#also in the dream all of the boys where playing basketball against this random dude who threatened to reveal haruhis secret is they loose
quillisadoll · 4 months
Guys in my dream honey was really really into making pottery
Like he made plates, bowls, cups/mugs he made it all.
And he used the plates he made to eat cake off of it was so cute.
I am deeming this as cannon
(I'm silly in the tags!)
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ukulelewrites · 7 years
SFW Alphabet: Guanlin
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A/N: so if any of you don’t know what this is, you can refer to this post that i made a while ago. pretty much i go through the alphabet bc each letter represents a word and i have to write 2-3 sentences for each word!
A/A/N: I’m also tagging @laji-101 bc I know she loves Guanlin~
AU: Werewolf!Guanlin would be such a puppy. He’d trail after you whenever you have food and even if you scold him (“No, Guanlin, you can’t have any of my ice cream bc it’s mINE”) he’d just unlease his puppy dog eyes on you until you caved in. He’s also the type to just lay on your couch for hours, but the moment he hears you say you’re headed to the park, he’s running after you. 
Best Friend: tbh i feel like Guanlin would be such a chill friend. He’s the type of friend that just kinda goes along with the flow for everything, so when you mention going to McDonald’s at 3am, he’s doWN. He’d also be a lil shit too, bc he knows he’s freakishly tall, so he’s the type to hold stuff high above your head, just to laugh at you struggling. 
Cuddles: Guanlin is a lil bub, okay? And lil bubs need their cuddles. Since he’s so obnoxiously tol, I feel like he’d want to be the big spoon, like, all of the time. He’s the type to like it when you press your back against his chest so his arm can just protectively swing over your waist. Plus, he’s not against pulling you by the waist against him whenever you try to get up and get water or some shit lmao
Domestic: okay Guanlin has confirmed himself he’s a lazy bub, so domesticnicity is on the lower end of the spectrum. Expect him to either be splayed out on the couch while you’re trying to vacuum or just with his arms wrapped around yoru waist as you’re trying to cook. The only time he’d actively help clean or cook is when you start whining about how high something is.
Ending: Guanlin is pretty young, and I feel like he’s probably not that experienced with relationships. Keeping that in mind, breaking up with someone might end up being difficult for him, but knowing how he can be quite blunt, I feel like he’d just end up saying “hey, let’s break up.” He’d def spend time talking to them about the why, but I feel like he’d be pretty set on his decision. 
Films: Guanlin gives me mad action movie fan vibes for some strange reason. Like, this boy would watch a James Bond movie and then proceed to creep around the house on his tiptoes like a “spy.” I also feel like he’d be into home movie nights bc he can fall asleep on the couch right after the movie ends lmao
Groupmates: Wanna One can be quite overwhelming to meet. 10 older brothers of your boyfriend? Wild, dude, hella wild. They’d all be clamoring around each other trying to introduce themselves to you before Minhyun and Jisung pull you aside to put down some ground rules. I also imagine a really pouty Jihoon sulking in the corner bc Guanlin found a new favorite person. 
Hugs: yes,,,that’s all I’m going to say lmao. But in all honestly, Guanlin is such a tol noodle I feel like hugs would be gr8, like, he’s the type to go all in on a hug, just wrap you tightly in his arms. Plus, once he gets super comfortable with you, expect random hugs every now and then (even the occasional hug where he gets a running head start and proceeds to knock the breath out of you bc he overestimated his speed and impact force lmao)
Intimate: Guanlin is still pretty young, so I expect blushy cheeks and adorable stuttering whenever you give him a kiss on the cheek or a backhug. However, that’s at the beginning of your blossoming relationship. Expect him to get cocky once the two of you are more comfortable, and he’d be the one to swoop down and give you a kiss. 
Jealousy: So I’m split 50/50 rn on Guanlin and jealousy. Like he’d either be chill on the outside about it, letting you do your thing and only voicing his jealousy when you’re alone. oR he’d end up being a pouty oversized baby during the entire time. Like, you know how long his limbs are? Expect them to be draped or wrapped around some part of your body lmao
Kisses: giGGLY MESS OKAY. He’d be all about that cupping your cheeks while kissing you slowly and smiling into the kiss a lot, letting a giggle slip when he opens his eyes and looks into yours. He’s the type to like to kiss you on the tip of your nose, especially when you scrunch it up bc he finds you soso cute. And he loves it when you kiss him on the cheek bc there’s something intimate yet sweet about the whole thing. 
