#also it was hilarious that alex was high key obsessed with him for years and also had Gay Experiences in hs but still didn't realize.
cannibalismyuri · 1 year
hey sara when you read rwrb did you also assume alex knew he was bi up until his sexuality crisis revealed the truth to you or was it just me who labored under delusions for the first 25 percent of the book, a whole quarter of the way through, before getting the shocking surprise that alex claremont-diaz, main character of nyt bestselling debut novel red white and royal blue, by author casey mcquiston, was NOT an out and proud bisexual man?
no actually, because im not delulu like u are . anyway .
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surveys-r-us · 5 years
it’s 2019 and i still do these
Do you know people with these names? For each name, say if you know someone with that name and how you know them.
Aaron: I know multiple Aaron’s. Two of them are former coworkers. The other one is someone I know of but haven’t really talked to much.  Adam: A jerk face.  Aisha Alanna Alex: Off the top of my mind, I think of someone I matched with on bumble a few months ago.  Alexa Alexandria: A girl from elementary school Allegra Allie: Someone from high school who had a baby.  Allison: A girl from my sorority (that I quit)
Amanda: One of my early college friends who transferred. I don’t even follow her on social media anymore.
Amber Amie Ana: Another girl from my old sorority lol.  Anaïs Andreas Andrew: I know a few.  Angela: A girl I used to play soccer with in middle school.  Angelica Anna: Someone from high school. Think she moved after graduating college.  Annie Ari Ashley: Not the biggest fan of because she gets involved in other people’s business (including mine) but we’ve had some fun memories.  Ashna Audrey Austin: cute guy from my hometown who I talked for like a week senior year of high school Becky Ben: A friend I’ve never actually met in person but we talk every few months.
Berkeley: Someone who studied abroad in Ireland with me. She might’ve spelled it differently.  Beth: One of my first friends in college. She’s one of the nicest people I’ve met. Bobby: Another person from college. He can kinda be a dick.  Bolor Brendan: My friend who plays guitar and sings. Super talented. We bonded over our music tastes being relatively similar.  Bridgid Britney: I think it was spelled Brittany but a girl in the grade below me in high school.  Brooke: My little cousin. Cal Callie Cam Cameron: I had a brief crush on him back in high school.  Camille: One of my old roommates’ close friends. I’ve only talked to her like twice.  Camryn Carmen: A distance cousin.  Caro Caroline: I know like 5 Caroline’s. My old roommate is one of them.  Casilda Cecile Cecily Chanel Chloe: The first person I thought of was a friend’s little sister.  Chris: Super liberal, obsessed with Game of Thrones and listens to Talking Heads Christina: One of my sister’s friends.  Christopher: Someone from high school. I’ve known him since kindergarten.  Claire: One of my best friends.  Claudia Claudine Cole: Was just wondering about him the other day since he deleted all his social media. Wonder what he’s up to. I know he’s a pilot.  Connie Connor: He plays football and writes for our student newspaper.  Courtney: She’s hilarious.  Cyrus Daisy Dakota Dana Danielle: Someone from my high school who also went to my college. She was older than me though. David: This cool guy from the Netherlands I met my last night in Ireland. He was apparently super into me according to my sister. He deleted me on snapchat though so now I don’t know how to communicate with him.  Delilah Diane: My aunt.  Diego Donald Doug: A family friend Duncan Dylan: My best friend’s ex. Pretty sure he got busted for selling drugs lol Eleanor Elijah Elise: My sister Eliza Elizabeth: One of my sister’s friends.  Ella Elle: Another girl from my sorority. She tags her boyfriend in things a lot on facebook. Ellie: Another person from high school. She’s like me and got the fuck out of this town.  Elliot Emerson Emily: Man I know a ton. One that comes to mind is my friend who we can go months without talking and pick things up like no time passed.  Emma: Someone from college who deleted her social media recently. I applaud her for it.  Eric Erika: Erica. Went to middle school with her. She’s had two kids.  Ethan: Dude I knew of in college but never really talked to. Faith: One of my old coworkers. I would see her out at parties and be surprised since she didn’t seem like someone who drank.  Fiona Francesca: Franz George: This short kid who’s sorta friends with one of my old roommates. I had class with him and didn’t even realize it until 3 weeks before the semester ended haha.  Ginny Giselle Grace: My beautiful cousin Graham Hadley Hailey: One of the few people from high school I’d still hang out with. 
Hannah: Wasn't a big fan of her.  Havana Helen Henry: Someone else from high school. He’s super smart.  Hugo Huma Ilana Indra Isabel: One of my favorite coworkers from this past year. Such a sweetheart. However, she can talk too much which was especially annoying at our mandatory meetings at 9 PM (college jobs suck) when I just wanted to go home and go to bed.  Isabella Itza Ivy Izzy: Think there was a girl with that name on my floor freshman year Jackie Jacob: Old neighbor. He got busted buying weed before it was legal here. Not sure what he’s doing now James: My uncle Jamie Jason: A family friend. Actually saw him the other day.  Jennifer: My former aunt.  Jenny: see above Jess: One of my closest friends.  Jhadha Joe: My old manager at work. I miss him. He’s so funny.  John: My music soulmate.  Jonathan: He plays football. He and his girlfriend are super cute together.  Joseph: An asshole.  Joyce J.P. Jude Julia Julie Justin: A distant relative.  Kaan Kai Karina Kat Kate: One of my cousins.  Katherine Kinaya Kira Kristie Lanie Laura: She’s from Hungary. She’s low key insane.  Lauren: Aye that’s me. Also one of my best friends.  Leah: My old supervisor. She’s hilarious. León Lexxi Liberty Lisette Louisa Luca Luis Lynette MacKenzie: Spelled differently but this girl who’s somehow a Trump supporter lol.  Maddie: A really complicated friendship but think we’re good now.  