#also im not saying this theory cannot be canon whatsoever
nemotakeit · 5 months
the circulating theory that clancy might be/become a bishop is so intriguing to me because that's literally the 'you've become the very thing you swore to destroy' / 'you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain' trope and i'm a sucker for dark fictional content about heroes who lose themselves along the way to justice - idk if that's a path tyler would choose for his story to go down, though
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sasudou · 2 years
right so, i don't have that many strong opinions on side characters tbh, but i really do agree with what the op on reddit said regarding people getting too attached to quirky characters and expecting them to be something big later in the story even though they were never intended that way. i think personally for utahime (i'll get to shoko in a sec) is that majority of her fans want to see more of her simply because they ship her with gojo, even though that pairing has no basis whatsoever nor any proper foundation to make sense in the entirety of the jjk plot. i don't think utahime was created to be gojo's extra or whatever, i think gege created her with the purpose solely to show how gojo is being treated and percieved by those around him, he is annoying, plenty characters react differently to his antics. shippers ofc will treat this differently because tsundere is such a major thing in anime, needless to say i think it's wrong because utahime is an adult who has had to put up with gojo's bs for over 10 years, and regardless what some may say, i don't think they are close friends, or friends even, nothing in the show says this, i think they work together and trust each other simply because they have same positions in the school, same as kusakabe. now i think utahime could do anything in the story, if gege wants her to, but i dont think she's gonna be doing anything big because as the op on reddit said, if she did bare minimum then she'll continue to do so, her and anyone else. perhaps her role was to root out the mole and be done with it, perhaps later in the story she will suffer the consequences if the mole is revealed and for being in cahoots with gojou. other than that, gege just brought yuji and megumi back after almost a year i think? nobara still nowhere to be found, status unknown or know (dead?) manga is fast paced. shoko is supposed to be important because her skill is very valued as she's a rare technique healer, however she's also nowhere to be seen, there are theories that she could be the second traitor but im not sure? she's not in the higher rank nor is she a higher up so? she used to be trio with gojo and geto, they shared some experiences together but all that is just sidelined and exists/ sashisu fanarts are great i love them but i think they are deluding people in how close these three may have been if they even were.
the only female character that i like is maki, she has had the most development but a part of me still does feel like gege doesn't treat her that well either. idk, i wish i could know why but maybe again it's simply because it's shonen. jjk has a very limited cast and mostly what i see some people talk about is which ship is gonna be canon and which characters have most chemistry, i dont think this matters people will always ship no matter what. i just find it hilarious how on twitter people come up with 50 pages of essay trying to convince people why two characters that had the barest minimum of interaction need to become a thing at the end, especially when said characters hadn't gotten along for a decade. gege literally said that he cannot imagine gojo being sincere to any woman/ that alone is enough to confirm that his main character will not have a romantic subplot, at least no more than the one he "had" with Geto i imagine? dunno, the subtext is there. lastly i just don't care, if people wanna ship this or that, the main issue here is character utilization or better yet are they even supposed to be utilized more than what they already did. i think there's also a pretty good chance that many of them will end up dying, gege literally said no one can return to their normal daily lives after shibuya. needless, i think wanting to see a character more in the story simply because of the ship is a petty reason and just somebody having a wishful thinking that desires a wish fullfilment because characters serve as a projection.
idk, i hope this gives u some insight on what i had in mind but well, if u have more to share please do so! i enjoyed reading ur thoughts :)
yeah i don’t think utahime and gojo are that close lol. i don’t think gojo is that close with anyone—at least, not anymore (rip to my man geto). (this also ties back to a post i made previously about the interview you mentioned)
people in fandom will always ship (hell, i ship characters), but i think people need to learn how to enjoy a piece of media without constantly involving them. it’s totally ok for you to like a ship and want more content for it, but it sometimes gets to the point where they completely misunderstand/misrepresent the two characters and stop viewing the manga as a manga. writing is a form of art that has purpose, themes, symbols, metaphors, etc. it’s meant to be analyzed. you can have fun with it as well (shipping is often harmless) but that’s ultimately not what the manga is about. have fun with fandom, have fun with shipping, but remember to take off your shipping or fanon lenses when reading/analyzing the actual material.
i also don’t think utahime is meant to have a big role. her fans wishing they had more content is perfectly fine, but sometimes side characters are just side characters. like i said before, not everyone has a big role to play, and that’s completely normal. the best part about fandom is that you can produce content. write fanfics, creat art, think of headcanons, etc. if you like a character that doesn’t have much content, then make some yourself (which is what majority of utahime stans do, at least from what i’ve seen).
i don’t have an opinion on utahime. if i had to, then yeah i can imagine a situation where she might become relevant again, but i don’t particularly care one way or the other.
oh!! i also don’t think a majority of the characters will be alive at the end of the manga. gege loves his angst, he loves his character deaths, which is an aspect of his writing i love so much. i feel like a lot of manga authors (especially after gaining popularity) are scared of killing off characters or get stopped by their editors. there’s also an interview that states “among gojo and the first years, either one person will die or everyone will die except one person” and i can’t wait to see which one it is.
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