#also not that any of u ppl reblog my personal posts anyways. usually bc they’re just Ramblings
in the wake of recent events, i would like to reassure everyone that i will Not be making any of my personal posts unrebloggable, in keeping with my mission to make sure that as wide an audience as possible may be forced to see the accursed sentences i devise in my mind and then share via this website. thank you
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pugszler · 4 years
personal update <3
hiiii :> 
so first things first, i’m sorry i haven’t been reblogging as much stuff lately. i haven’t been getting as much content as i’d like on my dash recently (bc ppl keep leaving tumblr, switching fandoms, blocking me, etc) so there hasn’t been much for me to reblog. :( i want to get more content but it’s always very hard for me to go searching for new blogs to follow bc i always try to make sure they’re not gross ppl or anything (amongst a bunch of other things i look for when following ppl). 
also i’m super sorry about the lack of bnha content i’ve been posting too. i’m still in the fandom!!! lol i still care about it a lot and i still want to continue to share content (both my own and others’). i just... kinda fell off of doing my usual thing where i check every bnha blog i reblog from to make sure they’re not a gross person before i reblog anything from them. i would initially “like” the post i wanna reblog and then go back through my likes later when i have free time to check the blog, etc. but... i kinda stopped doing that since like october or something bc of my declining lack of mental energy and motivation. :( so i just haven’t been reblogging any bnha fanart bc i’m afraid of reblogging from a pedo or a gross shipper or an e slur stan or something.
i haven’t made any progress on my bnha wips in the past year either... but i DO still intend to finish them, like i REALLY WANT TO!! and i plan to. i just... need to get into the right headspace again. 
i....... am currently working on a new fic right now tho. it’s uh. haha. for a different fandom entirely. (dfkhgdgjfdg it’s a self-insert reader/character fic for an otome game i played recently and i accidentally fell in love w one of the guys oops. eyy switch players, u guys heard of a game called “kitty love”? lmao date the tsundere guy so you can read my fic when it comes out lmao)
on a more personal level, i have been doing... all right. i was in a pretty bad spot towards the end of 2020. Very low motivation to do anything and i experienced a few fallouts with some friends, so that sucked. but thankfully things are a little less stressful now and i’m on some new meds and i’ve been a little more energetic lately! :) 
also i’ve been trying really hard lately to get into a relationship lately? i’m super fucking lonely lol. so i’ve been using okc for online dating. haven’t really spoken to anyone on there lately tho. honestly, i wish tumblr had a dating scene? like. i just really think i’d get along better with tumblr users rather than non-tumblr users, yknow? (cringe, right? lmao) anyway i might look into that more in the future (there’s probably tags for personal listings and stuff idk). might even make a dating profile of my own to post on my tumblr blog for anyone to check out if they’re interested in tumblr dating too?
think that’s about it. pls feel free to hmu anytime, whether you’re a mutual or a follower. i Desperately need new connections and friends, as always. i am Always excited to hear from ppl who like me and want to get to know me! <3 
hope you’re well and thank you for reading! <3
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voidvoyeur · 6 years
ok lads i’m be real for  a sec
ordinarily i wouldn’t feel the need to post this kind of thing online bc i usually rely on a support system in real life but idk ... i just wanted to and it gets to a relevant point irt experience on here and how you guys are Really Cool Okay i promise
the start of this year has been like Fucking Shit for me personally. if you don’t want to read the reasons why bc they deal with animal death and family loss then that’s cool like just scroll to the next paragraph. but basically at the end of january my family’s black labrador of fifteen years passed away which i was absolutely devastated by and i had the support i needed at the time, however on the 2nd of this month, my grandad also passed away and i just WAS NOT able to work through the grief properly bc of university work and pressure to meet deadlines, it wasn’t until the funeral & wake yesterday (which was actually rly nice) that i felt guilt-free of not doing work buuut bc of this prior mental compartmentalisation i was going thru to get work done,, i p much just emotionally crashed at a friend’s bday party in the evening i rly wanted to go to (luckily i didn’t ruin it and had friends who supported me throughout and we all wanted to leave early anyway but breaking down was the one thing i didn’t want to do) and like YEAH U GET IT
so with those losses, i want to be there for my fam as much as possible, and my family environment is the healthiest in terms of support i need, but i can’t mourn with them nor support them fully because this university year is my last. technically no one is allowed to request extended deadlines (more time to get final assignments done) bc then they can’t graduate this year -- if you get the extended deadlines you have no choice but to go to the graduation ceremony next year which would fuck me up a lot bc i want to be there with the friends who have been with me in my classes and who i’ve made warm 90s music video montage memories with from year 1
