#also if we're gonna be a bit more nerdy and disgusting
legiterallylunar · 1 year
hi tumblrinas i have a love confession to make about a middle aged actor man....
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random thoughts on HTTYD RttE S3 (Ep1-7)
Ep1 - Dagur is a lot of fun honestly, but I'm not sure how far this newfound "good faith" of his goes
Wow, he's a good fighter
I'm kinda afraid of that antidote, ngl
Hiccup, da heck? Why did you throw yourself out of the cavern??
Aww, the little sad look on Dagur's face when Hiccup yelled "I hate you"
Okay, yeah he is a good guy now
Well, more of a wild card really - I have 4 seasons ahead of me, I wouldn't be surprised if Dagur went back to the dark side at some point
The ep ends, and the only thing I know for sure is Astrid's not gonna be happy when those two get back to the Edge
Ep2 - Snotlout's high pitched yell is so funny, but I feel bad for laughing
Hookfang casually screeching at the Fire Worm Queen
Uhm, what history?? How do those two know each other? I wanna knowwwww! Im guessing it's from the first 2 seasons
Hiccup has so much patience for his team, istg - no wonder he's super snappy to his enemies
Okay, this Cavern Crasher looks super cool in all his originality (i mean, green fire, how cool is that??) but he's also a bit disgusting
The Fireworms babies are so so precious, and their cave looks really cool
He's singing the baby a lullaby?! How is he being so soft, omg
Ha, Hookfang's awkward grin when the Queen looked at them
"Ho, ho, no you don't!" You go, Fishlegs! No one touches baby dragons on his watch
Hookfang got himself the worst possible babysitting job ever - he's gotta protect a hundred baby dragons, their mother, and his dumb of ass rider
Queenie is such a cute nickname
Hookfang is the real MVP of this ep
Another cute Hiccup&Snotlout interaction - Hiccup is really supportive of everyone, it's sweet
Ep3 - Fishlegs' 2nd name is Justin?
Wow, Astrid and Ruff look weeeeird like that - and why is Gothi also wanting him??
Uhm, are we not gonna comment on Fishlegs dreaming of Snotlout confessing to him dressed as a bride too? No? Okay, then
"Why would Hiccup put you in charge?" Uhm, he's the only one with common sense, for starters
Okay, that throwing-the-pot thing is not cool, guys, please stop it,it's giving me ptsd
I want Fishlegs to punch one of them, but I don't think it'll happen - not now at least
Okay, I feel like Hiccup was a little harsh there. Fishlegs should not have to be their babysitter, they're old enough to know their actions have consequences. Before being disappointed in Fishlegs, he should be so at the others
Meatlug is such a sweetheart
So is Fishlegs
They actually kept the name Smidvarg, that's awesome
I would prefer to fight an angry Monstrous Nightmare over giving any money to Snotlout too
"-but he usually geeks out with me!" I love the nerdy friendship these two have, it's so sweet
Yay, Darkvarg!
Those two nerds are adorable
Ep4 - We're off to a great start already, with tired dad Hiccup
Oh, more of Spitelout huh - not sure how i feel about that
I kinda wanna see Snotlout's handwriting now, after he criticized his dad's so harshly
Spitelout built an entire house by himself in a month?
Hiccup deserves credit for being able to realize "Asia Fondue" was supposed to be "deja vu"
Snotlout is basically cradling Hiccup in that trap
I'm not understanding all this fear - compared to the last few we've seen, this one doesn't look too scary honestly
Snotlout was super confident about the S thing
Okayyy now it's getting dangerous, Snotlout please don't try to fight Stoick
Hiccup, ever the peace-maker
God, David Tennant is such a good voice actor, and the accent is so satisfying to hear, I caaaaan't
Okay, for once Stoick's comment was unnecessary, I don't think Spitelout knew of the underbelly thing either
Yeahh, Snotlout doesn't want to fight Stoick and Hiccup on this, he'd leave with them if his dad wasn't there
Hiccup really has the Jogersons' psyches well thought-out huh
Yayy for reconciliation! I think
I don't understand what was the meaning behind Snotlout and the yak, but it was cute that he saved it
And of course, he named it too
Ep5 - So remember when I said, way back there, that this show was gonna like to hurt Astrid a lot? Yeahhhh surprise, surprise
I really would like to meet the Thorston family
Wow, they all look serious for once, Snotlout even asked her, all worried, if she was okay, damn
The Buffalord reminds me so much of an Ivysaur, he's sho cute
Oh and he puffs! Niiiice
Okay, that was a cute Hiccstrid moment
Oh my lord seriously?? Hunters now??
