#also not *literally* a vampire but yknow vampire AUs are cool too if you wanna read it that way šŸ„°
sleepymrshmllow Ā· 4 months
ollie "the vampire" just being an absolute menace in the presence of felix's neck. softly touching and pressing his fingers into his quickening pulse- eyes dark with want as he watches felix swallow. kissing it languidly while they watch a movie, nosing his adam's apple. sucking dark bruises onto his skin while they're high in his dorm room. biting into it hard enough to pierce skin and greedily lapping at the metallic tang of blood as they get each other off. consuming felix little by little ā™”
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aresonist Ā· 2 years
i forgot yo post this but this is basically the whole vampire au (Oh, the joys of being alive
okay so like the whole of sbi is vampire hunters (not tommy tho too young lol) (and its a very respectful position mind you) and wilbur goes on a mission to check something out one day full on being like "theres not gonna be anything there lol dont even worry about it" and boom there is and he gets bit and turned which is hella painful mind you and he wakes up and hes either in like nikis house (BIGGG FUNCKING MANSION bc vampire) or he just meets her right after waking up and hes like oh my god whats goijg on and she takes him home like a stary cat bc this is clearly a newly turned vampire and hes is clearly so confused and in need of help. bur basically ranboo was already there and they like explain that hes a vampire yada yada yada qnd hes oh my fucking god i cant go home MY FAMILY IS LITERALLY HUNTERS (this a thing that he doesnt really tell them which leads to silly little problems later) AND I GO HOME AND THEY DONT KILL ME THEY WILL BE FORCED TO LIKE MOVE AND DROP THE JOB OH M Y GOD so he doesnt go home he stays with niki and ranboo very sad and at some point hes just like accepted it it ofc is hard to deal with but what can you as a person in a society do and theres a lot of silly things that happen but at some point him and his fam do like meet again and its kind of okay they r fineeee its gonna be fineeeeeee its a silly au with lots of angst potential ITS FINEEE oh also ranboo is friends with tubbo and tommy and tommy is literally from a vampire hunter family hes a danger and tubbo has like always known he does not care but before he let tommy and ranboo meet he tells ranboo "just so you know tommy is a hunter might wanna stay in the closet with the vmapire thing chief" so he does and he also doesnt tell niki and wilbur bc he really likes his friends he wants to be able to keep being friends with them SO WILBUR DOESNT KNOWWWW and ranboo DOESNT KNOW IT WILBURS FUCKING BROTHER RIGHT (at least for a good while yknow)
additional things:-ranboo turned bc of a bet to go deep in the 'vampire' forest where he got a attacked turned woke up like a day later met niki and she was like oh youre a vampire! and hes like I AM A WHAT
-ranboo has been there for maybe like 100 years
-vampire society is very silly and nikis family is like extremely wealthy she has her whole mansion and everything its cool
-turned vampires r kinda frowned upon especially the 'early' ones bc they r not 'pure blood' and basically left overs that started breathing again
-theres a specific angst part that i refuse to talk about or even think about it
additional notes:
-i dont have this wholw thing figure dout yet shit might change idk
-i am not a good writer
this is all very shitly written down but thats bc i literally just wanted to have it noted somewhere
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binqtop Ā· 4 years
holds a gun to your head tell me more about mothman koimis au
once again i have typed a lot more than i originally planned so this is going under a read more
so basically one night at 1 am mista, fugo, and narancia are like awesome weā€™re gonna go vlog in this forest thats by our house (the bucci gang lives together, in this au abbacchio and bruno are married and are like...in their 30s)
mista has thing dumbass truck that he drives i just think mista should have a truck okay oh yeah btw this is a relatively modern au? idk what the year is
okay as i was saying its 1 am and the torture dance trio arrive to the forest and theyre like ehehehohoho lets vlog (fugo is the camera man HOWEVER mista has his own camera for taking pictures bc he lowkey likes photography as some way of scrapbooking and yknow he just likes to take pics of things he likes and thinks are cool)
so now its like 2:30 am and mistaā€™s like lol fugo, narancia im gonna take a picture of you guys hehehoho smile for the camera haha snap and then the three of them look at the picture and you can see some weird shadowy figure in the background with these glowing reflective eyes and the trio scream and run back to the truck and mista floors it back to the house
nobody is happy about 3 teenagers screaming at 2:30 am but its fine bc abbacchioā€™s awake he stays up to make sure everyone comes home safe though he wont admit it.....lol grumpy old man he cares about his kiddos
anyway later that day at like 3 pm where is BRIGHT OUTSIDE the trio go back to the forest (with abbacchio bc heā€™s like holy shit theres something out there im going to protect my kids) and since heā€™s an ex-cop he brings a gun w/ him
also for added comedy i koichi is ble to switch forms so like.....they can either look like a human or uh....Not so its really funny
basically they run into koichi in his human form and abbacchio is like ā€œhey kid you might wanna head home thereā€™s some weird creature out hereā€ and koichiā€™s like ā€œi live here and i havent seen anything out of the ordinary :)ā€œ
fun fact koichi literally just steals clothes and food and stuff from campsites. koichi REALLY STEALS.....no dignityĀ 
oh yea koichi wears their green sweatpants and hoodie (they stole them) and they has no shoes on. they never wears shoes
bruno and trish and giorno are in the au too im trying to decide whether or not giorno will be like a half-vampire or just a normal human w/ sharp teeth
abbacchio will go with the vlog trio to make sure theyre safe while bruno, trish, and giorno go off on their own little nature hikes
oh yea mista ends up going by himself to the forest one night and runs into le moth koichi and is like HOLY SHIT and is frozen in fear he forgets to take a picture and he runs away and koichi is like :( bc his friend ran away from him bc he didnt recognize him btw at this point koichi sometimes hangs out with the bucci gang whenever they have hikes or picnics in the forest
i dont have anything planned for the whole ā€œmista figures out koichi isnt human thingā€ but basically mista starts having a crush on the weird person that lives in the forest and koichi starts having a crush on mista bc mista is the funny interesting handsome human guy that wears really bright colors so heā€™s fun to look at also heā€™s attractive so thats fun to look at too
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