#also im gonna cosplay her of Diana maybe both
3psil-0n · 7 months
"If only we could fly like birds and go wherever we wished."
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I haven't beaten Rule of Rose yet, but Eleanor is definitely my favourite member of the aristocrat club. Poor girl isn't even that mean to Jennifer and just aaaa-
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notoriouslydevious · 4 years
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Did this on my blog when I first transitioned to being League-Only and I wanted to see how much my answers changed. OwO 1) When did I start? July 15th, 2017 (a couple days after Kayn was released). It was a month after I moved in with my boyfriend and he introduced me to it. ♥ 2) The first champ you played? Sona. Well, technically Ashe because back then you weren’t able to choose what champ to try out and you weren’t in the middle lane on summoner’s rift. It was Ashe on howling abyss and they’d recommend building warmogs and thornmail??? I’m so glad they’ve updated the tutorial since I started.  3) My favorite champ to play right now is Nami. I love her w poke, I like her cc, I like her skins, I like spamming her laugh- she’s my fave ♥ 4) Which Champ has the best lore? Kindred because they’re literally death incarnate.  5) My main role: SUPPORT!~ (If you play with me? Sorry but support is my role :3) 6) My weakest role: Jungle for sure. I’ve said this on repeat, I salute to jungle mains. There is so much pressure with being a jungler because:
you gotta worry about jungle pressure
 enemy team/jungler invading your jungle
hoping your team rotates when the enemy team invades/ enemy jungler invades 
being able to successfully gank lanes and not fall behind the enemy jungler
hoping your team rotates to help you secure objectives 
I could go on and on but I’ll leave it there for now. My boyfriend is a top/jungle main and he constantly tells me how, “easy and carefree” jungle is but I don’t think I could ever be good at it.  7) Champ I hate the most: Vladimir. Poor boy needs a visual update but UGH, I HATE HIS HEALING! Literally just takes my morellonomicon and spits on it like, “awwww... that’s cute.” (Fizz is also a stinker.)  8) Favorite Skin: Elementalist Lux/ Dj Sona ♥ 9) Champ I want to learn: Irelia or Fiora. I have skins for both of these champs and I’m more or less okay at Irelia. I think I want to get BETTER at Irelia and learn Fiora (since holy shit she’s so strong).  10) Highest Mastery Points: Lux ♥ 11) Fave Champ in Each Role:  Top: Quinn  Jng: Evelynn Mid: Lux Adc: Miss Fortune or Sivir Support: Nami 12) What Champ do I want a new skin for? Well... There are a lot of champs that I think would fit into a LOT of skinlines but I’ll only name a few:  Coven Syndra Coven Cassiopeia  Solar/Lunar Eclipse Kayle Solar/Lunar Eclipse Diana (For an Illaoi enthusiast I know) Pool Party Illaoi 13) Favorite Summoner Spell: Exhaust. All you fast assassin bitches can suck my DICK! 14)  Champ you hate to face: BLITZ OR THRESH! Please revert Blitz hook range (also lollipopping hooks to my champion SUCKS) 15) Flash on D or F? D, duh.  16) Favorite Quote: Lux,  "The superior tactic is to never give up." 17) Champ I would cosplay: ALL OF MY GIRLS: Lux, Nami, Morgana, Neeko, Janna, Sona, Lulu, Kayle, Evelynn, Elise, Syndra, Cass, Miss Fortune, Kai’sa, Xayah, Leblanc- Literally any female champ.  18) Favorite Item: Ludens (tied with Ardent)  18b) Most hated item: b.o.r.k 19) Ever gotten a ban? Nope~ ♥ Not even a chat restriction :>  20) How many skins do you own? 138 20b) How many champions? 94 21) Most banned champ? In urf it was Lucian. In normal league it’s probably a 4 way tie between thresh, blitz, yasuo, and yi.  22) Champ I had my first penta with? Sona  23) Favorite Keystone? Domination  24) Favorite Emote? Nami UWU 25) Toxic? On voice sometimes but never in chat  Easy to Tilt? ...maybe  Chill? I like to think so xD Guess I’m a mixture of all 3.  26) Solo or Premades? PREMADES. I never play alone.  27) Ranked, Normal or Aram? ARAM ALL THE WAY.  28) Highest Elo I ever reached? Silver 2 (I dont really play ranked- too toxic.)  Elo atm: Bronze 2 (I’ve been taking a break from league. Been mainly playing wow with occasional urf games inbetween. BUT YOU CAN BET YOUR ASS IM GONNA BE BACK WHEN NEXUS BLITZ COMES BACK AROUND, YES MA’AM!)  29) Have you ever uninstalled? Out of rage- nah. I think I thought about it before after getting into heated arguments with my boyfriend when both playing together but I never did. I did have to uninstall and then reinstall because a “file was corrupted.”  30) Would I ever quit League? I dont think I’ll fully ever quit (I dont want to) but I’ve been taking more breaks from it and it’s been pretty relaxing and easier on my anxiety. I’ve had a dispute with someone in the group I usually play with so I don’t really mind playing wow or something else while they’re there. (We also have a bunch of people in the discord that we’re in and a lot of people play league, so I also dont mind giving up my spot so someone else can play.)  Take the League 30 questions quiz!!!~ ♥
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