#also im never making a set w this many gifs again even if its for actual yaoi godddd my back hurts
neonsbian · 10 months
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should i be here...?
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
austin butler - into you [part 4]
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warnings ; this does indeed contain smut and lots of it 
prompt ; in which fate keeps bringing you and austin together. or, in which you two finally figure it out. 
a/n ; i cannot BELIEVE this is the final part of this series :( im gonna miss it so much!! and for that, i present to you a two part smut (its literally 11k words) i have fed yall for eons and this is the grand finale. also - the word ‘dress’ has links attached to it so u can see what i envisioned the reader wearing at the events (quotev core) thank you guys so much for sticking with this series. <3 with that said, enjoy!!
part one | part two | part three 
It had been a month. Thirty days. That’s how long you had gone without seeing Austin. Well, not exactly. You did see him; on the cover of magazines, interviews, etc. By far, your favorite source was Twitter, where you got a front row seat as to who he was dating at the moment. Last week, he was seen with Kaia Gerber. This week, it was some other random girl who’s name you didn’t even bother to remember. I turned down so many girls for you, he had said. Clearly, he was okay with reaching out to them again. Yet, with you, it was stone cold silence. To be fair, you had never responded to his heartfelt text message. You also might have blocked his number. You did mean to reply. However, days ticked by and you kept ‘meaning to’ respond, but never actually did. Instead, you let your eyes stare at the message for hours before crying some more.
You also spent most of your nights crying over the pictures of him with other girls. He looked happy. In theory, it was what you wanted for him, but after spending the past two years learning about his favorite childhood memories and the foods he only ate when he was drunk, you hated the idea of anyone else having him. You also despised the idea of someone touching him like you had. Or, even worse: him kissing someone like he used to kiss you. Pretending you still didn’t harbor feelings for him was proving to be more difficult than you thought.
“You ready to go?” Your best friend, Megan, spoke from the bathroom of your apartment. She was your date to the W Magazine’s annual party, and seeing as you had no new suitors in your life, you thought it was best to go with a friend. Your publicist had offered numerous times to set you up with someone, but you declined, saying ‘it was no use to spend time with a man you wouldn’t like.’
Nevertheless, you were ready. Well, sort of. You were still sitting on your bed in your black dress, mindlessly scrolling through the pictures of Austin with his new girl of the week. Megan rounded the corner, sighing when she saw you still on your phone. “[Y/N], we have to stop doing this,” she sat down next to you, taking your phone out of your hand and turning it off. “Why don’t you just reach out to him?”
“It’s not that easy,” You muttered. You meant that. The fear of rejection was far greater than anything else. You didn’t want him to tell you he had found someone better who was ready to love him the way you couldn’t.
“He told you he loved you, and I really think he meant that! No one says that during sex AND in a text message if they don’t feel that way about you,” Megan scoffed, rubbing your back soothingly as she comforted you.
“I know he loves me, I do,” you played with your hands in your lap, staring down at the floor. “I just wish I hadn’t been stupid enough to not tell him I love him the way that he loves me, and want to be with him.”
“Listen, I’m not gonna tell you everything’s going to be okay. But, what I can promise, is you are the most beautiful person ever. You are an amazing actress and friend, and the world needs to see that tonight,” she stood up, placing her hands on her hips. “Now, are you gonna get up and do a twirl for me, or do I have to make you?”
You pursed your lips, looking up at her. You appreciated the kind words, knowing she had the best intentions. It was just hard to imagine yourself smiling for the cameras and posing on a red carpet. “If I have no choice-“
“No, no, no,” she grimaced at your words. “That is not the spirit. There are going to be hot men galore at this event, and you mean to tell me you’re not the least bit excited?! Who’s to say you won’t meet your soulmate there tonight?”
These were very true words. Although your hope for love was slim to none at that point, there was no way you were going to win an argument against Megan. She had seen you through your worst breakups, but deep down, she knew she had never seen you this depressed over a man before. Megan knew the basics of the story between you and Austin, but didn’t want to pry and open a can of worms. Mustering all the courage you could, you stood up, meeting her height in your heels. “If I don’t meet my soulmate tonight, I’m blaming it on you.”
She chuckled, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “You can do whatever you want as long as you get in that car downstairs. I promised your manager we would be on time and we’re definitely not going to be.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I made the same promise to her,” you laughed before grabbing your handbag and following her out the door of your apartment where your driver waited for you patiently. The two of you hopped into the car, jamming out to music along the way. You hadn’t been to a red carpet event in over two years, and to say you were nervous was an understatement. You forgot what it was like to be under the bright lights, to have camera flashes blinding you. It used to be a drug for you, to have that much attention on you at once. Now, it just felt like a chore. It was almost as if Megan could sense your nerves, and she reached out to place a hand on top of yours.
“You got this tonight. I am going to be right there with you every step of the way. Not only because I want my picture taken, but also because I love you,” She smiled, and the first part elicited a giggle out of you. You knew she was right. You had been doing red carpets since you first entered Hollywood, and you knew how to excite a crowd.
The car screeched to a halt, and you heard the screams of commoners that were barricaded behind silver bars. Once you saw your supporters, you knew it would all be worth it and you would be reminded as to why you adored being an actress. You gave Megan a knowing smile before exiting the car, your driver propping the door open for you. Almost immediately, cameras began to capture your glamorous exit from each angle. “[Y/N]!” They yelled out, all trying to get your attention simultaneously.
“Oh thank god, there you are,” your manager rushed up to you from around the corner, rolling her eyes as she checked her watch. “I knew you were gonna be late so I lied about the time you had to get here. At least now you’re on time to pose on the carpet.”
“Bad time tonight,” Megan spoke up from behind you, eyebrows pointing towards you as your manager seemed to catch her drift.
“Great, perfect, fine,” she said, slowly walking you towards the beginning of the carpet. “Remember, big, big smiles! You’re a big Hollywood actress and there are talks about new movies you’re going to be in next year so I need you alive and ready to answer all questions.”
You knew the drill. Pose where they told you to, answer what they wanted to hear. You nodded in agreement, flattening out your dress and tossing your hair behind your shoulders. You strutted towards the entrance of the carpet, turning around to look at Megan for support again. She smiled, giving you two big thumbs up. I can do this, you told yourself. I am okay. Tonight, I am okay.
And, with that, you took your first step onto the carpet. “[Y/N]! [Y/N]! Look this way!” Photographers yelled at you from all angles, and you focused your eyes straight ahead, smiling slightly as you posed for the cameras. You always made sure to give them a show, and you blew multiple kisses to the cameramen. You saw your manager and Megan had migrated to the opposite end of the carpet, waiting for you to finish your photoshoot. However, for one moment, you basked in the glory. You were on top of the world. You finally felt as if you were back where you belonged, and nothing, or anyone, could take that away from you.
Your manager beckoned you to come over to the end of the carpet, and you waved goodbye to the crowd walking over. “That was amazing, babe! You look so good, the magazines tomorrow are going to eat this up.”
“I hope so,” you grinned. “That was the best I’ve felt in years! I forgot how much I love-“
You were interrupted by Megan’s incessant tapping on your shoulder. You scrunched your eyebrows, turning to look at her. She gulped, leaning down into your ear, “Please, please do not turn around. We are going to go inside and have a good time. We are going to drink lots of champagne and get drunk.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” You rolled your eyes, looking behind her to see what she was talking about. Sure enough, you wished you hadn’t.
Austin Butler stood on the red carpet in a black suit, a silver chain adorning his neckline. He looked amazing. He smiled and waved at the cameras, and it seemed like he knew exactly how to pose. He always knew what he was doing. Despite him being humble, there was no denying that he was going to be the most attractive man at the event that night. Your vision went blurry, mind reeling as flashbacks of your relationship with Austin flew through your brain. Your heart could barely contain itself in your rib cage. You knew you had to see him again at one point, but tonight? Tonight was the first night you were ready to allow yourself happiness, and it was all crumbling down. The weight of a thousand bricks felt as if they had collapsed onto your chest.
Soon enough, he had caught your gaze.
He froze in his tracks, mouth slightly gaping open as he took you in. Your black dress had a slit in it that showed off enough of your leg to leave it up to imagination. Red lipstick ran across your plump lips, hair done in perfect curled waves. He thought you looked stunning. You immediately looked away, incessant curse words flying out of your mouth. “Oh my god, it’s [Y/N] and Austin! Come together for pictures!”
You were sure you were going to strangle the cameraman who just said that. However, you had quite literally no choice or say in the matter. Before you knew it, your manager was side-eyeing you, nudging you in the direction of Austin, the man you were pretending you weren’t desperately in love with. It felt as if time had stopped completely. You re-entered the carpet, ready to give the performance of a lifetime. Because, now, with about 10 cameras around, you two had to pretend as if the last two years had not happened. You had to act as if you weren’t longing for his touch, to ask how his day with, to hear his laughter again. At that moment, you two were just co-stars. Nothing hurt more than that. You finally reached him, and he smiled at you feebly as he snaked an arm around your waist, smiling for the cameras.
