#also mun fc has arrived!
dynamiteabs · 6 years
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          So I've been thinking for awhile now, and for my sanity, my blogs will be going private & selective this week as soon as I finish my revised rules page which is in the works right meow. For a good chunk of y'all nothing will change though. I accidentally wrote a lot so tldr at the bottom.
          I hate the word selective, it sounds snobby. But I guess by now people understand it just means something like I can't think of any plots for these two, sorry, or I don't think these two characters/our writing will mesh/meshes well. Like there's only so many hours in the day, and as much as I love a challenge, you can't go forcing something if it's just not right. We're here to have fun.
          Around this time last year I got burnt out on my main muses I'd been playing for years and took a break until November when I couldn't resist and Junkrat had to come out to play. During that break, I tried to figure out what caused the burn out, and I'm pretty sure most of it was me trying to make everyone else happy, which ironically, didn’t make me happy in the long run.
          It was a ton of small stuff that added up over time, mostly. I don’t want to go into it all but to give an example -- I’d been RPing with someone’s oc a long time on one of my main canon characters. And yeah, her oc was kinda self inserty, and that was fine because I know how tough it is, especially for female ocs to get decent rp. I don’t remember how it happened but she said she wanted to rp with my oc, so I agreed but told her that I wanted to make icons first. So like a week and 300 icons later, I told her I was ready and we discussed it. I made the starter, and based on playing with her oc and knowing my oc’s personality, I thought they’d get along great. I’d also assumed she’d read some of my oc’s threads and knew how he was. Apparently not, because when she read the starter she laughed in a bad way and said her oc would punch him and storm off or something like that (he wasn’t being rude or mean or anything that would warrant a slap. Though he might have made a pun, but my canon muse made puns all the time and her oc loved them sooo). So I was like fine go for it, it’d be hilarious. But she meant she didn’t want to rp at all.
          That really sucked and I tried not to take it personally, but when you think someone’s your friend, and you’ve worked years on a character only to get slapped down by someone who just pulled something out their ass to ship with your canon character, I couldn’t let it go so I confronted her about it. Ultimately she said something along the lines of, “I don’t owe you anything.” I said fine, I’ll remember that. And since that went both ways, I stopped rping with her since I didn’t owe her bending my character to like hers when he normally wouldn’t. I mean, it’s true, we don’t owe each other anything. I’m just a dumbass who believes in wanting to make their friends happy even if it inconveniences myself I guess.
          Well not anymore! New Year’s resolution -- do what makes me and my muses happy and not worry about trying to please others. It’s going to be tough but by making my blogs private and selective, it’s a decent first step and will also help with keeping me sane with running multiple blogs. So yeah, I’m sorry in advance.
tldr; Going Private & Selective this week. Even if I unfollow you, you are awesome and an amazing writer and it is nothing personal! 💖 Some reasons I might unfollow you:
We’ve never interacted (ic and ooc).
We don’t have any threads going but I’ve attempted to send you asks for memes you reblog and you never answer them or send me any.
You don’t trim your posts. omg please trim your posts, friends! I even reblogged a tutorial of how to do it without any html knowledge. I don’t mind short untrimmed ones but when I have to scroll for like five to ten seconds at my desktop’s highass resolution... 👀
We have interacted, but our writing and/or characters just aren’t meshing. Again, nothing personal. Baby you’re a firewoooork~!
If you discriminate against OCs and/or ignore female muses (and no, giving female muses one liners every now and then doesn’t count as you rping with them).
          I will be soft-blocking those I unfollow for their convenience, so no worries. If, on the small chance you were following just to read my threads, feel free to re-follow and let my Junkrat entertain you. 💖
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Under the cut, I’m gonna put what I have so far for Eiluned & Elyan. And if anyone is interested, feel free to message me. Cause I would be so thrilled if someone wanted to write Elyan. Knowledge of the Chronicles of Prydain isn’t necessary for him as it would be for Taran and Adaon, though I’d love to have them too, no lie. Content warnings for stalking and sexual harassment, as well as miscarriages and stillbirth.
Eiluned and Elyan are the birth parents of Taran, the main character of the Chronicles of Prydain. In the books we find out that she and his dad were killed in a battle and the enchanter who took Taran in and raised him didn't know who they were.
Eiluned is an orphan herself, her dad died before she was born, and her mom died giving birth to her. She's raised in the castle of King Pryderi, a minor character mentioned in the last book. She works as a maid most of her life until Pryderi decides that he wants to marry her, because of her beauty. However, Eiluned is in love with Elyan, who’s a gardener. Pryderi, however, doesn’t take that well, and plans to force the marriage anyway. Essentially Belle and Gaston. 
Before the forced wedding can take place, Eiluned and Elyan flee the castle, and Pryderi’s lands. They run across the country, and stop for a while at Caer Dathyl, castle of High King Math and Prince Gwydion; the latter ends up becoming their son's mentor and hero in the future. Also the same castle where Adaon and Arianllyn reside. Gwydion is friends with Pryderi, as they come from a race called The Children of Don, who was a Welsh Goddess. 
Gwydion marries Eiluned and Elyan, and she tries to warn him about how depraved Pryderi is becoming, already starting down the path that would lead him to his fate in the last book roughly 20 years later, but he doesn't listen. Elyan would have been happy staying at Dathyl, but Eiluned thinks Pryderi is gonna follow them. So they keep running until they either arrive at a location I have yet to determine yet. There’s 4 or 5 possibilities. I just have to do some reading and try to pin down which would fit best. They settle down there and Elyan becomes a farmer, and Eiluned becomes a potter. And they're happy. Eiluned, of course, is on edge for a while, and looks over her shoulder all the time, expecting Pryderi to come for her.
They do have some struggles having a family. Eiluned has 1 or 2 miscarriages, and a stillborn daughter, before Taran comes. And then the battle comes and they both die, but she hides Taran in the trees to keep him safe, and the enchanter Dallben finds him there and takes him into his care, as he’s been searching for him for years.
There are 3 witch type figures, who I can most closely equate to the Fates. Taran and other characters have encounters with them later. And I'm thinking Eiluned has some sort of connection to them. Like maybe she has dreams that guide her choices or something. Not exactly pinned down yet. And neither she or Elyan know exactly what their son's destiny is, but from the dreams and her own intuition, she knows it's something great.
I'm also thinking of Aus where Eiluned lives- in which case her fc will be Liv Tyler- and looks for Taran, where both she and Elyan live and look for Taran, and like a modern reincarnation thing? Where Don is like look you guys had a bad hand. We'll give you another chance. Arianllyn has a similar verse for Adaon.
Eiluned and Elyan are both Pagan. As is Prydain. Elyan is up for debate in modern stuff, and up to mun if they decide to take him. But Eiluned will remain pagan regardless of verse. 
While at Caer Dathyl, Eiluned and Elyan spend time as well with Taliesin, his wife, and his little son Adaon, who later become Arianllyn’s fiance. Taran later meets Adaon and it's a thing. I'm going for as many connections between them and Taran's story and later life as I can get CAUSE FATE IS INTERCONNECTED DAMN IT.
Eiluned is very much like Ella, personality wise. She remains optimistic and faithful, good natured, and tender hearted despite all the hardships she and her husband go through.
Taran’s birth name is Alun Uang, the first name means Harmony and indicates his destiny while the second is his father’s first name. Taran, on the other hand means Thunder. Elyan means A Moment In Time, and Eiluned means Much Desired. Her middle name is Siriol, which means Content. 
Elyan calls Eiluned his primrose, and brings her primroses from the garden all the time.
Elyan’s full name, in modern threads, will be Uang Elyan Jin. The first and surnames mean Great and Gold. His paternal grandparents were immigrants to Prydain. His father was born there, and his mother and her family were Prydainians. His fc, Remy Hii’s father is Chinese-Malaysian and his mother is English. 
Pryderi is stated to be good looking, harsh, and blonde. So his fc is likely to be Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. Nikolaj is 18 years older than Anna, and I did want an age and power gap between Pryderi and Eiluned.
In Prydainian verses, neither Eiluned or Elyan can read or write. But they’re by no means dumb. Elyan, as a gardener, can identify almost any plant by sight, and knows their uses. He knows some blacksmithing and fighting. Eiluned is a potter who also knows a bit of weaving, and though she can’t read, she can come up with stories and tunes with some ease. And in verses where one or both of them survive and find Taran, they’re proud that he can read and write, as well as sculpt, smith, garden, and weave. They’re also extremely proud of his accomplishments and skills. 
The youngest age we see Eiluned is 18. She has Taran around the age of 22. And, at the most, he was 6 months old when the battle that killed Eiluned and Elyan took place. In that time, Alun/Taran was her world. 
Taran’s late sister’s name was Lyn Dafina. 
Pryderi uses his tactic mentioned in the final book, wearing an unsheathed sword until a battle is won, to intimidate the members of his household. 
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compvnygirl · 4 years
About Muse
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Name: Aisha al Fadhil
FC: Zoe Saldana
Occupation: Former soldier/CIA operative
Age: 42
Birthday: June 19th, 1978
Aisha is the daughter of a very powerful man in the Afghan government. She became an American CIA Operative and fed intel to her home country. She was a part of a special forces team so when it was discovered what she was doing, she fled home and took up residence in Atlanta, Georgia where she simply went by the name Aisha Blackwell. She has no family or friends in the states so she often meets a guy she likes, has her fun and moves on to the next. She doesn't like to get too attached to people. She has some trust issues given her background in the service.
TWD (the Saviors): Aisha was just arriving back into the States when word hit that there was a virus killing people and turning them into the living dead. Having arrived by helicopter, there was an incident that led to a big crash. Aisha somehow manages to survive but she's captured by a group of survivors that take her and force her to work for them. She becomes one of the Saviors.
