#also knowing what i know now i think kaoru might actually do this but i want other opinions
ozzgin · 11 months
HIII I LUV UR ACC <33 🫶 can i request a reader that is as cute as a bunny but she is a bit bratty with any baki character ^^ have a good day!!
Thank you and sure! Apologies for the delay. The idea reminds me a lot of Hatsune Miku’s “World is Mine”, so I went for a similar protagonist.
Baki Characters x Cute Bratty! Reader
Featuring Baki and Jack Hanma, Kaiou Retsu, Hanayama Kaoru and Katsumi Orochi. And a reader that has a cheeky attitude behind all that cuteness.
[Baki Masterlist]
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Baki Hanma
Baki is a mischievous one himself, so he finds your attitude cute and loves to entertain it. If you’re being bratty, he will either spoil you or mimic your behavior with a pout. What, you didn’t think two can play this game?
If he does spoil you it will be accompanied with the proper theatrics. “But of course! Who dared to upset my Princess? Point to the disturbance and I shall take care of it at once!” He is not embarrassed to be seen servicing you, and who would even attempt to question it? One knows better than to mess with the younger Hanma.
Sometimes Baki might be in a sour mood, or simply focused on his training. In such cases he will greet your demands with a sad smile and swear he’ll make it up to you as soon as his anger tones down. If you promise to behave, you can even help him train. He could use an extra weight.
Kaoru Hanayama
Hanayama isn’t quite sure how to deal with you. You’re so cute and frail, and yet every now and then you surprise him with a sassy attitude. Alas, he loves spoiling you so he will eventually give in to your demands, however outrageous they might be. He is the head of the yakuza, after all. You don’t need to hold back.
Sometimes he might take your statements literally, for the better or worse. You stomping your feet and angrily wishing whatever caused your distress would just disappear? You’ll have to quickly clear it up and explain it was just a tantrum. He doesn’t…actually need to eradicate it. Please.
If Hanayama is in a bad mood or occupied with work (leading a gang often proves to be a busy matter), he will have his lackeys readily available to you. Naturally they are to display the utmost compliance when servicing the future Ane-san of the Family.
Kaiou Retsu
Retsu finds you downright adorable and would do anything for your sake. It’s in his nature to be caring and kind towards those he loves and cherishes. Truly, it seems almost impossible to ever refuse your whims, his heart tugging whenever a frown might darken your features.
…Or is it? His willingness knows no boundaries, except for when your safety or comfort might be at risk. If your tantrums involve something he deems improper, not only will he disregard your attempts, but also lecture you vehemently. You almost feel like you’re once more in school, scolded by the strict teacher for being naughty.
Overall Retsu is rather rigid and awkward when it comes to your mischief. He is a man of discipline, but that has always only involved him. The etiquette he follows and expects from other warriors doesn’t extend to his beloved partner.
Katsumi Orochi
Similar to Retsu, Katsumi is also surrounded by stern expectations. He won’t hesitate to flatten down any of his Dojo attendees for the smallest sign of disobedience or misdemeanor. When it comes to you, however…
Everyone can tell he has a soft spot for you. From the facial expressions to the tone of his voice, his conduit switches in a matter of seconds. His ardent, adoring smile never falters when interacting with you. Your bratty attitude just makes his heart melt. The fact that you trust yourself to be cheeky around him reinforces his role as your partner, in his mind.
Sometimes even you feel like his spoiling might go overboard, but that’s what you like about him. He’s at your feet, ready to meet whatever desires you bring up. “Anything for my Princess” is his catchphrase around you.
Jack Hanma
You’d think Jack wouldn’t be the type tolerate certain behaviors. Plenty of people have gasped in anticipation upon witnessing your bratty attitude towards the tall man. Is he going to be angry? Will he yell at you? Alas, they just don’t know Jack well enough. His patience is unbreakable for things that matter to him.
He just quietly goes along with your orders. If you suddenly stop in the middle of the street and demand he holds your hand in this instant, he will comply with a faint smile. He enjoys entertaining you, he just won’t express it as openly as others. He’s your very own stoic Prince.
If you’re being particularly bratty and he’s not in the mood to react to it accordingly, he will just pick you up - regardless of where you are - and carry you home for a snuggle until you calm down or rectify your behavior. If you think about it, it’s not much of a punishment. And you can’t say no to being buried within his massive frame for warmth.
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yridenergyridenergy · 28 days
Hi hope you doing well I wanted you to help me if you can cause it is beyond my power,I'm so sorry for making trouble for you and thanks anyway
Hello everybody, wish great things for all of you
I don't know how many people will read this ,I think nobody care about what I think and what i want so I thought that this place is good to talk,I'm actually don't like to talk I always think I will take people time
I live in a small town in iran ,well I think having dreams for me was always sin japanese rock really changed my life, I had goal after that but it seems I'm always so weak for having dream ,I really liked buck-tick songs their songs was really life saver I really liked atsushi voice after that I listened to dir en grey songs it was very special and different also seeing people like me for the first time made me really happy cause toshiya's personality was really same as me ,after few weeks I watched Nippon budokan dir en grey 2014 at YouTube and I saw fans happiness at the live and from that day I think that I want to be a rock star at japan and wanted to see all of them ,I told my parents that I want to play electric guitar but they didn't allowed me at first and I was so sad after 6 months they told me that if you want to learn first you should learn classic guitar so I went for two years and now after two years I found that at the beginning they just wanted to play with me and they didn't wanted me to play guitar and didn't want to let me go to japan ,now the only think I have is my tears ,when I talk about rock that makes them angry I wrote this to ask you fans if you can tell the dir en grey that there was a girl that wanted to be a guitarist I really want to be a guitarist and I need help ,I am very limited, so I ask for your help
Hello! I sincerely apologize for the delay.
I've been pondering over this ever since you sent me this plea. It would be odd for someone else to send your message to Dir en grey, because then it's more like hearsay and it could seem like a story.
Your best option would be to communicate with Kaoru via TheTheDay, I think. Because he is a guitarist, but also because I think he's more likely to read fan messages and maybe respond. Shinya is guaranteed to read such communications too, but he might not reply seeing as it is a personal message rather than a question, and he's a drummer.
TheTheDay is run through the co-yomi platform, so I don't think overseas fans had as much difficulty registering on that than with the freewill-online sites.
Being a rock star is quite the dream to have! Few people make it into a band, and even fewer actually taste popularity and success. It's never too late - you can at least keep it as a hobby and explore your avenues. Good luck!
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kiriwiwii · 3 months
i REALLY need to rant about eichi right now.. cuz im soo tired of people not understanding him at all.
i hate how this fandom acts like he is the ONLY bad person in this game. i mean, he is not a "bad" person but he made a lot of mistakes in his school years and his methods were cruel, i know. but,, most of the enstars characters did bad things. it's just how the game goes.
as the story progresses we can clearly see eichi regretting his actions. and even if he did NOT regret it, we can still like his character since it's fictional and i believe it's okay as long as we don't support his actions.
shu and kaoru also had a bad reputation during the ! era, but they both had good character development afterwards. most people do the same thing to them as well. acting like shu never changed etc. or kaoru even mentions this IN THE GAME how he feels upset when people still care about his past actions.
well- the topic was eichi so let's get back at that... in my opinion, he is one of the best-written characters in the game. his inner thoughts and conflicts within himself are reflected very well. almost all of his motives make sense. people literally have no empathy for him which makes me upset. he grew up in a hospital and tried to live with the stress that he could die at any moment. none of his parents cared about him that much and he was so socially awkward that even if he managed to get out of the hospital he had a hard time making friends. him not understanding people and having a hard time feeling empathy comes from this. he grew up all alone, in a literal hospital room😭
and his intentions were always good. i don't recall a moment when eichi hurt someone just because he wanted to. it was always because he had lots of goals in his mind and since he could die at any moment, he wanted to succeed as soon as possible. that's why he tried to destroy everyone who got in his way. and that totally makes sense, adding that he's also not good with social stuff.
I KNOW he hurt a lot of people. i don't support him. i'm just trying to explain why i think he's well-written. actually, while reading the stories there were soooo many times i hated him and his way of doing things but i believe thats what makes his character so "human". he's very flawed and this makes him interesting, i love that.
also, he did get the consequences of his actions. whenever he did something bad he was aware of it and it led him to depression and hating himself. there are so many quotes of him saying he believes he deserves to die etc... and i remember in ! era, he kept having nightmares about the war and the things he did. so, he did suffer just like the people he made suffer.
we don't see this kind of regret in keito and tsumugi. and another thing- people always bash eichi for the whole "capitalism" thing and the stuff i talked about above, but they never do this to ibara?? I LOVE ibara, but i never saw someone blaming him for some of the bad things he did?? and bro is literally capitalism itself but no one even jokes about it that much😭 im sure there are other characters we can add here. some of them get treated like a baby and no one cares about the mistakes they did, but when it comes to eichi (or shu, kaoru, any other character you might wanna add) they despise him.
sure, everything eichi did was more visible, and it's easier to hate on him. but i believe he deserves recognition and love just like the other characters in this game.
this is it. sorry for yapping can't believe i'm defending this guy out here🙏🏻
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thebookofeibon · 7 months
a sweeter alternative
Rating: T Chapters: 1/1 Words: 6868 Fandom: Ensemble Stars Ships: ReiKao Relevant "tags": blood time. uh sex mentions and allusions i don't write it though i'm not at that comfort level yet.
“You know how he uses it in place of blood?” Kaoru kept his eyes on Rei, catching Adonis’s nod in the corner on his eye. “Well the past couple of months, it hasn’t been doing the job.” “Huh? What do you mean past couple of months?” Koga eyed Rei. “He’s been drinking twice the amount he usually does, he’s been drinking different brands, and he’s still slow as if he’s low on energy.”
i'll add squidgeworld link when i post to there
for now u can read under the cut!
i suppose i can start putting my notes here in the mean time. uhhh this one's been in the works since october, just chipping away at it here and there. idr what the inspo was i think i just wanted to address the vampire thing.
his vampirism works how i want it to work bc it's a disability and i am also disabled and that's that. idc that vampirism isn't real
this is in my little series i had on ao3 where they live together in an apartment and i don't know the timeline for realsies i'm making shit up. this is actually the first one in the series to not have a pinocchioP title and it's bc. i couldn't find one. what can i say he doesn't have any vampire songs. the vocaloid vampire song also didn't fit but it was the working title of this.
i'll also make a page for this series on this blog since. gestures to no longer using ao3
“Don’t ‘mmm’ me, you heard exactly what I just said.”
Rei doesn’t answer, entirely pissing Kaoru off. “You have had two large containers of tomato juice this week and you’re still falling asleep in random places. It’s not working the way it used to.” Rei’s grip on his pillow grows tighter as he really pushes the limits his face can go into it. “It’s 8pm, and I’ve been trying to wake you up for almost two hours.” He walked over to the bed to take the pillow, only to find Rei’s resistance to be much stronger than it should be. “This. Has been happening. For two months!!!” He tugged at the pillow with all of his might, though he really couldn’t get anywhere with it. “You need blood!” A final tug that still resulted in nothing causes Kaoru to let go, huffing as he caught his breath. “I don’t pretend to know your condition, but I fear that staying strictly with tomato juice isn’t going to work anymore!”
Rei stayed with his head buried in the pillow, only letting out a groan in response.
“You’re acting like a child.”
Rei mumbled a response into the pillow, completely inaudible.
“I can’t hear you.” A beat. Two. “You are impossible.” He huffed, walking with a little too much force out of the room.
Only when he was sure Kaoru was out of sight did Rei lift his head to look out into the living room. He frowned, eyebrows scrunched together in…it’s not anger, it’s not disappointment, dismay?
He didn’t really want to accept that Kaoru was right. Rei has known for a few months now that something was wrong with his juice intake, but he’d hoped that it wasn’t obvious, and it hasn’t really been to the kids. But Kaoru? Of course he’d figure out, it was dumb to even entertain the idea that the man he lives with and sleeps next to wouldn’t notice something was wrong. He laid his head sideways on the pillow, still looking out into the hallway. He was still tired.
He even tried changing brands, thinking maybe his default brand was the problem, but after trying all the ones available on the market, something else that Kaoru for sure would’ve noticed, he also began to come to the same conclusion.
