#also my mom read Azkaban first and like immediately understood Snape
theflikchic · 17 days
I was chatting with my mom about doing my super-close reading of HP for my big retrospective and we got on the topic of Snape. And I described how I noticed that Snape, of ALL characters, represented just about everything JK R*wling now despises as a character who defies labels even in the first book where you know NOTHING about him except that he's an asshole. And I was like "He feels like an accident." And my mom goes-
"He created himself,"
So I sat with that bombshell for a moment and then I mentioned he was based on a real person with autism and insomnia, so all of the "nastiness" R*wling put in (always being up at night to catch the kids, lack of hygiene, harsh sarcasm) was actually accidentally reflective of that. And my mom (also autistic and a teacher) flipped out with surprise and said-
"He's a person?! So she created a person. Who created himself."
And if that's not the most accurate description of that character, I dunno what is. Hot damn, I want it on a t-shirt.
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