#also like severe gender imbalance how do i have three females to every one male what happened
crocodile-carousel · 1 year
painstakingly forcing myself to sell some old dragons on fr so i can have a more diverse gene pool and it is killing me
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cardshcrp · 6 years
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Also known as the verse where Jean-Luc LeBeau went hey, you know what though? My kid is all grown up. I'm adopting this one. I don't care if it's a Veela. You know what would be really funny too? I'm going to make this kid my heir to piss off all the other purebloods and probably send them to magic school too. What are they gonna do, question me? I'm rich. Or, the story of how Remy LeBeau tries very hard to get through wizarding school and has to dye his hair every three days, tries not to burst into flames, and is a little tired of having to wear a Beauxbatons uniform even on exchange to Hogwarts, as it involves a cravat and he can be summed up effectively as a French blueberry.
Jean-Luc LeBeau visits a Veela community in Hungary, offering a trade deal for Veela-made trinkets to be sold in his establishment in order to provide the village a way to rebuild after damages sustained in the war. He does this through a member of the community he had adventured with in his younger years and who in good standing vouched for him; the deal is accepted and contract-writing begins in earnest. 
A few months into the agreement and on one of his visits, Jean-Luc witnesses his old friend’s daughter have an illegitimate child and attempt to pass it off to her mother, refusing to take responsibility for it. Adelaide is uncertain, and Jean-Luc offers a compromise, promising to take the child and raise it as his own, as his only son is now an adult and he has plenty of time and resources. Eventually the family agrees, and Jean-Luc takes the child back to France with him, calling in several favors with the Ministry in order to register the baby Athalie as an orphaned Muggle-born witch and adopt her* as his own, also placing a falsified Trace that will not react to any Veela-specific magical use. 
Jean-Luc promptly learns that Veela babies are rather volatile, and is forced to come up with many, many excuses as to why he is repairing numerous singed portions of his home, but dotes on his new daughter anyway.
At around the age of seven, the first signs of dysphoria and distress begin to emerge, and while Jean-Luc and Henri have no prior experience with these matters they encourage Remy to express himself as he pleases. Ministry records are altered again to reflect that he is male.
At age eleven, Remy enters Beauxbatons as a first-year student, as per his request. He makes the clear decision to remain in the wizarding world rather than return to a Veela community and in fact decides that he will take over the family business later, much to Jean-Luc’s delight, and is named heir to the LeBeau house. Having developed a complex routine to perform nonverbal magic but disguise it as best as possible by simply speaking spells in class and wearing a glamour to color his hair, Remy is able to start passing as a mediocre wizard. He keeps a cat named Oliver, who suffers the tragic fate of always wearing a very large bow round his neck.
In his third year, Remy becomes a Chaser for the Beauxbatons Quidditch team. He also hits puberty, resulting in natural Veela charm emerging and leading to more than a few awkward confessions from his classmates and silently confused male students.
At fifth year, Jean-Luc requests (and is granted) permission to allow Remy to study as an exchange at Hogwarts under premise of wanting him to be comfortable internationally with other wizards, as he will be running an international business. The length of his stay will vary according to interaction, but the default is set to one academic year.
Remy eventually scrapes by as a mediocre wizard with a specialty in potions and an odd proficiency for fire magic. After his graduation he takes over as proprietor of LeBeau’s Curiosities, with his older brother Henri taking care of finances and his father often running the shop while he travels seeking new inventory. His overall reputation is that he is very attractive, a bit odd, but pleasant, and while a few people may have their suspicions, they don’t attempt to pursue them. 
* Remy is referred to as female and birth name here as he is an actual baby and has not grown to an age where he can express his identity, and so this is what his father called him prior to that point, obviously.
Can be set in a few different time periods for convenience, but typically hovers at the end of the First Wizarding War, meaning Remy’s birth was ~1971.
The LeBeau family is, more or less, essentially French pureblood royalty in the wizarding world, having emigrated from Ethiopia about three centuries prior and in excellent community standing. This means that a - Remy’s adoption was an absolutely massive scandal, particularly because Jean-Luc claimed he was Muggle-born, and b - he is unfortunately quite used to attempts at matchmaking as the attractive heir to a very wealthy home. Part of the reason he decided to go to Hogwarts for a bit was to avoid the Boudreauxs’ pushing for an arranged marriage.
As a Veela, he has a few more struggles and a few less worries than your average wizard. For instance, most magical creatures will not attack him - he is perceived as very pretty and generally harmless to most of them. (Though by contrast some may wish to keep him, which can be equally problematic.) He also has an affinity for fire magic, and an unconscious charm that makes him rather appealing to most people. His dance and song, were he to exercise them, would be literally enchanting, so he doesn’t. He also has a very quick temper that he isn’t able to express without outing himself as a magical creature, and thus struggles to keep it in check, meaning sometimes he just storms off without explanation. He also tends to be excessively snarky because of this, as he’s generally on edge to at least some degree.
According to canon lore, Veela are predominantly biological female. One possible reason that they are so seductive to (particularly AMAB people of) other species may be due to this imbalance, which might have simply been the result of evolution through the years. Since they are already known to be compatible sexually with humans, it’s also reasonable to assume that they’re compatible sexually with most humanoids, possibly as an innate method of species preservation, whether or not it is exercised.
His hair grows quite quickly and dye doesn’t last long in it at all, but is more practical than expending energy on glamours constantly, so after his first year he simply learned to cut and dye his hair every few days. If he forgets to, silver-blonde roots may be visible and lead to questioning.
In order to have a passable wand at all, the family had to commission one made with Remy’s own hair as the core. (Ollivander would be horrified.) As a result he is somewhat able to channel through it, which helps him scrape by in spellcasting courses, but the scope of his natural abilities does not change and his affinities lie mainly in pyromanipulation and magic to do with appearance, though he is capable of other minor feats such as extremely basic telekinesis and some divination.
Remy has found that Muggle medical science does not appear to work on his physiology, and that any gender reassignment in magical terms is beyond his capability and his family’s, so it should be noted that he has not changed in body whatsoever and so just binds his chest and expresses as male, with glamours to reflect facial hair and the like later in his life.
LeBeau’s is a traveling magic shop that appears in set locations all over the globe without a set schedule (because Jean-Luc is petty and likes watching snooty aristocrats trip over themselves to buy the fancy things before he disappears again). It is known for having a knack at recovering lost family treasures, and does offer less powerful and pricey trinkets for more casual browsers, much to some patrons’ dismay. Locations include: Diagon Alley, a Moroccan market, the New Orleans vodun community, Hogsmeade, Paris, Cairo, and a few more.
Triwizard plotting is also available, with Remy either as a competitor or accompanying hopeful. 
tagging @prctettcre since this is your fault; i feel like @noxtm may have asked me about a verse at some point and my sad, tired butt didn’t get around to it. and @deviltoothed ’cause i tag you in everything.
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/business/davos-2019-im-the-boss-hes-the-spouse/
Davos 2019: 'I’m the boss, he’s the spouse'
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Image copyright Alex Rumford/Mastercard
Image caption Ann Cairns is a rarity: a female senior executive of a global company
When Ann Cairns’ husband was introduced to Joe Biden at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, the former US vice president assumed that he was the executive he was meant to be meeting.
But Mrs Cairns is the vice chairman at financial services giant Mastercard, not her husband.
She laughs as she recalls the event and gestures frantically at herself saying: “[I was thinking,] ‘It’s me, I’m the one you’re here to see.'”
It was an easy mistake to make, she admits. Her husband, a retired geography teacher, is tall and imposing – the stereotypical image of a leader. At 5ft 4in (163cm), Ann is relatively short and, of course, a woman.
It may be 2019, but over a year after #MeToo turned rapidly from a campaign against sexual harassment and sexual assault into a broader movement highlighting gender inequality, little seems to have changed.
Senior women at the top of global companies like Ann are still rare.
This year at the annual gathering of the political and business world elite, just 22% of attendees are women, up from 20% two years ago.
10 things you didn’t know about Davos
World leaders too busy for Davos this year
Full coverage of Davos 2019
Progress is painfully slow, despite a quota system for large firms that forces them to bring one woman for every four male attendees.
Practical steps
It’s an imbalance that reflects the situation in the broader corporate and political world.
At the current rate of progress, it will take 108 years to close the gender gap and 202 years to achieve parity in the workforce, according to the World Economic Forum’s latest global report.
Image copyright World Economic Forum
Image caption Mrs Cairns has been a regular attendee at Davos over the last few years
At Mastercard, one practical way the company has tried to shift perceptions is by standardising paternity and maternity leave globally. Introduced two years ago, men are entitled to two months on full pay under the scheme, and women, four months.
Statistics from its first year in 2017 showed 70% of the leave available to men was taken up.
Questions over whether someone due to be appointed may take time off for children now apply to both men and women.
“Everybody is in the same boat,” says Mrs Cairns.
She started out in business as the first female engineer to work on offshore oil and gas rigs in the UK. Despite the slow progress, she says firms are addressing inequality more effectively than in the past.
Crucially, instead of women “preaching to the choir” at female-only networking events, men are being involved in the discussion more often. It’s a shift she believes will really help drive change.
Gender pay gap ‘everywhere’
Five years ago, at cloud computing giant Salesforce, chief executive Marc Benioff questioned why there were so few women at senior management meetings.
Image caption Chief people officer Cindy Robbins came up with the idea of an equal pay audit at Salesforce
He subsequently insisted that a third of the staff attending must be female. The shift enabled Cindy Robbins, who worked in the HR department, to meet Mr Benioff and suggest an equal pay audit, something which is not mandatory in the US.
