#also krita almost crashed when I tried to save it lmao
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medic with leather pants
my art teacher would be so disappointed to find out what I draw in my free time lmao
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raspberrybluejeans · 1 year
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Day 38: Fesrux
Okay here is Clur's OC Fesrux and I've been working on this all day lol. His clothes aren't exactly canon because Clur hasn't decided what he's wearing yet but I based what I did draw on a sketch she sent me. I also chose the colors of the clothes myself and lol
Second of all the background is transparent because thats interesting in its own way and i didnt have to draw anything :3
Third of all I hate how much easier it is for me to draw a glorified furry than it is to draw a human. Being a warriorcats kid will forever change your brain chemistry
FOURTH OF ALL I was almost fucking done with this drawing when the program CRASHED and I HAD NOT SAVED IT. Dude I was losing my shit. Thank fucking god Krita autosaves for you it turns out. I'm literally still jittery. jesus fucking christ
fifth honestly i could keep working on this and clean up lines and add more shading but i dont want to turn this into a multi day event lmao. I was surprised at how nicely this turned out when I hid the outlines layer which wasnt part of my original plan so thats why a bunch of lines are bumpy bc they were originally hidden under outline lol
lastly Fesrux is a nervous boy but I had trouble making a cat face look anxious lol. i tried to make sort of a furrowed eyebrow thing though
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