Supernatural (hunter): Aisha is an international hunter called upon from time to time to help out with cases in the States. She works frequently with Bobby Singer, Jody Mills, and the Winchesters.
WWE: Aisha works backstage security for WWE. She usually is seen accompanying the top superstars or the McMahon family themselves during events.
More to be added soon (or when another obsession hits)
About Mun
I'm almost 30 years old.
Been RPing here for a hot minute now.
I'm a full time employeed person. Store Manager so work will take me away from here most times.
Can be semi selective and I've got favorites also. (Don't take it personal of other posts get answered first)
If I forget to reply to something kindly remind me. (I run 10+ blogs)
Also have a kiddo so I need to be mom too. That will also take me away from here.
Sometimes I have moods where I just don't want to write. We all have them. Just asking ya to be respectful during those times.
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blacknerdwrites · 5 years
So recently, I made this post, because I was endlessly frustrated by the way that plotting, more specifically, establishing connections is handled by people in the RPC. A lot of people reach out and ask for plots but then put all of the groundwork on the person they asked and that’s not okay. It needs to stop. The laziness needs to stop because a little effort and collaboration goes a long way and it got me thinking that maybe a little bit more effort on my part could maybe help someone or maybe even a few people be better in this area. So here it is folks:
 A ( possibly ) HELPFUL 2 ½  STEP GUIDE ( based on my own tactics ) TO SUCCESSFULLY ( in my experience ) ESTABLISHING CHARACTER CONNECTIONS WITH OTHER MUNS.
                           please remember to like/reblog if this was helpful.
disclaimer: this is the process i go through on the occasion i ask for plots and it helps. I don’t know if this is actually going to help anyone else, but it’s worth a shot. This is me trying to be helpful based on my personal experience with plotting, so do not send me negative messages about it or how simple it is, or say you already do this. I don’t care. if it’s helpful, it’s helpful, if it’s not move on with your life don’t comment, don’t reblog. Also there are probably spelling and gramatical errors to which my response is: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I know you probably expected me to start this off with approaching other muns first but this is where we're going to start because the first step in every single process should be (at least in my opinion) research. Stop being lazy and do your research on someone else's character before hitting them up for a plotting just because you enjoy their FC. Think of it as doing a background check on someone. It lets have an idea of what you're getting into beforehand. If they posted a bio or statistics, or an intro post for their character, don't just like it so they'll reach out to plot. Take the time to read it through and take note of important information and compare it to your own character. Make a list of questions to ask yourself and ask the mun of the character you want to plot with if you have to.  For example the boxes I usually check in this first step:
The character's age & how it relates to your character:
-- are they the same age?
      -- if yes, 
-- could they have maybe grown up together?
 -- could they have relatives who could have known each other at any point?
-- could they have gone to school together at some point?
      -- if no,
-- how much of a gap in age is there between them?
-- if it's too large of a gap, could they know or have known an adult or older person in your character's life that you know of?
-- what's their occupation and how could that align with your characters life in some way?
-- Where did this character grow up?
-- was it anywhere near my character?
-- was it anywhere near someone my character was related to who I frequently visited?
-- was it somewhere you moved to later in life?
-- could they have possibly moved to or stayed in, or visited the place your character grew up at any point?
-- was it in the place the roleplay is centered on and has my character also lived here their whole life?
       -- if yes,
-- could they have met at a young age and never spoken again?
-- could they have been friends growing up?
-- could they have been enemies growing up?
-- if they were friends could they have had a possible falling out?
-- if they had a falling out when would that have possibly taken place?
-- are they still friends? have they lost touch?
       -- if no,
-- when did they move to the rp setting?
-- when did your character move to the rp setting?
-- how much of a time gap is there between when your character arrived and when their's arrived?
-- What are their characters hobbies?
-- is there something on there your character shares?
-- is there an activity they could possibly do together?
-- Is there something written about the characters personality
      -- if yes,
-- does it align with your character's personality?
 -- how does it differ from your character's personality?
-- in theory, and on paper would they get along or would they clash?
-- if your character can't get along with them, don't be afraid of an enemies or rivals plot. angst is fun.
I'm sure there is more you could ask yourselves and the mun you would like to plot with, but this is a pretty good place to start. It gets the conversation started and doesn't put any unknown pressure on the other mun to do all of the work when plotting. You're prepared to learn more about their character, and have answers for when you're asked about yours and a collaborative effort can be the base of your character connections because it gets them talking about their character and asking you questions about your own. It pays to be prepared.
don't stress, don't freak out just ask yourselves:
        -- how could they have met?
people meet in random ways all the time. that's life, that's just how things work out sometimes.
-- someone could have introduced them.
-- maybe they met in a bathroom.
-- maybe they saved them from embarrassment.
-- maybe they met in a waiting room.
-- maybe they were dared to talk to a stranger and hit it off or the opposite of hit it off.
-- maybe they met at some convention.
-- consider who their mutual friends/exes/enemies are.
-- maybe they met at a dog park and their pets became attached to each other.
-- maybe they met at a concert or a convention or comic con.
plotting out a first meeting between characters, having that discussion, and collaborating on how that could have happened if they don't have anything in common could help move things along to what they mean to each other now and whether or not any type of relationship came from that first meeting if not then one of your character's can remember seeing the other somewhere and build off of that.
I'm going to start this off by saying I am fully aware, approaching other people isn't everyone's strong suit. Trust me, it's sure as shit, not mine, but in order for plotting to happen someone has to start the conversation. If you liked their intro post, but they didn't reach out to you, take the initiative and reach out to them. Be like "hey i know it's not easy talking to people sometimes, but if you'd like to map out a plot i read your intro post and i think we could work something out." If they don't respond to the message then that's on them, but do not take it as an insult. If they do respond introduce yourself and get to know something about them first before just jumping into plotting. Going in with friendliness to ease the awkward and a semblance of some sort of idea of how your characters could possibly be connected by or what they share is a lot easier to build off of.  If your first question to someone when approaching them for a plot  "do you have any plots you want?" by itself and nothing else you're putting all of the groundwork and responsibility on them to figure out the plot for you and that’s not okay. It isn't fun for them and it’s lazy. Honestly, I’m saying this because this is a reason I rarely plot with anyone anymore. It’s not fun for me. I’d rather have chemistry any day, but I know there are people who can’t go into a rp without plotting and this is probably frustrating for them as well so just keep these things in mind the next time you ask for plots.
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crimsoncityhq · 5 years
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Travel back to the 1920s for this massive Prohibition era-themed New Years party, set at Chicago’s very own City Hall. The Chicago skyline serves as the decadent celebration’s backdrop, featuring live DJ sets, jazz, burlesque dancers, and custom cocktails. Expect food, dancing, and large scale art installations. A state of the art light show will be projected onto the side of City Hall and will be accompanied by a stunning pyrotechnic display.
No matter the occasion, parties thrown by the Washington family promise a good time—and a glittering gala to welcome in 2020 sounds like it’ll be the best time. The Washingtons ring in the new year with optimism. If the streets of the city have been painted crimson by the tumultuous gang relations, the mayor and his family are determined to convince Chicago’s citizens that it doesn’t have to be this way. A new year, a new Chicago. Strategically set in neutral territory on the evening of January 4th, this party welcomes all of the city to attend.
You’re free to start plotting & crafting your character’s attire now. Posting aesthetics or outfits for the party should be under crimson.event.
You can start posting starters/threads tomorrow, January 4th 2020, 3pm PST!  The event will run until January 8th.
(plot slots can be found below the cut ! )
In order to keep things fair, we’re going to allow one character per plot slot right now. If there are any leftovers, we’ll let members know when they can sign up for seconds.
You’ll notice that some of these plots are public, so feel free to have your character react to them/ notice them even if they aren’t happening directly to your character. However, if something feels like it happened privately to another character, please check in with their Mun to see if it’s okay for your character to know.
To be clear: these are not the only things that happen to your character during this plot drop and you are more than welcome to cook up your own trouble. (If you want to get into some real shenanigans and have an idea, hit us admins up and we’ll find a way to make it work!)
To sign up for a plot slot message the main! You can start doing that as soon as right now!
FINNIGAN O’SHEA arrives at the New Year Party already plastered and mistakes CHARACTER B for their date.
INGRID VASILE & CHARACTER D are holed up in the janitor’s closet doing god knows what after accepting pills from a stranger.
SERENITY MICHAELS & ELLIOT HARPETH get lost in the City Hall rooftop garden. None of them bother to check the rooftop door and assume they are locked up on the roof until CHARACTER G opens it to find them.
JAVIER LEON notices people they’ve never seen before. A group of them actually, and is conflicted if they should let security know. Instead they get distracted when NORAH HEMMINGS pulls them onto the dance floor.
CHARACTER J throws a molotov cocktail aiming for the holographic balloon wall. Instead, they catch CASIMIR ‘CASH’ WOLFF‘s leg on fire.
RAEJEANNE JOLLEY  shows up dateless but ends up matching with BOONE WALSH
MICAH RANSONE smuggles in what they think is their own food in a cooler. However, they open it instead it full of firearms. DANIEL FAUST meets with JUNO SONG to trade weapons, and instead opens a cooler with random appetizer dishes. Those fried mozzarella sticks aren’t going to save that bullet hole, buddy.
BREE REEVES drunkenly confesses their gang affiliation to SEAN O’SHEA. SEAN O’SHEA gets separated from BREE REEVES but reunites when they try to leave the building.
SAM O’SHEA & BARNABY  EATON thought it would be a good idea to light firecrackers...inside the city hall. CHARACTER U ( gang affiliate) mistakes it for gunfire and signals affiliated group to take out their weapons. REMINGTON MOON is injured by firecrackers and deaf as fuck.