No tears. No crying. You had to repeat it to yourself twenty times. You smelled his scent before, but now, it felt like daggers to your heart. You had all these secrets about him bottled up inside of you, and now you had to pretend like it meant nothing. After what seemed like forever, you finally removed yourself from his embrace, thanking the camera and nearly jogging off the carpet. Austin knew better than to chase after you and yell your name, although, that is all he wanted to do. You grabbed Megan’s hand, and she gave it a firm squeeze as you two entered the event. Loud rap music echoed from the speakers, and chatter bounced off the walls. “Are you okay?” Megan whispered in your ear, coming out as more of a small yell.
“Absolutely not,” you shook your head. “But I will be after I get a drink.”
“That’s the spirit,” she patted your back, leading you to the bar area where you both ordered ‘extra strong’ vodka cranberries. You surveyed the room, hoping to see others that you knew. Among some of the attendees were Andrew Garfield and Jamie Dornan, faces you recognized almost immediately. One of the most thrilling things about being a celebrity was the extravagant parties that were always happening, and it was usually filled with familiar faces; from movies or red carpet events.
“How is everyone here so attractive?” Megan screamed into your ear as you both downed your drinks, ordering another round soon after. It was true, everyone there was beyond gorgeous. You and Megan went back to searching around the room for anyone interesting, and your heart almost flew out of your body as you saw Kaia Gerber in the corner, making friends with some other actors.
“You have got to be kidding me,” You closed your eyes, taking another sip of your drink. Megan looked over to where you were looking previously and widened her eyes at the sight of the model.
“Oh my god, do you think they came here together?” She asked innocently, feeling buzzed off the drinks she had consumed.
“I really fucking hope not,” you finished your second drink, motioning to the bartender to make you another one. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they did, though. He was spotted with her 2 weeks ago.”
“Jeez, you really have been stalking him,” Megan crossed her arms over her body, standing in front of you to block you from staring at Kaia. “Listen, we just need to dance and forget about him. If he wants you, he’ll come get you. And if not, we will find you someone hotter at this party.”
You were starting to feel a buzz throughout your whole body, so you let Megan guide you to the dance floor. The DJ was playing overplayed music that allowed you to dance to all the lyrics. It was just the right kind of moment you needed with your best friend. Laughing at each other’s dance moves, you both swatted off multiple men trying to join in on your little dance circle. However, despite the constant distractions, you managed to make eye contact with Austin as he talked to Kaia.
You didn’t want to let him get to you again, so you just ignored it. It was proving hard to do that because you could feel his eyes burning holes into your body as you danced to your favorite song. He didn’t want to look at you. He wanted to focus on what he had in front of him, to see if you still cared about him and make you jealous. He just couldn’t stop looking at you. And you really hated the way his eyes felt on you. By accident, you made eye contact with him again, and you watched as he broke your gaze, leaning in to kiss Kaia. You couldn’t even register what was happening, and you didn’t even want to bother being in his presence anymore. Without letting Megan know too much, you tapped her shoulder, causing her to pause her dancing. “Hey, I’m gonna catch some fresh air. I’ll be right back.” She nodded, resuming right where she left off.
You exited the doors of the event, taking deep breaths to try and calm yourself. You saw the sign for the restroom, and you deemed it best to hang out in there before you had to go in again. It was too early for you to leave, and your manager would have a fit if you even tried it. You could barely get a chance to open the door to the single-stalled bathroom before you felt a hand on your waist, gently pushing you into the bathroom. Whipping around, you came face to face with Austin. “What the fuck are you doing in here?!” you quipped immediately, “This is a bathroom.”
“This is the only way I could get you to talk to me,” He retorted.
“Get out of here!” Your voice raised in a threatening tone, however, he seemed unnerved by your words. He knew you did not mean it. “You can’t just follow me in here and expect for us to just have a grand ol’ chat.”
“[Y/N], I just have some things I want to say-“
“No, no,” you moved towards the bathroom door, trying to make your escape, but Austin blocked the door as soon he saw you migrate in that direction. “Just let me through! I don’t want to talk to you, don’t you get it? We have literally nothing to talk about.”
“You really believe that?” He chuckled sarcastically.
“Yes, I do,” you spoke through clenched teeth. “You need to go back out there to your girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he rolled his eyes. He knew you were going to be difficult, and he hated to admit that was one of the things he loved most about you. You always stood your ground during situations, whether it be in his favor or not. “We’re just hanging out because my publicist set us up.”
“Yeah, and I bet you’re having fun with that,” You tried to move past him again, but he gripped your shoulders, placing you in front of him. You shrugged his grip off your shoulders, clenching your jaw and looking away. “Holding hands, kissing all over the place-“
“What, are you jealous or something?”
You were. You had never been more jealous in your life. The thought of him holding and kissing Kaia pained you more than you could admit to him. The past month, Austin had taken note that you weren’t photographed with any men. In fact, social media hadn’t been an accurate source on you, because you had gone MIA after flying back to the U.S. He had tried tracking you down to see what you were up to, but you had made it nearly impossible.
“You love lying, don’t you?”
“Oh, go fuck yourself,” you shoved his shoulder, hoping to get access to the door, but that didn’t get you very far. “Austin, I’m really not in the mood for this. I was having a good night-“
“Doing what, staring at me and Kaia?” He couldn’t help but crack a small smile. He knew what he was doing to you, and in a way, he almost enjoyed your incessant cat-and-mouse game.
“No. Enjoying my night with my friend, which I would love to get back to doing.” You were definitely lying again. Knowing that he was willing to trap you in a bathroom left you with some, to put it nicely, rated R thoughts. However, you knew it was wrong to do that to Kaia. You just wanted him so bad.
“Listen, [Y/N], I’ve tried reaching you numerous times. I tried calling you, texting you, I even reached out to your publicist. So, if trapping you in the bathroom is the only way I can talk to you, then so be it,” he took a step towards you, and you couldn’t even move. You were glued in your spot. You had blocked his number after he had texted you while you were on the plane home, so you weren’t made aware of any advances he made towards you.
“What is there even to talk about?” You questioned, shaking your head in disbelief.
“I know you love me. And honestly, I’m very in love with you too. I don’t want to play these games with you anymore,” His eyes pierced into yours, and in that moment, you felt tiny. You knew everything he was saying was true, and you wanted to do better and be better but you weren’t sure if you were there yet.
“So what if I love you? It doesn’t mean anything, Austin. It’s still not going to work between us,” You reminded him.
“[Y/N], I want to make this work. Please. I haven’t stopped thinking about you ever since our last conversation,” He took one more step towards you, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. “Do you want me?”
Your voice was no louder than a whisper. “I-I don’t know. Fuck, I don’t- I can’t. I don’t know what I want,” you tried to keep your composure as you took in his scent, his pheromones bouncing off the walls.
“I want you. And I don’t want just the sex. I want the cuddles at night, I want the ‘I love you’s’ I want the dinner dates. I know it’s scary for you, but I want to show you that it doesn’t have to be,” He reached out to move a strand of your hair behind your ear, and you looked up at him.
“Do you want me?” He repeated.
“Austin, it’s not that simple,” There was no going back now. He already had you in too deep.
“Why can’t it be?” He retorted, his hand moving to prop your chin up, never breaking eye contact for a moment.
“You want me?” You had to hear his answer, although you knew what it would be.
He didn’t hesitate for a second, knowing that if he waited a minute too long, you would panic again. Deep down, every part of you was itching to kiss him again. Oh, how you had missed the feeling of his plump, pink lips against yours. “We shouldn’t do this, Austin,” his lips were now mere inches away from yours. The tension in the room was palpable, you could cut it with a knife. You couldn’t. You shouldn’t. But, he had set your entire body on fire and you couldn’t look away from his piercing gaze.
“Why not?”
You gulped again, his hand still grazing your chin. “Because you have a girl out there waiting for you.”
“This isn’t about her. This is about me and you, right now,” He replied, tone down to a whisper. Lips almost touching, he murmured, “Say the words, and I’m yours.”
You didn’t have to say the words. He already knew your answer. With one look at his lips, you found yourself leaning forward and messily pressing your lips against his. He fell backwards against the bathroom door, leaning behind to lock it as his other free hand found your waist. Hoisting you up with one arm, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he navigated towards the sink countertop, setting you down gently. Your legs remained around his waist, lips never wavering away from him for a moment. You pulled him in as close you possibly could, trying to feel as much of him. His hands moved to cup your cheeks, guiding you as he slipped his tongue in between your lips, and you felt your body become electric again. You had craved this feeling. You needed this.
He began to kiss down your neck, and little moans fell from your mouth as he pushed your chin up. He sucked on the sweet spot in the middle of your neck, leaving something that was sure to raise eyebrows tomorrow. You didn’t even care if anyone saw it, you were too lost in the pleasure to care about anything anymore. “I want to make sure everyone knows you’re mine,” His tone had darkened. You cupped his face in your hands, kissing him again with as much passion as you could muster. You had never missed anyone more than you had missed him.
“I need you,” You spoke in between kisses. Fuck your ego, fuck your self-respect. All of it went down the drain when he was kissing you. He reached behind your back, slowly and teasingly unzipping your dress. His shirt and blazer were nearly torn off his body, anticipation seeping through your bloodstream.
“This dress is an absolute stunner, by the way,” he whispered in your ear as it dropped to the floor below the sink. “Nearly came in my pants the minute I saw you in this.”
You were left in your matching black corset that was worn underneath your dress, and black lace underwear. Austin’s eyes glazed over your body, hunger clouding his vision as he pulled you back in for a passionate kiss. His hand moved towards your neck, lightly choking you as his lips danced against yours. “Get on your knees, baby. Need to see your pretty little lips wrapped around my cock.”