This vampire does need blood to survive.
He began questioning family members after the first month, especially those he knew took alternatives for blood. But he didn’t receive answers he liked.
“Yeah, it stopped being viable after I turned 25, like its good when I’m in a pinch but I don’t rely on it anymore”
“I stopped relying solely on tomato juice when puberty hit, it’s still my primary source but I do need actual blood every other month to be at top shape.”
“There’s no alternative that’ll provide you accurately with the amount of iron our bodies need. As an idol, I’m surprised you’ve made it this long before realizing the faults in your juice alternative.”
Rei’s brought out of his head by the sound of a loud “clink” on the bedside table and he looks up to spot Kaoru, placing a full glass of tomato juice on the bedside table.
“Decided to show your face after all?” Kaoru teased, ruffling Rei’s bed head.
“You just said the juice isn’t working.” Rei grumbled, eyeing the damned glass. He hates this brand, he’s learned. Too sugary for his tastes.
“Well, you have a whole thing still and you’re fighting this theory so it's the best I can do.” He shrugged and walked out again.
Rei watched him with a scowl. “Come back here.”
Kaoru turned his head back pensively. “Hmmm? Does his wicked highness finally see fit to have my offering?” He turned around with a grin and a bow.
“What’s wrong with me just wanting to have you near?” He didn’t let up on his scowl. “Senior year you would be appalled by this behavior.”
“Hmmm? Why are you so caught up with how senior year me would feel? This is nothing! What senior year me would be devastated by is the amount of time we spend making out. Or how much sex we’ve had.” Kaoru smiled as he walked back into the bedroom. “Seriously Rei-kun! My one time of being pissed off at you for biting me has been waaaaay overshadowed by how many times you have given me head in the last, what? Four years? Since that whole ordeal.”
Rei buried his face again by the end of Kaoru’s ramble, burning red ears all that’s visible of his immodesty. He was right, technically speaking. High school Kaoru is at this point a different person than his current partner, that Kaoru would faint if he even knew they lived together.
“Honestly, Rei-kun?” Kaoru was next to his ear suddenly, causing Rei to jump and look over to catch the smug grin spreading across his tan skin. “I think it’d be suuuper hot if you took my blood during sex.”
“Gross, did talking about my mouth get you horny?” Rei pushed Kaoru’s face away and reburied his own.
“Hmmm? You act like you’ve never thought about it~.” He can hear the grin he still has. Hands grasp at his shoulders and begin to rub. “Like you don’t linger when giving me hickeys, or when you can’t help yourself and still bite slightly too hard.” He pressed harder into the knot Rei had there, the vampire letting out a moan.
“You almost sound like you want me to feed on you for your pleasure more than my well being.” He grumbled into his pillow.
“I can bring up non-sexual examples too~” Another tight push against Rei’s shoulder has the vampire letting out a small whimper. “Whenever we cuddle, you always nuzzle into my neck at least once. In fact, it’s more rare that you don’t immediately bury your face into my neck. I’m always thinking, wow, I feel super vulnerable with how close his mouth is to my neck!”
Rei whined into his pillow, half in embarrassment, half in pleasure from the massage. He turned his head so he wasn’t talking into it anymore. “Really? Always?”
Kaoru laughed. “So you don’t even do it on purpose?”
“When I wear my turtlenecks, sometimes I catch you staring at my neck when I move in a way that exposes more skin.”
“Kaoru-kun, this is embarrassing me. I’m going to cry. Do you want me to cry?” He pouted, holding back a whine when Kaoru removed his hands from him. “Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you?”
“Not drink my blood.” The pillow Rei had been attached to this whole time quickly left his hands and collided with Kaoru’s face.
It was a bad day from the minute Rei woke up, but they had an important media interview today so he really pushed himself to get out of bed and face the day.
Honestly? It’s been a bad week for the vampire. With no real reason for his energy to be completely depleted, he understood what it meant. He really didn’t want to admit it though, he really didn’t want to have to rely on blood.
“Hey, Rei-kun.” Kaoru nudged at him on the couch, gaining only a groan from the vampire. “I know you’re tired, let’s try and get some food in you before we have to go.” Rei opened his eyes at that, already concerned.
“What time is it?”
“Really? It’s only been 20 minutes since you woke up.”
“…Really?” He almost wanted to cry at that, it’s felt like an hour.
Kaoru frowned at him. “Seriously…I know it’s an off day for you but even that’s a little concerning. Come on, let’s go eat.”
They stopped at a diner nearby that Kaoru likes, ordering something small each with some coffee. Coffee doesn’t usually work on Rei unless he’s really lucky, but it’s the thought that counts here.
“Oi-hey! No falling asleep.” Kaoru tapped on Rei’s plate with his fork to make noise, startling Rei from what he supposed was dozing. “Finish eating, maybe that’ll keep you awake.”
He stared down at his half-eaten omelette with a frown, picking up his fork again. Every little bit helps.
“We’re here, wake up.” Kaoru nudges Rei awake again. The cab had come to a stop and Kaoru was in the middle of paying her. Rei seemed to be only capable of frowning today, mainly at himself. Kaoru glanced to him, offering a smile as he started to push Rei out the door.
“This is the fourth time in the last two hours he’s fallen asleep.” Kaoru sighed. “I know I shouldn’t complain, it’s out of his control, but it’s really frustrating today.” Rei blinked his eyes open, watching Kaoru and Koga talk in the waiting room outside of the recording studio.
“Maybe once he gets talking he’ll stay awake.” Adonis shrugged beside Rei on the couch. “Oh, good morning Sakuma-san.” He smiled at him, and Rei couldn’t help but return the smile.
Kaoru sighed again, much more audibly than before. He dug into his bag and pulled out a juicebox, tossing it to Rei. “Please, this is just an hour and a half, Rei-kun.”
Rei fumbled to catch the juicebox, but he did nonetheless, and he carefully detached the straw and stuck it into the top. “I’m sorry, you know I’m not usually this bad…” He sipped slowly on the box.
“The weather’s kinda whack right now, more than usual, s’probably what’s affecting you.” Koga crossed his arms. “Plus the thing you were complainin’ about the other day with your juice.” He gestured at him with his chin.
“Yeah…” Rei deflated a bit into the couch, feeling everyone’s eyes on him.
“What’s wrong with your juice?” Adonis tilted his head.
“You know how he uses it in place of blood?” Kaoru kept his eyes on Rei, catching Adonis’s nod in the corner on his eye. “Well the past couple of months, it hasn’t been doing the job.”
“Huh? What do you mean past couple of months?” Koga eyed Rei.
“He’s been drinking twice the amount he usually does, he’s been drinking different brands, and he’s still slow as if he’s low on energy.” Rei tried to shrink down as much as he could in the couch, trying to avoid eye contact. It’s embarrassing. Kaoru tutted. “You are so annoying sometimes.”
“Then…are you saying he needs blood?” Adonis tilted his head.
“Exactly. And he’s refusing to take any.”
Koga clicked his tongue, then finally brought his eyes off Rei to look at Kaoru again. “We can’t really force him.”
Kaoru kept his eyes on his partner however. “…No, I suppose not.”
“UNDEAD?” A woman’s voice called out, breaking the tension. “We’re ready to get you guys set up.”
Rare, these days, for Rei to turn down showering with Kaoru when they got home, and with how his health has been, he really should’ve taken the opportunity to share the shower with him. But he wanted time alone to think.
He’d really been trying to ignore it, not even out of pride really. He’s grown accustomed to admitting when he needs help. He has friends willing to accommodate his needs and he couldn’t be more grateful for them because of it.
It’s not pride, it’s…arrogance. That’s it. The refusal to admit that he’s wrong. It’s been several months now, at this point the tomato juice hasn’t been helping longer than it has this year. It’s at least worth a try now to take blood, no matter how little he actually wants to do it.
It partly has to do with Kaoru’s refusal that Easter, the fear of hurting him always at the back of his mind, but a lot does have to do with how he just doesn’t want to drink blood. He’s trying so hard to be human, he’s doing everything he can to be human. Drinking blood is not a human activity!
And he hates the taste of it!!! That’s why he settled with tomato juice, because it actually tastes good!!! Why should he have to do something he can’t even-
“Your turn.” Kaoru walked past Rei brooding on the couch and ruffled his hair, drawing him out of his thoughts for the moment. He looked up, lifting his head out of his hands, just when had he slouched over? He probably looked just as crazed as he felt. “Don’t think too hard in there, you might overheat.” Kaoru smiled.
Rei huffed a laugh, relaxing his shoulders a bit. “Yeah, of course.” He stood up with a few joint cracks and began to walk up the bathroom-
“I’m serious though. Try to sit while you’re in there, and leave the door unlocked, okay?” Kaoru dropped his smile. Ah, alright.
“Mm, of course.”
The shower was nice, he supposed, though it would be quicker to stand, sitting at least gave him time to think again. He really could just ask. It doesn’t need to have some special occasion. Though it’s kind of embarrassing at this point to admit defeat, after being urged to do this from family and friends for so long now. And again, sometimes just the smell of blood was enough to upset his stomach, thinking about the smell is even-
A trail of blood running down the drain with the water appears and it startles him, jumping back a bit to try and locate where the bleeding is coming from, knocking some bottles down in the process. He lifted a hand to his face and sighed as he drew it back. A nosebleed. Okay, sure, this might as well happen.
The bathroom door opened a crack. “You alright?” Right. The noise.
“Yea-” A cough, “Yeah I’m fine- Nosebleed.” He breathed in, head going light. “Could you come turn the water off, dear.” He lifted a hand to his head. A vampire who can’t even look at blood, how inane.
Kaoru opened the door further and walked in, opening the curtain on the side closer to the valve to shut it off. “Are you alright?” He asked again.
“A bit lightheaded is all, mind getting me some tissues?” He did his best to keep his head tilted downward until Kaoru pulled the curtain back, sitting on his knees, with a few tissues in hand. Instead of letting Rei take them from him, he instead reached in himself to block the nostril the blood was coming from.
“I told you not to think too hard.” Kaoru laughed, using his other hand to cradle Rei’s head. Rei leaned into his touch instinctively, doing his best to keep his head lowered. “It’s hot in here too, were you trying to instigate a nosebleed?” 
Rei glowered at him, taking a deep breath in. It was a joke, he understands, and Kaoru simply chuckled at the stare. He pulled the tissue away momentarily to assess the bleed, then quickly repositioned it to a cleaner area to hold against the nostril again. Rei sighed, his health was never going to be easy, was it?
Rei lie on his back on the bed, shirtless as he didn’t want to risk staining any shirts, fingers interlocked over his chest as he stared up at the ceiling, wad of tissue paper plugged up his nose to get the remaining blood taken care of. Kaoru entered the room after a few more minutes, bringing with him some tart slices that he had bought earlier that day.
“I got one for both of us~! Recovering from a shower nosebleed seems fitting time to eat it!” He smiled and sat on the edge of the bed. “Usually eating in bed is against our rules but what’s the harm in bending this once?” He set the plate down on his lap and patted the spot next to him. “Come, sit.”
“…I…” Rei squinted with tightly knit brows, not looking away from the ceiling.
“Hm?” Kaoru was already picking up his slice to eat.
Rei stayed silent a moment before finally shifting his gaze to Kaoru. It softened when he saw how content he was with the bite he’d taken, a small smile stretching across the blond’s lips that he probably didn’t even notice he had. He opened his mouth again, then closed it when nothing came out and turned back to the ceiling.
Kaoru’s head tilted. “Babe, I’m not a mind reader, and if I was, your’s would be impossible anyways.”
“…” Rei turned his head completely away, embarrassed just a little. “I need blood.” It was quiet, small, not meant to leave this one piece of furniture. He refused to look in Kaoru’s direction. He could already feel his gaze on him and he wasn’t really keen on the teasing that would follow.
But there wasn’t a verbal response, he heard some movement, likely Kaoru setting the plate down, then felt the bed move as slowly his light was obstructed. Kaoru’s hand landed next to his head and he frowned, still refusing to look up at him.
