#also might ramble about queenie at some point because i love her. she's perfect never change
haywiiree · 1 month
Oughjhvbgghhhh the animatics in my head I will never start,, I've completed your storyboards in my heart,,
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A Failed Betrothal (6)
Here is a new chapter for you guys. I am terrible at writing feelings and this is my best shot.😅 Tell me what you think.
(PART 1)(PART 5)
(Words in bold is French)
“Tch, Drake is going to be busy trying to find Hawkmoth. He can’t go around Paris, being Dupain-Cheng’s boyfriend. Besides, he can’t be a proper boyfriend even in his most lucid moments. I will be her boyfriend instead.”
Tim was glad he didn’t take a sip of his coffee when Damian volunteered to be Marinette’s boyfriend. But he still choked on air. Jason with his limited knowledge of french was confused. Damian didn’t do what he heard, right?
“No, you can’t. Chloe already told them about Tim. If I come in with a different boyfriend, they would get suspicious. We can work on Hawkmoth while we go on those dates. Besides, I thought you don’t like me. That’s not going to sell the image of a loving couple.” Marinette pointed out. (She also doesn’t want to do this fake-date thing. Not because she likes Damian and she had always been a goner for green eyes and totally would be date him if it weren’t for some stupid curse dictating her feelings for him and fake-dating him might get her catch feelings for him and she would get her heart broken when this is all over and she would stay single forever and be a lonely old lady with hamsters and cats for company.)
“Actually, Mari-bug, I only told the class how romantic your boyfriend is. I never told them what he looked like. Just in case, Timothy couldn’t make it. I have back-up favors to cash in.” Chloe explained.
Marinette didn’t even know why she was surprised at that, this was Chloe after all.
“You have more than one American boy around our age in your debt who you intend to be my boyfriend? Sounds like you, Queenie. So that also means that Damian doesn’t have to do it if he doesn’t want to.”
“My offer still stands. I will be your ‘boyfriend’ before I have to go back. I will be more understanding than those other American boys when you have to rush out for an attack. That is to assume that they can come here or agree. In our initial meeting, I didn’t like that weak girl act you put up. Recent events have made me realize that you are a much stronger person. (Careful Damian, that sounds like a compliment.) You are a decent partner to date.(Shit. Shit. Shit. That wasn’t a compliment, right?)”
Damian couldn’t see why Dupain-Cheng would refuse such a good deal. He supposed her feelings might be still hurt from his first impression of her. He would give her an apology when they are alone and away from his brothers who would make a big deal of it.
“Fine. At least, the curse will at least make this fake couple thing more believable.” grumbled Marinette. The light pink blush on her face is not because he said she was someone he would date.
Oh right, the curse. He swore internally, it had possessed him to be Dupain-Cheng’s boyfriend. He now would have to endure the hand-holding, kissing and staring into each other’s eyes, and try to resist the curse which will be much harder now. Somehow, he didn’t regret it a little bit. It sounds more bearable with him doing those things with her than her with Drake. This was just a mutual agreement to ward off her suitors and prove to her classmates that she was off the market.
Chloe clapped her hands,“If we have everything sorted out, you can start being a good boyfriend by walking Marinette to school today. We want to be on time now.”
The others started packing up their stuff or finished what they were eating. Marinette was dragged out of the bakery by an impatient Damian. Chloe and Alix picked up what Marinette left behind and followed out. The rest soon left right after, leaving the two boys in the bakery.
“Hey, Replacement, tell me if I am wrong but did Demon Spawn willingly ask a girl out?” Jason asked, stealing a croissant from Tim.
“Try making himself the perfect candidate to be her fake boyfriend out of many choices, including me, and get her to agree to it. Now he has to go on a few romantic dates with Marinette in order to ward off this really pushy guy in her class. Demon Spawn also has a crush on her and he’s in denial of it. We are not hallucinating either. I’ve checked.” Tim replied, sipping his coffee.
“Damian. Let go. Hey, Wayne, are you listening to me? Let me go. This is not how you treat your significant other. And you are not even going in the right direction.” Marinette all but yelled at him.
He released his grip on her. “My apologies for manhandling you but I wanted to tell you this away from everybody else.”
“What?” She asked, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes.
I- This is a little difficult to say for me,” Damian started. (Why were his palms sweaty? It’s just an apology. He had done it before although it was mostly because Grayson told him what he did wrong and made him do it.) “But I am sorry for calling you weak, pathetic and every other bad thing I have said about you when you have shown that you are anything but those. I was mad at myself for being caught and took it out on you.”
