option only applies if a status condition is present).
- Beauty Sleep: A drinkable potion that completely heals the user’s HP and MP, in return for making them immobile/asleep for thirty seconds. This also almost completely drain’s the user’s MP, so it should be used sparingly.
- Knock Out: A potion that inflicts physical damage on an opponent.
- Shut Eye: An overworld spray potion that gives your party two minutes of invisibility. It works the same as Oliver’s Veil spell.
- Night Light: Ingesting this potion gives the user night vision.
- Basically, all her potions are either thrown, ingested, or sprayed. She starts off with a slingshot, but eventually Swaine makes her the Shooting Star, a steampunk looking bow and arrow that can shoot out any offensive potion Penelope currently has in her roster. The “arrows” are syringes full of potions. This makes her a ranged attacker. I imagine she can replace Swaine in battle, similar to how you can replace Esther with Marcassin.
- Oh also, to make the gang trust her, Penelope pretends she was a famous and successful potioneer before Shadar cast his sleep curse. Swaine suspects her from the start because one con artist recognizes another, but eventually everyone learns she’s been lying and conflict happens. Oooooooo.
The Plot: Nightmare Magic-Induced Therapy
- As I mentioned, Shadar put all the Nodlanders to sleep and gave them nightmares, which they kept having until Cassiopeia woke them up. When they woke up their Dream Energy exploded across the world and caused Nightmare Rifts to appear in Castaway Cove, Yule, and Perdida. Why? It’s like when the printer isn’t working so you keep pressing print, and then it starts working again and shoves out a million papers at once. The Nodlanders had dreamed so much during the sleep curse that when they woke up they couldn’t contain all the energy that had built up.
- Because of this, these three areas are now dungeons with a boss at the end, which are nightmarish manifestations of each town’s Vibe. Each dungeon is also based on a commonly-hated video game mechanic (these being water physics, ice physics, and moving levels). And, also, each dungeon reflects one of the main three’s fears in some way, both literal and metaphorical. In going through these dungeons and defeating the bosses, Oliver, Esther, and Swaine work through their fears with the help of Penelope.
- Also, the reason Penelope starts traveling with them (other than the opportunity to sell more potions) is because the other Nodlanders are too tired from their nightmares to be helpful. Since Penelope doesn’t have dream magic, she feels fine (if a little traumatized after years and years of nightmares).
- Castaway Cove is a water level where the town is completely flooded and sea monsters lurk in the depths. The boss is a sunken ship monster called Ship Wrecker, who has a mouth and teeth made of jagged wooden planks. Its big move is Anchors Away, where it releases a large anchor that damages the whole party. When it’s close to dying it does a new move called Wreckage, where its whole body becomes a mouth to bite the party with. Its normal move is just chasing someone around and biting them. Also there’s a water bubble around the battle arena because it would be a pain in the ass if not.
- This is Oliver’s level, since he almost drowned and is therefore afraid of water. He tries to swim to prove he’s not afraid anymore, but starts having a panic attack. He admits to Penelope (because they split into groups) that he feels guilty that his mom died swimming out to rescue him, and wants to prove that he can take care of himself now like she wants him to. Penelope gives him a pep talk, since she relates to feeling the need to prove herself and doesn’t want him to feel that way. It doesn’t totally fix the problem, but Oliver is able to get through the dungeon without issue.
- Yule is an ice and snow level where the whole place is caved in, and they have to parkour down to the bottom. It kind of sucks because ice physics lol. The little monsters you encounter are scary versions of the Tomte, and the boss is an igloo-abominable snowman fusion called the Bombinable Snowman. It’s a giant spherical igloo with a face and hairy limbs, which it tucks inside itself for certain attacks. Because of the ice blocks, it has really high defense, which only lowers when it does a move called Bumbles Bounce. For this move, it pulls its limbs into itself and throws itself to the ground like a bomb. This does physical damage to anyone not defending. You trigger Bumbles Bounce by attacking it enough, so it’s a very stamina-based fight. It also has an area attack called Avalanche, and a single attack called Stalag-Might, where it slashes with an ice spear.
- This is Esther’s level. She and Penelope get cornered by one of the Tomte monsters, which doesn’t respond to Esther’s attempts to soothe it. Esther gets upset, and says something like “This [monster taming] is what I’m supposed to be good at!” She explains that she’s a sage’s daughter but not a sage herself, so she has to be powerful in her own way so her dad will be proud of her. Penelope’s like “Wow these kids have issues” but assures Esther that if Rashad loves her, he’ll be proud of her no matter what she does. It’s in this moment that Penelope realizes how similar her situation is to Esther’s, and starts feeling less beholden to her parents’ opinions of her.
- Perdida is a moving level where the player has to keep up with the moving camera and dodge constantly changing obstacles. For this one the dungeon is also the boss, as the town’s multi-headed snake statues have come to life and morphed into a giant snake in the sky. It works like the snake boss from Puppeteer, or the Rayquaza balloon from Poke Park. Basically you run across the back of the snake. The heads of the snake attack when you get to the front, but then one of them swallows you and you fight from the inside. Unfortunately I don’t have names for this boss and its moves just yet, but just assume they’re snakey.
- This is Swaine’s level, and also kind of Marcassin’s. Obviously Swaine’s afraid of snakes, but for the whole DLC story he’s also been trying to prove he can be a good brother to Marcassin. Marcassin ends up getting captured by the snake because it was attacking Hamelin, and he wants to prove he can be a good ruler. Basically Swaine wants to be like Marcassin, and Marcassin wants to be like Swaine (in that Swaine is more of a physical attacker and strategist), and they have to work together to stop the snake. In the end both brothers realize they’re good as they are, and Penelope finally comes to the same conclusion.
- With all the rifts taken care of, the group goes back to Nod, where they invite Penelope to travel with them. Penelope thinks about how the Nodlanders and her parents never appreciated her, but how these new people do, so she packs up the apothecary and becomes a traveling saleswoman with the gang. The themes are a little hamfisted, but to be fair the themes of the main game aren’t super subtle.
Holy shit this was way longer than I intended it to be. I don’t expect anyone to read this far but if you did, thanks very much for reading my infodump about a game nobody likes! (Lol.) It’s been super fun coming up with the level designs and stuff, and Penelope is just really fun to draw. Also yeah I know she looks a bit like Moon from FNAF but shhhhh it’s fine.
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asha-mage · 1 year
Cauthor. Weapon.
[Send me a character or pairing, and a one word prompt, and I'll write you a drabble!]
Mat sat on the tower's edge, the quarterstaff balanced across his knees. Below him, far below, across the streets of Falme people still seemed to seeth in a great mass, gathered in the great square before the tower, cheering for the Dragon, for salvation, for prophecy fulfilled. For now.
Today they cheered. Tomorrow they might become a mob to tear down the tower and all inside of it. For fear, for hate, for the desire to not see the same prophecies they exalted today, fulfilled on the morrow. Absently, Mat let his hand slip along the quarterstaff touch the blade of where had lashed the Shadar Logoth dagger to the end, but he managed to stop his hand short of touching it. Something would have be done about the dagger, and the Horn. "Is it hard?" A voice came from behind Mat, and he half turned to look up at Rand. It was hard to see him, with the sun silhouetted behind his head, seeming to give him a crown of pure radiance. It made Mat's mouth dry, for just an instant, before Rand lowered himself to sit beside Mat. But instead of following Mat's gaze down to Falme, Rand was staring at the dagger, his lips thin. "Is it hard?" Rand asked again. "To have it so close but...." He spread his hands.
Mat shrugged. "Yes." He admitted. HE could be honest that far- with Rand at least. "But not as hard as it was."
Rand tilted his head to one side in question. "Why? Because you can still use it like this?"
Mat shook his head. "Maybe. Or maybe I've just gotten used to it. IT doesn't really matter." Rand looked doubtful but Mat let the subject lay. He couldn't put it into words that Rand would understand, and if he tried he would only spark guilt and frustration. Mat had to work to keep his eyes from going to Rand's side, where the dagger had pierced his skin, creating a twisted gnarled wound that not even Moiraine's healing could affect.
Mat knew, deep down, he would never be tempted by the dagger again now. Not after what it had done to Rand. Something in Mat had twisted apart, hardened against the dagger's call, the moment it had pierced Rand's flesh. The moment it had hurt the person Mat cared most about in this world. Mat didn't know if he would throw the dagger into the ocean, or send it off to the White Tower, or simply try melting it down for scrap. But he would never use it, never touch it. Not now. He couldn't, anymore then he could sprout wings and fly. Something in his nature rejected the idea.
He would find something else, something better, and that weapon, he would use to protect, rather then destroy- his own life, and Rand's, and the people they cared for.
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
And follow-up question, what race/class would they be if they were characters in BG3 and/or who would they romance??
I've answered what race and class they would be in the DnD tag here, but now that I'm a bit more familiar with the world of the Forgotten Realms (through playing BG3), I think I can revise some of my answers! (I'll try and keep my answers limited to what you can select in the game for class, since that was what you asked, but there are some characters that I think would be of a race or subclass from the overall pool of 5e possibilities--for example, I still think Ayla would be air genasi, etc.!)
Blade: Shadar-kai fighter (battle-master) or monk (way of the shadow)
Trouble: Human fighter (champion)
Tallys: Wood Elf ranger or druid (circle of the land)
Shery: Halfling cleric (life domain)
Riel: Human artificer or warlock (the great old one)
Chase: Changeling rogue (thief)
Red: Kalashtar or Human wizard (conjuration school)
Ayla: Air Genasi barbarian (wild magic) or sorcerer (storm sorcery)
Briony: High Half-Elf sorcerer (wild magic) or monk (way of the four elements)
Lavinet: Human noble (though I think it would be baller for her to be a Tiefling as well) or Yuan-Ti Pureblood paladin (oath of the crown) or bard (college of eloquence or glamour)
Halek: Aasimar barbarian (berserker) or paladin (oath of the watchers)
Mimir: Drow cleric (twilight domain)
As for who they'd romance, I don't think I've made it far enough into the game to know yet! 🙏 I also get tripped up because it's like, Red and Gale are similar, but would he romance him?... So I don't have an answer for that yet! Maybe after I've finished the game!
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toaarcan · 15 days
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First Champion/New Champion
"You remind me so much of her, my Child. I promise you... I will not let you fall as she did."
