#also like they're sorta supposed to be story book ish
applestruda · 1 year
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Boatem knights joel and lizzie
The hunter and the lady of the woods
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I read Spinjitzu Brothers
(Remember kids before we start this is all for shits and giggles so lets be nice okay? Great! You may continue!)
So who was gonna tell me Spinjitzu Brothers was gonna mess with me or were yall just gonna let me get dragged through the dirt with ZERO warning!
So I kinda sorta binged all the books in a singular night and... damn the FSM is an ASSHOLE! Like idk, if this is controversial but like genuinely he just seems like a not-very-great dude, like Wu is constantly thinking of how he'll get his father's approval and Garmadon is literally spiraling into a depression fueled by a fear of loneliness and turning evil.
Honestly, I find the whole concept of Spinjitzu Brothers because it's a KIDS BOOK where are heroes ultimately fail. They're supposed to be Ninjago cannon accurate and well we KNOW what happens to Garmadon, we know ultimately he ends up giving in to the Great Devourer somewhere down the line. We know the tea doesn't work and that their trip is pointless, all this trauma and effort is really just for nothing.
I find stories like that fascinating, usually stories like this are very centered around destiny and how it's set in stone. Honestly I think Ninjago does use destiny a bit (I mean their ship is called the Destinies Bounty which is kinda funny) like how even thogh Garmadon and Wu are going on the quest it's ultimitly meaningless because Garmadon does in fact sucumb to his fate, he turns evil, fights his son, becomes good only to be broght back to life fully evil. But what I find so interesting is the fact he STILL is trying to be good, destiny is beating him over the head repeatedly trying to morph him into what it wants and he's still pushing it away which I think is neat.
Also I find it interesting how Wu and Morro kinda sorta parallel the FSM and Nineko, aka taking in a kid and training them but ultimately leaving them bitter and angry. Honestly Wu and Garmadon's parenting makes so much more sense after Spinjitzu Brothers, like their father sucked, so they tried to do better but didn't fully grasp HOW so they messed up and sort of stumbled through parenting.
Anyways I'll probably have more thoughts coming soon-ish? Until then, eat, drink water, sleep and PEACE OUT!
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youremyonlyhope · 7 months
Hallmark’s Sense and Sensibility
Yes. YES. All I've ever wanted was an adaptation of Sense and Sensibility where Mr. Dashwood is white, Mary Dashwood is Black (or another race), so that the sisters are mixed and it causes even more tension between their older white half-brother and his wife.
As a mixed girl, I’ve been begging for this version of the story to be told.
I can't believe Hallmark is the one to do it, but I am ready and excited to watch.
Hmm... is Fanny mixed... is internalized racism going to be an issue for her too? If so, I am here for that.
Edward is Fanny's stepbrother... I don't think that was the case in the book. But I infamously hate Edward so maybe I just didn't pay close enough attention to him. (It's a change)
BONNETS. They have bonnets! They have natural hair (probably wigs but still, natural textures), and bonnets. I am actually super happy about the costuming so far.
Ok I might like this Edward... We'll see. We're not at the part where he makes me mad. But right now... he's ok.
"Right kind of woman" ok girl. Sure.
I really liked that scene between Mrs. Dashwood and Elinor, while Margaret played the pianoforte.
Oh Col. Brandon. Already smitten. I do have one complaint though: Mrs. Dashwood is supposed to be about 40, to make it so Col. Brandon being 35 offputs Marianne even more that he's close to her mother's age. But this Mrs. Dashwood (who I really really like so far) is being played as much older than 40.
YES CURLING RAGS. And am I crazy but are some of Marianne's clothes kind of leaning to wards 1820s transitionary styles? I sorta love that if that's the case.
OK Willoughby... ok. You cute. I love this "Who are you?" thing we got going on.
That painting of a Black man in Georgian-ish clothing. Someone remind me to look it up. I love the framing of this shot with Brandon and Willoughby, and the painting between them.
