#also now snapshotted in the wayback machine....great little guide; Keeping That. and archiving in general
unproduciblesmackdown · 6 months
Summer Stock: Plot Synopsis
Time Period: Mid-20th Century Place: A Technicolor New England farm-turned-theater
Overture: Watch For: Offstage voices, live music
SCENE 1: The Barn at Falbury Farm Jane is sweeping straw while singing. Pop enters, comparing Jane's singing ability to her late mother's. Pop lets Jane know that they have lost their last two farmhands to Margaret Wingate. Margaret has taken over most of the farmland in town except for Falbury Farm. Pop and Jane wonder where they're going to find help to bring in the harvest. Celestial voices join Jane in song. Song: "Get Happy" Watch For: Animal noises
SCENE 2: Metro Rehearsal Studio There's a spotlight on Joe Ross' feet as he is tap dancing. Joe, the director, is running the rehearsal. Singing words of encouragement. Jane's sister, Gloria Falbury, is running late to the rehearsal. The writer of the show, Phil Filmore, is not happy with Gloria becoming the new replacement performer of the show. Joe insists Gloria is a good performer. The rehearsal was supposed to end at 5:00 pm and it is now 5:05 pm. They get kicked out of the rehearsal studio and don't have any money to pay for more rehearsal time. Phil and Joe are worried their show will never make it to "The Great White Way," also known as Broadway, because they don't have a place to rehearse. Gloria tells them that she has a place that they can rehearse and it won't cost any money. Phil and Joe are excited and sing with the ensemble. Song: "Happy Days are Here Again/I Want to Be Happy" Watch For: Tap dancing
SCENE 3: The Yard, the next day We are in the barnyard and the theatre troupe comes in singing with various props, sets, and costume racks. Gloria surprises her father and sister by bringing the whole troupe of performers to the farm where they are planning on rehearsing and performing their show that is a work in progress. Gloria introduces Pop and Jane to Joe, Phil, and the rest of the ensemble. Jane is not so easily convinced that this is a good idea. She has a farm to save and doesn't have time for the nonsense of show business. This troupe is delaying Jane for an important meeting. So, she reluctantly agrees to let them stay for one night. Song: "Accentuate the Positive" Watch For: Cow mooing, shouting
SCENE 4: The Cherry Orchard Jane is walking up a path, still angry that the troupe of performers are on the family farm. She sings a song about "chasing rainbows." She always feels like she's chasing her dreams and they never come true. Joe ends up hearing Jane sing and he is impressed. He sings with her. He tells her that she's just not "chasing after rainbows," she's accomplishing things. Jane agrees and says she will accomplish her dreams by herself. Jane hurries off, up the road. Song: "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows"
SCENE 5: The Drawing Room at Wingate Manor At Wingate Manor Mrs. Wingate and her son, Orville, are drinking tea. She is trying to convince Orville to propose to Jane. If Orville marries Jane, then the Wingate family will become the largest commercial farming operation in the Connecticut River Valley by also owning the failing Falbury Farm. Mrs. Wingate and Orville sing a song in preparation for the marriage proposal. Jane and a maid enter and see Orville bent down on one knee as if he were proposing to his own mother. Mrs. Wingate continues to encourage Orville to propose to Jane. When Jane finally hears Orville's marriage proposal, she refuses and insists on saving the farm herself. Song: "Always" & "Always (Reprise)" Watch For: Shouting
SCENE 6: The Barn Back at the farm the cast is sitting on hay bales, strumming a ukulele, reading the trades, and writing home. They are thinking about heading back to the city to audition for another show. However, Joe tries to convince them to stay. He sings a song and in doing so he stalls them, long enough to hear the last train of the night leave without them.