Aisling's predecessor as the Raven Queen's champion, and indeed the first champion she ever had, was Vasyana the Survivor. Vasyana was a Shadar-Kai Grave Cleric, who fought in the Cataclysm, and was the sole survivor of her party. The newborn Raven Queen found her near-death on a mountain, and they inadvertently made a connection, transforming Vasyana into the first of her living valkyries.
Vasyana was largely responsible for the way the world came to know the Raven Queen, and vice-versa, showing her both the beauty and horror of the world she now sat in judgment of. The Goddess of Death grew very close to her champion, even gifting her sword, Terminus Est, to Vasyana.
Unfortunately, Vasyana had been infected by the Shard of Ice, and over time, the Shard grew stronger and stronger as it fed upon the worship of Vasyana's followers. As its power increased, it froze its host's heart, leaving her cold and calcified, unable to grow and change any longer.
Unwilling to abandon her first and oldest friend, the Raven Queen did her best to prevent the Shard from corrupting her any further, but the most she could manage was stalemating it.
Eventually, the Goddess of Death realised there was nothing she could do for Vasyana, and that the crueler being she had become was no longer a fitting champion for her cause. Resolving to bring her to her rest in the afterlife, she began a long and complex plan to pass the mantle to a new chosen hero, Aisling Romazi.
Though the Raven Queen loves her new champion like a daughter, she is more cautious with her affections, and more protective of her new charge. She sees much of the Vasyana she loved in Ash, and has vowed to protect her, and make sure she never suffers the same fate as her predecessor.
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You mentioned Hubert in the Sir billiam the 3rd post like once, is he still undead in this au? And are Sir Billiam and Techno related at all in this au, or they completely just like, two random half(?) orcs, no relation? Cause like in noir au you made them Nephew and Uncle (I think) so I was wondering if you did something similar here or if they're completely unrelated?
And like I'm assuming the mascarade arc is based on the masquerade stream give the whole Sir Billiam thing so is Karl there? And on a following note, just in general what the heck is up with Karl, you've mentioned him a bit but not very much I am very interested in how you are translating him into dnd au
That's about it for now c:
Hehehehe yes yeeeeees some Masquerade Arc Questions :3
1. Hubert and Ranbutler are gonna be very interesting in this au. For Hubert he is a Shadar Kai Fey Wanderer Ranger! Shadar Kai are very fun— since they are elves that are between life and death! So he wouldn’t be *undead*, but he would be something that’s for sure!
Especially since the Egg is influencing him :3 (The Egg is the reason he is that specific ranger-)
But he’s very scary, one of Billiam’s closest servants and would kill someone if needed but hides it with polite smiles and being obedient.
Ranbutler would be a Half Elf Rogue Assassin! Hes- silent. A lot of the time unless he talks but is very loyal to Sir Billiam, even though he treats him horribly. He doesn’t remember where he used to live at, but he knew it was somewhere in a more rustic area of the Badlands and that’s it. It’s been a while for him since he was taken during the war.
Billiam and Hubert have been in this world for a long time while Ranbutler is still new to everything basically!
2. Billiam and Techno are related! The way I’m framing it is that Billiam is probably a distant relative of his that Techno thought honestly died long ago (but then again Techno lived longer than he should too due to The Blood God’s Blessing) but he honestly never thought much of Billiam. He’s heard bits about him way back and was just like “yeah that guy sucks” bc well- he’s a rich pompous bastard HDJDDJ
The reason I wanted to make them related in the au is to show like how different these two are— especially bc Techno could have easily became Billiam since Techno was chosen that path but he decided to be his own guy. And even though they’re different Dream especially sees key differences- like even though Billiam is a half orc he sees stuff that reminds him of Techno.
3. Yes! The Masquerade Arc is based on the Tales Stream! The same for the Pit arc too! The way how it goes would be different actually! This would be a way for the Party to prove their trust to the Kinoko Kingdom— King George asks them to assist their Grand Wizard Karl with a problem and Karl explains to them that this masquerade party he went to years ago had some very weird shit in it and he heard it’s been happening ever since still- and he basically forges them invited and tells the party to go in and figure out what’s really happening since he doesn’t know what he saw was real or not. And once they complete that mission then Karl can help them get on Sapnap and George’s good graces!
That doesn’t mean some characters from the initial masquerade won’t show up as some.. interesting guests after all ;)
4. I am so glad you asked about Karl bc he is my favorite. Karl is a “Winter” Eladrin Chronurgy Wizard!
Eladrin are very fun for me bc they change by the seasons from how they are emotionally as well as just in general— but he would be a winter one due to how well- detached he is. Detached and lost.
Karl is basically a very powerful time wizard who was trying to help make things not go to shit during the war time wise. Even though Dream had nothing to do with messing with time magic, some of the wild magic during the war was getting intense and fucking with time itself so Karl had to go back in time and do missions on his own to prevent it from happening.
He originally was a Fall Eladrin actually! But then over time the more he was doing what he needed to do he was becoming forgetful and became well- the Karl everyone knows now.
He’s still nice! He’s just— spacey and not trusting. He has an archive of all his adventures and what happened as well as other journals but he doesn’t like to read them since they don’t feel real. He never leaves his tower in Kinoko Kingdom and Sapnap has to check up on him constantly.
Him, Quackity and Sapnap used to be together right after the war but a year before the whole story began with Cala they had a messy fight since Karl didn’t remember Quackity at all and Quackity wasn’t in the right headspace.
Karl and Sapnap are still together but it’s- distant. Very distant.
He’s just a very secluded wizard in the tower who’s scared that if he goes out he’ll lose whatever memories he has left.
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fiharri · 2 months
The new shipping my OCs together masterpost. Because I found the old one and decided it needed to be redone with my current OCs and current tastes. This is gonna be long.
For those who just want the visual quick version, here is the chart I made in google spreadsheets:
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And for those who don't know every single OC I've ever made, here are quick and dirty summaries of each:
Mag Sterling (she/her): Private eye who fills the femme fatale role all by herself. She's pretty morally bankrupt, and she mostly stays in her role to satisfy the ever-present hunger for knowledge. Also she has superpowers (including mind-reading) and a codependent relationship with her assistant Jesse.
Quest (they/them): A shadar-kai paladin from the Shadowfell who serves the Raven Queen and was recently sent into Hell. Really doesn't feel strongly about good vs. evil (or at least they don't think they do) and cares more about planes not actively fucking with one another. Really has not been super open about their deal with their friends.
Nal'evi Eidris (she/her): A twi'lek ISB agent in the world of Rebellion-era/Imperial-era Star Wars. She is currently working with Special Forces in Strike Force Centurion and is constantly ratting on her co-workers/fellow Strike Force members. A cop, a traitor to her people, and a snitch.
Saryn Vhys (she/her): An elven adventurer, rogue, and alchemist in a world where dungeons just sort of…spontaneously appear! Her self-professed life goal is to find out what causes dungeons and figure out where their root source is once and for all. Only mildly traumatized by dungeons in her youth.
Cylthia (she/they): A tiefling druid who has identity issues. Swaps between an elven form that resembles her parents — who are both elves — and her natural tiefling form to the point they are both her identity at this point. Married to the leader of the elven kingdom of her home and a member of Motherfuckers Unlimited, who saved the fucking world.
Kayatosh Felrind (they/them): Failson of the royal family of the plane of Mechanus. Learned to be a rogue to be rebellious as a teenager, and kind of…just tried to figure out what the fuck to do after abdicating their role as heir.
Lorren Starstrider (she/her): A blood elf paladin from World of Warcraft originally. Has sort of two continuities, with a lot of similarities: 1. Sin'dorei blood knight in Azeroth, working with dragons to enhance her power and protect her family (six kids ♡); 2. D&D universe elven hero along with her husband Garog, retired happily but always willing to pick up the sword to defend people (also six kids but significantly different setting).
Teri'nor Dakari (she/her): Togruta Sith Inquisitor from the time of the Old Republic. Ruthless in pursuit of what she wants, the scion of two great Sith lineages, and generally a manipulative Sith in all ways. Ascends to the title of Darth Victaria on the Dark Council and becomes the Empress of Zakuul in one of her two diverging timelines.
Tavaris (they/she): The Dark Urge from BG3. Tiefling aberrant mind sorcerer. Pre-tadpoling, a manipulative bitch who frequently hurt people to get what they wanted. Sometimes what they wanted was to hurt people. Post-tadpoling, just trying their best to help those around them. Generally very sweet.
Dara (she/her): Tiefling dhampir blood hunter in the world of BG3. Abandoned at birth, shunned by her adoptive family once they realized she was…not completely mortal. Learned how to use blood magic and became a monster hunter, hoping to one day hunt down her biological parents. Has a Charisma score of 5. Acts like it.
Fiharri Tabris (she/her): An alienage elf from the city of Denerim. She's full of anger all the time, at the way she and her family have been treated along with all of elvenkind. She spent several years of her youth with a Dalish tribe, but her identity will always lie with her fellow city elves. She's angry! And she's fighting darkspawn. Finding a cure. Normal stuff to do when you're 25.
Herah Adaar (she/they): A tal-vashoth qunari from the Free Marches of Thedas. A mage, a rarity among her people, and a twin to a sister who did her best to keep up with the talented Herah. Shoved into a position of power as the Herald of Andraste and then the Inquisitor, responded as best she could and figured it out from there. She's generally fair-minded and focuses primarily on equality, for everybody as much as she can. Mage rights.
A few last notes: all of these are assuming either vague polyamory or monogamy is reasonable with how the characters meet. It's also assuming everything is consensual even with characters who theoretically could mess with one another's minds.
And now on to the ships. Going to go in category order from least to most compatible, but that's mostly just to organize. Have fun kids.
Wouldn't work in a million years.
Herah Adaar x Mag Sterling The real problem, for these two, is that their morals could never align. Mag is inherently selfish and greedy and Herah is inherently selfless and compassionate. They would argue over things and it wouldn't be healthy for any involved! Mag would want to be Herah's arm candy and use their position to her own advantage, and Herah would be grossed out by it. No way.
Herah Adaar x Nal'evi Eidris Once again, a conflict of morals. Herah believes in accountability and is inherently opposed to fascist regimes. Evi, on the other hand? She doesn't care, she believes the Empire is in everyone's best interest. She is a cop at heart, and Herah would throw spells at her speeder. They would be much more likely to find themselves on opposite sides of a fight than ever be together.