When Mr Benioff asked her if they had a problem, she said she didn’t know.
Yet its first audit three years ago revealed that a gender pay gap was “just everywhere”, he admitted in a CBS Interview. “It was through the whole company, every department, every division, every geography.”
It’s been an expensive reckoning. So far the firm has paid about $9m (£7m) to even out the gap across its 33,000-strong workforce.
Salesforce has now done the audit three times, last year also looking at race and ethnicity.
“We’re trying to get better at it every year. Unless you can say your processes are perfect, it will never be completely solved,” says Ms Robbins, who is now the firm’s chief people officer.
Get to the truth
While most people assume they are not biased and make fair decisions, she says providing hard data has been a powerful motivator for change.
As well as the annual pay audit, the firm now collects figures on the gender split of promotions and new hires.
Nonetheless, Salesforce, like most tech companies, remains male-dominated. At the end of last year, less than a third of its staff were female, despite hiring 4,000 women.
Image copyright World Economic Forum
Image caption Ketchum’s Barri Rafferty is optimistic that change is taking place
Barri Rafferty, the chief executive of global public relations firm Ketchum, says she’s surprised that the battles she thought would have ended with her mother’s generation, are continuing.
Like Mrs Cairns, she too was mistaken – several times – at Davos for an accompanying spouse, rather than a participant, but believes growing awareness means such mistakes are becoming less likely.
She says finding out the truth about your organisation, rather than what you think is the truth, is important.
“Every organisation needs to stop and take a look at their culture and not downplay any concerns,” she says.
Ketchum itself has created an external advisory board to bring in fresh advice and insight into its culture. It also conducts regular short surveys of staff about how they feel about promotion opportunities, pay, and the firm generally.
‘Over-mentored, under-sponsored’
Diversity isn’t just about doing the right thing, it makes commercial sense. A report from management consultancy McKinsey, covering 366 public companies in a variety of countries and industries, found those that were more ethnically and gender diverse performed significantly better than others.
“We all know this intuitively,” says Sheila Penrose, chairman of property firm Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) and a contributor to WEF’s agenda. “But when you can measure it and articulate it within the organisation it becomes a more compelling argument.”
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Media captionIt’s that time of the year again when the great and the good gather in a Swiss resort
At Davos, she says gender equality has been embedded into broader themes around education and the future of work, a shift from the outpouring of anger after #MeToo which she believes will prove more constructive.
Now she says men at firms have to be willing to put their reputation on the line to improve the situation.
“Women tend to be over-mentored and under-sponsored,” she says. In other words, women tend to be given advice rather than opportunities.
Despite all the depressing statistics, there is one that suggests the future may not be quite so gloomy.
This year at Davos, over half of the so-called “young global leaders” – 100 people under the age of 40 invited to WEF each year – are women.
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Clone Wars     The Mandalore Plot
             Season 2 Episode 12 
 - -    🖕     (I’m     sorry      that’s       just        for        the      morale       (Moral)         After         last    episode.     .
 Any way,  
 “15      Hundred,”
   Five         Leaders
   One    clearly     more     important,
  The   Galactic       senate       was      closer.
  Republic        Senate
   Duchess        Saltine         .           Secretly       building         her         own       army          . . .
    Her    business.       . . .      Separatist        ...   
  She’s already       separate              ....    
    Also there’s a hologram     so it must be true             .         Never mind           Yoda’s     all powerful gossip mill ever being wrong
       Can’t            have          that              -            So they’re sending         Obi-Wan            and            Anakin              to             snoop,
          Or              just         Obi-Wan           *Pffft*
        Going               to            snoop                  -           Going to get some tea          for master Yoda-                  -
     (I won’t do the standard valley girl-               Gossip clichés)
             Damn                   Aight!
              Blue                    Eyes!
              Blue                  Theme
             Also is           that bitter-             ness-
         (Scale                is               nice)
            Whelp,                 White
               Big                   Doors.
              Aight                  Whelp-
              Skipped                 tour
                Also,                    Painting                      Of                      Self                        ...                  Aight                       ...                    Glass                         . .                           It’s                       Glass.                        (Am                           I                        supposed                             to be                          getting                         something                             big                               and                            grand                                . .                                Or                             Holy?                                 .                                 It’s                                 the                                 same                                   as                                      any                                           big                                 building                                         ...                                      With                                  glass
...    Does     Obi-Wan      just     have          a       thing        for        glass       we      never       knew         about             ?
     Emotions          what           am               I         supposed            to            feel?
      Okay            ...         Recognized             ...           Also            who              is             this                 guy?               .                He’s               not               really             wearing              the              blue             themed                 clothes                  of                    the                guards                     ...                   and               everyone                    else                     ...                 Prime                Minister                    Alec                      ...                   Authority                  assumer                     .                     .                   Public servant
                One                     authority                     assumer                     to                      the other..
                    Also, like there’s                       anything else                          ...         Like he still a “peacekeeper”                          In his job                       description                         No?
                  They                     haven’t                     switched it                         to                     military                           yet                       (Quite)                        ...                     False                         ...                        IDK                             ...                        Yoda’s                           got                       holograms.                        ...
                       And the                           damn                         rumor mill.                          ...                      Can’t                         piss                          the                          guy                             off                             . .                       Republic                           ...                       Is this a trap?                             ...   
                     The Dutchess                          Satine values peace more than her own life.
                       But no   account       ability.
 Okay yeah he was out of        order  
  But that immediate         sharp     response          Was      pretty      damn      harsh          ...
   Like dude sounded like he had     stabbed his toe against the table          ——         This dude took it to        murdered it’s family         ...    Why?
    Dude              ...     Assuming         a lot    of      authority         .           Over        the       tone           .
    Like      whose         family          did      Obi-Wan’s      statement           kill
     Damn         tox..       and          sharp            . . .             Severe             ...            Are            you           certain?         . . .           Damn             you            want              to          check            their            bodies...       . . .         Ser-      iously,       You’re          here          to          collect           a      statement               ...              (And           maybe           grab           some                 tea                for             Yoda...   ..
           Yeah like               dude escalated it         to a whole new level                  ...                    But you          are not helping                    ...               Mandalorian                armor                 ...                Right
           -                How-
            Dude seems              ,truthful-
            Also why is dude here getting the blight           of Obi-wan’s rage.
Not exactly    formal..
  ‘Shining       Jedi      Knight’
Should- I recognize this       person
   I     Distinct  
            Also did they send someone with the                baggage?
              After all these years you’re more beautiful than ever
              There was no emotion   in that line
But then    again    maybe     he’s   moved      on          ...     Is         a      knight
 No     Attach      ment-
 It’s not     treachery     it’s-    leaving    neutrality-
  But   yeah      he      is a       gosp.
  Also yeah we just switched towns from a     unprofessional       to   professional       (Narc        Terms)
   One     dude
    He         had     emotion          ...     For             a       moment            ...   
   —-  Right
   Claiming authority      over a whole lot of people       ...
 Dark        ...      Commandos    
 He couldn’t have possibly been one guy
  Jedi       .
     People         AUTHORITY
 .        trust worthy
 .    I know we sound defensive.
  Okay,    seriously,    what          is        with         the        tone     ...
Like yeah the dude was   sharp       ...
    But        not         in         a      defensive         way...
        In a             Whoa             WTF             Dude,             Where               Did               that            come             from-
          On the               Whoa            someone’s                not                    in a good mood
              Nothing                  defensive
              Dutchess                     flips on a                    dime                               .                       But that’s on a                    snark                      to                   professional                     Scale                        ...                      Only person acting sus is that dude that has no reason to be here and we have no idea what he’s doing
                     And I’m kind of worried that’s because the authors                        forgot to act-                         ually put anyone acting sus
                       So just had dude say it
                         Like yeah it’s obviously him that caused the problem
                          She has a valid point
They are       100%    snoops;
   And        if you didn’t want him here      why did you allow him.
     But mostly I’m on Obi-Wan        who they continue to treat           as a kicked puppy            ...
Like no   he was fine.  till a few minutes ago
  And is   equally guilty      (Particularly        of the things     he’s accusing him of)
  And the tone      suddenly       changed           To a smaller         Quasi-one for him
       He isn’t innocent
        And I don’t know why this keeps happening            to the Male characters
          When   an actual point is brought up against         them
 But like he was fine taking    pot shots        At       Dude,
    Now there’s suddenly         accountability
        The HECK,              Writers,
       Oh god,
       This is          turning            Boomer               -     And the mandate   dictating you learn   the baggage of the past      (Because dear frick    If the past       Fixed        The          Past,        Absurd)
  And not like the present      would be non-tox     enough not to start shit
   There seems to be a clear imbalance between       How the male characters are written and how the female characters are written
                                                                                                            Note; I                                                                                                                don’t                                                                                                                 give                                                                                                                      a                                                                                                                  fluff                                                                                                                   for                                                                                                                gender                                                                                                              Just                                                                                                         that                                                                                                          there’s                                                                                                            a                                                                                                       clear                                                                                                       dip                                                                                                     In quality                                                                                                     emotion
                                                                                                    When                                                                                                         one                                                                                                             it                                                                                                        identifies                                                                                                            as                                                                                                         such                                                                                                            Is                                                                                                          on                                                                                                      -screen                                                                                                          . .  .
We   have   three    main    female   characters;
  Padme; Who is       characterized           as          a       shrew        (Fine         you       can      cover        to        toxic      Relation     ships)
Ahsoka;        A child     who acts      far beyond        her age           (Unchildlike           Mature)           And             is           held          to       unfair  accountability         by        the     narrative        (And assuming           Anakin is an adult              This is only a problem        with the female characters               Barisse,               Quickly               Suffer-              Ing               Similar...
