#also love how both that BoJack episode and Metalocalypse both involve characters named Pickles
Recently had this one idea for the movie that if the time skip is in real time (ie ten years) then we have Dethklok having the awkward revelation that they’ve been active for so long that the oldest among Skwisgaar’s daughters are old enough to be their groupies a la the BoJack Horseman episode “Mr Peanutbutter’s Halloween Boos” where the age gap between him and his girlfriends gets progressively wider because he hasn’t really aged mentally . Then my train of thought lead to this brief subplot (as in the first ten minutes then it cones back in much later during a crucial plot point ie during a climatic battle scene) where Skwisgaar tries to bond with some of his daughters after getting an audience with him under the false pretense of them being groupies but aside from that awkward as hell introduction it’s surprisingly wholesome even if it still leads to the band overall having a lowkey midlife crisis at that revelation.
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