#also like. kuniharu and kurumi had kids too young
coffeehelly · 1 year
genuinely i think a large part of what makes kuniharu such a bad father is that hes a manchild who thinks of kusuo more like a brother than a son
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SO. In chapter 212, Kuniharu says that he’s been in the workforce for 15 years.
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Kuniharu also happens to be 39 years old in canon. That means he got his first job when he was 24. But listen. You know what Kuniharu had before he turned 24?? A WIFE AND TWO KIDS. He married Kurumi when he was 20, had Kusuke at 21, and Kusuo at 23. There is no way this man was supporting his own family during that time without a job. So, who was supporting them? The people you’d usually rely on in this situation are your parents. We’ve got three options here: Kurumi and Kuniharu were either receiving support from just Kurumi’s parents, just Kuniharu’s parents, or from both their families.
Personally, I like option 3 the best, because it helps explain Kumagoro’s hatred of Kuniharu, while keeping the situation from being too tough on him. 
Reasons why Kumagoro hates Kuniharu (besides his personality): 
Not only is Kuniharu marrying his beloved daughter shortly after she turns eighteen, a very young age for marriage, but he gets her pregnant shortly after the wedding (or perhaps even before; Kusuke is born 7 months after their marriage so he’s either born prematurely, or Kurumi and Kuniharu weren’t waiting that long to do it). 
Kuniharu doesn’t have a job, saddling Kumagoro with the resulting expenses.
Kuniharu isn’t going to have a job for a while, because he’s a full-time college student, probably going for a four year degree. 
Seriously, how much do you think Kumagoro’s job pays? It’d have to be a hell of a lot to support himself, Kumi, Kurumi, Kuniharu, and the baby. Which leads nicely into my next argument: that Kuniharu’s side of the family is also helping.
In chapter 99 Kuniharu says that his mother is alive, and lives in their hometown. His dad, on the other hand, has passed away.
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That means that there is at least one member of Kuniharu’s family who is capable of alleviating his financial strain. And I do believe that she, whoever she is, was helping Kuniharu out. I believe this mostly because Kuniharu probably wasn’t paying his own way through college. Again: Kuniharu has only been in the labor force for 15 years. Plus, he never mentions having a part-time job when reminiscing about his college days. It’s safe to say that the money for his education was coming from his parent(s). His parents might also be willing to pay for his child.
...Well, it’s also possible that Kuniharu’s parent(s) would disown him for being reckless enough to have a child before he’s even out of college, but I’d like to believe they’re not that cruel. It’d also be really hard on Kumagoro otherwise so... yeah. Still not a great situation to be in, but at least they scraped by? Although I’m really understanding Kumagoro’s anger now. Even when Kuniharu does get a job, it’s probably a low paying one, and we know that Kuniharu is absolute trash as a manga editor sooo... still not looking great for you dude.
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