Fiharri Tabris x Nal'evi Eidris See prev. No but for real, once again, you'll notice a trend with Evi. She's got morals that align with a fascist Empire: do you think she's going to fit well with a freedom fighter who actively works against the interest of colonial powers? I didn't think so. Fiharri would bite Evi and not in a kinky way.
Tavaris x Mag Sterling This is one of a couple special ones in this category. Namely: pre-tadpole they would belong in the crazy sex category…post-tadpole? Never in a million years. Pre-tadpole, Tavaris was exactly the kind of horrible manipulative bitch that would work great with Mag. Except that she was also the chosen of the god of murder and loved torture and murder and cannibalism, which is not quite Mag's bag. They would invent new types of sex, but then either Mag would escape by the skin of her teeth or she'd be one of Tav's many victims. Oops!
Tavaris x Nal'evi Eidris One of the other "Tav would have had crazy sex with them pre-tadpole then made them another murder victim". The problem here is that in their main canon forms, they are absolutely incompatible. Tav tries to help people. Evi tries to help the Empire. These are not compatible things. Pre-tadpole? Tavaris would want to pick Evi apart. Sexually and literally. Evi would be into the former, but would not be able to escape the latter.
Teri'nor Dakari x Quest Most of the wouldn't works are differences in morals, but this is also a difference in lifestyle! Yes, Teri is a Dark Lord of the Sith and all, but frankly I think Quest could get over that (except for the Empire having slavery, that's not so great, but Teri isn't super into slavery either). The problem is really that Teri is happy to sit and be content as Darth Victaria. Quest I don't really see settling down, at least not as someone's side piece.
Teri'nor Dakari x Saryn Vhys Similar to the previous, there's a number of factors. Saryn wouldn't like the whole Empire thing. Teri would want to stay still more than Saryn could handle. Plus I don't think either of them wants to be the wife in someone else's story, and inevitably it would happen to one of them. They would kind of suck if they were ever a couple, but they never could be one because of who they are.
Lorren Starstrider x Mag Sterling Now they do deserve to be hot together. I mean, buff paladin and sexy femme fatale would be a great couple. The problem is that Lorren is a champion of righteousness, light, and justice and all that. Mag would not be about that! Just would not. She likes to know answers, but she will manipulate people and their minds to get them. That goes directly against Lorren's entire way of being. Plus, Lorren would want to settle down and Mag…needs a character arc before she'll be able to settle anywhere.
Lorren Starstrider x Nal'evi Eidris Once again, Nal'evi's curse of being a cop. Weird how that makes her get less pussy. Lorren is a mother, a champion of the Light, and a woman who always tries to do what is right. Evi also tries to do what is right, but her idea of right would go completely against Lorren's. Lorren would never give up personal autonomy for safety — Evi believes all information should belong to the Empire because they can keep everyone safe. They'd be enemies, and not the homoerotic kind.
Kayatosh Felrind x Quest For once, this is just an incompatibility of spirit. They wouldn't be enemies or anything…but Kayatosh is a free spirit. Kayatosh runs away from duty and justice and expectations of others. I don't think they could square their lifestyle with Quest's devotion of "stop planar interference and always be chasing the mission". I don't think Quest would be happy with Kayatosh's desire to run away from the mission either. They wouldn't be able to be together because there would just be so much friction.
Kayatosh Felrind x Nal'evi Eidris Their morals don't super mesh, but that's not the dealbreaker here. No, the dealbreaker is the fact that Evi is a career woman and Kayatosh needs freedom. Their partner having a job wouldn't be a problem, but Evi would be bound to their Empire job in a way that would make Kayatosh feel tied down or, worse, abandoned.
Saryn Vhys x Nal'evi Eidris My green girls for two of my active games! They would be terrible for each other. Incompatible morals, incompatible lifestyles, and it would be too much green all around. Saryn wants to help people by discovering more about dungeons, going where the wind takes her research. Evi wants to help the Empire subjugate protect more peoples of the galaxy and stop them rebels. The relationship would suck if it ever got past trying to stab one another in the back.
Nal'evi Eidris x Quest The Lady's Guard would have a problem with how Evi does things because let's be honest. The Empire would invade other planes of reality if they had the option. Evi would be happy to abet. Quest and Evi would at best get sword-barely-cutting-throat homosexuality.
Quest x Mag Sterling The Thursday pair! Quest is noble and devoted to a mission. Mag is selfish and devoted to herself, the mission is just…part of that, for now. I think they'd hate each other's vibes. Mag would try to flirt, and Quest would be vaguely uncomfortable the entire time.
Tavaris x Kayatosh Felrind Tavaris and Kayatosh would actually be fine as friends! Adventuring companions, even! But feelings between them would not lead to a relationship that would work, even short-term. Tavaris wants to find a life to call their own, a settled one preferably. Kayatosh wants to be free, and they wouldn't know how to handle Tavaris's killer instincts (the literal ones, the Urge). They would not handle one another's hearts well enough to be together for any time at all. Friends, though? They could be good friends.
Tavaris x Teri'nor Dakari Teri would remind Tav far, far too much of Sarevok and other leaders of the Cult of Bhaal. Pre-tadpole, they might fuck severely and brutally, but unlike some of the others, Tav can't overpower and kill Teri quite so easily. The magical mental magic goes both ways, fucker! Teri would also be uninterested in any part of Tav that wasn't the Urge, and that would make Tav sooooo uncomfortable it's unreal.
Could sleep together casual style
Kayatosh Felrind x Mag Sterling There would be enough mutual attraction here for something to happen. They would have a good time! Neither of them would be interested in a second date. Or a first date, honestly. They'd see each other, go oh hot, sleep together, then both move on with their lives. And if Kayatosh never came by again, Mag would never ask.
Cylthia x Mag Sterling Cylthia has very strong morals…but unlike some of my other characters, she isn't so adherent to them she wouldn't occasionally enjoy a little something with someone like Mag. Would she be able to be in any kind of relationship? No. But they'd have a bit of mutual fun. It would be a good story for Mag to tell with none of the baggage. And Cylthia could move on without too much trouble.
Cylthia x Quest I don't think either of them would want much out of the other. Not compatible lifestyle-wise, but there would definitely be attraction. Attraction and mutual enjoyment enough for a FWB sort of situation? They'd like each other a lot! But nothing romantic would spark between them.
Teri'nor Dakari x Herah Adaar Teri could be the semi-evil advisor to Herah's Inquisition. Herah could be the moral compass homoerotic enemy that Teri fucks before going on her full evil arc. In another life, maybe they'd be compatible. As it stands? Nah, they're much more…one night and move on.
Teri'nor Dakari x Fiharri Tabris Morals are not something that would hold either of them back from this. They wouldn't develop feelings because Fiharri wouldn't be content to stay in Teri's shadow, and Teri wouldn't be enthralled enough with Fiharri to chase after her. They'd have a good time, but neither of their lives would change. They might get new kinks though.
Dara x Nal'evi Eidris Dara is not as constrained by morals as some of my other OCs, even less so than Cylthia. That said, Evi wouldn't appeal to her long term. The two would spend a night together, but Dara would be gone before morning. Evi would go back to work. She's married to the job.
Maybe for a bit, but it wouldn't work out
The biggest category!
Saryn Vhys x Mag Sterling Saryn and Mag share a fundamental curiosity about the world. For Saryn, that's led her to dungeons. For Mag, that's led her to trying to figure out people. They'd work together quenching their curiosities, but it would never roll out in the long term. Mag is too…shitty a person for Saryn. Always has been, always will be.
Fiharri Tabris x Quest They would want it to work. They would! Quest would seem like a hero type from Fiharri's childhood dreams, someone who really believes in the future and fights for good. But they'd have different needs when it comes to emotions and physical affection. Quest is very reserved, and Fiharri is nigh-explosive. They'd have an argument, break up, and reunite on good terms years later.
Dara x Quest Dara and Quest are honestly similar in a lot of ways. They're both very determined, they both have a lot to give of themselves. They both care about results more than methods. The problem is really in that they wouldn't necessarily spend time together. Their hobbies wouldn't align in a way that makes it fun for them to spend time together. Dara might also tap into things that Quest doesn't agree with, morally, and it might strain the relationship. They'd be best as a short term thing and then move on with their lives. Dara does have a thing for paladins though…
Tavaris x Quest This is a case of different life expectations. Tavaris cannot wait for quiet domesticity after the lifetime of pain they've endured. When you're Bhaal's special little blorbo and have over 20 years of maiming, torturing, killing, and cannibalism, the idea of settling in the countryside and watching the birds is appealing. Quest won't go for it. They're built for a mission, and they're most fulfilled when carrying it out. (When Quest eventually figures out whatever the fuck is going on with the Lady's Guard, Tav might send them a memo for the former-god-cult support group. What who said that.)
Lorren Starstrider x Quest Similar to TavQuest, Lorren would be happier stationary and Quest would be happier moving. They'd get along swimmingly, but Quest wouldn't be happy with the type of life Lorren wants. I think Quest wouldn't take well to retirement in general. Lorren is glad for them to live the life they want, and she's going to live the life she's been working for for decades.
Fiharri Tabris x Saryn Vhys They'd cause friction more than anything. Fiharri is angry and irritable. Saryn would fuck up, or not pay enough attention, and Fiharri would be upset. Fiharri would be too aggressive, and Saryn would get uncomfortable. They'd argue, and it'd go poorly because they have a combined Charisma of 11 (spiritually, I haven't rolled Fiharri in D&D). They'd hurt one another. It would just be a bad experience for them even if they genuinely heart-wrenchingly loved one another.
Lorren Starstrider x Saryn Vhys Given how they're both usually portrayed, Lorren would see Saryn…more like her kids than an equal? Lorren is very sure of herself most of the time, she has lived a long life and experienced a lot. Saryn doesn't really have that for herself. Lorren would be someone she admired, not someone she could have a healthy adult relationship with. This one is only for people with mommy issues. (Saryn has two moms, she doesn't have enough mommy issues to pursue this.)
Cylthia x Saryn Vhys They would try. They'd be attracted to each other, and have similar ideas about trying to explore. But they'd grow apart. Cylthia would have ideas about high society romance and settling down and kids and a stationary life once she recovered from her whole not-being-accepted feeling. Saryn would probably feel uncomfortable with that. Girl needs some big changes before that happens! She doesn't want to be her family, even if she loves them! So they would grow apart, and eventually have to split.