Maggie: Actually one of the funniest people you could meet. She uses tinder just to send stupid messages.  Makena Manlio Margaret Margo Maria: My old roommate.  Marianna Mariely Martha Martin Mayuri McKinley Megan: The person I think of is a friend from college.  Meredith Mia: One of my really close friends.  Michael: My ex boyfriend lol Michelle: One of my oldest friends. I’ve known her since 1st grade.  Mike: This dude who gets insanely drunk at the bars and does stupid things. I don’t know how he hasn’t been arrested.  Minah Miranda: This artsy girl from high school.  Molly: Another old neighbor. She lives in Chicago I think.  Morgan: One of my close high school friends. I don’t really see her often.  Nadia Nancy Natalie: A mutual friend with different people. She studied abroad in Ireland when i did.  Nathan Nathanael Neoma Nichole: She was my camp counselor.  Nico Nikki Noah Noelle: Pretty sure there’s a girl from my hometown with that name.  Octavio Olivia: My locker buddy throughout high school. Would see her every day.  Orion Owen: Went to college with him for a bit. He transferred and then dropped out. No idea what he’s been up to. He’s really into theatre.  Paige: My little cousin Pam Pat Patrick: My old high school crush. He unfollowed me on instagram a few months ago which sucks because we were actually decently close friends at one point.  Paul: A family friend.  Paula Pauline Peter: I definitely know a Peter but can’t think of one.  Phoebe Phong Price Quinn Rachel: Another person from high school I’d actually still hang out with.  Rai Railey Raquel Ray Rayne Rebecca: Known her since 2nd grade.  Rebkah Regina Reilly Remy Ren Rhianna Robert: My friend’s brother.  Rohini Roither Rose Ruby Ruilin Sabrina Sakura Salim Sally Sam: This super buff guy from high school. Literally could be a bodybuilder for all I care. Sapna Sarah: This really religious girl I went to high school with. I don’t think she ever left our hometown.  Savanah Sebastian Shani Shannon: One of my good friends from middle school. I haven’t seen her in years.  Siena Snigdha Sofia Sophie Soren Spencer: Think a guy from my high school has a younger brother with this name.  Summers Sydney: She just got married and had like a two week honeymoon at Disney. Taran Taylor: Talked to one for like two weeks. His current girlfriend hates me but we kinda mutually ended things so I don’t get why.  Tessa: One of the nicest people from the nicest family in my entire town. Thea Theo Theresa: I’ve met a couple in college.  Tim: My uncle Tom: I’m not really a fan of him. He likes to show up to things uninvited. Tori Ural Victoria: Someone from my floor freshman year. She’s vegan and is getting married in like a month. I can’t wait to see her wedding photos. Her dress will probably be really beautiful.  Viviane Walter Will: Some kid from elementary school Willa William Yujin Yuta Zac Zoe Which names do you prefer?
Alice or Allana? Alice Allie or Andie? Andie Alexandra or Anastasia? Alexandra Anna or Angela? Anna Annie or Angelica? Angelica Ana or Ashna? Ana Audrey or Ashley? Audrey Ansel or Annika? Ansel Brooke or Britney? Brooke Berkeley or Bella? Bella Bo Chao or Beatrix? Beatrix Camille or Camryn? Camryn Cristina or Casilda? Cristina Chloe or Courtney? Courtney Charlotte or Carol? Charlotte Cleo or Chanel? Chanel Davin or Dillon? Dillon Delilah or Dutra? Delilah Erin or Elina? Erin Emin or Emerson? Emerson Emily or Emma? Emma Erika or Estelle? Estelle Faith or Frannie? Faith Fernanda or Francesca? Francesca Georgina or Gracie? Gracie Gabriela or Gina? Gina Hailey or Hannah? Hailey Hadley or Havana? Hadley Indra or Isabel? Isabel Indiana or Ivy? Indiana Jenny or Jessie? Jessie Julia or Joyce? Joyce Jasmine or Jackie? Jasmine Jamie or Jennifer? Jamie Kimia or Karina? Karina Katerina or Kate? Kate Kira or Kristie? Kira Lia or Lily? Lia Lauren or Lynette? Lauren Liberty or Leila? Liberty Margaret or Martha? Martha Michelle or Mackenzie? Michelle Mia or Michaela? Mia Morgan or Maddie? Morgan Maya or Mayuri? Maya Megan or Makena? Makena McKinley or Margo? Margo Nikki or Natalie? Natalie Nadia or Nancy? Nancy Nicole or Olivia? Olivia Rachel or Rebecca? Rachel Remi or Rosie? Remi Ruby or Reine? Ruby Ren or Sakura? Sakura Sapna or Snigdha? Sapna Sally or Stella? Sally Sophie or Sydney? Sophie Sophia or Solana? Sophia Skye or Sierra? Sierra Serena or Savanah? Savannah Sarah or Sabrina? Sabrina Tara or Taylor? Tara Vittoria or Yahs? Vittoria Yoonju or Yukine? Yukine Aidan or Austin? Austin Alan or Andrew? Alan Aldo or Alexx? Alexx Ben or Brian? Ben Billy or Brodie? Brodie Corey or Carlos? Carlos Coleman or Connor? Connor David or Dylan? David Eli or Eric? Eric Franz or Fernando? Franz Gabe or Graham? Gabe Holden or Hudson? Hudson Jacob or Justin? Justin Jack or JP? Jack Jimmy or Jared? Jared James or John? John Karm or Kian? Kian Lou or Lenny? Lenny Michael or Mickey? Michael Nick or Nathan? Nick Peter or Pierson? Peter Rai or Rafael? Rafael Sanjay or Supawat? Sanjay Will or Wynn? Will Zachary or Zack? Zack
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dippedanddripped · 6 years
Niche stars and not-quite celebrities are churning out namesake products — T-shirts, coloring books, tissue boxes — made for a dedicated few.
By Jon Caramanica
When he was 13, Leo Mandella began posting photos of his street wear outfits to his Instagram account, @gullyguyleo, and with his sophisticated color sense, confident poses and baby face, he was a quick hit. His hundreds of posts earned him a follower count comfortably in the six figures, but still he craved more.
“I want to show that I’m more than a kid who wears outfits,” Mr. Mandella, now 15, said in a recent interview. “I’ve always known if this blows up, I can create a brand on the back of it.”
Making clothing of his own would be a natural extension of his brand — Mr. Mandella eventually released a few items under the Gully brand name — but he wanted to make a loud, unexpected splash. His idea: a coloring book, with 25 line illustrations of him wearing high-end street wear, accompanied by a pack of Gully crayons. Released late last year, it sold several hundred copies.
“We wanted to make it exclusive, for the people who were actually passionate about buying,” Mr. Mandella said.