In the kitchen Pop is preparing food and Gloria enters. Gloria has become a true city slicker and Pop loves his farm country roots. They both defend their lifestyles and Jane comes back from her failed proposal. Song: "It's Only a Paper Moon" Watch For: Train whistle
SCENE 7: The Kitchen, a short time later Pop pits cherries as Gloria enters, sits, and helps herself. Pop is planning on using all of the cherries they've grown. They sing a song about how Pop thinks the best things in life are free and Gloria sings that some of the best things in life cost money. Jane enters and warns Gloria about Joe. The cast comes in to eat dinner and Jane approaches Joe to request that his performers help with farm work in exchange to use their farm as a performance venue. Joe agrees and they all sing a song about how they will work for their food. Song: "The Best Things in Life are Free" & "Dig For Your Dinner" Watch For: Yelling, triangle ringing, jumping on table, tap dancing, silverware banging
SCENE 8: Jane's Bedroom, that evening When Jane is sleeping, her sister Gloria comes into her room, because the barn wasn't a very comfortable place to sleep. The two have realized that they have become two very different people that used to be so close when they were children. They listen to an old record of them singing as children. Song: "Me and My Shadow"
SCENE 9: The Yard, the next morning Exhausted, the performers all start on the farm work begrudgingly. Joe encourages them to work hard so they can continue using the farm as a performance venue. Mrs. Wingate arrives at the house to speak with Pop. She sees the performers working on the farm and disapproves. Phil says he needs to still work on the song for when their leading man arrives on the farm. Gloria suggests a kiss would make a good transition out of the song. Gloria pulls Joe into a kiss. Phil unfolds a vocal chart and Orville runs in clutching a rolled land-map. They don't see each other and collide. Orville is looking for his mother and Phil explains he's working on music for the star of the show. Just then, Montgomery Leach, the star of the show, arrives and Mrs. Wingate is smitten with him. She insists that Montgomery stays at her home, Wingate Manor, instead of Falbury Farm. Montgomery goes with her and everyone else goes back to work. Song: "Howdy Neighbor, Happy Harvest" Watch For: Animal noises, shouting, Phil and Orville collide
SCENE 10: The Drawing Room at Wingate Manor, that night Montgomery Leach and Mrs. Wingate make a toast. Montgomery sings a song that flatters Mrs. Wingate and they dance together. Song: "Red Hot Mamma"
SCENE 11: The Barn, the next day During rehearsal, Gloria and Montgomery are singing together poorly and not getting along. Pop says the song they're singing was his and his late wife's favorite song and Gloria and Montgomery are ruining it. Phil is not happy with the lack of chemistry between the two leads. Phil insists on singing it the right way with Orville joining him for the duet. Together the two men execute the love song beautifully. Montgomery is not happy with being embarrassed and says he will leave the show. Joe takes Montgomery's place for the rest of rehearsal. Gloria goes to kiss Joe and Jane stops the kiss by clanging a cowbell and announcing supper. Before they eat Jane asks Joe his intentions with Gloria and it turns into a song where Jane and Joe almost kiss and Gloria catches them. Gloria runs off crying. Song: "'Til We Meet Again" & "You Wonderful You" Watch For: Actors in the aisle, yelling, clang of a cowbell
SCENE 1: The Front Porch, twilight A performer is writing a letter home and all of the performers are concerned about the drama that has ensued so far. Pop enters and offers cherry desserts. But, the cast declines. The ensemble is worried and Pop sings a song about just enjoying the night. Off-stage we hear Jane and Gloria fighting. Song: "June Night" Watch For: Animal noises, acrobatic dancing, cymbal crashing, yelling
SCENE 2A: Jane's Bedroom, Continuous Gloria starts packing her suitcase and yells at Jane to leave her alone, because Gloria had feelings for Joe and her sister almost kissed him. Gloria grabs their mother's record and Jane and Gloria fight over it. Ultimately snapping the disc. Gloria sings a song about how her sister, Jane, will miss her. Gloria grabs her suitcase and leaves. Song: "Some of These Days" Watch For: Yelling, record breaks
SCENE 2B: The Drawing Room of Wingate Manor, Same Time Montgomery Leach is writing a note to Mrs. Wingate about how he'll miss her. Mrs. Wingate cries out in disappointment once she reads Montgomery's letter. Song: "Some of These Days" Watch For: Train whistle, yelling
SCENE 2C: The Barn, Continuous Jane goes after Joe with half of a broken record. She says her sister is leaving, because of him. It's over and Jane sings about how she won't miss Joe and that she doesn't need him. Jane leaves Joe and Joe begins to dance alone. He picks up a crumpled newspaper, reads it, and saunters off. He turns back at the sound of a cricket chirping. Song: "Some of These Days" & "Joe's Dance" Watch For: Yelling, kicking, tap dancing, cricket noise
SCENE 3: The Kitchen, that night Jane is at the kitchen window. She stands at the sink, miserable, washing dishes, singing about "chasing rainbows." Pop knows something is bothering her and Jane explains that she thinks they have to sell the farm. Joe appears and says maybe they don't have to sell. He shows them a fundraiser he found in the newspaper and suggests they host a fundraiser of their own. Gloria is back and standing in the doorway. Gloria says that she could get this show into shape as a producer. But, she wants to be back to the city on the first train in the morning. Jane sings a song, insisting Gloria stays and helps them produce the show. Song: "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows (Reprise)" & "It All Depends On You"
SCENE 4: The Drawing Room at Wingate Manor, the next day Mrs. Wingate is singing to Montgomery Leach's signed photo while Orville watches on. Phil is introduced by the maid and enters looking for his vocal chart. Jane and Joe must step into Gloria and Montgomery's roles and some parts must be rewritten to fit their voices. Phil notices that Orville has made some changes to the score and is impressed. Phil convinces Orville to come help him work on the show. Song: "Always (Reprise)" Watch For: Doorbell