on top of that, i’m moving house and have to be packed and ready by saturday. this would usually be rly exciting if not for everything in my life being so AAAAA already and so any excitement is overridden by stress. left, right and centre i have people asking me what i want to  do after i graduate, what job i want, how i’m going to get it etc. and in any other context that isn’t my family asking it, i get hypersensitive and encouragement just translates as expectation and bc i have no answer (bc am literally just tryna get thru what’s happening NOW thanks mate) it immediately feels like i’m failing expectation so i just shut down. with everything going on i’ve just had to accept i may not get my ideal grade that i originally aimed for and lecturers said i could get, but that’s just how life works -- your priorities change and only now, after being able to process everything emotionally, have i been able to get the necessary motivation to even do the uni work i need to, as well as figuring out what i can get done and when. it’s just REALLY SHIT timing that all of this is happening at once, like you’re being kicked repeatedly while already on the floor
venting over now but my whole point with this post is that being on here has been the least stressful place for me. like i know everyone has their own issues but the fact that everyone is on here just kind of enjoying they’re thing and you’re being you on the dash is ideal respite from the amount of shit i’m trying to carry in me life. as well as this, the people i’ve spoken to, even if only briefly through IM, have been hugely helpful and has honestly meant a lot to me. talking with you guys is SO easy and fun and it means a profound amount to me that you’re taking the time out of your day to just have a laff or plot or make a starter & reply to a thread. you’ve all been such a positive influence and mood booster at times when i rly needed it.. like not once have i gotten into a rly bad depressive funk where i’m like THE WHOLE WORLD IS AGAINST ME !! bc it just doesn’t feel that way w ppl on here being so kind and punk
bc of this, i just want to clarify as well that  if we DO talk and i’m suddenly absent for a couple days, and if it seems like i’m relying on you to write the starters, you’re mainly initiating conversation, i’m not sending memes (tbh i rly encourage ppl to send link to memes they’ve reblogged so i don’t miss them) etc. it’s not me being uninterested AT ALL nor am i putting on a front abt being excited for threads n stuff, it’s literally that w/ the amount of stuff going on sometimes i need to be away from my laptop, and rn it’s a lot  easier to have the energy to chat w/ someone for a bit or reply to an ooc post than to try and find the time and energy to write something Properly.
but yeah the tl;dr is life is the most stressful it’s ever been for me atm but you all have been proper quality, incredibly supportive altho u may be oblivious to how exactly and if i could i give u all a teletubbie hug i so would.. or at least have michael farm dbd points with u all and moonwalk across ur screens ..... @bhvr just let me party on a map with all my friends and mutuals pls. but for now all i can offer is pumpkin ferret ..... 
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peace & love always !! ✌🧡
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kamyyu · 6 years
RP PLOTTING CHEAT SHEET. Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted. Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
mun name . Ian
ooc contact . IM (anyone), Discord (u can ask!!)
who the heck is my muse anyway . Camus. Stupid Asshole With No Last Name. The Queen’s Sword, alternatively the Queen’s Dog. A Two-faced, lying shit.
points of interest . Knowledge, History, Literature, Culture, Sugar, Pastries, Horse riding, Fencing, Ice Skating, Perfectionism.
what they’ve been up to recently . I mean i been playing this loser for 4 yrs and they’re still looking for a way to cure Queen -- i’m surprised she hasn’t died by now bruh.
where to find them . Verse dependent // Typically Anywhere, as I play him in an AU where he’s ‘looking’ for the cure so yeah that can be pretty much in any place time and year since he has magickal funky gadgets (thank kween)
current plans . listen i have no plans this blog is a mess, i’m a mess, and so is cammy and he hates me for it
desired interactions . pls let my ship sail its been 875 yrs........... also pls give him ppl who can be nice to him. like. i know he’s an ass. but. he’ll get there. i’m a dumb bc i constantly hover between distancing myself from utapri & wanting cammy to be a stupid ridiculous idol with his stupid idol (not-)friends, like if he actually develops Emotions there i’d be so happy man..... other than that i want some angsty thread where he Struggles between following his queen/country’s orders and something else (Doing The Right Thing maybe, but he’d usually NOT unless there’s some very very very good reason (or person hehehe) for it), or angsty shit where he just fails to save his queen (and thus cannot prevent the coup) and he kinda becomes a wandering depressed vagrant, with FAILURE branded on his forehead
offered interactions . Cammy is good for ppl who want a) their muses to be manipulated (he’s mean like that) or b) a sunshine x eternal grump dynamic where cammy obviously is the grump, he’ll be v. rude but he can serve as a good (if brutal) wake-up call to other muses, c) if he runs into supernatural things he will do point (a) and / or chase em down if there’s a possibility that they can help him cure his queen & if it goes well there should be Conflicting Feels after a while, d) general bossing around and arrogance abound, e) he’s a bad boi
current open post/s . Oops none bc I’m a lazy asshole, hmu through IM tho.
anything else . cammy is my secondary blog bc his muse is a lil wonky, mainly bc all the canon material confuses my poor brain and i can’t decide on what to pay attention to & dismiss; hence the AU standard verse, hence why he probably differs a lil from canon kamyu (im sorry i do try), uh idk man;;;;;; ily if u bother to read this <333
TAGGED BY: @defidelitas TAGGING: you.
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