#so i shall hopefully crack some words over the weekend
mymelodyheart · 4 years
Miles Between Us Chapter 1 ~Stories She Wrote~
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Hey guys, I'm back and thrilled to give you part 2 of WONDERWALL series, Miles Between Us. It is a continuation from my holiday ficlet, All I Want For Christmas Is You. If you haven't read the first part, I suggest you do if you wish to get an insight into Jamie and Claire’s history (Here is the link) Otherwise, this ficlet can also be read as a stand-alone.
I know All I Want For Christmas Is You ending was bittersweet, but it had to be done. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been a Part 2 in this series. I had to leave the story open to possibilities if it is to have a chance of growing. And besides, making this into a series allows me to take breaks from writing and refresh my brain in-between ficlets. So I hope this next part of the story will make up for leaving you hanging all these weeks.
Anyway, before you continue, I'd like to thank you for reading, commenting and giving feedback to my stories. They're all very appreciated even if I sometimes don't comment back. As a hobby writer, I always look forward to your response, and they spur me to continue writing. Without the readers, I wouldn't be here. So thank you for being part of my writing journey.
If you wish to read this on AO3, here is the link.
So now everything is said, without further ado, I wish you all happy reading. ❤️
 Previously ...
Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp and James Fraser met and fell in love during the Holiday Seasons. Unfortunately for their budding relationship, after two weeks of a whirlwind romance, Claire has to return to London to finish some work commitment that could take a year to fulfil. It doesn't help matters that Jamie's PTSD condition prevents him from visiting her as loud city noises can trigger panic attacks. They are both in love with each other and are willing to find out where their relationship will head to. But can they find a compromise to bridge the gap of hundreds of miles to give their love a chance?
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    After sitting on her bed most of Saturday working on her laptop, Claire Beauchamp rolled her neck and stretched her back, her arms extending above her head. She flinched when her joints cracked. 
Over the past few days, her boss, John Grey, forwarded manuscripts and drafts from the author she was working with. She hadn't eaten anything all day, and her stomach was beginning to grumble, and her eyes blurry from reading.
She'd read so much in the past hours, she was practically cross-eyed, and the bridge of her nose hurt where her specs rested. Words upon words had sifted through her brain, but now the lines were beginning to blur together.
She glanced back down on her laptop and opened a file in her document folder, her eyes scanning through lines she knew by heart. She'd been going through her own work lately wondering if she had what it takes to be a writer. Someone who would give her an honest opinion ought to read it before contemplating getting herself a literary agent if she was to start a new chapter of her life and take that leap of faith in her dream career.
A sudden urgency took over, and she needed Annalise to read her work, like right now. Which reminded Claire, her friend was away with Willie, shopping and sight-seeing. He was staying over their place for the weekend for the first time since she and Annalise left Lallybroch. After declining their invitation to join them earlier, the loved-up couple left her to her work with the promise of dinner when they returned.
She was about to reach out for her cold coffee from the bedside table when Raiders of the Lost Ark's theme song blared from her phone. At the same time, a picture of her uncle Lamb appeared on the screen. He was wearing a high-crowned, wide-brimmed, weather-beaten fedora hat and had a lopsided grin plastered to his thickly stubbled face. Rugged, she thought, just like her favourite pair of distressed leather boots, and very Indiana Jones.
Smiling, she tapped the answer button and put the phone on speaker. "Uncle Lamb! Long time no speak!" 
"Sweetheart," he started in a deep familiar voice, "how are you?"
She frowned and pushed her laptop aside. Something was off. "Oh you know, same old ...just finishing work and ..." 
"On a Saturday?" he asked, cutting her off.
"Look who's talking."
He chuckled. "You're young. You should be out. There are so many things to do in London ...especially on a Saturday. "
Claire rolled her eyes but opted to change the subject instead. She wasn't ready to give her reason for working overtime nor share her future plans nor talk about the handsome Scot she met during her holidays. Not just yet, anyway. "So ...to what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your voice, dear uncle?"