          But             not         anyone               else              (The               two              other                un-gender              ed          Padawans            React              Ing              In            Properly            Ordered                Fear              (About)
       Now Saltine            Characterized                Well                 Her              actions             pro-claim                  her                   A                  pretty                  fair                  Leader                     (If                snippish)                     Which                    is                    fine                     if                      you                 want                     to                   write                  about                    (Tox                       Ic                      And                  enabling                 relationships)                   -                  The                   issue.                    -                    is                  the                 way                    -                    The                  male                  leads                      Are                     portrayed..
  Look at this;
Tumblr media
 What emotion is it trying to portray?
   Anger?          Jealousy?
    Innocence..      Is the only valid       answer I could         Come up        with..
    When I call it, 
                         - “ A kicked                              puppy dog look,”
       I mean;
                       “Lowering the standards to animalistic                                  To avoid accountability,”
                         It’s                         Cheating
                        If it was hurt,                            the irises                              Would                             Be                             Dilated                         Narrow-ed
                           Lip straight
                           This doesn’t   portray any human emotion
                           It’s cheating
                         -Good thing- I won’t ever have to worry about holding                             Obi-Wan or any of the others accountable                             -With puppy dog-                                          And it never happens with any of the                              female characters
                           Always 100%                               accountable
                           Even when                          they shouldn’t be. .
                                                                                              - Amidala,                                                                                                    Saltine                                                                                                       And                                                                                                    Ahsoka                                                                                                         are                                                                                                  characterized                                                                                                          as                                                                                                     shrew,                                                                                                   unreasonable                                                                                                   (Kicker                                                                                                        of                                                                                                     puppies)                                                                                                         And                                                                                                abomination
                                                                                                   While                                                                                                        our                                                                                                      (main)                                                                                                            male                                                                                                   characters                                                                                                           ...                                                                                                     Nothing                                                                                                              .                                                                                                         The                                                                                     second consequence                                                                                                       comes a knocking                                                                                     The puppy                                                                                                           Dog                                                                                                             eyes                                                                                                            - -                                                                                                           Come                                                                                                               Out-
                                    [Which is unfair                                       To characters of any                                        Ident-ification-
                           That’s enough about the                                  character rants                               Back to the                                 story
 Seriously,       What?
  [I know     that’s like being threatened by the army..”]. 
  But,       dude’s reaction was tame..  ...
  Layout keeps    changing        .       [Not a       consistency issue,          Just a        confusion one,]   
     Okay          -         No        Emotion           -          Forced
        Also that was a            tonal          change             ...       
       Whoa                ...
      Where            did         these        emotions         suddenly           come            from??
         Group              Death               watch
           Tox               inside            enabling                 ...             Re-negades                  Hey plot relevan   -ce 
             Violence                     —                  War
The very   definition        of      tox
               Oh you’re                 going to solve it                 with violence..
                Work-                       Ing-
                  On                      going                invest-igation                                       -                    Wide-spread                           Small
              She clearly noted it was            small..
                Aight,                   Adults,
                Nothing                     More
                Con-cord     -ia  Dude      stop      being        a        doubting        asshole        .
Thank God cut away from this unhealthy-
  Anyway,        It cuts      to what is assumed to be the moon.
   Al right just a     small camp
      If the            tox          people           want                 to        quarantine        themselves             . . .          O-kay             . . .              Well-
You decide        The people         you        Inter-act          With              (And          tolerate        presence           of )
     Support              the           Death           Watch                  .           Your            small          club               .....       house             Isn’t             that              much              Of               a          concern              to             him              .  . .               And            clearly           wasn’t             serious                   .     .                    Duchess                Saltine.                   . .                   Peace                 -loving                   - -                   TOO                  subtle.                       .                     (She’s                        still                        an                      enabler)
                    So I                       wouldn’t                          get                           too                       wo-   rried                    
No he     doesn’t                                       . . .    this     seems    pretty   particularly      a     “screw        you      move”-     Sit        Ua-   tion        -       How-
  Yeah this is a pretty           “screw you” situation  
  Take        Over
  That’s          Am-    bitious.
    Once the senate
 Look,  that’s unlikely
  Like      she didn’t just explain yeah it’s nothing    don’t worry about it       . . .
   Like unless you watch something      go down    right in front of you.
  That’s it        —
   The “guy who caused the problem, is dead
   You’ve been given advanced warning about a group
   No reason to       escalate
    Military          Pr         esence
    Unlike the usual assumed authority they           are surrounded with,
     This will 
    piss them off.
    Most          Dis         tast          ful
    dude’s really assuming the worst but then again that’s the Dark side’s MO
       Death              Watch
   This is really some conspiracy          theory territory.
    Urgh, this plan        really sucks.
     Death         Watch
     Well it’s small, they have  armed guards...
       Gonna go with            no
       Back here
     Front lines
              Of conflict
     Yeah,         As in they caused it by      assuming authority            Inst-      -           A job he had no authority to do and basically covers all peaceful resolution           -            Insinuating all the rest of humanity is savages ready to tear themselves apart, and only this dude’s influence - stops the 
      You know- they could study    peace instead.        Write       articles about it,          Do           Works.           Like you don’t need to start a war...          Or assume authority..
          To enjoy peace
           And to              keep it
 If it can be done with suffering,      it could be done very easily without,
             The work              of a peacekeeper is to make sure conflict                  does not                   arise
       No that’s extreme-      Authority           Assumption
     If someone’s going to be a      douche        bag,
     A peacekeeper          (Accountable)           As someone who doesn’t        enable bad behavior              (When it is enacted          against them,)
       And holds      them selves          Acco       untable,
And   your’s       is.    . . .   Seriously both these two have a pretty...  negative view of the world.       Both operating         under a similar; Must      control the world,                 Otherwise      every-thing      will fall apart-        -          Though         Obi-wan            Has              A           Point;            In            the          fact            that            his            Is           a        slightly          more         Per-son       al-        I must     do my part         to protect          the world,         While            Salt           -ine-               “I        must           get          others            to           pro     tect           Others           They         still draw       (erroneous)        blanks                At              the          “Anyone           needs           saving           from          anyone”              . . . .           Thing-   
      Realism         doesn’t         mean         terrible            . . .              (If anything it means having pride in                      your humanity                    and what it has                    accomplished).                              It’s the very   model.. of a good thing.                              If you’re   not   toxic)
                            Ideals       . . .   “Abandon”          -           ?
   Political     convenience         . ..         More specifically the        convenience... of self-destructive.. tendencies
       What         The            Frick?
When did    this happen?
  Seriously leaving       unwanton anything should’ve been a warning sign.                       ...    How     did   no one     notice       the apparent-        Un-       Wanted         -        Addi-tion?               -                 Okay
Well hope you have a good       enable healers on staff.
    Or maybe just        healers..
    Depending      on the    awareness           -         Okay
 Hool        igans.
  Yeah they could’ve
  (And we’re probably- going to discover that they did          through very complicated means.
   Like seriously Obi-Wan    jumping to    con clusions-
   Like five people got slightly inconvenienced
Are we sure         it is in a smoke bomb?
  Because that    seems pretty      likely
   Considering we haven’t seen any   damages so far.   
   And no one looks dead
    Also I guess    it’s time to act like a reasonable adult and let      Saltine handle her own problems.
    Off-world              Er
       So the   Separ   atists.
   Are you sure of that
  You’re the one that brought up that it couldn’t be      “Deathwatch”
  Stop bla-
  Eat shit Obi-Wan
   You were wrong
    Okay, time to be an authority assumer and launch an attack on those assholes
  She’s        overall peace
  She was planning...on     bringing those guys in anyway
 Hit     them. .       Hard.        This goes far beyond   vandalism..
   Then show the actual     dead..
    Because all     we saw..
    Was a smoke bomb                 and these guys coughing
     That’s pretty damn     -close to vandalism
          Next to     lighting firecrackers..
          In the park. .      .  
         Political            statement              against            your        government                  Oh          No,
       (Is that supposed to be            threatening?)
       Seriously all they did was throw   a smoke bomb        and heck off
     Don’t act        surprised.
             (Oh no                   they might throw another                  smoke bomb?)
               You’re just gonna let     him,
             Like he has a   point
          [But still the      intensity is way too high for what they’ve shown,]
         Oh               no,              Smoke,
         What the heck    who gave him that authority?
         Like;        He’s just some random        Senate peacekeeper
   Also yet no one needs medical attention       so just stay right there
    Dude couldn’t      have possibly been injured in the attack
    Or fled the scene
    Or activated whatever it was with                               remote detonation
   And also it’s up-to the apparently neutral peacekeeper          instead of any local authority
                                                                         Like your job is to dispense                                                                               food and                                                                      make sure everyone’s                                                                              ok
And yeah their military     and  “peacekeeping”          Sections are      Com-      bin         Ed         (And I’ll admit     I don’t know much        About     assumed authority        Lines)
                            But pretty sure                                  that’s like a                                 dude in                                   military uniform                                        (Out of                                        Country)                                       Yelling that he wants to                                      question people.                                       (Like you don’t have the authority                                           to do that)
                                      And is a pretty good way to get a rock                                      chucked at your head.
