#also love the heteronormativity and perfectionism of her always chasing after Saiki
sophoscorner · 6 months
I love Teruhashi because she's the perfect pretty girl. She smiles nicely. She's polite. She's never rude. She never embarrasses herself. She eats the bad food because she's nice inside and out and thats why everyone loves her.
I love Teruhashi because she knows she's pretty, but she's not allowed to say it because a really pretty girl never knows she's pretty. Even if they keep telling her again and again and again and again. She doesn't know she's pretty. She's just the same as everyone else really.
I love Teruhashi because she has to be careful who she's nice to or they'll start fights. Everyone loves her and no one can have her because she's just too pretty. It'd be unfair if one person had her and the others didn't.
I love Teruhashi because she really is a horrible person for believing what everyone says about her. Its so wrong of her to be nice to everyone only so they'll keep loving her. But, its okay because we the audience she through her lies. We know she's secretly terrible. Secretly ugly. And it's all because she knows she's pretty.
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