EVA CLARKE notices Matty Faust at the party and tries to make a grab for him. PHILLIP DAPHNE tries to fight them away. EVA CLARKE is successful and takes Matty to Oliver Faust.
CHARACTER Y starts to serenade the entire New Years Party by singing along to London Bridge. They don’t realize that ZAHARA WENTWORTH is really screaming “Oh Shit!” because they just stumbled onto someone being crucified.
CHARACTER A1 & CHARACTER B1 are victims of a mass confetti bomb that erupts way before it was supposed to courtesy of EFFIE FAUST.
ALASTAIR TULACH vomits outside in the alleyway after too much to drink. They are also the only witness to seeing the security guards outside get neutralized.
FRANCESCA WEIZMANN is tasked with trying to sneak into the mayor’s office. Whether it is part of the plan or by pure accident CHARACTER F1 provides a distraction for them. They are able to extra ITEM OF THE ADMIN CHOICE from the mayor’s desk.
BAXTER WOODLEY & CHARACTER H1 get lost in the hallways of city hall. Through all their drunken stumbling, they are unable to find their way back until the screams of horror lead them to where they need to be.
CHARACTER I1 is delivered a mysterious package that has the name NAME OF FC. Before they are able to look over the contents, CHARACTER J1 smacks it out of their hands.
DARCY FAUST discovers a lost Great Dane with the tag ‘BOWIE’ on it covered in blood. They decide to KEEP BOWIE.
DANTE MORALES takes a champagne glass with an engagement ring at the bottom of the glass. They just so happen to be standing by CHARACTER M1 that was going to propose.
LORENZO CAVALLI & RAVEN VASILE gets suckered into watching after the kids at the party. Stop to sit for one second, and somehow get handed multiple children by partygoers.
POPPY LEVENBERG is joined by RICHIE O’SHEA to watch the firework display outside of the party. They find themselves unable to get back into the venue by normal means.
MIKHAIL MOROSOV finds ZELDA BLACK’s burner phone. Blackmail material.
CHARACTER T1 puts on a RAT costume trying to be clever with the Chinese Zodiac. However, they get stuck inside the rat costume. They are stuck in the outfit for the rest of the party. CHARACTER XX tries to help them out but is unsuccessful.
BIRDIE MENDOZA drunkenly picks a bouquet of flowers from the rooftop garden and gives it to DAHLIA CAVALLI.
SAMANTHA REDFORD accidentally gets handcuffed to ELI VOGEL thinking they handcuffs are cheap party favors.
CHRISTOPHER FAUST & CHARACTER A2 pause the festivities to enthrall the audience in a brutal fist fight. Neither wins, but both leave with minor injuries.
AMELIA O’SHEA overhears a classified conversation courtesy of a loose-lipped Vasile. AMELIA O’SHEA warns AUDREA DE GUINNESS & THEODORE ‘TEDDY’ COHEN to leave the building before all hell breaks loose. They’re too late as the Vasiles call the room’s attention.
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crashnbxrn · 5 years
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「 you think yourself above the wolves, above the makers and the destroyers of the world, above the gods. and yet, little lion, you have so far to go before you are above yourself.」
what’s up, what’s up ladies n gents n everybody in between! my name’s skye, mun here of the lovely not apollo choi (fc. jackson wang)! i’m very excited to be here, i’ve been eyeing this roleplay for about a month now I believe (??) and have been wanting to join tenfold, which I finally decided to go through with! below the cut you’ll find out some more of my boy here ― if you would like to plot, my discord user is sunnyburst#8001 or you can hit me up in tumblr PM’s! can’t wait to get to know you all, MWUAH 💗💗
( JACKSON WANG. MALE. ) Aleksander’s coven is intimately familiar with ( APOLLO CHOI, ) a dedicate Death Dealer for the coven. ( HE) is a ( 622 ) year old vampire known throughout the New World Coven for being ( CLEVER + STEADFAST. ) However, those who are familiar with them also know that they are very ( MANIPULATIVE + CRUEL. ) They’re known for being the ( LION. ) Though they are technically disbanded, they are still dedicated to their cause.
  ⤹ ―――――  ⤸
full name // apollo choi [ it should be noted that his birth name is kept closely guarded ] 
nickname(s) // leo, heatstroke
age // 25 622
gender // male
species // vampire
title // the lion
birthdate // august 6, 1397
birthplace // hanyang, korea (modern-day seoul)
occupation // ex-death dealer, ceo of a major movie studio
ethnicity // korean
orientation // bisexual, although he’s scared to admit it and keeps it under wraps
status // single
languages // korean, english, spanish, french, cantonese
fc // jackson wang
hair // dark brown
eyes // chocolate/hazel - gold
height // 6'3" ft
weight // 183 lb
body // muscular, slim
style // suave and modern, always clean-cut, fashionable but doesn’t experiment too much
defining features // besides his canines, speckled hazel heterochromia in his left eye
tattoos // n/a
scars // n/a
horoscope // leo
zodiac // ox
element // fire
moral alignment // neutral evil
type // ESTP - the entrepreneur
house // gryffindor
religion // none - atheist
fears // really only one; to have his secrets be outed without his wanting
chronic // n/a
positive // insightful, clever, reliable, articulate, charismatic, level-headed, hard-working, incisive, authoritative
neutral // determined, distinctive, passionate, romantic, complex
negative // blunt, manipulative, crafty, hot-headed, cruel, vengeful, presumptuous, twisted
⤹ ――――― ⤸
it’s long af whoops
[ TW: mentions of physical abuse, slight gore, death ]
apollo was born to a high-class noble family in hanyang, korea on what we know as august 6, 1397
growing up in the peak of the joseon dynasty and one of the country’s golden ages, there was not much the young boy needed, but rather everything that he wanted
his father was a high-ranking member of the city’s caste system, one of the generals that assisted in ushering in the new era
his childhood is spent alternating between school for preparation in aristocracy and basking in the social standards of the time ― while he isn’t old enough to begin more ‘dangerous’ tasks, the patriarch implements training in everything from horseback riding to whittling for apollo to enjoy
life isn’t good for him, it’s great ; he doesn’t have to worry about much, and when he does there’s people around him available to clear up any ‘misunderstandings’ in a heartbeat
still, as he grows older, a superiority complex begins to take hold of the young boy, coupled strangely with a boredom he had yet to experience before
the result? a horrible combination that begins to warp his personality in tidbits, before he fully ‘sinks in’ so to speak
by 12 his father has deemed him ready to embark on more trials outside of simple pleasantries. never mind the golden age of science and art ― apollo’s father was a militaristic man through and through, and he knew war would come one way or another
so the youth begins to learn of the knowledge of battle; how to wield a sword, proper fighting techniques, the instinct of survival ― such is beaten into him in more ways than one, excuses for failure reaching deaf ears and perfection being the only goal
this type of treatment does well to cause both vice and virtue for apollo; the once happy boy is twisted in a grasp of frost and cruelty, and yet he finds himself training ever harder and hardly taking heed to words outside of his father’s opinion
he’s 16, young and ablaze, a fire coursing through his veins despite his frigid approach. apollo’s beginning to make a name for himself, partaking in whatever challenges present themselves, discerning towards talks of a bright future when all he wanted was blood
his elders begin to take note of this and, under pleased recommendation from his father, ascend apollo to become apart of the high-ranking royal guard ordered to protect the king and his family
while he would rather be out on the battlefield (despite the age of scientific expansion, there was also trifles to be meddled in), apollo took the opportunity with steadfast determination and took his job as seriously as one could
he finds himself betrothed at age 18 on consideration by his father who is eager for a lineage, a fragile noble girl in all sense of the word being chosen as a ‘perfect fit’. apollo could hardly care, however  ― if he had his way, he would be married to his sword, yet he supposed a woman would do for the time being
still, time goes on with little interruptions; the beast marries the beauty, he’s promoted to personal guard of the youngest prince, and his often-times anger is allowed to be sated on whoever is unfortunate enough to end up in chains that day
yet, soon trouble begins to brew, although not with him ― tensions between korea and japan begin to rock the state, rumors of war falling over the distant hills being drunk up by the common rabble. apollo is eager for such to arrive, hoping to take part in what he sees as ‘festivities’, despite being obviously chained to protection over the 13 year old boy all considered ‘prince’
and yet this boy was the cause for much of his frustration ― opposed to when apollo was young, the prince was futile and weak, eager to take part in more pleasantries rather than learn of his future duties to the dynasty
such often enraged the elder, forced to bite his tongue in earnest of stepping out his ‘boundaries’ despite having much to say
trouble, however, spirals downwards quickly within his life ― with the prince turning 20 and him lingering atop 25, apollo would hope that the 5-year continuation from him first being assigned would only shape up the younger. however, it seems to be quite the opposite; the prince spends his time ‘play fighting’, as apollo calls it, and dragging his guard through the forest in daily hunts that hardly often accounted for anything due to his skill. on top of that, it is found that his young wife is infertile, and despite hardly caring for any child at all, she is cast out of the marriage and lowered within society’s eyes
yet one such hunting trip results in tragedy ― after the two embark on their routine that apollo had become all-too used to, they come across a herd of wild boars the prince is eager to slaughter. after attempting to quell his lineage to no avail, an argument ensues; the prince comments on how apollo is out of line, and he likewise comments that the royal is going to get himself killed ― unfortunately, it results on the attention of the boars being caught, and apollo hardly has time to get out of the way before he’s being battered and speared through with bone
the prince, in retaliation, runs away
spine broken, bleeding out on autumn leaves, apollo shifts back and forth through consciousness enough to make out an approaching figure before everything goes dark ― such a figure, unknown to him, would change his life (and death) forever
he awakes a day later in a home hidden by the shadows of the treetops, not far from hanyang. he believes he is dead, and yet the being waiting there for him discerns otherwise ― he is alive, just not in the traditional sense.