The wetness that had pooled in your underwear grew at his words, but you obeyed him immediately, getting off the sink and feeling the cold tile against your knees. You palmed his erect cock through his dress pants, looking up at him seductively through your eyelashes. He groaned at the look in your eyes. “I missed how hard you would get for me,” you spoke softly, slowly unzipping his pants to reveal his boxers.
“It’s all for you,” His voice crackled slightly near the end of his sentence as you pulled down his boxers, his erection falling out, red and throbbing with precum. You dropped your head down to lick his pulsing tip. Austin let out a low moan as he studied you intensely. His hands gripped your hair as you slowly sucked the head of his penis into your mouth. You moved at an excruciatingly slower rate, dipping a little further. You then took him out of your mouth, only to pause, establish direct eye contact, and go even deeper the next time. Austin trembled as you swirled your tongue around his tip, which you knew was his most sensitive area. "Fuck," he had to hold the countertop next to him to keep from falling over with ecstasy.
He'd never forget how it felt to have you all to himself, seeing how you looked with his member within your mouth. As you began to move up and down faster on his cock, all he could think about was how your mouth felt better than he remembered. He ached to be buried so deep inside of you, making you scream his name and letting every single person at this event know who you belonged to. Austin refused to take his gaze away from you, and he couldn't take it any longer. His hand pressed against your head, allowing you to delve deeper onto his cock.
Austin grabbed your hair in a sloppy ponytail, causing you to move quicker. He moaned and closed his eyes before bucking his hips and ramming into your mouth. His tip started hitting the back of your throat, making you gag. His eyes shot open wide at the sound and sensation it created around his cock. Your lips swallowed the entirety of his member. If you kept going at this rate, Austin knew he wouldn't be able to last. His stomach muscles tensed, and he soon recognized the familiar sensation. As you licked a stripe on the vein on the bottom of his length, he felt himself twitch in your mouth. Noting that he was close, you removed your lips from him, wiping your mouth with your finger and taking a taste. “You always taste so good, baby.”
Slowly getting up, you leaned in to kiss him again, and he tasted himself on your lips. He needed to be inside of you, now. You pulled away from his lips, smiling at him coyly before kissing down his neck. He appreciated the teasing, but he had never craved to be buried deep inside of you like this before. “Oh,” he moaned softly, like putty in your hands. You placed your lips back on his, stumbling backwards onto the countertop of the sink, where you found yourself sitting upright. Austin moved in between your open legs, sliding your panties to the side, pressing two fingers to your bundle of nerves. You jumped at the contact, biting your own lip to contain the moans. He began to rub circles around your throbbing core, and you threw your head back, letting a few moans fall from your lips. Austin knew exactly where you needed him, and wanted to get you there as fast as he could. “God, sweetheart, you’re always so wet for me.”
He watched as you squirmed under his touch, and he stuck one finger into your entrance, causing curse words to exit your lips. He thought you looked gorgeous during this moment, when you were losing control of yourself. “Please, more,” you whimpered, and he obeyed, sticking his index finger into you. Pumping them in and out of you, he curved his fingers to meet your g-spot, and you yelled in response. Your entire body shook with delight, and you could barely hold yourself together. He was hitting your sweet spot while simultaneously rubbing your clit. It was all too much for you to handle as you felt yourself get lost in the pleasure. Stars washed over your vision as you screamed out his name along with other profanities, streams of liquid exiting your body. He watched as you squirted onto the countertop, your legs shaking incessantly as you rode out your high. He had never seen you do that before, and he was about to come just from the sight.
Before you had a chance to gather yourself, he pulled your legs towards the edge of the countertop, slamming into you with all his might. You gripped the edge of the sink, your clit still throbbing and red. “Austin!” You screamed out as he overstimulated you, burying himself so deep inside of you he could’ve sworn he saw his member reach your stomach. You leaned forward, clawing down his back. “Oh my god, baby, I can’t-“
“Take it,” he spoke firmly. You had no choice but to listen, your walls still clenching from your previous orgasm around him. He suddenly pulled out of you, helping your limp body off the sink as he posed you in front of the mirror, your back to him. You took the moment to look at the two of you in the mirror. Sweat beaded at his forehead and your makeup was a disaster. He ran a finger through your folds, smirking to himself when he realized you were still dripping.
Pushing your back down, you gripped onto the sink, facing the mirror as he positioned himself at your entrance. He put just the tip in, not letting himself get carried away like last time. “Please,” you begged for mercy. He looked up and met your eyes in the mirror, fisting your hair and putting it into another messy ponytail. Slowly but surely, he dove deeper inside of you, feeling your tight walls engulf him. You both moaned at the feeling at the same time. Austin began to pick up his pace, watching as his cock slid in and out of you with ease.
“Look in the mirror while I fuck you, princess,” He demanded, and the sight in the mirror was enough to drive you crazy. You were bent over the sink as he pounded into you, gripping your hair tightly in his hands, your tits bouncing. As you both watched yourselves in the mirror, you realized how you two adored each other. The way you looked in the moment was so submissive. You were submissive for him.
“You look so pretty with my cock deep inside of you,” He paused his movements for a brief second, thrusting at an agonizingly slow pace. He knew he was hitting the spot where you had craved him the most. He never wanted anyone to fuck you like this ever again.
“Fuck, it feels so good,” You said as he picked up the speed again. You watched him in the mirror, sweat glistening on his shoulder blades as you caught him losing himself in you.
"Fuck, sweetheart. I'm not going to last much longer," he whispered, his voice breathless and desperate. His thrusts became sloppy, and his eyelids clenched shut as he concentrated on pursuing his release. "I'll fill you up all the way. You're such a good girl for me."
He leaned forward, his hand clamped around your neck as he brought you to his face. He kissed you, a sloppy kiss to match his clumsy thrusts. He broke away again, his face contorting in delight. "I missed fucking you like this," you stammered before his cock jerked inside you, white, hot sperm shooting from the tip deep into your core. The heat of his fluids poured into your entire being, your body convulsing from the pleasure. The words you tried to say were drowned out by a shamelessly loud moan of his name that Austin made no attempt to muffle. His hips gently moved higher, allowing the juices that had flowed out of you to combine with his own.
“Holy shit,” he breathed out as he almost fell into you, his head falling to your shoulder as you both tried to regain yourselves. You didn’t have any words besides those three little words he wanted to hear. You knew you had to overcome your fear, because you had realized that the thought of living without him was worse than the fear of heartbreak. Deep down, you knew he would never do anything to intentionally threaten your relationship.
“I love you,” You blurted out, and he perked up immediately, head moving up to make direct eye contact. A cheeky grin spread across his face as he cupped your cheeks in his hands. He had been aching to hear you say it first. It was all the confirmation he needed to pursue you romantically. “I love you too,” he replied, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
Your happy moment was short-lived, however, as you two were startled by loud knocks on the door. “[Y/N]! I swear to god if you’re in there, I’m going to lose my mind!” You both eyed each other in horror before Austin slowly began to laugh. You slapped his arm, slowly putting your underwear back on.
You inched towards the door, unlocking it carefully as you pried the door open just enough to see Megan’s angry expression and hide your half-naked body behind. “Hey…bestie,” you smiled feebly.
“Don’t you dare ‘bestie’ me! What the fuck are you doing in here? Do you have explosive diarrhea or something-“
Megan stopped in her tracks as she made eye contact with Austin behind you. She immediately put the puzzle pieces together, her face contorting as she realized. “Oh, you have got to be kidding.”
“How about you give me a second and then me and you will head on out?” You smiled again, closing the door inch by inch before it finally was shut and locked. A moment of silence was heard between you and Austin before the two of you simultaneously began laughing hysterically. You felt bad for Megan, you did, but you definitely didn’t regret the look on her face.
“The look on her face!” Austin said between laughs, pausing to wipe his tears. He bent down to pick up his dress shirt, and you struggled to put your own dress back on while giggling.
“I basically deserted her at an event where she knew no one, so I actually do kinda feel bad,” you turned your back to him, motioning for him to zip your dress back up. “She’s gonna be mortified forever.”
He turned you back around after he zipped you up, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You know, I feel like for all your troubles I can at least take you out to dinner.”
For once, the fear that always resided in your heart wasn’t clouding your judgement. You didn’t want to make the same mistake as last time, because you knew he was the one you wanted to be with. You needed a fresh beginning with him, and there was no better time than the present.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him in for another kiss before saying, “I would actually like that very much.”
Dinner was nothing short of a success. If people were hoping to hear a Hollywood love story, you two might have taken the cake. All the delicate ways he spoke to you, comforting your fears and reminding you that he loved you was enough to allow you to open yourself up. He watched as you became his confidante, his best friend, and most importantly, his lover. He had asked you to be his girlfriend after 2 weeks of consistent dinner dates, not even bothering to check in with either of your publicists, the excitement too much for him to bear. Austin loved you the best way he knew how; unconditionally. Realistically, the two of you had to keep your relationship quiet since you didn’t want anyone to think it was a publicity stunt for Elvis.
Telling the man who made it all happen, Baz Luhrmann, was a different story. You had called Baz one night after dating Austin for a month, deeming it an acceptable amount of time before telling your close inner circle. He had raved about how much he loved the two of you, saying ‘I knew it’ the whole time. Austin had tried to beat you to the bunch by calling Baz during your call, but you just loved saying the words, “Austin and I are dating.”
