#also if you're wondering I gave the vamps X eyes cause I thought it would be funny but like I lowkey love it so I'm keeping the X eyes
megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
currently working on making a full body nandor bunny but not that long after starting while trying to figure out what color to make him I got side tracked and made this!
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1 I didn't intend to draw them like mounted animal heads but by the time I was thinking about what to add in the background I decided this would be funnier than just a plain background
2 I have no idea if I'm going to keep laszlo's colors but since I'm pulling off the colors from their clothes and making them pastel (well ok nadja's colors I will admit I pulled out of my ass but I like them sooooooo) since he's always matching nadja I might keep it idk if you have any better ideas please let me know
I like doing these bunny drawing things when I'm bored so eventually I'll draw all of them as full body bunnies (like the guillermo one I drew)
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luv4fandoms · 4 years
Comfort in your arms (Castiel x Reader)
This was requested by @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit
Who asked
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Sorry this took so long, I hope you enjoy it 😊
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Warnings: Detailed smut
Pairings: Castiel x Reader
Word count: 2,842
Today had been horrible, hell these past couple of weeks had been horrible. It started out with a simple salt and burn, except the ghost seemed hell bent on giving you a black eye. Then there was the vamp nest that took almost a week to pinpoint because no one wanted to talk and the vamps kept changing location within the town, the hunt had also left you with an almost broken arm, and a few new deep gashes that would undoubtedly add to your collection of scars. And to top it all off you hadn't been able to see or spend time with your angel in the past two weeks because of business he had to take care of in heaven. 
Sighing when your sore muscles made contact with the warm bath you thought back to when you first met him. You had been fighting alongside the brothers, desperately trying to stop the apocalypse, when he showed up. Dean and Sam hadn't cared for him at first, his hard exterior and since of duty to heaven rubbed the hunters the wrong way, but you had been fascinated as soon as you laid eyes on him.
So much had changed since then, he fought alongside you, fallen from heaven's good graces just because he believed the Winchesters could stop the apocalypse, which they did, and continued to help when he could. It had been after Sam had fallen with Lucifer, Adam, and Michael into hell, and Dean had left to live his life, that something blossomed between the two of you. He would return often, checking up on you as he called it, but he began to stay longer and longer, helping you with hunts, doing things you enjoyed to help you unwind after hunts...Friendship turned to a relationship quickly, and the two of you had never looked back. 
Moving from the tub you slipped on your night clothes and crawled into the motel bed, you had made sure to get one a few doors down just in case either of the boys brought someone back from the bar, one too many times had you been on the other side of a thin wall, and you really didn't want to repeat it. You wished he could have been there, he always helped you relax when hunts became too much...But you also knew that he had things of his own to do, and you never wanted to be the girlfriend that wanted more than she gave. So you settled in for the night and fell asleep…
Until you began to feel a soft brush of lips on your shoulder. Fingertips lightly gliding over your side while the lips moved from your shoulder to the back of your neck. Hot breath ghosting over your skin kindled the fire in your belly that had awoken the moment you were pulled from your sleep. You had no reason to fear, you knew your lover's touch anywhere, and it was greatly welcomed after so long apart.
"I know you're awake y/n" he whispered before turning to kiss the juncture of your neck, sucking a new mark onto the flesh soon after. 
"Mmm what gave me away?" You asked, hand coming back to thread your fingers through black locks. 
"Your heart rate is increasing,” he simply stated, lips still gliding across your skin.
“I wonder why that is” you smiled, rolling over to face him, blue eyes shining even in the dark of the room.
“I missed you” you told him, fingertips dancing along his jaw, a smile gracing his lips at your words.
“And I you” he captured your mouth, lips fitting together like puzzle pieces while he pulled you closer. He wasn't rushing, no, though it had been weeks for both of you, he wanted to savor you, take his time, memorize you all over again. His tongue swept over your bottom lip, and you didn't hesitate to let him in, his taste just as intoxicating as the first time. You could feel his hand sliding under your top, gentle caresses to heated skin, and you slowly began unbuttoning his shirt in return, happy to see he had already taken off his blazer and trench coat before climbing into bed. Just as the last button was undone, his hand came up to gently cup your breast, thumb hardening your nipple with light touches. His mouth left yours, allowing you to take in air, his breaths also coming out in gasps while he slowly lifted your top. You sat up, allowing the material to be tugged from your body before slowly pushing his shirt off his shoulders and down his arms, trailing your fingers along heated flesh as he helped you remove the fabric. His mouth left fire in their wake as he moved along the newly exposed flesh, tongue sweeping across your breast before his lips closed around your nipple pulling a groan from you. His hand splayed across your stomach, gently pushing you back onto the bed, mouth following you while his hands ran down your sides, cupping your thighs and spreading your legs, crawling in between them. Mouth moving from one breast to the other, his hand left your thigh to cup your breast, thumb running over the now wet peak, his other began pulling down your sleep shorts. You lifted your hips, helping him remove the article before his lips moved back to yours, stealing a kiss while both his hands played with the hem of your panties.