"Fishlegs, I thought you were above name-calling!" God I hate him, but I love his dialogues
No medicine works that quickly, but sure
Also, yeah Buff is gonna puff out as soon as they try to move him, so the hunters are losing today
That was a powerful ending that I was not expecting
Ep6 - I'm honestly not sure who's gonna be proved wrong by the end of the episode, Hiccup's paranoia, or the gang's carelessness
Of course the chicken has a meal plan
It's annoying me that they're swimming with their clothes on, but I'll close my eyes to it
So the dragons aren't okay
You cannot tell me the other riders didn't hear Fishlegs' screams
It was something in the water I'm guessing, since Toothless is okay
Okay, maybe I'm biased, but isn't it always Toothless the last one standing, or the one dragon that doesnt get hurt, or the only one that notices something's wrong? Like, what about the others? Are Toothless' skills that above the other dragons that he notices what none other does?
This was a salty comment, but I do wonder
Omg, Gobber actually tried to follow Tuff's regime for the chicken
Tuff's chicken completely threw off Both Gobber and Stoick, that's great
Wow, they really all blame Hiccup, was not expexting that
Tuffnut saves the day!!
Omg, the Grimoras are so creepyyy, ew
Where did Fishlegs get those rocks?
Sooo, Snotlout and Hookfang burn down places together for fun? Okay, you piromaniacs
Tuffnut has a genuinely cute relationship with his chicken
Ep7 - God, of course those three would notice something like that
Also, all of them ganging up on him, and Fishlegs is just able to hold them all - everyone is so tiny compared to him, I wonder the damage Fishlegs could do if he wasn't so gentle
"Who said it's a she?" Snotlout keeping all options on the table like the dumbass bi he is
Snotlout is so delusional i love/hate it
Fishlegs' annoyed face and the little tsk before "Pretty much" was everything
Even Hiccup?? Jesus, no privacy
The shots they take at Hiccup's leg are really funny, im sorry
Aw, Fishlegs does have a crush on her too! We know she does because it was mentioned way back in S1 i think
I just noticed Snotlout's hut has a statue of him holding it, my god
I really wish someone would mention that Snotlout also went through a phase of crushing on Fishlegs, bad, even if it was while he was Thor. That would probably be funny
Awww, I kinda ship them now, they're so cute!
Aw, she has her own hut? It's so tiny and cute
Like, I know she's not staying, but I can't tell why yet, and I really don't want this to end in heartbreak...
These scenes with the Nadder flocks and then Toothless and Windshear are a nice reminder that the dragons are still, well, dragons - the others are already so well-trained I forget they were wild before and had to be trained
I hate myself for this, but I can't help but think Heather is using Windshear as an excuse... There's something else here
Hookfang!!! No, let go of the tsundere dragon!
Sooo, Tuff speaks spanish, okay
"Beans, Snotlout. They're called beans!" "Beeeans~" Omg, these two i swear
Wow, so she is staying, okay, nice, I'm gonna enjoy seeing where this is going
Soo, that's it for the first part of S3
This was a long one, hope that's okay :T
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creekqueen27 · 5 years
Fate (Raphael x Reader)
Requested: can you do one with Raphael, she gets kidnapped and they get Raph's dna and make her pregnant, he's actually happy about it cause he already loved her, how he acts around her being pregnant. Maybe some protective or possessive Raphael with some smutt?Thx!! <3
Gotcha boo thang 💋
Requests are open.
The bright lights made it hard for you to open your eyes. You tried to move your arms, only to realize you were restrained. Memories of what happened the night before come rushing back; the break in, the fighting, the capturing of yourself and the turtles. This really looks like the end. You turn your head and see what you assume is a doctor. You swallow thickly, trying to move your legs only to realize.. they're in stirrups?! "What the fuck.." you say, gaining the attention of the doctor. He looks up from the laptop and meets your eyes. "What are you doing to me?!?" You scream. He chuckles.