Which is to say, for the people who were so passionate about Mr. Mandella — a teenager living in Warwick, England who invented himself online from whole designer cloth — that they craved an even more tactile connection. His coloring book is part of an emergent movement of micromerch: personal merchandise for niche public figures and celebrities (or even not-yet celebrities) made possible by innovations in manufacturing and distribution, and with mechanisms greased by the ease of the internet.
Consider it the modern-day equivalent of the private-press LP or the small-batch zine, amplified for social media and very late capitalism.
Buying merch — T-shirts, key chains, mugs, etc. — to support a band, or a favorite actress, has been a common expression of fandom for decades. And in recent years, merch has begun to infiltrate fashion on two fronts. Companies like Bravado, the merchandising arm of the Universal Music Group, have propelled traditional musician merch into the hypebeast cycle. And brands including Vetements and Balenciaga have absorbed merch aesthetics into meta-referential clothing.
Now, though, small-batch merch — a couple dozen to a couple thousand items — can be made available for almost anyone, from emergent social media or reality TV demicelebrities to casual dadaists who toy with the dissemination of ideas in the modern marketplace. In an era when personal branding is presumed, no following is too small to monetize.
Want to show support for Sean Bryan, a.k.a. the Papal Ninja, an American Ninja Warrior contestant and lay minister? There’s a shirt (and laptop case) for that. Enthralled by the 1980s sunglasses worn by the rubber-legged teen social media star Roy Purdy in his absurdist dance videos? For a while, he sold them, too. Obsessed with Gordie, the French bulldog owned by Alex Tumay, who engineers Young Thug’s records? Buy a shirt.
“I’d never pitched myself as a product to people,” Mr. Tumay said. “It was kind of a sellout angle I was worried about.” But he’s sold around 50, and the money he took in paid for flights for him and his partners to go to the South by Southwest Music Festival in Austin last month.
Peloton, the home indoor cycling business, has a stable of a dozen instructors, and sells merch inspired by each. Jill Foley, Peloton’s director of boutique apparel, said the company has sold hundreds of T-shirts and tank tops with instructor catchphrases like “It’s Not That Deep” (Cody Rigsby) and “Sweat Sing Repeat” (Jenn Sherman).
“We’re getting messages to people in this micro way,” Ms. Foley said, emphasizing the intimacy of the relationship Peloton riders develop with their chosen instructors. “We’re in people’s homes in their daily life.”
At times, the micromerch comes before the notoriety. On the most recent season of “The Bachelorette,” Lucas Yancey spent most of his energy screaming “WHABOOOOOOM,” rather than pursuing Rachel Lindsay. Conveniently, he was already selling shirts with the phrase on his website.
In this, at least, he was ahead of the curve. Most graduates of the Bachelor ecosystem migrate into the murky worlds of paid Instagram posts and event appearances, but Ashley Iaconetti, a contestant known for persistent waterworks and committed virginity, decided to become the brand herself. “I always thought myself being so known for crying,” she said. “Why don’t I have a deal with Kleenex or Puffs?”
Instead, she began selling her own tissue boxes (in truth, a printed sleeve with line drawings of Ms. Iaconetti’s forlorn face sheathing a plain white tissue box) along with other merchandise. “Snooki was Snooki, and now she’s kind of her own brand,” she said. “Also, Kylie lip kits subconsciously encouraged me.” (Indeed, the peak micromerch endgame is something like Kim Kardashian West’s Kimoji, which sells pool floats, mouse pads and Post-it notes shaped like her derrière, among other items.)
These nascent micro-personality businesses may never reach that level of name recognition or profitability, but they’re something more than mere pet projects. “The easiest term is to call it a brand,” Matthew Hwang of Pizzaslime said, but conceded that wasn’t quite sufficient. “We almost need to come up with new words.”
Pizzaslime is a creative agency specializing in creating viral moments, and also a rapid-response merchandise business specializing in capitalizing on them. Early last year, a sharp-tongued teenager, Danielle Bregoli, went viral following a hilarious moment on “Dr. Phil” where she threatened judgmental audience members to “cashmeoussidehowbowdah” (say it slow). Within two weeks, Pizzaslime had made a slew of merch for her featuring the catchphrase, including a $250 blanket featuring her face — all sold out.
“When anyone is smart enough to build a following on social media, strategic in the ways they build their content, they can utilize those same sort of strategies for merchandise,” Mr. Hwang said.
Which raises the question of what the smallest following a person can have while still being able to sell merchandise can be. “I’ve worked with people who have 10 million Instagram followers and they’ve done less than someone with 20,000,” said Chase Ortega, who owns the Hyv (pronounced “hive”), a merchandise company that primarily handles emerging musicians, but which has employed the same infrastructure to service merch for several nontraditional clients, including the feminist artists Grace Miceli and Molly Soda, the social media star Too Poor (an ex-girlfriend of Lil Peep and something of a modern-day Nancy Spungen), and the surrealist comic artist Zack Fox.
“I think of it as a new record label. I’m not trying to be Bravado,” Mr. Ortega said. “I want to be the Matador. I want a cool roster.”
That frees him up him to sell, with Mr. Fox, a couple of hundred water bottles emblazoned with a reclaimed bigoted phrase (that can’t be published here) derived from a Twitter meme.
For Mr. Fox, merch isn’t strictly about celebrity. “I’ve always leaned more into making things artistically valid to me,” he said. In buying the water bottle, he explained, “You’re buying a piece of performance; you’re not really trying to rep Zack Fox.”
That tension between the intentions of the purchaser and creator also intrigues Ayesha Siddiqi, a creative consultant specializing in trend forecasting with a robust Twitter following who, in partnership with the artist and musician Saba Moeel, recently collaborated on the design of a collection of shirts and hoodies. Some are drawn directly from Ms. Siddiqi’s tweets, like the hoodie that reads Spider Labor Solidarity. “It means what it says — that my solidarity is with the workers, especially those who work quietly and alone and for the benefit of all those around them,” Ms. Siddiqi wrote in an email.
But even though they weren’t intended as personal merch, some people have been buying them, she said, “because they were fans of ours to begin with and liked the opportunity to support something we’d made.”