                                     Make sure everyone is okay,
                                      Then what about selective immediate accountability thing going on here can happen                                            (Appease                                                Logic,)                                           Scene
Dude’s the guards just freaking, bowed to him
I don’t   think-       Police        National     En-for       cers       -      Are usually     so kind
  To extra-     Ven           Ous         Forces         In-          ter           Ven-          Ing-          -        Like this was exactly what     Saltine was talking about              . .       Overextension         of authoritative            power
       (Not acco-untability   just what’s happening)
      Was that the carrier?
     You there
     Dude, that’s a normal reaction to a   military professional           Claiming       bullshit power,  
      Dude could’ve probably mistaken you for the             terrorists..
         Aight,              Right,
         Also       an attack just happened,
        (Yeah       it’s a little delayed          but he could’ve just         gotten news)
  Dude, the dude just saw an attack, saw an individual standing over the body of their leader (armed     Jedi-        Or          Sith)            I said person claiming to      “stay there”,                                              I’m not saying what   he’s doing is right,         But you’re having        a damn unsympathetic-   React-
    Older           Gentle-             Men-  
     (You know   I’m surprise no one blames Obi-Wan,            After             all,                   He’s the one that        lead her out here,
       Would’ve made sense for the         carrier           Guy,          The one that was acting        sus,  to be the      per-petrator
 (And he would have the knowledge to       frame Obi-Wan)
   That    would’ve been nice,
   Hurt you
    You didn’t
    Seriously your leader was just-
     No one wanted to take her to a healer?
       (Like she didn’t want to get the       smoke inhalation thing checked out either?)
       Fair                     (But kinda of stupid)
     Movie,          You- did not        earn the tone        to make that         work
   Seriously dude could be saying         “I won’t work with a terrorist,”           -    Also wow a     cult full of old people
  Real            .        intimidating
   Well time together of the guards          hold a funeral for that guy                   (Standard                Prac               -tice)                  And go kick that moon base.
        No- reas-
        He died
       Yeah,          Sucked
But a) don’t make buildings that tall         And           b) he did that           -            Damn             -          Aight            -          Re-            action           -            Why             -             Whelp
       Ahh,           No,
       He was all splayed out
      There’s         nothing dignified about the        position
       ...         Emotions               Seriously      what am I supposed to feel.
      Why is there holy music playing in the background?
       Also          no one wants to get a healer?
      Like I know he fell           But seriously, 
      Not even gonna try
   (Like     I know I’m harsh,         But even         I would try..
        Do          Some-      thing       What-
   Also Obi-won        is this the time?
     Seriously, and that’s not just do you know a     coi-ncidence-
     Our moon
    But what did he actually say?
     [Because if it’s      ‘I thought he was a terrorist’,           Then          fair,]
     Seriously are we not     covering what he said?
      Like the story seems to be lam     -basting him for being Con-cord       -ian
      But I assume innocence until proven     guilty,
   .. .
 You can’t even speak their      dia-lect
  Yeah and      I know    (body language)
“Especially     when you’ve just been involved in the death of a colleague,”
   She’s got         a point?
   Seriously, ever since Obi-Wan got here there’s been nothing but destruction
   I’m surprise she didn’t kick him right there right now and      is like this is why we’re neutral
 Like      this could’ve been some good story tension.             .
So what is the actual plot?
The guy who caused the incident   
is dead
The group      is extremely small  And unable    to prevent    arrest,
Cord-       Random        Couple
“I didn’t        kill   him,”
Dude,    seriously
If you were smart   you’d leave
And let Duchess handle the problem      which she was clearly doing
Before     things      went        to       very   light   shit        -      At     arrival         -        i’d        back        away           too          .       “I       Know,”
You       know what also would’ve been a good conflict?
   Duchess arriving in the    middle of it..
 Only hearing the man say          “Don’t do it,”                   And seeing him fall off..
    Obi-wan’s            “Catch,”              Gesture            ...     
    Mistaken         for             Shov           -ing               -            Duchess           not          seeing           his           face            ——          Showing              the             flaws                 of              her           assumed                guilty                  -                Mind                 Set-
           And               make                 for             some               good          emotional              tension                 -               Instead-
        Why I’m       still talking to you
        Despite having nothing to go on besides faith which seems beyond my general     compr-       ehensive      philos-       ophy           -
   (Con      sist      ent- characterization          what’s             that?
-Normally   I don’t work on the         rag on the         chara-     cterization       because         yeah        adults         can change what they do
  (but I do think it-     could be a bit more knowable        -       The changes seem to happen randomly          - and with little sentiment   connection        -        Or         type          Of       Pre         amble,
    Don’t        get               me       wrong             -             It           does            happen                 -             Rarely               -              I          just           think           it         could              be             done              with                 a              bit              more           delicacy               and           consistency                   -                  And               Care                  -                 What                   is                 that                reaction                      -                   What?
            Alright,                 What?
            That’s              happen                      -                    Ing
             Least   they brought             a guard..
        Aight,            Okay,
       That’s-               a different look
        Not                Gonna-             Com                pare-
        Wait is that a different planet?
      Mining           Base
       Yeah let’s   fuck with Mother Earth
  /Con- cord
    That can’t      possibly go         wrong                     -            Forests
       Oh,            yeah
       Dear           Frick
      Finally growing   back-
     So you    stopped with that?
   (No burning pollutants             in the air?)
        Okay,                Well
            A more      well-established            palace than hers.
Which just saw a door        and then there was an even a smaller door
        And glass..
Appar-ently          has a thing         for glass.  
  The highly industrialized mass of cities- is the Galactic palace
   But the former mining facility is a beautiful orderly castle in the middle of a green field.
    I think someone got       the sets      messed up...
  [This is really messed up]
  Also yeah there was some kind of   terrorism      and things got blown up...
   That’s weird..
    Council            -
        Also one of your guys totally     died- 
 [Okay,         hear me out,          I know         I’m doing       a lot of this;
    What if this conversation happened before,          In the castle;  
    To give us a list of         suspects;     And making sense;           As she is the top ruler of everything
    And then,        we broke into these little bits
      [Establish             the characters
       Then                   make them            plot point,]
                Also, this wasn’t the scene          shown earlier,          Was it?
      That would’ve been a          good line          earlier   
    This was the man        who murdered
    So wait,         you did know about that?
     So why were you acting like the         Separatist claim was so out of the question?
  Correct;       Reaction            “Yes ma’am, of course ma’am             sorry about what happened,
      Like Dude is acting pretty chill for one of his         citizens screwing someone up
      And        it’s             sus
    So no one‘s         dead?
 Also         wait     ‘Memorial shrine,’”
     The heck           was that               never brought up?
       I thought it was just        the outside of the castle
       The dude screwed with a                     memorial ?
        [The intensity in this            is whack..!]
  He was apparently part of       Death Watch     Wait,       when was that ever confirmed?
   Do          you        speak?
 A worrisome prospect
 That’s,       your reaction  
   [The tone is   way off.]
  Not as in writing a     child-    like       an     adult       or   writing      an        adult       -like          a       child
    (Or        Animal)
    This is the         “What’s the emotion?,”
   [The tone is so damn-]
  Random        Grab!
    Not         Okay!
    Words.        (Circ           um         stance-)
   - - -
   What?      The lip-sync’s      -  Off?
 I can’t   -tell-
   The tone is so   - distorted -
   Look     Around            Mining      facilities-
    Like        Seriously            -
   Do you     want-
   Also, he could’ve asked for a          damn tour
    [No need to do this             subterfuge.]
   Seriously,          Obi-Wan        is lazy         avoidant          smart,           Till it comes to      instigate            some shit
Un-      necess-        arily-
  aight... .
   [Damn      It]
Literally doing it
  Right now
Could, just asked for the   tour . .
Well if you actually had some - character-ization
|my brain’s starting to go numb 
     [Not the brain,           The               Plot.]
     Also yeah, dinner after that
    Different guy?
   Dude-     Completely different    hairstyle?
  Just       Emot-        ion
 Very properly
That - looks     pretty different-
  Sh   adows-
 Okay cave carvings
 Aban-            On           -ed
I mean
It does
There’s stuff on it yeah
But they could take people for   tours down here  [The things samples on how it worked)
 [People do     stupid things]
  OK so they have some helmets because it used to be a       manufacturing        plant
  Makes         Sense-
  Maybe you shouldn’t     screw with someone’s     display?
  One dude  
 Great, you have one   Mandalore enthusiast
   Or a role          Actor-
  With a light saber
   Yeah you start a talking 
  then you do the action          [if       necessary.]
Seriously      it’s one guy,
 Dude, Force     them.
  Obi-wan           -         
Obi-won sucks..     
Mis-      information
This dude’s a   dick isn’t he?
Like,          The     tone has been damn off            ...
  But this dude is supposed to be the villain   I think
(And it’s not the   carrier apparently)
Death      Watch.
Why do you care?
A person just died
And      we’re focused on this?
  Like,        Ma’am                -          Is your reputation     seriously,        The      biggest       thing       worry-           ing       you       ��right    now?         —-        Without         any      sardonics             -              Or        any               -  self-awareness          -       The tone  has been on the   floor since we started,
Okay seriously 
that’s villain       lighting
Also,                Some guys manage to smoke down the        outside of the palace.
   This is turning into the       intergalactic        incident?
        It            Isn’t-
      That’s a very          interpersonal matter.
And also ‘oh yeah this is gone beyond anything that I can expect but I won’t question you person who was supposed to keep track of it?
   Nothing about these        characters have been established
   Are      Satine and that dude close?
  [it is a      Mess,]
But       Is
Se-     paratists 
   Don’t         Drink
Also wait   what was that logic?
  This one’s weak
  [if it was any other Jedi     these guys would be arrested 
     by        then]
   Harm- less
 I mean even      with it he was        fecking      useless..
