#also like that the Special Sweets Kitchen of the palace produced medicine
fatehbaz · 10 months
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Regarding tenzu tablets:
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Caption reads: "Ottoman drugs containing rhubarb, cinnamon, mastic gum, Chinese tumeric, amber, musk, balm of Gilead, Meccan myrrh, white pepper, opium, rose water, cast into moulds & inscribed with healing incantations, 16C". Credited with a link to Yasmine Seale, on social media.
Original linked source doesn't mention where these particular tablets/molds were created, kept, displayed, etc. But I wanted to learn more and found a kinda recent summary of tenzu which was published by Nil Sarı (head of History of Medicine and Ethics Department at Istanbul University's Cerrahpasha medical school, president of Health History and Museology Association), which was presented at a conference in 2016:
Nil Sarı. "The Special Pharmaceutical Tablet “Tenzu” in Ottoman Medicine.” 7th International Congress for History of Islamic Medicine, October 24-28, Fez, Morocco, 2016: 24-28.
An excerpt of the text:
In Ottoman Turkish tenzu (tensuh) means "very rare beautiful thing" or "a box containing a variety of fragrances." Tenzu was also said to be the name of a place in Hitay (Eastern Turkistan / Xinjiang) where a medicinal clay - the main ingredient of the tablet tenzu - was imported from. Tenzu was a kind of theriac said to be effective against various ailments. Different tenzu prescriptions are noted in the texts [...] of several medical manuscripts of the 17th and 18th centuries. These tenzu prescriptions were described by various physicians, e.g. the head physicians Salih bin Nasrullah and Nuh Efendi as well as Hayatizade Mustafa Feyzi and Shaban Shifai who were palace physicians of the period. The special pharmaceutical tablet/pastille named "tenzu kursu" was formed in various shapes, i.e. oval, round, or rectangular. A measured amount of the drug preparation was compressed and shaped in a special brass mold named "tenzu kalibi" in Turkish. [...]
Prayers and ornamentations are engraved on the metal molds [...]. The expressions Deva al kulub (Drug for the heart) and Shifa al marghoob (The desired, yearned healing) inscribed on molds reinforce spirituality. [...] Inscriptions around the center of the other flower shaped pattern are Ferd, Hayy, Kayyum and feehi shifaun lin-naas (wherein is healing for mankind, Surah an-Nahl, verse 69). [...] Al-Hayy and Al-Qayyum are often used together. Al-Hayy signifies "ever-lasting life", and Al-Qayyum "self-existing life". [...] Sihhat bad (Have a good health) and Afiyet bad (Have a good appetite) are inscribed. [...] A. Suheyl Unver and Hayri Sozen published several tenzu prescriptions in their book "Turk Farmakaloji Tarihi I.", in 1960. [...] Tenzu prescriptions are found in several medical manuscripts kept in the Topkapi Palace Library, Suleymaniye Library and Istanbul University Rare Books Library.
Clay is a main ingredient [...]. Tiyn-i Tenzu is an unknown red colored clay. However, Terra Sigillata (Tiyn-i mahtum / muhurlu toprak) and Armenian Clay (Kil ermeni) are found in the prescriptions. [...] There are also animal products in the compositions, i.e. ambergris (amber), bezoar (badzehr), kermes (kirmiz), musk (misk), raw silk (harir-i ham / ham ipek), [...] and burnt deer antler (yanmisgeyik boynuzu). There are a wide variety of herbal drugs in the compositions, i.e. Acorus calamus [...], Aloe vera (Sabir), [...] Anchusa offinalis (Lisan-i sevr cicegi), Artemisia absinthium [...], Bambusa arundinaceae [...], Chenopodium album [...], Cinnamon (Darcin), Citrus aurantium [...], Crocus sativus (Za'feran), Embellia ribes [...], Gummi mastix [...], Heliotropium arborsecens [...], Nardustachys jatamansi [...], Potentilla reptans [...], Pterocarpus santalinus [...], Red rose/Rosa gallica [...], Rheum officinale (Ravend), Rumez acetosellaseed [...], Ruta graveolens (Keci Sadefi/Sedef Otu), Terminalia citrina [...], Terminalia chebula [...], Tormentilla (Tormentila).
Shaping and storage of these drugs are explained alongside some of the tenzu prescriptions. According to a recipe, all ingredients are beaten very thin on a porphyry (onyx marble) [...]. Each dose wrapped in gold foil is anointed an amount of almond oil. It is pressed into the mold, dried in the shade and stored in wood boxes. [...] Drugs in tablet form was an old tradition. In general, the preparation is poured onto a tray. [...] After dried in the shade, orange leaves are put between them. Stored in colored glass containers, they're reused when needed, squashed with water and drunk as a syrup. Also, flat pills made of a drachma weight were retained on the tongue in the mouth [...]. Although drugs in tablet form were used throughout Ottoman history either as a pastille or to be converted into syrup, the tenzu tablet molds were designed for the Ottoman sultans and members of the dynasty to make special tablets decorated with calligraphy [...].
[End of excerpt.]
All of these images are cropped screenshots of the PDF scan of the printed "conference works"; the PDF was uploaded online by Nil Sarı.
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