apollo spends a month with the mysterious figure, who he comes to know as his ‘sire’, and learns of his existence. of how he was destined to die, and came by much more powerful and much stronger. of how the figure had been stalking them for the perfect moment to strike, only to find another opportunity instead. the realization of him being ‘vampire’ surprisingly comes easy to apollo; he approaches his existence as a gift more than a curse, especially considering the abilities that come along with it.
when he returns home he is met with shock, remorse, celebration, and guilt, particularly from the young prince who had abandoned him. his story is simple― after being left to die by the royal, apollo managed to crawl to a nearby stream and patch his wounds with mud and leaves, obviously leaving out the ‘broken spine’ detail. his explanation as to how he had healed completely back to his healthy self? blessings from the gods, that of which was good enough to deem him fit for society
much to apollo’s pleasure, the prince was chastised and punished in a dutiful manner for his cowardice and betrayal. becoming used to his usual bloodlust that came from not feeding went easier than he expected as well ― the ‘lepers’ cast out provided well enough sustenance for apollo, and not a single soul bat an eyelash at their deaths. 
ageing, however, was a different issue ― he could not stay 25 within the city for long, and yet religion played enough of a part in hiding such a fact. years passed and apollo gave praises to the gods for his ‘youthful’ appearance even at 32, noble families falling over him in an effort to obtain being part of his lineage, and yet he hardly cared to give them a glance ― to apollo, there were better things on the horizon, and he wanted to experience it all
so, what was the best thing to do? fake his death, obviously. superstition ran high in his community, so he simply walked off into the woods one day and never returned ― they would fret, apollo knew, but overtime they would simply reason that he was ‘reclaimed’ by the deities. in truth? he returned to the home he had first woken up to, only to find it empty ― his sire was nowhere to be found.
did he break down into tears? cry out in the dark? hardly; for a newborn vampire, apollo had nerves and determination of steel, and simply ‘set up camp’ for the time being. if he couldn’t live in the city, he would live where he could be free
apollo’s world is about as interesting as it can get after that ― he alternates between staying in woods to returning to hanyang after he’s sure every other generation has died out. the same story of being a ‘newcomer’ is told regardless, and no one ever questions it because they hardly know him. this sort of ‘schedule’ he has allows him to be both separated yet still grow with the times. he admits that the future was not exactly what he expected, and yet all-too exciting for vampire. time passes in the blink of an eye for an immortal, watching as his home of hanyang shifts in the modern city of seoul ― such a sight triggers something within apollo, and he realizes he too must change with the world
new york city is not the first choice on his list; rather, the vampire changes his name and attempts to travel to london as a more ‘immediate’ deviation. however, he is not received well ― altercations involving vampire covens within the city eventually push him out, solace within the european countries not found for long. the united states is next; it’s a melting pot, and exactly what apollo is looking for, yet new york catches his eye above most. deviating from his original plan of los angeles, the vampire is pleased at the anonymity of the city and the opportunities presented with it greatly
a chance encounter with 3 lone vampires including himself results in meeting aleksander and eventually being inducted into his coven. at first, apollo is thrown off by the sudden influx of ‘sociability’ that is expected, yet he soon finds it endearing enough and something he admires, even. he is one of the first to join up as a death dealer when the role is announced ― although his seductive nature and sadism is not attributed to only one species, apollo is all-too eager to sate the never ending lust for war and blood he finds the opportunity of in hunting with his  newfound brothers and sisters. even after the death dealers ‘officially’ disbanded, he still heeds the call of aleksander whenever needed, more than pleased to assist in whatever is required of him.
⤹ ――――― ⤸
his birth name is not apollo choi, and has been kept a secret and on the backburner since he was turned ― he sees it as his ‘past’ self and a chain to his current identity
after arriving in nyc, he’s since found a love for film (or rather ‘entertainment’ as a whole) and began his own movie studio, that of which skyrocketed in popularity and is now among some of the top ones in the country. he keeps himself separated from the majority of his employees so that he can ‘hand down’ the company to himself ― those necessarily close to him are fellow vampires, who he knows he can trust with his immortality
sometime after he was turned he came to realization that he was bisexual rather than straight. while he is a rather romantic individual and wishes for a lot, he’s scared of dedicated love with the way he is, and keeps his sexuality under wraps for fear of someone possibly using it against him
his overall personality is very sadistic and twisted ― he finds joy in the pain he causes others, depending on who they are, and isn’t one known for mercy among the death dealers
apollo believes in ‘ability’ more than ‘possibility’. it is partially one of the reasons he no longer is religious; he finds the belief in the supernatural on earth and the immortality they possess to be far against any idea of ‘god’ or ‘gods’
he was nicknamed ‘leo’ by aleksander due to his fiery passion and his bravery in what he does. he’s attempted to get tattoos of lions on his body, but finds that they forcibly heal due to his abilities
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the hotel: a horror disco gv for tmi !!!
you see the hotel’s VACANCY sign after what feels like an eternity of  driving through farmland and over dirt roads. everyone warned you that  the midwest was a long stretch of same after same after same but you’re  pretty sure that you saw the same exact barn at least three times and  you wonder if you’re tired or if there’s something else going on.
the  front desk clerk looks at you with pity as you check in. something in  his gaze says he’s seen things, says turn back and dont stay here. but  instead he gives you a smile thats too fake when he hands you your  keycard.
on  your way to your room another guest stops you to talk. she doesnt  remember when she checked in, doesnt know how long she’s been here. but  she knows enough to warn you against the shadows in your room.
how many nights did you pay for again? you’ve already forgotten.
set in the midwest, the hotel is full of ( interesting ) guests. most can’t remember when they arrived or when they’re supposed to leave. some know very well why they’re checked in.
from shadow people to wayward travelers, the hotel has come to accommodate quite a range of characters. with a primarily horror based plot, hotel guests will find themselves facing an array of situations.
the clave has been made aware of odd & sometimes demonic activities of high levels from the hotel. the first few shadowhunters they dispatched did not return & there has been no communication from them.
guests of the hotel are encouraged to:
enjoy a swim in the indoor pool but please try not to get eaten by … well, you’ll know it when you see it.
use the hotel’s free wifi, just don’t log into the mystery chat that tends to pop up on guests screens. we’ve had a few complaints that afterwards, guests start to feel watched by something otherworldly.
take a stroll on the beautiful grounds! excuse the screams coming from beyond the treeline, there are beasts out there we can’t protect you from.
eat our free breakfast, and don’t listen to the old woman in the corner mumbling about hallucinations after eating or sedatives in the pancakes. nobody has ever been able to prove we’ve been feeding our guests to interdimensional monsters after all.
enjoy each other’s company! except the guest in room 117, they’ve been here a while, don’t trust what they tell you.
if you have any issues, please contact the font desk clerk on duty! thank you.
please be respectful of other members!!!
twins and fc doubles are fine as long as you and the other mun discuss first.
muse doubles as long as you explain why. ie: doppleganger, evil clone, etc.
oc’s and crossover welcome.
this verse can possibly get triggering as its a horror plot and i plan to do some horror stuff lol.
mun name & whether or not youre over 18, no one under 18 please thank!:
muse name and age:
short bio that includes:
whether your muse is a guest or works for the hotel.
( hotel jobs incluce: front desk & night auditor, house keeping, maintenance. hotel workers also live at the hotel, they have rooms 01-22 set aside for them in a wing of the hotel that is employee access only )
what room # your muse is in & whether or not they room with another muse: ( non hotel staff have rooms 101-322 )
how your muse came to be at the hotel:
( guest in 117 is up for discussion with me thank ! )
jace herondale. room 113.
corvus law. room 117
manus bane. room 202.
eros velde. room 202
peter rumancek. room 06
keira wolfe. room 21.
anna karlov. room 229
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stonedgilbert · 6 years
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Inside a snowflake, like the one on your sleeve, there happened a story you must see to believe...
Way up in the mountains, in the high range of Pontoos, laid the small town of Whoville, the home of the Whos. Ask any Who, and they’ll have this to say, there is no place like Whoville around Christmas Day. Every window was flocked, every lamppost was dressed, and the marching band marched in their Christmasy best.
Arbor Day was fine, and Easter was pleasant, every Saint Fizzin’s Day they ate a Fizz Pheasant. But every Who knew, from their twelve toes to their snout, they loved Christmas the most, without a single Who-doubt.
With Saint Fizzin’s Day over, Whoville has already begun to plan and decorate for the Christmas Day celebrations. Though it’s over a month away, they’re all anxiously awaiting the arrival of their favorite day of the year, and presents are already flying off the shelves faster than stores can restock them.
Of course, life in the small town of Whoville also must continue as normal - their jobs continue on, they have meals, they release stress when they have a free moment of time. Babies are delivered by storks and every one avoids the mountaintop where the Grinch resides. Life in Whoville is a pleasant sort, though who’s to say that it will always be this way?
rules !!
❄ simple town verse, honestly - so it is an ALL HUMAN verse. we also are not accepting any grinch-aligned characters, simply because we already have ( 1 ), and keeping in theme, there is only one grinch. your character is free to not be 100% obsessed with christmas, but absolutely loathing the holiday ( and other of the grinch’s key traits ) are reserved specifically for the grinch.
❄ while this is primarily supposed to be a christmas rp, i’ve left the plot open specifically so it could potentially continue past christmas if people are still interested. that, of course, will be based on if people are interested after the holiday season.
❄ while IC drama is always encouraged, OOC drama isn’t tolerated. if issues arise that can’t be resolved between the muns themselves, come to me and i’ll be completely willing to help mediate and find a solution that makes everyone comfortable. please respect all peoples opinions and triggers, so everyone can have fun and enjoy themselves.
❄ major plots ( marriage, death, pregnancies, etc ) must be run by me beforehand. it’s not that i have any issues with those plots joining the gv, but it’s something i want to be aware of before it joins IC servers.