Her glare softened.
“Apologies accepted. The school is this way.” She said with a smile and went towards the school. Damian walked by her side, his hands in his pockets.
Marinette looked at where his hands were, “If we are going to do this fake dating thing, I suggest we hold hands.”
Damian grabbed her hand and continued walking in silence. Her hands were so small and fitted perfectly in his. Oh God, it’s the curse again. Turning him into a sap. Do not think about her hands. And the fact that she took down a man twice her size with them which was an amazing sight to watch.
“Why are you so stiff? Loosen up a little. You are with the love of your life. Smile a little.”
Damian plastered on a fake smile, “Happy?”
“It looks fake. Being a model he will be able to tell.” Marinette remarked, “Are you sure you want to do this? We can still go get Tim to be my boyfriend.”
“I can do this. Drake wouldn’t be a better choice. It doesn’t help that you are relentlessly nit-picking me. Or are you that bad of a girlfriend?” Damian couldn’t help but sniped back. “Maybe that’s why Chat Noir left you.”
He found himself back against the world and her elbow at his neck. (He would forever deny that he liked it.)
“Look here, Wayne. You know nothing about me and you shouldn’t assume that you do. Chat Noir was revoked of his status as a hero for his behaviour. If you don’t act the part properly, I am going to have my former partner, who has absolutely no sense of boundaries, harassing me in my civilian life and I have already dealt enough of his advances to last a lifetime. I have given you so many chances to get out of this which you refused and yet, you are half-assing it. So are you in this 100 percent or not? Because I am at the end of my patience right now.”
“The boy who is obsessed with you is the former Chat Noir?”
“Yes, I will explain about that later but what’s your answer?”
“I will give it my best shot but I have never pretended to be in love.”
“Were you not taught in the League?”
“There were seduction tactics shown to members when they were old enough and I left them when I was 10 but I am not sure if those skills can be applied here.”(Slamming your opponent against the wall wasn’t one of them but she was doing a great job of it so far. No. No. No. He is not his father. This is different from whatever he has with Kyle.)
She released her hold on him and grabbed his hand, leading him towards her school.
“Well then, here are the basics. Everytime you look at me, just think of your favourite things to make your smile a little more genuine. Maybe call me by a pet name if you want. Keep your touch on me like you can’t keep your hands off of me and act really reluctant when you have to let go. You will only keep them my shoulders, arms, hands and waist or I will break your hand. I will do the same. If you are going to have to kiss me, give me a warning.” He looked into her blue eyes and nodded.
“Oh. I almost forgot. In case they try to question our relationship. My favourite colour is red. My favourite song is ‘Fearless’ by Jagged Stone.(I love Taylor. Sue me) And we met online a few months ago. You came all the way to Paris to see me a month ago and asked me out. We will talk more that later. Oh, I also love designing and have dreams of being a famous fashion designer.-”
Marinette rambled on which Damian found a little endearing. He looked forward to knowing more about her. He added a few comments here or there about himself (because it was only fair.) and ways to improve their cover story about their relationship.
“We are nearly at school. Let’s start the act, Romeo.” Marinette whispered at him and looked at him with a bright smile that brought a tiny smile to his face. Okay, maybe he liked Marinette a little bit but that doesn’t mean he’s in love with her.
He moved her hand holding his to the crook of his elbow.
“Is this acceptable, my lady?”
She wrinkled her nose, (Adorable. No. Don’t go there) “This is fine. But can you not call me that? And princess too? I may have erased his memories as Chat Noir but it could be a trigger to bring them back.”
“Understandable. What about Malak?”
She blushed. Marinette had learned Arabic a while back and was very fluent in the language.
“It’s okay.” She said in a soft voice. She put her other hand on his bicep and leaned on his shoulder.
“You don’t look like a touchy-feely person so is this fine?”
“Cool, let me tell you more about the atrocious lies that had passed her mouth.”
They walked into the school courtyard, arm-in-arm, for the entire school, especially Marinette’s class, to see. The perfect picture of a loving couple. Marinette’s blush from earlier was evident on her face, leaving no room for doubt about her new relationship status. (Many guys, gals and pals were upset over it.) As they both walked up the stairs, whispering and laughing about who knows what (gulliable and idiotic classmates they have to suffer learning with), two pairs of green eyes followed them.
