#also im on my period get out of jail card for getting overly sentimental over vroomy guys
sennaverstappen · 10 months
sadly it's how it is with rps fandoms in general, most of them 99%of the time go off rails don't matter if its m/m or m/f, im not surprised it reached f1 but then it's better to ignore then giving them attention
i’m assuming youre referring to the l3stappen situation that i commented on today - and yeah i for sure agree that it happens in every fandom!!
it just sucks bc not to go sentimental style on the f1 rpf blog but lestappen genuinely is a comfort of mine (got into f1 in a pretty dark place in my life and my second race was baku so i was doomed from the start) and it does break my heart that 1. ppl give it a bad rep (which is whatever like ppl shouldve maybe just left that post alone it wasnt like they posted it on twt but i get it. i get seeing something that makes u cringe so bad it make u need to post it) and 2. it drives (pun intended) ppl away from a ship i really like which 🥺💔💔
i agree it happens everywhere and we should just stop giving it attention, but it does unfortunately impact the way people look at the ship, and i fear if it gets off tumblr that it might get to the drivers eventually - which could (& probably would) impact their real life friendship in the same way l4rry did. which is the last thing i want. so i think its good to like keep people somewhat in check when it comes to deranged statements - sometimes ppl get lost in the game i guess and its good to have a reality check (myself included!)
tldr: yes but it still impacts me and how ppl see the ship which sucks. also im scared ppl will start acting like this outside of tumblr which could ruin their (potential) friendship a la l4rry styl1ns0n lol
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