#also ignore me redoing this bc i'm terrible :))
scumashling · 3 months
Thooughts on Redo of Healer/A Whump Rewrite
CW: mentions of abuse, physical torture, noncon, misogyny, homophobia and slavery below
Incoming long post. It does have a point.
So, awhile back before I made this account I decided to do an endurance watch of a somewhat infamous anime entitled Redo of Healer. For those of you blessed with ignorance, Redo is a dark fantasy harem romance/rape revenge story based on the light novel of the same name by Rui Tsukiyo.
Set in the Kingdom of Jioral, a kingdom currently at war with the Demon population and built on the slave trade of the demi human population, the story follows Keyaru, a Healing class hero, who after 4 years of being enslaved for his uniquely miraculous abilities, (and enduring a fuck ton of emotional, physical and sexual abuse along the way) embarks on a brutal quest for revenge against his sadistic former party members/tormentors, (Bullet the Cannon Hero, Blade the Sword Hero, and most prevalently, Princess Flare, the Magician Hero who orchestrated his drugging and imprisonment.)
He gets Flare first, escaping prison, cornering her in her own soundproof bedroom, and proceeding to torture her physically and eventually violently raping her. So, now that he's gotten his revenge, does he just kill her? Call it a day and leave her a broken, ruined mess like she did to him? I mean. What more could he possibly do to bring her lower?
He changes both their faces, fakes both their deaths, erases her memories, and when she comes too, he tells his named is Keyaruga (groan) her she's his loyal attendant and lover, dubs her Freiya, and immediately coerces her into having sex with him. They then embark on a journey to destroy the Kingdom she doesn't know is hers.
Along the way, he slowly begins recruiting more girls into this party/builds a harem, often by coercive or outright nonconsensual mean like drugging/brainwashing and having a lot of sex with
Setsuna- A slave demi human wolf girl named that he purchases as a battle slave/it's okay she wants to be a slave because he's just so great
Kureha- A knight of the Kingdom who Keyaruga who he drugs and raped after she attacks him
Eve-a extremely powerful demon girl. The only one he doesn't coerce into fucking him
(note: below is all my subjective opinion.)
I wanna stress that while it is a very Whump heavy story, Redo is extremely Not Good and I cannot recommend it. And I'm not just saying that because it's a rape porn with high production values (though it has a pretty intolerable amount of extremely brutal rape for anyone who either doesn't have a hardcore CNC kink or who's brain isn't broken from reading violent fanfiction at age 13 like yours truly),it is genuinely one of the worst written pieces of fiction I've ever read. The pacing is terrible, the magic system is generic , the dialogue is atrocious, try character designs are so mediocre ( wow another hot girl with gigantic tits? How did you come up with that idea?!), the villains are all vile depraved power tripping rapist idiots who immediately get their comeuppance by the equally vile protagonist, who is always one step ahead is also so insufferably smug. Its also extremely edgy and lazy in regards to how it treats shit like slavery (pure shock value pretty much,). Because plot and theme is not the point though, the torture porn is.
Redo of Healer is also, and I cannot stress this enough, extremely extremely homophobic ( if you disagree that's fine you're allowed to be wrong <3) I won't go into it too much bc this post is already long but Blades character can be be described as every horrible stereotypes about lesbians stacked on top of each other in a trench coat. The author is so transparently trying to offend me by writing her this way that she actually has the opposite effect and gives me the giggles. Which now that I type that out is kind how I feel about the whole story. it's a pretty terribly male power fantasy about a terrible violent man who sexually tortures slightly more terrible violent men and women. And quite frankly, when I watching it , all I could think was "I could write this so much better."
Because see, even though everything I said before about redo is true, i also find it incredibly interesting:
There are a lot of Whump tropes in redo. Slavery, dehumanization, beatings, bastards Whumpees getting revenge on lady Whumpers, conditioning I think? intimate and sadistic whumpers, mind control whump, non consensual drugging, human pets. Theres prob more I forgot. They aren't handled well but they are there.
I love the rape revenge genre. I have vivid memories of getting together with my teen girls friends and watching Jennifer Hills and Hailey Stark tear apart some bastards. Based shit.
Redo is the first male victim on female perpetrator rape revenge media I've come across. it is also, the first I've seen where a victim makes their rapist into a willing sex slave as part of their revenge.