"Oh, you've been unconscious for the entire procedure, miss. You're an amazing surrogate. The healthiest eggs I've ever seen, really." Is that supposed to be a compliment? "I'm really excited for the outcome of the experiment. I'm sure you're concerned, but you shouldn't be. I'm very confident that it will be just a normal pregnancy, a normal delivery. Then, if we don't get the desired outcome, we can try again." The smile never leaves his face. Your stomach suddenly feels sick.
"Pregnancy?!" You shout. "I'm pregnant?! How?!" Your head is spinning.
"One of your eggs were fertilized with the DNA sample we acquired from your friend, Raphael. We believe the outcome should greatly benefit our company, the physical talents of you both combined-" You tuned him out, you felt like your heart stopped. You couldn't breathe. There goes your chance with him..
"I'm pregnant with Raph's baby.." you lay you're head back as you feel tears filling your eyes. Are we ever getting out of here? The thought ran through your mind for the next few days until finally, at dusk, you heard glass breaking and an alarm going off. As you heard people getting beat up closer to where you were being kept, you felt hopeful.
"She's in there!!" April's voice called out. She must have gotten help. You feel like you're going to cry when she busts through the door and starts undoing your wrists. You immediately hug her, tears escaping your eyes as you sob. "Are you okay?! What'd they do to you.." she trails off, glancing at the screens around you.
"Come on!" Leo screams as you see the turtles knocking people down left and right. You stand up, grabbing the folder next to the chair you were strapped to, and ran as fast as you could while holding April's hand. Casey was holding a door for everyone while he urged everyone to hurry. The fresh air hits your face as you all make it outside and run towards the "lady killer" as Mikey calls it. You hold tight to the folder as you hop in the back with April, Donatello in the passenger seat, Leo driving, Mikey, Raphael and Casey in the back pushing buttons to get defenses up again the enemy. Once you're all in the clear, you can't help but stare at Raph. April nudges you, leaning in.
"Are you okay?" She asks. You immediately feel tears falling down your face. "It's okay, you're okay. We're all here, you're okay." She soothes, Mikey coming closer and offering reassurance as well. You shake your head.
"I'm pregnant." You choke out as you hand the folder to April.
"Pregnant?!" Mikey screams and looks at your belly. He's pulled back by Raphael harshly, who has a pained look on his face.
"Raph.." April says lowly, looking between the two of you.. "he needs to read this.." she says, looking to you. You nod your head and lean against her after she hands the folder to Raph. You stare at him as he reads. He suddenly looks up at you. His eyes go to your belly. Back up to your eyes. He doesn't look disgusted?
"Are you hurting?" He asks. You shake your head. "Are you sure this is real?" He asks, leaning towards you a bit. You nod your head. "Yer pregnant.. with.." he whispers, looking at your belly. "Your baby." You finish for him, meeting eyes.
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A few weeks later.. about 8 to be exact..
The lair was finally cleaned up and restored, which is good because the morning sickness hit you hard. You just lay and rested on the couch with a bucket, miserable. Mikey tried to cheer you up, but it didn't work. You just wanted this to be over. "Here, try this." You look up at Donnie offering you a small vile of liquid. You weakly grasp it, drinking it down. It only takes a few seconds to notice a great difference.
"Oh my God, Donnie.. thank you." You say quietly. You sit up, popping your back before standing and pulling down your pj shorts. Donnie gently leads you to the table where Mikey just sat down fresh pizza. As soon as you sit, you're pulled up again. You look up and meet eyes with Raphael, giving him a confused look. He places a pillow in your seat before sitting you back down. You can't help but smile. He's actually been really sweet towards you since..
"Yessss, gimme that sweet cheesey goodness!" Mikey says while digging in the pizza box. He passes the box around while Leo sits down, grabbing a slice. When you finish your second slice, you make a move to stand but Raph quickly puts his hand on your shoulder, holding you in place.
"Ya need'a eat more." He states, grabbing another slice and sitting it in front of you. You look from the slice, back up to him.