Kayatosh Felrind x Cylthia First of all, this is fucking hilarious because Cylthia is literally a celebrity in Kayatosh's universe. Not a celebrity in Mechanus, but they definitely know the tale of MFU and their defeat of the Abeast. I think they'd be a bit starstruck by her, and she'd find them fun! But they wouldn't work because of that dynamic, and because Kayatosh would show Cylthia how much she's grown…and grown to not just want to be free-roaming. She wants a life in Neilia. Kayatosh would never be comfortable there. It would be tragic, but they wouldn't part on bad terms I think. Just full of regrets and a little bit of disappointment.
Lorren Starstrider x Kayatosh Felrind The ONLY way these two work romantically is if Lorren is doing some sort of mommy issues shit with Kayatosh. Kayatosh was always loved, but their position was always one they were forced into. Lorren could be loving, accepting mother for them. I don't think either of them would want to cross the streams of that with romance and sex. Like, they could, but I don't think it's what they'd want. Once they realize that it'd kinda be over before it began. Kayatosh would think Lorren is SUPER hot though.
Teri'nor Dakari x Kayatosh Felrind Kayatosh would enjoy being Teri's arm candy for a bit, but they'd get the itch to leave. Teri wouldn't enjoy being abandoned. She also wouldn't appreciate their lack of ambition because ambition is what drives EVERYTHING Teri does. Kayatosh would eventually slink away and see that the Empire is too restrictive, and so is Teri. No love lost for Mrs. Dakari, unfortunately.
Teri'nor Dakari x Lorren Starstrider They would start out strong — ambitious, goal-oriented, strong morals. Their moral conflict would start creeping in. Teri's manipulative attitude would bother Lorren. Lorren's righteousness would bother Teri. They'd be lovers to enemies is what I'm saying.
Dara x Lorren Starstrider I think they could honestly work for a bit. It really would be a matter of future that makes them break up. Dara wouldn't feel the same way about Lorren in terms of what family and goals mean for her, and they would argue. Not normal couple arguments, but real ones. It'd get too heated and they'd apologize but it wouldn't fix the friction. Plus, despite being a blood knight, I don't think Lorren would be 100% cool with Dara practicing blood magic.
Herah Adaar x Kayatosh Felrind Much like many of Kayatosh's relationships, it would start out well, but inevitably Kayatosh would be pulled away by their nature. Herah cares about her friends and her responsibilities. She cares about securing a future for people. Kayatosh doesn't, and Kayatosh wants to find the next amazing thing. It would be a short-lived flame, inevitably burning out.
Fiharri Tabris x Kayatosh Felrind Fiharri's knack for getting into incredibly dangerous situations would worry Kayatosh a lot, even if they were doing good to start. She wouldn't be enough fun for them either. They'd get bored, and antsy, and it would annoy her. And she'd go in search for a cure to the Blight, and Kayatosh's heart wouldn't be able to take it either way. They'd part ways, maybe friends or maybe not.
Dara x Kayatosh Felrind Dara is too serious for Kayatosh. Kayatosh is too flighty for Dara. Dara's wandering is out of necessity. They want a home. Kayatosh's wandering is out of wanderlust, an eternal desire to see more and find somewhere new. They wouldn't be looking for home. Neither would Dara be ready to pick up and go at the first sign of trouble. They wouldn't work, and I don't think they'd really enjoy hanging out together. Shared hobbies include: swords? Tattoos? That's about it.
Fiharri Tabris x Lorren Starstrider This is a case where they'd both want it to work. I mean, they'd like each other a lot. Tempers, fighting together, even sharing experiences of the hurt of their people and their pasts. They're both genocide survivors! But there would come a point where Lorren tells Fiharri she has to make peace with ghosts of her past. There's not enough room in their bed for three. And Fiharri wouldn't be able to promise that.
Dara x Teri'nor Dakari By all means they should work, except that Dara wouldn't be altogether comfortable with the Sith thing. I mean, they'll use blood magic and they're not super pressed about using unethical means sometimes, but the Sith Empire at its height? Slavery? No, that's just wrong. And Teri might not be supportive of the worst things in the Sith, but neither does she fundamentally change how the Empire functions. The imperialism works for her. And Dara wouldn't be okay with that. So that's that.
Herah Adaar x Dara They'd have fun together. But Herah would want the kind of stability Dara can't give, emotionally and physically. Dara would get frustrated with Herah's constant desire to be everything for everyone, and it would leave her feeling neglected. Likewise, Herah wouldn't be able to always handle the darkest parts of Dara. Nothing wrong with them, it's just how it is. They'd try. It wouldn't work.
Herah Adaar x Fiharri Tabris They're both people who have been alienated from themselves in the roles they were shoved into. They'd bond hard and fast, but they wouldn't be able to reconcile what they want in their personal lives. The love was there, it didn't change anything, but it matters that it was there. Inevitably they'd part to lead their own lives.
Yeah this works
Nal'evi Eidris x Mag Sterling Now these two! These two are the type to REALLY fit together. I mean, they're both nosy bitches. Mag would be okay with the type of work Evi does for the Empire. As long as Mag stayed mostly within the lines, Evi would be happy to let her do what she wanted. They would enable one another in the worst way, and Mag would dom the shit out of Evi.
Teri'nor Dakari x Mag Sterling For once, Mag could be the side piece. And I don't mean the mistress, she's usually fine with that, but I mean the arm candy. She'd be the piéce de résistance in Teri's ownership of the Empire. Would their relationship be a deeply loving one? Probably not. But they'd both get what they wanted, and they'd use each other, and they'd be happy. Teri would find Mag a fitting place collecting intelligence and satisfy her hunger for mystery. This would be Mag's happy evil ending.
Herah Adaar x Quest Is loving duty together a form of intimacy? These two it probably would be. Their dedications would be compatible, the way they'd want to help one another would be compatible. Their struggles with being Other in the place that needs them the most would be compatible. They'd spar, talk about magic, laugh about struggles, explore, and come home to somewhere together. They'd be happy with one another. And they'd dance at grand balls, which would be lovely.
Teri'nor Dakari x Nal'evi Eidris Okay this would be Evi's pipe dream. A Dark Lord of the Sith, if she was in an era with Sith, loving her? Teri would be happy to have Evi as her little spy within ISB, coming home to her in their penthouse and delivering any information. Evi would be endlessly loyal to Teri, to a fault even, and they'd both love it. There would be some using of one another, but the power imbalance would be something Evi wants, and Teri isn't the sort to abuse that if she's getting what she wants. She doesn't hurt people unnecessarily, and honestly neither does Evi. Imperial power couple for real.
Herah Adaar x Saryn Vhys Unfortunately it feels a bit like familiar ground, but I think the two of them would settle in the same place together! They'd both be happy exploring ancient ruins of the world, finding forgotten knowledge, but having a place to call home. They'd hold hands in forgotten temples and at official events. Saryn would be happy to let Herah take center stage so long as her work was never forgotten in it (and it wouldn't be, if Herah had a say). They would work.
Fiharri Tabris x Cylthia ANGRY!! The two of them would light up the town together in every sense. They'd bond over their feeling of separation from their culture. They'd bond over magic, because for Cylthia it was freeing and Fiharri didn't even really tap into it until she was old enough to hide it. They'd have so much to share and it would truly bring them joy. They'd find a home with one another, and they'd do some truly ridiculous things to bring down people who hurt others. Arson, mostly. Theft too. Also public humiliation because do you KNOW who we are? They'd love each other like a blazing fire.
Tavaris x Saryn Vhys Adventurer romance would be the name of the game here. They'd go adventuring together and find something true for themselves! They'd find ways to be happy together because they've both got enough of both worlds to be able to find joy in traveling together or settling to some degree, so long as they did it without expectations of any kind of forever. Saryn would be grounding for Tav, Tav would be grounding for Saryn. They'd be a nice couple.
Dara x Cylthia This is a case of Cylthia being allowed to be selfish. Not in a cruel way, just in a…Dara would encourage her to prioritize Cylthia. To find what Cylthia needs. And Cylthia would help Dara to think more about herself instead of her purpose too. They'd be selfish together in a way that would heal them both, and they'd help each other accept themselves. It helps that Dara is a tiefling, and Cylthia would see her own beauty reflected back at her. Plus, I think Cylthia would really like getting bit by a vampire/dhampir.
Saryn Vhys x Quest Once again, I repeat myself, but I think they'd be a great adventuring couple. Quest goes after monsters, Saryn researches them. Quest wears the armor and looks the impressive hero, Saryn presents her newest theories to a group of scholars. They'd be happy on the road together, a mission in their hearts and warmth as they sit together on their carts. Plus, Quest can't open a lock to save their life and Saryn can't talk their way out of a barrel of fish.
Lorren Starstrider x Cylthia This would definitely be leaning a bit into Cylthia's desire for acceptance from elves, but Lorren would be a good influence on her on that front. Cylthia would be happy to settle with Lorren if she had a true place wherever they settled, and the two of them would have a happy retirement together. Their parties would be friends! Cylthia would be ecstatic to be a mom, and Lorren is at her best when she's providing for a family she loves. So yeah, they'd be domestic as hell, and Lorren would stop Cylthia from like 98% of the arson.
Dara x Saryn Vhys Once again, I repeat myself. Adventuring power couple! Dara is very blunt and straightforward about her magic, and so Saryn doesn't mind it too much. Dara would help Saryn with her research. Saryn would help Dara find out the truth about her past. They'd stay up late talking theories, they'd fuck up talking and apologize to one another. They'd find themselves on the road together and they'd be happy to not be so alone.
Herah Adaar x Cylthia Cylthia would find in Herah the same kind of stability she finds in her canon love interest. Herah would be a force for purpose in Cylthia's life, and Cylthia would be a force for freedom in Herah's. They both would find something in the other, but neither would push the other beyond the point of no return. They'd be a really good pair and get into some shenanigans with their elemental magic I'm sure. Also, they both would walk into places like 🤨 are you going to say that to ME? the Inquisitor/a member of MFU???