There are story elements and themes that do hold potential, specifically around power and the places lines between victim and abuser get blurry. Eg: Keyarga assumes locking away Flare's memories has made her into a new person, because Freiya is so sweet, and Flare is an abusive bitch. He eventually has to come to terms with the fact that he didn't erase Flare. They are they same person. Freiya is sweet because she has none of Flares life experience, and is with someone who shows her love and appreciation. More if this instead of a smug asshole fucking hot women because he can
When I found myself disgusted I briefly entertained the thought that I might be sexist. analyzing that thought for more then a minute I realized that ridiculous. I don't hate it for being a male rape revenge, I hate it because it's a male power fantasy. And I hate it because of Keyarga. Because he is a man who is constantly drugging and brainwashing recruiting women who cross him into his slave battle harem, all of whom he rapes has sex with aside from Eve, and even if he's not framed as a good person, he's framed as a badass. People who feel entitled to hurt others because they were hurt are not badass. They are pathetic. And more importantly, they are broken. Any story about people like him worth it's salt with acknowledge that.
TLDR I am re writing Redo Of Healer as a Serious Story about a Bastard Whumpee Who Brainwashes and Enslaves his Whumper, and Falls in love with her in the process.
It's still in its early stages. I have some picrews, some plot outlining and the basic jist of how I want to change about the characters and what I want to keep, and my partner, who's more familiar with fantasy RPG stuff, is helping me develop the magic system into something more interesting. But I do want to thank this community because I've been stewing on this horrifying story about torture and the nature of power for so long wondering who would want to read it and now that I've learned of Whump I know there is actually a chance that there is an audience.
Anyway, I've been typing way too long. I will post more about this at another time.
Also a reminder, I am new to writblr and to tumblr in general. Im still finding my footing in terms of some of the functions of the site and the etiquette/social norms/terminology, or like, the ways people follow each other's writing? Idk where I'm going with this just please keep that in mind
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v-anrouge · 2 years
Ok I decided I'm redoing my match up thing, it was too messy
What I look for in a man:
I don't wanna say this but he's gotta be handsome (shallow I know but hey at least I admit it) but he's also gotta be kind enough to me so I don't feel like a worthless piece of shit whenever he talks to me (bonus points if he's got a hot voice)
Love Language (recieving):
Words of Affirmation (says almost every Asian child ever) and gift giving are major love languages I have for recieving
Love Language (giving):
Physical touch/intimacy, I had this era as a kid where I'd rub on my mom and sister like a cat, it was annoying for them but that's just how I showed me love for them. Playfully hitting is also included like it a little bap on the head, sometimes I underestimate my strength and hurt the person I do that to and it makes me feel terrible.
Things about myself my s/o should very much know:
I'm a lazy, cynical and very pessimistic person (also very neurodivergent coded) I will cry if they're mean to me a lot and I will curse them out if they're mean to me a lot. It entirely depends on how I feel after waking up. Very much anger issues (working on it dw). I find crying attractive which is very weird and I don't wanna dive into that can of worms just yet.
Resting Bitch Face is my default which scares babies apparently and that's why they don't like me? Children are scary but I do want them. Every Time I see a cute baby I will say 'i love babies 🥹' (yes the emoji is included). It's a forever ongoing baby fever for me.
If you're gonna be with me you need to know how to listen cause if I think you're not I'll either A: stop talking and say nevermind or B: annoy you into listening to me. This again, entirely depends on my mood.
Being dramatic cause I like drama? Nah
I'm dramatic cause I never got attention from my dad as a child. Ig that's part of why I seek male validation, sad. I dunno what else to add 🤷🏻‍♀️ (have my first draft for the ppl that see this ig)
Guess who's asking for a match up (spoiler: it's me)
Favorite color: obvs purple 🙄 (why did I add this 😭)
Uhhh I'm super lazy and very much depressed, I will get angry if you ignore my very obvious mental struggles. (I also just get really angry in general but SHHHH) also very cynical and apathetic to most things, sleepy 24/7.