"What?" he said gruffly, pretending to sound offended. "Can't I call my favourite girl in the world and check up on her?" 
She mentally sighed. Something must be up since her uncle never called. It was always she who usually phoned, and when he did call on a rare occasion, it was either because something had happened or he was in London. She dismissed the latter since she knew he was in Papua New Guinea. The next conclusion she landed on was his health but thought it absurd. Her uncle was strong as an ox, ate healthily, only smoked the occasional cigar and regularly went for doctor's check-up, a requirement in his job as an archaeologist travelling to remote places.
Unless. "You sound suspiciously chipper. Let me guess ...you met someone. There's a woman in your life." 
He coughed like he was choking on a drink. "No! Why would you say that?" 
Alright, he sounded repulsed by the idea enough. Or was that denial? "I don't know. You seem so ...how shall I say it ...unlike yourself. You normally skip the niceties and get to the point." 
He lets out an impatient breath. "Claire, darling, am I really that awful?"
"No," she replied, ignoring the ache in her throat. She missed their time together but tried not to make it apparent in her tone. He was a busy man, and the last thing she wanted was her uncle worrying. "You don't seem like you're rushing off to anywhere. It's rare you sound this relax."
"It's way past my bedtime already," he sighed. "And besides, work is on stand-by at the moment until we get the license to start digging on site. People here are so damn laid back, and nobody seems to be in a hurry to process the paperwork. I'm not about to hand out cash to speed things along even if bribery is rampant here."
"I see. So you're in Port Moresby then?"
"Yes. As soon as we have the license sorted out, we'll be flying to Lae first thing tomorrow. Hopefully, anyway." He cleared his throat. "Speaking of paperwork, I received an email from my lawyer. Your trust fund has matured, dear. I'll send you the details where to go to and who to contact, and maybe you can start planning your life. Perhaps take a sabbatical and travel with me if you wish."
Ah yes, the trust fund. 
After her parents died, everything they had owned was put into her trust fund by her uncle to secure her future. She'd already received a small lump sum when she turned eighteen, and the money had afforded her, though small and cramped, a decent rental two-bedroom apartment in London with high windows, which was premium in this expensive city. And Annalise, her best friend and roommate made enough money to help pay the ridiculous expensive utility bills. Her own wage just about covered the other expenses with almost nought left for savings, but she hadn't worried knowing there was money in place in her name. She was counting on it to support herself when she pursued her dreams of writing.
"About that, I think I'll let that sit in the bank for a while. It's not like I need the money right now, nor do I have the time to spend it."
"As you wish," her uncle replied. "And another thing I need to discuss with you ...South Lodge ..."
"What about South Lodge?" South Lodge should have been her family home if her parents hadn't died, and she knew it was a highly coveted property because of its historical significance. It was never put into the market for sale since her uncle thought it wasn't his place to decide. It was put on a twenty-year lease to a high profile politician, its payments going towards her trust fund.
"The lease is up, and the occupants will be moving out soon. Unfortunately for you, that information made it to the local news and you were mentioned as the legatee. So don't be surprised if you're bombarded with offers now that your name is out. I'm willing to bet, property investors and developers will be itching to get their hands on it."
Claire took off her specs and pinched the bridge of her nose. God, she hated adulting, paperwork and dealings with lawyers. Maybe she should just sell South Lodge and be done with it, so she could concentrate on her future plans. What do I need a five-bedroom house with one acre of garden in Oxford for? "I'll think about it, uncle. I just have a lot of things going on at the moment. I'm quite sure those things can wait."
"Of course dear."
"Thank you for letting me know." She thought of Jamie, and the Highlands and how much life was a lot simpler there. She really needed to double her effort to tie up loose ends in London and have a heart to heart talk with Annalise. Is her relationship with Willie serious? If not, her friend would have to eventually find a new roommate. After quickly glancing at her bedside clock, she realised they would be here soon and hopefully with a takeaway. Annalise did mention something about sorting dinner out tonight.