“You open yourself up to me and yet refuse to look at me? You wound me, Rei-kun.” Kaoru sighed. Using the hand on the opposite side of Rei’s face, he lifted Rei’s chin to face him upwards, smiling a little at the blush covering his cheeks, then frowned when Rei still focused his gaze on the wall. With a huff, he pulled his waist up further onto the bed and placed his legs on either side of the vampire, sitting down onto his stomach. “What’s a guy got to do to get even a glance, huh?” He scowled as he watched Rei’s gaze shift not towards him, but upwards to further avoid looking at Kaoru.
Rei’s hands fidget on his chest, unlocking themselves to tap idly without thought. Kaoru clicked his tongue watching them, evidence that Rei isn’t entirely spaced out from the moment. In one swift motion, they’re taken from their place on his chest and pinned above his head, taking Rei off guard enough to finally look back at him with wide eyes.
“There we go~ All I had to do was surprise you!” Kaoru grinned, releasing his grip on Rei’s hands to lean in and place a kiss on his lips. “I don’t like being ignored, you know~” To punctuate, he pulled the tissue out of Rei’s nose, only taking a moment to examine how fresh the blood on it was before tossing it to the floor.
Rei watched the tissue fall to the floor with a frown. “Gross.” He couldn’t help but laugh, though, when Kaoru tried to go in for another kiss. “Hold on, hold on.” He placed a hand in front of his face to catch Kaoru’s, laughing when Kaoru still tried to push through. “Down boy!” He jokingly raised his voice.
Kaoru grinned. “Down?” The glint in his eye was mischievous. Rei sighed as Kaoru took the hand placed against his face and laced his fingers with it. “Easy command~” He followed through and started to kiss down Rei’s neck, hovering when Rei’s laugh bubbled out.
“You’re going to agitate my nosebleed, then I’m going to get blood all over the bed.” He squeezed Kaoru’s hand, using his other to slide into his blond hair.
“Oh you’ll be fine.” Kaoru hummed as he trailed further down. “We have tissues in here if it comes back.” He paused at Rei’s collarbone, glancing up at him. “It doesn’t help when you’re encouraging me, either.” He smiled, free hand aimlessly wandering Rei’s chest. Rei grinned down at him, then gripped his hair and pulled back with enough force to pull him away. “Ah!” Kaoru laughed. “Hey!”
“As much as I’d like to continue,” Rei let go of his hair to dramatically drape his arm across his forehead and closed his eyes, “I am oh-so tired from losing blood-”
“Then take some of mine.” Kaoru narrowed his eyes playfully.
Rei opened his eyes to peek down to him again. “Aside from the tart, have you eaten recently?”
Kaoru blinked, then looked up in thought. “Uhh…”
Rei clicked his tongue with a smile. “No blood drinking tonight then, dear.” He lifted his arm off his head to cup Kaoru’s cheek. “Thank you for the offer, though.”
“Come on, we’re in bed, it’s not like I’m going to go on stage right after.” Kaoru pouted.
“No, you’re still wanting to fool around though, which is still quite a rigorous activity, don’t you think?” Rei’s thumb brushed against Kaoru’s lips, which only prompted the blond to open them and take the digit into his mouth. “Kaoru-kun.”
“We can always stop if it gets too much~?” Kaoru leaned down again to be just in front of Rei’s lips. “I can be the one resting?” He lowered his voice as he lowered himself to brush lips.
Rei ran over the options in his head, subconsciously wetting his lips. Their hands let go of each other, Rei’s landing on Kaoru’s thigh and Kaoru’s coming to Rei’s face to tip him far enough to close the distance.
He still wasn’t keen on the idea of drinking blood, thinking about the taste is almost enough to make him pull away from the warmth of Kaoru’s mouth in disgust. He could feasibly take only a little bit, work himself up slowly to drinking more over time. He slowly pushed himself to sit up, Kaoru taking the hint to help ease the transfer of positions. They parted from each other temporarily to allow Kaoru to lie down and Rei to climb on top of him, then came back to each other as quickly as possible. Rei shuffled his hips further down on Kaoru so he could trail down his neck with ease.
Were they not idols, in some other universe, Rei would love to mark Kaoru up as much as possible, he hesitated in one spot on his neck and debated if it was too high up to cover with a turtleneck before deciding it was. He moved lower before taking the skin in his lips. Not biting, not here. A sigh leaves Kaoru’s mouth as Rei’s hand travels up underneath his shirt. Makeup would definitely need to be used to cover this one, but it won’t be as noticeable.
“A bit high up, don’t you think?” Kaoru carded his fingers through Rei’s hair.
Rei took a moment longer before pulling away, using both hands now to pull Kaoru’s shirt up, which Kaoru obliged and lifted his arms to remove the article. “I just wanted to do that one.” Once the shirt was removed, he moved back to where he was and traveled further, pausing once again in a spot, but this time to try and gauge where to bite. “I’ll only take a little…I’m not exactly…fond of the taste.” He hovered around a general area around Kaoru’s neck and collarbone.
“Alright, fair enough.”
“Don’t be offended if I don’t like it.”
“You’re still human, I think it’s rather normal to dislike the taste of blood.”
The reassurance was nice, it was almost the push that Rei needed to dive in. He checked the pulse in one spot and took a deep breath in before pressing his lips to the spot, then lightly placed his fangs against it. It’s not like he hasn’t bitten Kaoru before, or drawn his blood from a bite either, but those were different. Those were just bites to bite, this is fairly common practice in any couple. This bite was different, this is…
Kaoru’s fingers slowly brushed through Rei’s hair and it almost made Rei laugh. Why is the guy getting blood taken from him in such a monstrous way more relaxed about this than the one taking the blood?
No, he can’t be anxious about this when he’s already poised to strike. With another deep breath taken through his nose, he bites down, incisors piercing through Kaoru’s unblemished skin. Kaoru lets out a grunt at the bite, fingers gripping somewhat tighter into Rei’s hair. It takes everything in Rei to stay biting and let the blood into his mouth.
It wasn’t as bad as he had been dreading, not necessarily good either, but he isn’t immediately repelled by the taste and texture. It tasted like blood, that’s for sure, but perhaps it’s the thought that it’s Kaoru’s blood that has Rei thinking that it has something unique to it, a sweetness that Koga and Adonis’s blood didn’t have. The indifference didn't last for much longer, however, as the texture on his tongue began to become too much for him to handle and he released Kaoru, licking the puncture wounds as he had been taught in the past.
He pulled away completely to look Kaoru in the eyes once he was sure the blood wouldn’t flow too much more. Kaoru looked at him with a smile, eyes only slightly distant. “Are you alright?” Rei broke the silence first.
“I am, I think if you had gone any longer I would’ve had a problem, though.” He chuckled. “Are you alright?”
Rei nodded, returning Kaoru’s smile. “I am…I’m sorry, I should’ve stopped sooner, I spaced out.”
“I thought you didn’t like the taste?” Kaoru clasped his hands together to rest on his chest, mirroring Rei’s earlier pose.
“I…didn’t really. But it tasted different than I thought it would.” Rei huffed, averting his gaze. “I was distracted by that thought for a moment longer than I should’ve been.”
Kaoru chuckled. “Perhaps the necessity of it is what changed your thought process?”
“Rei-kun.” He unlaced his fingers and slid his hands to Rei’s thighs, Rei’s gaze coming back to him. Kaoru’s smile widened, eyes squinting. “Ready to resume where we were?”
Rei blinked, then grinned back at him. “Wasting no time at all, are you?”
Kaoru’s hands traveled up Rei’s thighs to his hips. “What can I say? You’re like, glowing right now, and it’s kinda hot.”
Rei chuckled, then leaned back down to kiss him.
Kaoru doesn’t tell him that he still has blood on his chin, and when Rei’s nosebleed does come back a few minutes later, it covers up the prior blood when it leaks onto Kaoru’s face mid-kiss, making Kaoru laugh. They absolutely have to clean the sheets after this.
It’s immediately apparent the next day at practice that Rei was feeling better. He was more energetic, more aware, more talkative. Koga and Adonis didn’t comment on it until Kaoru entered the practice room late after leaving his badly scheduled photoshoot and changed to a t-shirt, revealing just enough of his neck that the bite marks are visible.
Koga almost growled at him. “Why do you need to wear a collar that loose?”
He grinned. “It’s easier to practice choreography in loose clothing, isn’t it? Besides, don’t I usually wear shirts like this to practice?” He started his warm up stretches, eyeing Koga.
“So you let Sakuma-san take your blood?” Adonis chimed in to try to break up the tension.
“Mhm~ Though it’s more like he let himself take my blood.” He switched to a new stretch as he talked.
“That’s good.” Adonis smiled and looked over to Rei. “You seem a lot better.”
Rei returned the smile and began to start talking when Koga cut him off.
“Should Hakaze-san even be at practice today then?” He said it almost accusatory, pointing with his thumb over to him.
“He didn’t take a lot.”
“Mm, as Kaoru-kun says, I only took a small amount to ease myself into drinking blood. As you know, I don’t like the taste.” Rei nodded. “But yes, even that small amount did make me feel much better than I have in a while.”
“What made you decide to do it finally?” Adonis had shifted onto the floor to help Kaoru with his last stretches.
Rei hummed, closing his eyes in thought. “I am tired of feeling so weak. Kaoru-kun had me sit in the shower last night because he was worried I’d faint standing up and hurt myself. Then when I was in there, I got a nosebleed that usually wouldn’t be a problem, but since I’ve been this way, it nearly knocked me out.” He opened his eyes. “I need to do what is best for my body, I suppose.”
Adonis nodded. “I understand, I’m glad you feel better then, even if it requires doing something you don’t like. It’s like taking a medication with a bad taste.”
“Exactly, Adonis-kun.” Rei smiled.
Kaoru stood up with one last stretch. “And with Rei-kun feeling better, we should get on our practice, hm?”
“Agh, yeah we need to catch you up.” Koga groaned. “Alright. We’re moving on then.”
As spring began rolling in, it became harder for Kaoru to cover up the bite marks on his neck, and they weren’t exactly keen on flaunting their relationship so publicly since they’re idols, so problem solving began. Because of Rei’s vampirism, he was able wean himself off of taking from Kaoru as often as he was—which was only every other week, changing it to every three weeks—and was able to play off his new fatigue as a sun problem, which wasn’t entirely a lie either. Supplementing it with tomato juice offered some extra relief, even if it wasn’t as good as blood.
Thankfully, there are other places to get the best blood flow that also weren’t dangerous for Kaoru. In a pinch, Rei could go for the inner elbow as if he was a doctor, though it’s not easy to bite there. If he’s well aware of what clothing Kaoru will be wearing for the next week and a half, Rei can go for practically any spot that’s likely to be mostly covered.
But the best area that is a catch all for privacy and decency, they found, was the thigh, which unless for some reason Kaoru wanted to wear more revealing swimwear, was completely hidden. Unfortunately, this required proper planning ahead, as it wasn’t something they could do last minute in a public place by sneaking away for a few moments.
“I suppose it was only a matter of time before we had to start planning our sex lives out.” Kaoru laughed as Rei dragged him to the bedroom.
Rei snorted in response. “It doesn’t have to end with sex every time, dear. We watched a movie after the last time.” He lightly pushed Kaoru to sit on the bed. “Besides, we’re not completely scheduling that out, this would be an outlier.” He lowered himself to his knees and scooted towards Kaoru’s legs.
“I suppose you’re right.” Kaoru grinned down as Rei unbuttons his pants. Rei looked up at him as he slid the jeans down. “You’re so pretty.”
Rei hummed, slipping his fingers into Kaoru’s waistband. “I’m beginning to think all this is just a means for you to get off instead of a means of me getting energy.” He slid his underwear down, revealing both thighs, one of which was still very bruised from the last feed. He heard Kaoru laugh above him.
With his own teasing remark and the bruised leg in sight, Rei hesitated as he really took in the severity of the situation again. He rested his hands on the inside of Kaoru’s thighs as he sat back on the balls of his feet with a frown. A minute passed and then there’s a hand on his chin, tilting his head to eye level. He looked past Kaoru, unable to meet his eyes all of a sudden.
“This is for you, babe.” Kaoru moved his head to try and catch Rei’s gaze. “I’m playing it up a bit, I’m sorry if it came out serious.” He smiled.