So you’re going to call      Saltine          Now?
   “Hey Satine I got my ass kicked again,”         (Why do they send him on           missions?)
        He clearly saw that              right?
     Al       -right
   Okay,         Now,
     Took              ....          Dick               . .               Yet              ...
         Try                  Ing                 .. .
 Obi-won is a     weak        bitch            (Term)
Un think the dialogue is       reversed here,
 Saltine was the one that was     heavily against             Involved           (Direct)           Approach
And the hair stroking thing 
just seems like something 
Obi-won       Would            Do...
      This is really backwards
Obi-Wan is the one that is directly involved
Sal-tine          She’s very       sit on the sidelines     from what we seen..
       It        would        make        more                 ....
(What is going on with the        chara-             cter-             ization-       )
I honestly thought that was     Rex for a minute
   Blue     ...is a theme
   (The        reenactors       are          getting          pretty           serious,)
     (Then again             she did        punch out)
      There’s two-
     Which           is two            more than           general Kenobi can handle,
    But he’s got Satine,        so that’s all right?
    Now         More
    Stand             and        fight
     So just          Satine.
     Stand            ...    
     You got your ass   kick-       ed
   Satine        should’ve         gotten         that line,
   Whelp.   ..
   [Recap; That twist was real fucking stupid,  Obi-won gets beat up the fifth time the Remix, and does Satine get injured?
 I don’t know
When it’s not excusing it’s characters from   some accountability by   using cheap tactics,
    It’s tone         is a mess;
    The emotions          nowhere to be found
     The chara-cterization              “Off the wall”
* Not       in       a       good     way            .         I can’t honestly say            a single thing I           Le-           ar           n            ed 
    About          The         Chara-cters
     Satine? Apart from the narrative treating her like she’s completely unreasonable
       I can’t say        a single thing for this character
       There’s seem to be an attempt   of banter between her and   Ken-obi
       But it’s completely               inconsistent
Honestly,    it feels like the writers     had      an      idea (Or       a line       Of       dia-       log        ue-         And        just       threw         it        in     hap     hazardly-”
Result-ing  in some (border  ling) reality breaking scenes
   Where a    character says something        happened
 Which could work
 If the tone     wasn’t an absolute     MESS!
   Also the      villains
  Suffer        From       Clovis         Syn-drome
              (Or a near variant)
Because     nothing     is set up       -     The     tone   isn’t      even
   It feels like   we’re supposed to hate     this guy       Before    anything bad happens       (The same as with the      carrier-            Who             Did           Nothing)
     Screw     ing              Up             The            Story
Which is “Obi-Wan screws up        Every       -Thing         And          Lives-    -”
my thoughts on this episode;                 (In a more organized                form,)
  Is      that;
   “Obi-wan screws up everything,”        (As is my alternative       tone for this episode)
   Is a       Confused
 un- alt        ere         -d
 Suffering;        From
   Lack of set- up, proper chara-cter-ization          Proper         Tone-       Emotion-           al        De-        vel          op          e         ment,       None           Chop-      ped,    flow-       ing          Narra-       Tive-
   And borders,        on not being able           to be         considered             a           story
    [Resemb-          Ling              Much            Of              The          “Blue         shadow           virus,”.          arc,          Except            With             -out              The         Abominations              But        More               nonsense,
[Bring back a persistent writing issue,      To refuse       to develop anything             correctly,]
Addition    Al;           A         Quick       Possible           Re-           Write        Recap;      (To wash     the bad taste    out of my mouth)
-Obi-wan             arrives           at the          Palace
   (Possibly           Soft,         Mournful               Play            Ing                 To           Indicate                        Sadness,          Loneli            ness,           Turn-             Ing             To           Harsh          -er            -Tri-            um           ph          an            t          (Pro            fes         -s        Ional          Music         [Heavy          Brass]
      The          Carrier           Greets           Ner            Vous                     ly            (Poss            Ibly             Try           -ing             To          Ex-pose             Dis        -spell-           The         Rumor      -s               (This         is his      cover)
    Poss-        Noting
    Obi-wan            meets          Sal-tine           Not-       Ic-eable               Wrist           Ful          Nes         s-
    Saltine             Is           Con-             Cern              Ed
       Snip-               Ish
        Believing            it to be        the Jedi Council.
          Dis-liking                 the               military            involvement                   in                    her country/                      Planet
             Till              Obi-wan               clarifies             that this is a             social call.                       .                  Ordered                     To                     Re-                 new                                Their                  Neu-                  trality                pledge-                    By                  Chan                   -cellor                         Palp                     atine,                The             rumors             Back               Hill,              Gossip,
          They go outside for               Saltine                  To                  Give                     A                   Public                 State                   Ment-                      That                     Goes                        Off                        —-                            (Possibly in the middle of Satine and                 Obi-Wan hav-ing                          An                        Argue-                      Ment                          Over                         Per                         form                           a                          tive                       Action                       (Neutral                          Vs                           Active                                    Phy-                        Sical)
                      That                           Occurs)
                     Obi-Wan                              is                             held                               in                            suspicion                              for                               being                               a                              military                              personal                              (                                 And the damages                         only beginning                                   when he arrived)
                                Not to     mention;
              Him being in, the hallway,                    The only one they can     place                    Where are the bomb                        was set     Things         Go   Badly
   (Possible circumstantial       Evidence,                        -Fram                  -ing
Either      way     Obi-Wan        is now     awaiting     some kind of trial
          Which                he makes it worse,
           By refusing,                 To wait,
           And trying             to find the actual                 suspect..
             He                does
              The            “Incident”                 Happens,
  And now it looks      worse than ever;
 Sateen cradling the   dying Man-d-      a-lorian
 Who        Invokes           The           Jedi            To           Blame
   Satine             Is           Up-          Set          (~Angry)
    Obi- won         Eventually            proves-        The Existence                  Of Death          Watch.                       But that       point-     It’s                      Al-ready                        Too                     Late,                  Bridges                   Burned                         In                      his                 pursuit                    for                  justice,                     Along                     with                      his                   relation                      ships                        . . .      Saltine             Taking               The               Evi                 dence            Coldly       Tell          -ing             Him               “To               Leave,”
         Victory                     At                  the                  cost                   of             everything                 dear,
[Leader               Not        Reveal        ed      Yet]
[Citi-       Zens         Pri-       Med         For          Darth         Sidious]
[Castle’s          Blue,         Fading           To           The            Neutral         Re-         flec-         tive         White)
        [Carrier               Possibly                 Hint-                  Ed                  Gone                  Often]
  [Senator           Possib           -Ly          Engaged/            Husband,               If               You                 Want            That           Drama
     Moral;            About            Mov-              Ing                On
                     [Ending                          scene                          possibly                             kept the same)
                     *To                          Foreshadow                           possible                              Anakin
                        But with a lot more weight-
0 notes
lodelss · 5 years
Evelyn McDonnell | Longreads | March 2019 | 11 minutes (2,166 words)
  When Janelle Monae inducts Janet Jackson into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on March 29, it will be a beautiful moment: a young, gifted, and black woman acknowledging the formative influence — on herself and millions of others — of a woman who seized Control of her own career 33 years ago. It will also be an anomaly.
Jackson is one of only two women being inducted into the hall this year, out of 37 inductees, including the members of the five all-male bands being inducted. The other woman is Stevie Nicks. During the 34 years since the hall was founded by Jann Wenner and Ahmet Ertegun, 888 people have been inducted; 69 have been women. That’s 7.7 percent. The problem is spreading.
A November Rolling Stone article announced that the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York, was collaborating with the Rock Hall on a new exhibit of “iconic instruments of rock ‘n’ roll” called Play It Loud. Scheduled to open on April 8, the list of acts whose instruments would be on display included only one woman. My social media feeds exploded with rage and quips, as we wondered whether St. Vincent made the cut because the curators assumed from her name that she was male. Since then, the Met has added several women (and men) to the exhibit list, including Patti Smith, Wanda Jackson, and Joan Jett. It isn’t clear whether the Met added these women as a result of the internet outrage or if they were part of the show all along. After all, all three institutions — the hall, the museum, and the magazine — have, as Jett might say, a bad reputation for excluding women from their reindeer games.
People and institutions have to stop defining rock and rock ‘n’ roll as music played by men, especially white men, with guitars.
The Rock Hall is the most obvious offender in what I’ll call the manhandling of musical history. Manhandling is akin to, and often — as with the Rock Hall — intersects with, whitewashing. Manhandling pushes women out of the frame just as whitewashing covers up black bodies. People of color account for 32 percent of Rock Hall inductees, a far better figure than for women, but still not representative of the enormous role African Americans and Latinx people have played in American popular music. Manhandling is standard practice on country radio; there were no women in the Top 20 of Billboard’s country airplay chart for two weeks in December. Manhandling is standard practice on classic rock radio, where women are relegated to token spots on playlists, and are never played back-to-back. It’s standard in histories of music; there are no women featured in Greil Marcus’s seminal book Mystery Train: Images of Rock ‘n’ Roll in America. And of course, it’s standard practice at IM Pei’s partial glass pyramid in Cleveland. One year of affirmative action at the Grammys cannot wipe away decades of manhandling.
The problem is pervasive, and it is ideological. It is a way of seeing and presenting the world that is based on projections of power and control, not on reality. People and institutions have to stop defining rock and rock ‘n’ roll as music played by men, especially white men, with guitars. We have to change this image, this historiography, this institutionalization, this lie. In short, you do not need a cock to rock.