Fiharri Tabris x Tavaris These two would have a similar struggle with anger. For Fiharri, it's from a life of oppression and struggle. For Tavaris, it's from a life of Bhaal-urged desire to kill and being raised in a cult that says that's good, actually. They'd help one another heal, and they'd help one another solve the issues that plague them. Fiharri would be first through the door to the temple of Bhaal to help Tavaris get rid of her blood. And Tavaris would be the first on the road to help find a cure for the Blight. They'd love each other and want to find their happy ending away from their blood.
Tavaris x Cylthia Self-acceptance through the other and through hot tiefling sex. Tavaris and Cylthia would be able to bond over the amnesia thing! Not exactly the same circumstances but the lack of autonomy. And also just the…feeling otheredness. I think they'd enjoy time together watching the stars and playing games and just spending time together. They'd be fun and enjoy each other's company in a way that'd be refreshing.
Herah Adaar x Lorren Starstrider They would be such a power couple. No one would fuck with these two. They'd gripe about chronic pain together, snicker about stupid political nonsense. They'd also adopt kids and be power moms. In general they'd fit together really well, and they'd both be happy to stop moving and settle somewhere nice. They'd love each other dearly, and they'd accept one another as they are. If that isn't enough, what is?
Kayatosh Felrind x Saryn Vhys Wanderlust: the couple. Saryn isn't dedicated to permanently being on the road, but I think the dungeoneering lifestyle would fit Kayatosh very well. They'd be a dungeoneering couple finding jobs that fit them, being pretty happy while doing it, and take their off-time at the Dragoon with the rest of Saryn's party. Kayatosh wouldn't feel tied down, Saryn wouldn't feel compelled to a life she didn't want. Plus they'd be able to spend time together with alchemy, with funny literature, with going out on the town (though that's decidedly more Kayatosh than Saryn). I think they'd make a good couple for as long as their adventuring lifestyle would last.
Herah Adaar x Tavaris Love is the death of duty. Okay, that's a bit dramatic and a GoT quote but still. They're both very devoted to their ways of helping people, but they'd also both be really happy for a quiet night by the fire knowing everything is okay. A married, domestic life would suit them fine, and so would going out to do good together. They'd laugh together, make art, bake things, and practice their magic. It's all either of them could really want.
Dara x Tavaris This one is the closest to any "canon" of any of these ships. Dara would be a wonderful companion to Tavaris during their journey to rid themself of Bhaal. Tavaris would do everything in her power to help Dara discover her origins and, eventually, meet her mother. Traveling together with the tadpole crew would work for them! They'd snuggle close in Last Light, go to Sorcerous Sundries, they'd like being around each other. Dara wouldn't be Tav's dream girl necessarily, but they'd fill a need for each other, and that flame wouldn't go out simply because the journey ended. They'd be happy together, if that's what they decided they wanted.
Tavaris x Lorren Starstrider I say these two are soulmates because their ideas of their life align. They'd both love to retire happy domestic mom lives. They're both happy to be remembered in the abstract and not the literal by people. They both crave that relationship where they support one another and are around one another enough to give each other more social support than anyone else. They'd complete one another when it came to the lives they were happiest in. Not to mention that during their journeys, they'd help one another no question. Lorren would be with Tavaris through the night at Moonrise Towers. Tavaris would always agree to help watch over Sallaneyia and Angel when they were little and Lorren needed to help defend their home. They would understand one another and they would love each other. If they were in the same story, at the same time, they would love each other.
Fiharri Tabris x Dara Fiharri and Dara approach the world in a similar enough way while still being different that they'd really be happy together. They're both constantly searching. Neither of them is accepting the world the way it is, and neither of them would hesitate to join the other on a journey. They're not content with stillness, but neither are they eternally wander-bound. They have goals, and they don't expect the world to bend to them. They also won't bend. They're both blunt, not willing to beat around the bush, and they both care about solutions more than methods (to a point). I think they'd fit together perfectly, a pair that would burn down the world for each other.
CRAZY SEX then they never see each other again
Fiharri Tabris x Mag Sterling Fiharri wouldn't agree with Mag's morals but she would fuck her nasty. They would invent new kinds of positions to do with their various skills. Fiharri would leave some marks, some extra ones when Mag tries to fuck with her and she lashes back. They'd both leave satisfied and determined never to see one another again.
Dara x Mag Sterling Dara is similar to Fiharri, only she would have better resistance to Mag's mental manipulations. Mag would get dommed hard. They would get some blood on them. They would never want to interact in the light of day.
Cylthia x Nal'evi Eidris Cylthia and Evi have diametrically opposed ways of living, but I think the mutual attraction would be strong. And with the crossing of settings…there are opportunities with druidic magic mixed with Imperial information-gathering devices.
Teri'nor Dakari x Cylthia Sith lightning + fire magic + two horny nonhumans = burning down a building for one night of crazed passion.
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cerothenull · 5 months
Hm I have an obnoxiously long list of ttrpg characters I've played over the years.
Zaldur: undead Redemption Paladin, once a cruel mercenary in life, now incredibly guilty for his past life and current undeath. VERY complicated story since he's my only character I played all the way to lvl 20.
Isaac: Spore Druid in a Bloodborne 5E thing. Scientist infected by the Beast Blood mutated parasitic fungus that is killing him. Mad scientist who loved experimenting with seeing what kind of strange fungus would grow from the beastly corpses. Ended up reincarnated as the first mushroom-person after dying in the final boss.
Isaac Cuil: Monster of the Week character. A corporate Agent supernatural investigator that was once accidentally killed then revived by a "Goddess". Works for an evil corporation and became a mole against it, eventually forming a counter organization to research and protect supernatural creatures from his bosses unknowingly. Eventually a disciple of the Goddess who killed him.
Rustbeard: Rust (spore) Druid Junkion in a Transformers game. Reformatted old man. Sort of a healer but also a (retired) mad scientist
Vask: Aberrant Sorcerer that was the guinea pig of a mad mage, sole survivor of the experiments that made him into an aberration-blooded psion. An experienced adventurer of some renown.
Joggin: Fathomless Warlock Halfling, Frostmaiden game. Once a petty thief in Neverwinter that was captured in a heist gone wrong. Shipped off to a prison in Icewind Dale but managed to escape and nearly drown, meeting his surprisingly benevolent Patron. (backstory predated the D&D movie by a few years)
Tham Loto: Psi-Warrior Fighter, Shadar-Kai, agender. Only used in oneshots but backstory of exile from Shadowfell and a desire to explore due to not having a home to return to.
Chimeratron: Beast Barbarian Transformer from same setting as Rustbeard, an amalgam of multiple beastformers, very happy being a monster but still seeking revenge against the mad scientist that made them
Fisher of Men: OCT character, a crabman from a once lush ocean world that has been reduced to a Mad Max wasteland as the oceans were stolen, forced to become a bounty hunter. Tried to join a fighting tournament between fighters from many worlds for the hope of a God's Wish to bring back his worlds oceans
Slochini: Air Genasi Bard, former noble exiled after playing a haunted song in a performance that killed and traumatized many in attendance. Drawn to seek out the source of the song that came to them in dreams.
Kirim: Lizardfolk Ranger, celebrity chef. Raised by Dwarven monster hunters. Got a recipe/autobiography book deal thanks to a God of Stories he whipped in the face. Has a feathered velociraptor animal companion that he dotes on.
Slrrp: Plasmoid Artificer, Spelljammer. Merchant's child who decided they wanted to explore the many different worlds they heard about from traders coming to their slime-covered planet
Mezeve: Plantoid Necromancer Wizard. Once in a Stellaris setting they're now in a weird world filled with the extinct or near extinct. Doesnt bother them since their species has been reduced to a single seed or sapling before
Boulder: Warforged Ancients Paladin. Former warbot that was killed in an ancient battle but was dug up by druids revitalizing the area (source of his name, they thought he was a big rock) and learned to love and appreciate nature and decided to protect. DEFINITELY predates Bastion Overwatch
Charles: Minotaur in a Fabula Ultima game. A simple farmer who got lost, sent on a mission by a prophetic sphinx (who he ends up marrying in the post game)
Duck: New Fabula Ultima character. A goblin exiled from Fairy Land who is quite literally cursed with bad luck. A veteran of some Fairy Land wars.
Carnigore: Oh where to start. Originally a Beast Barbarian in a weird 5E "hack" where she was a biotech Mech. Then a Monster Hunter. Most recently the threat in my Monster of the Week campaign where she's an artificially created creature called a Homunculus that was the "sister" of the were-thylacine player
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Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 7: Blood Calls Blood
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Spoiler warning: This post has spoilers for the entirety of The Wheel of Time. Beginning to end. Don't keep reading if that's a problem.
“But quite interesting,” Verin said. She had been the fourth Aes Sedai the Amyrlin had chosen for the work. “It is too bad we do not have the dagger so the Healing could be complete. For all we did tonight, he will not live long. Months, perhaps, at best.”
You could say it's bad luck for Siuan and Moiraine that this happened. Almost like they're around a ta'veren who manipulates probability like some kind of demented Homestuck character. Almost like they were making shit plans that necessitated bad luck so better things could happen.
He has been linked to the dagger a long time, however, as a thing like that must be reckoned. And he will be linked longer yet, whether it is found or not. He may already be changed beyond the reach of full Healing, even if no longer enough to contaminate others.
And yet - he's not! Lucky break.
Moiraine gave the Brown sister a wry look. Another danger confronts us, and she sounds as if it is a puzzle in a book. Light, the Browns truly are not aware of the world at all.
Verin: We can calculate exactly how existential the threat the remnants of Shadar Logoth are.
Moiraine: Give me your fucking lunch money, nerd! *shoves Verin into a locker ter'angreal*
Why is this Darkfriend important enough for them to risk what they did to rescue him? Much easier for them just to steal the Horn. Still risky as a winter gale in the Sea of Storms, coming into the very keep like that, but they compounded their risk to free this Darkfriend.
Poor Siuan doesn't even know the whole story about Fain being a Dragon Detector.
“What was written on the walls in the dungeon. There were few problems with translation. Most was the usual—blasphemy and boasting; Trollocs seem to know little else—but there was one part done in a better hand. An educated Darkfriend, or perhaps a Myrddraal. It could be only taunting, yet it has the form of poetry, or song, and the sound of prophecy. We know little of prophecies from the Shadow, Mother.”