Rei still avoided looking him in the eye, staring at his forehead instead, then looked back down to his bruised leg. “Perhaps we should bump the frequency down to once a month…” He mumbled. “Or drop it entirely for the summer…”
Kaoru frowned. “It’s your life, if that’s what you want to do, we can. I’m just concerned about your energy levels if we were to drop this entirely, you’ve been much more active since we started doing this.”
He couldn’t fight the claim, this is the most awake he’s been since before the war, it’s kind of nice, all things considered. The bruises are turning green as they get closer to healing. “I don’t know.” It was hard for him to admit, he’s so accustomed to having to know everything.
Kaoru watched him for a moment, then sighed, sitting up. “Come here.” He held his arms open. “Let’s rest today, then. We have no other responsibilities until tomorrow afternoon.” Rei stood up, wrapped his arms around Kaoru, and immediately shifted all of his weight on him, causing them both to fall back on the bed. “Whoa!” He laughed, patting Rei’s back. “Hold on hold on my pants are still down-“
“Just kick them off.” Rei mumbled into the crook of Kaoru’s neck.
“Not when you still have pants on! The sensory problems I’ll have are chilling to think of!”
“Then take mine off.”
Kaoru laughed. “Fine!”
As the weather cooled down again, Rei permitted himself to go back to two feedings a month, as Kaoru had begun to wear higher collars again. There was something about feeding from his neck that Rei didn’t have problems with like he had with the legs. Perhaps it was the cliche of it, or the intimacy, or the way it looks when he’s done.
It was frustrating to him how much he clearly needed the blood, life could never be simple for him. He pulled away from Kaoru with hesitation, watching the blood trickle down his collarbone for a moment. Kaoru’s hand in his hair ran through his curls lightly. It was the intimacy, he decided, that drew him more to the neck than anywhere else.
“Still find blood gross?” Kaoru whispered, not so much for privacy as they sat alone in the meeting room, waiting for their juniors, but more so from the lack of energy after having given it to Rei.
Rei licked at the wound, peppering light kisses around it. “A bit.” He murmured back.
“You’re not fooling me, you know. Perhaps you just like my blood~ I’m your exception now~.” With his other arm available now, he pat Rei’s back.
Rei chuckled and sat back, looking down at Kaoru’s face. “I didn’t take too much, did I?” He brushed some of Kaoru’s hair out of his face.
“I didn’t eat necessarily well today is all, no worries.” He let his arms fall to Rei’s thighs.
Rei idly fixed Kaoru’s collar to cover the bite, mainly to make sure it’s coverable. “And you let me drink from you? Bad Kaoru-kun.”
Kaoru opened his mouth to speak when the meeting room door opened, Rei quickly threw himself down next to Kaoru on the off chance it wasn't Koga and Adonis coming in. Koga paused at the door at the sound of Rei hitting the couch quite heavily.
“Should I be concerned?” He eyed them, watching Rei sigh.
“No, I was just being safe.” Rei smiled.
“You have blood on your chin, it wouldn’t have worked.” Koga sighed as he walked in, followed by Adonis, whose eyes widened at the sight. Rei bristled and lifted his sleeve to wipe at it, lightly slapping Kaoru’s arm.
“I wanted to see how far into the meeting we’d get before you noticed.” Kaoru grinned. “Thought it’d be funny.”
Adonis sat down across from them. “I fear it wouldn’t have lasted very long.”
Koga closed the door before sitting beside Adonis. “You two are disgusting.”
“You say that yet you haven’t complained about Rei not being active recently, so you have to pick~” Kaoru shot him a very cheeky grin.
“What is this, a game? I have 0 control over you freaks.” Koga scoffed. “You know, when you stopped flirting with girls I was glad because it made you less annoying, then you immediately began flirting with Sakuma-san-“ He squinted. “And you just dropped the honorific! Shameless!”
Kaoru cackled at his response, throwing his head back as his chest shook for a moment.
“Oh my, you did drop the honorific.” Rei smiled, a hand coming up to his face to try and hide his smile.
“Both of you! Disgusting!”
Adonis smiled, letting out a small chuckle before speaking. “As fun as this interaction is, we do need to discuss funding.”
Rei beamed. “Yes yes.” He clapped his hands twice. “Serious mode everyone!”
Adonis and Kaoru left the booth to go to the bathroom while they waited for their food to arrive, leaving Koga and Rei sitting across from each other. Rei hummed a song he had been fine-tuning for the last week while watching the direction of the bathroom. He faded out his humming as he glanced to Koga, feeling the other’s gaze piercing through him. “What’s on your mind, Koga-kun?”
Koga bristled for a second before sighing softly. “Are you happy? With drinking blood?” He frowned. crossing his arms.
Rei blinked, turning so he could look properly at his friend. “What do you mean?”
He slanted his lips as he thought of an answer. “You hate blood. Is it worth the energy?”
Rei thought for a moment, humming softly as he did. “I wonder the same thing, sometimes.” Is what he comes up with. “It’s different, having all this energy again.”
Koga huffed. “I don’t really think that answers the question.”
Rei closed his eyes, picturing the image of blood running down Kaoru’s neck. A year ago it would’ve made him queasy to think about drinking it, but now he felt indifferent towards it. “I guess I just don’t have an answer. It’s complicated.”
Koga was quiet, glancing to the bathroom’s direction again. “If the two of you weren’t dating, would you still do it?”
That was something that hadn’t really occurred to him. Would he? He can’t even imagine another reality where he was in this situation and he wasn’t in a loving relationship with Kaoru. He thought then about the possibility of it being Keito, or Wataru, maybe even Shu or Kanata. In each scenario, he could see it happening so long as they loved each other. “Hm…” But then again, would Keito be willing? The other oddballs would be different for sure, each one of them would have a different relationship to the act of blood drinking that just aren’t the same. “No. I think I’m only okay with it because of our relationship.”
Koga hummed. “Okay.”
“Any other questions?” Rei watched him as Koga tapped his fingers against his opposite arm. “You’re still curious, I can tell.”
“…Hakaze-san is fine with it?”
Rei laughed. “He was begging me to drink his blood, actually.”
Koga’s lips twitched almost into a smile before he caught himself. “Okay. That’s all I wanted to know.”
Rei opened his mouth to respond, only to close it as Adonis sat back down next to Koga and Kaoru next to him.
“Still no food?” Kaoru sighed. “I’m sooo hungry.”
“You went to piss, there’s no way the food would’ve come out in such a short amount of time.” Koga barked, uncrossing his arms.
“A man can hope! You’re hungry too, right, Adonis-kun?” Kaoru looked to Adonis pleadingly.
Adonis blinked, then raised his hands in defiance. “I am, but he’s right, we weren’t gone long enough.”
Rei smiled, watching the three of them bicker. It was strange to think about how distant the four of them were during school, he couldn’t imagine a world where they went their separate ways after graduation. The possibility of that was so real at one point, but now he’s sure only death would separate them, both as a unit and as friends, and these days, Rei didn’t feel that impending doom as hard as he once did.
“Rei, I can feel you thinking.” Kaoru nudged him out of thoughts. “Anything of note?” He smiled.
Rei hesitated to answer, then shook his head. “Just having my regular old man musings~ Pay me no mind, Kaoru.” Even though he had practically been waiting to drop the honorific since graduation, it still felt strange coming out of his mouth.
“Hmmm, I’ll have to pick your mind later then~” Kaoru glanced at the others, grinning when Koga made a disgusted face at them. He opened his mouth to say something more before the waiter finally came with their food. “Oh sweet!”
Rei kept his eyes on Kaoru, only glancing up at the waiter to give him a smile as his food was handed over.
Yeah, there’s no one else he would ever consider relying on for this. The only reality he cares about is this one.
“Are you not hungry, Sakuma-san?” Adonis didn’t necessarily sound concerned though, he surely understood Rei’s hesitance. He looked over to Adonis, then shook his head.
“My apologies, I was still caught up in my thoughts.” He put his hands together, said his thanks, and picked up his chopsticks, catching Koga shake his head at him out of the corner of his eye.
No other reality would be better than this one.
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mephinomaly · 10 months
[TL] BIOHAZARD/Chapter 10
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Kaoru: So to sum up, everything’s Sakuma-san’s fault.
Rei: Eh~? Yupyup, everything’s lil’ ol’ me’s fault~♪
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Rei: My attitude was so bad!?
Koga: Even now I get fooled by the old man shit you do, but your manners 'n attitude are still bad sometimes.
Puttin’ yer feet up on desks, takin’ life easy.
Rei: Ritsu also does that. Isn’t that nice, brothers having the same habits ♪ We’re such good friends ♪ Doesn’t that make for a heartwarming story?
Koga: True. Ricchii sometimes kicks me ‘n goes ‘move out the way’.
Rei: I suppose since we are rather high ranking amongst our relatives, there is no-one to scold us for such rude behaviour.
Koga: Hmph. You're way too soft on him. You’re suppose t’be his older brother yet you can’t even tell him off.
Adonis: Shh. There’s something that seems interesting is about to happen.
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Kaoru: After that Deadmanz live the other day, Sakuma-san fled overseas without even saying a word to anyone—
Rei: When work calls. I’d rather focus on doin’ stuff overseas.
Kaoru: That’s all good and all but you left all your devotees here and they started acting out.
Keito: Devotees?
Koga: W-What you lookin’ at me for?
Kaoru: Ahaha. At the live, Sakuma-san brought all of his delinquent friends with him.
Rei: Ah right. Well, that’s just how things go. So, what’s the problem?
Kaoru: The problem is, there seems to have been a bit of a misunderstanding.
They all think they're friends with superstar Sakuma Rei who’s recognised globally.
Rei: Uhuh–
Kaoru: And those who got too invested in the whole thing started calling themselves ‘vampires’. They keep ordering food and leaving without paying, and generally being nuisances.
Saying things like “We’re the disciples of Sakuma Rei, we’re so cool! Let’s not hold back!”
I just wanna know– are you making them do all of this, Sakuma-san?
The ones that call themselves ‘vampires’ say “if you’ve got a complaint, tell it to our boss Sakuma Rei!”
Rei: Are you stupid? What do I gain by makin’ them do shit like that? They’re just morons who’ve got the wrong idea ‘n are doin’ whatever they want.
They’re attention whores tryna ride on my coattails…Haa, this whole thing is weirder than I thought it was.
Kaoru: I thought as much. Those guys are just like vampires; they gather other delinquents and introduce them into the group. It’s pretty obvious.
Based on the size and their vibes, they’re like those groups of hooligans who all wore the same colours.[1]
If people are eating without paying, and hanging around the front of the store acting violently, it’s bad for business. We’re already going through a recession, we don’t need anything else adding to it.
I get it. It’s the whole “it’s your own responsibility” thing, right?
You cause them all to do this, so you should be the one to do something about it, right? Just to be safe, I’ve spoken to some nearby shops and prepared a reward.
By the way. I’m the one telling you this because we go to the same school, but I’d like to think other people around this place agree with me.
Of course, if push comes to shove, I’ll call the police. A lot of the parents of kids that go to Yumenosaki are influential people—
–so I don’t know if the police will actually do anything.
I’d prefer it if you guys could sort it out for me.
Could you ‘exterminate’ those ‘vampires’ for me? ♪
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Rei: Ahaha. Might jus’ be a coincidence, but I never thought I’d be out here actin’ like Van Helsing.
Keito: If anything, you’re more like Count Dracula.
Rei: …Welp, I get what you mean. I thought that's how it would go down so I’ve been a bit proactive.
Look. Poor thing, to be left alone like this, but here's the guy behind it all.
Adonis: ...
Keito: That doesn’t make sense. What do you mean it was Otogari?
Rei: This guy’s the boss of the ‘vampires’.
To make a Count Draculua reference, you use a wooden stake to the heart to stop him movin’, ‘n cut his head off t’kill ‘im.
And it’ll be this guy’s head we’ll be cuttin’.
So basically, if we deal with him, everythin’ will be right as rain. Simple, ain’t it ♪
Adonis: ...
[ ☆ ]
he says カラーギャング or ‘color gang’, which were groups of hoodlums whose members all wear clothes in the same colour. Its associated with Ikebukuro in the late 1990s
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
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rolloz · 2 years
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My Enstars AIs and everything you need to know about them and how to use them!