God I adore Mrs. Jennings. In generally but I really like this one.
God, fuck Willoughby. I always forget how much I hate him.
"A daughter." No no no you're supposed to say "natural daughter." Come on.
Oh poor Willoughby, what a coincidence he's called to London, while Brandon's already in London, dealing with an issue involving his "natural daughter." Such unlucky timing...
I can't wait to see Steele sisters. I hope their hair is blonde, so there's no doubt that the hair Edward has is NOT Elinor's. God. This is what I wanted from a S&S adaptation.
OOH the Miss Steeles are Black too! Ok. Ok. Fanny you absolute hypocrite.
OH MY GOD. THE PAINTING OF DIDO ELIZABETH BELLE IS IN THE BACKGROUND. Oh my god. I literally just squeaked. No random family would have that painting hanging, especially with the cousin cut out only showing Dido but STILL. And adding the fact that I once found an Amazon listing for an Austen novel using the cousin Elizabeth as the portrait and cutting out Dido (and also that the portrait is from 50 years earlier) made me so mad. This little easter egg of including Dido's portrait in this movie is like HEALING that specific moment's pain for me. Oh my god.
This adaptation, is far too good. It's so much better than I thought it would be.
Ah yes, the constant talk of "beau"s from Anne.
This Lucy is diabolical. I don't think I remember her being so... almost mean. Annoying yes, but mean? Hmm...
Love all these Black paintings. I wonder if Juan will show up, though that's a Spanish painting not English.
Miss Jennings has white servants. Love it.
I think they made Robert worse.
"And I always keep my promises." You tell him. I thought I was going crazy earlier, that a song sounded kind of pop-ish. But they're playing Kiss From a Rose right now on a string quartet, so they're going full Bridgerton with this. I didn't want to accuse it earlier, but now I must.
Ugh. Willoughby.
MRS. FERRARS IS BLACK. FANNY YOU SUCK. You're giving us light skinned mixed girls a bad name.
Edward didn't want to be in the same room as his main and his side chick. I forgot about the Mortons. He's got 3 girls. This is why I dislike him. And I really think this movie ended up playing up Robert Ferrars' personality in a way I'm not sure I liked, he was always charming but I don't think he was this rude.
Ok Marianne. You're not wrong. But I don't remember that. It's been over a year since I last read S&S, I really need to brush up on it I guess.
Wasn't Eliza married to Brandon's brother and then cast aside? I really need to brush up. However, god I'm reminded of how much I love Austen.
Well I enjoy this Edward's embarrassment a lot.
Ooh Fanny. I don't like Lucy but do not call her a peasant.
Ok fine, point to Edward. I will concede that this adaptation is doing a good job of making the watcher feel for Edward. I still dislike him the most of all Austen husbands.
This is truly a great Elinor.
They've been so careful with having everyone in gloves. And now Edward is thanking Elinor, taking her hand, and no one is in gloves. I see you costume department, I see you.
Yessss loose hair moment.
Oh my god, I always love Col Brandon when he says he won't rest until he brings Mrs. Dashwood and Margaret. Every single adaptation. It makes me so emotional.
Wow ok. This version is a very good Edward, a very good Elinor, a very good Marianne, a very good Brandon. Even a very good Willoughby. I can't believe they really made me actually want to forgive Edward. I usually still am salty towards him by the end. That alone makes this pretty amazing.
Costumes were fun. A little bit crazy but honestly sometimes Austen adaptations don't go crazy enough with the costumes. Minus some fit issues with the empire waists (same issues that Bridgerton is plagued by) and some weird closures in the backs of some dresses, it was really well done costume wise.
And I was surprised that race was not as much of an issue as wealth, though I still think that Fanny and Mrs. Ferrars had some colorism issues in there.
Really my only issue with the movie is that they didn't make clear how old Brandon was compared to Marianne. And I have some concerns about Robert's characterization. That's really all I can complain about though.
Dare I say... that Hallmark somehow created... my new favorite Sense and Sensibility adaptation...
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