"And Claire?"
"Your upbringing hasn't been the most ideal. Enjoy the money and treat yourself. Don't spend your life doing things that don't bring you joy."
She smiled. Her uncle must have had a rude awakening of some sort to sound so philosophical. Or probably, he did meet someone special. Either way, she wasn't going to push for any answers for now. She really needed to get out of bed, do a few stretches and have a shower before Annalise, and Willie arrived. "I'll try," she finally said.
"Good. I'll let you get back to whatever you're doing."
"Sadly, yes." She shut her laptop and got out of bed. "Take care of yourself, alright? And I'll phone you sometime next week after I've figured out our time differences." 
"Absolutely, sweetheart. Talk soon." 
"Love you, uncle Lamb." 
"Love you, too." 
She terminated the call with a swipe on her screen and rubbed her eyes. She'd been working for seven hours straight, and her eyeballs felt like they're made of sandpaper. Glancing at the corner table, she smiled when she saw Jamie's gifts. Willie had brought them with him when he arrived last night from Inverness. She knew Jamie was making up for his absence, but it couldn't be helped when there's the danger of his PTSD condition worsening in the city. To her delight and surprise, he'd sent her a leather-bound journal, a framed selfie photo of them together, driftwood bookends he made and a box of her favourite Lindt chocolate.
With a contented sigh, she made a mental note to call Jamie after dinner. And to ask her boss first thing Monday morning if she could take her work to Scotland the following weekend to surprise her boyfriend. After all, she was just taking her uncle's advice, and after the work, she'd put in the last couple of weeks, and the extra hours she planned to do the next few days, she deserved a little joy in her life.
Claire leaned forward, and nervously examined her best friend's face. Annalise was hunched down, scrolling her laptop, tongue darting out as she read the paragraphs on the screen. 
What's that look for? Doesn't she like it? She couldn't tell. It was the first time she's showing her work to anyone, one of the stories she had written during her spare time before embarking a career as an editorial assistant for Dreamcatcher Publishing Company. She needed to hear her friend's opinion to know if she even had a small chance of becoming a writer.
Annalise took her sweet time, and Claire wasn't sure if her inscrutable expression was a deliberate act to prolong the suspense, or if she genuinely had no reaction to what she's reading. If it was the latter, Claire would definitely kiss her dream of being a writer goodbye. If it's the former, she's going to strangle her friend for making her suffer. 
She heard the door to the apartment open and close, followed by the sound of keys jangling and heavy footfalls, announcing the arrival of Willie. He'd stopped by to order some food at a local Indian takeaway while Annalise headed straight home to prepare the table for dinner. Instead of calling out to him, she held her breath for Annalise's response. 
Just when Claire was starting to accept her hope of being a writer would never amount to anything other than a pipe dream, she saw the reaction she impatiently waited for. Annalise's mouth formed a comical O, followed by her eyes' widening and random shallow sighs. 
This was massive. Despite Annalise having seen works from established authors Claire had edited for, she'd never witnessed her friend looked this excited. Annalise simply couldn't hide her gobsmacked expression, even if she tried.
"Oh, dear Lord," she whispered, her gaze flicking to Claire and then back to the screen. "Why didn't you tell me you had this? I knew you wanted to be a writer, but this ..."
Annalise took a massive deep breath, her fingers almost shaking. "Oh my God, Claire." 
"Oh my God, wot? Oh my God good or oh my God, bad?" Claire asked, even though she already knew deep in her bones, what the answer was. But she desperately needed to hear the words.
"This is bloody good," she said, as she went back to a previous page, and reread it all over again. After a couple of minutes more, a slow smile started to spread across her face, as she stole a few cheeky glances over at Claire.
Claire knew she could rely on her friend to tell her the truth. If her work had been bad, friend or not, Annalise would have been forthright and told her the hard facts. Nevertheless, she tamped down her own growing excitement. "The question is though ...is it good enough for the mass?" 