No one outside of your circle knew about your relationship, not even your parents or friends. It was better to keep it professional so people did not assume. Austin hated it, however. All he wanted was to hold your hand in public, or post you on his Instagram for the whole world to see your beauty. He had begged you numerous times for just one picture, but you knew better and told him to be patient. Plus, you enjoyed having him all to yourself in your bubble. The movie premiere for Elvis was about a month and a half away, and your lives would be in a frenzy after that.
The Met Gala was something you had been invited to for three consecutive years until the pandemic hit. You were not new to the scene of extravagant parties disguised as charity events. Your stylist had been working day and night to find you a perfect dress for this year’s theme, and after much trial and error, you found a dress that you loved. It was a stunning gold dress with embellishments, and Austin nearly fell out of his chair when he saw you at your fitting. This year felt different, however, as you would be attending the Met Gala with your co-stars for Elvis. You and Austin were to be front and center of every camera.
Nerves were striking the two of you like never before. You also had been warned by both of your publicists numerous times to not show any sort of affection outside of friendship. Even the slightest of touches could be taken the wrong way. Now, the two of you did not follow the rules. You two were always doing things you weren’t supposed to be doing, so everyone was on edge. Austin just hated the idea of someone thinking you were still available.
“Baby, I’m back!” You heard Austin’s voice ring out from behind the walls of your bathroom in your shared hotel room, where you were being zipped up, poked, and prodded by multiple stylists. It was the night of the Met Gala, and you had sent Austin out to get you a small snack while you were getting ready. He was already adorned in a gorgeous black Prada suit, and you had only thought to yourself how lucky you were after you saw him. You wanted your look to be a bit more of a surprise, as you were getting all dolled up for the event.
“Don’t come in yet,” you warned as your makeup artist put the finishing touches on your face. “I’ll be out in a second, I swear.”
“I feel like you’ve said that thirty times already,” Austin’s voice traveled closer towards you, just outside the door of the bathroom. “I just want to see you! I’m sure you look stunning, angel.”
You blushed at his kind words, your makeup artist, Dana, gagging and rolling her eyes. Giggling at her reaction, you stood up from your chair as she began to put away all her makeup. You looked in the mirror, falling in love with the person you saw. Your team did an amazing job helping you prepare, and you had never felt more confident to tackle the red carpet. With a deep exhale of excitement, you swung open the door to reveal your boyfriend waiting patiently. His eyes immediately widened, jaw slack as he took you in. “I- oh my god, [Y/N]. I-I, just, wow.”
“Do you like it?” You did a little twirl in your dress, and he caught you in his arms after your spin.
“You are literally the prettiest girl I have ever seen,” He pressed a kiss to your cheek softly, laughing when he heard Dana complain about ruining your makeup.
“This is probably the first time I’ve ever been excited and nervous to go to the Met Gala,” you fixed a strand of his hair that had fallen in front of his face. “The only good thing is we can get drunk later.”
“We’re absolutely getting hammered on Anna Wintour’s dime,” He chuckled before the chaos of the event sunk in for both of you. Both your managers were flying around, making sure you were going to be on time for your separate photoshoots and red carpet engagements. This year, you were heading to the event with the cast of Elvis, with a special sighting from Priscilla Presley. That excited you the most, since you had spent a lot of time with her preparing for the role. The car ride to the event was nerve-wracking, with Austin squeezing your hand and kissing your temple to calm you down. You hated that once you exited the car, not only would you be separated, but you would also be expected to act as friends and nothing more.
Nonetheless, you were an actress. You could pull off playing another role for a night. Plus, running around and hiding? A turn on for both you and Austin. The fear of getting caught ignited something in him you had never seen before.
“You look beautiful, my love, don’t forget,” Austin kissed your cheek one more time before allowing himself to sink back into secrecy. Soon enough, you were greeted by thousands of flashing lights as you exited your car into the night air. Baz, Austin, Priscilla, and Catherine Martin were all behind you. You immediately wanted to reach for Austin’s hand, but instead, you waved to the crowd. Ascending up the lavish stairs, you turned back around to wave again, allowing yourself to get your picture taken numerous times. Austin watched from below the steps, falling more in love with you, if that was even possible.
It was taking all his strength to not run up the steps and kiss your luscious lips. Even when you two had finished taking pictures and answering questions from interviewers, he still wanted to mount you right then and there. But, he knew better. He knew he would have to wait, or he could make the wait worth your while.
Plus, these events got a little boring sometimes.
You walked through the exhibit in the museum, entranced by what you saw. It was truly beautiful. Austin trailed not far behind, hands clasped behind his back as he watched the way your hips swayed in your bodycon dress. He could barely contain himself. He reached out, placing a hand on your waist when no one was looking. You looked up to meet his eyes, turning to him and whispering, “You okay, babe?”
“Yeah,” He nodded, gulping harshly as he looked down at your doe eyes. You looked so innocent and it took his breath away. You had no idea what kind of pain he was going through trying to keep himself together at the event. He removed his hand from your waist quickly when he saw someone turn in your direction. You scrunched up your brows at his reaction before turning back around to walk into the dinner portion of the event. You two were seated at the table with the rest of your co-workers, however, Austin had a different kind of hunger brewing.
Austin pulled out your chair for you, and you thanked him before settling down. You barely got a chance to even sit down before he already had a hand placed on your thigh under the tablecloth. Your dress had a small slit in it where your bare skin was showing, and he was taking that to his advantage. His fingers ran over the bare skin, shivering. You immediately swatted his hand away, widening your eyes at the contact. Hoping he would get the hint, you turned away to observe your surroundings.
That did not stop him. He instead placed his hand right where he had before, gripping your thigh hard enough to make you exhale a breath. “Austin,” You whispered, your eyes trying to avoid his. He was compelled to you in every way possible. “You need to stop it.”
“Why?” He leaned in, whispering into your ear. “I can’t help myself.”
You shuddered at his words, the fear of getting caught causing your stomach to do somersaults. “Don’t do this to me now. Not here.”
His hand slowly moved up past the slit of your gown, approaching dangerously close to where your nude lace underwear adorned your bottoms. With a deep inhale, you clamped your thighs shut, reaching out to chug your glass of champagne. If he kept this up all night, you wouldn’t last very long. He let his hand linger, stagnant as he began to strike up a side convo with Baz. Thankfully, the lower half of your body was covered by the tablecloth, so you were sure no one could see what he was trying to do. Too many thoughts were running through your brain, struggling to ignore Austin’s lengthy fingers near your dripping core that burned with angst.
He watched as you squirmed in your seat, in awe with the way he held so much power over you with just one touch. You also couldn’t stop thinking about what you couldn’t do, making you want to do it even more. He gave your upper thigh a right squeeze before ending his conversation with Baz, leaning in to whisper, “You think I can’t feel you clenching your thighs, baby?”
You inhaled a deep breath before turning your head to shoot daggers into his eyes. This charade could not last any longer. You excused yourself from the table, taking your glass of champagne and walking around the event to entertain yourself with other people. Austin stared at you from afar as you spoke to other actors, and he twitched with jealousy when he saw the way they looked at you. You even got as far as touching some of them, knowing Austin was still glaring at you. As the event went on, more people stood up from their tables to converse with the other attendees. Austin took this opportunity to walk up to you, pulling you aside for a moment, “So sorry to steal her, we’ll just be a second,” He had said to the man you were talking to.
He tried to guide you to the dark corner of the ballroom discreetly, where you would be hidden from the other guests (and your publicists) as much as possible. However, there were a few telling looks from others. He led you up against the wall, eyes darkening as he looked down on you. There was a glow in your eyes, different from what he normally saw. You loved having the power. He just wanted to snatch it from you. You toyed with the collar of his suit as you maintained eye contact, “It’s so hard to spend this much time away from you.”
“It is,” he nearly croaked. His whole body went limp. “You look so fucking beautiful in this dress and everybody wants you, but they don’t know you’re mine.”
You leaned into him a little more forward, letting your cleavage fall out even more from your fitted gown. Your hand slid down his chest, and he watched your freshly manicured hands as they traveled. He was in a trance. “I know. But, I know I belong to you. They can look all they want.”
He looked around carefully before cupping your face in his hands. “I’m going to make sure you don’t forget that tonight, darling.”
Your lips were tingling, begging to be kissed by him. The wetness that pooled in your underwear almost dripped down your inner thigh. He looked away from your eyes to look at your lips, and he leaned in a little more, brushing them against yours. Your eyes begged him to make that move, to push into you and give you some form of contact. Instead, he whispered against your lips, “Just wait until we get home and we have more than 5 minutes together.”
And just like that, he pulled away from you, causing you to gasp abruptly. He winked at you before walking back into the event, causing you to stand there and try to smoothen yourself out. You watched as he began to talk to some of your other fellow actors, and you were trying to figure out how to act as if you weren’t hot and bothered. The night dragged on, with stolen glances between you two as you tried to keep yourselves occupied, in agony. You had never been in heat like this before. It felt crude to be so promiscuous at an event like this, but it was thrilling to watch him crumble as you did things to tease him, such as showing a young group of men how to tie a cherry stem with just your tongue. His jaw clenched with jealousy, ignoring the conversation he was once apart of.
