#also it's not like the WHOLE phone dropped into the yoghurt. it was a corner. my phone is in a silicone case.
greaseonmymouth · 2 years
I dropped my phone in yoghurt this morning which somehow messed up the touch screen even more than it was already messed up, which has rendered my phone functionally useless now. it's frustrating for many reasons (two factor authentication apps being useless when the touch screen won't let me type in my passwords) but what really bothers me the most is how often I keep picking up the phone to go scroll Tumblr or something else before realising that's not going to work. really highlighting how often I use my phone for mindless social media scrolling. it's not a good look on me.
but also. it's a brick. that still delivers me notifications but it is also a brick that, when I dare open an app, even if I carefully try to scroll the wonky touch screen will within one single swipe have activated five different buttons and composed a letter to satan
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kidolate · 6 years
To Twirl Or Trip Pt. 3
Possible triggers ahead. Please read with caution.
Part 1 Part 2
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The next morning you lay in your bed scrolling through BuzzFeed quizzes, the reluctance to face the day materialising. You had just taken the test to determine what type of bread you are, with which you received banana bread claiming you have identity issues as you are constantly called a bread but are rather similar to cake. You could have scoffed at the accuracy.
As you were scrolling you came across a love quiz, you were contemplating clicking before Jiwoo had come stumbling into your room. You quickly get rid of the tab and shut your phone as your friend flopped onto your bed.
“Y/N, My head hurts so fucking much” she complained
You laughed at her suffering and got out of bed, “you should have seen yourself last night, Kyungsoo had to call me down and then we had to bring you back here”. You went to tie your hair up to wash your face but Jiwoo's face had already zeroed in on the dark mark on your neck.
“Yo, what the hell is that? On your neck”
You dropped your hair and quickly brought your hand up to cover it up. You inwardly cringed, how could you fix this situation.
“Um, I’m not really sure”
Luckily, before you continued Kyungsoo had come into your room and jumped onto the bed next to Jiwoo.
“My head hurts like a bitch” he complained as soon as his eyes set on you, expecting you to do something like you were some doctor.
“Take some painkillers you guys” you told them before walking towards your bathroom “Why am I the only smart one in this room” you muttered after you turned away, a pillow hitting your back before you slipped into the bathroom. A smile graced your face. You were lucky you had such good friends to rely on, it was essential in the industry you were in as well as considering how sensitive you were.
After you had finished washing up your phone had begun to ring. Wiping your hands quickly on your towel you swiped to answer and brought it up to your ear before speaking.
“Y/N? Wow when they said this was your number I wasn’t sure but I’m glad I tried it out”
Your heart thrummed in your chest.
“I’m sorry but who is this? Who gave you my number?”. You looked at your phone and saw it said an unknown number.
“Oh you don’t need to know who I am, listen I am so in love with you I think about you every single day, I wish you would love me the same way. Let’s meet at a cafe together? I think that’s a great idea for us to fall in love after getting to know each other, I mean I know almost everything about you like what perfume you use, how you always moisturise your skin after your shower and before you go anywhere and how you always take off your pants before you go to sleep. You’re so adorable and beautiful I love every bit of-”
“Fuck,” you muttered before you hung up. This was about the third time you had received a call like this. Ignoring it like all the other calls you put your phone down on the bench and continued with your routine and put your clothes on for the day. Today you had to attend dance practice and you had also planned to meet a friend from your childhood.
You walked out of the bathroom and saw your friends still on your bed suffering from their apparent head pains. Jiwoo was from the vocal line so she didn’t need to attend dance practice. This was organised between the dance line rather than your boss since there wasn’t any comeback planned and your last comeback was a while ago it was extremely important that you and the rest of your group didn’t slack off and continued to improve while there was still time.
You grabbed a tub of yoghurt as well as a muesli bar and opened the dorm door after grabbing your gym bag. Instead of taking the elevator down to the practice rooms you had opted for the stairs in an effort to make sure you avoided anyone from EXO. You knew you would have to face them one day but you were definitely not looking forward to exposing your insecure thoughts and you didn’t know what Jongin had told them or what they already knew. What if you heard something different? You were naturally curious and you knew that situation would kill you since you would want to know who had begun that rumour.