In this case, the saying ‘green-eyed monsters’ was true. One was envious of the boy who held the girl he wanted in his arms and the other was envious of the attention the couple was receiving.
Damian escorted Marinette to her class. He gave her a kiss on her cheek and said, loud enough for the class to hear, “Bye, Malak. I will pick you up after school for our date.”
“B-bye, Damian.”
He took her hand, gave a kiss to the back of it and departed, leaving a very red-faced Marinette behind. The rest of the class parted the way as Damian walked past.
She rushed into her seat where Chloe sat beside it, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
“Sooooo, Mari-bug, how was your date? You two rushed out of there so quickly and left your stuff behind. So eager to spend time with your boyfriend, eh? You enjoyed it very much by the looks of it.”
“Sorry about that, Chloe. Did you bring my bag and the cheese danishes?” Marinette tried to change the topic. And she also wanted to make sure a god of destruction doesn’t go hungry and angsty during school. “Yep, here you go,” Chloe said, handing Marinette her bag and a box of cheese-flavoured snacks for Plagg, “Your mom packed some for you.”
“Marinette. Where have you been the last two days? And you came back with a boy. I am honestly worried about your behaviour.” Lila played the concerned classmate wonderfully.
“Yeah, Marinette. This is a new low, even for you.” Alya added.
Marinette readied herself to tell the cover story Damian and her worked out on the way here.
“Lila, I appreciate your ‘concern’. But the last four days have been a little hard on me so excuse me if I am a little snappy today. You see, Damian disappeared and didn’t return home after school on Friday. So when he didn’t pick up for our weekly video call, I panicked and called his family and they told me what happened. They sent me a plane to get out of Paris so I can’t get akumatized.”
“Was that why you were gone on Saturday?” Chloe asked, playing along although she already knew why Marinette wasn’t in Paris the last four days.
“Yeah. Sorry for not telling you guys. It was sorta last minute. Thankfully, he wasn’t kidnapped actually. His biological mother picked him up but never told his father that she was taking him. I just came back last night. Dami followed me to make sure I am okay.”
“What a bunch of bullcrap.” Alya said, “I don’t believe you.”
Oh. The irony... “Alya, I don’t care if you do. My life is my own business. So keep your nosy nose out of it. Your opinions don’t matter to me anymore, stranger.” Marinette internally was tired of this silly routine and wanted this to end already.
Alya wanted to pick a fight with her over the smallest things she did for the past months. She wondered why her former best friend hated her this much.
“Lila told me that you were skipping school and you paid an actor to be your pretend boyfriend.”
Pretending to not hear what Alya said, Marinette turned towards Chloe, “Hey, you never told me about how you met Tim. I can’t believe that you two are friends.”
“We met at one of those charity galas-”
“Hey, we were talking to you.” Alya cut her off. To which Chloe glared at the ombre-haired girl.
“I thought our conversation was done. What else am I supposed to say?”
Marinette was frustrated and hid that fact well, showing any reaction would give the game away. If she had reacted, it would further fuel the fire of Alya’s self-righteousness, making her believe that Marinette was somehow guilty of what Lila told her about. Lila managed to turn nearly the entire class against her by appealing to their ‘hero’ side and outbursts from Marinette and the others made them more sure of themselves of being in the right. It was so deep-rooted that nothing would sway them to logical reasoning. Maybe except Phase 2. Phase 1 was made a little easier when Talia kidnapped her and made her miss a few days of school.
Phase 2 was to not acknowledge the lies or just appear uninterested. It would illustrate the point that people don’t have to listen to them if they don’t want to. If possible, sow little seeds of doubt to the ones Lila had a looser grip on. The more people they can slowly get on their side, the better.
Alya was confused, usually Marinette would throw a ‘temper tantrum’ about how she didn’t do that and Lila lied.“I-, you should-, You should apologize to Lila.”
Marinette raised an eyebrow, “For what this time?”
“For saying that she was lying.”
“Pray tell, when did in any of our conversations so far did I do that? I mean I don’t like the fact that she just accused me with little evidence of paying my someone to be my boyfriend but I am not going to fight with anyone over it. Maybe I did do that, Maybe I didn’t. Maybe there is a good reason I did those things. The thing is Lila should keep to her own business and I will keep to mine. And as should you. I know you are a reporter at heart but you should at the very least respect my privacy.”
