#also me: Let's play the thing you know is the shittiest fallout game
300iqprower · 1 year
Having now played fallout 4, presumably due to some sort of masochistic streak, I think it's really funny that Bethesda got so salty about New Vegas that they went out of their way to fuck up literally every single thing that made New Vegas so good, and double down on every single thing that made Fallout 3 badly designed.
You can literally go over this with a checklist and systematically track every instance of bad design and how it's reflective of how much Bethesda has no idea how to make open world games OR role playing games, let alone both at once.
I'm now convinced the only reason this game is popular is because they refuse to rerelease Fallout 3 or NV.
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This is the brief, fairly temporary version of Hector as the Sole Survivor but I've been making grabbyhands at the Fallouts I follow for a while (and hey, if you know any more, New Vegas or 4, please rec them to me so I can make them ??? by following them).
So. Sole Survivor Hector.
**THERE BE SPOILERS HERE. I know a few of you haven't finished the main quest/Far Harbor so don't look under the cut.
Part of the Immortal verse because I just can't let that one go. I keep making splits and at least it explains the game mechanics lmao. A lot of Nate's sketchy background does not apply to Hector. He did settle down finally...Kinda. Shaun's not actually his biological kid, but that's never mattered (the "I'm looking for my son" is very real with him - not played for sympathy and information, believe it or not). And who knows how long he could have played at suburban bliss had the bombs not dropped before he got itchy feet again, but we'll never know, because the bombs did. Y'all know the drill. Cyro-frozen in a vault for 210+ years, thaws out to see his Nora get murdered and Shaun kidnapped, and then thaws out again for good about 60 years later. The path Hector takes is: Sanctuary → Concord → Sanctuary → Bunker Hill → Goodneighbor → Diamond City → Ft. Hagen → All the way to a Railroad ending for the main quest. 90% of settlements gathered, all dlc settlments included. Covenant cleared out and rebuilt, Stockton's daughter freed. Railroad Code Name: Whisperer Ending: Evacuation sounded, Shaun left to die, tiny Synth!Shaun shuffled off to Sanctuary. Wazer Wifle is kept even after he no longer uses it. Companions Most Used: Dogmeat (constant), Hancock, MacCready, Cait, Nick, Longfellow, ADA, Gage, Codsworth, Deacon. No companions romanced during course of gameplay, though Piper and Curie were in the running. Did romance Magnolia. (Dat high charisma tho.) Did Do: Chem use, alcohol use, extort for more caps, occasionally threaten/intimidate, constant sarcastic responses, steal, lockpick, hack (to his ability), lots of speech checks. Did Not Do: Murder innocents, use power armor much at all, join the Brotherhood of Steel (practically laughed in Danse's face and gave him the middle finger).  Practically every sidequest he found was done. Helped ADA, did not confront Mechanist as Silver Shroud, did spare Isabel. Far Harbor: Max affinity with Old Longfellow, Captain's Dance performed, discovered secret of the cranberry bog, helped clear the Dalton "curse", helped the Mariner, helped Captain Avery, helped Small Bertha. Took Nick as companion. All factions still standing at the end, Tektus still alive but banished. Vault-Tec Workshop: Pulled the teeth on all the experiments, Overseer kicked out and becomes the new one. Nuka World: All the way up through Home Sweet Home - got the power on. Disciples destroyed - NIsha pissed him off and he doesn't take threats well. Ran the raiders a while before discovering the slaves in the marketplace. Nuka World raiders decimated. Other Fun Facts: && Original Nuka Cola over the other flavors in Nuka World. && Spent a night in DC lockup for punching Myrna in the face. && "Home" is Home Plate. && Did not do optional first-time Memory Den quest. && Power Noodles is life. && Frequents the Dug Out. && Actually collects those dorky models of things. && Also collects holotape games. && His "natural" accent starts peeking through around Cait. && Handguns and melee build with the occasional shotgun and rifle. && Killed Lorenzo Cabot. && Collects bobbleheads. && Will absolutely stimpack Dogmeat. && Chems of choice are Mentats and Psycho. && Uses the Boylston Club as a second home base. && Probably wouldn't have had an issue with the Gunners if they hadn't shot at him first. && Was entirely creeped out by Vault 118. && Powerfist and Revolutionary Sword are his weapons of choice. && Does not use heavy guns. && Thinks Piper is really nosy. But cute. There's more, I"m sure, but I think that covers the basics. He's not the shittiest of Sole Survivors, but he's not the greatest, either. He does some pretty shitty things, but he also does some really good things - usually with his own aims in mind. I mean, my dudes, he's still a pirate, after all. Tends to be kind of a smartass, but no one is surprised. Like everything else I can fill in with specifics but. Idk, I think this gives a good idea of how his run went at least? So here. Here is some 4 info finally, though I'll polish it up narratively later and add it to the page it belongs to but for now. /sits this gently down.
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