We still know little! The Shadow somehow has prophecies made by isolated men and women, but we don't know how they gathered them or how they got secrecy to the point that basically only Moridin would know them by the end. Is Foretelling rare because the Shadow's better at finding people with the Talent before the Tower can (not hard since they're not looking)? Can it be induced in some traumatic way related to isolation? Do Dreadlords with Foretelling get put into seclusion to encourage Foretellings? So many questions.
Daughter of the Night, she walks again. The ancient war, she yet fights. Her new lover she seeks, who shall serve her and die, yet serve still. Who shall stand against her coming? The Shining Walls shall kneel.
I'll break this prophecy down stanza by stanza less the repetitive blood stuff (which means "The battle's never over, Rand al'Thor"). This one is about Lanfear, her return to the battle, and her attempts to win Rand over, but... that service stuff is hard to square. I'm going to say it's about how he tries to help her in this book, metaphorically dies during Veins of Gold and then tries to turn her back to the Light in the final book, working for her well-being in ways that she despises. Likewise, since Lanfear never actually gets to fuck with Tar Valon direclty, the kneeling is probably more about Moiraine bowing to the inevitable and taking her out to her own detriment.
The man who channels stands alone. He gives his friends for sacrifice. Two roads before him, one to death beyond dying, one to life eternal. Which will he choose? Which will he choose? What hand shelters? What hand slays?
Rand isn't alone yet, but by The Gathering Storm he'll have pushed everyone aside. He'll view his friends - particularly Lan - as pieces on the board to be sacrificed. The Shadow probably thinks the two roads before him are continuing the cycle or serving the Dark One respectively, but it's actually the case that the two roads are destroying existence or continuing the cycle. The hand imagery is harder to parse, though I'll suggest it's about Rand's metaphysical confusion during this process.
The Watchers wait on Toman’s Head. The seed of the Hammer burns the ancient tree. Death shall sow, and summer burn, before the Great Lord comes. Death shall reap, and bodies fail, before the Great Lord comes. Again the seed slays ancient wrong, before the Great Lord comes.
Skipping verse 3 (it's about Slayer and is painfully obvious). This is about the Seanchan coming to Falme, descendants of Luthair the Hammer. Summer does indeed burn before the Last Battle and there's lots of death and weird evil bubbles, but the last line doesn't come true thanks to Jordan wanting to do the Outriggers: at no point do the Seanchan slay any ancient wrong, let alone their own use of the a'dam. They don't even manage to kill a Forsaken.
“That would be something to worry us, Daughter,” the Amyrlin Seat said, “if it were true. But the Forsaken are still bound.” She glanced at Moiraine, looking troubled for an instant before she schooled her features. “Even if the seals are weakening, the Forsaken are still bound.”
Being locked out of the loop does come with some advantages if you're literally incapable of lying though. Good job on that, Moiraine.
Speaking of being incapable of doing stuff, it's fun that this doesn't count as betrayal on Verin's part. Like yeah, it was there for everyone to see so doing the translation isn't a problem, but interpreting is okay? She does keep herself to the obvious though.
Only one thing for certain was known of Lanfear beside the name: before she went over to the Shadow, before Lews Therin Telamon met Ilyena, Lanfear had been his lover. A complication we do not need.
You should have been counting on this, Moiraine. Even if the Last Battle coming didn't make you think that the Forsaken might get loose again, you just met Aginor and Balthamel a month ago. You should have assumed Lanfear would show up eventually.
“I don’t know, Mother. I doubt it, though. We know nothing at all of those lands Artur Hawkwing set out to conquer. It’s too bad the Sea Folk refuse to cross the Aryth Ocean. They say the Islands of the Dead lie on the other side. I wish I knew what they meant by that, but that accursed Sea Folk closemouthedness. . . .”
Maybe Verin's lying a little here. If she were the other Aes Sedai at the Social, she might well know about the Seanchan coming. But she might be legitimately be unaware, and I'm going to say that she is and wasn't at the Social anyway for reasons I'm getting to.
Also, I would love to know what happened to the Sea Folk that made them refuse to ever try to reach the Seanchan continent again. Based on the new map, I would expect that the "Isles of the Dead" are those not depicted at all on the old map, east of Seanchan's southeastern reaches and southwest of the most isolated Sea Folk isles.
“Then you believe it is not prophecy, Daughter?” “Now, ‘the ancient tree,’ ” Verin said, immersed in her own thoughts.
This is definitely Verin pretending to be dumb, avoiding answering a question that might betray her affiliation and idly speculating on what she doesn't know about so that she's not explicitly betraying shit.
“And of course,” Verin said calmly, “the man who channels must be one of the three young men traveling with you, Moiraine.”
Damn Verin, you do not fuck around.
Yes. Yes, I suppose I should. I hadn’t thought of that. But then, if I did, you would be stilled, Moiraine, and you, Mother, and the man gentled.
Sure Verin, you definitely didn't think about telling the other sisters. It was totally a theoretical exercise and you're just so good at your little thought experiments that as soon as Moiraine gave you new data about what you should be doing you deduced immediately what would happen and have a long screed about why that would suck for you personally.
If the other Ajahs didn't look down so much on the Brown they would have realized she was Black right there.
“It is unlikely,” Verin began, “that anyone who hasn’t studied the old records thoroughly would notice anything except that you were behaving oddly. Forgive me, Mother. It was nearly twenty years ago, with Tar Valon besieged, that I had my first clue, and that was only. . . .
"Basically I figured you bitches out the second Gitara died and I just was much too busy reading a really good ancient tome about how the unequal war damage to parts of the nation of Jaramide led to Abayan's comparative strength and forced Guaire Amalasan to focus his war efforts southward to give a shit about your nonsense and an infant messiah."
Perrin grimaced when he thought of that. Mat lay still, eyes closed, hands unmoving atop his blankets. He looked exhausted. Not sick really, but as if he had worked three days in the fields and only now laid down to rest. He smelled . . . wrong, though. It was nothing Perrin could put a name to. Just wrong.
Cool to know that wolf noses can scent metaphysics.
Serving women had found him sitting there in the dark, and one of the Lady Amalisa’s attendants, the Lady Timora. As soon as they came upon him, Timora sent one of the others running, and he had heard her say, “Find Liandrin Sedai! Quickly!”
Subtlety just doesn't exist in this universe, does it? And here Rand thinks that the alarm bells were all bad: better Mat suffer an unimportant injury than Perrin get dragged off by Liandrin and locked away in the Tower.
Perrin cleared his throat. Half the time he did not understand what women meant when they said things. Not like Rand. He always knows what to say to the girls.
She means that instead of using your broad shoulders, you should be using your hips. I mean... She's telling you not to fuck with Mat's recovery. Jeez Perrin.
The pause made his hackles rise. She was lying, somehow. Aes Sedai never lied, but they did not always tell the truth, either.
You'd think the Keeper of the Chronicles would be better at lying on the spot, but I guess healthcare related lies are really more something former members of the Yellow Ajah would be skilled in.
“They’re the only eyes I ever had,” he growled. He felt a little abashed, speaking to an Aes Sedai in that tone, but he was as surprised as she when he took her gently by the arms and lifted her to one side, setting her down again out of his way. As they stared at each other, he wondered if his eyes were as wide with shock as hers.
Perrin is out First Oathing an actual First Oather
Leane liked this moment a lot and I'm not judging her at all
He could not rid himself of the feeling that he should take the chance Moiraine had given him and leave immediately. The urge had been with him all night. Three times he had risen to go. Twice he had gone as far as opening the door. The halls had been empty except for a few servants doing late chores; the way had been clear. But he had to know.
Really just another bit of luck for all concerned that Mat got taken down by Fain. Again, if Rand had left Fal Dara and gotten outside of the general protection of an entire fortress city, he would have been kidnapped by Lanfear in seconds.
Suddenly Perrin scowled at the floor. “If you’re so interested, why haven’t you gone to see him yourself? I thought you were not interested in us anymore. You said you weren’t.”
I love it when people don't remember they're fighting until halfway through a conversation. Good on Perrin for calling Rand out.
Perrin did not answer. He just shucked off his coat and pulled his shirt off over his head. Rand studied his friend’s back for a moment...
*whistles innocently*
“If you want to make jokes with Aes Sedai,” Perrin broke in, “that’s up to you. My Lord.” He began stuffing his shirttail into his breeches. “I don’t spend much time being—witty; is that the word?—witty with Aes Sedai. But then, I’m only a clumsy blacksmith, and I might be in somebody’s way. My Lord.” Snatching his coat from the floor, he started for the door.
Perrin's really incredibly jealous that Rand is talking about how Leane was directly flirty with him and meanwhile of course if Rand had heard that he'd held her - even just in the context of pulling her out of the way - he'd have been incredibly jealous himself.
He paused, looking at Rand sideways. “You didn’t mean all that? We will leave here together? You, and me, and Mat?” “I can’t, Perrin. I can’t tell you why, but I really do have to go by myse—Perrin, wait!” The door slammed behind his friend.
Rand, think about it from Perrin's perspective. Something weird is up with him and he's not even comfortable talking about it. It's just one in a long series of traumatic events. Since then, you've been ducking out on everyone, constantly threatening to leave, and following Lan around like you've imprinted on him (because you have). Now you're just gonna up and ditch everyone and it kinda looks to Perrin like you're afraid of being around him because he doesn't know he should be afraid of being around you. Of course he's gonna be pissed at you for being a dick.
“You should have done that last night.” The Warder tossed a white silk shirt onto the bed. “No one refuses an audience with the Amyrlin Seat, sheepherder. Not the Lord Captain Commander of the Whitecloaks himself. Pedron Niall might spend the trip planning how to kill her, if he could do it and get away, but he would come.”
That would be a hilarious and fluffy fanfic.
“I know how, I think. I saw how the Queen’s Guards knelt to Queen Morgase.” The ghost of a smile touched the Warder’s lips. “Yes, you do it just as they did. That will give them something to think about.”
This is probably either immensely disrespectful or carries such an incorrect connotation as to be bizarre. You know what, I take what I said up there about imprinting back. It's the other way around; Lan's imprinted on Rand.
Rand frowned. “Why are you telling me this, Lan? You’re a Warder. You’re acting as if you are on my side.” “I am on your side, sheepherder. A little. Enough to help you a bit.”
If Rand had a good reason to ask it of him, Lan would slaughter everyone currently in Fal Dara without even to need to know the specifics.