I make characters so they can live a life I can only dream of...hmmm what else...I'm smart-ish (if top 7 of my grade for 8 consecutive terms counts as smart) anddddd I like writing and making up storylines. My favorite thing to do is read (not the classics, they bore me tbh, but I guess Holes and Midsummer's Night Dream is ok)
I very much often ramble into tangents and can be seen as a bitch apparently cause yay social anxiety doesn't like me talking to other ppl ✨ toxic friendship frr‼️ I'm more expressive on the internet than I am in real life bc no one knows who I am behind the screen (unless you doxx me but pls don't ♥️) and that comforts me.
I have ADD, MILD autism and 💩 crippling depression 💩
I like being dramatic bc I didn't get much attention from my dad as a kid and he went to buy milk ig 🤷🏻‍♀️. I always look high in pictures and I hate taking them cause I always look high.
What else...hmmm I like singing and dancing when I think no one's watching and I despise- no I abhor when ppl try to force me into doing things I don't wanna do. I like food a lot and will cry if it has no flavor. Donuts are 👌🏼 . I was 100% a menace as a kid and awfully gullible. And I'm very good at holding grudges as well (my longest grudge is over a decade long-)
And I think that's abt it? There's probs more but I'm tired
homie gave me their entire autobiography holy fuck /pos
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MALLEUS this man LIVES to spoil you he just loves hugging you from behind and smiling as he shows you a beautiful (and extremely expensive) necklace he got done for you, the necklace is enchanted so that it'll always be in pristine condition, the gem's color change in the light naturally but you can see they also have a bit of magic on them, everyday this man will smile and compliment your stunning flawless looks with a smile on his face, if he had his tail out it would be wagging so hard he'd cause an earthquake
at first malleus would be very confused on why you hit him and think he had done something wrong but when you tell him it's just your way of showing affection he'll say you can use him as punching as much as you want to with a cute little smile, malleus won't ever hit you back because 1- he is way stronger than you and would definitely hurt you 2- what kind of man would he be if he hurt the one he is so deeply in love with??
he loves any affection you give him, in the beginning of your relationship malleus always went a bit stiff when you showed him a lot of affection because he isn't used to it but even back then he already did enjoy your affection he just didn't know how to react to it, now he is already very used to it, to the point he'll get a bit pouty if he doesn't get his morning hug and kiss
malleus is aware of your mental health and he does everything in his power to help you heal and feel better, malleus does not like fighting and he isn't used to being mean, sometimes he could say something a bit hurtful but it's just because he isn't completely socially aware, please talk to him if he ever hurts you and he'll immediately apologize and promise to never say anything like that ever again, he'll spend the rest of the day spoiling you to make up for that, he says it's because he feels terrible and although he isn't lying you both know malleus just really enjoys spoiling u
malleus loves reading to you, he'd really enjoy it if you could sit on his lap as he reads a book you picked out, his voice is very pleasant to listen and honestly very calming so most of the times you end up falling asleep, when that happens malleus kisses your forehead and hugs you tighter making sure you're having the sweetest dreams ever
both of you are seen as intimidating so as soon as you two step into any place everyone is immediately looking at you two, an intense intimidating aura filling the entire place as you two walk together before malleus picks up a silly little plushie and tells you that it reminds him of you and start gushing over it as if u two were completely alone, to be fair, whenever malleus is with you you're the only thing he cares about
malleus is over the moon when he discovers that you'd like to have children since he will be a king that is basically a necessity, it doesn't matter if you two adopt or have the child yourselves malleus will make sure you and his little baby/babies are always happy and comfortable, he'll spoil both u and ur child/children rotten and would be constantly cooing over them, however he is extremely protective of you and your child/children so he tends to growl at strangers that approach u 💀
other possibilities: kalim, lilia & trey
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kwangyanese · 8 months
