#also no one bullies her bc she has an army of delinquents who accompany her everywhere
ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Now that the slate's gone, so she's no longer a King and clans don't technically exist anymore and everything has calmed down, do you think Anna would go to school? Shes the right age to be in Middle School and maybe even go to High School and College afterwords? Or do you think she'll just continue with homeschooling or whatever it is she's been doing?
I think it's been mentioned in at least one of the post-series short stories that Anna is going to school now like a normal kid. I can definitely see that being the choice too, like now that the Slate is gone and there's a chance for her to have a 'normal' school life I think Kusanagi would want that for her, to let her meet some kids her age and make some friends and get to enjoy being a kid a bit more. I think the final decision was probably up to her though, I imagine some time not long after the Slate's destruction Kusanagi notes that a new school term will be starting in a couple months and that it would likely be safe for Anna to go to a normal school, she's not likely to be targeted by anyone anymore and he thinks maybe it's time for her to broaden her world a little outside of Homra. He doesn't intend to force her to go if she doesn't want to and he's perfectly happy to continue homeschooling her if she feels more comfortable that way but he also doesn't want to hold her back and make her hang around rowdy guys all the time either. Anna's a bit nervous about it and she would probably take a little time to consider her options but in the end she decides to try and go to school.
All of Homra would be super supportive of her decision too, like imagine they all band together to go school shopping for Anna. Kusanagi finds a good middle school for her that's not too far from the bar (and which just so happens to have red school uniforms) and he drives her there the first day to make sure she gets there all right. For the first couple months in fact I could see the Homra guys accompanying her to school, either driving her or walking there with her just in case because they know that there are still Strains around and even under normal circumstances a girl walking alone can't be safe right, everyone being just a bit overprotective. Eventually Anna's determined to go to school on her own though and Kusanagi gets to watch as his fledgeling leaves the nest and starts to grow up all on her own. Anna I think might struggle a little right after starting school, just because she's so clearly different from the other kids that people are hesitant to approach her and it's hard to make friends. Eventually I think she might become fairly popular though, she's kind to everyone and I could totally see her being considered the school's 'princess' (and people wonder if she really is a princess too, like look at all her bodyguards that meet her going to and from school, and that guy in the sunglasses who shows up at all the parent-teacher meetings).
Then eventually from middle school she'd likely go on to high school (Yata's all proud of her because he never went to high school and Kusanagi's kind enough not to mention that most people don't drop out after middle school). I kinda like the idea that Anna eventually goes to college in order to become a teacher like Honami, knowing how her aunt was able in some small way to touch Mikoto when he was in high school and wanting to become someone like that. I think she wouldn't have much trouble getting into a good school either, I'm sure Kusanagi would start setting money aside for her education as soon as she starts going to a regular school and all of Homra would be ready to pitch in if she needed any help (and then imagine when she becomes a teacher there's rumors always going around that no one messes with Kushina-sensei because she's protected by some kind of yakuza or gang, if anyone ever asks her about it Anna just smiles gently and doesn't reply).
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