“But why all this? What does it mean? Why do I put my hand over my heart if the Amyrlin Seat stands up? Why refuse anything but water—not that I want to eat a meal with her—then dribble some on the floor and say ‘The land thirsts’? And if she asks how old I am, why tell her how long it is since I was given the sword? I don’t understand half of what you’ve told me.”
I would also like to know these things. The first is clearly some kind of reference to the American pledge and the third clearly originated in the Trolloc Wars, but... why? What does it mean? Who wants to help me conduct a seance to haunt Robert Jordan beyond the grave and get some answers to these utterly trivial concerns?
From his pocket the Warder produced a long length of wide, fringed golden cord and tied it around Rand’s left arm in a complicated knot. On the knot he fastened a red-enameled pin, an eagle with its wings spread. “I had that made to give you, and now is as good a time as any. That will make them think.”
Lan really is a complete sweetheart of a man. Either he's using up his paltry Warder allowance for this or he totally leaned into the whole Malkier thing despite not liking it at all to get a favor. It's a shame he didn't try to get Moiraine to see Rand like he did, might have saved her a world of grief.
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darkfeanix · 1 year
My WOT Prime thoughts, let me show you them
So after that beautiful heart-wrenching reunion in the most recent episode of Wheel of Time, I have Some Thoughts about Mat and Rand. Mat in particular, and how I think several of the choices made in the writing of the show - not just for Mat, but for other characters and the plot as well - have made him much more enjoyable for me as an audience member.
Obviously spoiler warning for both show and book.
I'll preface this by saying that I'm not the biggest fan of book Mat. I'll be doing my best to stick with objective facts relating to the book version, but if something slips in, I apologise – I know he's a very popular character, and I genuinely do not want it to seem like I'm dissing the book version in an attempt to make the show version seem better. Everyone has their preferences. These are only my thoughts and opinions.
Also, this got way longer than intended, so most of it went under a cut.
So, to begin with, Moiraine informs the group from the start that one of them is the Dragon Reborn. I know some people criticised this choice, but the purpose of this post isn't to debate whether or not it was in-character for her. Instead, it's to look at the impact this information had on Mat. We'll come back to this point later. For now, let's talk a bit about the man himself.
Mat in the books is the one who has the most growing up to do; early on in the series, he is called out more than once for his childish behaviour. Mat in the show, arguably, was forced to grow up too quickly as a result of his parents' neglect and abuse, and by the time of the first episode has a bad reputation of an entirely different kind. He's seen as unreliable, he's a gambler, and perhaps worst of all, he's a thief. Yet at the same time he is completely devoted to his younger sisters, in a way neither of his parents seem to be – tying back into that idea of him having grown up too fast. It's almost like in choosing to age up the four Dragon Reborn potentials, the writers created an inverse of his circumstances from the books in order to justify his characterisation.
This is not a criticism. I think it's actually a clever mirroring of his character.
In the first book, I feel that Mat, as a result of him not having his own POV, really only has one major… let's call it a "snare in the Pattern"… and that's his decision to take the ruby-hilted dagger from Shadar Logoth. Apart from that, he is arguably being carried along by the Pattern weaving around Rand in the first book.
In the first season of the show, however, real world circumstances forced the writers to create a second snare: Mat abandoning the group.
(Technically this led to a third snare as well, but we'll get to that later.)
Of all the Emond's Field, this version of Mat is arguably the only one for whom such a plot point could have worked (at least at that point). He's already been established as prone to selfishness and being unreliable, and he's spent over a month being mentally and emotionally scoured by an artefact of unfathomable evil. Even with the connection to the dagger severed by Moiraine, I feel that it makes sense for this version of Mat to pull away from the people he loves. And here we get to a really nice parallel with Rand.
By the end of season one, both Mat and Rand have been confronted by the reality of losing control of themselves and hurting the people they love. And they both make the same decision in response: get as far away from their loved ones as they could. While there may have been some selfishness in Mat's decision to leave, I choose to believe that it had more to do with fear of what he might – or might not – do. Better to cut ties before they find themselves in circumstances where someone is relying on him for something and he fails to come through for them.
Which brings us to the third snare in the Pattern: Moiraine, for fear of what the damage Mat could do if he is the Dragon Reborn, sends word to the Red Ajah to find him. Of course, we know that Mat cannot channel, but Moiraine doesn't. So as a result, Mat ends up Liandrin's prisoner. And boy does she do a number on him in that time.
Mat is still Mat, but we see in the first episode of season two how Liandrin is trying to break him down emotionally. I'm not 100% clear on how long he's been her prisoner, but I believe Alannah says that Egwene and Nynaeve have been at the Tower for five months, so probably a bit longer than that – let's say six months. Six months of being made to feel like nobody cares if he lives or dies. Six of being made to feel worthless. Some of it Mat has probably told himself at some point in his life, but that's still six months of concentrated emotional manipulation and abuse.
And then he makes a friend in Min. Min not only provides him the first decent human company he's had in quite some time, but she also is probably one of the best people to bring out the best parts of Mat's character. One might even go so far as to call that another snare in the Pattern. Ishamael might think he's the mastermind, but even he is subject to the will of the Pattern, and Mat is still a ta'veren in his own right.
By the time Min and Mat make it to Cairhien, Mat is almost back to his old self. I say almost, because we see how badly shaken he is when Min says that he'll kill Rand if he goes with him. I personally think the old Mat would have dismissed that kind of thing out of hand if he heard it; no way he would ever hurt one of his dearest friends. But this Mat has been turned into a vessel of paranoia by an evil dagger and used as an emotional chew toy by Liandrin. He doesn't trust himself anymore.
But you know who he does trust? Rand. When they reunited in Cairhien, even if only briefly, that love and trust was there as though they had never parted. Rand accepted Mat even though he abandoned them. Mat accepted Rand even though he's the Dragon Reborn, and a man who can channel.
At this time in the books, Mat was afraid of Rand, and trying to stay as far away from him as possible. But on the show, Mat has known from the start that either he, Rand, or Perrin are the Dragon Reborn, so it's an idea he's had plenty of time to get used to. And because they've been apart for so long, because Liandrin made him believe that none of his friends cared about him, and because Rand reached out for him with open arms and was just so glad to see him, Mat is able to put aside any worries about the One Power, and just be happy to be reunited with his friend.
And that is why I love show Mat. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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PS: Somebody please get this boy some clean clothes.
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toastandjamie · 8 months
So like, since I’m doing my re-read, I’ve reached The Great Hunt and it’s got me thinking about that of the three Ta’veren boys, Mat is the only one who doesn’t get a pov in the first two books. His first pov is book three and while he definitely makes up for lost time I’ve been thinking about it.
So, when I first read Eye of The World and The Great Hunt and joked with my dad about how Mat was virtually a ‘damsel in distress’ for Rand in the first two books. And while it’s Funny I think the actual reasons I got that vibe is the lack of agency.
So Mat gets daggered very early on in the first book and throughout the Camlyn Road-trip Mat’s main purpose is to be something Rand can worry over or be frustrated by. In writing a character Pov is a major way of establishing agency since it turns the character into an active participant in the story and while it’s not the only way to do this as seen by characters like Morraine and Lan who don’t have povs in the first book either but are still active characters. This becomes especially apparent in book 2 where the major motivation for the boys to even go on the hunt for the horn was to get the dagger back for Mat, so much so that it’s readily established that Rand wouldn’t have gone on the hunt point blank if it wasn’t for Mat and the dagger; yet Mat still has no pov in this book despite being the one primarily affected by losing the dagger. Mat is more or less used as a plot hook in the first two books to force Rand into situations he otherwise would not be in. Such as what happened at Four Kings where Rand repeatedly wants to leave and suggests doing so but Mat insists on staying so they don’t have to sleep in the rain or in the case of the hunt, causes Rand to participate in the hunt with a life or death ticking clock. We don’t get any incite beyond Perrin and Rand noting Mat’s physically declining health, growing paler, losing weight and looking sickly as the book goes on. Mat of course doesn’t ever acknowledge it in dialogue because it’s Mat so we as an audience never get any incite into how Mat feels about the fact that he’s quite literally dying since we don’t have the benefit of his internal monologue.
Compare this to a the time where they subverted the ‘damsel in distress’ trope. with Egwene, there are three major plot lines in which she’s captured and we have povs for all three and in each of those events she still has agency. Even in the damane arc where she is quite literally stripped of her agency she still feels like an active character because we see her trying to defy the Seanchen, she’s not simply a plot device needing to be rescued she’s a character experiencing trauma. Even when Rand was put in the box he continues to evolve as a character and so did Faile during her time with the Shaido. All three had povs, all three were still actively participating in their situation, we knew exactly how they felt about the horrible things happening to them and see them deal with them in ways that show their characterization and growth.
Mat receives none of that. Not until the third book at least when he’s finally freed from the dagger.
So what’s up with that? Well, it’s possibly intentional. Okay so, the dagger of Shader Logoth and it’s Evil overwrites or at least tries to overwrite the person it’s possessing, that’s it’s curse, you become one with the dagger and one with Shadar Logoth. So up until the point Mat is fully healed from the dagger he is not really himself. Even after Morraine partially heals him, calming him down and keeping it from getting worse he’s still not fully Himself, as evidence by his memory loss. Partly it’s repression, but it was also the dagger overwriting his pre-exiting memories, his personality, everything that made him him. In the simplest of terms, Mat quite literally Wasn’t really his own character until book three, in many ways he WAS the dagger. An object with no personal agency but a catalyst for other characters.
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kaikaykoa · 2 years
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shoutout to gale for being so nice and enabling me anywhosits heres like a whole collection i have so far it’s not that fleshed out okay where was I. for every part of lore I get wrong you’re legally allowed to throw a pebble at me.
SO taking place in oliver’s timeline so I can play with the soulmates concept I guess. They also dont really have names so we’ll just use the place holders I’ve been using. whoopsie.
In Ni no Kuni, Oliver finds this lady (haven’t drawn her yet) who gives him a tip about this other fogged up area of the world and some ghost town civilization somewhere. They find this traveler at some point who’s actually from that civilization. He’s not too sure how long he’s been alive but he tells Oliver about it so he can better find it because for some reason this man can’t just tell him directions to it as much as he wants to.
There was a god made out of clay, molded by the people of the civilization. They make her based on what they want her to do. In this case, they wanted a guardian for their land and someone who can answer to their every need.