i feel like its easier for me to follow/like boygroups now bc i dont really get emotionally invested. i actually think i wont ever get that invested into a group again after aespa. and not to ramble but i feel like a hypocrite because i told myself i was gonna leave kpop but i guess i surrounded myself with it online so badly in the past 3 years i'd probably have to either 1) redo all my accounts and unfollow all my moots 2) try to get obsessed with something else and make the algorythm "renew" itself. truth i'd lose many moots that i like if i did the 1st and i'm already doing the 2nd but i feel frustrated for how slow it is plus i end up watching kpop videos to chill anyway. and when i 'judge' (not that i go around annoying them about it) my kpop moots for still posting about idols that either haven't spoken up or are doing deals w pro-israel brands it's like throwing stones from a glass house LOL i mean at least i'm not posting about #those idols but i still haven't left kpop as a whole which imo would be ideal lol. well, again, what i'm into rn is just tvxq and riize and as much as i can go awww <3 i don't feel nothing beyond that. sorry to objectify idols but i'd drop them in a instant i just can't truly connect with men in general.... and to be even more honest i still have feelings for ningning that i'm trying to get rid of.... it's actually quite sad how far a parasocial relationship will ruin you.... like sure i like shotaro he is quite actually such a sweet guy that so far hasnt had a single moment where i went "oh he is a man after all" and i like jaejoong/changmin/yunho but i missed so much of their fandom lore so i don't know them that well lmfao it makes me feel distant. and i dont feel the need to get closer to neither of them. oh that reminds me that the only (parasocial) closeness i felt to a man was jonghyun and then atsushi and they are literally dead rn (rip)... like fr i know ur not supposed to put ppl on a pedestal, nobodys perfect etc but i do feel the least i can do as a person is expect someone i like to do the bare minimum and theres only do much i can ignore (like ningning being obsessed with malnourishing herself and bleaching her skin into oblivion to look whiter hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but i think what's really making me feel liek the Odd One Out is that every other my is just going about their business as usual and aespa enthusiasts don't care fr theyre just there for the pretty girls. it was only me and this one moot that i saw be disgusted with the whole thing and dropping them and like........... seeing other mys not do anything at all just makes me think like even if it was another situation would they not care also? like what would it take for these ppl to be like Woah hey this is not right. or am i thinking too much? maybe it's not that serious? if anything perhaps this was the last straw for me bc aespa was already literally ruining my day either for always lying or for sm being a terrible company to their ggs, and me being excited about aespa coming to brazil literally got me into a scam and i ended up losing over $1k (thats on me though but still. if i hadnt become a fan that wouldnt have happened), and the general stress a parasocial relationship brings (stressed out bc ningning doesnt know i exist and that i loved her so much). i feel stupid and i know it's stupid for writing these kind of these cos there's literally more important things going on. i'm nothing but a drop of water in the sea and sharing my thoughts is like screaming into a void it means nothing at all. anyway good morning.
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deartouya · 2 years
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this is a list of i'm currently working on. i have,, more ideas,, but these are the one being written or outlined currently. i write when i have the chance and can only promise one fic a month, even if i post more throughout any given month. any fic on this list can be changed, edited, or scraped altogether. these will be,, very spaced out and not posted in the order listed so please be patient. please ask me about any that interest you !! i love talking about them :3
i am on a temporary writing hiatus to focus on my event and settle back into school, so i will be slow on posting and completing wips.
updated: november 8, 2022
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LONG FICS (over 3k)
permanence; bakugou katsuki x reader (exes to lovers)
projected word count: 7-9k current status: nearly fully outlined and in the process of being written summary: after earning a year-long mission abroad, you and katsuki break up. there's no animosity, it's for the best and it's easy to ignore him while he's gone. it's only after he gets back that the affection bubbles up. and it's only after a massive villain attack that they break through.
crawl home to her; dabi x reader (corpse bride au)
projected word count: 3-5k current status: nearly fully outlined and partially written summary: following the untimely death of your fiance, your parents arrange for you to marry the next in line. except he's not... dead. even if he's also not quite. right.
with the tides; todoroki shouto x reader (selkie au)
projected word count: 8-10k current status: outlining summary: there's been something... different about the sea, some innate feeling, something tugging at you. it's only after a routine rescue, cutting a seal caught by a reckless fisherman's net, that that strangeness materializes. you just hadn't expected that something to materialize into a... someone.
untitled; hawks x reader (soulmate au)
projected word count: 7-9k current status: outlining summary: after your coffee shop is ruined by a villain attack nearby, you come face to face with the number one hero: winged hero hawks; who, frankly, thinks you're incredibly interesting. after your first meeting, he returns throughout the weeks under the guise of coffee and croissants. he's always loved the idea of soulmates, of someone destined to love him and he hopes you're it for him. he finds his answer after your shop suffers another attack.