“Cas” you breathed when his mouth released yours, the whimper leaving your lips even before he started slowly pulling the fabric down your legs.
“Let me worship you” he whispered, kissing back down your body, dragging the fabric off your legs and tossing them to the growing pile of clothing. Your body felt like it was on fire as your angel stared down at you, pure love swirling in the darkened blue orbs. It was funny how just a simple act of slowly removing each other's clothing instead of simply snapping them away could work the both of you up so much. His hands skimmed up your legs as he lowered his body, lips caressing your ankle to your knee, slowly raising up your thigh, hands gently grasping your skin while warm breath puffed across your aching core. He could feel you moving beneath his grasp, your body reacting to him just as it always did, the wetness between your legs tempting him until he couldn't hold back. Two weeks had been nothing for an angel, a blip in time, until he met you, now his body ached to taste you, to feel you, and tonight he would feed both of your hunger. One slow swipe of his tongue had you gasping, two had you panting, and when his lips came up to suck your clit between them, you lost it. Hands threaded through short locks as you tried to pull him closer, the intense electric feeling buzzing through you the only indicator of his grace as it moved along your skin. His moan vibrated against you, drawing a shaky gasp of his name from your throat, a sound that earned a grunt from the angel. His lips released you, instead giving quick flicks with the tip of his tongue which had you writhing in place.
“Cas...Please” you gasped, a plea that earned another slow swipe of his tongue before you felt it enter you. Blue eyes watched you throw your head back as the pleasure began to build, his tongue working inside you, nose brushing your clit while the grasp you held on him tightened. He could tell you were getting close, two weeks had your body on edge and in need of release, release he was more than happy to give, so just as his tongue moved back to your clit, his finger slowly pushed into you. His name spilled from your lips in a loud moan that had him rutting into the bed in search of his own friction, and he groaned at the feeling of your wet heat trying to keep his finger in place. The thought of your velvet walls doing that to something else had him quickly slipping a second finger inside, wanting to prepare you. Curling his fingers in just the way he knew you liked, he smiled against you, mouth moving with your body as it came off of the bed. His name was a chant upon your lips as he pulled you closer and closer to your orgasm, a prayer that started out as a whisper but with one last curl of his fingers, and hard suck to your clit had you screaming your  praises to the angel above you who worked you through your state of euphoria until you descended once more. His mouth and chin glistened with your released when he captured your lips once more, the taste seeming to make the kiss all the more pleasurable, but knowing what would be coming next as you heard him quickly discarding his pants had your body already wanting once again. 
“Cas” you panted, hands coming up to grip his arms while he wrapped your legs around his waist.
“I love you” he breathed against your lips, arms caging your head on either side, you couldn't fight the smile even if you wanted to, not with those blue eyes, so clear and full of love and awe staring down at you.
“I love you too my angel” you replied, words a soft whisper against his skin but it was all he needed to hear. One hand coming down to line himself up before slowly pushing into you, a feeling you hopped you never got used to, because each time it made you feel so full yet so perfect, like he was made for you. He took a moment for you to adjust when his hips were flush against yours, the feeling of you always on the verge of overwhelming for him, he could only think that you were made for him, that was why your bodies fit together perfectly. His hands cradled your head, fingers tangling in (h/c) locks when you told him he could move. Slow drags back and forth fueled soft moans from both of you, you hands coming to rest against his back, eliciting a louder moan from him.
“Cas” you breathed, his eyes were closed while his hips began to move faster causing your hands to move along his back and draw more moans from him.
“Castiel” you spoke again, his full name catching his attention as blue eyes snapped open to meet yours.