Exiting the stairwell and walking towards your practice room, you checked your phone for the time. It was only five minutes past seven in the morning and you heard music playing as you neared meaning someone was already there.
“Seohyeon you’re here nice and early” you greeted after you walked in.
She paused her moves and turned around to look at you before greeting you as well “Ah, good morning Y/N, just wanted to fit in some extra training”
“Seohyeon you don’t even need that much training! You’re literally the most perfect dancer I’ve ever seen” you told her as you threw your gym bag in the corner and took off your hoodie and threw it in the same place.
“Y/N, you did not just say that to me. Everyone knows you’re the boss’s favourite because of how good you dance and sing. I could only dream of catching up to you, I wish you could see your own worth sometimes like seriously, you even manage to nail any concept thrown at you from cute to sexy”. She said with a smile on her mouth before turning around to the mirror to stretch.
“It’s so … weird, I heard that the trainees said they don’t believe you’re an actual human” she laughed.
“The laugh I had to hold back seriously”.
You laughed before replying. “Now why haven’t I heard any of these rumours, also Seohyeon you may be exaggerating a little bit”.
The both of you stretched and then went through the playlist to figure out what to dance too. Not long after Hayoon arrived and you both discussed if she was fine with Red Velvet’s Bad Boy. She had agreed since she thought that their sex appeal could be improved in case they were ever given a sexy concept, you had laughed at that remark.
6 hours later of helping the other two pop their hips out more and moving their legs around smoother you were all on the ground recovering.
“I think we should end for the day and grab some lunch” Hayoon suggested.
You rolled over and grabbed your phone to check the time. It was 25 minutes past one, you had to meet your friend at 3pm.
“I’ve got something to get ready for at 3 so I don’t think I can make it” you said before getting up to get your stuff as slowly as you could with your body resisting every movement you make, “Both of you go on without me, I’ll see you guys later”.
You all said your goodbyes and you left to get the elevator instead of the stairs, taking into consideration Kyungsoo’s words and taking it easy on your body. The elevator dinged open and you stepped in, you should have looked up before you did that, however, because when you did there was a Baekhyun staring wide-eyed at you. You suddenly felt inappropriately exposed to him, you hadn’t put your hoodie on because your body was sticky and hot so there you were standing there in sports shorts and a midriff.
Turning around, you pressed the button for your level and cleared your throat, the intention to ignore him as clear as glass. You could feel your whole body burning as the person behind you kept looking over to you, examining something different each time.
The doors opened at your level and you bolted out of the elevator before Baekhyun had any second thought about contacting you. The door closed behind you soon after and luckily you had gotten away before he could say anything. After Jongin, it was extremely awkward between you and Baekhyun. This was mainly because you couldn’t stand to be in his presence after what he had done to you.
You swiped your keycard and entered the dorm room, throwing your bag in the corner you went to go shower. The hot water ran over your skin as you rinsed the soap off of you, carefully manoeuvring the shower head so as to not wet your hair. Your thoughts drifted back to your childhood.
You groaned in frustration as your skirt wouldn’t fit over your newly developed hips. You had wanted to wear it for Jongin’s 18th birthday party but obviously, you couldn’t do that anymore. You looked through your closet and found a baby pink wrap dress, trying it on you saw it only reached your mid-thigh as you had a couple growth spurts since you last wore it, however, the soft materia
l meant that it was able to stretch to your new size.
Styling your hair quickly you ran down the stairs of your home and joined your mother in the car. When you had arrived at the party you didn’t spot Jongin anywhere, so you clung to your mother avoiding the other 18-year-olds who were most likely drunk. Feeling bored you got up to get yourself a drink and walked to the kitchen in search of something suitable for your age. After a while, you had received a text from your mother saying she went back home and that Jongin’s mother had offered you stay the night. You inwardly cursed at your mum for not asking you beforehand, but then again it wasn’t like you hadn’t stayed here before.