❄ duplicate fcs must me discussed with the mun prior to acceptance. twins are, of course, accepted, but otherwise, no duplicate fcs will be allowed.
❄ upon acceptance, please track the tag: gv. all the who’s down in whoville. bios aren’t required, but are heavily encouraged, even if they’re just short little blurbs.
❄ while there will be an IC town chat channel in the discord server, this verse will primarily be tumblr-based.
❄ for overall comfort, muns must be over 18 in order to apply.
app !!
please submit the following information here.
mun name / age:
muse name / age:
muse occupation:
muse fandom:
discord: ( will be moved upon acceptance for privacy )
masterlist !!
❄ jeremy gilbert. 23. freelance artist. steven r mcqueen.     the vampire diaries. ( @stonedgilbert )
❄ adrienne sweetmeadow. 20. student. alexandra daddario.     fandomless. ( @bloodmirrored )
❄ lukas sweetmeadow. 20. the grinch. sam underwood.     fandomless. ( @bloodmirrored )
❄ hyacinthus elias. 24. writer / cafe worker. thomas mcdonell.    greek mythology. ( @discuskilled )
❄ alexander lightwood. 25. detective. matthew daddario.     shadowhunters. ( @arrcwheart )
❄ josie mccoy. 19. student / aspiring singer. ashleigh murray.     riverdale. ( @ofcatears )
❄ kevin keller. 23. police officer. casey cott.    riverdale. ( @kevykeller ) 
❄ elijah mikaelson. 40. musical instrument store owner. daniel gillies.    the vampire diaries. ( @honorsfamily )
reserved !!
❄ nicholas scratch. ( @satansflirt )
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agirlinhell-a · 6 years
munday meme: what's a plot/plots you wanna write that you've never written? what are your favorite hobbies? what are you favorite/least favorite foods? what's a plot that you will never touch? if you had to rp as a different character/characters, who would they be? what would be your irl fc as clem you would pick? if you could visit anywhere in the world for your birthday, where would it be?
what’s a plot/plots you wanna write that you’ve never written? 
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I have an entire wishlist tag for this!! If I were to pick the ones I really crave for, it’d have to be:
Clementine’s travels with Omid and Christa in the two year timeskip after Lee’s death. I feel as if this transition is extremely important to Clementine’s character, as Omid and Christa took care of her far longer than Lee, Kenny or Jane - and arguably better - than any of them ever did. The moment Omid died, Clementine lost hope in the world again and her mentality becomes a lot more depressing.
The aftermath of Clementine’s exile from The New Frontier and being separated from AJ - from her last talk with Ava to her time alone and then in Prescott, and her dark time spent there. It’s all very much headcanon based, but this is where Clementine truly becomes her own person, this is where she truly grows fiercer, this is where she learns to fight back and become harder and stronger. This is her time when there is no one looking out for her, no one is there to watch her back, and all she has is herself. During her time in The New Frontier, she was a medic and supply runner, but then she steadily grows into one of the group’s fiercest fighters, with help from Ava, who teaches her how to fight and archery, morse code, parkour and survival tactics - Ava is a woman trained in the army, and Clementine took her teachings to heart. During her time in Prescott, Clementine descends into a much darker mentality and it’s possibly the darkest place where she’s ever been and she starts doing many morally questionable things. This is her transition from Season Two to A New Frontier. For a year, Prescott would be her home and it would shape her into someone much darker and demented beyond recognition. That sweet little girl that her parents had raised and Lee had protected was gone in that city, almost like she’d never existed. Whenever she walked into a bar, she could hear the hushed whispers of “it’s THAT girl,” “poor thing”, “didn’t she shoot a walker point blank in the face?”. No one knew her real name, as she never gave it out, so they resorted to naming her “Hellgirl” and Clementine relished in her new identity. She quickly found herself being a mythical figure - and even a bit of a celebrity - a girl of her stature having survived this far into the apocalypse.She learns how to ride a horse and ride a motorcycle in Prescott. She stole, murdered, drank, smoked, got high and gambled… in fact, she made a living out of it as a child mercenary. She was living in sin all at age twelve. She had managed to become quite the thief, as well, as she was light and quick on her feet. At one point, she even owned a bar and had hired wayward men and women to guard her.That girl is gone now, faded with time, yet her wildness is only barely concealed by a stonewalled composure.
Clementine and her time spent at Wellington - I feel as if this would be really sweet to see, something for her to look forward to, somewhere it’s safe for her and AJ… until it’s destroyed, at least.
Clementine finally arriving at the McCaroll Ranch and reuniting with AJ... and the possible events that might’ve occurred there.
Clem learning flower language from a book in Ericson’s greenhouse and giving flowers with their own respective meanings to people.
-Clementine dealing with her own mental health issues.
-Clementine becoming a pagan witch and a beginner in witchcraft.
-Ericson’s being haunted by the deaths of Marlon, Brody and Mitch… and who knows whoever… or whatever else lingers through the campus?
Card games with the Ericson’s squad!!
-Clementine experimenting with her sexual orientation.
-Clementine experimenting with her gender identity.
-Clementine discovering and learning more about her African heritage.
-threads where muses talk about things that confuse them.
-threads where muses talk about things that have hurt them in the past.
-threads where muses talk about their deepest fears.
-threads where muses talk about sexual and romantic orientation and relationships (past and present !!)
-Clem as a babysitter to Tenn, Willy and AJ.
-AU where the original concepts that were planned for Season Two and Season Three: A New Frontier happen to Clementine… and make her a much darker character. However, I must warn you that this AU would not be for the faint of heart and contains heavy, mature themes. It is arguably a lot worse than what she endures in canon, and that’s saying a lot. Clementine’s mind slowly becomes darker and demented the more she ages, she begins to look at the world in a nepotistic way, and she will do whatever it takes to survive, and she will brutally murder whoever stands in her way. Basically, this is a much darker version of Clementine and a lot of things in her canon change, i.e AJ is dead, Kenny is more or less Clementine’s enemy, etc.. This verse begins in Season Two and will continue onward from there. HERE IS THE LINK. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
-AU where Clementine is taken in and trained as a soldier of the Delta against her own will or otherwise.
-Modern AU scenarios!! Youtube Channels, vines, memes, shenanigans!!
-Interactions between Clementine, AJ, CJ and Clem’s pet tigress, Rani, based off of THIS POST. Honestly, Clementine and AJ are one hella awesome duo, but add that in with Omid and Christa’s child and oh, I dunno, A FUCKING GIANT TIGER is even BETTER. Also, CJ and AJ are a lot like brothers and their bond is just so wholesome. CJ’s witty and lighthearted and is one of the only people capable of calming AJ down - CJ is also more analytical and calmer than AJ is. I just want Rani to be feral, scary but also soft and sweet - she has an appetite for walkers and the living alike, and she’s not completely tamed, but she’s mostly cool with most humans, but harm Clementine or the two kids and she will rip you apart and eat you. Clementine found her in an abandoned zoo back in Season Two and has been taking care of her ever since... and now, Rani is HUGE. God forbid you trespass on her eating, that’s not a good time. Also, I just wanna see other muses’ reactions to this huge tiger that Clem easily pets and cuddles with.
-Clem becoming a Whisperer, perhaps with James and Charlie? I haven’t read the comics yet, but I know a bit of what happens and what the Whisperers are really like. It’d be really cool to see Clementine in this kind of scenario - but I don’t think she’d be the same girl we see in canon.
-Clem joining settlements from the comics (i.e Hilltop, Alexandria, the Commonwealth, etc.)
-Harry Potter AU!!
-Naruto AU!!
...and a lot more, but those are the ones I really, really want!
what are your favorite hobbies? 
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Hmmm.. reading, writing, making aesthetics and moodboards, daydreaming, listening to music and cuddling with my cats!
what are you favorite/least favorite foods? 
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MMMMMM PIZZA ICECREAM APPLES PURPLE GRAPES AND COOKIES!! As for foods I don’t like, uhhhhhh… veggies???? Idk I’m not a fan, SOMEONE BEAT MY ASS
what’s a plot that you will never touch? 
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Hmmm… honestly, I don’t think there’s any plots I will never refuse? I’m roleplaying a girl growing up in the apocalypse, after all, so I’m very willing to roleplay morally questionable topics and threads with dark themes? In fact, I encourage it! Please don’t ever hesitate to plot with me no matter how dark it is!!
if you had to rp as a different character/characters, who would they be? 
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Uhhhh… hmmm, I have a lot of ideas from many different fandoms! If I were to pick a few muses, it’d be Daenerys Targaryen from ASOIAF, Nymeria, the Princess of Ny Sar who ended up ruling Dorne from ASOIAF, Lyanna Stark from ASOIAF, Uchiha Madara from the Naruto series, Terumi Mei from the Naruto series, and maybe Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series.
what would be your irl fc as clem you would pick? 
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At the moment, Amandla Stenberg, especially with her Modern AU’s! A lot of people pick Zendaya and I just… why??? She looks NOTHING like Clem??? I’m very picky with my IRL FC’s but it took a long while to pick an IRL fc. Thanks to all of Amandla’s pics with her hair in braids, cornrows and the likes, I just really want Clem with traditional African hairstyles??????  GIVE THAT BLACK SCORPIO QUEEN SOME COOL HAIRSTYLES!!
if you could visit anywhere in the world for your birthday, where would it be?
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God… ANYWHERE? Preferably somewhere in Eastern Asia, Europe or in the Caribbean, because those places just sound so amazing and fantastic to me? Canada doesn’t have a lot of cool things in comparison to those countries imho so it’d be nice to be somewhere else. If we want to be REALLY specific, possibly Kyoto, Japan, Shanghai, China, West Palm Beach, Florida or Jaipur, India.