“Can I? Please?” You asked, you had only seen them once before, his wings, the very first time you made love. He had said he hadn't meant to, that the feelings had been overwhelming and caused him to lose control momentarily. You knew they were a big deal, and that it was a very intimate thing, which is why you hoped he would show you know again, having been together for this long. He stopped for a moment, seeming to think it over before gently placing a hand over your eyes. Even covered you could make out the bright glow of his grace, the heat emanating from him, before it softened, and he slowly removed his hand. Ebony feathers spread above you both, the tips just touching the walls on either side as he stretched them. They were just as beautiful as the first time you saw them, but unlike the first time you weren't afraid to reach forward, eyes meeting his for a moment to ask permission, and when he gave a small nod you buried your fingers in the silky feathers. The feeling wasn't what you expected, they felt lighter than normal feathers, softer, if you had to guess what feeling a cloud would be like, you would guess this.The effect it had on him though, was instant. As soon as your fingers buried in his wing his hips snapped forward, a low moan raising from his throat while his head rested against your shoulder. A breathy plea of 
"Don't stop" met your ear and you reached up to bury your other hand in his other wing, earning more delicious sounds. 
"I won't stop if you dont" you panted, fingers coming up to stroke the ridge of his right wing, nails lights scratching the skin under the feathers. A loud moan met your ears just as he buried his face in your neck, hands coming down to hold your hips just as his began to pick up speed earning a loud moan from you as well
"Fuuuck...Yes!..Just like that" you moaned, moving back down to bury your fingers back in the soft feathers, giving them a tug after a hard thrust from him. The action causing his hips to slam forward, another shout ripping from his throat, joining the squeal of his name from you. He leaned back, pulling you into his lap harder, your back pushing into the mattress while you reached up to grab at the feathers once more, his wings meeting you halfway before he set a much faster and harder pace. Your whole body would be moving up the bed with each thrust if it wasn't for the fact that he held your hips in a vice like grip bound to leave delicious bruises tomorrow. If this was his reaction to you touching his wings you would have to get him to show them everytime. You could feel the coil in your stomach growing tighter, the heat of his body getting hotter as he drew near to his own finish line. One hand left his wing to rub at your clit, the feeling making you clench around him and earning you a groan of your name. His blue eyes opened, gaze intense as he looked down at where your bodies were connected, watching your love making, but giving a slight growl at your hand. He quickly grabbed it, his rhythm slowing a bit as he placed your now slick fingers back into his wing before leaning forward again
 His own hand came down to rub at your clit while he picked up his rhythm again, lips marking your neck once more, grunts vibrating against your skin. Your hands wandered from his feathers to the ridge and back down to where his wings met the skin of his vessel, the action causing him to still, and for a moment you wondered if that was a spot you shouldn't touch. But when his face came to hover above yours you realized it may have been the opposite. Glowing eyes met yours, and the only warning you got was a passionate kiss before his hips started up again, faster this time, and you knew it wouldn't be long before you broke. The coil was getting tighter, and the noises Cas was making above you was only adding to your arousal. His hand rubbed you faster, applying just the right amount of pressure to make you lose your breath. Hot breath hit your neck as Enochian words tumbled from his lips, yours only able to form one word.
"Me too" he groaned back, your hands applying more pressure to his back while you clung to him.
"I..I can't" you told him, eyes rolling back as his rhythm never faltered.
"Then dont" he panted
"Cum for me" the tone in his voice sending a shiver down your body and reminding you that he was once a soldier in charge, not always the sweet oblivious Cas. But in the end it was the look in his eyes that sent you falling fast over the edge and into your own heaven. The look of pure love that showed through even when his eyes were glowing with his grace, he was your angel, yours and only yours. You heard his shout just as you felt the warmth fill you, his hips stilling, pressed flush against yours, head lulled back, and wings stretched. His hand came up to cover your eyes just as a bright light filled the room. Soon though, his eyes met yours once more and you couldn't stop the smile that spread across your lips, and neither could he.
"I love you" you whispered as he leaned down to kiss you again.
"I love you too" he smiled, pulling you onto him while he laid on his back, wings coming out to wrap around you both like a blanket.
"I apologize, for being gone so long...You seem to have had a stressful week."
"Weeks" you laughed, nuzzling into his neck with a sigh.
"But I'm much better now that you're here" you smiled when he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"I will stay as long as I can" he told you, and you knew that he would have to go back, he had duties...But for now you had him, and that was all that mattered.
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Hope you all enjoyed it, let me know what you thought
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