Finding a drink in the pantry you filled up a cup and plopped two ice cubes in to make it cold. On your way out of the kitchen, you had bumped into someone, holding your drink out to prevent it from spilling you muttered an apology and left to the outdoor balcony. Sitting on the seat you sipped at your drink, feeling tired as time passed you checked your phone for the time seeing it was only ten thirty. Your head throbbed and your vision spun the slightest, blaming fatigue you got up and walked upstairs to the spare bedroom to go to sleep - it wasn’t like you had anything better to do anyway with Jongin MIA.
You opened the door and stumbled in, almost tripping before someone caught you by the waist. You heard the door shut as you were held up and moved to lean against the wall. Your vision spun again as you tried to focus on who was in the room with you. With the lighter hair colour and thinner build, you knew it definitely wasn’t someone you knew. His hand moved to your waist as you then suddenly felt wet lips on your neck. Your thoughts were going mad as you struggled to process what was actually happening to you, you felt something wet roll down to your chin when you realised you were crying. The feeling was lost in your arms so you weren’t able to push him away when his hand then travelled down and then under your dress to rest on your hips after bringing your thigh up to rest on his waist.
Suddenly there was the sound of a door opening and two people stumbled in, seeming to look like a girl and a guy. You felt your body weight hit the ground, a loud smack and crack along with a “what the fuck” before you blacked out.
You didn’t remember much after that, only that you had woken sometime later sleeping in Jongin’s bed, a shirt on the bedside table with a note telling you to change into it. You changed into it and then went back to sleep almost immediately. You had called your mum to pick you up as soon as you had woken up eager to get out of there as soon as possible after changing back into your dress.
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jinwoostro-archive · 7 years
rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you.  at the end choose 25 people to be tagged
Tagged by: @jakganim​ and @astrofireworks​ (bc they love me sm 😜)
Tagging: uhhhhh 25 friends???? asjk mmkay @moonbeams-and-sanshine @blingkwan @93sehyoon @kim-sehyooned @cha-eunwoow @sxhyoon @softsocky (dont have to do this if u dont wanna btw)
drink: teA (bc when do i never drink tea?)
phone call: my sister, wondering when tf she was gonna come home from school
text message: “Great! i hate it!” skjd my friend who decided to send a video of a sewer rat
song you listened to: Yonas - photo (which ya girl finally managed to learn lmao)
time you cried: ........when am i not? but yesterday? idk?
have you ever:
dated someone twice: nope
been cheated on: nada
kissed someone and regretted it: i have virgin lips
lost someone special: yes
been depressed: yes
been drunk and thrown up: nah
in the past year have you:
made a new friend: idk if i’d call these losers my friends 🙄 (jkjk ily all)
fallen out of love: give me some love to fall into first
laughed until you cried: heck yeah
met someone who changed you: definitely
found out who your true friends are: um i dont rlly know? ive discovered some friends which i dropped lmao and im still confused tbh
found out someone was talking about you: god bless screenshots :’)
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: tbh i’ve met @artist-aroha once... (bich we should meet up again tf but after ya exams okie?) and 2 other ppl here but they’ve deactivated rip,,,,, (patiently waits for me to go to uni so i can meet several ppl) :))))
do you have any pets?: :(((( noooooo
do you want to change your name?: idk, the reason why i dislike it is bc i hate certain people saying my name so i associate it when them but at the same time... it’s me?
what time did you wake up this morning: fUCK 2:24pm apparently
what were you doing last night: i honestly dont remember, everything was a haze 
name something you cannot wait for: UNI UNI UNI FINALLY FUCKIN LEAVING THIS PLACE WOO
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: i had a friend who had a bro called tom but no one else
what’s getting on your nerves right now: :)))))))) daya
blood type: i..idk?
