#also omfg i hope you dont mind me tagging you i wanted to give credit to your post
luobingmeis · 5 years
note after making this post: so i might be throwing a bunch of bs rn but this post kinda became the representation of me spiralling down the rabbit hole of theories and becoming this picture
note (part 2): i deleted this post but im posting it again bc i have no shame and also cannot shut up abt anything
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okay so i just finished relistening to the newest amnesty episode and between that and @zinglebert-bembledack ‘s post from last night, i’ve been doing some... thinking
and, i’ll be the first one to admit it, but this might not be a hot take? i haven’t seen anyone say this yet but i don’t know if this could be considered obvious or not
but what if the monster... isn’t a shapeshifter in the way we have been thinking it is? like, with “shapeshifter,” i’ve been seeing it as “it sees a person/kidnaps them, and is then able to mimic them”
but, i mean, it’s a little more precise than that, yeah? it has memories that it did not experience itself and can mimic voices perfectly, among other things
so, what if it’s a shapeshifter, but more than that? what if it’s a hard-drive?
i mean, okay, again, idk if this is something that other people have already been thinking, but, looking back at this monster, it would make so much sense if this thing was, above anything else, a storage device. it trapped ned in its own “network,” which only billy was able to break him out of (which i’ll cycle back to) and, as many others before me have stated already, cycled through ned’s memories
also, not to read too deeply in it, but it does act sorta like a computer program/one filled with a shit ton of, like, malware or some shit? it’s incredibly digitalized, it has access to knowledge that it technically shouldn’t have and can reason like an AI, it can “wipe out” memory (since dani cannot remember where she was the night of the attacks), even the fact that it can step through rifts in reality gives a vibe like that. and, i mean, for shit’s sake, it has a literal virus! it has a virus that is making it glitch!
this now brings me to some other things that have been standing out to me
(smh im putting more thought into this post than i am into an essay i have due in a week)
1) the monster, when talking to ned, mentions a “partition,” and then reveals that it’s billy. in the post i linked above, op mentions that that is a very particular word to use and, well, turns out that there is a computer-geared definition for the word
partition: each of a number of portions into which some operating systems divide memory or storage
so, what could this mean? honestly, this is the point that still makes my head hurt, because does that mean that billy actually knows this abomination? or is of the same caliber? i honeslty don’t know, but considering that a lot of things surrounding this monster are very digital (from the music to the way it acts), i don’t think it’s just coincidence that griffin used a technical term like that
2) the monster, when talking to ned, states that it is “breaking protocol” and that if “other bodies” found out about what it was doing, they’d be pretty pissed
i feel like that gives the implication that this thing has an... agenda? that it has done something like this before? and the mention of “other bodies” (which that in itself is really weird wording to use if it just meant other people) makes it seem like this thing is... reporting back to something?
hence, if this thing is truly a hard drive, that means that it is just gathering information for a bigger thing.
like, what if this monster is a henchman, like how billy was? what if this thing, time and time before, has been sent to other worlds to destroy it, to gather as much information as possible, and then just bring it back to something much bigger and much more dangerous?
2.5) so, going on the hypothesis that this thing might be working for something bigger, and that it has done this before, and that it has caused war in other places, where the fuck has it been before? has it shown up in other places where the gate had shown up before? can its rifts change worlds? could this thing be related to the war that destroyed minerva’s planet? ik this might be reaching, but it did tell ned that its job in kepler is almost done, and say that job was to start a war between humans and monsters, then could it have been connected to what happened to minerva’s planet?
3) i don’t know how but i still feel like whatever the fuck happened with thacker in that one episode is super connected
4) okay, this one might really be me reaching, but something that has been stumping me all along is that this thing knows what the pineguard’s next steps are gonna be. it knew that they were going to be at the morgue. it knew that aubrey was going to be at the cryptonomica, hence putting all of ned’s stuff back. and i’m 99% sure that there have been so many other things that this thing just knew was going to happen
ik there has been a small theory going around that, in the slightest chance, this thing might be indrid cold, but i really doubt that. because, let’s say this is right and that this thing is a hard-drive and is geared towards acting similar to a computer, not to get super down the rabbit hole here, but a huge part of a computer is kinda... assuming ahead? there’s auto-correct and auto-fill for search engines. websites know what to advertise to you based on other sites that you’ve been on. again, ik this is probably a bit farfetched and i’m feeling this theory slip through my hands bc i’m talking so gd much, but i’m kinda in that phase where i’m talking now and i can’t stop
and, again, i know this might have been obvious, and i get that, so i apologize if i’m stating stuff that people already knew, i just can’t help but think that this monster is definitely Big Picture related, but i don’t think it’s The Big Picture that will segway us right into finale territory, i still think there’s something left in between this and the end
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