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Exhibit A: Sister Rosetta Tharpe. In the 1930s, the blues and gospel singer began picking her guitar in a way that we now recognize as the foundation of rock ‘n’ roll playing — she laid the foundation upon which Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly built. There’s footage of her with a Gibson that’s been viewed 2.7 million times on YouTube. If you’re not one of those viewers, become one now. Tharpe was finally inducted into the Rock Hall in 2018.
Holly and Berry were both among the first 16 acts inducted in the Rock Hall, in 1986. All their fellow inductees were male. Built on such grotesquely imbalanced footing, the institution may never get itself right. After all, its main instigator was Ahmet Ertegun, an admittedly legendary records man who treated women abominably, according to Dorothy Carvello’s 2018 memoir Anything for a Hit. Carvello is a music executive who began her career working for Ertegun at Atlantic. Ertegun subjected her to crude sexual harassment and once fractured her arm in anger. The Rock Hall named its main exhibition hall after Ertegun. How can this ever be a place where women feel welcome, let alone safe? Just as universities have removed from buildings and fellowships the names of film executives who gave them money, such as USC renaming their Bryan Singer Division of Critical Studies, the Rock Hall should remove Ertegun’s name from the building and from the annual industry executive award that bears his name. It’s an award that has never been given to a woman.
I would like to not care about what institutions such as the Met and Hall of Fame do.
I pick on the Rock Hall because I care. I love rock ‘n’ roll, to borrow a phrase. I attended the building’s inaugural event, and despite my ever-growing disenchantment, I always pay attention to who is nominated and who wins. I even get to vote — finally. Aware of the way it was increasingly being seen as a sort of hospice for aging white men, the hall has been trying to diversify its voting body, or risk obsolescence. After two decades as a professional rock writer, I was finally asked to vote a few years ago, and to recruit friends. The problem is, every inductee also gets a vote. So every year, more and more men get the franchise and vote in their friends and heroes, who tend to be men. The hall rigged its own system with its testosterocking inaugural class, and despite efforts to add gender and color balance, the numbers are getting worse.
It’s tempting to just say so what. I would like to not care about what institutions such as the Met and Hall of Fame do. They are essentially shrines to white men created by white men, so of course, they honor white men. But they pretend to serve the public — and in the Met’s case, it is in part a publicly funded institution. The Hall of Fame and its associated museum have enormous cultural power, writing in stone the historical importance of individuals in a way that no other institution or publication or organization does. They also create real economic benefits for culture workers. Being inducted into the Rock Hall doesn’t just look good on your resume, it helps sell records and tickets. Most importantly, these institutions provide inspiration — role models — for future generations. And if the only women you’re going to see receiving awards on that stage at the Barclays Center are Janet Jackson and Stevie Nicks, would you, if you were a little girl, go pick up a guitar?
Time’s up for the Rock Hall and the music industry. The Grammys got called on its #GrammysSoMale gender gap in 2018. After women complained that they were largely shut out of the telecast winners, Recording Academy president Neil Portnow responded that female artists needed to “step up” and they would be welcome. Needless to say, that patronizing, clueless comment went over like a lead zeppelin; there were calls for Portnow’s head, including an online petition for him to resign. So this February, the telecast featured an impressive roster of contemporary and historic talent, from Lady Gaga and Brandi Carlile to Dolly Parton and Diana Ross. But then Portnow stepped on stage and publicly patted himself on the back for the show’s sudden gender balance, like he was our white savior, our knight in shining armor coming to our emotional rescue with this feel-good moment.
Moments are not enough. Thankfully, Portnow is stepping down from his position in July. And yes, I’m sure a woman would be happy to take his place. This is part of the change that must happen in the businesses and nonprofits that support music. Women must be hired and promoted across all facets of the industry: as the editor in chief of Rolling Stone, the chairman of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the CEO of Universal Music Group. After all, a recent study from the University of Southern California shows that women are outnumbered in most aspects of the business, accounting for only 2 percent of producers and 12.3 percent of songwriters, for instance.
Some of this imbalance is a result of outright exclusion or unwelcoming environments. (Just ask any woman who has worked at a music magazine or a recording studio what it’s like to be, as former Rolling Stone writer Robin Green titled her 2018 memoir, “the only girl.”) Some is a result of sexual harassment or assault, which leaves women so traumatized that their careers stall or even stop. Ever wonder why a favorite artist, songwriter, or DJ ghosted for years? Increasing revelations about the predatory behavior of musicians, publicists, producers, managers, and executives show that, as a whole, the music industry can be a frightening place to be female, whether you’re a young intern working for R. Kelly or a talented country singer married to Ryan Adams. Mandy Moore married Adams in 2009, and hasn’t released an album since. They divorced in 2016. A New York Times investigation of Adams’s alleged predatory behavior toward younger women described him as “psychologically abusive” to Moore.
Guys like Ertegun, who died in 2006, reportedly manhandled in the workplace, in addition to creating the Cleveland shrine to gender inequity. Carvello’s book documents in scandalous detail how he and other executives created a boys’ club environment where women had to either pretend to be one of the boys, betraying their sisters, or trade sex for promotion. In Ertegun’s world, women were not allowed to step up; they were stepped on. Having systematically excluded and oppressed women from the business of making music, Ertegun and his cronies at the Rock Hall then carved that exclusion into stone by essentially writing them out of history, year after year after year. When women do get let into the Rock Hall boys’ club, it is on the arms of men: Carole King is there for her songwriting with Gerry Goffin, not as the woman who recorded numerous hit songs herself, including those on the record-smashing album Tapestry. Tina Turner was inducted alongside her abusive ex-spouse Ike. Indeed, the hall seems to define rock in a way that is disturbingly masculinist, as opposed to expansive and risk-taking — the qualities I like to think of as defining popular music. How about a Hall of Fame that includes Selena, TLC, Patsy Cline, and Grace Jones?
There’s nothing so scary to certain men as a bunch of women banding together. That’s another tool of the patriarchy: divide and conquer.
I’m delighted that two deserving female artists, Janet Jackson and Stevie Nicks, will be inducted this year. It’s particularly noteworthy that Nicks is getting the nod as a solo artist, after she was already inducted as part of Fleetwood Mac; she’s the first woman to be inducted twice, joining 22 men in the so-called Clyde McPhatter Club. Next year, the Hall must do the same for Tina and Carole. After being nominated so many times, Chaka Khan must finally be inducted as well.
That still won’t be enough to counteract the sheer numerical voting power of all the male musicians who get in as members of bands, especially if the men of Rufus, Khan’s collaborators with whom she has thrice been nominated, are inducted alongside Khan. There are three things the Hall of Fame can do to rectify that imbalance: 1. Flood the nominating committee and voting membership with more women. Six out of 29 members of last year’s nominating committee were women; the notoriously tight-lipped hall has not revealed this year’s committee members. 2. Reduce the voting power of members inducted as players in bands (so, say, the five dudes in Def Leppard each get one fifth of a vote). 3. Nominate a shit ton of all-female bands next year.
Female musicians and groups are particularly absent from the Rock Hall, as from the industry. There’s nothing so scary to certain men as a bunch of women banding together. That’s another tool of the patriarchy: divide and conquer. It’s why Lady Gaga is basically the only woman in A Star Is Born, a film ostensibly celebrating female artistry. She has no mother, no sister; even her girlfriends are male, and they’re drag queens. By focusing on individual artists, not a collective, the entertainment-industrial complex elevates the star, not the gender. The lioness is separated from her pack.
That’s why some women involved in music have formed an activist group, named Turn It Up! As our mission statement says, we “advocate for equal airplay, media coverage and industry employment of groups who are historically and structurally excluded from the business and the institutions of music-making.” And yes, we’re coming for you, sons of Ertegun.
Here’s who I’d like to see inducted in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame next year:
Tina Turner
Chaka Khan
Carole King
Diana Ross
Dolly Parton
The Go-Go’s
The Runaways
Bikini Kill
The Crystals
Salt N Pepa
That would add more than 30 women to the voting rolls. It’s not enough to correct the historical record, but it’s a step up.
Evelyn McDonnell is associate professor of journalism at Loyola Marymount University. She has been writing about popular culture and society for more than 20 years. She is the author of four books: Queens of Noise: The Real Story of the Runaways, Mamarama: A Memoir of Sex, Kids and Rock ‘n’ Roll, Army of She: Icelandic, Iconoclastic, Irrepressible Bjork, and Rent by Jonathan Larson. She coedited the anthologies Women Who Rock: Bessie to Beyonce. Girl Groups to Riot Grrrl, Rock She Wrote: Women Write About Rock, Pop and Rap, and Stars Don’t Stand Still in the Sky: Music and Myth and edit the Music Matters series from University of Texas Press. She lives in Los Angeles.
Flor Amezquita, Marika Price and Adele Bertei assisted with research for this article. Figures are based off the official Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s induction page, which was then cross-referenced with multiple lists and sources.
Editor: Aaron Gilbreath; Fact-checker: Matt Giles
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hbnewsnetworkblog · 7 years
Dealing with the Dizziness of Vertigo
The sensations of amusement park rides are a thrill for many across the country. The dizzy feeling from spinning in circles or speeding through turns delights both children and adults alike. However, when a dizzy sensation suddenly hits when sitting at work, walking to get the mail, or when going through the regular routines of the day, this unforeseen sensation can be quite a scary ride. While a spell of dizziness can be triggered by a variety of factors, one common cause is vertigo.