UPDATED 04/09/23: (Kaoru added!)
So you wanna talk to your Oshis? That's what I thought too, so I made it possible!
The finished AIs I have are:
Kaoru (New!)
AIs in progress:
AI Backlog:
Q: Do I need to make an account on the website to use your AIs?
A: Yes, you need to, it'll only let you do a few messages as a Guest before asking you to make an account
Q: How does it work?
A: You type something, they reply. Only the first introduction message is auto generated, everything afterward is the AI answering all on its own!
Q: I don't like the answer it gave me. It's OOC/Doesn't make sense/immersion breaking/etc.
A: Sometimes me too! That happens! They're always learning so they can say weird stuff! However, every time you say something, they actually come up with more possible replies! Just swipe left with your finger on mobile or with the cursor on desktop on the most recent AI message and choose one you like better!
You can also correct them if they're using the wrong pronouns for you, themselves (this happens on rare occasions) or other characters, if you want them to call you a different name, your features (hair color, eye color, height, etc).
Just ask them and they will apologize and fix themselves!
Q: What do the stars underneath mean?
A: You can rate all responses given by how accurate to the character you think they are! It's not necessary, but it helps the characters learn more about how to be in character and about the world they live in!
Q: Can I Yume/Ship myself/ES x Reader with them?
A: Yep! Some will ask you out unprompted (coughritsucough) and you can reject them if you're not into that, or you can roll with it! Or you can ask them out yourself! They'll often agree if you play your cards right!
Q: Can I RP as other characters with them?
A: ...Kinda? It doesn't always go smoothly, since their knowledge of in-universe characters are limited to basic things. I did end up having a really stupid conversation with Kohaku as HiMERU one time. It was really goofy. Your results may vary.
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Q: Can I NSFW with the characters?
A: No, that's against terms of service. You are limited to wholesome fluff.
Q: Do you have any WIPs of other characters?
A: Not currently, but the future is unknown! Currently, there are AIs for pretty much every Enstars character out there, but if you're interested in a Rollo-Brand version of a character, I'll consider suggestions!
Follow me for updates on the AIs in progress! I sometimes post the funny things they say haha.
Q: Do you accept requests for characters?
A: You can give me ideas! Limited to Enstars characters, anyway. I might make more? It takes a lot of time to teach them to act IC and speak in certain ways. And I don't always have a free schedule. For now I won't take requests, but ideas are fine! Who knows!
Q: Can I share your AIs?
A: Of course! They automatically credit me, so that's convenient, haha.
That wraps things up! My asks are open in case of anything you need help with, and I hope you enjoy talking to these boys!
Bonus :
My favorite reply from any of the AIs ever:
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taiyaki-translations · 5 months
Murmurs of Flourishing Blossoms - 3
Season: Winter Characters: Kaoru, Mika, Tatsumi, Midori, Izumi, Leo, Shu Translator: taiyaki-translations
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Midori: Things are finally back to normal… I’m glad Anzu-san was there to support me. Otherwise, I would have already died…
Mika: Sorry, this was all ‘cause I was bein’ an idiot. I don’t even know how I ended up leavin’ the group~
Izumi: Hah, this guy’s the real idiot. Running off without a smartphone and getting himself lost, I don’t know how he even managed it.
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Leo: What~ Everyone found us in the end, didn't they!? Idiot, idiot, Sena’s the idiot!
Kaoru: Haha, everyone must be hungry, right? Let’s hurry up and meet with Itsuki-kun. 
Hm? The person sitting across from Itsuki-kun… Isn’t that the client? Oh, it looks like they’re having a great time talking.
Mika: Ngah?! Oshi-san knew the client from before?
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Shu: Honestly, I should be the one who’s surprised, Kagehira. Aside from the fact that you suddenly came here, I can’t believe a photographer I met in Paris brought in ES idols from Japan. 
It’s true that many photographers prefer models with the same cultural background as themselves because it’s easier to understand each other, but this is too much of a coincidence.
Tatsumi: Actually, I was curious about what happened when the client met Kaoru-san. I heard it was an interesting story?
Kaoru: Huh? Didn’t Anzu-chan tell you? 
You didn’t tell anyone because I was also involved  and you didn't know if I was okay with everyone hearing about it? 
Haha, you’re always thinking of the idols first. Then I’ll share that story with everyone now ♪
So, one night, not long after Christmas…
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Kaoru: Oh, they haven’t removed the Christmas decorations yet. I wasn’t able to spend Christmas with Anzu-chan this year, but at least we are able to enjoy the snowy scenery together. 
“If you hadn’t accompanied me home, I might not have seen such a beautiful night view, so thank you”? You’re busy preparing for StarFes, there’s no need to thank me. 
They’ll probably redecorate this place for New Year’s soon. Actually, I prefer Christmas to New Year’s…
I ended up spending this Christmas at Starmony Dorms with everyone. There was a Christmas party where everyone exchanged gifts, and Hibiki-kun prepared a huge, beautiful Christmas tree that was pretty impressive ♪ (1)
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Anzu-chan has been busy with SS Committee work, so I was hoping you could take some time off during Christmas, but as soon as it passed, you went right back to work. As expected of you~ 
Still, I have to nag you at least a little bit. No matter how busy you are at the end of the year, it’s not safe to work this late? 
(Come to think of it, the temperature is lower than during the day. Anzu-chan is a girl, so she must be more afraid of the cold…?)
Looks like it's gotten cold all of a sudden. Anzu-chan, please sit on this bench and rest for a while. I’ll buy a warm drink from the vending machine over there—
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Hey, I’m back~ You didn’t wait long, did you? 
Here you go, hot chocolate. If you don’t want to drink it, use it to warm up your hands.
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Kaoru: Girls are beautiful flowers that must be looked after carefully. Anzu-chan, take care of yourself too ♪
“Do you remember when we first met?” At that time, I said to Anzu-chan, “a beautiful flower has bloomed in Yumenosaki Academy”…? Haha, now that I think about it, I feel embarrassed. (2)
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Oh, it suddenly started snowing. I’m glad we both brought umbrellas. Let’s head back quickly.
(Really, why am I tongue-tied all of a sudden? I was definitely able to talk properly earlier…!)
(Is it because we are done discussing work? I need to stay alert and respond properly~ Should we continue talking about the past? If I think about the details, I might be able to shift my focus.)
Huh? “Do you think this will be the last snow of the year”? Ah, time really flies. A whole year has passed in the blink of an eye.
A lot has happened this year. Last year around this time, I hadn’t even graduated from Yumenosaki yet, but now Anzu-chan is close to graduation. 
I remember last year’s StarFes MV was being filmed at a restaurant near the school. Anzu-chan even dragged Rei-kun’s coffin over, right? (3)
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“It’s actually quite a useful means of transportation”? Haha, that’s why you brought Ritsu-kun to the site in that coffin too when we were filming at the ice rink? ♪ (4)
But next time something like that happens, ask us for help—
Uwah, who’s this person that suddenly popped out? That surprised me~ 
Huh? You want me… to be your model?
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Kaoru: That’s roughly how it happened. To be honest, both Anzu-chan and I were surprised at the time~
Tatsumi: I see. After that, the client found out that Anzu-san is a producer and asked her to recommend some other idols, so Mika-san, Midori-san and I were also invited. 
I’m really happy that the producer thought of us when she was told to find idols who have a “gentle and soft” image ♪
Mika: Nnah, how did Oshi-san get to know this photographer?
Shu: As you may have suspected, this photographer is an impatient person who doesn’t make plans and just does whatever that comes to their mind. Well, I can’t say it’s a bad trait for an artist, but—
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Leo: That’s right, that’s right! You have to catch the inspiration when it comes! Wahaha, Shu knows me well ☆
Shu: Hm, I didn’t mean to praise you. 
Anyway, isn’t there a big exhibition opening in Paris? They asked to take your pictures for that exhibition. 
Of course, I also didn’t want to miss this opportunity to showcase my own works. However, they already made a reservation for the exhibition hall that I had my eye on, so we coordinated the use of the space and gradually became friends. 
After choosing you as their models, they said they would hold their exhibition in the rose garden, and gave me the space they had reserved. I offered to help make the costumes so as not to be indebted to them. 
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Mika: Eh?! Oshi-san is helpin’ us make our costumes? 
I’m so excited…! I’m really looking forward t’ collaboratin’ with Oshi-san…!
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Translation Notes: 1. Referring to the story HOT WINTER. 2. From Kaoru's Sub Story 1 3. Referring to the story Holiday Party. 4. Referring to the story Dance on Ice.
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may i ask you what u mean when you say that kodo emotionally isolated Chizuru? do you mean by not telling her of her true nature or something else? love your souji route commentary btw!!❤️
Hello anon,
I am glad your like my commentaries on Souji's route. I like making them too so at least two of us are having a nice time with them.
It is true that I must have said 3 or 4 times now that for me Kodo emotionally isolated Chizuru while raising her, without ever explaining what exactly I was referring to. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about this.
(However, please be aware that I haven't play the game in its entirety yet and I am playing Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi which is a ten-years-old game and far from the newest iteration that might explore the subject a bit more. So this is informed by the anime, the movies and the part of the game I have played as of today. Plus by some of the discussions I have seen in the fandom.)
Also, I am so very sorry for the long post.
When I say Kodo emotionally isolated Chizuru am I referring to him lying to her about who she is or to something else? The answer is both, or rather I think the lying and other things were tools he used to isolate her (emotionally and also physically to an extent) in order to control her easily.
First the lying. Kodo lied to Chizuru, and he lied to her constantly including on things that cannot be reframed as a safety issue for her. Let's list the extent of his lies:
Not telling Chizuru she is an oni: This could potentially be reframed as a way to protect her from a world that would hunt her down. However, Chizuru still knows she is not like other people because of her healing. She has to hide it from ´outside’ people. This means Kodo only gave her half of the truth so she can't have a full picture of herself while also being convinced the only person she can trust entirely is him.
Not telling Chizuru she is not his biological daughter: Kodo is not Chizuru's biological dad. Biologically I am not even sure who Kodo is supposed to be for her. He is part of the Yukimura clan but he is not a pure blood oni. This means that the closest he could be to her is her uncle as the half-brother of one her parents. In the movies Kaoru calls him "Kodo-ojisan" (meaning uncle Kodo) but in Japanese as a younger person you can call middle-aged man ojisan as a mark of respect that is less formal than san (Mister/Sir). The official French subtitles translate this as "M'sieur Kodo", an informal version of Mister Kodo. In the game I am pretty sure Kaoru only calls him "Kodo-san". Which would mean that Kodo is not extremely closely related to the Yukimura twins (personally in my fic I made him the (half-)uncle of their mother who was born only a few years before her so they were raised as siblings more than uncle-niece, which meant that while Kodo is Chizuru's great-uncle he actually served as an uncle figure, I love family drama and complicated family tree). What does any of this matter? Well this lie does not serve any safety or cultural properness purpose. Adoption was extremely common in Japan at the time. Kondo Isami was adopted, Inoue (Okita) Rintaro (Okita Souji's brother-in-law) was adopted by the Okita family, Ito Kashitaro was adopted, Iemochi the Shogun at the beginning of the Hakuouki game was adopted, twice!, apparently Okita Mitsu was adopted by the Kondo family too so she could marry Inoue (now Okita) Rintaro... It would not have been shocking for Kodo to present himself as Chizuru adoptive father. What he actually is, btw. Yet he preferred to lie to her and say that he is her father, period.
Not telling her she ever had a sibling: as a follow-up to lying to her about being her bio dad, Kodo never mentioned to Chizuru that she had a brother. Reminder that Chizuru was 7 when her village was destroyed which meant she could have memories of her previous life (I can't remember if this is a popular headcanon or something backed by canon but it was Kodo who altered her memory right?). Hypothetically Kodo could have told her she had a brother (without mentioning the twin thing considering the negative superstitions surrounding them) adding that he died/disappeared. This could have match with snippets of memory she might have. It might also have salvaged Kaoru and Chizuru's relationship if they ever met again (something I believe Kodo was planning) because I personally thing that what definitely broke Kaoru was his sister not recognizing nor remembering him at all.