Alya stayed silent, fuming. Everyone was looking at them now. She realized that the designer was right and if she pushed further, she would be the bad guy.
“I thought so. Now, go away. I have nothing else to say to you. Let Chloe finish her story of how she met Tim which you so rudely interrupted.”
“Who’s Tim?” Lila asked, wanting to know more about Marinette’s boyfriend to work on an angle to get him away from the ravenette.
“Mari-Bug’s boyfriend’s older brother. Now, shoo peasants, we are talking. Anyways, Mommy took me to when I was younger so I could mingle with all the other rich kids and get connections. Timothy was there and back then, he was still with the Drakes...”
Lila and Alya returned to their seats, both were visibly upset although Lila was seething inside. When Marinette was not at school for the last two days, the Italian thought that it was the last she had seen of her. Today, she showed up with a handsome boy on her arm and by the looks of his clothes, rich too. If she manages to get ‘Damian’ to break up with that pest and date her instead, then she would have a rich, handsome boyfriend devoted to her and that brat would be so heart-broken that an akuma so powerful would be made that even Ladybug won’t be able to defeat. A two for one deal. Lila started planning (scheming) to take her boyfriend away.
(Part 7)
Edit: I am so sorry. I forget to add the taglist.
Tag list: @alysrose-starchild, @buginetye, @lookatthestars1, @blackroserelina, @macncheesemonster, @mochinek0, @myazael, @tonicxworld, @thewitchwhowaited, @t1dwarrior-of-earth, @kissa-chan, @iwantasecretidentity, @theymakeupfairies, @user00000003, @woe-is-me0, @kashlyn, @mochegato,@moonlightstar64 , @greatcatblaze, @moongoddesskiana, @tazanna-blythe. @tonicxworld, @toodaloo-kangaroo, @frieddonutsweets, @local-witch-of-mn, @lady-bee-fechin, @iglowinggemma28, @indecisive-mess-named-me, @k-tea-and-coffee, @jayjayspixiepop, @all-mights-asscheeks, @idk-j-go-with-it , @loysydark, @thenillabean, @lolieg, @zalladane, @silvergold-swirl, @henie04, @blueblossombliss, @khneltea, @mochegato, @itsmeevie01, @roguishredaxion, @alyssadeliv, @steph-hearthlight, @adrestar, @eliza-bich, @abrx2002, @hikari55ttva, @doglover82, @daminette5074, @moon5608,@justafanwarrior, @allis-sun, @animegirlweeb, @aespades, @corporeal-terrestrial, @mildlydeadly, @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl,
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ms-znodgrass · 5 years
Too Much Pino (Newt x Reader)
Word count: 2274
When the reader has to pretend to be Newt’s girlfriend, a little home truths are revealed...
Authors Note: Please excuse any grammatical errors, I didn’t have time to read this through. Sorry!
You had met Newt Scamander at an exhibition of some sort, studying the creatures of the magical wizarding world. Secretly, you were quite the fan, having heard of his large list of inhabited creatures and having read up on his findings regarding every single one.
To say you were a little star struck was a slight under exaggeration. But, once the halo around his head had grown fainter, 6you were able to speak with him as a normal person would. The two of you became very close friends.
That was years ago however, and since, you have both done intense research together. Often you co-wrote papers about rumoured animals that were to be found, and created plans on how you could find them. One of your most recent findings was a Spurlgeo that you named Pino. Splurgeo’s were relatively rare, but gifted in the sense that they could detect dishonesty. Pino was a derivation of Pinocchio, because whenever a Splurgeo knows you’re lying, its nose would grow. The name amused you, and Newt for that matter.
Your research into the genetic structure of a Mymph was cut short when Queenie knocked at your door. “Hello,” you said, knee deep in an essay about the lack of chromosomes found in a Mymphs cell cluster.
“Sweetie, we need to get ready,” she chimed, peering her head around the door. You finished copying up your sentence, before turning to look at her. You beamed, you were so excited about the ball tonight. It was a perfect break for you all, a ray of sunshine that streamed through the dark ‘Grindelwald’ cloud that hung over your heads.
“Let’s go!” You squealed, following her to her bedroom where she was determined to make you look like a movie star.
After an hour or so, Queenie had completed your look. You’d settled for a long, navy, velvet dress that clung to your curves and wrapped seamlessly around your body. The long sleeves protected you from the harsh winter chill, and the v-neck plunge showed a little bit of cleavage.