In some cases, micromerch may be the pretense for providing an undersupported creative with some revenue, a cousin of Patreon subscriptions or Twitch micropayments. For Mr. Fox, selling merchandise has provided an alternate revenue stream, and one with ideological punch. “The idea is a seed, and it’s always going to upstream to someone making money off it,” he said. “Me selling this stuff is a way to, in one moment, protect the idea and also give myself what’s due.”
It can also be a way to extend a moment that might otherwise be fleeting, give it physical form so that it might travel far beyond where it began. And it can lead to bigger things. Recently, Mr. Mandella was tapped by a Converse to help relaunch the One Star sneaker. On his Instagram, he posted a photo of himself inside a bus covered in a 15-foot-tall photo of him. Who’s micro now?
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dani-fandom · 8 years
My thoughts on Voltron Season 2
So I’ve now watched the whole season 2 times, and I have a shit ton of thoughts about it. Obviously, super spoiler-y and pretty long. Under the read more.
By episodes, kind of
First of all,
Pidge is a beautiful tech genius and I love my daughter so much
I mean, she was able to transmit her lion’s signal to the castle out of junk??? Actual garbage??? Genius.
Shiro has the most millenial kind of humor - joking about his gaping wound??? Calm the fuck down sir
Coran had a Major Alex Armstrong phase and it was amazing
Seriously, did you see those arms??? Coran is ripped as fuck
He also had an emo teenage phase and it was the funniest thing ive ever seen
Underwater episode!!!! 
I would like to thank not only God but also Jesus for the entire episode of nothing but Hunk and Lance moments.
My blue baby boy saving the day
So now we finally know how Shiro escaped and i have mixed feelings about it
Also, I want to quickly talk about how I’ve seen people saying that Allura is being “racist” towards the Galra??? Um, how???
They literally annihilated her home planet and countless others, enslaving nations, and killing all of her family save Coran?
I think bitterness, distrust, and pure hatred are to be expected. 
I can say with 100% certainty that I would act the same way towards them, maybe even worse, and if you say you wouldn’t, I don’t trust you
This ep was good for the audience as a whole to show that all Galra are not the same, and there are those who work against him
Also good for the younger paladins to see, as their interactions with the Galra have mainly been very negative
They are more open to the idea of “good Galra”, though they have less reasons to not be, as opposed to Allura
I am living for the Pidge character growth in Greening the Cube tbh, my baby girl is amazing
Also Lance confirmed for skincare junkie I love my son
I almost cried laughing at the half-naked Klance scene
It’s exactly like the scene from Emperor’s New Groove and I could not stop seeing them as Pacha and Kuzco
That’s not my Hunk a dunk saving the day on Taujeer?? But it is!!!
I love him so much
Also, really uncomfortable with the whole Keith and Allura “bonding stuff” 
Like I get it, but it was handled very... interestingly
I dunno, it made me feel awkward
I feel like Keith is handled more like an adult in this particular season than Hunk and Lance, who are all the same age.
I’ll touch on this more in a bit, but I love that the Commander in this episode had more of a personality. You really got a feel on what kind of a Galra soldier he was, especially compared to the strictly cutthroat Galra like Sendak that we’ve dealt with in the past. 
Space Mall??? Space Mall!!!!
Let Allura get something sparkly goddammit
Alfor was in that picture with young Coran!!!!
So many theories about the origin of Voltron, and now we know that Alfor made the Black Lion which is both awesome and thought provoking
Did he make the others?
Did he choose the other pilots?
What exactly happened with Zarkon?
What happened to the other pilots???
I loved Hunk in this episode. He has been making a lot (too many in my opinion) of comments about food, but seeing him honestly enjoy cooking and enjoy the reactions people had to his food made me happy
So, uh, where’s the cow now?
We had some high quality Lance and Pidge interaction in this episode that I loved to bits
I also really enjoy the characterizations that the writers have been doing for the Galra
Like Sal, and Farkon seemed more like actual people and we could connect to them??? It was just great and started blurring the lines between good and bad even more
Also, “Farkon: Mall Cop” was hilarious
So many movie references I die
Also: Trans girl Pidge??? Trans girl Pidge!!!
Now, *cracks knuckles* onto The Blade of Mamora
Keith you are the main reason I stress, please just calm the fuck down 
“Shiro, you’re like a brother to me.” *longest yeah boi ever*
So Thace isn’t Keith’s dad, but Keith’s dad low-key looks like Shiro???
His mom was Galra??? Who the fuck??
We have never seen any female Galra (as far as we know)?
(Especially considering that Haggar isn’t Galra, or at least not a pure one)
Can someone please get this boy some medical attention? My heart rate is rising by the second
“The only way this is possible, is if Galra blood runs through your veins” *longest yeah boi ever*
There are so many unanswered questions holy fuck
Okay so next we get some quality bonding time between Hunk and Keith which is amazing
Honestly i love the two of them
Why did Hunk have to be sleep during the whole plan?? Let him be smart and contribute to the plan goddammit!!!
We get to see how chill Hunk really is with Galra Keith
But we don’t get to see how everyone else reacted to it.
How did Shiro react? How about Lance? Pidge?
We know Allura is pissed af, but what about Coran??? He went through the exact same things she did, but he’s cooler about it
if he’s being the more mature one and is able to look past it to still accept and love Keith, he should be talking to Allura about it, and be her advisor/second father
Again, I’m annoyed about how dismissive Allura is to Keith, but SHE HAS A JUSTIFIABLE REASON
AGAIN, how did CORAN react????
I really want to know who that Galra soldier was that Keith rescued
What if it was Matt or something? He probably wouldn’t have recognized either Keith or Hunk and he didn’t say anything
Or what if that was Keith’s mom?
Possibilities man
Haha, fart jokes
Seriously, why didn’t we get to see everyone else’s reactions?
Jailbreak episode!
Okay, Slav (or whatever it is) is THE most annoying thing ever, just had to get it out of the way
Shiro was reacting exactly how I would have
Honestly, Shiro was overall so relatable in this episode
We get information on Matt! It’s not alot but hey
Now we get to dive even deeper into theories about him joining a rebel group, since they saved him
Would not be surprised if(again) the person Keith saved ended up being Matt on some kind of rebel mission
Let’s talk about Lance in this episode. Got some quality content however
We were led to believe that there would be some sort of season long sub-plot dealing with Lance’s insecurities (or at least something longer than half an episode)
So when he had his doubts immediately cleared it was kind of lackluster because of expectations
Of course, this could be explored again in a later season. Since this one was very Keith-centric, maybe the next might focus more on other paladins? I could see this as being something that would be brought up later on
I guess we can’t be having too much angst at one time
I thought it was really cute how that Galra Commander (listen I can’t remember all these names) had a pet???
