#also now Yata wishes he could've gotten in one good punch on the Green King
ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Funny how Fushimi has such insecurities when practically one king was Making a mess just to have him join his group (Hisui) while the other (Munakata) helped him with the intention, I think, of having him join the blue clan instead. He's wanted and his talent is recognised by three Kings, if we add Mikoto. And that makes me wonder, how would Yata react if he learned about the whole Hisui fiasco just to have Fushimi? 😧😧 Please?
Yata probably wouldn't have time to be impressed that Fushimi was being courted by three Kings, being too upset that Hisui was messing with Fushimi like that and Yata never even knew. Like imagine some point post-ROK when Yata and Fushimi are having their talk he mentions the hallucinations and how Hisui tried to recruit him and Yata's just like wait wait what happened now. Fushimi explains how all that went down and I think Yata's first reaction would just be 'why didn't you say something you idiot?' Fushimi clicks his tongue and he says Yata wouldn't have listened to him even if he had and Yata's like see this is why you get misunderstood all the time Saruhiko, because you assume shit like this and then end up not saying anything and wondering why no one notices. I think Yata would be really pissed that Hisui was playing with Fushimi that way, like even if the whole hallucination idea was initiated in any way by Aya there's still the simple fact that Hisui was trying to isolate Fushimi even more from the Red clan just to recruit him and not caring about how that might affect Fushimi's mental health.
Imagine during their conversation too Yata's like you wouldn't have joined that guy anyway right and Fushimi kinda pauses, like he was so miserable in Homra at that point that he can't even say either way if he would have rejected Hisui if Munakata hadn't shown up when he did. This would make things hit home a bit more for Yata about how out of place Fushimi felt in Homra though, like even with jungle playing with him that way it still might have felt like more of a refuge than Homra did. I could see Yata also being a little angry at himself for never noticing what Fushimi was going through though, like even while he's annoyed that Fushimi never said anything part of Yata is just so upset because he feels like as Fushimi's partner he should have realized that something was off about Saruhiko at that time and he didn't, and maybe he could have avoided some of this mess if only he'd been trying harder to understand Fushimi at that time (also it probably rankles that Munakata was aware that something was going on with Fushimi while Yata wasn't, even though Yata probably knows how perceptive the Blue King is there's still this little twinge of jealousy that someone else saw what was happening with Fushimi while Yata was completely oblivious to it).
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