He then had the luxury of watching you twirl your hair and bat your eyelashes flirtatiously at another men, and that’s when he might have lost it.
Austin stomped up to his publicist, asking shortly. “Am I allowed to leave yet?”
She squinted her eyes suspiciously, before slowly nodding and saying, “I mean, yeah, I guess you can-“
She barely could get the words out of her mouth before he was walking up to you and grabbing your arm. You were shocked by the display, looking up at him and smirking as you realized why he was being so rough. He nearly dragged you out of the doors of the Met, dropping your arm as soon as he saw photographers lingering around. Austin looked around to find his limo desperately, as he was already rock hard in his dress pants and needed to be inside of you at that moment. All he wanted to do was touch you, but he couldn’t because of those damn photographers.
His driver finally turned around the corner and you two wasted no time clambering into the backseat, windows tinted. Austin reached out to shut the window that connected the two of you to your driver. Once you were both out of earshot, he grabbed your face and firmly pressed his lips against yours. It was sloppy, lips never moving away from each other for a second. As he assaulted your lips, his hand reached out to grasp tightly around your neck. You could barely breathe, but you were too busy, intoxicated by him. “Look what you did to me, baby,” his eyes gestured down to his pants, where you could see his erection growing by the second. “I bet you thought you were fucking slick talking to those boys, making them think they had a chance.”
“I’m sorry, daddy,” You let the last word slip without caution. You weren’t sure if it was the champagne talking or what, but Austin’s eyes widened at the pet name. You two had never played around with his daddy kink, but he had never realized how amazing it sounded coming from your lips.
“You need to be a good girl, [Y/N],” He ran his fingers through your hair, eyes piercing into your gaze. “Now, be a sweetheart and give daddy what he wants.”
You nodded eagerly, knowing exactly where he needed you. He needed your lips wrapped around his cock, pumping him. You can only comply, blinking often as your trembling hands travel to the elastic of his underwear. You had been longing for Austin all night, not any of the males you had been chatting to. As you glance up to meet his gaze, one of your hands moves over to palm over his totally stiffened erection, wrapping your fingers over the covered shaft. He sneers and tangles his hands in your hair, producing two fists. "Don't tease me, [Y/N]," His tone is ominous and threatening. You ignore him and carry on with your movements, pressing delicate lips against his hard-on. You lower your head, out of sight of everyone except Austin.
You recall his instructions, but you dismiss them for a few seconds, gently moving your tongue along the bottom of his cock, all the way to the tip, where you kiss it once. You can feel him tremble as you take just the tip of his cock into your mouth, running your tongue around it, maintaining eye contact with him. For a short second, he closed his eyes and lay back against the headrest. He then cracked his eyelids open, revealing their darker tone.
You stared up at him with doe eyes, licking him carefully before taking him completely into your mouth. You moaned against his cock as you ran your lips and right hand down his length. The sensations made Austin shudder. You slid your manicured nails down his thighs before gently taking hold of his balls and lightly stroking each one.
Austin groaned, pushing you down on his cock further than before, with his precum hitting the back of your throat. “Just like that, baby,” Austin looked down at you, and you do as said, your own wishes of dominance diminishing by the second. He had put you in your place. You had no desires to disobey. Tears stained your face as you struggled to take him all into your mouth. For some reason, he felt even bigger tonight. Spit dribbled from the sides of your mouth, gagging noises exiting your throat. You came up for air, and Austin reached out to wipe your lips free of spit and his juices with his thumb. “You did so good, baby,” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
“Austin, I can’t wait,” you muttered against his lips. “Take me. Take me now.”
“You need me that bad?” His thumb ran over your cheek. You nodded incessantly, almost like a little girl. “I know you've been needing me all night, watched you clench your thighs half the time.”
He smirked, pressing wet kisses down your jawline to your collarbone. The zipper in the back of your dress was easily accessible for him as he slid down the straps of your gown with ease. He didn't know how long you two had left in the car, so he tried to be as discreet and quick as possible. Your gown fell onto the floor of the car, leaving you in your bra and underwear. Austin’s eyes checked again to make sure the driver couldn’t hear what sins you two were committing in the backseat. You straddled him, grinding your fully-clothed crotch against his bare dick, and he whimpered at the contact.
"Baby, we need to be quiet. We don't want to get caught," He said quietly to you. He smirked, shifting his hips so that his length glided perfectly between your folds. You both let out a collective sigh at the sensation that was so foreign to you at that moment. Austin covered your mouth with his hand. He gave you a few seconds to acclimate to your new position and his length, and then you found yourself bouncing up and down as hard as you could in blissful delight. Austin's hips bucked up, as if he were attempting to bury himself even further inside of you.
The sound of your fluids enveloping his cock was one of the few noises in the car, and Austin almost passed out from the sensation. His free hand, which wasn't covering your lips, reached down and gripped your hip, directing you to grind against him. You whimpered against him, your eyes squeezed tight as you struggled to keep the noises from escaping your lips. Austin could tell that you were already on the verge of cumming.
Your moans were muffled by his hand, and if he wasn't already, the entire city would have heard you by now. His eyes rolled back into his head, and he struggled not to make any noise. As you both picked up the pace, your head smacked the top of the car a few times, his hips pushing up to reach your cervix. His lips were once again glued to the area between your neck and shoulder. You shook your head, indicating to Austin that you were about to release. You couldn't stop screaming against the palm of his hand. He had his lips in between his teeth and had been on the verge of a very powerful orgasm for some minutes. He only needed one thrust in the proper position to push both of you over the brink. Your eyes were closed in concentration as you urgently tried to find your release.
“Holy shit, baby. Keep going. I’m so damn close,” He murmured, sweat beading at his forehead. You felt his cock twitching inside of you. You bit Austin’s hand to keep yourself from screaming, but you couldn’t help the moan. Your walls tightened around Austin, black washing over your vision as he emptied himself inside of you. Both your movements became sloppy as you both rid out your highs. He removed his hand from your mouth, collapsing onto the seat next to him. Knowing it was a matter of time before you reached your hotel, you immediately reached down to grab your gown and try to put it back on over your sweaty body.
Sensing the urgency in your movements, Austin helped you gather yourself, slightly chuckling at how disheveled you two looked. Once you were done getting redressed, you cuddled into his arms as you drove through the streets of New York City. “I love you,” You spoke into his suit, and he smiled brightly. It rolled off your tongue so effortlessly, because for once, you were not scared. You knew that you had met the person you were destined to be with forever, and now, all there was left to do was reveal it to the world.
A month after the Met Gala, you had found yourself on yet another red carpet: the Cannes film festival. However, this event held more meaning for both you and Austin, because Elvis was being shown to the world for the first time. Nerves wracked your entire body like never before. Austin had been such a supportive boyfriend for you, making sure to always check in with you and see if you were okay. He had his own fears to get over, but he was adamant on making sure his lover was taken care of. The plane ride to France was filled with sweet kisses, hugs and numerous “I’m so proud of you’s.” Words would never be able to do justice to how proud you were of Austin.
You two were still dating in secrecy, and the bubble had not been popped yet. In the last month, you had gone to several events separately, only to end the night in each other’s arms in your hotel room. Your publicists reminded you before the film festival: Do not, and I mean do not, show any PDA. Not yet. Austin was finding it harder to keep the secret than you. This evening, you were styled in a red dress with red lipstick. It was all very glamorous, and you were excited to be seen in pictures. They allowed you and Austin to match for the sake of the movie, letting him wear a red tie.
Although the night seemed like a movie so far under the Cannes night sky, there was one catch you forgot to mention to Austin: your ex-boyfriend was at Cannes. He was starring in one of his own films, and it had been on every headline for weeks. [Y/N] and [Your Fav Celeb] To Attend Cannes Festival: Reunion of The Century. You were shocked as to how Austin didn’t find out. Nonetheless, you seemed it best not to mention, knowing it would only make him jealous.
Interviewers flocked around your cast and crew, asking numerous questions about the film. Austin took the lead on many questions, or Baz would step in to agree and add something else. You tried to make as little eye contact with Austin as possible, but it got difficult when he just looked so damn good. The interviewer wrapped up asking questions to the men of the group, switching over to you and snapping you out of your daydreams. “And [Y/N], you play Priscilla Presley. How was it like stepping into those shoes?”
You had gotten that question a billion times, but you smiled and answered the way you had been prepared to, “Well, Priscilla is such a resilient woman, and it was an absolute honor to play her. We did a lot of chatting, a lot of hanging out. She really is the best person and I knew I had such big shoes to fill, but it was the best experience of my life.”
Your interviewer nodded, leaning over to ask Priscilla a few questions as well. After she was pleased with her answer, the interviewer came back to you. “[Y/N], do you have any other films you wanted to see while being here at the festival?”
Your heart dropped to your stomach. You knew exactly where she was going with this. “Uh, not any that I can think of right now. Every movie premiered here is amazing.”
“Did you plan on supporting your ex-boyfriend, [Your Fav Celeb]?” You could feel Austin shifting uncomfortably behind you, and you gulped with anxiety. What did she even expect you to say to that? Knowing you couldn’t let her see you slip, you just let out a small chuckle.
“Ah, I do wish him the best! Definitely would check out his film, I’m sure he worked very hard on it,” you smiled. “But, I’m actually seeing someone else currently, so I don’t have much else to say on the matter.”
