#also it’s a shame you can only buy recasts now since it’s such a nice figure 🥲
jadedrrose · 11 months
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Trafalgar Law resin statue // by Model Palace Studio
Scale/height: 42cm
Resale Only - mainly found on eBay, most of which are probably recasts. This is one I wouldn’t buy, personally. Too risky.
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“Does not at all” or you could just have asked, or not assumed the worst of someone, since that’s actually a dick move. Because it’d make so much sense to brag about buying recaste items, on a blog filled with anti-recast people, who also constantly talk about why buying stuff, even if it’s not a doll, from a recaster supports the recaster creating new recasts. I guess you’d be all peachy about being accused of being a complete asshole towards artists, and small businesses. Your original message was just there to shame, and be rude, not to actually make sure about what I meant, but when I’m rude back, since you obviously didn’t want clarification, just shaming me for something I didn’t do, you make it sound like I’m the only one who acted poorly. Guess that touched a nerve with you. News: Maybe being an ass isn’t gonna get you the nicest response back. If you had made the latest response something like: “Ok, I misunderstood, since you weren’t very clear, and I didn’t get what you meant with "known recast sites”, it seemed like you were bragging about buying recast item, from recasters directly.“ I’d have been like, "Ok, sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude, but being accused of supporting recasters really doesn’t sit well with me, so I snipped back. I should have been clearer, that I didn’t mean recasters, but shopping sites which can host both legits sellers, which I meant, where I make those comments, and recast sellers, which I don’t want to support.” But nah, you gotta double down, and whine that I’m the meanie. I can admit when I worded something wrong, and would have apologized for being an ass, but I’m not gonna bother with people who only find the fault in the other, when it was a two-way street. I can admit my wording was wrong, and I wasn’t nice, but seriously, give me a break, I’m done with you. You thought I was supporting recasters, tried shaming me for it, and when I responded in the same bitchy tone, denying your accusation, you got mad. Now leave it, and me be, I feel like you don’t really care about fixing up misunderstandings anyway, and I kinda don’t wanna continue this kindergarten slap fight.
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