"I'm full." You simply say, earning a look from Raph.
"Baby aint." He says. You roll your eyes at him. "Just eat the damn pizza." He sighs. You also sigh, eating the slice. Maybe you weren't as full as you thought. "Don, you finish the thing so we can see the baby yet?" Raph asks, leaning back in his seat. The nerdy turtle swallows quickly, and smiles.
"In fact, I have. And I don't mean to brag, but I believe it's much more accurate than what you would get in a doctor's office." Donnie smiles. You're still getting prenatal care from an actual baby doctor, but extra care never hurts.
"Can I see the baby today?" You ask, getting nervous but excited as well. Donnie nods, mumbling an 'of course' as Mikey bounces in his seat.
"Dude, let me see the baby too!" Mikey shouts. You giggle at him.
"You can see, Mikey."
"After me." Raphael states harshly. You look up to him, raising a brow at his tone. He looks at you out of the corner of his eye. He chews his toothpick as he follows you to Donnie's lab, Mikey still sitting and finishing off the pizza with Leo. You lay on a long desk with a pillow behind your head as Donnie fools with the machine. Raphael towers over you, staring down at your belly before taking a seat, making him a bit above eye level with you. As the machine turns on, Donnie grabs a jelly like substance and raises your shirt. You don't miss Raph clenching his jaw.
"Okay, let's see.. female organs.." Donnie mumbles to himself as he rubs the jelly around your belly and presses a wand like thing to your lower belly. "AHA!" He shouts as an image pops up on the screen. Not entirely black and white. Not fuzzy, but clear.. "As if you're actually inside the womb, I knew it would be much more detailed." He says, proud of his invention. "Very strong heart rate. Seems developmentally on schedule. Aw, what a little shell." He coos, and you stare at the image. It really is Raph's baby.
"It's so small.." Raph says in awe, smiling at screen. Are his eyes watery?
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"Actually, it's measurements are a bit bigger than most at this gestational age." Donnie says casually, getting different angles of the baby. "Most likely from the father." Donnie states playfully with a glance at Raph. You've never seen him smile so big before, immediately bringing a calming feeling over you as you smiled, too.
"Does it look healthy?" You asks, biting your lip. Donnie nods, double checking the heart rate.
Raph was always there when you got an ultrasound from Donnie. He always smiled looking at the baby on the screen. He was always helpful.. except for this exact moment. You're almost 5 months pregnant, finally have a noticeable bump.
"Move." You state, looking up at the red clad turtle blocking the door. He moved all your stuff, including yourself, into his bedroom weeks ago during the worst part of the morning sickness. He would always follow you to the bathroom, holding your hair for you. (He insists on sleeping on the mattress in the floor while you take his bed.) You've been procrastinating on getting stretchier pants for a week or so, and you were going to go out and buy some now but..
"Ya aint leaving. It's not safe for you, yer vulnerable." Raph states, not even moving an inch while you're pushing him as hard as you can. "Ain't gonna getcha anywhere, shorty." You sigh.
"Raph, I need more pants. These aren't really fitting anymore!" You pout up at him. "I have to go get some! And more socks.." you say quietly as you remember.
"Call April, I'll pay 'er back for em." His rough voice is low as he looks down at you. You pout again, earning a smirk and eye roll from him.
"I need to get them myself, I can't have you buying everything for me-"
"Sure ya can, shorty." Raph cuts you off, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"You could just dress up and go with me.." you quietly suggest as he leads you into his gym, remembering when he went out in daylight in a disguise.
"Ya can just call April and stay ya ass here and stay safe." The irritation is clear in his voice. "Get some light cardio goin'." Raphael starts with his weights as you use the treadmill lightly, trying to stay healthy during this whole thing. You give into Raphael's 'suggestion' and ask April to get you some comfy maternity pants and clothes. She really is your best friend, and has stayed so supportive. When she arrives the next day your new wardrobe (she really went all out), you were so excited. Your favorite was a dark red sweater.
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After having girl time with April, and another ultrasound (which included Raph) because she hadn't seen the baby yet, you and her made a plan. "I hope they go for it." You say as you walk into the busy living area where all four turtles were playing video games.