And he saved it when the air locks were opened???
So precious
Again with the bringing actual personalities to characters that we are supposed to view as “bad” or “evil”, good job team
Whoo-hoo, Allura solo mission time!!!
I feel like the skype call she had with Coran could have been a good time for them to discuss Galra Keith but what do i know
Honestly, how in the hell did that Ro-beast survive? IT HAD NO HEAD
Fueled by pure spite, honestly relatable
“How did we beat it last time?”
You didn’t, babe
The Balmera stabbed it for you
Just saying
Also, I guess thank goodness there weren’t any lives on those moons(?) that the Ro-beast blew up
“Quit back-lion driving!” I love Hunk and Keith
So... did Keith get hit with a laser or nah?
Because that thing destroyed solid moons, and took out Hunk’s lion for like 5 minutes
But Keith was like, okay? So did the force just push him away?
Okay, so the Ro-beast is dead now right? Like it’s dead, dead?
Someone tell me its gone forever now
Coran fist-bumped Hunk, my life is complete
“Princess, there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” Is it about Keith??? About the Galra in general???
I liked the whole “remember when” stuff, it was cute
Uh, you guys obviously don’t understand how this stuff works; of course the universe will still need Voltron after Zarkon is gone
He’s spent 10,000 years building an empire.
Once he’s gone there’s still gonna be shit to do
Y’all ain’t goin’ anywhere
The plan is in motion yeahhhhh
I feel like Zarkon has taken on kind of a Macbeth type feel (though it has been almost three years since I’ve read Macbeth so I could be wrong)
He’s so obsessed with getting the Black Lion that he ignores the obvious trap
He probably thinks that once he gets the lion nothing else matters
Keith and Allura moment
i woulda rather seen a nice handshake, or an open-armed hug
but that’s, again, just me
it was a nice moment of Allura admitted that she was wrong to judge, so I did appreciate that
I really wish Thace could have like joined the group, and, you know, survived, but whatever
I also wish he had ended up being Keith’s father, but, you know, whatever
He was cool
When are we gonna learn more about the druids?? 
Are they all Galra soldier who were born using magic?
Or does Haggar hand-pick soldiers that she wants as druids, and gives them her magic??
Or are all Galra capable of some kind of magic?
I really just wanna know
I love magic like Pidge loves sciene
I am such a sucker for all of the backgrounds in this season
The space colors and the interior design of Galra ships???
Sign me up
Whenever someone says “it’s the only way” I always wonder if it really is the only way
I mean, is it really though?
Really really?
This is the second time someone has said that their life is most expendable than the life of a paladin of Voltron
I think it’d be interesting to have this line start haunting one of the paladins, maybe like Hunk or Lance, because I feel that they’re the most empathetic of the group
Maybe lead to future angst about being a paladin
How did Haggar not die from the explosion? She was RIGHT THERE
Or at least, make her injured
She seemed A-OK
Maybe she was able to teleport away in time
What powers that little platform that Zarkon is suspended on?
If the ship is off, shouldn’t that just... float away or something?
How did the wormhole blow up all of the smaller ships?
Man it sure is a good thing that the entirety of Zarkon’s ship castle thing has absolutely no prisoners on it all
Otherwise they’d most certainly be dead!
I’m so glad we know for sure that there were ZERO PRISONERS
Honestly, where the fuck do they keep the prisoners????
So... someone remind me how they didn’t die from the quintessence being sucked out of them?
“If it destroys planets... what did it do to the paladins?” Nothing what so ever
Okay so Voltron is now immobile, but the paladins are somehow fine
Am I still watching Voltron or is this Neon Genesis Evangelion now?
Let’s never talk about how I thought for 5 solid minutes that Allura died
I literally started sobbing until I saw her on screen again
That was the worst thing ever
Okay now we’ll never talk about it again
Okay, so Shiro somehow ghosted through Zarkon and grabbed the bayard??? Interesting
So Haggar is Altean???? Gotta admit I didn’t see that coming
But now imagine the possibilities and theories
Why is she working with Zarkon?
How does she have magic?
Do many Alteans have magic?
Also, now we know Allura can use magic
Can she generate it, or just use what’s been transferred to her?
Again, how many Alteans have magic?
Is it something very rare?
Allura didn’t seem to know much about it or how it would affect her
Okay soo.... did Shiro like, ghost out of the lion???
Is he stuck in that astral realm???
Where the fuck did he go???
I’m not ready for Prince Lotor
I think Hunk and Lance, and to a point, Coran, were severely underdeveloped
I mean, Hunk had fantastic development last season, and had moments to showcase his smartness, but I feel like he was just the foodie and the guy who’s always sleeping this season
And again, I did want to see more about Lance’s insecurities, and his relationships with the other paladins, but if the next season focuses more on that, I’m fine with waiting
I feel like, all jokes and funniness aside, there’s a lot to Coran that we have not been able to see yet
The whole Keith is Galra thing would have been a perfect way to learn more about Coran based on how he reacted to it, but we only see how Allura reacts to it.
GALRA KEITH IS AWESOME but seriously??? Where is the scene that he tells everyone? Where are their reactions? You can’t seriously expect me to believe that the only person who feels bitter is Allura?
What about Pidge? Her family has been kidnapped by the Galra? You can’t tell me that she was weirded out by Keith for at least an hour or so??
Hunk and Lance, again, as I think they are the most empathetic, probably would get over the shock fairly quickly
Same for Shiro, because even though he was tortured by the Galra, he knows Keith (how he knows Keith we still don’t know) and probably was able to overlook it more easily
Coran should have acted the same way Allura did, or he should have talked to her. I’ve said this a million times, and I’ll keep saying it.
This season was overall very good for Keith’s development (which I loved, I love him) and it brought up new questions and a shocking cliffhanger
I just feel that there were some things that could have been dealt with better.
And I’m probably still missing some thoughts, but whatever.