nickname: lala, lan, lanlanna, na, trash panda (jk i gave that one to myself)
relationship status: #SingleLyfe
zodiac sign: Sagittarius
pronouns: she/her
favorite show: meerliin??? idk? that’s the only show that i still rewatch and the characters still affect me lmao
college: currently out of education but im goin back to it
hair color: brown :’) (watch when i go lilac tho)
do you have a crush on someone: @ eunwoo and sehyoon..... hi
what do you like about yourself: i guess i can be caring lmao
first surgery: on my chin bc i used my cousins buggy as a slide and put it against the cupboard and i hit my chin on the corner of it and i still remember my uncle holding me in the car on the way to the hospital even tho i was 6 (bih i still have the scar lmao) also is this why im known as having a clumsy ass????
first piercing: akjsn my mum got my ears pierced when i was 1 but i got upper lobes done on my 17th bday woop
first sport you joined: athletics team
first vacation: okAY we went to kurdistan when i was 4 and all i remember is 3 things. throwing up in the car, my dad getting his passport fixed there and my aunt force feeding me yoghurt  
right now:
eating: havent eaten today
drinking: ^^^
i’m about to: listen to these new songs my friend recced
listening to: Russ - Yung God (a good ass song)
want kids: .....not now biCH im 19 (but like,,, in the future if my mind hasn’t changed then i’d like to adopt)
get married: i dont see myself getting married sooooo
career: this whole thing is a bunch of IDK bc i really don’t, on the one hand...a stable career but on the other hand i’d love to be part of the storyboard team on a movie franchise so....
which is better:
lips or eyes: sucker for both
hugs or kisses: huGS ND CUDDLES
shorter or taller: bearing in mind how short i am,,,im gonna go with taller
older or younger: older
romantic or spontaneous: hmm more romantic?
sensitive or loud: both
hookup or relationship: relationship bc i get attached easily nd im too anxious for hookups lmao
troublemaker or hesitant: akdkjas im drawn to troublemakers bc i love excitement BUT at the same time, i prefer hesitant?? idk how to describe it
have you ever:
kissed a stranger: virgin lips
drank hard liquor: didnt wanna tbh but i did
lost contacts/glasses: no contacts or glasses to lose
sex on first date: :))))))) bitch please
broken someone’s heart: god i hope not
been arrested: it’s an experience i wanna try :))
turned someone down: yes
fallen for a friend: yes
do you believe:
in yourself: whomst is that?
miracles: philosophy messed with my mind so im in between here
love at first sight: love can develop from physical attraction at first sight
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Puppy Love or That one time Logan accidentally set up his best friends
So i started this fic with out Anxietys name and I decided to finish it that way *shrug* Puppy Love Or That one time Logan accidently set up his best friends Logan had been very worried about his friend Anxiety recently. Anxiety’s ,well, anxiety had been very bad lately. Attacks occurring daily, sometimes even multiple times a day.  He was at a loss for what to do, how to help. But a three a.m. thought had reminded him that he’d once read about dogs helping to ease anxiety. So with out much more thought than that he had gone out the next morning and adopted a puppy from the shelter. They had shown him a litter of puppies that had been abandoned roadside. He had instantly known which one was the perfect puppy for Anxiety. In the enclosure of curly haired and playful puppies, there was one all black one. It was pressed into the corner, watching the others play. Logan had paid the adoption fee and picked up the necessary supplies before heading home. He was hardly through the front door when he was accosted by Patton. “Is that a puppy?”  he squealed, Logan held the small thing out of both his and Roman’s reach. “It’s for Anxiety.” He said marching up the stairs and rapping on Anxiety’s door, forgetting that at this hour there was no chance that anxiety would be up. Patton and Roman drifted behind him excitedly.  After receiving no answer Logan threw the door open and marched inside. He reached for Anxiety’s blankets, ready to throw them off, but Patton stopped him before he could. Instead the moral side sat on the edge of the bed and gentle called his name, brushing the hair from his forehead. Anxiety scrunched his eyes against the light, glaring at them. “You better have a damned good reason for waking me up this early.” “It 11 am,” Logan said, but Patton spoke over him. “ Logan got you a present.” he squealed, unable to contain his excitement. Logan held the small bundle of black curls out and Anx took it as though it were the most fragile thing in the world, wondering eyes moving between the Logan and the puppy. “I thought she might help you, you know, feel a little better.” Both Anx and Patton looked up at him slightly teary eyed.  