#also played de again and i feel my braincells coming back around... if nobody's got me i know harry dubois' got me
buriedabove · 30 days
leon in re8 but all he does is this
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luna-obsession-yeet · 5 years
Muzan X Reader (part 2)
[name] pats his back. Muzan was apologizing over and over again, nonstop for the whole 10 minutes or so. He was bawling his beautiful eyes out. [name] didnt bother. She was smilling all throughout, hiding the fact that she is heartbroken by the sins Muzan has committed.
It was finally time to go. It was time for them to seperate. The light does not allow [name] to go where Muzan must head. He doesnt want you to follow anyway.
Muzan has always been so scared of being lonely. He was lonely throughout his human life. But if it means being lonely and you following him, he would definitely choose him suffering. Seeing your sad expression is out of the list.
"Do you own this big big house?" the little image of you smiled. Today, the child Muzan is lonely, not like its anything new but for him, the dark corridors are much more darker and the place seems more like in a peaceful manner with chaos hiding deep. "Must be such a joy to live in such a big big house!" You exclaimed.
"not really." Muzan ought not to reply but his lips moved on its own. He was surprised himself, but didnt bother to show it. Was it your smile? Was it the way how you speak? How did you get here anyway? Were you a daughter of a maid that works under his family? He'd never seen you before.
You have dirt all over your face and clothes yet the kindness is still reeking out from you.
"I feel lonely, everytime. Having a big big house is kind of useless. They say having smaller house means having tighter family bonds. And I rather have tighter family bonds." He smiled bitterly. Maybe it was okay? Maybe he could share his problem to a stranger like you that can appear one in a million times a lifetime? How were you even able to get there? You're bravely venturing to everywhere, he assumes, he thinks youre so adventurous but in reality, you were running away from your own problems.
"Hm? Youre lonely? Then I must come here, so you'll feel less lonely!"
That was an understatement. Muzan says in the back of his mind. Whenever you were there with him, he never got to knew about what lonely means.
When you got used to the tracks, and the way to get in his estate, you bring many toys with you to play with him. His favorite to play with you is chess, he loves it when you checkmate him and scream from delight. Sometimes he'd even defeat you 70x and let you win one game at the end of the day just to see your expressions. It changes from "Im seriously using my one remaining braincell here," to "rooks are to move diagonally??" towards "oh i won?"
You gotta admit though. When you saw him gazing so softly at you while you were sooo thinking of what move you should take, your heart stopped beating momentarily. Muzan doesnt even know why he takes joy in playing with you, I mean, he gets you every damn time with that 'four moves de mate. '
Years gone by - you were getting real better at chess, and both of you were maturing. His sickness is getting worse, he's trying to hide that and you were pretending not to know that. So painfully, the both of you continued on your routines.
This time, he wasnt planning on going easy on you and defeat you with a flash and order you to go home immediately. He was, too, painfully baring the fact that his illness is eating him fast. He cant bare your bright and beaming presence with such a secret that'll destroy the both of you. But a part of him knows, that you know, and that part of him made a deal with your other part not to drop the bomb. He's gonna do everything to get better anyway, so why bother?
Muzan never felt the feeling of loneliness creeping upto his every fiber down to his fingertips whenever you would tell stories: how the village looked, he knew you love the village so much and every people who lives in it, you were well loved and trusted by everyone although they can also think of you as a pain in the butt as you can also be mischievous during your adventures.
So why?
One day, he was healthy enough to actually visit you on your home, to tell you that he was getting more ill as time goes by BUT, he had found a solution - which is to become a demon to be strong enough to protect you, to be with you, to restart with you, to love you - without knowing the fact that demons devour humans. He wanted to tell you that. He wanted you to make a decision for him - some role he doesnt want for anyone to have. He listens to nobody, get ordered by no one, he is absolute, but with you? He needs you more than you could ever think.
Would you be happy for him? Would you oppose? What will be your reaction? You were very unpredictable, he wants to spend his life studying humans - you, but he can only try. You were different on your own way and it was always him getting surprised by your words, actions, philosophy, mindset towards others, the world, everyone, love.
Yep. You surprised him alright.
There was a commotion, in the centre of the village. He checks it out on a wheelchair, being pushed by a maid. He wanted to see what it was about, so if its something you'll enjoy, he'll bring you there, before being a demon.
The both of you have written a list of things you guys wants to do. One of them is to venture everywhere, since you love doing that. And he loves you doing that. The both of you promised to go an adventure one day. The adventure on your mind was to walk around that Estate of his, not leaving one corner left unseen. But he had bigger plans.
The smell of fire reached his nose. He ordered the maid to stop pushing the wheelchair he was in. He sniffs, and suddenly, his heart started beating faster than ever. The bad feeling was involved with you. His instincts were shouting for you. Why you? You can never do such a thing that will make one person hate you to the point of actually hurting you.
The ordered maid pushed the chair towards the source of fire as fast as she can. Muzan cant believe what he was seeing.
It was you. He can recognize you even with a distorted face. Even with fire melting your being. His love of life. His woman. You were screaming in pain. You were tied in wood, villagers watching you burn. They taunted, "She is a curse! She had connections with the cursed boy at the estate! SHE IS CURSED!"
The humans were so stupid back then. What kind of braincell did they have to think that illness is a curse?
Muzan cant speak. His eloquent self felt like being sucked from a void. His throat was burning. His fingers were shaking. His eyes were widening and trembling - what. have. they. done. to. you?
The villagers whom you have loved so much, burned you to crisp. It was his fault. He never should have involved himself with you. If he hadnt, you'd be living and smilling.
Then he thought about himself. He was too weak. His illness was preventing the both of you from being happy, from being inlove, from living with love.
He made his decision. It was the villagers' fault, not his. He will see to it that this village will burn and suffer just like how you did. No one's stopping him. No one will be saved, no, not even that baby crying from the sides.
"Was it a fun adventure?" You asked him. "Did you learn something?" You didnt stop asking. Muzan smiled, "This is also a part of the adventure - us, talking. Hey, [name], You were my greatest adventure."
"You were mine too."
its short, Im gonna 'memo' next time before posting. Asgdhdjdkd this actually sucks big time. But please heart this if you liked it! Feedbacks and comments are also welcome! 💖 English is not my native language so please excuse the grammatical errors.
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