"I swear to God yer fuckin cheatin!" Raph growls at Mikey as he cowers away from his older brother.
"Dude I'm not, you just suck!" Mikey says, running behind April and picking her up as a shield. Your giggle catches Raph's attention, but you don't see it.
"So guys! Why don't we go to the farmhouse for a few days? Give this girl some time outside." April suggests while giving you a side hug. Mikey immediately agrees, followed by Donnie. Leo is indifferent, really. He could take it or leave it. Raph seems unsure.
"Please?" You beg, walking to where he now sits at the kitchen table. You're barely above his eye level with him sitting and you standing by his side.
"Dunno if it's gonna be safe." He states, drinking his orange crush. You sigh, putting your arms around his large shoulders.
"Pleeeeeease? Everyone's gonna be there, it'll be safe." You beg. He grunts in response. You squeeze him a bit, whispering a quiet 'please' while leaning your head against his. You hear a 'come on, Raph' from Donnie. You nuzzle him lightly while Mikey tells him to 'dude, it'll be fine'. Even April throws in a 'itll be fun'. You give a final pout as he caves.
"If ya really wanna go.." he says lowly. You smile so big and kiss his cheek, thanking him before you rush to go pack. You completely miss the blush on his face, but everyone else sees it.
"You really love her, dontcha dude?" Mikey asks casually, softly. Raph grunts and nods. "You can totally tell her." He suggests.
"Look at me, Mikey. I'm a freak. She's beautiful. And she's stuck havin' my kid. She never wanted that.. ain't gonna make it worse for her." Raph sighs through his nose before going to the gym to work through his negative feelings.
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abunchofbadchoices · 6 years
Michael's Song
HSS Michael x MC (Jordan) in Midnight Sun AU
*Disclaimer: Most of the lines and scenes I got from the movie the Midnight Sun and all the rights belongs to the creators and writers, as well as the characters from PB. This is merely a converted fan fiction*
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Part Five
"That is so romantic it disgusts me." Maria mumbled from Jordan's bed, facing the ceiling with the book covering her face. She sits up suddenly, having been reminded of something. "What did he say about your XP?"
Jordan looks hopeless. The blonde had been sitting on the swivel chair this time, staring at the distance as she bites her lip to stop from smiling too much. The girl managed to respond after a few seconds, frowning. "It didn't came up."
Maria scowled. "What do you mean it didn't come up?"
"I-I didn't bring it up." Jordan shrugged. "I'm not gonna just randomly be like, 'Hey, dude, by the way, the sunlight's gonna..." She makes exploding gestures with her hands. "Like, look when you tell someone you're sick, then you start to become more like... a disease and less like a person. It's--"
She gazed at her pointedly.
"I'm gonna tell him, I promise, but I don't know when I'm gonna see him again."
"I do." Maria sighs in dismay, though she tried to hide it. "You know that annoying guy who works at the ice cream shop?"
"The nerdy one you're annoyed with? Well, scratch that, you're annoyed at everyone." Jordan rolls her eyes playfully, then points to herself. "Except for Jordan."
Her face feels like burning at the statement her best friend dropped. Does Jordan knows? Maria brushed it off and threw a pillow at Jordan. "Whatever, J. But yes, Aiden, his name. His parents-- a strict bunch, mind you-- are out of town tonight and he's throwing a party and he told me to bring friends. So, I'm gonna bring you--"
"No, no, no, no..."
"And you're gonna bring Michael."
"No!" Jordan stands, holding her hands up while shaking her head profusely. "He's gotta, like, you know... Doesn't... I have to wait till he texts me first, right?"
"Yeah, totally!" Maria smiles. Oh, Jordan, why are you so innocent... Usually, Maria wouldn't suggest such a forward move and what does she even know about dealing with a guy when she hadn't even get past her previous first dates but well, if it means putting this innocent bundle of dorkiness out of misery then hell yes, Maria will do something. She sits straighter, crossing her legs in a no-nonsense way and look at the girl with the most serious expression. "And then, you know, his squire will send a note via carrier pigeon asking if you'd like to merge your kingdoms. What is this, 18th century England? Listen, Jordan, you're a gorgeous, young, uh...badass woman. You're gonna text him whenever you damn well please."