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anneesfolleshq · 6 years
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Bonjour et bienvenue! Paris welcomes you, our Promoter,  Anatole de Céleyran! May we say, you’re the spitting image of Harry Shum Junior! Please make your presence known within 24 hours, and do have a look at our checklist before setting out into the city on your own.                                                                                  À bientôt!
Name/Alias: Max (I write Augustin Badeaux)
Chosen Skeleton: The Promoter
Muse Name: Anatole de Céleyran
Muse Age: 28
Chosen FC: Harry Shum Jr.
Muse Occupation: Promoter for the Moulin Rouge
Muse Affiliation & Frequent Haunts: He’s definitely affiliated to Montmartre.
Anatole spends a lot of time at the Bâteau-Lavoir, and he can also be seen at the opium dens of the Blue Lotus. The Moulin Rouge is obviously the place where you have the most chances to see him but these days he also likes to hand at the Closerie des Lilas’ tables because of its clientele’s diversity that never stops to inspire him.
Direct from Le Petit Journal: What a great surprise to see Monsieur de Céleyran at the market today who, for once, stepped outside his flat during daytime. It is so rare to see the Moulin Rouge’s famous promoter under the sunlight that people were already whispering about him being a vampire! Sadly, the excitement was brief, since the artist was found unconscious and reeking of alcohol behind an alley before being transported to the nearest hospital. Has the artist’s condition taken a dark turn or is it just another cry for attention?
It is said that when a mother drinks during a pregnancy, the child will have sequels, whether they are behavioral, social or physical. None of this was known at the time, and thanks to Anatole’s mother who couldn’t survive prostitution without being drunk 24/7, he was graced with a good deal of those problems that followed him from the very beginning of his existence. Weak lungs, a hearing lower than normal, depression, anxiety, poor impulse controls and so many other issues that made him different from other humans that his self-esteem couldn’t do anything else but hit rock bottom since childhood.
Unsurprisingly, at his birth, Anatole’s mother abandoned him at an orphanage in Toulouse, not worrying much about giving him a name or letting him know about her own identity by leaving a letter. It seemed she couldn’t care less about one kid amongst the many others she had probably already brought to life, and his father was probably no one else but a traveler who had had some money to spare around. Thankfully Anatole never found in himself the desire to look for brothers or sisters in this too big world, finding the task to be more of a bother than a relief and deciding instead to let this part of himself into Fate’s hands.
All in all, the orphanage was nothing but a living hell and to this day, Anatole is still haunted by the first stages of his life. The mockery from the other kids who found it funny how different he was from them; the loneliness that crept behind his back whenever he had to stay in his bedroom in winter to protect his lungs; and even the food traumatized him. It was all so sad and gloomy for an outgoing boy like him that he couldn’t see a way out of this.
But thankfully, Anatole naturally started to develop a skill that could be accommodated to his fragile constitution and special temperament.
Everything began with a pencil and the back of a book, a bird, some trees and lots of frustration. The time he spent alone was dedicated, little by little, to the only thing he discovered himself to be good at. His art, born from despair and boredom, fastly became his solace in a world ruled by darkness. The looks of jealousy on the other kids’ faces was enough to assure him of the fact that he was good at it and, in the midst of self-hatred, Anatole realized that a meaning to his life had been placed at the core of his hands.
“Your art is special”, the nurse would say during his monthly check ups, words he would cherish and reward by offering her portraits and sketches of the utmost precision; she was the nicest woman he had ever met and without her support, Anatole knows he would have never found the guts to leave Toulouse at his majority.
He needed a new place to stay after being thrown away from the orphanage and, without lots of hopes, he made his way to Paris with the money he had won by drawing in the streets of Toulouse. Arriving in this big city felt like seeing colors for the first time, which is a lot to say considering how much he knows about colors. His heart had never felt lighter than it did when he first stepped into museums and started sketching for entire days without eating or going outside. His sleep was nearly nonexistent because of the night scenes he had to capture and the people he met who were finally different with him.
Thus, for the first few months, Anatole’s Parisian life couldn’t be described as anything else but psychedelic. He discovered drugs, alcohol, sex, fashion and found in himself passions that expanded his mind towards new horizons. Yet, his priority never wavered from his art, which quickly impressed the people he met on a daily basis. They had never seen someone who couldn’t go a day without sketching at least once, -who seemed to feed on the world’s most random assets like a baby bird opening its beak for worms.
He would be advised to visit some place or another, go, camp there for a few weeks and come back with new inspirations. His brain became a sponge and new experiences kept adding up on his plate. Some were revolutionary -like the first taste of a man’s skin against his lips, while others nearly killed him, offering a reminder of the origins he should never ignore. Dancing made him happy but he couldn’t do it for too long, absynthe offered the best dreams and purple suited him the best. The smoke of cigarettes made his chest hurt, his fingers would shake if he went too long without having a sip of alcohol and since his hands were his tool for survival, he fastly learned to always carry with him a flask of brandy.
Furthermore, Anatole liked to say that even if he was born in misery, he had found himself a family within the artists whose only purpose in life was to defeat ugliness. At night they would paint the town red -literally-, and sing until the Moon went to sleep. Anatole had never thought of himself as a social person, mostly because his personality had never been fit for public environments, but in that kind of milieu, he could act and talk freely. People would even go to him because they had heard of the man who spoke with the brightest of smiles and walked around like a space walker. Even if he still had issues with concepts, feelings and public behaviors, it seemed that everyone thought of it as an act that had to be enjoyed and applauded.
How could he complain? His antics were finally appreciated for their own value and, in this town of debauchery, he seemed to be the king of da Vinci’s heirs.
In 1917, near the end of the war he had been excused from thanks to his bad health, Anatole finally found a real career and started making his name in the business of art.
The Moulin Rouge, also known as the realm of beauty and passions, had always been magnetic to Anatole. His best nights had been spent inside its walls and his best drawings had for subjects its community. Gods and goddesses roamed this place freely, bringing to Earth a dimension of ethereality that made Anatole frantic with a desire to sketch he had never known. Being offered the role of designer for the Moulin Rouge was the best thing that could happen to him, and the salary that came with it was certainly a helpful factor to accept the offer.
Yet, Anatole has started dreaming about the fame that his peers have gained before him. Why can’t he be graced by fans, money or international exhibitions too? What is he doing wrong? Doubting his art won’t help his case, he knows, but it’s the only thing that matters to him and the world deserves to experience it. The Moulin Rouge is reaching its due date, even though Anatol still has no idea where to go if he ever quits his current position.
I would die for Vivienne and Anatole to know each other, probably because he used to sleep at her hotel and she became his favorite woman in the whole world
I definitely need someone who will help him understand that taking care of his body is important, because mah boy is a nihilistic soul and survival is not one of his instincts when it comes to life.
Obviously the romance is important so come fill that heart with love
I just thought that people might not like Anatole because he draws everything, even the dirty moments of people’s lives, and sometimes that knowledge doesn’t please some crowds so idk, tbh I just want him to get into trouble
Could definitely use a few bffs because he’s a very funny bud and his weirdness tends to weird out people
Anatole is extra enough in himself for this section to be needed.
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empvthys-blog · 6 years
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Is that SAOIRSE RONAN? No, that’s just NEELA O’SHEA. She is TWENTY years old, and a BANSHEE. They are known to be TAME and OVERLY PASSIVE, and they identify as CISGENDER FEMALE.
Neela was born in County Cork, Ireland to a rather large family. Her mother and father were still madly in love even though they had met during high school. Now they had five kids and were living their dream of raising a family together. 
Though Neela’s parents had been hoping for a baby girl for quite some while considering they managed to have four boys in a row. So when she was born, it was seen as a miracle. 
As Neela grew up, she became extremely close to her older brothers, though closer to one in particular named Riley.
Riley was the eldest of her brothers and they always did everything together. They would spend hours reading on the floor of their home’s library, explored outside, and Riley even taught her to play the piano which later became one of her greatest passions. 
Even though Riley was ten years older than her, he always made sure that Neela was included on everything the boys of the household did.
She was an extremely curious child and often found herself asking “why?” to almost everything that was uttered.
In school, she was a straight-A student and even managed to skip two grade levels and graduate from secondary school early.
Though Neela’s youth wasn’t all sunshine and roses, in fact, tragedy had a habit of following the O’Shea family. 
Everything seemed to change the moment Neela turned sixteen years old, strange premonitions and feelings of dread plaguing the girl. She initially tried to brush it off as anxiety but it wasn’t long before she knew she couldn’t pretend any longer. She was proven wrong when her abilities began to bleed through, her mother knowing all too well what was happening. The women on her side of the family we all banshees and now it seemed Neela was showing signs she was as well.
At first, her abilities and identity as a banshee were mildly terrifying for her to think about but she wanted to use her abilities to perhaps help those she saw were going to die. But it seemed fate had other plans and she realized that it was just her duty to ‘announce’ that something was going to happen but there was nothing she could do to stop it. It was a terribly cruel fate.
Though most of the deaths she predicted were of people she didn’t know but that didn’t necessarily make it any better to deal with.
She never felt true pain until she had a vision of her brother, Riley’s death. She couldn’t tell where or how it was going to happen but she had this foreboding feeling that she couldn’t do anything to prevent it. That was the night she let out a scream louder than she ever had before.
She was supposed to have a bright future full of possibilities ahead of her but Neela felt as if there was no point to anything when Riley passed away, his family unable to find a trace of him. It wasn’t enough for him to be dead but they also had to deal with the pain of not knowing what happened to him or even where his body was. A feeling of emptiness spread throughout Neela every time she went to visit the gravesite they had purchased for him, just a marker and nothing buried in the ground.
She had the opportunity to apply for Julliard and audition, something she and Riley frequently talked about, but she decided to put her dreams on the backburner and stay at home and help run her family’s pub.
