#also im somone whose been cheated on i know how it feels so in know way am i excusing behavior but im just saying we have to acknowledge the
Some people are saying that Buck and Eddie's cheating is the same and I'm just like....
Buck didn't choose to cheat, it was a series of events that someone else initiated and he went with in the moment. He felt bad and yes he lied about it and made some mistakes but he did feel guilty the whole time. He still fucked up but in a different way
Eddie has actively chosen to do this, he flirted, he said he was a single dad (which okay fair if you don't see Marisol as a Co parent maybe just as a babysitter) but he followed up with it's just him and his son (further making a point he's single) he went out of his way to follow this path and yes his feelings with Shannon have complicated it but he's chosen to lie and walk this path and although we've just seen the beginning and we don't know what will happen he seems to be okay with it
Yes both are cheating/have cheated but it's vastly different levels to it.
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