Over 40% of those over the age of 40 experience vertigo at least once during their lifetime; this equates to over 69 millions Americans. An episode of vertigo can happen just once or can become a chronic, frequent problem. While the severity of symptoms varies from person to person, most sufferers would agree an onset of vertigo is no walk in the park. Many experience vertigo without even realizing what it is. Read on to learn more about the symptoms of vertigo and what you can do to recover from a vertigo attack.
  A Definition Of Vertigo
  Vertigo is defined as a medical condition where sensations of spinning, swaying, rotating, or rocking are experienced by someone who is perfectly still. It usually results from issues of the inner ear. The vestibular system of the inner ear controls our sense of special orientation. Additionally, this delicate part of the ear provides our sense of balance. But when the inner ear is experiencing abnormality, it throws our equilibrium off balance – literally.
  The Symptoms
Massive headaches, nausea, vomiting, and sensations of spinning can all be present when this vertigo hits. And unfortunately, it seldom seeks out an appointment time; vertigo arrives unannounced and strikes suddenly, leaving you feeling sick and dizzy.
The length of a vertigo attack varies from person to person. The cause of vertigo may influence how long an episode can last. For some sufferers it may be just a few seconds, for others, it can be several hours of incessant spinning. For those that have a lengthy episode, laying down and remaining completely still may be the only way to stop or reduce the ongoing, swaying sensation. Most vertigo sufferers agree that the dizzying symptoms intensify when moving or turning the head.
  The Causes Of Vertigo
  During the course of a lifetime, there are a variety of things that can affect the inner ear. Head injuries, inflammation due to a sickness, or bacterial infections can affect our inner ears. An inner ear impaction can throw off our sense of balance. Below are some problems the inner ear could have during a lifetime – all which can result in someone experiencing vertigo.
  Meniere’s Disease
This is a disorder of the inner ear and usually affects just one ear. The exact causes of Meniere’s Disease are unknown. However, conditions like allergies or viruses could increase fluids in the ear and cause the disease. If an individual has Meniere’s disease he or she is likely to experience vertigo every now and then. An episode can last from 20 minutes up to a few hours. Those with this condition may also experience a ringing in the ears or a loss of hearing.
Meniere’s Disease is diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 60.  More females have this condition than males. And this disease has shown to be genetic. There are no cures for the condition at this point, but those who suffer from extreme vertigo episodes can take medication to help ease the symptoms.
  Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BBPV)
This condition is probably the most common for those who suffer from vertigo and greatly affects the aging population. Again, the exact cause is unknown but is linked to a calcium otolith, or calcium deposit structure, moving loosely in the inner ear. It can occur at any age but is more commonly seen in those who are older than 60. Females also more likely to be diagnosed with BBPV than males.
Those with BBPV usually experience vertigo when moving their head suddenly or too fast. Dizzying episodes generally last a minute or less. In various studies, stress or lack of sleep has shown to be triggers for vertigo episodes.
  Vestibular Neuritis
Vertigo occurs when the vestibule nerve inside the inner ear becomes inflamed. The inflammation is often a result a viral or bacterial infection.
Vestibular Neuritis usually lasts three to six weeks, and vertigo is the main indicator of this condition. Those with this diagnosis are usually between the age of 30 and 60 and does not affect one gender more than the other. Since this condition is temporary, vertigo usually occurs without causing vestibule inflammation. Some sufferers find participating in physical therapy helpful in regaining an accurate sense of balance.
  Six Ways To Handle A Vertigo Attack
  It would be nice if vertigo attacks occurred while lying down in bed in the comforts of home, but that is seldom the case. But there are a few measures that should be taken to help lessen the swaying sensation and nausea. If you have never experienced an episode of vertigo before, you should seek the attention of a doctor just to make sure it’s not something more serious. And while vertigo attacks are pretty scary in the event, below are some ways to lessen the symptoms.
  1) Lie Down And Keep The Head Still.
If you are feeling especially nauseous, sometimes it’s easy to simply lie down right on the bathroom floor in case you feel the need to throw up. This is usually more preferable if you are at home. If you are forced to use a public bathroom the last thing you probably want to do is get down on a floor that has who knows what encrusted on it. In this instance, it might be better to find someplace to sit as still as possible and grab a container in case you are feeling sick.
  2) Try A Half Somersault Exercise.
This is a newer technique that many vertigo health professionals have found to be effective. As part of this maneuver vertigo sufferers crouch with their head upside down as if they were going to do a somersault. But rather than actually go through with the gymnastic tumble, just maintain that position until the dizziness subsides. Then sit up until your head is level. Doing this a few times can help stabilize any particles in the inner ear that are causing the imbalance. This exercise is a beneficial one for those who have frequent episodes of vertigo.
  3) Turn Off The Lights.
When the dizzying sensation of vertigo first arrives, it is a good idea to turn off all the lights. Glaring, overhead lights can definitely worsen the symptoms of a vertigo attack. But it’s also beneficial to refrain from using devices that emit light as well. Turn off cell phones, tablets, computer, and television screens while in the midst of a vertigo episode. The bright screens can increase the dizziness and make it more difficult to feel stable.
  4) Stay Hydrated.
Just like with most medical conditions or sicknesses, it’s important to stay hydrated. Headaches associated with vertigo can worsen if you are dehydrated so it’s important to consume water – even if you are worried it might just come back up. Some sufferers have found drinking Ginger tea to be helpful. An easy way to prepare this is to simply boil some water with slivers of ginger root in it. Let it cool down a bit before pouring into a mug and sipping it. This fluid helps to hydrate as well as calm a queasy stomach.
  5) Eat A Healthy, Digestible Snack.
If you are feeling nauseous, you may not feel like eating anything, but it’s important to have something in your stomach. An empty stomach or low sugar levels can throw your system off and lead to dizziness. Therefore, it is best to eat something light that provides nutrition. Eating a banana, low-acid fruit, or yogurt are some foods that generally help to reduce nausea and allow you to regain some balance.
  6) Sleep It Off.
For some sufferers of vertigo, no matter what remedy they try, sleep is the only cure for the dizziness. Lack of sleep can be a trigger for vertigo, so catching some zzz’s can help. Most find that after a good night’s rest the world has stopped spinning. However, it’s still a good idea to get out of bed slowly and make a conscious effort throughout the day to not jerk your head around.
  Seeing A Doctor
  It is very common for first-timers experiencing a vertigo attack to take a trip to the emergency room. In fact, generally, three to four million patients visit the ER each year due to vertigo-like symptoms. Of those that decide to visit a doctor for their first episode, over 90% fully recover without having another episode.
However, if you decide to see a doctor when experiencing dizziness, it is best to find someone else who can drive you. When feeling off balance, driving a car or operating machinery is not safe. If an episode ever comes with any of the following symptoms, medical attention should be sought out immediately: blurred or double vision, fever, shortness of breath, and/or slurred speech.
For those who experience vertigo episodes frequently, or have severe symptoms, seek out a specialized physician. An ear, nose, and throat doctor is usually a good heath professional to meet with. They can run tests to see if you have any problems with your inner ear or if you have a balance disorder.
In the event of a vertigo episode, many doctors recommend taking the measures listed above as a first approach. Some health care professionals also may recommend taking a supplement of Vitamin D or undergoing acupuncture to ease frequent, undesirable symptoms. Physicians can also prescribe medications that can help combat nausea and dizziness that accompany a vertigo episode. When visiting a doctor it’s important to disclose all other medications since they could have negative side-effects – or lead to more dizziness– when taken with new prescriptions.
The post Dealing with the Dizziness of Vertigo appeared first on HB News Network.
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lodelss · 5 years
The Manhandling of Rock ‘N’ Roll History
Evelyn McDonnell | Longreads | March 2019 | 11 minutes (2,166 words)
  When Janelle Monae inducts Janet Jackson into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on March 29, it will be a beautiful moment: a young, gifted, and black woman acknowledging the formative influence — on herself and millions of others — of a woman who seized Control of her own career 33 years ago. It will also be an anomaly.
Jackson is one of only two women being inducted into the hall this year, out of 37 inductees, including the members of the five all-male bands being inducted. The other woman is Stevie Nicks. During the 34 years since the hall was founded by Jann Wenner and Ahmet Ertegun, 888 people have been inducted; 69 have been women. That’s 7.7 percent. The problem is spreading.
A November Rolling Stone article announced that the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York, was collaborating with the Rock Hall on a new exhibit of “iconic instruments of rock ‘n’ roll” called Play It Loud. Scheduled to open on April 8, the list of acts whose instruments would be on display included only one woman. My social media feeds exploded with rage and quips, as we wondered whether St. Vincent made the cut because the curators assumed from her name that she was male. Since then, the Met has added several women (and men) to the exhibit list, including Patti Smith, Wanda Jackson, and Joan Jett. It isn’t clear whether the Met added these women as a result of the internet outrage or if they were part of the show all along. After all, all three institutions — the hall, the museum, and the magazine — have, as Jett might say, a bad reputation for excluding women from their reindeer games.
People and institutions have to stop defining rock and rock ‘n’ roll as music played by men, especially white men, with guitars.
The Rock Hall is the most obvious offender in what I’ll call the manhandling of musical history. Manhandling is akin to, and often — as with the Rock Hall — intersects with, whitewashing. Manhandling pushes women out of the frame just as whitewashing covers up black bodies. People of color account for 32 percent of Rock Hall inductees, a far better figure than for women, but still not representative of the enormous role African Americans and Latinx people have played in American popular music. Manhandling is standard practice on country radio; there were no women in the Top 20 of Billboard’s country airplay chart for two weeks in December. Manhandling is standard practice on classic rock radio, where women are relegated to token spots on playlists, and are never played back-to-back. It’s standard in histories of music; there are no women featured in Greil Marcus’s seminal book Mystery Train: Images of Rock ‘n’ Roll in America. And of course, it’s standard practice at IM Pei’s partial glass pyramid in Cleveland. One year of affirmative action at the Grammys cannot wipe away decades of manhandling.