One stormy night, a traveler named Declan (who was traveling for business) arrived in the pub. He was just seeking shelter but Neela ended up enjoying his company far more than she expected. He was a man from England who had no clue what he wanted to do with his future but still had so many stories about the world she never got the chance to explore.
Even though he was supposed to go back home, feelings got in the way of plans and he decided to stay for Neela.
The two ended up falling in love and it wasn’t long before Neela was engaged, something her parents thought was too rushed but they still remained supportive of.
But before they could tie the knot, Neela suffered her second greatest loss when Declan was killed whilst traveling, someone mugging him and ending up retaliating by stabbing him. That vision had been the hardest and clearest, almost if the universe was taunting her over the fact she couldn’t stop it from happening.
Slipping into a deeper depression, she felt as if she had nothing more to live for and her parents and brothers could practically see the old Neela disappearing right before their very eyes.
As if that pain wasn’t enough, her father came home with results from a recent checkup that was he was diagnosed with cancer.
It was a painful battle for Neela’s father but his final words to her were that he wanted her to get out of her hometown, to go see the world and try to rekindle her passion. Not only for herself but for him, Riley, and Declan. They would have all wanted the best for her and nothing more.
After her father passed, with great reluctance, she ended up traveling to the United States where she settled down in a town called Hollowcrest. She got a job at a local record store as a clerk to help pay her rent until she could properly work on her musical compositions and do something with her talent that would pay the bills.
Neela has a very diverse range when it comes to her taste in music, she can listen to anything from rap to classical
She’s extremely reserved upon first meeting her but she actually opens up to people quite easily if they’re more on the talkative side
She’s pansexual and open to the idea of spending her life with a partner of any gender
She still wears her engagement ring and is finding an incredibly hard time parting with it
She calls and Facetimes both her mother and brothers almost every single day
She has a dog that is her only companion named Clover
Her ability causes her to experience a lot of constant anxiety 
NEELA O’SHEA, our SAOIRSE RONAN, is looking for HER BROTHER, RILEY, a VAMPIRE using CILLIAN MURPHY / ANY FC.  You DO need to message the mun before applying!
NEELA O’SHEA, our SAOIRSE RONAN, is looking for HER EX FIANCE, DECLAN, a GHOST using DOMHNALL GLEESON / ANY FC.  You DO need to message the mun before applying!
I would also love to find a roommate or best friend for her!
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gunnerxelias-blog · 6 years
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(Dylan O’Brien, heterosexual, male) look who has returned; it’s Elias Montgomery, a 26 year old Gunner on Deadly Tide. He has been described as loyal and destructive. He has been tasked with watching over any fc. [This is a WC for Ruby’s older brother.]
Here is a page of wanted connections I have gathered so far for Elias. If you wish for any of these wanted connections, just hit me up and we can start plotting ASAP.
mun;; Emma/20/Central - also plays Alina Colston & Valerian Sawyer.
He is watching over Milla Jarvinen. 
Elias was born in Northern England to a blacksmith and a bakery owner named Anne. He was their first born and only son of the couple. At the age of ten, Death came for his mother with the young boy witnessing it along with murder. Being too young to provide just yet, his father desperately took them to the seas and Elias became the son of a pirate; a Captain. Being a pirate was easy for Elias, it came naturally to him especially when he would be with the gunners on the ship. Though that did not last long for Mr. Montgomery, decided to place his only son as the cabin’s boy. Of course, Elias did not like it, but he refused to rebel against his father. Some would say the boy lost his Devilish backbone when his mother had passed. For the longest time onboard his father’s ship, Elias did not understand why his father would place him in such a position until Mr. Montgomery drunkenly told his son that Elias has his mother’s eyes--it pained to see them.
At the age of 17, Elias was in a small town just off from the docks where the ship awaited. He had went with a few crew members including his father to fetch some more supplies. To this day, it haunts Elias for the last thing he told his little sister she was a stupid hopeless girl--all because she talked about avenging their mother’s murder. While talking to his father about where to go to next, that is when the gunfire happened. The enemy? It was a group of Navy SEALS.  It all happened to quick for the cabin boy and before he could get to cover, he became a casualty in the fight. Laying there in pain and utter shock, Elias watched as his father left him behind as if he were nothing to the Captain. Betrayed, Elias began to look forward to Death coming for him so he could be with his mother in the afterlife. As if he wished too quickly, one of the SEALS brought medical aide to the boy and brought him in his a prisoner back in the United States.
His incarnation was rather short for the SEAL that saved his life went to the King and asked if the boy be taken in under his wing; to train as a Navy Seal. Granting the permission, Elias life changed for the better and trained hard. Eventually, he had proven his worth by being a rather good soldier with excellent marksmanship. During his years as a soldier for the Navy, Elias learned to call United States home and replaced his british accent for an american one.
Over the years as a Seal, Elias traveled all over the world and aided in protecting royals and throwing pirates back where they belonged. While being a temporary guard to royals here and there, he met quite a few. (ooc: if you want a connection through Elias with this, I am game. You can be a pirate who knew someone Elias put down or you can be a royal Elias helped out.)
By the age of 24, Elias was happy and in a place he thought he never would be. He was enjoying life and Elias considered himself lucky for he had found a woman to call himself his. The man had light in his life. Though like the light, darkness followed and believe me when I say it did. While enjoying some R&R, a group of mercenaries arrived at the hotel and spilled blood. There were so much fatalities, Elias had lost count, but those corpses didn’t matter. The only one was the body of his beloved Lilah. It didn’t take the American government long to find out the group of mercenaries were Naval Soldiers. Feeling completely betrayed and disgusted he had fought alongside them once, Elias turned his back on them and got a dishonorable discharge from this decision.
Over the next two years, Elias hunted down the mercenaries and got his hands on them before the government did. After getting his revenge and catching the eye of Miles Tulach, Captain of the Deadly Tide. Elias took up the mantle of being a gunner for the pirate ship and welcomed himself back to being a pirate. If he was going to be a wanted man, might as well be a pirate, right?
Positive Traits; loyal, comradeship, adventours, alert, logical, reliable, independent, determined, adaptivable, humorous, caring, willful.
Negative Traits; destructive, anxious, arrogant, short-tempered, impulsive, cold-hearted, mischievous, solemn, hostile, vindictive.
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fcknmagicc · 6 years
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it looks like JASON TODD / RED HOOD from DC has arrived in Blackpool. he looks like MATTHEW DADDARIO, and are TWENTY-THREE years old. i’ve heard rumors from around town that he can be ENRAGED, but I’ve also heard they can be HUMOROUS. it seems they’ve been brought here because they are connected to KORIAND'R, BRUCE WAYNE, TALIA AL GHUL, OR RAVEN ROTH from DC by the red string of fate. i wonder how their story will play out.
you really have no idea , do you , bruce ? oh , here we go with another one of my sad sons . he’s the second of my problematic sons , jason todd ! this punk ass kid is from dc comics , and he’s from one of my favorite comic families: the BATFAMILY ! but  , listen to me when i say: in this house , we love and appreciate and protect ,  jason todd . our angst driven , sass level 10 , violence prone , fucked up emo muthafucker batkid . repeat after me , jason todd deserved better . again , this is my first time playing jason but i’ve literally seen him played sm times , seen sm fcs for him , i even had a friend who ultimately introduced me to jason todd ( and the entire batfamily along with it ). bless . but , ultimately , i decided matthew for his fc because honestly? matthew is jason todd for me , it’s hard for me to imagine anyone else . he’s one of my favorite batsons , and i’ve wanted to try him for awhile , just didn’t think i’d do him justice . i’m gonna try now tho and hopefully not fuck up . like jason .
why i decided to take on two bitter tragic backstory boys?? who may not be all that different??? idk man , don’t ask me that shit .
i’m taking jason todd from VARIOUS dc comics. since there’s all these various re-imaginings and versions of him , i can’t remember which i actually follow , but i’ll explain .
the basics i’m keeping for jason pretty much are this:
he had a shitty home life. he grew up on the poor side of gotham , son to a petty criminal named willis todd and catherine todd , a drug addict . even tho catherine , wasn’t even his biological mother .
it only seemed natural , jason would fall into a life of crime .
willis disappeared one day and catherine died from a drug overdose , so , jason was left alone. surviving on the streets by stealing car parts for money.
this was exactly how jason came to meet batman aka bruce wayne: by stealing tires off the batmobile.
i think i read that bruce believed if he hadn’t taken him in and trained him , he would’ve been bringing him into the police . i think that’s very true. imo , the way jay’s life was heading?? he would’ve easily ended up in jail , in no time .
jason was not only trained to keep him off the streets , but also trained to replace dick grayson ( the boy wonder ! ) as robin . and become !!! the second robin ,
last i remember , dick did help to train jason , but i’ll talk it over with the mun ! jason definitely remembers bruce training him , but jason was a bad student. he was reckless , defiant , and just plain rude . most say he was the worst of the robins . idk i jus ... poor bb </3
i guess he would be since he didn’t survive woops
that’s right . we’re keeping that ya boi died . and it always hurts to EXPLAIN but: basically the joker beat him to near death with a crowbar , and then he left jason in a warehouse next to a fuckin’ bomb . you can jus ... imagine ... the rest.
the last thing he did was try to shield his REAL mother from the blast . 
the last thing he did was try to protect his mother , my pr e c i ous boi.
jason highkey HATES the clown . don’t forget that !
okay so he was basically resurrected because of something to do with superboy prime , but his head ( mentality ) was way fucked up.
enter talia al ghul who tried to help jason , by taking him to her father , ra’s al ghul. ra’s was no help , so talia took matters into her own hands , and shoved jay into the lazarus pit .
the lazarus pit supposedly healed jason’s mind , but come on , it’s the lazarus pit .
