#also one year I found an eyebrow clipper and spent the next month with .5 eyebrows
padawansuggest · 9 months
Obi-Wan, 14, after exactly one explanation of how to shave, in which his eyes were glazed over and he seriously considered a gender change so he could backtrack on this specific puberty and try the other one instead, -he heard Stewjoni periods aren’t that bad and he won’t have to upkeep his face every day, how long does it take to cultivate a beard so he doesn’t have to shave again???- takes the razor from his master, disappears into the bathroom, and then appears in the doorway straight outta Qui-Gon’s worst night terrors -the ones that were real and involved waking up to a Padawan having had a vision while still speaking dead languages and asking for flesh holding JUST SAY HUG YOU LITTLE SHIT- and they stare at each other for like twenty seconds straight without blinking before Qui-Gon’s shoulders sag and he lets out a sigh they’re gonna feel in the force all over this temple for days.
‘Where did your eyebrows go?’
‘They were itchy too.’
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