Something to keep in mind, as it has been pointed out to me, that this season was most likely written and made well before the hype for Season 1 was in existence, so it’s more likely that Season 3 is going to be even more of what we want, now that they have an idea of the fanbase.
So uh, those are my thoughts, feel free to talk to me about your thoughts!!
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4ever-untitled · 7 years
My Favorite 20 albums of 2017!
Do these things really need an introduction? This year sucked once again, so let’s just focus on the good music that happened okay? Without further ado, my favorite 20 albums of 2017:
Honorable mentions
Rapsody - Laila’s Wisdom 
Blanck Mass - World Eater 
Kesha - Rainbow
Pond - The Weather
Rostam - Half-Light
Birthing Hips - Urge To Merge
20.  Alex G - Rocket
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“Incoherent” is a word I suppose you could use to describe Rocket, the seventh album from Alex Giannascoli, but I prefer the term “idea-full”. When your head is full of shit to say, it’s not all gonna come out as a simple little guitar ditty. It might come out as a strange looping piano ballad, or even a Death Grips-esque noise rap track. What I’m saying is, feelings are complex and hard to pin down, and Alex G does his best to wrestle with them on here. It’s a balls-to-the-wall, heart-on-your-sleeve country/folk/rock/noise odyssey that feels immensely personal and universal at the same time. Incoherent? Hey, aren’t we all?
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPuxLpVus-k
19. Vince Staples - Big Fish Theory
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Everyone’s doing trap. Everyone’s doing mumble rap with the Migos flow. Fuck rattling high hats. Fuck ad-libs. Big Fish Theory was an important statement this year; a high profile rapper who teamed up with some underground electronic music producers (not beat makers) to make something truly unique that tried to give the hip-hop envelope a little shove. Here’s the thing though: it still goes really REALLY hard. Vince took a lot of risks on Big Fish Theory, songwriting and production wise, and the results speak for themselves.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6iAzyhm0p0
18. Mount Kimbie - Love What Survives
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Sometimes cold, nearly inhuman music can be some of the most emotionally potent. Radiohead's Kid A comes to mind. Albums that are unflinchingly ugly in their worldview and take every effort to make the music sound like it was created against their will, or perhaps by some machine. Love What Survives manages to sound distant, even otherworldly, and yet also jam packed with feeling. Electronic music has an inherent disconnect to it, like the listener was never considered in the first place, but Mount Kimbie manages to put a great amount of humanity to their throbbing electro post-punk. The results, a mix of electronic bleakness and a rich emotional core, are extraordinarily potent front to back, with excellent vocal performances from some of indie music's most unique voices. Mount Kimbie puts humanity into ugly music because, when you take a good look at it, life as a human is pretty damn ugly.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1kzMFnFSh0
17. Neil Cicierega - Mouth Moods
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(Read my full review here) Yes, I’m serious. You know why I’m serious? Because everyone has their thing. We all have our little niche that we fulfill in this world. We all have something we’re good at. Neil Cicerega’s niche (while he is multi-talented) is making mashup albums, and I’ll be damned if he’s not the best at it. With this, his third installment in the Mouth series, Neil has made the mashup a form of high art. The lines between ironic enjoyment and genuine appreciation are blurred as songs you’ve become familiar with are chopped and screwed and combined in a way that seems in one sense horrific, but in another sense totally amazing. Mouth Moods is hilarious and incredibly enjoyable, but after a couple listens, you don’t listen to laugh, you listen to appreciate. A lot of time and care went into these tracks, and the mere idea of some of these combinations are commendable in their own right (AC/DC’s ”Back in Black” and Vanessa Carlton’s “A Thousand Miles” absolutely should not work together, and yet...) This is some of the most fun I’ve had with an album this year, and many moments left me genuinely very impressed, so I’d say that more than justifies it being on this list. It’s not just a meme. This is good music, whether you like it or not.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsoCe7C4Kmk
16. milo - who told you to think??!!??!!??
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“I don’t even really have to rap/my nigga, it’s about if you can talk good” proclaims Milo on so the flies don’t come cut “A Song About a Raygunn (An Ode To Driver)”, and on who told you to think, it seems he’s begun talking really good. Milo’s lyricism on flies was poetic, but what he does here on the follow up is straight-up poetry. Less focus on hooks and beats (though those are also very good) and more focus on the words. He seems like the kind of person who obsesses over every syllable, and will never throw in a bar that doesn’t mean the world to him. Milo’s meticulous and abstract style makes diving into his lyrics an absolute blast. He’s a rapper for kids who are tired of hearing about bitches and hoes and want more Shakespeare references and terms that they have to look up in the regular dictionary rather than the urban one. High poetry over a beat. The essence of hip-hop.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mMOsl8qpfc
15. Richard Dawson - Peasant
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I, and I’m am sure many others, would file this album in the same category as Joanna Newsom’s Ys. What category is that you ask? Lyrics and melodies that exude a sense of adventure, song structures that meander and drift like waves on the ocean, and stories that feel like mini epics. It doesn’t have a name, but it’s a damn exciting little nook of music that isn’t heard often, and Dawson nails it. Listening to this thing really does feel like a journey; one that’s constantly evolving and never ever boring. Dawson appears to have some sort of fascination with medieval storytelling and instrumentation. But don’t worry, this thing doesn’t sound like Renaissance Fair music. It has a great sense of modern experimentation and loose song structure that differentiates it from actual medieval music, and from pretty much anyone else making folk music right now. It’s an ambitious and wildly fun freak folk album that will draw you in with both its story and its charisma.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7iW5OEeCUw
14. Remo Drive - Greatest Hits
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Aw man I miss being in a band in high school. We were one of the smart ones who weren’t under the illusion that “getting big” would be easy if we just really wanted it. We were just in it for fun. Remo Drive, a Minnesotan emo band, are some young whippersnappers who were in the same boat as me in high school, but through some good promotion (including a shoutout from a certain popular music nerd), the boys made it big. I’d be jealous if these guys didn’t completely deserve their success. Okay well, I’m still a little jealous. Regardless, Greatest Hits is a remarkably good debut, and one that has given emo kids around the country something new to latch onto and rightfully obsess over. Is it perfect? No. There are still kinks to work out. But I fucking love this thing and, considering this is their debut album, they can only get better and will hopefully one day become one of the emo greats. Just a prediction though. Maybe they’ll totally blow it. That would suck, but at least we’ll always have the awesome soaring hooks of Greatest Hits to re-listen to over and over and over. And over. 