Your interviewer seemed more than pleased with the news. They always thrived off getting information that no one else had, and they would do anything to get the story. It was one of the worst things about being in Hollywood. She congratulated the cast again, and your group moved down the red carpet. Austin was silent as he walked behind you, and you wanted to reach up and give him a big hug. He had every right to be uncomfortable, as you were more than sure you would be too if you ran into his ex-girlfriend. “So, he’s here?” He whispered into your ear behind you.
“I think so,” you looked straight ahead. “I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to upset you.”
“It’s not your fault, baby,” He gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Just tell that fella you’re seeing currently that I hope he treats you right.”
You giggled at his joke, rolling your eyes. You two continued down the red carpet, stopping to pose for pictures. The flashes burned your orbs, coming from each angle. If it weren’t for the arrows on the carpet bringing you back to real life, you would have lost your balance. “[Y/N]! [Y!N!]” You smiled and waved to the people yelling your name. “Where’s your ex-boyfriend, or your new man?”
Ignoring the question, you continued to pose. If you paid it any mind, they would continue to pester you. However, Austin was on the sidelines, fists clenched in anger at the thought of people speculating about you and your ex. He knew it wasn't smart to be jealous like that, since he knew you wanted nothing to do with your ex. It was just the fact that everyone thought you wanted him, and not Austin. All Austin saw was blind rage. He wanted to run up to you and kiss you, and make everyone realize that he was the man you were seeing.
And, that was exactly what he did.
Marching onto the red carpet, he looped an arm around your waist, taking you by surprise. Before you had a chance to question his actions, he pressed his lips against yours hastily. Your heartbeat was flying out of its chest before you melted into him. He didn’t give a damn about what his publicist said, or yours for that matter. All he cared about was that everyone knew you were his. Your hand reached up to his cheek, cupping it gently as you heard the camera flashes, applause, and yells. It felt like it was so distant, because all that was in your bubble was you and Austin.
He pulled away, looking into your eyes before giggling childishly. You couldn’t help the blush that creeped up on your face as you realized half the world was going to watch you make out with your boyfriend. Photographers screamed your two names as you both walked off the red carpet. There, stood your two publicists, arms crossed. You had never seen them look so angry in their whole life, but they knew better than to scold a young couple in love.
Once you two were out of earshot from the cameras, Austin pressed numerous kisses to your face. “You’re my best friend,” he spoke in between showering your face with kisses. “-and my lover. How did I get so lucky?”
You let out a laugh, trying to bat away his lips at a desperate attempt to save your makeup. It was moments like these that reminded you that it was okay to let yourself fall in love again. As for Austin, he realized that he had finally met the person he wanted to be with forever. He had put in the time and work to be with you, and now, he got to share one of his greatest successes with you.
Nothing mattered anymore. Austin had the girl of his dreams, and god, he was so into you.
masterlist + request
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moonlightjeno · 4 years
Tumblr media
a/n : it has been a long ass time. but hey i’m back if anyone cared lol. enjoy this bullet point scenario about this precious boy. also peep his blue hair, we young was his bitch. 
genre : fluff 
pairing : jeno x reader
request : open !!
word count : 1.07 k
oml okay im rlly excited for this but if its ok i might just do jeno as a high school au bc bb boy is 18
warning this is all over the place and v long have fun
k so jeno just moved to this new high school called zuhos uni, but i mean boy is takin the highschool courses that are specialized in science bc hes a geek
a v cute one but ya know
so hes bew and hes transfered like one quarter through the year,,
bc jeno is a v shy shy boy he doesnt have many friends the first week until he joins the music club every friday after school
there he makes friends woo, shy bb opens up to haechan, jaemin and renjun even if renjun isn’t really part od the music club and more of the art club
oof details
k so this bb is rlly rlly bloody smart and hes rlly good at biology and physics but he struggles at chemistry
hes like wtf,, this doesnt make any sense one lement another makes a new one withh a different number ?? heLP
thats is until he finally asked for help
he has seen you around school, always next to your locker, head in the books, but he hd seen you around music club
you tended to stay by yourself, strumming your guitar and always writing this in your notebook
but he also knew that you were rlly good at chemistry
he didnt ask you for help perse
more like jeno asked his best friend jaemin who was one a close friend of one of your friends and who he also had a crush on to ask you if you fould help jeno
protect this bb he’s shy
you where like “huh? me? jeno wants my help? pretty boy?”
your friend was like “omg yes noe go talk to him and tell him youll help. k? k.”
so you go “talk” *cough* hyuck sets you tf up *cough* and you guys meet at the library??
at least you thought so?? but he didnt get the memo so he showed up like 30 mins lates so it wasnt that bad but like bruh??
so u were a lil annoyed bc boy asked for your help and showed up late, and jeno was a nervous mess when he finally arrived and kept apologizing seeing you with a frown
he kept saying how sorry he was and that he would make to you,, poor bb
and seeing him be a shy and nervous mess made you forget so obviously it was easy to forgive and you guys tried to start your study session
hmmm “tried” is the key word
bc everytime you guys would start their would be noises and other ppl talking so yall gave up and jeno was like “oh we could go over to my place bc my parents r out and it should be quite?? i- ii could h-hhelp youu wwith ph-ysics??,, if you want??”
akdhaj precious shy bundle nervouse mess
ofcourse you said yesss bc physics is like wtf is this ?? no one understands and i neED HELP
and you liked jeno like had a major crush on him and yku needed to help the poor boy out with chem chem
k. so yall walk home and you get to know each other and jeno starts to fall harder for you bc your so cute, the way you keep tucking your hair behind your ear
and biting your lip when your nervouse and just silent
he found it rlly cute aight
so yall finally arrived to his home, and hes a bit messy but thank GOD HIS MOM MADE HIM clean up the day before
so yall go through w your study session that lasts like an hour and a half and jenos like dam you make everything make sense
poor boy didn’t actually say that but he thought it and how you looked really pretty
but thats another time
and he explains physics to u and your like oh gotchu gravity makes sm more bloody sense
so after studying you guys go get ice cream bc he had to “make it up to you”
when he offered to lay you where a blushing red mess bc you rlly like him and ut feels like a date but he could never like u back
hes so smart and talented
but jeno just kept thinking your looked adorable with your blush and whenever you spoke to him about chemistry and biology your eyes would light up
yoy noticed though that jeno would smile *that eye smile that cures cancer* whenver he spoke and talketed about music and his friends
and it got late real quick so yall had to say hoodbye but you were rlly sad
bc he got you and you got him ??
perfect chemistry ,, mi dudes
k so like right before you left hes like “umm umm so you— want to like,, meet again??” silence “like as a date ?? — i mean if u dont want to its all— good”
and you were just like dumbfounded??
like what?? he lee jeno the most adorable smartest talented perfect boy in school just aksed you out??
you kinda justs tood there and then slowy noded
and he gave you that eye smile,, precious boy was so happy omg omg omg
so yall meet again and again and again for study sessions and a couple of dates
jamein and your friend had been a couple for a couple of weeks and hyuck just wanted jeno to shut up about you
bc bb boy was falling in love
so in one of your study sessions it was late and you guys had order dominos and were just hangin on the couch when he kept lookin over and just kissed you
boy was scared but you kissed him back bc akgshags
best day
when you broke the kiss you bith had the biggest goofiest smiles on your face ,, like how did i end up with this beautiful person right in front of me
he gave you a lil kiss in the forhead that melted your heart and you bith smiles like idiots
the end ,, jk i just have no idea how to end this
ajdha and yall just cuddled it was great
a bish is really bloody soft for jeno
i hope y’all enjoyed this mess lol. peace. 
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
He saved me/ part 9
Summary: reader is in a abusive relationdhip. When things take a turn for the worst she finds help in the winchesters.
Warning: this story will have smut, language, violence, abuse and torture. If youre triggered by any of this i suggest not reading.
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6 months later....
Me and bobby were sitting at the table eating the homemade lasanga and garlic bread i had made when his phone started to ring. He leaned over and with one hand snatched the phone from its cradle never faltering with his other hand that had a fork full of lasanga.
"Yeah?" Bobby said evenly. "Alright what time will you be in?" Bobby glanced my direction, i smiled warmly at him and he just stared. "Alright see you in a few."
He sighed when he hung up, "that was sam." I perked up at the mention of his name. I hadnt seen him in so long and to be honest i missed him. "Theyre going to stop by, need some info on a hunt."
I smiled, "thats great! I miss that boy." Then it hit me. "Wait, you said they. That means.."
He nodded, "yeah deans gonna be here too. Sam wanted to give you a heads up before they get here. Ya know, just in case you wanna bolt."
I thought about it long and hard, would seeing dean bring up all those old feelings ive been burying since i left? Would he even be happy to see me? Would he be mad? Would he even acknowledge i was here?
I sighed and gave him a small smile that im sure didnt reach my eyes. "Ill be alright bobby, ive got dinner dishes to do and plenty to keep me occupied. If i know dean hes gonna want food so ill fix them a plate when they get here then you wont even know im here."
We finished our dinner and when i stood to take our plates i asked, "what time will they be here?"
"Id say about another hour."
I nodded and made my way to the kitchen to get started on the dishes and to clean up.
An hour and a half later there was a knock on the door. I could hear from the kitchen.
"Hiya bobby." Sam said.
