#also in a recent DnD game one of our friends persistently stopped their toddler from bed jumping in the background of the call
muffinlance · 4 years
State of the Muffin Report: 2021 Writing Goals
Overall Goal: Balance fanfic with Serious Face noveling, by adapting one of my AUs into a fully original fic that will be posted chapter by chapter with a "please support the author" pretty version self-pubbed at the end. If that's successful, we will have FUN in the years to come.
On the fanfic side, the goal is to not start anything new dangit while finishing up some of my shorter long works.
Concrete Goals:
Finish Salvage -- the end is in sight, yo, just need to tap-tap on my keyboard some more
Towards the Sun -- Boiling Rock arc, possibly the entirety of Book One but no promises
Cheating at Pai Sho -- hopefully finish! This only has one book so, Tiny Child God Willing, that should be achievable
OG Scaled Over: outlining is in process, but I'm not sure it's ready yet; still teasing out the shape in my head, deciding what influences/character archetypes to include v cut, and where to break up the plot arcs. So you're either getting this or...
OG S&S, aka the "Hakoda and Jun co-parent Zuko" fic, which is already so AU that I just need to change names and it'll be fine. Also I've been thinking about it for a year and a half already, so most of the major issues have been teased out in my subconscious already. Gonna outline this officially soon and see if it's fully ready, then I'll decide on whether to launch this or Scaled Over as my first self-pubbed-novel experiment. You haven't met this story yet, but I guarantee you have a this-story-shaped hole in your life.
Also I will continue rearing a tiny human person, upon whose whims the exact timeline of these goals rest. There was a lot of giggling and playing today which was an altogether agreeable way to begin the New Year. Planning to write but bouncing on a bed with a baby instead is a Good Day.
Edit Because Apparently This Needs Saying I Guess: Please note that my goal is to write the equivalent of three novels this next year. Asking for more is not a good look.
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