He beat a hasty retreat from the room. “What are you going to name her?” Patton asked, reaching out to scratch her head. “I don’t know.” he answered, holding her up to eye level. “What about Sari.” “That’s adorable. She does look like a Sari.” “Ah, my princess.” Roman said from where he lent in the doorway. “What?” Anx asked, his sleep addled brain thoroughly confused. “That’s what the name means, my princess.” “Awwwww” Patton grinned, taking the puppy from Anxiety’s hands and nuzzling up to her. “How do you know that?” “It is my business to know all sorts of things pertaining to princes and princesses.” He said with a smirk before also leaving the room as well. “I suppose you want to go back to sleep?” Patton asked setting Sari on the bed, and looking at Anx who had already settled back into his pillows. The puppy stumbled up the bed and curled into Anxiety’s shoulder. Patton smiled and left the sleeping two. The two emerged later in the day, Anx cradling Sari close to his chest as he went down the stairs before setting her on the living room carpet. Patton immediately stopped what he was doing, coming to lay on the carpet and play with her while Anx rummaged through the fridge for something to eat. He sat down on the couch with a yoghurt and watched Patton giggle as Sari licked at his face and stumbled and pounced around. He valiantly fought to keep a smile off his face as he watched. That night Patton sat unusually close to him so he could pet the sleeping puppy in his lap during their movie night. Anxiety was hyper aware of his body, pressed up on his left side. More so when Patton’s head dropped onto his shoulder, as deeply asleep as the puppy now sprawled across both of their laps.  He felt a strange mixture of relief and disappointment when Roman gently woke him up and convinced him to go to bed. The next morning had Patton passing by Anxiety's door. . . often.  There was puppy in there gosh dang it. Eventually a bleary eyed Anx stumbled out to let the puppy outside. Patton followed them, trying to be quite, knowing that Anx couldn’t handle bright and bubbly this early. He played in the grass with the pup while Anx made himself a cup of coffee, and tried to hide his disappointment when Anxiety scooped her up and took her back inside.   “You coming?” He asked, pausing halfway up the stairs to look back at Patton. “Really?” he visibly brightened.  Anx rolled his eyes and continued to his room, flipping the tv onto a random channel, flopping on his bed and scrolling through tumblr on his phone. Oh, and also trying not to smile at how cute Patton and Sari were, playing with the small toy Logan had bought.  Speaking of Logan, had Anx ever thanked him? He hadn’t. He was the worst. The very worst. Logan had done this incredible, sweet, thoughtful and slightly out of character thing for him and he couldn’t even bother to thank him? What a shitty friend he was, what a shitty person. Logan probably hated him. Probably? Logan definitely hated him. He… His thoughts were interrupted by a series of small wet licks to his face. “Ugh Sari,” He said pushing her off, undeterred she snuggled against his shoulder and tucked under his chin. It was only then that he realised how erratic his breathing had become, he wrapped an arm around her snuggling her tighter. “You okay dude?” Anxiety’s heart lept out of his throat as he remembered Patton was still in the room. He stared at him wide eyed, trying to figure out the answer to that question.  He thought maybe he was, the puppy pressed against his chest calming his breath and the way the light was hitting Patton's concerned face causing his racing heart to start doing floppy-floppies. The following weeks had Patton spending a lot more time in Anxiety's room. Which lead to spending a lot more time with Anxiety himself. And why not? He had always enjoyed Anx’s company.  He enjoyed the newness of their three a.m. talks, even if he couldn't quite keep his eyes open and accidently fell asleep. He enjoyed waking up tangled together. He even enjoyed the surprised look on Anx’s just before he pulled away from him with a shamed blush. (He did not enjoy that part.)   