#also lowkey we should get claire in there from daredevil!
idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Irondad fic ideas #106
Fic idea based on The Good Nurse
May works in a hospital as a nurse. She is really passionate about her job, though it's hard. With Tony paying Peter's college tuition it's been easier, but she still sometimes takes the nightshifts
In the hospital they start getting Code Blue a lot, almost every day. The hospital is obviously trying to cover it up. May has never stood by while something wrong is going on. She conducts a little investigation of her own by looking at the reports and notices something off. There is an unknown drug that she does not recognize. The police are also investigating but she knows that they will do nothing. She can't just stand by while something wrong is happening and it's killing innocents
She goes to Tony. They look over the reports together. Bruce Banner also joins the team because he is an actual doctor. Eventually so does Stephen Strange. They try to figure out what is going on but they need legal advice too because the hospital is hiding something, so Matt Murdock also joins the team. May does not tell Peter about any of this because she does not want him to worry.
But, one night Peter saves a professor's life from a mugger. His spidey sense warns him about the professor, so Peter, MJ and Ned conduct their own research about him. The two story lines will connect at the end
Also Jefferson Davis (Miles's father) is the one that is in charge of the case and he wants to solve it because a lot of people will die if the murderer is not caught. But his hands are tied by the corrupt system and the hospital is not cooperating. So, when Tony Stark approaches him personally about the case, he is wary and does not reveal much. But when he discovers that there is a team that includes one genius, two doctors, an attorney, and a determined nurse who wants to catch this murderer, he's in.
Also, Rio Morales is an EMT. Jeff does not tell her where he goes at night because he does not want to worry her, but when she discovers she joins the team and helps them with her knowledge.
May and Rio were friends in college.
Double Bonus
After the case is solved they have a small party with their families in Avengers Tower. MJ and Ned are also invited. Peter and Miles meet for the first time
This fic idea was submitted by @creative-girl (a really long time ago friend I'm so sorry)
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feenyreadscomics · 5 years
Rosaries, pt 6
Last time on Rosaries, Matt left NYC on a train. He has just run into Bucky. Also a disclaimer, I guess for this whole series in general, but particularly with the introduction of Bucky: I am not disabled. And in particular with Bucky, I wasn't able to find much regarding how a total arm amputee may have to navigate life. So, if i get something wrong, i apologize in advance. Also I feel like I've been writing Matt, and am currently writing Bucky, as being a bit too open to trust. Dunno how to correct it, but here we are
Something was... off. There was the vibrating from the guy's arm next to Matt sure, but there were a few too many conductors for this train. And they were carrying... probably weapons.
One of the conductors came up to them, and started harassing Matt's seat buddy? Seat acquaintance? Seat acquaintance, and Matt knew he was carrying a gun. So, he might have tried to deescalate the situation (Foggy would be proud of him) and the gun might have been pulled out in the open. Which may have required a bit of combat, throwing his seatmate onto the floor, and getting the gun away from the conductor.
But then, holy shit, his seatmate had a bulletproof arm. Which was useful, since the cramped quarters meant he couldn't tell exactly how many people were coming after them. They were able to grab their packs, and then the stranger smashed his metal arm through the window. He climbed out onto the top of the train, Matt following close behind. A gunshot grazed metal arm's leg. More goons started to come out the sides of train.
"We need to jump!" Matt yelled.
"I got that!" Seat mate responded.
Matt heard a pin being pulled out, then something metal land at their feet. Shit. A grenade. Matt kicked it away, then dove off the side, tackling his new buddy as they went. And down they went, Metal arm's metal arm knocking the wind out of Matt, and Matt accidentally kneeing him in the ribs, and they were off. Running. They weaved through some trees before making it to a residential area. Then, a downtown area. Perfect.
Matt slipped on a hat and reassembled his cane. The other guy pulled up a hood. Considering he was loosing blood pretty quick, he was doing a good job holding up. Matt grabbed Metal Arms's (fleshy) elbow.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Trying to pretend to be normal. You're going to be guiding me, mostly because it's easier for me if you do. Once they are off your tail, you're gonna get stitched up."
"Got it." Bucky began to turn his head.
"Don't look behind us. That's suspicious. I've got good hearing. I'll be able to tell when they're giving up." They weaved their way through the crowd: tired workers shuffling back home, teens excited over the upcoming weekend, college students slipping away from their studies to bars. It was a lot of noise, and Matt needed to concentrate if they were going to get out of this.
With Metal Arm guiding Matt, he was able to focus on the people talking on their comms. Eventually, they gave up. Matt waited about thirty seconds after that, then said "Hey, they're gone."
"Great. Can we sit down?" Metal Arm guy moved to a bench and rolled up his pantleg. "Do you have any gauze and tape?" Matt dug out a roll of medical tape and gauze. Metal Arm took them and wrapped his leg, then returned the rest, and pulled down his pant leg. "Thanks."