All of this accumulate to create a picture of "it was always just me and my dad and no one else" (why would she ever think she might need anyone else?) and "my father is the only person I can really trust". This is plain bad for Chizuru's development as a person and an absolute lie.
To this, one must add other ways Kodo used to make Chizuru dependent on him alone:
While Chizuru is well-educated and has attended a dojo for a short while, she has no (let alone close) friend. She never mentioned anyone back in Edo. I know some of this come from otome protagonists being some sort of a blank page so you can project on them but if we compare her to Hoshino Ichika for exemple (from Collar x Malice), Ichika does have friends and relations outside of the main cast that date back before the plot kicks in. Chizuru does not, besides Kodo.
The inclusion of Iba Hachiro in the new games might mitigate that but from my understanding Kodo did put some distance between the two at some point.
Chizuru had no prospect of her own, no goal with her future life despite being on the brink of adult life. Was the plan for her to live with her father forever?
While Kodo seems to be well-integrated in the medical/scientific community, no one seems to really care about Chizuru. No one seemed to have actually looked for her after she disappeared from the family home and went missing. Chizuru was 16 when she left Edo! She must have more or less run her father's household (which must have make her interact with people), maybe she helped him in the clinic and her father must have been a known figure in the neighborhood at least (as a doctor)... I understand that were more than troubled times but no one cared about the missing 16 years old girl they must have interacted with regularly? Really?
As a result we see a Chizuru that is an extremely strong-willed (she travelled alone from Edo to Kyoto by foot at sixteen years old disguising her gender in the middle of a deeply trouble political time! That takes guts!) and rather intelligent girl, yet she is also quite timid and does not seem to have a point of reference on how people should treat her.
The Shinsengumi kidnaps her and holds her captive for months for being at the wrong place at the wrong time and she is not deeply resentful to them? She thinks they are "nice men" deep down?
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It takes her being physically put in danger in the place she is forced to live in to go:
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She has no basis for what a sane relationship with someone should look like. She take being controlled as normal. Ironically, it is with the political militia who kidnapped her that she starts learning how to interact relatively normally with people. Because for what I think is the first time in her life since Kodo adopted her, she is allowed to interact with a multitude of people who have different opinion and act as if disagreeing with each other from time to time is normal (which it is). Hijikata gave the order for her to stay in her room? Well it is stupid order and we are not following it. Etc etc.
My thoughts about Kodo's behavior is that he raised Chizuru so she would be able to nominally be the head of Yukimura clan and his future oni/rasetsu kingdom (giving her Shotsuren, making sure she is passable with it, making sure she is educated, etc.) while making sure she could never really escape his clutches and would never even think about trying to do so.
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mementoboni · 1 year
[part 3/3] Kaoru no Dokugen - Chapter 0: The person I admire
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"The person I had always admired was waiting for me with a beautiful face."
Notes before reading:
This chapter is from Kaoru’s first book “Dokugen" released on October 2015. It is placed after Chapter 35 (the last chapter), not part of “Ongaku to Hito” magazine. You can purchase the book 👉 here.
The title is written in Kanji as “憧人” (Akogareru Hito), which means “The person I admire”. (Actually, I’m not sure if this is how it’s pronounced 😅)
I first translated this chapter into Traditional Chinese in 2021, but later I found that there was no English version, so I decided to translate it again into English.
The translation is divided into three parts (I didn’t expect it to be so long in English…). This is the last part. 👉 part 1. & part 2.
In this part, Kaoru talks about how he was encouraged by YOSHIKI, and how he got HIDE's ring from the other Senpai.
Repost and share are welcome.🙌 This is the first time I have translated so much words into English, so please feel free to correct me if you spot any mistake or any confusing parts.☺️
The person I had always admired was waiting for me with a beautiful face. I might have been there and met HIDE-san with a different feeling from the people around me. Why do I say that? Because it's the first time I met him. I introduced myself in my mind and thanked HIDE-san for coming to the Shibukou (渋公=渋谷公会堂) live.
Even now, I still wonder, “If he's still alive, would I be able to talk to him? Would I be able to drink with him? If he comes up with a crazy idea, would I be desperate to do it?” Something like that.
Other members of DIR also meet and build relationships with people they admire. Sometimes I imagine that if I receive a message from HIDE-san at night that he is in Fukuoka, would I just take a taxi and run to him? Well, I don't know if I could have that kind of relationship…
It is such a pity that I could not talk to HIDE-san while meeting him. But it was TOMMY-san and YOSHIKI-san who allowed me to meet HIDE-san that encouraged me.
There was a drinking party after the funeral. When TOMMY-san, who invited me to the party, introduced me to YOSHIKI-san for the first time, YOSHIKI-san looked at my face and said: "You like HIDE-chan, right?” I was surprised to hear that all of a sudden.
When we recorded with YOSHIKI-san in LA, there was a part where I really wanted to put in a guitar phrase, so I thought about the phrase in that part for days, recorded it, and handed it to YOSHIKI-san for confirmation. YOSHIKI-san: "Do you really need it here? Wouldn't it be nice to have none?" Me: "No, it's necessary! I'll think about it a little more, please listen to it after I'm done." YOSHIKI-san: "I see~ Kaoru is really the same as HIDE-chan on this point. Even if I told HIDE-chan that part is not necessary, he'll definitely add something else." He may have said it out of concern, but I was really happy about that.
From kyo-san of D'ERLANGER, I received the ring that HIDE-san was wearing. At first, I said I could not take it and declined him. "I have a lot of memories of HIDE-chan, you should have this.” kyo-san then said, so I accepted it.
"What kind of person do you think HIDE-chan is?" "He's just like how you think." I heard about HIDE-san from other people. I'm very happy even if that's all. As expected, he is really cool.
Even now as I'm writing this, I’m still nervous, painful, and I feel my heart racing several times. I wonder if I am allowed to write about that person.
There are so many things I want to say and ask. Although it's not the time to go to that world yet, if I could meet you and talk to you now, I would definitely say it first.
“Daisuki desu!”
ever free.
part 1. & part 2. & 中文翻譯
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edogawa-division · 10 days
Here the special day has finally come around for the resident infamous hacker and inventor of Edogawa!
Facing an unknown box that her assistant android has just brought inside her home, it looked like the infamous ‘Arachne’ has got herself another birthday present adding to her inventory.
“Oh, this one is from Nara Division,” A.D.A. informed, “Hmm, let’s see~ The little ‘ambassador’ from that division told me that her human has found something that might suit your liking.” The elegant but mischievous twintail gave her creator and also her ‘sister’ a small smirk as she proceeded to end her sentence, beckoning the more curiosity out of the birthday girl.
Seeing no reason to dilly-dally around, Kaoru opened the box and found…
One note that contained her birthday regards from them, a pair of glowing butterfly earrings, and what?
…A literal ‘Iron Man’?
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“To Kaoru Shinozaki-san,
Hello and Happy Birthday to you! Here are some regards from us, the Nara Division! Our gifts might not be much but I hope you will enjoy what we have sent for you haha.
The earrings are picked by ANGE. She said you are considered the relative of Ageha-san (Woah, I don’t know before that you two are related!), so she thought picking you something that would match nicely to Ageha-san would be great.
And the last one was from… me lol. Actually an owner of the pawnshop has given this to me as a thanks to help him do a big cleaning to his shop, but hmm… Maybe you might have a better idea at how to do with this little guy more than me (^^ ;)
Anyway, we wish you a wonderful B-day.
Best regards,
—Yuuya Kanata, Nara Division”
“How did he not know we’re “related”?” Kaoru giggled as she had the iron in her hand. She wasn't sure what she was gonna do with it yet but Kaoru would figure out something. 
“You can’t entirely blame him Kaoru. At first glance, A.R.K and I don’t look related to you.” A.D.A softly spoke as she gently placed the glowing butterfly earring in Kaoru’s pierced ears. “We have blue hair and gray eyes to your lavender hair and azure eyes.” 
Kaoru grew silent at that mention. Of course, she knew the real reason as to why the twins looked much different when she could’ve easily made them look like her. An attempt to undo a horrible mistake. Even now she didn't quite understand how or why they had forgiven her for that.
“You’re thinking about that again aren’t you?” A.D.A questioned her eyes softening. Seeing Kaoru not give her an answer A.D.A wrapped her arms around her creator. “You know A.R.K and I forgave you for that years ago.”
“And If I haven’t forgiven myself yet?” Kaoru murmured burying her face in A.D.A.’s shoulder. 
A.D.A pulled back from the hug to look Kaoru in her eyes. “We’ll spend as long as we have to to let you know that we forgive you.”
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littlebrotherteam · 1 year
Good morning! Guess who’s writing a mini kyokao ship manifesto first thing in the morning as soon as she is free from her temporary job. its me. its ya gurl. happy pride everyone!
Soo my last post on this matter made me think a LOT about that one mamedanuki exchange/scene, and my lifelong thoughts on it all became more clear the more I reflected upon it. What I am trying to say here is: I never thought he referred to Haruhi in this scene unlike a majority of readers for many reasons (to the dismay of my preteen self who liked this ship to bits too) and before realizing it could as well be about Kaoru I thought “Tamaki then?” but it still made very little sense.
Because Kyouya is THE TamaHaru #1 shipper from the get-go. From the anime-only “maybe it’s the beginning of a love story” and episode 25 shenanigans, to the manga-only crazy efforts he makes to help Tamaki (he was SO tired doing the France trip it’s not even funny . . ) and Haruhi realize and tell their feelings to each other, and even the small “tip” he gives Haruhi at the end so their relationship will progress. He is just their official best man.
And I just don’t think he would ever ACTUALLY think of getting in the way of their love. Even if he did have a crush on any of them (or both) at some point. He supports them too much. He had a lot of opportunities to get in their way, yet he never did. And sure, the point of that exchange might be just that. Leave it open-ended enough so any shippers will be happy about it all.
But as much as I did like KyoHaru I think it was never meant to happen. The iconic bed scene is the most obvious display of that: Haruhi who always ~ sees what’s in everyone’s hearts ~ is like “lol pfft you wouldn’t do a thing” and Kyouya is all “haha what a genius :) you’re something else” and Tamaki comes and sees the scene and goes GRRRR but Kyouya throws a bottle of whatever at him and walks away as if saying “on the other hand this guy right here.. :/ opposite of genius” .
There’s two things about this: first, Kyouya DID say it is fine if only those who care enough get to know who we really are, and at that point he was fully unconcerned with what Haruhi was going to think - he did the evaluation and she just happened to pass it. Secondly, it seems like Tamaki is too dumb to ever get past the evaluation, but it was the same with every other host - he just knocks down the barriers like a dumb wild golden retriever and everyone moves on with their lives. It’s Tamaki’s thing. He ‘d never play the damn game.
For better or for worse. And I think that’s why TamaKyo shippers have a point - people who want a “star-crossed lovers” kind of dynamic will find themselves more at home with TamaKyo because Tamaki mindlessly and effortlessly avoids the game and just knows people intuitively (again, dumb golden retriever lol)  
When Kyouya and Haruhi go on a “date” he is already more honest with her, but even then, their date lacks romance most of all. Then again, that is what people use to explain why Kyouya was also a candidate for Haruhi’s affections (unlike, say, Honey and Mori) which is fair. It makes sense. But the entire point of the date was for Haruhi to go “ohh I get you now” which seems to be in line with Kyouya’s motto of “those who you care about should know you” and shows that he did start caring for her - romantically or ? Up to readers’ interpretations.
In other words, Tamaki is everyone’s favorite dumb golden retriever and Haruhi is everyone’s favorite MPDG (for lack of a better term - the charming girl who appears out of nowhere to change everyone’s lives, but a subversion of the stereotype at least) and that’s not an exclusive Kyouya thing or feeling. It’s just how they are, and this is why the entire club supports them so much.    
But Tamaki will never (be able to) play the damn game for better or for worse, and Haruhi will never be Kyouya’s MPDG for better or for worse (because she simply doesn’t possess traits Kyouya dreams of for a partner ie. pedigree shit) .
But Honey’s statement (you know, Honey - the see-all, the mature one) implies that Kyouya should have done something about ... something else. Which we are likely to imply that 1) he should’ve told Haruhi his feelings of love for her, or at most 2) he should’ve told Tamaki his feelings of love for him ?? .
