#also no need to match length! theres no way to explain his whole....THING without a spiel gdfgfd
turojo · 1 year
@lvsamine answered:
Lusamine was surprised to hear from Turo, as it had been quite some time since their last meeting, but it was welcome nevertheless. She had always been rather fond of him, as she found him to be a brilliant mind that she could discuss her research with - One of the small handful of people that actually knew about the research into Ultra Wormholes back in the day. She had requested that they speak in her dining room, rather than her office - This seemed to be a business related affair, but she preferred to speak to him in a more casual setting. She idly stirred her coffee as he spoke, looking at him from across the table with a rather neutral expression, save for the slight smile on her lips. He confessed to having some issues, likely regarding his own research, and was seeking her help. She noticed right away that he looked... Exhausted. It wasn't something that she'd point out, but he didn't hide it well. Whatever was going on seemed to be taking a toll on him.
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"It really is wonderful to see you again, Turo," Lusamine chimes. "I'd be happy to hear you out and provide whatever assistance I can. Truthfully, I've been quite curious as to what you've been up to. It's been a long while since we've had the chance to talk."
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» " Ah. It's been ... eventful in a way. " Not the best either. Turo was well known for his stoicism but this time he looked solemn. Eyes finally left Lusamine elsewhere and his hand had went to stir his coffee with thoughtless clinks to the sides of the ceramic. Where to start?
» " I can start by saying Sada and I's research was largely a success. We found a way to manipulate physics to reach back into the past and future thanks to the power found in these crystals deep underground in the Paldea region. Initially the project was to explore a phenomenon known as Terastallization, a process turning Pokemon into a completely different type thanks to the odd nature of these crystals. Their power proved to go far and above what we expected. "
» " However...it seems by the second phase of our project things were starting to turn. A time machine was made and the Pokemon extracted from both ends of the timeline were unpredictable as was the environment our lab was in. It became too dangerous for our team to stay and eventually it became far too hostile for even I to remain though Sada refused to abandon their work. "
He won't go into all the personal details of what was their marriage and heated divorce there after, but the point was apparent.
» " I left Paldea and received the unfortunate news of her passing some time after. I chose to return to look after what remained of our research and the 'paradox Pokemon' stuck in the present with the time machine defunct. That's where I am today. " The stirring stops and he finally takes a thoughtful sip. " Work needs to be done to at least stabilize the crater and keep the Pokemon there comfortable. I won't deny it's a lot of work as one of the only remaining researchers left but perhaps it doesn't have to be. "
A sigh but he looks back at least a little more optimistic.
» " I say only researcher with some reservation. I know we've collaborated many times before and our work shares a lot of similarities to begin with. It also so happens you've always been brilliant conserving delicate ecosystems and the unique Pokemon thriving here. I'd like nothing more then to collaborate again with the intent of understanding the new Pokemon better and maybe even find a way to get them back home proper. "
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» " That is, if you'll have me of course...! " Turo shifted. " Not that I'll take your space and time freely. I can definetly offer my hand as well with Aether; you and your foundation have always been an incredible institution to work with! I imagine you're still looking into the wormholes across Alola? "
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rvmvns · 5 years
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 skrrt skrrt it’s rrmert (death tw)
roman kim / 24 / he/him (cis male) / fire 
family life
this kid has no siblings, two parents, lives alone in an underground home in barcelona because his parents were kicked out from their coven back home. as they should, they were shady demonic people. natalia and abel kim were, at one point, highly respected in their coven. they were almost confided with in anything and everything with the leader: u kno like regulating rules, rituals, new witches, etc etc. but until they conspired to kill the head and were sentenced to exile w / no powers ( v painful process ) but not without ANOTHER cost, they were not allowed to take their son. which is fckn dumb of them bc he could have learned to  u kno , learn how to deal w his shit but nope, so they literally kidnapped roman, u kno why not it’s their son, natalia BIRTHED him and his pea sized head, and flew to barcelona and lived underground ever since 
he was always homeschooled, he never understood why until you know one day things went up in flames haha.. haha this will be funny later, maybe not it’s messed up actually
he was never allowed to go outside the home they lived in, it was a town house on the outside, living under a non magical folks home which their parents bargained with and bada bing bada boom, but that didn’t stop him from sneaking out. 
