#vld s2
vldsideblog · 1 year
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@yelmor-boots thanks for the sketch suggestion! This was a fun one!
Anyway I love Keith and Hunk getting along, they are so silly.
Also I’m not great at exaggerating expressions so take it ig.
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 6 months
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quite simply character of all time to me i keep coming back to doing screenshot redraws of Shiro in fall of the castle of lions & tears of the balmera. episodes of all time to me no notes.
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eggsdrawings · 25 days
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red and blue doodles from a while ago
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incorrectquoteslobby · 11 months
(After the Avoid the Void episode)
Sonic: We had a bonding moment! I cradled you in my arms!
Shadow: Nope, don't remember, didn't happen
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stinky-ahh-gay · 29 days
Alr 🧍‍♂️i'm going downstairs and will continue my Voltron rewatch with my sketchbook
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askmeanjudge · 6 months
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I think a lot of vld's canon problems could have been fixed if they had just let Hunk say, "Are you a fucking idiot?" every time someone was being and idiot or mean
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leenfiend · 11 months
ok fine im listening to two slow dancers by mitski and thinking of post s7 keith and lance trying to readjust to life on earth and back at the garrison and all the rebels and paladins being congratulated for all their hard work at a celebration and lance is standing in one corner of the room talking to veronica and hunk and catching up with a few other old garrison friends and keith is standing on the other side of the room with shiro and allura and a few of the garrison teachers that are telling him how talented he always was, how they’re so proud. and keith and lance make eye contact from across the space - the crowd between them fading from their vision because all they can see in that moment is each other but they haven’t talked in a while, not really. they’ve been so busy. and keith thinks maybe there was something between them - that before he left for the blade, before he got stranded for two years, before they had to save all of humanity that there was something there, a nervous spark that they didn’t talk about - but they’re staring at each other now and all keith can think about is the wasted time, how he didn’t get to love lance when he was young and unscarred and ridiculous but how he could love lance now if he would let him. they’re not the same anymore, they’re not bickering kids too scared to put a word to the warmth they get from each other’s company, it won’t be as easy as it could have been back then. but he doesn’t think he can stand to waste any more time, he just wants to love lance in whatever way he’ll let him, in whatever state they’re in. for as long as he can. he smiles softly and lance smiles back.   
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riverblujay · 11 months
there is no greater mourning than accepting after multiple hours that you will not be able to find a very good fic you suddenly had a hazy memory of. you can only hope it has not been deleted and that maybe, against all odds, it will return home to you someday
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mckinlily · 1 year
Voltron post-s2 AU
Voltron fix-it in year of our lord two thousand twenty three? More likely than you think! Or rather, if I were writing Voltron after season 2, here’s what I’d do:
First of all Shiro doesn’t die. There also isn’t a clone arc because I could never figure out a path that totally satisfied me but that’s a me issue. Shiro does disappear at the end of season 2, but he gets sent to an alternate reality like in this post. Short form is that reality’s Takashi Shirogane was the Blue Paladin and died died ten years age. The alternate!paladins (inclusive of alt!Allura who is the Blue Paladin) are much older than their canon counterparts and low-key having a crisis about this baby version of their long-dead teammate suddenly dropped into their mist. Especially when they realize how traumatized and young he is—and utterly lacking in self worth. These older paladins cannot stand letting another Takashi Shirogane get himself killed and will do anything to ensure that doesn’t happen.
(Just so long as everyone’s conflicting trauma doesn't get in the way)
But while Shiro’s stuck in reality universe getting a crash course on self worth and YES you matter, don’t you dare freaking die (and also getting some helpful Voltron tips from much more experienced paladins) back in our OG reality…
The canon team is struggling.
They’re trying. But Shiro is GONE, and no one knows what happened to him. The remaining paladins are four teenagers who were thrown into a war without warning, have essentially been on the run ever since, and now just lost the only remaining source of stability they had. They’re scared, overwhelmed, and fighting like cats and dogs. Allura’s trying to lead them, but the hole that Shiro left is gaping and almost too painful to touch. It doesn’t help that Allura feels the personal loss keenly but believes to be an effective leader she has to put on a strong face. This causes certain paladins (Keith, it’s obviously Keith) to be furious with her, thinking she doesn’t care, and everything deteriorates from there.
In addition to the interpersonal issues, the Black Lion is offline. It won’t turn on—not for Keith, not for Allura, not for anyone. And they’ve all tried in desperation, but it won’t even flicker. As long as the Black Lion is unresponsive, they try everything they can think of, but they can’t find a single hint of a clue of what happened to Shiro or where he might be. And still, the Black Lion does nothing. So in addition to the terror and uncertainty in missing Shiro, they are now down a Lion and completely unable to form Voltron.