Without hesitation, Annalise nodded vigorously, her blue eyes big as saucers. "Oh, Claire, are you kidding me? You really have no idea, have you? Of course, it is! I need to read the rest. Please tell me it's finished." 
Claire relaxed for the first time and slumped back against the headboard of her bed, relief soothing her wild heartbeat. "It's finished."
Annalise let out a whoop as she gripped the laptop tightly. "Oh my God! Give me everything ...I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't read at least one more chapter of this story." 
"I've got ten more finished materials."
"Oh my God, oh my God! You're killing me. I want it all."
Willie poked his head by the frame of the doorway to her bedroom and eyed them suspiciously. She wasn't sure what he expected to find, but his eyes narrowed when he saw Annalise's flushed face. 
"What are ye both up to?" he asked, frowning. "Ye sound like ye're looking at porn on the internet." 
Annalise grinned and motioned him over. "Sort of." 
Willie hesitantly entered the room. "Sorry?"
"In actual fact, much better than porn ..." Annalise announced, smirking at Claire.
"Annalise!" Claire wheezed when it dawned on her, her friend must have been reading the sex scene part.
Annalise reached out and reassuringly squeezed Claire's hand whilst looking at Willie. "Take a look at this. Claire wrote it."
Annalise handed the laptop to Willie, and both of them earnestly watched his face to gauge his reaction. As he sat down on the edge of the bed and read, Claire knew he would be the real test. Willie being a bloke, she didn't expect him to have the same reaction as Annalise, but she hoped he would appreciate the storyline and plot. Claire already understood, if her story was going to be good enough to be published, its success would be based on women's purchasing power. If he liked her style of writing even a smidgen, then she would be laughing. 
Claire held her breath in anxious anticipation, and approximately a minute and a half later, she got her response. 
His eyes bulged out, and then the tips of his ears glowed with red. In all sort of ways, he was so similar to Jamie but yet so different. But there's no mistaking how vibrantly their ears always lit up when they're embarrassed. Or moved. 
"Kind of explicit," he commented hoarsely, before tucking a tongue into his cheek as if trying to find the right words to say. "But it is an intriguing story with great flow and interesting characters. It's no' the genre I would typically read, but the first few paragraphs of what I've seen so far are riveting. It makes me want to read more."
Annalise, enthusiastically nodded in agreement and waved a hand in the air. "There it is." 
"Ye have a gift, Claire," Willie added, eyes still fixed on the screen and working overtime as his focus became more intense. "The dose of mystery ye've woven into the lines is remarkable and intelligent."
She felt herself beaming in vindication. "Thank you." 
He briefly glanced up at her. "Now that I remember, Jamie did vaguely mention ye wanted to be a writer."
"That's the plan," she beamed.
"Good. Because if ye can produce something like this, then yer talent is wasted on editing other people's work."
"She's got ten more finished stories," Annalise piped in.
Willie arched an eyebrow at Claire and continued reading, and when he finished, he shook his head and let out a low whistle. "Is Jamie the inspiration for this story?"
Her face heated. "I ...ah ...wrote that years ago. And ...um, I've revised and edited it a million times in the past. I wanted Annalise to read it first and find out if it's good enough to be published."
Annalise grinned at Willie, still looking a little flush like she was having a physical reaction to the few lines she'd read earlier. "So what do you think?"
Willie didn't miss Annalise's excited reaction to the story. "It's verra good but I didnae realised graphic scenes affected ye so much. Ye're beet red!" 
"Only when it's very well written," Annalise smirked, taking the laptop from his hands and moving towards him to sit on his lap. 
Willie pulled Annalise closer and kissed her, and Claire sighed. It's both beautiful and terrible being in the presence of people, so in love. While she's ecstatic to see her best friend smitten and happy, it made her sad that Jamie couldn't be here with her. She missed him terribly, and it's only been a fortnight since she had last seen him.
After a few seconds of watching them unashamedly snogged in front of her, Claire clapped her hands, and they both immediately pulled away. "Right, that's enough you two. So, where's the dinner I was promised?"