One day, there was disagreement among the people and suddenly they tore her into two. One side had more clay than the other, meaning their new god would have more power than the other. The one molded with more clay was to perform the duty to answer their needs no matter how immoral or self destructive. The other one with less clay was the new guardian to protect their land. These gods had no memory of who they once were as a whole.
Those who molded the guardian were worried she wouldn’t be powerful enough, and they kept her away from the other god because they thought he’d kill her. But in the end they recognized their kinship and treated each other like family. The traveler was a close friend of theirs.
People thought splitting the clay god was a good idea. But their mouths were too loose and the first half was enraged after hearing this. They thought humans were much too selfish for such kind and dutiful gods, they engulfed the land with mist and one day, the memories made in the land, of the land would be gone forever. Their stories, songs, legends, history—everything would be lost no matter which stones or whose hearts they were engraved in. It would be as if it hadn’t existed at all, like how they kept the secret they were once one loving individual that was torn into two because of greed.
Anyone who stays in the mist would also disappear when the first half expunges it all. The second half, a loving sister, roams the ghost town, still as its guardian, muttering poems and humming songs of its sad tale.
The traveler finishes his recount of this story, saying he had been able to escape the land before the mist engulfed it. He had returned multiple times just to figure out how to help his friends and his home, and when he finally figured out how, he realized he couldn’t do it. Not under Shadar’s watch, nor the white witch looming over them, prohibiting them from using magic.
He learned he could help one soul from this world by helping their soulmate in another. And while that was one of his many leads, he did the next best thing. Spreading his home’s history to as many people as possible. Although, he knew this was a futile task, seeing as no one could help at all.
Oliver asks him what he’ll do in the end. He says he’ll go back to his home and disappear along with the mist. Hopefully provide his friends some company when the time for expunction comes—if they even still remember him.
Oliver decides to help and ask the traveler what they look like, in an attempt to find their soulmates in his world, Ichi no Kuni.
Although when he and his friends get there, they’re a bit baffled their soulmates look fine. On the outside, at least.
OKAY yeah I dont really have names they’ll go by labels for a bit. The first half’s soulmate is a friendly mechanic with his own humble repairshop in Motorville. Somewhere inside it is reserved for a private investigator’s office? Firm? There’s two signs up front. They’re good friends with each other, as well as a young lady dressed in black who’s the mechanic’s little sister, just like their soulmates.
Somewhere by the repairshop is a little fortune telling booth with a lady inside that Oliver can't recall where he's met her... until Drippy tells him she might be the soulmate of that lady that gave them the tip on the lost civilization.
okay some commentary bcause i know better than to put THAT in tags <- hit the tag limit too many times.
sorry i just whipped up that hopefully nnk-ish clothes i am terrible at character design i hope it doesnt look like nazcaan clone WUGHH. i also like the idea of soulmates being stark contrasts but this guy is mega MESSED UP !!!!! i'll put their drama in some other post or. uh. spomething. also umm i had the nnk2 artbook open the whole time and referenced stuff from there sorry if they look like citizens. theyre little guys. sorry if i get drippy out of character it was funny in the moment
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felikatze · 1 year
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Oliver (Ni No Kuni): After his mother dies of a heart attack, Oliver discovers that the doll she left him was actually a magical fairy, awakened by his tears. The doll, Mr. Drippy, tells him of a way to save his mother; if he journeys to another world, and saves her soulmate, a person sharing her soul, from the 'Dark Djinn' Shadar, she may just revive. So Oliver sets out on a magical adventure as 'the Pure Hearted One', the boy with the ability to mend broken hearts.
Why I like this dude: NNK in general is very precious to me. Oliver's magical journey is a great exploration of grief, denial, and escapism. A lot of it is Oliver having to be brave and learning how to cope. He's just a little guy, and he makes a lot of friends, and he helps others cope with their losses and they help him with his. It's very touching. Even after discovering that his mother can't be saved after all, his journey has been in vain, he continues anyway, because there's others he can still save. BUT by god you HAVE to control Oliver in battle otherwise his AI will instantly kill him by whacking enemies with a stick and getting punted for it.
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Geo Stellar (Megaman Star Force): Ever since his father's disappearance, Geo has been a shut-in. Lethargic and with no friends, he only finds solace in the stars. On one such stargazing night, an alien by the name Omega-Xis, or Mega for short, drops into Geo's transceiver. Now with the ability to fuse with Mega to become Megaman, Geo can traverse the digital world, fight of bugs, and stop the aliens on Mega's trail for a mysterious object called the "Andromeda Key." Maybe with this power, he'll unravel the mystery of his father's disappearance into space...
Why I like this dude: Megaman Star Force is an exploration of depression made kid friendly. Geo is, without a doubt, depressed as all hell for most of the game. His classmates keep barging in on him to get him to go to school, but all he cares about is SPACE. But Mega needles him into going out, into interacting with others (and also life-threatening situations), and Geo is still withdrawn by the end of it, but he's a little braver, a little friendlier, and he wants to keep living. Like, explaining depression to 8 year olds. It's really touching to know this character exists?
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alectology-archive · 2 years
I was lied to there wasn’t much info on the amol outline in the sanderson stream :/
- ‘fitting end that the aes sedai burn the dragon’s body’ I shan’t say anything to that comment except that his books are just as dismissive and contemptuous in their treatment of the aes sedai.
- why would you delete the scene where the girls made bridal wreaths for rand, hello??? there was enough downtime in the beginning of the book to work it in.
- egwene’s death still doesn’t make sense. it doesn’t read like a ‘natural point for her arc to end’. how is handing the baton over to an aes sedai who represents all the worst qualities of the tower a natural place to take the white tower reform plotline?
- KILLING AND BITING GIVE ME THE AMOL OUTLINE. one paragraph is not enough come onnnn.
- ‘physical manifestation of the dark that mat gave up’ (with reference to the shadar logoth dagger’s corruption) stopped being a thing in book 3 helloooo :/ I really am not a fan of the way mat’s connection to the dagger is brought up again in the last three books, because it seems to say that there’s an inherent darkness to mat (there isn’t). I also dislike the Turning process for similar reasons. anyway, the “inherent darkness” thing doesn’t work as effective foreshadowing for the padan fain conflict.
- also while we’re talking about foreshadowing, sanderson is too preoccupied with trying to foreshadow things that don’t need it. every minor plotpoint or detail doesn’t need precedent to work, tbh, but I suppose I can understand the instinct because he’s working with another author’s material and wants to establish some solid lore before moving on. it’s just that a good writer is capable of figuring out when and where to use foreshadowing, and in moderation. 
- perrin is the problem for the rand/mat/perrin reunion never happening? mat is. he made plot choices that pulled mat away from rand and perrin despite rj’s notes instructing him to make mat collaborate with perrin.
- I think it’s obvious that if they’d ever met it would’ve been on the battlefield? why can’t he fathom this, lol.
- I loathe aviendha’s rhuidean sequence
- woah harriet used to mostly name the chapters even for rj’s books :)
- you did not have to insert the forsaken spanking scene even if RJ left notes for it but ok.
- he wouldn’t change mat if he was given a chance to retcon stuff... HUSH. go sit in the corner. I hate the mat of the last three books.
- you killed bela, brandon 😭
- elayne being characterised as some sort of power-hungry monarch trying to claim a village that she didn’t even know of is so annoying smh. 
- I continue to be amused by the fact that rj left like two lines for perrin’s arc in amol
- okay when sanderson says that RJ co-opted finishing the story to exploring the world more in books 7-10, I agree so hard! And I loved those books anyway, despite their flaws (full disclosure but the thing that kept me reading the books was the world building when I started reading the series because the plot and characters didn’t really hook me until book 3).
- I’m glad for lanfear but generally indifferent to her fate, tbh. 
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missbeth47 · 2 years
I think I just found a new tidbit about Lan and Moraines journey after New Spring?
So I'm doing a reread of the Wheel of Time and I came across this in chapter 19 of The Eye of The World.
Moiraine is exhausted when they are first hiding out in Shadar Logoth
Nynaeve admits that while she doesn't like Moiraine she will help people who need her as she is digging in her bag for some herbs
Lan tells her to be careful with what she gives Moiraine. He may sound even a bit....wary or suspicious.
Nynaeve almost tries to start an argument (as usual) with Lan about how much they need her when Moiraine interrupts with this:
"Be at ease, Lan. She means no harm. She simply does not know."
What could there be to know concerning herbs and Aes Sedai? Y'all think that Moiraine and Lan have encountered fork root in the past? That's what it sounds like to me.
When Nynaeve asks "know what?" Moiraine of course dances around the question with two answers that are CLEARLY not what she was telling Lan.
Anywho I wonder what kind of situation the two of them could have gotten into when they made that discovery.
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I'll tag spoilers this time bc i want to be specific. Moments from the first 2 episodes that made me scream:
the scene in the village with Perrin. The flies at the table??? Omg that SCENE is iconic from the book. And I love how Perrin's powers are starting to manifest. During the book I thought it was just seen by Rand bc he was the Dragon, but the show is making Perrin's powers sort of manifest like he's already half way in the Dream World. More on that later.
Mat and Min sharing cells next to each other? AGH AWESOME. It was good.
Liandrin trying to break Nynaeve's block. They pretty much changed that moment from The Amyrlin to Liandrin, but I'm not mad about it. Nynaeve is Boss.
things I went huh??:
Selene being there already. No, I won't reveal who she is, but the fact that she and Rand are actually being intimate makes me go Ew. Cuz he NEVER touched her in the books, which made her jealousy all the more funnier bc he keeps fucking other women and she's like "you're mine" despite all the evidence otherwise. So eh. I'm not on board with that change. ALSO HES SUPPOSED TO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY WITH SOMEONE ELSE. IM A LITTLE MAD ABOUT IT.
Liandrin being humanized. I get it, the whole point is that everyone has reasons for what they do, and giving Nynaeve a reason to trust her is there, but it still makes me not like it. I can't say more without giving away spoilers, so I'll leave it at that for now.
So Loial just showing up after being stabbed in the last season made me go HUH??? WASNT HE STABBED?? Yeah that was given no explanation. OH I REMEMBER, WASNT HE STABBED WITH THE RED DAGGER?? thats why I thought he had died! NO ONE SURVIVES BEING STABBED BY THE SHADAR LOGOTH DAGGER. So yeah, I am a confused.
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