SCENE 5: The Barn The performers are rehearsing for their show. They're figuring out their costumes. Jane is running her lines and having difficulty with the choreography. Gloria wants the sky to be painted pinker for the show. The assistant choreographer wants to change the choreography to something easier and the associate director doesn't want it to change. They play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" and the assistant choreographer wins and starts teaching everyone the new dance through a song. Joe enters and is confused, because they're changing the choreography. Phil and Orville are going over the music and they sing a song about being lucky. Gloria loves the song and wants to add it to their show. Song: "Everybody Step" & "Lucky Day" Watch For: Cymbal crashing, horns, acrobatic dancing, clapping, shouting
SCENE 6: The Barn, the next morning Gloria was able to get people from the theater industry to come see the premiere of their show 'Til We Meet Again. Song: "Rehearsal Sequence - Farm Part 1" Watch For: Cheering
SCENE 7A: The Barn, a short time later Jane is rehearsing, Phil explains to Orville that a sitzprobe is when the cast sits and practices the vocals with the orchestra for the first time. To make matters worse, Mrs. Wingate enters with the mayor of the town. She makes the mayor tell them that the barn is not up to code to house all of these occupants and they must be gone in 48 hours. In that case the producer, Gloria, decides the show must start in 46 hours to comply with the mayor. Song: "How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm"
SCENE 7B: The Barn, later The performers are in the middle of their technical rehearsal. Phil is teaching Orville what a technical rehearsal is and the GI's enter singing and dancing. Mrs. Wingate and the mayor return, again. The mayor says that legally they are not allowed to sell tickets to their performance. In that case Gloria says, if they can't sell tickets, then they'll rely on passing a bucket for donations. Song: "Rehearsal Sequence - Farm Part 2"
SCENE 7C: The Barn, later still The performers are having their final dress rehearsal. Jane is singing and can-can dancers run on stage. Mrs. Wingate and the mayor enter for a third time to state "it is unlawful to gather in any public or private structure for the purpose of lewd or disorderly conduct." Mrs. Wingate hopes that discourages anyone from coming at all, because they'll be arrested if they do. Gloria says they'll perform to an empty house if they must. They continue to rehearse and are amazed at how much they have accomplished in a short time. They all go get some sleep. Song: "Rehearsal Sequence" Watch For: Cymbal crashes, actors in the aisles
SCENE 8: The front porch, early in the morning A ghost light glows. Joe, Phil, Orville, Gloria, and Jane are on hay bales finishing up a production meeting. Pop encourages everyone to get some rest with the help of some cherry tonic. The sunrise is just the color of pink that Gloria wants for her set. Jane and Joe linger behind and Joe gives Jane his first coin that he ever made in showbusiness. He confesses that he has feelings for Jane. They lean in, are interrupted by Pop's voice, and Joe kisses her hand. Jane watches Joe whistle as he leaves and now alone she sings about how she has feelings for Joe, as well. Song: "It Had to Be You"
SCENE 9A: Backstage in The Barn, Opening Night The show curtain hangs in reverse across the upstage wall. Ensemble members peek through it, looking out at the audience. They don't see any sign of Mrs. Wingate. Their show starts. Song: "Opening Night Overture / Happy" Watch For: Tap dancing
SCENE 9B: A Makeshift Dressing Room, Continuous Jane is going through her script. Joe enters with flowers from Jane's garden. Jane is nervous about performing. Joe reassures her. Then, it's time for them to be at their starting places.
SCENE 9C: Backstage / Onstage / Continuous Joe and Jane sing their duet. Phil watches from the wings wishing that Orville could hear his music. Orville surprises him and appears. He was keeping his mother busy from attending this performance. But, she disappeared from the house and came to ruin the show. Mrs. Wingate threatens to yell "FIRE!" Montgomery comes in reciting Shakespeare. That distracts Mrs. Wingate enough to swoon over Montgomery and not ruin the show. The cast continues to sing and dance. Song: "You Wonderful You (Duet)" & "Opening Night Cont'd Step / Hinky" Watch For: Yelling "FIRE!"
SCENE 9D: Jane's Make-Shift Dressing Room, Continuous Jane is dressed in a black gown. Joe slips heels on her feet. Jane tells them to wish her luck. Gloria does wish her luck. But, in the theater it is bad luck to wish "good luck." What could go wrong? RIP! Jane's dress gets caught on Gloria's foot and rips the dress. Jane is in her undergarments. Gloria covers Jane with a tuxedo jacket. Joe throws a fedora on Jane's head and tilts it over her eyes. Jane is nervous. But, Joe encourages her. Watch For: Ripping sound and ripped dress
SCENE 10: Onstage, Continuous The stage picture has flipped and there is a vivid pink sky that spans the back of the stage. The band vamps as the ensemble all in tuxes stand frozen in tableau—hiding Jane from view. The ensemble reveals Jane. She is nervous, but then summons some courage and sings. Song: "Get Happy (Reprise)" Watch For: Horns and acrobatic dancing
SCENE 11: Backstage, Continuous Jane runs into Joe's arms and she is proud. The audience loved the show. Gloria says that all the people from New York want their bosses to come see the show. Montgomery and Mrs. Wingate remark how the food was wonderful and unique to serve farm-fresh cuisine at a theater. They're all excited to write more shows, perform, and feed more audiences on the farm. They call dinner and a show SUMMER STOCK. At the end of the song Joe and Jane are hidden by the fedora. The fedora falls and reveals the two kissing. Song: "You Wonderful You (Finale)"
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