“Are you sure this isn’t too much?” You asked her, as you inspected your flawless make-up, polished off with a red lip. Queenie appeared in the mirror behind you, eyes sparkling.
“I’m sure. You’re gorgeous!” She giggled. You turned to look at her, her porcelain skin was draped in a beautiful red dress, her hair hung in tight curls about her cheekbones.
“And you look stunning,” you told her, “thank you so much. Now we beet head off before Tina thinks we’ve stood her up.” You took her arm in yours, and both skipped to the door.  
 The ball was lively as you entered, everyone was laughing and smiling and drinking. People waved at you, Queenie and Tina, approaching you with warm hugs and soft kisses. After an hour or so, you began to look for Newt. You had discovered some new information about the Splurgeo and were eager to share your findings. After a couple of minutes of shuffling through the crowds, you spotted his tall stature a few metres in front of you. “Newt!” You yelled, hoping to gain his attention. He turned his head, looking around curiously. He couldn’t spot you and his dumbfounded expression was amusing to you.
Suddenly he spotted you, a small smile crossing his features. Only for a second though. His sweet grin was replaced with a concerned look, and he bolted towards you.
Breathlessly, he started, “Y/N I really need a favour, it seems I’ve gotten myself into a situation and I really need you to help me.”
“Woah, Newt, breathe,” you told him, placing your hands on his shoulders. He inhaled deeply. “I’m sure it can’t be that bad at all, we can easily-“
“I need you to pretend to be in love with me.”
He half laughed, almost making you think he was joking. But then his stern expression told you that he certainly wasn’t.
“Please! Something slipped and then unravelled into this stupid lie, and I can’t let people think I’m any more of a loser.”
“You’re not a loser. At least they don’t think so, I on the other hand-“
“Please Y/N! I’ll do anything,” he pleaded.
“Anything? Like, lend me your Farheo analyser?”
“This is Y/N, my… partner,” Newt sighed, “this is Lacabelle and Gregario Jones.” The two people that stood before you were polar opposites. The lady, was tall and thin, her purple hair hung below her lips, lips painted with a bright red colour. On the other hand, the gentleman was short and stout, his hair balding a little. His lips were red also, but it was a result of the red wine he was sipping ever so frequently.
“Hello, its lovely to meet you,” you smiled, shaking their hands. “I hope you have a lovely evening, and-“
Pino appeared out of nowhere, brushing up against your leg and stopping your train of thought. “Oh hello,” you grinned, rubbing his furry head.
“Who’s this?” Lacabelle smiled, looking down at Pino.
“This is Pino, Y/N named him after Pinocchio, because he’s a Splurgeo,” Newt announced, chuckling a little. You knew he found the joke funny.
“Oh how enchanting! A splurge! Ha, these little guys are always hard to find!”
“He must’ve hidden in my bag,” you said, a little embarrassed.
“He’s very cheeky,” Newt chimed in. Pino wrapped his body around Newts calf, as he always did. At times you had to pry Pino away from Newt, much to Pino’s dismay. The little fluffball loved Newt, and never enjoyed leaving him. He was the reason you were around Newt so much. Well, part of the reason.
“I can see. It must be interesting to have him around, I’m sure he settles many of your arguments,” Gregario laughed. You and Newt looked at each other, sharing a nervous glance.
“Very rarely,” you joked, suddenly feeling Newts arm snake around your waist.
“Well it must be nice to know when he’s lying, Y/N?”
“Of course! Though the only lie that has ever left his mouth is, ‘You look beautiful’. Especially after hours of research,” you smiled.
“Oh but you are beautiful Y/N!” Lacabelle compliments.
“She’s certainly the most beautiful woman in the room,” Newt chuckled, his grip softer around your waist. You all spotted Pino out of the corner of your eyes, awaiting the growth of his nose. But, it didn’t change shape. His little paws touched his face, scratching at his neck. Nothing.
You could feel your cheeks burn as Newt peered down at you through his lashes. You couldn’t help but allow your lips to curl up, and tried to prevent your smile escalating to a full beam. “Oh I say, you’ve found yourself a real charmer Y/N!” Lacabelle sung, sipping on her wine.
“I’m rather lucky,” you said, more to yourself than the others. Gregorio swayed a little, his nose as red as the wine in his hand. He looked between you both.
“It’s so good to see a couple find love even in the darkest of times,” he smiled.
“Oh hush Gregorio, they might not have announced it to each other yet,” Lacabelle laughed. You looked at Newt, afraid of what might come next.