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kaMiIaT-sg
13. SZA - Ctrl
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Love in 2017 is a weird thing. Everyone's so sex positive (which is a great thing!) that more people are open to hookups or being friends with benefits. That's all good and fun, but it can potentially lead to a lot of hurt feelings and heartbreak if there is a lack of communication. Modern music likes to pretend this isn't the case and that we're all out there trying to find a soulmate, but SZA knows what's really going on. She's tired of being used, and she's not afraid to call out shitty behavior by the men in her life. As you could probably guess, this album is very sexual. In fact, “Doves In The Wind” features the word "pussy" exactly 27 times. But sex and relationships is topic that needs to be discussed in 2017, especially from the female perspective. Having a casual hookup can be awkward and being sexually adventurous sometimes leaves something to be desired; a deep connection with another human being. It's not easy, but it's something worth fighting for. SZA tackles all this with a unique flow and swagger, while still keeping herself vulnerable enough for the listeners to connect to her struggle, which is one the most relatable struggles for young people today: have fun and be casual, or try to find something serious? What Ctrl teaches us is that the answer will only come if you try both, inevitably fail, and then learn from your mistakes. Maybe make a great album about it while you’re at it.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMD63TwzB1o
12. Open Mike Eagle - Brick Body Kids Still Daydream
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Your childhood home is more than just 4 walls with a floor and a ceiling.  Your childhood home is your childhood. Every memory, good or bad, significant or minor, revolves around your home. Mike Eagle’s childhood home, the Robert Taylor Homes in Chicago, was demolished several years ago. Using this symbolic destruction, Open Mike Eagle crafted a subtly ambitious and low-key concept album. He uses it is a jumping off point for insightful takes on life for poor minorities in big cities. He also takes time to reminisce on his memories of the projects, both good and bad. It's intimate, smart, and breezy. But most importantly, it's a meaningful exploration on what it really means to be at home. 
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQxXubLTIBw
11. Fleet Foxes - Crack-Up
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Six years may feel like a long time to wait for an album, but the scope and ambition of Crack-Up justifies it. This is Fleet Foxes’ most dense and intricate album, and one that takes a few listens to fully digest, but also rewards multiple listens with it’s lush soundscapes that reveal a little more of themselves each time. People who, like me, felt that Helplessness Blues was near perfection may not completely vibe with this, but I think that if you truly sit down and give this album a chance, you’ll find a deep beauty to it that’s just as satisfying as anything the band has ever made. It really does feel like an album that would take six whole years to make.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GqgNebPm50
10. Brockhampton - SATURATION Trilogy
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In a decade or so when I’m looking back at music through the years, I’ll think about 2017, and immediately go “Oh shit! That was the year of Saturation!” I can’t remember the last time I was as excited about a new force in hip hop as I am about Brockhampton. The three records they dropped this year were somehow all excellent in their own way. Every member shines in their own unique beautiful way, and the production choices are fresh and wonderfully off-kilter. The Saturation trilogy was an amazing feat that could have gone horribly wrong, but all the members and all the fans were extremely invested in making this work, and it did. And then some. The truth of the matter is, no one made an impact this year quite like Brockhampton. 
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_ZRRlVDVa8
9. Tyler, The Creator - Flower Boy
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Growing up is really a decision you make and not a fact of life. There are always gonna be man-children who never decided to do something with their life. Flower Boy is the sound of Tyler, The Creator finally deciding to grow up and give listeners something that’s been lacking in his music: sincerity. For the first time, Tyler really lets his sensitive side show, and he created a project that peels back the layers on the wild persona he’s created. Turns out he can do a lot more than just shock value rap. He actually has a great ear for melody and production, and his lyrics have become much more nuanced and emotionally resonant. It seems crazy to say this about a Tyler, The Creator album, but Flower Boy is beautiful, and hopefully Tyler will continue to follow this musical direction for future projects. There’s always more room to blossom.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxlBOBOZHqI
8. Perfume Genius - No Shape
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While 2014’s Too Bright was an exploration of Mike Hadreas’ beaming confidence trying its best to balance out his crippling insecurities and fears, No Shape is pure confidence with no room for fear and all the room in the world for love. The opener “Otherside” recalls the opening tracks of his previous albums with its hushed piano balladry. but a minute goes by and suddenly there is an explosion of sparkling synths that pulls you right into the majestic world of this album and lets you know this one isn’t like the ones that came before it. From then on it’s one excellently written and immaculately produced track after another on what may be Perfume Genius’s most endearingly weird and wonderful project to date. Mike’s heart was full of love when he made this album, and you can tell. The grace and care that was put into every song is clear, and it makes for a tremendously satisfying listen.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EVhFTw4igw
7. Julien Baker - Turn Out The Lights
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The most astounding part about Turn Out The Lights is that, after you hear how heartbreaking and beautiful and fearless it is, you listen a little closer and realize how damn relatable it is. Baker makes epic songs about little things that secretly hurt a lot more than we wished they did. The things we’ve all felt and thought about on lonely nights. Like all great art, it’s not just about the artist, it’s about all of us. It’s about the pain of existing and trying to be a human. Julien’s words are the words we’ve all been wanting to say but have never quite know how to put it, and every line hits like punch to the gut. But through all the turmoil, Baker maintains a sense of hope. As she herself put so gracefully, “The existence of anxiety or depression does not negate my own capacity for joy, or my intelligence; when I can embrace those things, I can have power over them.” Through her music, she gives herself power over her illness and let's us know that, even if everything feels like it's breaking, there is still hope.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV1dMqeb4_U
6. The National - Sleep Well Beast
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(Read my full review here) I think Sleep Well Beast might be my favorite National album. That’s right, even better than the near-unanimously agreed upon high mark Boxer. I came to this conclusion when I realized that for every great song Boxer has, Sleep Well Beast raises it one. Boxer’s melancholy opener “Fake Empire” is pretty, but “Nobody Else Will Be There” takes the emotion to whole new levels of devastation. You a fan of “Mistaken For Strangers”? I raise you “The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness”. Like “Brainy”? You’ll love “Day I Die”. It’s basically a better version of Boxer, but it still manages to sound entirely distinct. The main difference being that their songwriting has become more mature and subdued, which in turn made room for the emotions to really ruminate within the music. I mean, it’s been 10(!) years since Boxer hit shelves, and since then The National have really grown up. Everything has more nuance, more depth, and more maturity. Out of all their albums, it’s the one that hits the most consistently, and also hits the hardest.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O6duDDkhis