He immensely enjoyed that Anx seemed to stay a little closer to him now, sitting on the counter as he made dinner, and choosing to sit next to him at the table. Hey enjoyed the way their humor bounced off each other, dry sarcasm answering his enthusiastic puns. Patton sighed, rolling over and looking at the moon through his window. Honestly it had been awhile since he had slept in his own bed, alone. He didn’t like it. Not anymore. He tossed and turned for awhile longer before getting up and padding into the hallway. He paused outside of Anxiety’s door. It was late, really he shouldn't wake him. He should just suck it up and go to bed. He swayed back and forth, unable to decide what to do. The decision, however, was made for him as the door suddenly opened and he came face to face with a surprised Anxiety. They stared wide eyed at each other in the darkened hallway until Sari jumping on his leg provided a suitable distraction. He bent down and scooped the excited bundle up, laughing quietly as she licked his face. “She missed you.” Anx whispered, looking at him with a face that said he’d missed him too. Or least he hoped that that was what Anx’s face said. He hoped he wasn't reading too much into it. “I couldn't sleep without, no, I didn't want to sleep without you.” he said with all the courage he had. Anxiety stared at him, then took a very deep breath, then surged forward and kissed him. This. This was everything Patton hadn’t been able to admit he wanted. This, which had been here the whole time. Why had it taken a puppy for him to really get to know this wonderful boy? “Bleck” Anx said pulling away and wiping the puppy kisses from his lips. “Sari ,” Patton scolded teasingly. “It was my turn to kiss Anx, not yours.”   Anxiety rolled his eyes at him, but grabbed his hand and led him to the bed. This time they were tangled together before they fell asleep, and in the morning Anx didn't pull away from him, and neither of them noticed Logan’s surprised face as they held hands all through breakfast, while Roman finally got his turn to play with Sari. @killerfangirl3 @angstymelon @frustratedwaffle @umbreon-and-chocolate4life @princeyandanxiety @pattonscardigan @the-prince-and-the-emo @dan-yuna @obviouslyelementary @lampisimportant @ghostlybagans @starrykid @
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Cash is King.
Sunday 9 July 8:02pm
Today I drove through Zims countryside to Bulawayo for 70kms by mistake. It was beautiful. Dry and deserty with rocks and heaps and heaps of goats everywhere. Many donkeys too and whole dirt road shoulders for donkey carts.
When I returned back to to Beitbridge town after my detour I remembered that I needed to get more cash - having spent most of it on the border already.
I filled up with petrol and asked for an ATM. The attendant directed me to a petrol station further back- the guy there said there is no cash but to go to the shop further back. Same thing - no cash. I asked the nearby guard where else I could go and he just simply said it’s Sunday- there won’t be anywhere. He told me to try do a ‘cash-back’ from the Spar. So I went inside and the cashier tells me that I have to buy at least 20$ worth of groceries to get 20$ cash back. And I said if I wanted more - say 50$? Then I had to get 50$ worth of groceries. And I asked her if she’s serious and people in the queue were laughing at how fucked up it was but it was all true.
By the way I have ascertained that the dollar in question is Zimbabwean dollar- but new bond notes that were recently brought into circulation.
So I now cannot get cash out of an ATM. And I can get cash out of a supermarket supposing my card works when swiped- but I’d need to buy groceries. I could also offer to buy someone their groceries and receive their cash payment. I counted my cash. R500 Definitely enough for petrol to masvingo- the halfway point to Harare. And if I slept over there I might hopefully be able to get an open bank with cash in it the next day. I literally don’t know if I’ll be okay. I’ll let you know.
Ps I found four donkey carcasses along the road. Is there an epidemic? Or are they being driven over- they look well fed enough all over. Donkeys are such wonderful big soft lovely things. Seeing one of their limp bodies up close and then being devoured by maggots from the inside is raw. When driving past one you can smell it long before seeing it. With their legs stiff in the air, bellies swollen. I am disconcerted strangely by how they are not being used. They just lie there legs out. Surely then it must be disease? If people are not taking their skins or the meat? Why aren’t they being burnt then or something?