The problem is pervasive, and it is ideological. It is a way of seeing and presenting the world that is based on projections of power and control, not on reality. People and institutions have to stop defining rock and rock ‘n’ roll as music played by men, especially white men, with guitars. We have to change this image, this historiography, this institutionalization, this lie. In short, you do not need a cock to rock.
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Exhibit A: Sister Rosetta Tharpe. In the 1930s, the blues and gospel singer began picking her guitar in a way that we now recognize as the foundation of rock ‘n’ roll playing — she laid the foundation upon which Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly built. There’s footage of her with a Gibson that’s been viewed 2.7 million times on YouTube. If you’re not one of those viewers, become one now. Tharpe was finally inducted into the Rock Hall in 2018.
Holly and Berry were both among the first 16 acts inducted in the Rock Hall, in 1986. All their fellow inductees were male. Built on such grotesquely imbalanced footing, the institution may never get itself right. After all, its main instigator was Ahmet Ertegun, an admittedly legendary records man who treated women abominably, according to Dorothy Carvello’s 2018 memoir Anything for a Hit. Carvello is a music executive who began her career working for Ertegun at Atlantic. Ertegun subjected her to crude sexual harassment and once fractured her arm in anger. The Rock Hall named its main exhibition hall after Ertegun. How can this ever be a place where women feel welcome, let alone safe? Just as universities have removed from buildings and fellowships the names of film executives who gave them money, such as USC renaming their Bryan Singer Division of Critical Studies, the Rock Hall should remove Ertegun’s name from the building and from the annual industry executive award that bears his name. It’s an award that has never been given to a woman.
I would like to not care about what institutions such as the Met and Hall of Fame do.
I pick on the Rock Hall because I care. I love rock ‘n’ roll, to borrow a phrase. I attended the building’s inaugural event, and despite my ever-growing disenchantment, I always pay attention to who is nominated and who wins. I even get to vote — finally. Aware of the way it was increasingly being seen as a sort of hospice for aging white men, the hall has been trying to diversify its voting body, or risk obsolescence. After two decades as a professional rock writer, I was finally asked to vote a few years ago, and to recruit friends. The problem is, every inductee also gets a vote. So every year, more and more men get the franchise and vote in their friends and heroes, who tend to be men. The hall rigged its own system with its testosterocking inaugural class, and despite efforts to add gender and color balance, the numbers are getting worse.
It’s tempting to just say so what. I would like to not care about what institutions such as the Met and Hall of Fame do. They are essentially shrines to white men created by white men, so of course, they honor white men. But they pretend to serve the public — and in the Met’s case, it is in part a publicly funded institution. The Hall of Fame and its associated museum have enormous cultural power, writing in stone the historical importance of individuals in a way that no other institution or publication or organization does. They also create real economic benefits for culture workers. Being inducted into the Rock Hall doesn’t just look good on your resume, it helps sell records and tickets. Most importantly, these institutions provide inspiration — role models — for future generations. And if the only women you’re going to see receiving awards on that stage at the Barclays Center are Janet Jackson and Stevie Nicks, would you, if you were a little girl, go pick up a guitar?
Time’s up for the Rock Hall and the music industry. The Grammys got called on its #GrammysSoMale gender gap in 2018. After women complained that they were largely shut out of the telecast winners, Recording Academy president Neil Portnow responded that female artists needed to “step up” and they would be welcome. Needless to say, that patronizing, clueless comment went over like a lead zeppelin; there were calls for Portnow’s head, including an online petition for him to resign. So this February, the telecast featured an impressive roster of contemporary and historic talent, from Lady Gaga and Brandi Carlile to Dolly Parton and Diana Ross. But then Portnow stepped on stage and publicly patted himself on the back for the show’s sudden gender balance, like he was our white savior, our knight in shining armor coming to our emotional rescue with this feel-good moment.
Moments are not enough. Thankfully, Portnow is stepping down from his position in July. And yes, I’m sure a woman would be happy to take his place. This is part of the change that must happen in the businesses and nonprofits that support music. Women must be hired and promoted across all facets of the industry: as the editor in chief of Rolling Stone, the chairman of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the CEO of Universal Music Group. After all, a recent study from the University of Southern California shows that women are outnumbered in most aspects of the business, accounting for only 2 percent of producers and 12.3 percent of songwriters, for instance.
Some of this imbalance is a result of outright exclusion or unwelcoming environments. (Just ask any woman who has worked at a music magazine or a recording studio what it’s like to be, as former Rolling Stone writer Robin Green titled her 2018 memoir, “the only girl.”) Some is a result of sexual harassment or assault, which leaves women so traumatized that their careers stall or even stop. Ever wonder why a favorite artist, songwriter, or DJ ghosted for years? Increasing revelations about the predatory behavior of musicians, publicists, producers, managers, and executives show that, as a whole, the music industry can be a frightening place to be female, whether you’re a young intern working for R. Kelly or a talented country singer married to Ryan Adams. Mandy Moore married Adams in 2009, and hasn’t released an album since. They divorced in 2016. A New York Times investigation of Adams’s alleged predatory behavior toward younger women described him as “psychologically abusive” to Moore.
Guys like Ertegun, who died in 2006, reportedly manhandled in the workplace, in addition to creating the Cleveland shrine to gender inequity. Carvello’s book documents in scandalous detail how he and other executives created a boys’ club environment where women had to either pretend to be one of the boys, betraying their sisters, or trade sex for promotion. In Ertegun’s world, women were not allowed to step up; they were stepped on. Having systematically excluded and oppressed women from the business of making music, Ertegun and his cronies at the Rock Hall then carved that exclusion into stone by essentially writing them out of history, year after year after year. When women do get let into the Rock Hall boys’ club, it is on the arms of men: Carole King is there for her songwriting with Gerry Goffin, not as the woman who recorded numerous hit songs herself, including those on the record-smashing album Tapestry. Tina Turner was inducted alongside her abusive ex-spouse Ike. Indeed, the hall seems to define rock in a way that is disturbingly masculinist, as opposed to expansive and risk-taking — the qualities I like to think of as defining popular music. How about a Hall of Fame that includes Selena, TLC, Patsy Cline, and Grace Jones?
There’s nothing so scary to certain men as a bunch of women banding together. That’s another tool of the patriarchy: divide and conquer.
I’m delighted that two deserving female artists, Janet Jackson and Stevie Nicks, will be inducted this year. It’s particularly noteworthy that Nicks is getting the nod as a solo artist, after she was already inducted as part of Fleetwood Mac; she’s the first woman to be inducted twice, joining 22 men in the so-called Clyde McPhatter Club. Next year, the Hall must do the same for Tina and Carole. After being nominated so many times, Chaka Khan must finally be inducted as well.
That still won’t be enough to counteract the sheer numerical voting power of all the male musicians who get in as members of bands, especially if the men of Rufus, Khan’s collaborators with whom she has thrice been nominated, are inducted alongside Khan. There are three things the Hall of Fame can do to rectify that imbalance: 1. Flood the nominating committee and voting membership with more women. Six out of 29 members of last year’s nominating committee were women; the notoriously tight-lipped hall has not revealed this year’s committee members. 2. Reduce the voting power of members inducted as players in bands (so, say, the five dudes in Def Leppard each get one fifth of a vote). 3. Nominate a shit ton of all-female bands next year.
Female musicians and groups are particularly absent from the Rock Hall, as from the industry. There’s nothing so scary to certain men as a bunch of women banding together. That’s another tool of the patriarchy: divide and conquer. It’s why Lady Gaga is basically the only woman in A Star Is Born, a film ostensibly celebrating female artistry. She has no mother, no sister; even her girlfriends are male, and they’re drag queens. By focusing on individual artists, not a collective, the entertainment-industrial complex elevates the star, not the gender. The lioness is separated from her pack.
That’s why some women involved in music have formed an activist group, named Turn It Up! As our mission statement says, we “advocate for equal airplay, media coverage and industry employment of groups who are historically and structurally excluded from the business and the institutions of music-making.” And yes, we’re coming for you, sons of Ertegun.
Here’s who I’d like to see inducted in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame next year:
Tina Turner
Chaka Khan
Carole King
Diana Ross
Dolly Parton
The Go-Go’s
The Runaways
Bikini Kill
The Crystals
Salt N Pepa
That would add more than 30 women to the voting rolls. It’s not enough to correct the historical record, but it’s a step up.
Evelyn McDonnell is associate professor of journalism at Loyola Marymount University. She has been writing about popular culture and society for more than 20 years. She is the author of four books: Queens of Noise: The Real Story of the Runaways, Mamarama: A Memoir of Sex, Kids and Rock ‘n’ Roll, Army of She: Icelandic, Iconoclastic, Irrepressible Bjork, and Rent by Jonathan Larson. She coedited the anthologies Women Who Rock: Bessie to Beyonce. Girl Groups to Riot Grrrl, Rock She Wrote: Women Write About Rock, Pop and Rap, and Stars Don’t Stand Still in the Sky: Music and Myth and edit the Music Matters series from University of Texas Press. She lives in Los Angeles.
Flor Amezquita, Marika Price and Adele Bertei assisted with research for this article. Figures are based off the official Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s induction page, which was then cross-referenced with multiple lists and sources.
Editor: Aaron Gilbreath; Fact-checker: Matt Giles
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