5. Father John Misty - Pure Comedy
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Pure Comedy isn’t for everybody because it wasn’t made for everybody. Honestly, it wasn’t really made for anybody but Josh Tillman himself. He decided to take a step back from the personal squabbles he dealt with on the fantastic I Love You, Honeybear and takes aim at...well, everything really. No topic is safe from Tillman’s deadpan wit and hilariously cynical worldview. The music itself is merely a vessel for Tillman’s impressively coherent rants, which walk that fine line between genius and complete pretension, admittedly slipping into the latter category on some occasions. But even though it can seem like a little much, the scale and ambition of it all can not be undersold. Plus, considering the shitshow that 2017 was, I’d say it’s a perfect time for humanity to get a bit of a wake up call. We needed some crazy old man like Father John Misty to go up on rooftops and tells us that what we’re doing is fucked up. So fucked up, that it’s actually pretty hilarious when you think about it.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHpV08wI-bw
4. King Krule - The OOZ
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It really does ooze. Every song, every word, every little moment seems to just pour out of you speakers like syrup. The OOZ is like a puzzle. It has so many moving parts that it takes many listens for it all to start sinking into place. The big picture it slowly reveals is pretty ugly. Krule’s worldview seems tragic, and he constantly feels alone and lost in this world. Nothing makes any sense to him, or the listener for that matter. Why is it called Biscuit Town? What’s a Dum Surfer? I still don’t have all the answers, but every time I listen I get a little closer to this album’s real main idea. I don’t know if I’ll ever get there, but the joy of listening comes from those little revelations, and from the amazement of knowing how much meaning and detail King Krule put into this wild, unflinchingly weird record. It doesn’t need to be fully understood to understand that it is absolutely brilliant.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5-f1Bnltu8
3. Kendrick Lamar - DAMN.
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What is a king to do now that he’s sitting comfortably on his throne? The answer: do what everyone else is trying to do to replace you, and do it way better than any of them. First, he releases  “The Heart Part IV”, a track that dares anyone to fuck with him. Then a week later, he shuts down anyone who would ever try with “Humble”, a track that sees Kendrick being anything but. After the absolute shock of “Humble”, we got DAMN, an album very different from but in many aspects just as admirable as To Pimp a Butterfly or Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City. Kendrick manages to blow every other rapper completely out of the water with his brilliance and talent while still making it look easy. He breezily flows over some of 2017’s most unique instrumentals with bar after bar about life post-TPAB. Kendrick tries not to let his fans, his haters, his family, or Fox News get in his head. He reflects on his past, looks towards the future, and secures his spot as one of the all time greatest rappers to walk the earth. Damn is right.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glaG64Ao7sM
2. Lorde - Melodrama
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If there is one musical lesson I’ve learned over the past 2 years, it’s that you should never underestimate pop music. Last year, Beyonce blew me away with Lemonade, and now in 2017, Lorde is the pop star who didn’t let her one hit wonder define her and ended up with an absolute stunner of an album. When pop music is done as well as it on Melodrama, it strikes a nerve with the listener, connects with them on a deep level, and unleashes their basic instincts: to dance, to cry, to laugh, to remember, to hope. This album makes me want to do all of those things, often all at the the same time. I listen to this album and I feel a real connection with Lorde as she too tries to make heads or tails of life as an adult. Does she ever make heads or tails of it? Of course not, but she’s not here to give answers, she’s here to give you an album that will help you through it, an incredibly powerful and mature album at that, and one that perfectly captures the feeling of being on the edge of adulthood in 2017. This early adulthood college era is a messy time in our lives where we try to pretend that we’re fine and that we totally get it, but at a certain point we just can’t keep pretending. It’s all wild parties, broken hearts, lost friends, and trying to just enjoy it all while we’re still young. It’s a confusing, scary and amazing time in our lives where our only focus is getting what we want. It’s all for fun. It’s all for show. It’s all just a bunch of fucking melodrama, and Lorde captured all of it perfectly. For college kids, Melodrama is a gem. A pop album that wasn’t manufactured by a company, but created by someone who really is just like us. Someone who actually gets it. In a time where millennial bashing seems to be the cool thing to do, I am very happy that this album exists to remind me that it’s okay to be young and a little reckless. I mean, if we’re not reckless now, when the hell else can we be?
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0DjcsK_-HY
1. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked At Me
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I really wanted to make Melodrama my number one this year. I mean, did you see what I wrote up here? That’s an album of the year write up if I’ve ever seen one. Alas, I had to give it to this album. It would be irresponsible not to. No album, hell, no piece of art that I am aware of has ever captured and expressed the experience of grief so intensely as this album. After the passing of his wife Genevieve, Phil Elvrum hid away in his home and eventually gave us this collection of 12 vignettes discussing the complete and utter emptiness he feels now that his greatest love has gone. Every single thing he does, every place he visits, every word he hears is a reminder of her death. It’s completely and utterly heartbreaking, so much so that listening to it feels almost disrespectful, like you’re eavesdropping in on someone’s very private life. Some call it exploitative, and I would be inclined to agree, yet the songs on here treat her with such deep, rich love and true respect. Even so It is a bit paradoxical. As he says in the beginning: “Death is real/someones there and then they’re not/and it’it’s not for singing about/it’s not for making into art” He dismisses the idea of turning the death of a loved one into art while doing just that. But can you really blame him? Phil just doesn’t know what to think about all this, but he knows how to make music, and that’s what he did. Was it to help with grieving? Was it for closure? Understanding? Was it to honor her memory? No one knows, and I don’t ever need to, because the fact still stands that this one of the most powerful pieces of art I have ever experienced. So yeah, it’s the best album of the year, and in fact one of the best ever made.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2R2Ck8qKWM
Well, thanks for reading everyone! Here’s to a great 2018!
Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/1241380934/playlist/03JmDr3dJSvNigvFAISnbh
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