“Well, have you?”
“S-sorry?” Newt choked.
“Do you love each other?” He smirked, nudging Newt. Low and behold, your worst nightmare. With Pino present, this could go one of two ways – and both outcomes would not work in your favour. Lacabelle softly punched him arm, mumbling about how ridiculous he is. Still, she was waiting for an answer.
You looked at Newt, scoffing. “Well, you know-“
“We haven’t really-“
Suddenly, you both transformed into a pair of absolute idiots. You had started rambling, at the same time, desperately trying to think of ways to avoid the question. The only problem was that Newt had finally shut his mouth a little too early. This meant that your last little confession has slipped out, and he had heard it perfectly.
“-he likes animals which is amazing and has really good hair and I do love him but…”
All of you turned your heads to Pino, who once again stood there and shrugged. You allowed a few seconds to pass before you began to silently pray that the ground would swallow you up, or that the ceiling would collapse solely on you. Pinos’ nose hadn’t stretched, not even an inch.
It had suddenly gotten very quiet. Lacabelle stared at you and blinked once. Gregorio was in the process of finishing his drink, and Newt had removed his arm from your waist. You felt awful, and your heart had stopped beating. At least you though, or hoped.
You blinked a few times, and cleared your throat. “It’s suddenly gotten very warm, please excuse me.”
You had never walked so quickly. People around you looked like coloured blurs in your vision, and you couldn’t tell whether that was a result of the clumsy way you were navigating yourself, or the water that slowly began to well up in your eyes. At one point you felt an arm graze your shoulder, and caught Queenies eye. You smiled unconvincingly, and kept walking.
The cold air hit your burning cheeks with a silent slap, instantly calming you down and relaxing the muscles that had sewn together in your throat. The balcony was bare, thankfully, bordered with a marble railing. It kept you from nearly throwing yourself over the edge. Nearly.
You began to pace, hoping to rid yourself of the embarrassment. Talking to yourself helped too, a series of ‘why’s and ‘how’s and curse words flew from your mouth. Eventually you just buried your face within your hands and screamed. So very loudly, you felt as if your voice was about to disappear. Maybe you would too.
In the midst of your meltdown, you hadn’t noticed that another body had joined you outside. You furthermore hadn’t noticed that the one person who had followed you, was the last person you’d expect to want to see you.
You slowly removed your hands from your face, wrapping them around your torso. Your head etched round to see Newt coming towards you.
Standing next to your side, he looked out at the view. A sea of darkness bedecked with flickers of golden paint. You were just able to make out the horizon, its silhouette illuminated ever so slightly by the rising moon. “I’m sorry I had to throw that on you, as soon as you came through the door,” he said, slowly and carefully, as if his words could break you if he wasn’t careful.
“No, no. Don’t be silly,” you sighed, struggling to maintain your composure. He noticed your change in aura, and tried to resume a normal conversation, hoping it’d make you feel better.
“The food here is-“
“Look, about what Pino said,” you began, “it’s really nothing to take in, not that I’m sure you did, you know, notice my little proclamation,” you were rambling, “in fact it’s not a proclamation because it’s not true, you know that Splurgeo’s are only accurate 90% of the time so 10% of the time they’re wrong.” You were still rambling. “And clearly Pino is wrong, I mean it’s blatantly obvious isn’t it? And the research I’m doing-“
You hadn’t noticed the change in proximity between you and Newt until you felt his warm breath fanning your face. You turned your body, practically bumping into his chest. You looked up at him, your nose ever so close to his. His eyes were catching yours, holding them. You felt as if your face was getting closer to his, and looked out at the view again, though it suddenly seemed very dull in comparison.
“I’m making you uncomfortable,” Newt mumbled, stepping backwards and thrusting his hands into his coat pockets. Instinctively, you reached out.
“No, no. I’m too comfortable when I’m with you,” you confessed involuntarily. He looked up at you again, watching you through the soft curls of his fringe. He took another step towards you, closing the space that hung between you both. His warm hands touched your cheeks, thumbs grazing over your cheekbones.
“You’re freezing,” he sighed, concern laced within his tone. You smiled.
“Am I?” You hadn’t noticed. The goose bumps appearing on your arms were certainly not a result of the harsh winter wind that soared around you both. He nodded, removing his coat. “Newt stop, you’ll catch a cold.”