According to this article in the guardian they’re literally just run over by drivers at night
Monday 10 July Visa doesn’t work anywhere It’s two PM ive been to three banks stood in queues for hours and hours Everyone says go to Barclays. They don’t take visa either. Petrol stations let me swipe and I get declined every time.
When I came out from the bank I saw my motorcycle was leaking. It was leaking fuel from the tank. It must have been bumped over and put back on its feet by someone. By now I was feeling hot and sweaty and in a big big panic and now this. I took out my tools and tried to clamp the hole down closed. It seemed better. I decided to just put all my cash into fuel tanks and drive to Harare where my friend Liberty would help me sort out this cash crisis. I filled up with my last r200 cash in my fuel bottles. Then liberty messaged me but isn’t it dangerous. And I stopped in my tracks! Yes! Of course it’s dangerous why wasn’t I thinking about how I wanted to drive with a leaking tank that drops fuel over my hot engine- am I a crazy face?
Luckily I have a friend in Harare. I used one of my last dollar coins to buy airtime and called him.
I asked him if there isn’t a way for him to send me money. By cellphone or something. I’ve been seeing a lot of cellphone cash adverts and even saw a news headline about how sex workers accept money transfers on their phones. He thought about it for a bit and said I would have to go get myself registered for eco cash. But all I needed was a copy of my passport and I had this. A tiny smidgeon of hope grew inside me.
I went in search of an ecocash store. I was sent around quite a bit but eventually found one. I luckily had premade copies of ID and everything I needed luckily but they said the number was already registered to someone- so I needed to buy a new one. I gave them a dollar and got 50c in return. Now upon closer inspection I realize someone gave me ten Rand instead of a 2dollar note. So I have less than a dollar, ten Rand note and fifty cents left. I please called me my friend Liberty and I am now sitting on the sidewalk next to my bike reeking of petrol, waiting for him to send me cash. I am planning to head back with my bike to where I stayed last night so I can empty my tank and try plug the tank with steel putty. Hopefully this will work
6:18 pm this was at around two pm Since then my very wonderful partner Sonya had tirelessly been looking into ways of sending me money via money share and western union and all sorts of things- we almost just managed to get cash through western union but they were closing for the day. Sonya googled around and found me a hotel in masvingo that accepts visa and eft and sent me the address. I arrived here feeling half dead having had only a cup of yoghurt for breakfast this morning and this massively crazy day. It’s quite an expensive place even though there isn’t hot water in our communal bathroom. But my card worked and they are giving me supper and breakfast and what can a cashless hobo want more in life than to hold a key to a room where I can put down my things I’ve been guarding on a bike all day, take off my shoes and have kind people find me a bucket to put my fuel into(having stupidly filled my jerry cans earlier). I have sort of managed to look at the tank with my head torch an it seems like it is rusty in those corners and might actually not have been bumped but simply have said a final no-thank-you to life and let the fuel through. There is also when the paint started peeling what seems to be an old brazing weld in a copper color underneath the paintwork. It must have been fixed professionally. I am worried that simply playing with steel putty won’t work because it is such an awkward shape I won’t be able to get it in there properly even
So I think I will leave the can empty for the night and if I have more hope for plugging it tomorrow, do it-else I will attempt to find a radiator fixing place who will be able to do the job. If I cannot find a place I will probably have to plug it best I can and make my way to Harare I’m reading online about all sorts of temporary fixes like plugging it with soap. I have wifi now but could not read about any solutions earlier.
And earlier me would have liked to read this here article: http://m.news24.com/news24/Africa/Zimbabwe/travellers-beware-visa-cards-not-working-in-zimbabwe-20161223
Going to research more money transfer ways. A man who works at the hotel said that Mukuru is a really good way to get cash from South Africa. So I’m looking into it. Didn’t expect that not researching zim properly would leave me so stranded so quickly. I really really wish I knew about this before. Can someone just smack earlier me for me please? Thanks.
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