#also learned she knows a flat earther who cites the Bible as his source
spaceshipkat · 9 months
#have learned my little sister believes the moon landing was faked and cites a video on nasa’s website saying ‘they’ve lost the technology#to reach the moon’ or something. maybe the tech they used to reach the moon the first time? ok#idk*#anyway#also learned she knows a flat earther who cites the Bible as his source#bc the Bible says the moon is flat (im v rusty on my Bible bc i haven’t read it in full since i went through confirmation so maybe it does#and if it does feel free to point it out to me)#but anyway have they not ever thought about the fact the Bible was written before a round earth was discovered?#course their argument is that the Bible is the word of god but like#siiiiiigh#i don’t have patience for conspiracy theorists#oh another argument they used re the flat earth theory is a Malaysian flight going to France instead of India when a woman went into labor#and my mom and i instantly started pointing out how there’s SO many factors to take into account as to why they landed in one place over#another and it doesn’t mean bc on a flat earth France is closer to Malaysia#but the way conspiracy theorists approach conspiracies is always ‘i just think it’s fun to learn about!’#and then those conspiracy theories (which are always created by people who know how to manipulate people into believing lies)#end up convincing them bc of those good arguments built on complete nonsense#so the conspiracy doubter or conspiracy ‘just curious’ becomes a conspiracy theorist#it’s baffling how the most logical people can believe this bullshit#the Bible says the earth is flat* not the moon
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