Not good. Especially not good because while Zarkon is down (though for how long, they don’t know), there are still plenty of Galra commanders who are ready and gunning for blood. Vengeance is swift and the paladins are only escaping by the skin of their teeth. The stress is putting even more pressure on the already flaring tensions and tempers in the wake of Shiro’s absence, and Team Voltron is in serious danger, both from the outside and within.
Then Lotor shows up.
Now this Lotor doesn’t have his generals, and it’s not entirely clear where he came from. He says he’s here to help. And he just so happens to have Altean heritage, which obviously interests and intrigues Allura. (He just oh so conveniently forgets to mention the tiny little fact that Zarkon is his father.) Allura, who is alone and desperately aching for support without Shiro, obviously jumps at the opportunity to connect with another Altean. 
The paladins are less charmed. Hunk is immediately suspicious. Lance is jealous of his apparent interest to Allura. Pidge is barely speaking to her teammates these days. She doesn’t give a shit about some random purple guy. Keith hates him immediately. Then again, Keith seems to hate everyone since Shiro has disappeared, so maybe that doesn’t mean anything. 
And look, Allura isn’t stupid. She knows she should be cautious. And she is. But she also desperately needs a friend, and Lotor steps up while the other paladins have been failing her. 
Obviously, they can’t hide the massive Dead Black Lion issue for long, and Lotor is very interested. But he keeps it cool. He talks Allura into letting him try. The other paladins are deeply unhappy about it but not too worried because obviously it’s not going to work, right?
Expect then the Black Lion lights up.
It’s only for a moment and then the Black Lion goes dark again. But it’s the most reaction anyone has been able to get out the Lion. 
And they’re desperate.
Keith is BEYOND offended at the mere idea of anyone other than Shiro being the Black Paladin and nearly splits from the team over it. It’s only Lance going after him and, in a surprising show of maturity, overcoming his jealousy and practically begging Keith to stay that keeps him from vanishing completely. He’s still furious though. Hunk is beyond anxious, and even Pidge, who has been trying to check out from all emotion and people up until now, is becoming suspicious and anxious. 
But Allura… Look, she’s the sole leader right now. She sometimes feels like she’s the only one who still cares about saving the universe from the Galra anymore. But she also is very aware that she is now solely responsible for the remaining young paladins. If she owes Shiro anything in his absence, isn’t it to protect the team he gave his life for?
And to do that…they need Voltron. 
So when Lotor confesses to her that he had felt the Black Lion but suspects the Black Lion was damaged in the last fight against Zarkon, she listens. Lotor has access to some rare surviving records of Altean alchemy. He says he has a spell that, combined with Allura’s connection to the Lions, could fix the Black Lion. He says if Allura helps him strengthen his connection to the Black Lion, he’ll help them fight the Galra.
And Allura… it’s not that she doesn’t want Shiro back, of course she’d rather have Shiro! She can’t trust Lotor like she knew she could trust Shiro (even if he is Altean), and the other paladins clearly don’t like him. But she’s all alone. She has to keep Shiro’s team alive for him. They NEED Voltron.
So, at night, behind the other’s backs, she preforms the ritual with Lotor. 
And it works. 
Lotor is now the Black Paladin. No, it’s not ideal, and there other paladins are deeply unhappy, but all the Lions functional. It’s the best option they have available. 
… Right?
(to be continued)
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kitty-thinks-stuff · 30 days
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shezit · 7 months
I think I had an easier time accepting Sheith as not canon because, when I finished the show for the first time I didn't even ship those two...
It was the staff really that converted me because, they liked it. A lot. To this day #heslookingatkeith makes me very suspicious. But this support, this love for it doesn't match in the show. Out of 8 seasons Shiro and Keith barely interact in 5 of those seasons, including season 6.
Like yes their bond is deep, I can hear that. But how nice would it be if they had a little more interaction to show that? I have the same problem with Allura/Lance. Like the relationship is there, but it's random and it's definetly because of Lotor.
Perhaps they should've ended up together AFTER the war was over. Relationships in general on Voltron are shifty, when's the last time you saw Shiro and Hunk even hold a conversation?
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strawberry-pretzels · 7 months
guys wtf why did my former classmate still think v*ltron is good? like he's on season 5 or 6??? hello??
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lolabearwrites · 4 months
I almost wanna rewatch Voltron just for the first 2 seasons so I can experience fond memories of Voltron again. Like, ah yes, this is why I'm brain rotting about this series.
but I know I'll get sucked in again and I'll end up rewatching the whole show, just to end up right back here.
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fulltimecatwitch · 1 year
where is Shiro?!?!?! what happened to him??!?!?! 🥲🥲
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askmeanjudge · 6 months
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