The blonde stares at her. There is a blankness on her face.Maria dives through the pillows and locates a phone, then hands it to Jordan. "Be confident, okay? Give him the facts..."
"Okay." Jordan takes a deep breath and opens her message app. She follows Maria's instructions to be confident and... among other things.
Down at the town's shipyard, Michael hears the ping of his phone while he was in the midst of scrubbing the stains from the side of his uncle's boat. He wipes his hands on his shirt, which was already drench in sweat after working for hours on that boat under the blaring sky. There is a message from Jordan. Michael couldn't help the smirk on his lips.
Hey. My friend is having a party tonight if you want to come.
"Play a little hard to get." Maria whispers.
Jordan starts another message. "All right."
Michael receives another message before he can even type a reply.
I don't care if you come or not.
He raised his eyebrows.
Maria scoots closer to her. "Make sure that he knows he's not the only reason you're going."
"Okay. Alright."
Back at the shipyard, Michael receives the third message that made him laugh louder than he intended to.
I have lots of friends.
- Jordan
The messages stops coming so he takes that as a cue to answer back.
Maria took the phone from her best friend to see the messages she sent and instantly freezes as soon as she reads them. "Oh, no. What's this??"
Hey. My friend is having a party tonight if you want to come.
I don't care if you come or not.
I have lots of friends.
- Jordan
Maria doesn't know where to face palm or something, but before she dies of second-hand embarrassment, a new message came to Jordan's screen.
I'm in.
"This is gonna be a tame, safe, parent-friendly party." Maria called after Scott. Jordan has been trailing behind the two as they walk from the kitchen to the living room.
"Ha!" Her Dad turns as they reach the door. "It's a totally lame party. You know what we should do? We should stay here. We'll get Hunan Chinese. You guys love Hunan, right?"
She and Maria groaned.
"Put some Netflix on. It will be perfect!"
The three of them went on full circle around the house until finally, they ended up in the kitchen once more. Scott open the fridge to check for snacks. But Jordan reached out and pushes it close. She musters a determined look on her face. "Dad, you know I'm a good kid. You know I'm not gonna do anything crazy, but I swear, if I spend one more night here-- just listening to everyone else outside my window, living their lives-- I might... go... crazy!"
Scott knits his eyebrows, then look at Maria for back up but the raven-haired young woman simply shrugs.
Jordan continues. "Tomorrow night, we can order way too much chow mein, and have a movie marathon."
Her father's eyes move from her to Maria then back. Probably calculating the consequences before he lets out a heavy breath. "All right."
"Yes!" Jordan hugs her father tightly. "You're the best Dad in the world."
Maria gestured for her to follow and they rush upstairs to her room and the girl starts rippling through her clothes.
"Okay, um, Michael's gonna meet us at Aiden's around 8:00." Jordan reminded her.
"Then we have to get ready."
"Girl, what are you talking about? We have like three hours."
Maria suddenly turns and glare at her. She almost forgot her best friend has been Student Council President at Oliver Berry High for two years. She was all about organizing stuffs, especially parties. And Jordan knows better than to counter her when in the midst of looking for an appropriate attire for her. "Danielle Jordan Lee, we're already behind."
She watched helplessly, but after about ten minutes, Maria raised a light-blue lacy dress from her closet that she doesn't even know exists. Their eyes meets, then their faces lights up in agreement. Two hours and fifty minutes later, they are both dressed up and perfectly groomed for the night. Her father's expression as soon as she steps out of her room was priceless, but also a bit of longing in his eyes as Jordan was aware how much she resembles her late mother.
They said their goodbyes quickly and outside the door, Maria stops her and looks at her up and down. "You look beautiful. Good."
"Aren't you looking good yourself." Jordan smiles back, taking her best friend's hand then ran to the car already parked at the curb.
It was a short drive to the Zhou Family house and at exactly 8:00, the two girls are making their way up the decorated porch of the two storey house. For a party, Jordan finds it weird that the house seems quiet. Parties were never quiet, according to the teen flick movies she watched, but maybe this one haven't really started.