Kyouya’s stereotype leads us to believe he is blind to everyone’s feelings but 1) he has Intel (first to know Haruhi’s sex and all that) 2) he really isn’t (the “did you expect he ‘d fall in love?” exchange with Kaoru comes to mind) . Honey implies that he is blind to his own feelings only. But with everything that was going on, he would hardly have been able to remain blind to his own feelings if they involved Haruhi in my opinion - and Tamaki, guess he would but Kyouya doesn’t strike me as the kind whod tell Honey the actual reason why he didn’t go forward with it is that he “doesn’t want to ruin what he found” when what he found is being friendzoned without a fight. That’s not very Kyouya-like. If he thought of himself as the better partner, he would hardly go without a fight. Not being favored not once kept him from trying .. anything really. So we’re meant to believe he found something else. The club’s unity? Or he just thinks TamaHaru is the better couple? Both?    
It’s undeniable that Kyouya loves the club so really, let’s look at it again. He is staring at the four of them going “I’m happy with what I ‘ve found” . Indeed he found the club still together in spite of every instance of kiss kiss fall in hug love that happened in the process and boy, some were messy and that’s what we are supposed to extract from the scene regardless of shipping preferences. Club mommy is happy that the club lives on period.  
Still Honey thinks Kyouya should’ve said something. Whatever it is, it’s a thing that could’ve given them another ending or scene - but does Honey really think Kyouya should’ve been able to get in the way of TamaHaru somehow, which Hikaru didn’t despite all of his desperate attempts? In other words, does he think the part of the scene that would change would be ... the main couple? Or is he actually saying “it wouldn’t change a thing but you should’ve told them” (to the strategist Kyouya of all people) ? Or something else?  
Honey starts the exchange saying “what happened to Kao-chan was unexpected” . And then Kyouya “me, that mamedanuki?” actually kinda surprised - almost offended even, as if Honey had been outrageous! ACTUALLY caught by surprise! - until he gives it a thought and concludes. And then Kyouya explains the reasons he didn’t consider the mamedanuki whoever that is 1) he is looking for a partner with merit for Ootori family 2) he’s happier with this end.      
Merit for family in this context should imply marriage, huh .. when one says marriage in a Japanese setting we are meant to imply a man/woman arrangement so people jumped to the conclusion of “oh yeah, Haruhi” . But broadly speaking it would rule out all four of them - yes it could mean not Haruhi because of her finances but it could mean any man if we’re talking marrying in Japan meaning he could be talking about any of them. Or none of them since Kyouya never explicitly ruled out poor people for relationships (the friendly ones) and the rule shouldn’t be as strict for the half French heirs and he did move to the US (that’s just manga coding for crazy rich asian gay I don’t make the rules) . So moot point. (But of all I guess the twins would bring the least merit anyways .. )
Point two being he is happier with this end, because he acknowledges the mamedanuki as a person but it’s not his thing (heavily implied: kissing kissing falling in love) which takes us back to asking then what is the alt ending .. ?
My opinion is that the part of the scene that’s Tamaki and Haruhi together wouldn’t have changed in any situation. Kyouya gave TamaHaru a much needed push, but it’s not like he sparked the fire - Hikaru did, actually. And Hikaru only did cuz Kaoru did - hence “did you expect him to fall in love?” . Yet Honey is referring to romantic prospects for Kyouya because Kyouya starts talking about partner and marriage and stuff. Again: did Honey seriously think Kyouya could have changed anything about TamaHaru . . ?
With the way Kyouya replies it’s like (he is actually caught by surprise and) it’s someone that wasn’t considered before hardly the girl his best friend caught him on bed with and hardly said best friend “the daddy” and whoever his aim should be is up for grabs because he is “ehh .. could be but yaddayadda” . Yet he is happier with what he got.
Who does Kyouya acknowledge as a person? Judging by the teams he makes whenever there’s a job to get done, well Kaoru. Who would bring the least merit were him to marry anyone there? Still Kaoru (the twins, actually) . And I did explain why mamedanuki could mean Kaoru before. Who was Honey talking about at the beginning of this exchange?  . . .  guess it.
And what did he get, then? Well, if you think about it, at some point things were a mess because Tamaki and Haruhi were oblivious to each other’s feelings and there was some strain in the twins’ relationships to them and to each other. So the four of them couldn’t be together like this. At that point, the twins could’ve been set apart, particularly if Haruhi chose Hikaru, and even though she didn’t Kaoru was lonelier - and if you think about it this was partly Kaoru’s fault too because he realized first “what happens if the both of us like the same thing?” and all so he ended up rushing things. He was selfless, but ultimately quite doomed. The club could’ve ended. During the crisis Kaoru was often left out. During those times Kyouya would pick him (hence Honey’s “so Kao-chan picked Kyo-chan lol?!” )
Soo a lot of bad things could have happened but in the end Tamaki and Haruhi were marrying because both had mutual feelings that couldn’t be set apart by anyone, the twins were still together - albeit having grown up and found out their individuality - and friends with them best of all. So the four of them were happily together. If things had happened any other way, Kaoru would probably feel the guiltiest and loneliest of all. And pretty sure it wasn’t Kyouya’s intention to remove him from that circle either. In other words - if Kyouya and Kaoru were to grow closer Kaoru would be removed from the scene even if all else had gone right so to speak. But Kyouya didn’t actually hold on to Kaoru even though it’s damn obvious he can easily tell the twins apart and thought it was a good thing for them to allow themselves to be different people. But he stepped back as soon as Hikaru found himself annoyed by the lack of Kaoru as if saying “okay you go back now, mission complete” . Treat them as a pack if they want it but only enough so they know they are not.
And this sir is my compelling argument on why of all people the mamedanuki should mean Kaoru :) if only these little siblings were a little more possessive dammit                                                                                                        
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eternal-echoes · 1 year
So I finally gotten around to watching the Rurouni Kenshin reboot.
Some thoughts:
-The animation is honestly way better
-I like Soma Saito as Kenshin a lot more than Mayo Suzukaze. I think he was the perfect choice. There's gentleness in his voice but he can easily slip right into menacing and threatening.
-I also like the voice actors for Okita Soji and Hajime Saito.
-I was expecting Okita and Battousai to fight just like they did in Tsuioku-hen OVA and the live-action movie. But they didn't. He didn't even cough so Saito's concern might seem out of place for people watching this for the first time. (I feel like there's an assumption that the main audience watching this have already seen the first anime series and finished the manga already).
-I like how Kaoru and Kenshin met for the first time better in the old anime than in this new man. I felt it was more dramatic since he actually fell on the roof. Though I do like that they changed the time of the day to nighttime rather than dawn.
-I like how Kenshin saved Kaoru in the first anime better than in this one. There's more urgency and suspense this time around but I like the inverted colors of the old anime.
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- I remember back then thinking how if Kaoru is a Kamiya Kasshin master, she would know not to carelessly hold a sword like this:
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So I'm glad they didn't add that this time.
-I remember reading the manga for the first time after seeing the old anime and I thought I liked how the anime adaptation changed the storyline more. Now re-visiting that story again in this anime I think they're pretty equal. I think it highlights Kaoru being optimistic about people not caring about their pasts and how that helped Kenshin heal from his past. I think in the old anime it just seem like Kaoru only didn't care about Kenshin's past specifically (since he saved her life), not just in general. This time it's showing that her optimism is a particular character trait.
-the old anime also omitted how Kaoru picked up some clues where the fake Battousai is coming from since they changed the storyline. Although in the old anime she did figure out that Gohei was a former student of her father. But I think the old anime kinda made Kaoru a bit dumber and helpless than she really is.
-the animated fighting scenes are amazing. It feels like a nice 3-D ride.
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-maybe this is more of a translation thing so I can't blame the animators for this but I like Kenshin's dialogue about swordsmanship more in the old anime and English dub anime (specifically the one by Bang Zoom! Entertainment)
-I like the openings songs more from the first anime than this one. When I first heard it from the trailers, I was like, "NO!!! It doesn't fit!"
And this is a lot of spoilers for first time fans:
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-but in terms of the soundtrack/background music (idk what they're called specifically), I like this one, too. But a lot of the ones from the old anime still resonate with me.
-Kenshin seems more menacing this time around. And I think that really highlights how he still has a manslayer inside him.
-Also, Kenshin seems a little bit flippant to Kaoru here
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I get that she was kinda being rude to him by saying he's just a wanderer, but the way he just walked away when she was baring her emotions was kinda off-putting to me. Maybe I'm the only one interpreting it this way
-Kenshin in the rain!!!
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(I guess I'm fond of this because he met Tomoe in the rain)
-Yahiko's hair is a bit weird
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Maybe I'm just a bit biased because I watched the old anime multiple times so that's still within me so maybe some of the changes they made would take a while to get use to, as oppose to someone watching it for the first time might have a different experience. I was a bit reluctant rewatching something I already know the story of but I'm excited after the first episode. Looking forward to the next.
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the-sun-princess · 1 month
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 4
what's the point of having carmencita be a role that shows their face/has diff outfits if she shows up like once to do nothing and then dies
meanwhile the bit roles who show up quite a bit all look like this
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i was hoping they'd at least put whoever's playin them eyes on there
wow alejandro sure caught up to salvatore fast for being at least a half day behind
iskjdfhks its very funny that salvatore first hires zulfikar to help kill alejandros dad and then alejandro goes n hires zulfikar like 12hours later to kill miguel
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mm and the play ends. at least this isn't super long so going back thru it won't take too long
and it does promise different script depending on who is who so. yay gon have to find all the new songs on spotify i got star darling and one other one but there's more in the bg. oops i did not mean to close it. anyway. 2nd go around time
i know i dont NEED to start from the very beginning i did save at the choosing screen but i will anyway
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AND BC i didnt get the full list of what chief voted for whom last time
equipment karen, art futaba, lighting nana, props maya, music mahiru, stage setting kaoruko, production claudine, costume junna
tho now i kinda wanna save her for last...esp now that i know its not really terribly all that long. i'll save her for last yeah bc i will Not shut up during it
not quite as dramatic a reaction of frustration for kaoruko n maya as it was for junna and karen lmao
lesse....junna and karen as leads had nana miguel, mahiru isabel, futaba carmencita, kaoruko cavallero, maya columbuc, and claudine luigi
for kaoruko maya leads, we get futaba miguel, claudine isabel, junna carmencita (based off who's left) karen luigi, mahiru columbus, and nana cavallero
kaoruko WHY are u sighing so much that u got the leads kjfhkjshdf
oh ok they got asked to say a few words as leads and now kaoruko busts out the ojou-sama laugh. there she is
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i don't believe you
maya: i refuse to be as cringe as you
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i am curious, what on earth does kaoruko have to revenge against maya
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and claudine v futaba idk that either. mahiru v nana i do lol.
well i guess that's right
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yeah ok
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oh she's pissed BC there was only ONE LOLLIPOP AKJHKFJSHDF WHEEZING
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I dont even remember exactly WHY kaoruko gave her candy like i know it was the episode futaba n kaoruko were fighting but i cant remember what maya did in that ep
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maya is so serious about the funniest things
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so DRAMATIC and it IS funny maya. also girl just don't eat baumkuchen everyday you'll be fine
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kaoruko + maya: u bitches gay. good for you
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oh a SPECIFIC beach for kaoruko
it's actually a different beach background color me surprised. tho it might just be the same beach but flipped later on i'm not positive
girl ur the onee who wanted to come out here
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kaoruko we all know u nap on futaba's bike what are u talking about
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lmaoooo maya knew futaba was gon leave the bike with kaoruko that's hilarious. national troupe trio secrets ftw
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maya: get a bike license get a license kaoruko: i think NOT maya it's very funny u are trying so hard to get kaoruko to ride the bike but she MAY wreck it
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sjkfh the last one is funny bc im just remembering her being put in the 'knock them down a peg' class in whatever stageplay for the new national
maya's alejandro sounds like a 12yo shounen protag lol
skjdfh eroge ok masai id u say so
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skjfhkjshkjfhskjdfh innocuous. u are Very Wrong judy
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karen thats not the point-
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tru kaoruko and hikari have that in common
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tho at least kaoruko's easier to get back
sfkjhsdf at least karen n junna bother to let ppl know they're off somewhere. kaoruko n maya just disappear
fair nuff kaoruko
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SNORT NOW SHES THE ONE COMPLAINING ABOUT THE DISTANCEkjshdfjh demanding kaoruko get a bike license
'and if you don't, i will!'
kaoruko just going WHY skjfhiuhsdf i mean. it is a silly demand just bc kaoruko poofed. i mean u DID find her maya
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honestly actual logic from kaoruko
jdkfhksjfdh maya: u aint SHIT compared to judy knightly
i wish there were actual lil stabby arrow animations like the sounds imply it'd be funnier
oh i hit the image limit i guess that's it for this one. off to the next post then
<<part 3 part 5>>
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pumpkinmetaphor · 2 months
Opinion: I think it's pretty obvious Kaoru, likely in his older years, would have some kind of imposter syndrome, as in thinking he's not that important compared to others when he was just the other half of Hikaru, but I feel maybe this would tie into his reaction to jealousy.