"Good to see ya boys." Bobby said sounding cheerful.
"Doing some spring cleaning bobby?" That was the voice that has haunted me for the past 6 months. I could almost smell him from where i stood. That comforting feeling blanketed me just by hearing his voice. I sighed to myself knowing he didnt know i was here.
I took the lasanga and plated a huge piece for sam and dean, along with placing the garlic bread in the basket from earlier. I took a deep breath and took my first steps out towards the boys.
I walked up behind them where they sat at the table, i set down the plates in front of them. Both men jerked in response then our eyes met.
"(Y/N)!" Sam jumped up from his spot at the table and engulfed me in a huge hug.
"Hey sammy, its good to see you." I was geniunely happy to see him.
He pulled back and inspected me, "you look great. How are you doing?"
"Better than i was last time you saw me." I said matter of factly and im sure dean knew what incident i was talking about.
"What the hell?" Dean said still in shock i think.
"Hey dean." I said in a flat tone. His brow furrowed at that.
"How long have you been here?" He asked.
"6 months." I said over my shoulder making my way to get their drinks. When i turned around from the fridge dean was standing there behind me.
"You have been here this whole time and never contacted me? Ive been going crazy not knowing where you were." Dean sounded mad, the nerve.
I straightend my spine to stand as tall as i could, "you made it pretty clear that night what you wanted."
"Damn it (Y/N), thats not fair."
I chuckled, "lifes not fair dean, you of all people should know that. Now go back and eat. I cant stand for food to be wasted."
"We are not done here." He said through gritted teeth.
I pushed past him but turned around right before i walked out. "Yeah dean, we are." With that i placed the drinks on the table and walked upstairs.
I changed into my running clothes the same ones i wore the night me and dean had sex. He thinks he has a hold on me well im going to remind him just what he walked out on.
I hopped down the stairs and put my hair up in a high ponytail. I hooked my ipod to my armband and slipped my tennis shoes on. All eyes focused on me when i walked into the dining room.
"Im going for a run, dont stay up to late old man." I walked over to bobby and kissed his cheek.
He smiled up at me "be careful."
"Dont worry, ill be fine." I looked to sam and dean and didnt fail to notice the lust in his eyes. "If you boys are gone before i get back, its been nice seeing ya again."
Sam stood and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek. Dean didnt move didnt even look at me. I slapped him on the shoulder, "see ya deano."
With that i made my way outside. I started stretching my muscles when i got out in the warm air. I was getting ready to start my run when i heard the front door open behind me.
"(Y/N), we need to talk." Deans voice sent a chill up my spine but i tried my best to ignore it. I closed my eyes and sighed as i turned towards him.
"Have you found parker yet?"
Dean shook his head.
"Then we have nothing to talk about." I said as i started walking up the driveway. Dean was close behind me.
"Yes we do. You cant run from me forever."
I picked up my pace to a light jog, "tell ya what. If you can keep up we can talk."
I started running faster, i knew dean didnt do running. I heard him huffing then stop all together. I smiled over my shoulder at him then put my ear buds in and cranked up my music.
When i got back to bobbys an hour later the impala was still parked in the driveway. I rolled my eyes and opened the front door. I heard the guys talking in the living room then i heard my name come up.
"I dont know what to do. (Y/N) just wont talk to me." That was dean.
"Maybe she will come around. I mean you walked out on her at the worst time in her life." I recognized that as sam. He was taking up for me.
"Did she never mention anything to you? I mean she has been here for half a year." Dean asked bobby.
"She never talked to me about anything. I wasnt going to force her." Bobby said sounding aggitated.
"You mean to tell me after all this time you two living under the same roof nothing has come up about that night?"
I heard a glass slam down on the table. "You calling me a liar?"
I figured id show my face before it got more heated. "Im back, gonna grab a shower then head to bed."
Bobby nodded and i dashed up the stairs before anyone could say anything else. After my shower i walked down stairs to get a bottle of water. The guys were talking about some kind of lore and really didnt pay me no mind.
I walked back upstairs but instead of going to bed i went into the other spare room and started sorting files and cleaning up.
I almost had all the files organized and in their own seperate piles, i just had to put them in the file cabinet. A certain file caught my eye, the name sounded so familiar. Patrick windsor, i opened the file and gasped. It was parkers father.
I started reading through the file and it had all kinds of locations where he had been at and owned. Apparently patrick was a demon as well, working for lucifer himself. I was so focused on the file that i didnt hear someone approaching.
"Couldnt sleep?" Deans rough voice sounded from the doorway. I looked up and he was sipping yet another beer.
"No, i came up here to sort through all of this." I said in a flat tone, hoping he would just go away. I didnt want to discuss anything with dean right now. Instead he walked in and took a seat in the chair right across from me.
He didnt say a word, just sat there watching me. After a few minutes it started to get under my skin. "Why are you in here?" I asked a little snippy.
He smiled, "for you." I rolled my eyes and continued placing the files in different stacks. "Come on (Y/N), you cant ignore me forever."
"Its worked for six months."
He sighed heavily and stood up. Walking over to where i was sitting on the floor. I thought he might leave but instead he sat down next to me.
"I know i hurt you, but i was only looking out for your well being." He ran a hand through his hair, "ive learned that in this life we dont get love. We dont get happily ever afters. A hunter can retire and ward off whats out there. Like bobby, he lost his wife a long time ago and has never got close to anyone since. A hunters family and loved ones are never safe."
I nodded letting him talk, this is a side that i doubt many people ever saw of dean. I felt a little honored that he would open up to me, so i let him continue.
"That night when you told me you loved me it scared the hell out of me. Not because i dont want you, because you have already been through so much. You cant and shouldnt fall for me. Youre just going to get hurt or worse."
I nodded and placed the file i was holding down beside me. "I understand where youre coming from, but you cant push everyone away dean."
He shook his head, "i dont think you do. I tried the whole leave this life behind and have a family thing. She had a son, i thought of him like my own. I loved her and for a minute i was happy. Then a demon possesed her and tried to kill her right in front of me and her son. We got her to the hospital and cas healed her but i also asked him to take away all of lisa and bens memories of me. That was hard to see a woman and kid i loved look at me a different way than they had that morning. Never knowing who i was, but it was better for them, if i had never came into their lives in the first place it wouldnt have happened. So i just made things right, the way they shouldve been."
A silent tear fell from my eyes hearing dean talk about what he has went through. I now truly understood his hesitance about getting close to people. Instead of making me hate him it made me love him that much more, but i could never act upon it again. He downed the rest of his beer and sat the bottle down next to his leg.
"Dean, im sorry for everything you have went through. I have never had someone who truly loved me so i wouldnt know how that feels." I figured since he opened up to me it was only fair that i do the same. "At first i thought parker loved me. I just got so blinded by his words. I never had a family i was in the system until i was 15, then i ran away and never looked back. I was prostituting to make rent and for a little food, then i met parker. He took me in, sweet talked me, made empty promises on marrying me having children and having anything i would ever wanted. I fell for it and that has led me to where i am now."
"You can still have that life. Get married, have a family."
I shook my head, "no parker done so much damage to me that he destroyed the chance of me ever having children."
He opened his mouth to say something but i cut him off. "I never knew what love was, until i met you. Youre just so easy to fall for, but i know now that you dont feel the same way."
"Let me finish." He nodded and i continued. "Just because you dont love me doesnt make you less of a person. Youre a great guy and i hope one day you can prove youself wrong."
He looked down at the floor, when he looked up his eyes had tears in them. I placed a hand on his that he had on his leg. "Its okay dean, dont beat yourself up." Just as he was about to say something sam appeared in the doorway.
"I think we may have something on parker."
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reeree1500 · 5 years
His Aphrodisiac...Part 2 Vampire Ivar! x Reader
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Disclaimer: Smut 😏(an attempt), spelling and grammar mistakes😬 and my cliched imagination🤣Thank you for all the love and support💕☺️
Taglist: @yanii-the-hippie @peaceisadirtyword @laketaj24 @oceans-daughter-3  @camatsuru @youbloodymadgenius @calum-hoodwinked-me @wuxiesalt @supernaturalvikingwhore @readsalot73 @affection-rabbit @blonddnamedhandz @paintballkid711 @ivarthethiccness @limbo-limbo-limbo @funmadnessandbadassvikings 
Weeks had gone by after our steamy session in Ivar’s office. I still couldn’t process the fact that he was a vampire. That ancient tale of a monster who sought nothing but blood was true. However, he had proved otherwise. Ivar didn't seem like the type of person to go around sucking people’s blood just because he felt like it. No, he was the type that when I had a problem he would make it disappear. Like Johnathan, my ex-fiancee who wouldn't stop harassing me. As soon as Ivar had found out about him, he never showed up again. It was as if he had disappeared into thin air. Of course I was relieved at the time, but now I cant help but think about if Ivar had anything to do with it...
it was the night of the annual Lothbrok Corp dinner. Only a select few people from the office were to attend as many of our sister branches would also send their representatives. Not to mind the fact that the founders of Lothbrok corp would all be there as well, with their friends and family. This year the dinner had been set to occur at Ivar’s mansion upstate. This included a secluded area where the next house wouldnt be in sight for miles. Ivar was a man of privacy and now I could understand why. The dinner was to start in an hour and I had yet to finish my makeup. I wasn't really one to amazing at it, but I knew what would compliment my (y/s/t) complexion. As I finish applying my mascara, I take one last look in the mirror before heading out to the kitchen to find my phone and call an Uber. Taking my coat in one hand and juggling my keys, phone and purse in the other. I manage to somehow lock the door, but not before I’m met with a pair of electric blue eyes. “I..Ivar. W...What are you doing here?” I manage to say through my shock. 