Little Ones: Guanlin is practically a lil one okay? A very tol lil one, but a lil bab at the most. At first he’d be scared out of his mind bc “omg what if I break one of them????” But at the end of the day he’s got a kid clinging onto each leg and one on his shoulders as he stomps around the room imitating a freaking megazord or some ish.
Morning: Guanlin is on the lazier side lmao so mornings would be spent trying to convince him to wake up,,,which you fail at so the two of you just spend your mornings in bed. Cuddling is a must and him lazily brushing your hair behind your ear is a daily occurance. 
Night: Expect Netflix on the tv as the two of you cuddle under the blankets bickering over which character is better. I also can imagine him as the type to eat cereal or, like, instant noodles at 1am with you bc lmao time is just a construct. He’s also the type to like getting ready for bed, like yall brush your teeth together, wash your face together, all that jazz, but the moment his head hits the pillow it’s lights out.
Open: I see Guanlin as this really bright, happy boy, but I feel like it takes a lot for him to open up. Like at first he’d tell you the basics, favorite color, food, animal, just the superficial stuff first. However, as the months past and the conversations between you two grow into hours and hours of talking, he’d definitely be the type to talk about what he wants in life and his dreams and his fears as the two of you lay face to face on the bed.
Photographs: I feel like he wouldn’t be super into documenting your relationship. def bc he knows his hyungs would give him hella shit for it Like, he’d like taking pictures of you to keep on his phone, so he can look at them fondly while he’s away, but sharing them? Printing them out? Nah fam. He’d much rather keep your candids (usually cute, but he’s got that one pic of you shoving two cupcakes in your face and it’s game over there) to himself.
Quizzes: Guanlin sometimes seem kinda sleepy and unaware, but I feel like he’s really sharp? Like I feel like he’d know your favorite food at each restaurant and your favorite flowers and stuff like that, he’d just never use that information lmao. Yall would be going out to eat, and this boy knows your order by heart and all that, but he would never order for you even if you left to use the restroom. 
Rain: This boy likes his naps, so when the raindrops start pattering against the window, expect him to be sprawled out on the couch. He likes using you as his own personal teddy bear, and when you try to escape, he swings his leg over your body to trap you. So rainy days are spent with him nuzzling his face into your hair as he hums a soft melody.
Sleep: I feel like he’s a starfish kind of sleeper. His limbs are just so,,,,,long, like I can’t imagine him sleeping in a compact form lol. I also feel like he’s the type to random wake up in the middle of the night randomly and start mumbling before going back to sleep. Like yall would be sleeping, 3am hits, and this boy wakes up and starts talking about Seonho and then just goes right back to sleep lol.
Try: I feel like he’d try to his best abilities. He’d probably go to his hyungs and ask for advice, regret his actions, and then consult the internet lmao. He’s a chill bf most of the time, but he knows on anniversaries and stuff those have to be special. But he plans those to be chill too, like dinner at your fave place or maybe a really cute park date with candles and stuff.
Ugly: This isn’t a really ugly habit, but he has a habit of putting things on the highest shelf. Like, yeah, it’s convenient for him, but when you crave chips, you don’t want to put in extra effort to get them lol. I also feel like he’s the type to drink milk straight out of the carton, and that’s just unsanitary. 
Victorious: yES, I feel like he enjoys at home kind of dates, so video game night is a must. He prefers playing Mario Kart, but after you beat him for the 100th time, he decided to stop playing that game with you on date nights. I also feel like he’s the type to just start 1v1 basketball in the park on day with you. he probs won but if you win he’d be highkey proud
Winter: Cold weather? He probably likes going to small cafes and bakeries to drink hot cocoa and eat pastries while watching the snowflakes fall outside. Also, expect a giant snowman to be built before all the snow melts. Plus, he’ll randomly start snowball fights, so always be prepared, aLWAYS.
Xtra: He probably really enjoys dog videos. Like, this boy is practically a giant pup himself, so watching actual pups do adorable pup things? Def his aesthetic. Expect him to run up to you with his phone one day and shove it right under your nose so you can bask in the adorableness too.
Yuck: I feel like Guanlin doesn’t like it when people aren’t straight up honest with him. Like yeah, he understands sometimes there are occasions where lying is okay, but he would def hate it if you did something bad and either put off from telling him or tried to skirt around the truth. He’s honest with you, so he expects you to be honest with him.
Zodiac: So, according to the internet, Guanlin is a Libra. However, I don’t feel like he fits it exactly. Yes, he is shown to be cooperative and sociable, but Guanlin doesn’t do self-pity. He doesn’t dwell on “oh, woe is me” he works on improving himself as a person. I feel like Guanlin legit would not care what zodiac you were, as long as you were nice and caring he’s down.
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