I feel like realistically, he'd probably have trouble comprehending when someone's flirting with him because he'd be the kind of person to reprimand himself mentally for thinking someone's flirting with him because it feels egoistical to assume they're flirting when "he's not that important". Like, if he had a friend who outwardly flirted with him and expressed romantic intentions, he'd probably force himself to assume it's some joke or they're not actually flirting.
If Haruhi/Hani pointed out that Kyoya doesn't look happy about it (bc there's no way he'd say anything himself to Kaoru, he'd sit there silently seething with smoke coming out of his ears ofc), I don't think Kaoru would be able to process it 😭 Once again I think he'd have trouble like. accepting that anyone could be jealous over *him*, because in his mind he's just. Kaoru. Just Kaoru and there's nothing special about him that anyone other than Hikaru would understand. So what's the point getting jealous over him?!
Meanwhile Kyoya's sitting in the background trying to shoot lasers out of his eyes at way-too-touchy-friend-of-Kaoru's.
Sorry for the word vomit, I just have alot of thoughts about this lol :,)
I’m just going to unpack a little how I see it!
First, I think Kaoru would struggle with his identity. I think imposter syndrome is another kettle of fish. I would imagine it would take an extremely cocky person with an ego of steel to be a nepo baby and not feel some semblance of imposter syndrome about that. I think Kaoru can definitely be that cocky, but he also has anxious and depressive tendencies in canon so that’s fickle. 
I think though Kaoru would absolutely know someone was flirting with him. Kaoru is a host, he’s attractive, and has had girls throwing themselves at him since middle school. Sure, I think Kaoru couldn’t care less about them and there probably would always be a niggling doubt that they would think he’s interchangeable with his brother like all the other girls did, but I think he’d know. 
(granted: his experiences with flirting have been girls flinging love letters at him or other ostentatious displays of affection. Perhaps he WOULDN'T know if it was more subtle, low level, mature flirting. But in that case, I don't think Hikaru would fare any better. ALSO perhaps it would take him a while to notice *men* flirting with him- it's unclear if he gets that a lot in high school. But I think he'd catch on quick.)
Kyoya however? I agree, the blindness sets in then. 
But that’s because it’s Kyoya. And Kyoya (actually, not hosting) flirting looks like ◯–◯¬ (okay, he might smile a little)
And Kyoya jealous? Looks like ◯–◯¬
And besides, Kyoya’s too cool for any of that stuff. If Kyoya’s flirting, he has an ulterior motive, right? And if Kyoya isn’t flirting and Kaoru is misinterpreting it, well that’s mortifying! And Kyoya would never risk emotional vulnerability by saying something sweet on purpose, so if Kaoru mistakes his honesty for something as silly as romantic intention– he’d rather crawl into a ditch. 
I don’t think Kaoru would be able to comprehend Kyoya being jealous until he had undeniable evidence. But because Kyoya being jealous would be ridiculous! If Kyoya wanted him so bad, he would say it! If Kyoya had a problem with Kaoru talking to this loser, he’d come over and get rid of them for him so Kaoru wouldn’t have to talk to them either (because flirting is a game until it’s boring and then it’s a how do I get rid of this jackass as painfully as possible)
Now if Kaoru had undeniable evidence...well, devils will do as they're wont to do.
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mephinomaly · 10 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Rei: ~...♪
Adonis: Oh, where did you get that guitar from Sakuma-senpai?
Rei: From Bouzu’s temple. I remembered I left a coupla instruments at his place so went to go get ‘em.
Koga: What are you two, a couple that just broke up?
Rei: That’s what it feels like. Even if we come together ‘n try to get on, I don’t think we’ll be able t’return to how we were before.
Even if he wants to, it’s not gonna happen.
That’s why I feel like meetin’ new people ♪
Adonis: Wow…What a good song. Though the melody is rather intense, I feel weirdly better listening to it.
Amazing, Oogami, and you composed it yourself?
Koga: Oh, uh, yeah… But it only sounds good ‘cos of the person playin’ it… Since it’s Sakuma-senpai, he makes it sound like the best song ever.
Rei: Oooo you’re makin’ me shyyy. Oh to be young and naive~. Wish I could feel like that again~
I wished for that and now Wan-chan has named us UNDEAD.
Like Adonis-kun did, he somehow noticed I was depressed, even though I didn’t… I hope I can be revived.
This music might make me cry… I hope this revives my tired, withered heart.
I’ve been cravin' something this whole time.
And now I feel weirdly content.
This is what I wanted most, more than being showered in millions of compliments.
These are someone’s genuine thoughts.
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Kaoru: Hey~, you guys look cheery, hm~?
Rei: Yo, Hakaze-kun. Fashionably late, yeah?
Was worried you weren’t gonna show.
Kaoru: Hey, well, I’m here now… I requested that you guys exterminate the “vampires” so it’s my duty to supervise you all so you don’t slack off.
But I never thought I’d be joining a weird group like this.
Rei: You’re a Yumenosaki idol in the making aren’t you? We need your talent
Kaoru: Don’t expect too much from me, ‘kay? I’m pretty well known for skipping school.
But I’ll help out this time. I need to protect my job, so I’ve gotta work a little harder. It’s so bothersome I could die though~♪
So that’s why I made some promotional flyers for tomorrow’s showdown.
It won’t be hard to hand them out for Mr Worldwide Sakuma-san, so you guys make sure you pull your weight too, ‘kay?
I prepared a fancy stage for you guys. Well, I say it was me, but all the nearby shops who also were troubled by the “vampires” were helping me out too.
I was going to make some special uniforms for you too, but I don’t know you guys’ measurements, and I don’t think I would have had enough time to sew them anyway.
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Rei: Don’t worry ‘bout it.
Our opponents won’t have made any special preparations, so I think it’s fine to wear our school uniforms rather than dress up all crazy like.
It’s fairer if we’re on a similar playing field.
Koga: Hm… So you wasn’t late ‘cos you didn’t wanna come, you was late ‘cos you were makin’ preparations?
Guess I was wrong about you, Hakaze…senpai. You get the job done eventually.
Kaoru: Yup! I’m a reliable guy, really really ♪
Koga: Yeah. You seem useless on the surface but you’re actually pretty hardworkin’.
Adonis: Umu. He is very helpful, since he completed the tasks we had not got around to yet.
Kaoru: But I don’t feel like enough has been done, if I’m honest. I’ve fixed up the stage, but isn’t there more we could be doing?
The “vampire” showdown is tomorrow, right? Yet we're going on stage without having rehearsed?
Rei: That’s why we’re here so we can practise. Our unit’s only just been formed, and we’ve barely met each other.
Adonis: It’s more of a reorganisation of members rather than meeting for the first time.
Rei: Ahaha. Adonis-kun, who is the most unfamiliar with Japanese, is the most particular about what words he uses.
Adonis: Words are important.
Rei: Yuup. In this country, there’s the belief that reality is affected by the spoken word. My good friend that passed away a bit ago said that—
Koga: Hasumi-senpai said that, and he’s not dead…
Even though it was his decision t’work behind the scenes, he worked harder than us. And we didn’t even ask him to but he convinced his parents ‘n shit to let us use this place t’practise.
Kaoru: He didn’t need to though. We could have practised at the livehouse.
Rei: Ah well. The weather’s nice ‘n isn’t singin’ in the sun super relaxin'?
Since we’re fightin’ vampires, we’ve gotta get familiar with their weakness so we can use it to our advantage.
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Kaoru: Is, is this really okay~? You’re talking about this like we’re in a business meeting, but is it guaranteed that we’ll be able to get rid of those guys?
Rei: Hey, even I can’t predict the future.
But I do think I’m goin’ a little crazy. Feels like someone’s inside me, going “indeed, you’re quite right” in an old man's voice.
Kaoru: Someone inside you? What? Are you drunk?
Adonis: I asked him that earlier.
Rei: I’m 100% sober. We couldn’t defeat the delinquents if I was pissed, and that’s also illegal, so.
Without stooping to their level, we will become the sun and burn the corruption that has infested the earth.
Trust me. I’m feelin’ weirdly good, so I’ll be tryin’ my hardest tomorrow.
Can’t promise after that, but I promise tomorrow.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Hi...if you don't mind, can I ask something from BNHA? What do you think are Bakugou and Midoriya’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic (as a romantic or platonic, is up to you)?
Also which ship do you like best from Sk8, reki/langa or kaoru/kojiro or adam/tadashi or others? And why? (Don't mean anything negative from any ship, just want to know your opinion on them)....
Just want to let you know, when my bff said that their fav ship is adam/tadashi, I'm quite surprised, like just got to know their new other side...😂
I don't mind, Anon! Starting with the first bit with Midoriya and Bakugou!
For their weaknesses, both can be quite impulsive sometimes and can let their emotions get the best of them, very evident with Midoriya. Bakugou, he's aggressive and arrogant. And Midoriya, he's too selfless. While, yeah, that can be a strength, his Dark Vigilante Era shows just how clear it is when you don't think about yourself. Both also needs lessons in communication.
For their strengths, both are intelligent, able to make out their opponents' moves and quirks, and do care about people. They're both ambitious and have a drive that does inspire their other classmates. Bakugou is an honest character, he hates lying and does not lie to people. He'll be blunt with you which is better than being lied to, especially when the truth is helpful. And while him not caring what others think of him can be a weakness, I also say it's his strength. He doesn't make it an effort to change for people. With Midoriya, same case. He's grown confident over the story and doesn't hide that he can be a little feral, but he still is that sweet kid who wants to be a hero. He's empathic and sympathetic and becomes more aware of others.
Their personalities is one of the reasons why I do love their dynamic. They're very different people, but they're also the same. They clash, but can be on the same page. Their relationship isn't so black and white. There's shades to it. Neither actually gives excuses to the other's behavior, instead acknowledges their faults and strengths.
Bakugou knows his treatment of Midoriya was wrong and doesn't sweep it under the rug. Hell, knowing that people do judge him, he admits this to his ROLE MODEL, ALL MIGHT. He later apologizes, and even says that Midoriya doesn't have to forgive him. He doesn't even push him to. He still looks to him as a rival, but an equal. In fact, he may outright state Midoriya is "inferior" (which lessened a lot), he also sees Midoriya as superior to him.
On Midoriya's side, he doesn't give Bakugou excuses. He's a "I'm moving on" kind of character. He's aware of Bakugou's behavior, but he doesn't let it get to him. He still cares for him and looks up to him, but Midoriya doesn't try to push mending their relationship back or anything. He doesn't follow Bakugou as they got older or try to "obey" him. He dishes it back to Bakugou since the beginning. And keeps his distance.
That's why I love their dynamic. It feels natural in the sense of letting changes to their relationship happen without the other trying to force those changes. As they evolve over the story, their relationship evolves with them. While they're two sides of the same coin, they're still their own people. A relationship doesn't change unless the people involved do.
Now for SK8!
Call me cliché, but my favorite ship is Reki/Langa, to me it is one of the best ships.
I just love how Reki and Langa got close over the story. They're so different, but their personalities just blend well together without feeling forced or anything.
You got the Sun (Reki) and the Moon (Langa) here. They're a duo, but still they're own people. Honestly, their relationship in the series feels as if they could have known each other for years but still have that freshness to it, that they're still learning new things from each other.
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