talia was the one who encouraged him to go back to gotham to find out the truth , since he’d been confused from his regained mind . he listened but he didn’t like what he’d see.
the joker was still alive , and jason felt a lot of things for bruce . mostly RAGE and PAIN . the joker had killed his son , yet bruce had done nothing about it . it felt like he meant nothing to the man , and it’s still the pain jason rides on , to this day. it’s the angst between them . the thing that keeps them apart . jason’s still extremely bitter about it and constantly lets him know it ( at least in his time ) .
i’m gonna say , after jason played with the bat a bit , he went back to talia to receive more training , and others , before he returned to gotham as the red hood ( the joker’s former identity )
he follows his own code of ethics , often more violent and brutal than batman’s. batman doesn’t kill - the red hood does . but only the bad guys , not the good ones .
now in blackpool , it’s no gotham , but it’s up in the air whether he likes it or not. sometimes it’s good , sometimes it’s not .
he misses his batfamily , even if he does still feel like the black sheep of the family. he feels closest to dick , since he is the big brother he never had , even if he’s nothing like him . but in his own way , he loves his entire family .
i’m not sure if i’m going to seriously connect outlaws stuff *sweats a little* pls don’t hate me , pls don’t hate me. i just haven’t read those comics , so idk about relationships sm , but i know him and Kori get along , and if a Roy Harper came here , i’m sure we could figure something out !
raven roth , jason also , very much so , gets along with .
jason could also use some friends , jus like erik , but it’s a lot harder for jason to open up to people about himself jus because of his past . which is why i only listed specific people for him to connect with as far as the red string goes , but those people don’t have to be his only connections ! jay’s jus ... a complicated guy who only lets so many people in ( and it ain’t many if at all )
also , if you were curious , these are the connections i had in mind for said people: koriand’r ( string of friendship or love ) , bruce wayne ( string of familial ) , talia al ghul ( string of familial - since she was the only one who helped him ‘heal’ he considers her like family ) , raven roth ( string of friendship or love )
ummm ship with chemistry .
and pm , ask , dm , for plots if ya want em !!
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iftherebethornsrp · 7 years
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● Caradoc grew up in a hippie commune with his half blood mother, his muggle father is absent. ● He has a fascination with magical creatures and is very apathetic to all of them, he has his own family of Puffskeins who he’s named after each of The Beatles. ● He also brews his own ‘bathtub rum’ whilst at Hogwarts and is always trying to perfect it and is certain it’s going to make him rich when he sells it. He calls it Dearborn Rum. But batches of it always have hilarious consequences when he gives it to students as a tester. ● He loves playing the guitar and writes his own songs. He adores his muggle side and his wizarding side and incorporates it in his clothing, always wearing badges or pins or non-regulatory clothing. For example, he refuses to wear the school trousers and wears his own black skinny jeans. ● He is quite childish in nature, growing up in the commune. He was taught from a young age that expressing yourself is not a bad thing and to live to your own expectations. ● He’s very anti-war and violence, always preaching about love and peace. ● Although childish, in his nature, it can either come across as endearing or really annoying. He doesn’t agree with a lot of student opinions when it comes to acting your age; he wants to remain a kid as long as possible. ● Despite his staunch view on war and violence, he’s very gallant and will step the aid of a student if needed, but will always exhaust all other options and if it comes down to fighting, he doesn’t retaliate with violence. ● Caradoc is always trying to bring animals back to Hufflepuff. He once got away with hiding a Bowtruckle in his dorm for four days straight, determined to make sure it’s twig like arm was healed before setting it free, but was found out by one of his dorm mates. ● He wants to be a veterinarian and magiczoologist when he leaves Hogwarts and he’s one of the best people to go to if there is something wrong with a cat, owl or toad.   
Page Turner!
Caradoc was born and raised in a hippie commune who regularly moved around England for protests and demonstrations. His father remains unknown, a passing traveller who was there one night and gone the other. Caradoc is not too fussed about it; he loves his mother and the way he was brought up. He believes in being with one with nature and, despite being a member of the commune in the height of the psychedelic era, he has quite an innocent outlook on life. Caradoc loves his house and the family unity they all possess. To him, it’s like living in the community, although his behaviour can sometimes raise eyebrows. Unabashed, he is known to walk out of the showers naked, unfazed as he saw it all growing up, but his openess and lack of embarrassment can make his housemates awkward. 
Caradoc knows what he would like to do when he finishes school: travel abroad and work with animals- he excels at Care of Magical Creatures and eventually he wants to train to be a veterinarian to help aid animals both magical and muggle. Caradoc is fairly good at Quidditch, although not possessing superb talents. When it comes to him to guard those hoops, he’s on the ball and can pull off some unintentional stunts. Overall, Caradoc is a very optimistic, friendly individual who always tries to be his best and to help others, even if they don’t particularly want it. 
Ted Tonks: Best Friend - Ted and Caradoc are constantly at each others side. Both of a softer, sensitive nature they bonded the instant Ted arrived for his first year. Although both can be quiet or tentative around others, they are full of life when together.  Reginald Cattermole: Best Friend #2  Gladys Gudgeon: Friend/Crush - These two have a close relationship, often or not they can be seen studying together or hanging out in the grounds. Caradoc likes Gladys because she’s so driven but he’s still working on trying to curb her need for perfectionism. He thinks she’s perfect anyway.  Lucy Karoonda, Amos Diggory, Galvin Gudgeon: Friends Dirk Cresswell: Friend - a fellow animal lover, these two are the most sympathetic to an animals plight. They regularly head out into the forest in search for them, to study or interact with. Damien Travers & Peter Pettigrew: Enemies (UTP/Mun for optional reason) Mundungus Fletcher: Enemy, due to Mundungus stealing his things.  
FC: KJ APA Status: Closed
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you see the hotel’s VACANCY sign after what feels like an eternity of  driving through farmland and over dirt roads. everyone warned you that  the midwest was a long stretch of same after same after same but you’re  pretty sure that you saw the same exact barn at least three times and  you wonder if you’re tired or if there’s something else going on.
the  front desk clerk looks at you with pity as you check in. something in  his gaze says he’s seen things, says turn back and dont stay here. but  instead he gives you a smile thats too fake when he hands you your  keycard.
on  your way to your room another guest stops you to talk. she doesnt  remember when she checked in, doesnt know how long she’s been here. but  she knows enough to warn you against the shadows in your room.
how many nights did you pay for again? you’ve already forgotten.
promo photo created by ribs !!!
set in the midwest, the hotel is full of ( interesting ) guests. most can’t remember when they arrived or when they’re supposed to leave. some know very well why they’re checked in.
from shadow people to wayward travelers, the hotel has come to accommodate quite a range of characters. with a primarily horror based plot, hotel guests will find themselves facing an array of situations.
the clave has been made aware of odd & sometimes demonic activities of high levels from the hotel. the first few shadowhunters they dispatched did not return & there has been no communication from them.
guests of the hotel are encouraged to:
enjoy a swim in the indoor pool but please try not to get eaten by … well, you’ll know it when you see it.
use the hotel’s free wifi, just don’t log into the mystery chat that tends to pop up on guests screens. we’ve had a few complaints that afterwards, guests start to feel watched by something otherworldly.
take a stroll on the beautiful grounds! excuse the screams coming from beyond the treeline, there are beasts out there we can’t protect you from.
eat our free breakfast, and don’t listen to the old woman in the corner mumbling about hallucinations after eating or sedatives in the pancakes. nobody has ever been able to prove we’ve been feeding our guests to interdimensional monsters after all.
enjoy each other’s company! except the guest in room 117, they’ve been here a while, don’t trust what they tell you.
if you have any issues, please contact the font desk clerk on duty! thank you.
please be respectful of other members!!!
twins and fc doubles are fine as long as you and the other mun discuss first.
muse doubles as long as you explain why. ie: doppleganger, evil clone, etc.
oc’s and crossover welcome.
this verse can possibly get triggering as its a horror plot and i plan to do some horror stuff lol.
mun name & whether or not youre over 18, no one under 18 please thank!:
muse name and age:
short bio that includes:
whether your muse is a guest or works for the hotel.
( hotel jobs incluce: front desk & night auditor, house keeping, maintenance. hotel workers also live at the hotel, they have rooms 01-22 set aside for them in a wing of the hotel that is employee access only )
what room # your muse is in & whether or not they room with another muse: ( non hotel staff have rooms 101-322 )
how your muse came to be at the hotel:
jace herondale. room 113. // heavynlymuses
corvus law. room 117 // @stolenhalf
manus bane. room 202. // @cateyeswarlock
eros velde. room 202 // @celestialbcrne
peter rumancek. room 06 // @gypsylobo
keira wolfe. room 21. // heavynlymuses
anna karlov. room 229 // @grcveycrdkids
isabelle brimsey. room 101 // @fabellas
orpheus. room 124 // @doubtedsong
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buckinghamhqs · 5 years
- ̗̀✰ •【 SCARLETT LEITHOLD / CISFEMALE / 22 】announcing the arrival of her royal highness, ( AURÉLIE JACQUELINE DE BOURBON), the ( PRINCESS ) of ( FRANCE ). I’ve heard that she is ( IMPETUOUS ) & ( FERVENT ) but can also be ( MAGNANIMOUS ) & ( ALLURING ). ( AURÉLIE ) is arranged to marry ( CHRIS HEMSWORTH, JACOB ELORDI, SHAWN MENDES, ANY MALE FC/ASK MUN). Rumor has it (HER PREVIOUS MARRIAGE WAS ANNULLED). We hope you enjoy your stay at London!【 OOC: bee, 18+, est, she/her 】
ACCEPTED!! Welcome to Buckingham Palace your highness AURÉLIE & BEE, you have 24 hours to get settled. scarlett leithold & the princess of france are now taken !!
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