The door open just as they reached it, an Asian guy grinning at the sight of them both. "You came." His face falters soon after, looking at Maria nervously. "Is there any chance that you, or your hot friend, hey, know how to get beer... out of a keg?"
"Oh, no." Maria's smile dissolves. She shoves past the guy and looks even more furious to see the house is empty. "You didn't get a tap??"
Aiden scratch the back of his neck, following them inside. "I-- I didn't realize they were separate things-- why would they sell me a barrel of beer I can't even access?"
This party is a complete disaster, Maria fumed. She went to the kitchen and glances back to see Jordan touching the colorful decorations in awe. Aww, this sweet sweet girl... But still, Maria couldn't believe she entrusted Aiden to plan a party by himself. And worst, she actually showed up and dared to expect something good.
At the kitchen, they find two other people she recognized were from Music club at Berry High. Myra and Luis are busy tinkering the keg to open...to no avail. They glance up and waved awkwardly.
"AIDEN!" Maria called sharply. "What the hell? This is a tame, safe, parent-friendly party!"
Aiden backed away slowly. "Do tame parties have sundae bars?"
"I think it's cool." Jordan joins in, beaming excitedly.
"No, don't listen to her." Her best friend hissed at Aiden. "Okay, she's never been to a party before. She doesn't understand how dire the situation is. We gotta go, Jordan." Maria grab her hand and turns to go.
"No, no, no! I just made a huge thing of chili." Aiden reasoned.
"Aiden, chili is not a party food."
Their conversation was cut off by the sound of car engine shutting off and its door opening and closing.
"You see?" The Asian points outside. "The party's just kicking off."
They all rushed down the stairs to see who actually decided to show up. A blue pick-up truck was parked outside and a guy in a green bomber jacket is walking towards the house.
"What's Michael Harrison doing here?" Aiden wonders in disbelief.
"My God..." Maria rubs her face in frustration just as she felt someone came up behind her.
Michael stops for a second as soon as he caught sight of Jordan, a genuine smile lighting on his face and even blink a few times, as if he couldn't believe what he is looking at.
"Hi." Jordan greets, a bashful smile on her lips.
Another hour passed and the trio still hadn't managed to open the keg.
Michael and Jordan sits on porch chairs, just making small talks while Maria stays not far from them like a guarding hawk.
His eyes studies every detail of the beautiful face just inches away from him. "You look really amazing."
"Um... it's all Maria." Jordan said quietly, looking down on her lap and it makes him think that maybe, him acting weird makes her shy.
Michael isn't much into praising people, or voicing out opinions in general. Usually, he goes to a party, hang out with people regardless if they look good as long as they don't bother him too much. But he couldn't help it if she happens to look so amazing this night. Or every night for that matter. Whether Jordan is dressed in sweat pants or oversized clothes, or designer dress... She manages to make it all look really good.
"No... I don't think so." He whispers.
"For you, good sir!" Aiden's loud voice interrupts. The guy hands each of them some bowls.
Michael clears his throat and imitates the Asian's tone. "Ah. Thank you! Beef chili, huh?"
Jordan thanks him as well. She watch Maria taste the beef chili and almost burst out laughing at the disgusted look on her best friend's face. Feeling kinder, Michael scoops some mouthfuls and shoves it into his mouth. He makes a show of enjoying it. "That's top shelf, buddy. Really fresh."
He turns to Jordan with a sour face, forcing the chili down his throat. The blonde let out a quiet giggle.
Aiden takes a seat across from them. "You know, I really thought we'd have a big turnout but--"
"I told you not to go up against the cheerleader." Myra scolded from the corner.
"What cheerleader?" Maria asks.
Luis fixed his eyeglasses. "It's the mean blonde one with a convertible."
The girl rolls her eyes. "Giselle Collins? Ughhh."
Now that it was mentioned, Michael was indeed invited over by Giselle to her major graduation party which must have been tonight. He had completely forgotten about it as he was not really planning to go anywhere that night. That was, until he received the certain messages this afternoon.
"Yes." Aiden pouts. "She's having a party tonight as well. Must have dinged our turnout."
Michael puts down his bowl. "Do you guys wanna go there?"
To be continued...
Giselle's party coming next 😆😆
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