“You haven't returned any of my calls or messages since that night (y/n). I wouldn't admit this to anyone else, but I was genuinely worried about you.” He trails off as he says the last part whilst avoiding my gaze. “Ive just had a lot on my mind, Ivar. Im sorry.” I say looking anywhere except his eyes, knowing full well the effect they had on me. In a flash Ivar stepped away from the limousine, took my coat and placed it on his arm and grabbed my hand dragging me towards it. “Ivar what are you doing my Uber’s here.” “I gave him 100 bucks and sent it away. You're coming with me.” He whispers the last part close to my ear before shoving me inside the limo. His tone of voice wasn't all the way warm, it had hints of his icy personality in them and made it hard to breathe for me.
The car ride was awkward and filled with lots of tension. Ivar tried multiple times to start a conversation with me, but I paid him no mind. I sat as far away as possible from him, I could swear that there were times where I thought that I would fall out the door. His hands would “accidentally” (as he said) wander all over my legs, tracing patterns and ever so often trailing even higher. It took everything in me to  ignore his advances, and he knew very well the effects his touch had on me. His mere touch created a pool of wetness down there and the bastard knew it. Before his hand could go any further, the view of a great mansion surrounded by nothing but trees caught my eye. “Woah, that's huge.” I said as I looked out the window. “And its all yours (y/n), if you’d just have me.” Ivar says as he turns my head and stares into my (e/c) eyes. Getting lost in his electric blue orbs I lose all sense of why I was upset at him. It’s as if it’s only us two and the whole world disappeared when I look at him. Before either one of us could act upon our feelings once again, we’re interrupted by the driver as he pulls up in front of the house. “Oh for fucks sake! Someone is always interrupting us!” Ivar screams out, startling me a little as his eyes began to glow. His sudden outburst made me want to run away, but also made me feel as if I should have calmed him down.  Ivar turns to me and he just stares, no sudden movements or words just a blank stare. In seconds Ivar is out of the car and opening the door for me. If I hadnt known that he was a vampire I could've sworn that it had all been a fix of my imagination and that he truly wasnt there.
As Ivar led from the limo inside the mansion, I couldnt help but admire the artwork and intricate design of his house. It was something truly unexpected from him. Once inside the ballroom Ivar had disappeared, I guess to greet everyone and say hello to his family. Whom I know he hasn't seen for the longest time. I however, am very overwhelmed and I think it may have to do with the fact that everybody’s eyes are on me. I don't do very well in public scenarios like this one and all the attention is making me a little sick. There was security all over the place and although intimidating I knew that I had to find a washroom as quickly as possible, so I could lock myself in there all night. The bodyguard didn't even speak, he just pointed towards the stairs and went back to acting as if I wasnt there. Shrugging it off I make my way up the stairs only to find a corridor with an exceptional amount of doors. Internally cursing myself I make my way down and knock on every door, but they're all locked. I almost gave up until I saw the double doors on the right. Obviously this couldn't be bathroom, but at this point I didn't care, I just had to find a place to stay till it was time to go. 
As I opened the double doors Im greeted by an awfully dark lit room, with intricate black designs. The cravings on the bed posts and the paintings around are those of ancient nordic runes, something that led me to believe that this might have been Ivar’s room. I knew of his great admiration foe his background, he loved anything that had to do with nordic beliefs and ancient gods. Making may way inside Im transfixed by all the artwork and details around me that I fail to acknowledge the presence that lies in the corner of the room. “So, I seem you've made yourself acquainted with my room already, (y/n)” Ivar says as he walks out of the shadows with his crutches? “Oh my God, Ivar are you okay? I literally left you for less than an hour and you've already gone an injured yourself! Wait, I dont mean to sound like a bitch/ignorant or anything, but why do you have crutches? Aren't like vampires supposed to be like physically invincible?” I said all in one breath, as Ivar just cocked his head to the side and stared at me. “You honestly believe everything that the media tells you, dont you?” Point taken, all I knew about vampires were form shows, movies and books that were then turned into movies or shows. “Anyway, before I became a vampire, I was actually a viking. Hence all the nordic runes everywhere and the massive tattoo on my chest and back. My family was very rich and my father Ragnar was king. However, unlike my siblings I was born without function in my legs. Which is why I use those metal braces in the corner over there while I'm in public, and these only around people I trust.” He says moving closer to me. “Now, tell me as to what drew you to come in to my room without me, (Y/n).” Ivar says as he draws my name longer than he has to, in a very sensual tone that makes my knees tremble.
“(y/n), give in. Dont fight it, we were meant to be. You're the reason I can finally feel alive. If it weren't for you, I probably would've kept roaming this world with no sense of purpose. I know you feel this connection. So once again , will you let me take care of you?” And in that moment all senses had been thrown out the window.
Ivar closed the gap with his hot mouth against yours. You gasped as you felt the heat spiral through you, as you ran your fingers through his soft locks. Throwing the crutches to the side Ivar manages to pick you up the hips and deepens the kiss. The sensual dance between your tongue and his is soon over as you cave in to his dominance and let his explore your mouth, slowly with deliberate movements. “Ahhhh...” A moan escapes your lips as his lips move down to your neck. “Since I saw you in that dress earlier tonight, it took everything in me to not act on impulse.” Making his way to the bed, Ivar lays you gently on the back satin sheets and holds himself up as his roam over your body in admiration. Ivar then looks at you for permission as his fingers begin unlacing and unzipping your dress. As Ivar kisses along to every spot that is unveiled to him, goosebumps begin to raise along your skin. You had longed for this moment for awhile, but had denied yourself of the pleasure due to your fear. Oh how stupid could I have been you thought to yourself as you relish in the pleasure that this man brought you every time he kissed and caressed you. “You're so beautiful...” Ivar says as he touches you with reverent fingers, as he begins caressing that part of your body that is not very often explored.
His fingers begin tracing the inside of my hips as his head dips down to my flower. Ivar takes my clit into his mouth and gently bites it, bringing a pleasure that I cannot describe. My hips buck up to him on their own accord asking for more. But he holds me down and brings his face up to mine. His intense gaze had distracted me for a second as his ministrations towards my clit were over. But before I could beg him and ask him for more, it was as fi Ivar had already beat me to it. In a flash he had dipped and curled 2 of his massive fingers into my hole. Pumping them in at an alarmingly fast rate. “I..Ivar, that feels so good!” I manage to say through my moans that are increasingly louder as I throw my head back from all this pleasure. Ivar’s pace becomes steady and his lips are now focused on my right breast, kissing and caressing it as if it were his favourite thing in the world. My hands uncurl form the sheets and move towards his head caressing it and then bringing it up so that I could kiss him. This time I wanted to show him that I too cared for him. And all that fear had been washed away, this man had been everything to me the minute I started working for him and Would be damned if I let him get away. Vampire or not! 
Bringing him in for a kiss Ivar tries to take control and dominate again, but this time I would be in control. I manage to shock Ivar with the lack of submission that he’s used to seeing from me. I use this to my advantage and flip us over. Trying to not hurt him in the process. I break apart our kiss and stare deeply into his eyes as our heave breaths begin to entangle with each other and become one. I slowly remove his fingers from my hole, much to his dismay. And before he could protest I place my finger to his lips. “You've shown me how much you care for me. Time and time again Ivar. Let me show you that I care too.” At this his eyes hold admiration, surprise, and hints uncertainty. Making my way down his body, I leave trail of kisses form his chest all the way down to his legs. Taking my time kissing every part of them and staring into his eyes with love and tenderness, which he mirrors in his gaze towards me. I then make my way up to his long and already hard cock. Oozing with loads of precum.  Licking the excess I take as much as I can into my mouth as I wrap my hangs around the base his very thick and long shaft. Pumping and bobbing my head I can feel and hear Ivar’s pleasure. His hands wrap around my (h/l)(h/c) hair and his hips thrust forward. I can see that he is reaching his high and before I could make him cum, he pulls out of my mouth. “I’d like to cum inside you, if you'd let me (y/n)” He says as his hands pull my face into a heated kiss.
Climbing on top of him I go to position myself on his member. However, Ivar flips us around so that he is the one on top. I could only look at him in shock for a second before my eyes roll back as I feel him thrust into me with one swift movement. My hands wrap around his torso, and claw at his back from the overwhelming sense of pleasure. Our moans become a melody to my ears, but soon I can feel myself reaching that high. “Ivar.....Im gonna” “I know baby, me too.” And just like that with a few more of his powerful thrusts Ivar and I reach our edge. Ivar and I stare into each others eyes with admiration and love. My hands without thought brush the strands from his hair away from his sweaty face. “Dont leave me ever again (y/n), I mean it. Those weeks that went by were probably the hardest of my life.” He breathes out as he caresses my face and body so gently, as if he were thinking that I would just vanish right there. “I would never think of leaving you again, ever. Im your aphrodisiac after all. What would you do without me?” And without a care in the world we lied in each others arms whilst the party roared downstairs, and the host nowhere to be found.
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