“Better me than you,” he smiled, draping it over your shoulders. His wide mouth twitched slightly, eyes hiding behind his ginger curls, he was thinking.
“What is it?” You asked, touching his arm briefly.
“I so terribly want to kiss you,” he blurted out, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson. Your lower jaw dropped a little, and your eyes widened. The words left your mouth before your brain caught up with you.
“Then kiss me.”
Newt’s eyes flickered from the floor to your lips, and he brought his hands up to your cheeks once again. His lips softly touched yours, tickling your mouth. It was light and kind, leaving a large smile in its wake.
Again, he brought your head closer to his and deepened the kiss. You almost melted into his arms, and had to steady your body against his. He chuckled a little, that same laugh that caused your heart to beat two times as fast.
“I hope that tells you how very much I love you.” Newt took your body in his, and hugged you as tightly as he could muster.
“I would say the same, but I think Pino beat me to it.”
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xshinormx · 6 years
I’m not over exaggerating I’ve been wanting to write this now since yesterday but I thought it was too much, but anyway here I go. I’m a newtina shipper and since I saw the film last night I have some questions. Bunty is clearły in love with newt and surely at some point Tina and her will meet I’m curious if there’s going to be some hostility. Also I honesty believe that newt and Tina would have kissed after the salamander conversation had they not been interrupted. Newtina have been exchanging
Letters, I just wish they expanded more on this. Also do you think that we will finally see newt and Tina as a couple in the third film? I’m not 100% but I heard there was going to be A time jump. How do you think this will play out?
(I assure you, it’s never too much, I’m always happy to talk about new fandom developments.)
Bunty definitely has a crush on Newt (her asking him if he should take his shirt off to do the thing is a mood lol), but it’s also clearly not mutual. So I feel like, if she and Tina do meet, there won’t be a terribly huge amount of conflict. Maybe some tension and glances (the amount of which will likely depend on what phase of their relationship Newt and Tina are in at the time), but Tina would probably notice fairly quickly that Newt isn’t interested in Bunty like that. So if it does become a plot point (and I hope it doesn’t), it’d hopefully be played off as more humorous than serious, and it’d likely be resolved and they’ll be friends by the end of the movie, like Tina and Leta almost were definitely are.
And I love that salamander scene so much. Honestly, I think it was perfectly complete without a kiss, though I do hate that they hAd to be interrupted. But if it had continued, I honestly… don’t quite know if they would’ve kissed. Most fictional couples, yes, absolutely, but these two are quite adorably awkward about their feelings, and they both would’ve been considering that Tina is dating someone else. So they might’ve started, might’ve leaned in, but if they managed to go through with it, it would’ve been more awkward than anything, certainly not the movie-perfect first kiss most fictional couples get.
I love that they’ve been exchanging letters. I just have this image of Newt rambling on about various animals (how else would Tina have known exactly how he was about to compare her to a salamander? He had to have written it), and Tina curled up in her PJs smiling and laughing because of them. That being said, I don’t think there was really much about that to expand on in canon - it’s just the 1920s equivalent of texting. Maybe little references to what they’d written, but nothing major.
And I haven’t heard really anything about the third movie, but considering the series is supposed to span 19 years and so far it’s been 1, a time jump would make perfect sense. Jump to more battle-focused Newt, to Queenie and Credence being more certain of their respective places amongst Grindelwald’s supporters, to single Tina (considering we never saw the boyfriend, I don’t think he’ll play a large role), to a stronger Grindelwald. We’ve seen the start, we’ve seen the team meeting and falling apart, Grindelwald being captured and escaping, Newt and Tina falling in love, Credence escaping and discovering who he is - it’s time to jump to the middle.
As for whether the third movie includes canon Newtina, I’m not sure. We know they get married, and 19 years after their first meeting is a long time to wait (but given that there’s a war and Queenie won’t be there for who knows how long, they might want to wait), so I expect definitely 5 and hopefully 4 to have canon Newtina, but 3 could go either way. I would certainly enjoy it, though, if the Newtina subplot of FB 3 is Newt stumbling through asking Tina on their first date (aided by Jacob and/or Theseus) early on, then actually going on their first date somewhere in the middle, and then their first kiss at the end of the movie. (Then movie 4 could be Newtina being a strong relationship, and maybe at the end of FB 5 we see them get married? Or they get married in movie 4. Honestly, I just wanna see the wedding. And their kid(s). But I also don’t wanna rush it and skip some of the best parts.)
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