his elemental is fire, which easily pairs with the sun and he draws his energy from the big ball red giant in the sky but fire, is the main game, you think of fire and you think of destruction, warmth, consuming anything and everything in its path and in a way his power does match with his personality but we’ll get to that later need to explain why and how he murdered his parents
okay so, nat and abe are dumb as hell thinking roman wouldn’t start to lose his mind by his 10th birthday wondering why he has no friends, why he isn’t allowed to see anyone (he had a romance fling at 9, fell in love w a babe up the street and was mad he couldn't see her. pre teen stuff.) he wanted to essentially live a normal life, play with the other kids but nat and abe were scared he would be found or tracked or someone or SOMETHING would be lurking to take their son bc they violated rules and conspired to murder 
so by his 12th birthday he decided he’d run away, why not. packed up his shit and left but he dumb as hell for not thinking his parents weren’t tracking him  or had some tracking thing on him, they never wanted to lose him but hmm maybe shouldn't have decided to MURDER and KIDNAP
so there they were, finding roman in an alley trying to figure out where to go from there and they were pleading him with him to come home and just understand where they were coming from (oh this boy did not realize he was a witch ever, in his life) and he was getting angry to the point if u felt his hands you’d.. feel like you’d be scorched anyways, 
his parents forget that just bc they don’t have their powers, doesn’t mean roman doesn’t, so out of anger.. pure anger, frustration and all that, he sets them on fire and watches them burn to death in front of him and not only that, the entire alley sets up in flames and little trash cans start exploding and a whole building catches fire bc his parents were running around screaming bloody murder and he literally just watched like what the FUCK is going ON stop burning!! he rly tried the whole pew pew w his hands
after they died, he literally stood there mortified and literally over their scorched bodies crying and using his hands like “please, please work. please.” and he was screaming crying that his stupid hands can make THAT happen maybe his parents can come back to life but nah.. theyre dead and his soul died right then and there 
it was also when he was found by his coven through the outburst, all it had to take was one boop spurt of magique for them to go ok we found him ! and he was dragged back to their coven in vermont , leaving tht part of barcelona to burn and since then, through little explaining and training and eventual enrollment at blackwater he understood but he also hated his parents for never telling him bc a. coulda avoided involuntary murder. mans thinks bout that night all the time. horrible. HORRIBLE
personality and other stuff
he’s, annoying, like point blank he has a witty sense of humor that makes no sense and it’s literally only there to mask whatever shit he won’t deal with. he hates being a witch, he hates having powers to begin with and low key on the low no one knows he’s been reading up on books on how to get rid of it at blackwater but to no avail, 
sometimes whenhe’s bored he’ll amuse himself with the pettiest spells against people, yeah does he get in trouble? sure, but in the end it gives him a good laugh and that’s enough for him anything to fill tht void in his chest
as a kid he used to be rly outgoing like from the times he snuck out, he was a charming little kid enough to make friends with the whole block back in spain but since his parents, discovering he’s got powers, he’s nothing, you can only get emotions out of this kid if you punch him
honestly, you could punch him and he’d be like we’ve all been through some shit u gotta try harder dude but ok , ow?
petty, really petty, he’s a sag for a reason, dude has an ego bigger than the sun, loves being right in his own sense like yeah he’ll see your point and then go mm wrong, i’m right. 
flirts for fun and then when it gets serious like, to the point where hes like omg we’re about to FUCK no thanks, i’m still a virgin
ya he is, he rly is. vulnerability is not his strong suit he’s 24 and hates getting close to people (i mean this is malleable like the ppl he will find himself close w will also understand that he’s still distant)  like being NAKED? letting u see my dick?! what NEXTS? sharing my traumas?! ok that would be great for maybe a one time plot where he got close to sex and then goes mm yeah .. gtg bye :)))))))))))
oh, as for visuals !! think of baekhyun from his blooming days mv that’s him, the blonde and all. i love blonde baek, and as for hair length, pretty long not rly well together, he dresses like he hasn’t grown out of his teen phase, w the vans and the ripped jeans and sweatshirts , i have a pinterest board for this but its like 4 pins.. JFKMDGG ok i think thats it
oh wait his familiar, it’s a python ! so once entering the academy he was introduced to this dragon, at first he was afraid but then he sort of understood that somehow there was symbolism bc thats another thing, he thinks theres symbolism in anything like a spoon falling? that must hold SOME symbol hes just fucking annoying anyways, he fell in love w the dragon who takes form of a python who now loves to hug him like hes being choked <3 thats how he knows his familiar rly loves him or maybe it wants to kill him he can never tell
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