#also kims EAR TUFTS 😭
p0rchc0ll4ps3 Β· 2 months
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the!!!!! beasts!!!!!!!!!!!! colored a few of my notebook doodles that i posted a few days ago and made jean into a pine marten (he was originally a stoat, but i wanted him to be a little larger than that)
harry and kim's designs are based on @buckybearart's designs tho i gave kim spots. also was buckybearart's idea for jean being a small bitey sort of beast (he had jean as a tasmanian devil, but i wanted all of them except kim to be european type creatures)
eyes in the top left is a russo-european laika mutt. stray street dog type. kim is half indochinese leopard, half iberian lynx (also that's younger kim with eyes). harry is very much a eurasian brown bear (with a terrible sense of fashion), and jean is a european pine marten (feat big ears, etc.). OH and judit (far right) is a european badger
sorry about jean's awful swearing. he's short now. gotta' compensate somehow (everyone in the precinct is still scared of him. he gets up on tables and yells at you and if you fuck with him he bites you really hard)
i made judit a badger coz she seems like a very stable, reliable kind of person who will stand her ground and fight back if pushed
i wonder if they hibernate lol
text transcript under the cut
Kim in the middle: Get your shit together.
Jean bottom left: One more word out of you Kitsuragi and I will bite your spiky dick off.
Judit on the far right: Good luck, Lieutenant. Jean on the bottom right: Thank you, Minot.
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