"Do you have anywhere to go?"
"I'll figure it out."
"I'm moreso asking because you just blew my travel plans out of the water."
"Well, shit."
"So, a quid pro quo?"
"Sure. Ya got any camping gear?"
"We are getting out of here then."
"Down for taking a cab?"
Matt pulled out his phone, and called a cab. Fairly soon, Boston was behind them, the lights of the city fading to black.
Later on, after camp got set up and fish were caught and cooked (and Matt managed to eat one) and fires were lit and granola bars were shared and introductions were made ("I'm Jim," the metal armed man said, even though his heart rate registered a lie, but tit for tat, Matt supposed, as he introduced himself as Mike) the duo settled into a comfortable silence.
"I'll take first watch," Matt offered.
"I would rather do that."
"No, you first."
Jim glared at him. "No."
"Fine." Matt walked over and got into his hammock. Sleep was probably a good idea.
"What's the deal with the hammock anyways?" Jim asked.
Well, sleeping on the ground is a special sort of sensory hell, but camping itself is great. So much quieter than the city. "I sleep better this way."
Jim nodded at him, then silently watched the fire.
Buck waited for Mike to fall asleep. Being awake was better than being asleep. Mike took a while. His arm was bugging him, but it would be okay, in the end.
It was a long night. Bucky hoped Mike would be able to get back to whatever his travel plans were.
Mike roused himself from sleep at around four am. He had Bucky go to bed. Bucky slipped under his tarp, then took off his arm. That felt so much better.
Bucky fell asleep.
He was there, again. The mission. Behind a blue minivan.
Roll a grenade. Easy takedown.
But then, boom, the Black Widow was on him, and he was fighting to breathe. And boom, she was off.
Shoot. Target not eliminated, hiding behind a car. Shoot again.
Then he charged in.
Shoot, kick, fight. Eliminate target.
And he's choking his best friend and powerless to stop.
Punch, kick. His mask is off. Steve's face emblazoned in his mind. Horror, fear.
Jim was moving, thrashing. Matt was on guard, stick in hand.
They slowly died down. Matt breathed a sigh of relief.
Jim woke up.
"Morning," Matt said as he offered a granola bar to Jim. "Sleep well?"
"Yeah," Jim said. Heartrate increase. Lie. Jim took the granola bar, tore the packaging off with his teeth, and ate it.
"So what's the plan for today?"
"You," Jim pointed aggressively at Matt, "go on your own way. Do what you need to do. And I," Jim started pointing at himself, " go my own way."
"While I dont doubt you can take care of yourself," Matt took a bite of his own granola bar, "you have no money, limited resources, most of which are weapons, and a giant fucking target on your back." Matt swallowed his granola bar. "I have resources and a death wish. So how about we work together?" Matt did not like the sound of this guy striking out alone. He'd probably kill a bunch of people.
"I don't play well with others."
"Neither do I! Last time I worked with someone, people died. So how about we work together?" Jim, I really need to know you aren't a terrorist. Please.
"I nearly killed my best friend. Please, leave me alone."
"You aren't alone. I did too."
"Wait, what?"
"Yep. Got possessed. My best friend climbed a temple to save me. Nearly killed him."
"Jeez. Fine. You can stay."
They clean camp, and move on, getting on a bus. Matt texts Foggy he's alright, and Foggy wishes him well.
Foggy texts about how he's a bit worried for Matt, and wants to know if he was involved in the train incident. Matt wants to lie, to say that he wasn't, but he takes a deep breath. They were trying to beat up an amputee, he texts back. Foggy wants to know if anyone died, and all Matt can say is not before he left. Matt asks about cases at the firm, and they had a case with Mrs. Gonzales and her son, accused of robbing a bodega at gunpoint. It seemed open and shut. Matt wished him luck on the case, and him and Jim continued their adventures.
I lived, b: hey so I just texted Matt and apparently he made a friend
Hottie McBurnerPhone: oh thank god
Night Nurse: he actually made a friend?? Like I'm a bit worried if this friend is a good influence
The hair is real: that's surprising. No one forced him?
I lived, b: I know. But great.
Old man: that's good for him. Who is this friend?
I lived, b: dunno. An amputee, apparently.
Old man: ok. Praying for him.
And we are done! For clarification
I lived, b: Foggy Nelson (refrence to the plot where he gets cancer
Hottie McBurner phone: Claire Temple
Old man: Steve Roger's. By finding out Matt is Daredevil, he earned one consolation prize of being in the "I'm friends with a human disaster and this is how I cope" chat.
Night nurse: Linda Carter
The hair is real: Karen Page (refrence to 60's Page hair)
Also, not waking someone up in case of night terrors is what you should do.
Matt almost killed Foggy in the comics. It happened, we love Matt anyway. Also lowkey love Matt being "You think you're a human disaster? Try me."
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