eyes so green; midoriya izuku x reader (soulmate au)
projected word count: 6-8k current status: outlining summary: izuku has always loved the idea of soulmates, keeping track of the countdown on his wrist. but as he gets older and the weight of heroism presses closer, he forgets. so when he finally meets you, it's like everything has clicked into place. if only you shared his enthusiasm.
i like you a latte; kaminari denki x reader (coffee shop au)
projected word count: 3-5k current status: outlining summary: denki’s determined to make you fall in love with him, cheesy one-liners and all, even if he goes into debt from all the overpriced lattes and pastries in the process. little does he know he’s already one you over, you just like watching him fumble.
untitled; dabi x reader (grievances to lovers)
projected word count: 8-10k current status: not started, trying to outline summary: you've never gotten along with touya, he makes sure of it. but he always seems to be around, always there to prod his way under your skin. when you're paired with the (now rehabilitated) villain on a mission, you learn that he's not.. the worst person in the world. even if you'd rather die that tell him that.
untitled; hawks x reader (tangled au)
projected word count: 12-14k current status: not started, consuming my every thought summary: ever the opportunist, you take your unfortunate run in with the infamous hawks and twist it to your advantage. despite everything, he's your best shot at finding what you're looking for. even if it means you spend half your time hiding from the kings guard.
the horror and the wild; dabi x reader (mermaid au)
projected word count: 3k current status: almost fully outlined and partially written summary: dabi continues getting himself captured by your crew and you’re running out of excuses for why he’s suddenly escaped. he does, begrudgingly, come in handy.
what the water gave me; bakugou katsuki x reader (mermaid au)
projected word count: 6-7k current status: not started, partially outlined summary: you’re a surfer and finds an injured mermaid, taking it upon yourself to nurture them back to health.
out of the rolling ocean; todoroki shouto x reader (little mermaid au)
projected word count: 12-14k current status: not started summary: after you’re ship sinks returning home, you’re saved by a mysterious person. one you’re determined to find and marry them. the problem is figuring out who they are.
circumstance demands it; todoroki shouto x reader (royalty au)
projected word count: 6-7k current status: not started summary: facing his fathers and countries demands for wed, shouto finds a solution in you- a nobleman’s daughter and friend who can help him fend off the social season.
SHORT FICS (under 3k)
mighty paw; midoriya izuku x reader (zookeeper au)
summary: a little meetcute between you, a primary teacher, and izuku, the zookeeper you interact with on your classes field trip. your students notice how much izuku seems to like you and makes it their mission for the day to get you together.
lost & found; bakugou katsuki x reader (zookeeper au)
during your tour, guided by an incredibly annoyed zookeeper, you both stumble across a lost child which forces you to work together to find their parents. and maybe bakugou gets a little a lot less annoyed with you.
wine & dine; dabi x reader (zookeeper au)
as the field trip comes to an end and you’re preparing to leave, it begins to rain, forcing you and the keeper in charge of the reptile house to huddle together under a small roof until it passes.
out of the rain; hawks x reader (bath fic)
hawks hates the rain, it’s uncomfortable and annoying, but he still always takes care of you. he still uses his wing as a makeshift umbrella when you’re out,despite the way it matts his down and fluffs his feathers. it’s only fair to return the care, the tenderness.
(planned) hit and run; kuroo tetsurou x reader (college au)
a meet cute; you see a cute guy exiting the campus cafe and decide the best way to start a conversation is to run into him.
love in the clouds; hawks x reader (date drabble)
fluffy flight date with your pro-hero boyfriend
cold cold man; dabi x reader (song fic)
clingy villain boyfriend is clingy. refuses to accept work as a valid excuse and shows up on your fire escape so you can hold him.
susie save your love (for someone like me); momo x reader (song fic)
for kai’s the only truth is music collab; song fic based on susie save your love by allie x
love me as i am; bakugou katsuki x reader (bath fic)
the world has always been cruel to katsuki, rough and expecting. it weighs heavy on his shoulders–makes him hard to love, but you’ve never seem to care. you take him for what he is. when work has him ragged, you’re always there to take care of him–soft and tender and loving.
tenderness; bakugou katsuki x reader (sick fic)
you get sick before date night and katsuki spends the night looking after you.
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
Not to nitpick on a personal rant, or revive your previous annoyance, but you've mentioned that Anders refers to Hawke as "one bright light in Kirkwall", instead of "one bright light in [his life]", but it was actually both! Former being a response to Hawke agreeing to get Ser Alrik's ass (unromanced) and the later is from Questioning Beliefs from Act III (romanced). 1/2
It my native language, "the light of one's life" is a very popular pet name, when conveyed by a single word, that translates to "[my] sun". It's also considered to be one of the most endearing ones. I've never seen someone find it repulsive before, leave alone if that someone is your partner of 3 years (unless they simply just hate pet names). I'm bringing up this random funfact because I feel somewhat guilty for this entire fandom stir, as it was my ask that OP was responding to 😔😔😔. 2/2
OH YOU'RE RIGHT!!! thanks for the correction! i forgot about that particular instance in act 3; it's been a while since my da2 pts, im currently redoing an origins run for Mood for my wip lol
hopefully this doesnt stir more stuff bc im content to let it lie now (like im annoyed but ive already blocked op so whatever), but i'll place the next bits after a cut just in case
for context: when he calls you the one bright light in his life in act 3, it's after the quest, justice, where he's setting things up for act 3's finale. specifically, that quest starts with him giving his valuables away to varric -- a clear indication of his suicidality/expectation that he's going to die by the end of this. he tells you, on the friendship romance route, you are the most important thing in my life, but some things are more important than my life. the entire speech is him trying to explain himself in a roundabout way, so that when things play out, you don't blame yourself for his actions or for not stopping him, so that you don't think you didn't matter to him at all/never mattered, because you did. he tells you, "you are the one bright light in my life. never blame yourself for what will happen." after like. four years together. seven years of knowing each other. he thinks he's going to die -- and in some pts, DOES die -- and he tries to make sure you know that you were really, truly loved, that he meant everything he said to you about caring for you, that this relationship mattered to him. like... every time that quest plays, i have to pause and take a breather or else i'm going to cry. lit just thinking about it makes my heart hurt.
i genuinely can't see how it's manipulative, or toxic? is it just me??? this is literally his goodbye to you, unless you spare him in the end and he goes with you to the gallows. this is what he wants his last words to be to you; a reminder that he loves you and that you shouldn't blame yourself for his actions.
i have similar petnames in my mother tongue, too. and i agree re: it being the most loving term of endearment. (u should also. Drop the term of endearment. if u want. so we can collectively adopt it for a/nders.) but the way OP phrased it doesn't seem to indicate any issues with petnames but rather the fact he said it at all which is really...
it's just really... aggravating? weird? idk? to me that this person cherry-picked it as "he calls you the one bright light in his life which is soooo toxic"
........ like. the implication here is that it's toxic because he's depressed? and depressed, suicidal people who tell you that you're the only thing keeping them going is some kind of.. terrible, awful manipulation tactic and not a desperate cry for IMMEDIATE help? as though he's holding his mental state over you, threatening you with it in order to get compliance or something? like if this is the friendship romance route, it's so weird that the apparent critique here is that anders... expects you to care about him/and cares about you? they just like. ignored the entire context around both times. even in my first blind da2 pt (my first romance was bela), when i got to that scene, i IMMEDIATELY felt concern on his behalf not alarm that he was somehow manipulating me?
and most of the post is like that. just... cherry-picking random things and blowing them out of proportion/making it out to be something he's not. like the entire post was just... shitting on an/ders for being a romance option? like. if you hate all the romantic aspects of the andersmance, you literally have four whole other options for a romance -- and we already know exactly who op prefers because they can't seem to stop themselves from constantly comparing the two romances, or rather, specifically, using the apparent "toxicity" of h/anders to prop up fe/nhawke -- like. go romance someone else then lol
also. i dont think you should feel guilty for anything. its kinda obv from OP's post that they'd had this in their mind for a long while (even tho it's not a fresh take by any stretch of the imagination) bc i saw other posts on my dash that i rolled my eyes at from them w similar phrasing for how they believed h/anders was toxic [in comparison to f/enhawke] & the implication that h/anders was somehow inherently inferior to f/enhawke as a ship. so. ultimately, disappointed but not surprised. this was likely inevitable the moment their blog gained traction by interacting w proa/nders blogs & content lol
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