Suddenly looking self-conscious, Willie promptly lifted Annalise from his lap, plonked her down onto the bed and jumped up, and Claire couldn't help but grin at him.
"Right on it," he muttered, before disappearing from her bedroom.
Annalise laughed and playfully shoved her shoulder. "Passion killer."
Claire ignored the jest. "So you really think I should publish my story?"
Her friend nodded excitedly. "Absolutely! You should have let me read it sooner. From what I've seen so far, you have good, solid material, and I'm convinced, when I read the rest, it will not disappoint." She stood up and smiled. "Come on, in as much as I'm all fired up after reading your story, I'm famished." She got up and left the room.
Instead of moving from her position, Claire stared at her work for a few seconds and just breathed. Although Willie and Annalise were sincere with their praises, she couldn't help but still feel nervous. This next step in her life could either turn out to be huge, or it could get her mocked out of a dream career she loved. 
Pushing aside her doubts and thinking of Jamie, she quickly compressed a copy of her story's file and sent it to him via email to read, hoping he would like her written work too. Who knew, maybe, after reading it, he would be as fired up as Willie and Annalise. 
After hearing the whoosh of the email sent, Claire launched herself off the bed to join her friends, looking forward to Jamie's reaction later and daydreaming of a future in Scotland with her love.
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jovialyouthmusic · 3 years
Go Shorty!
(It's my birthday!)
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In a kind of weird reverse universe, this is my gift to anyone who enjoys my Bastien Lykel fics, queued to be posted on my birthday. I've noted Fabricio's recent image change and it inspired the following - what would Bastien's family think if he shaved off his iconic goatee? Enjoy, its all fluff xx
Word Count 2035
Double Trouble
The last lecture of the week completed, Sophia was in her university office just putting her papers together when the faculty secretary put her head round the door.
‘Sophia, your home help has been in touch, she said it’s urgent’
‘Thanks Lizzy, I’ll be leaving soon anyway. It’s been a long week, I’m glad I’ve nothing on this afternoon.’ Sophia turned her mobile phone back on to see that Morag had left her a voice mail. She held the phone at arm’s length as she played back the sound of a harassed young woman and a squealing toddler in full meltdown.
‘Mrs Lykel, I’m sorry tae bother ye, but yer wee lassie’s upset, and her father cannae soothe her. Please call back when ye can. Or just come hame.’ Sophia frowned. It wasn’t like Bastien to fail to settle Beatrice. Little princess that she was, she was Daddy’s girl while Sophia was out at work through the week and welded to Sophia’s side at the weekend. She dialled the landline of their top floor regency apartment in the centre of Edinburgh that the University had allocated them. It was Bastien who answered, and all was quiet beyond his voice.
‘Sophia!’ he sounded flustered ‘Morag’s just got her to settle, did you get the message?’
‘It’s an odd time of day for a nap, is she running a temperature?’
‘Errm no, she’s hot, but she’s not ill. She’s just been crying...’
‘How do you know she’s not ill if she’s hot?’ Sophia demanded, making her way along the corridor to the car park to their SUV. Her mind span with possibilities.
‘I uh – you’ll understand when you get here, I can’t explain right now.’ Sophia decided not to stop off at the shops on the way, hoping Morag could go and get what was needed before she clocked off for the weekend. She wished she’d had the foresight to order a supermarket delivery, but she preferred to shop herself. With or without the children, she loved browsing the aisles of Waitrose when it wasn’t busy. Bastien was a surprisingly poor shopper and stuck religiously to the list, whereas she’d discover little treats and bargains that wouldn’t stretch her salary. Living in the city was expensive, although not nearly as much as if they’d moved to London, and having Morag to help was a slight strain on resources. Setting up Bastien’s security consultancy was taking longer than expected thanks to the complexity of looking after twins, and the retainer from King Liam in Cordonia was only just enough for small luxuries.
As soon as she opened the door to the apartment, Morag was there pulling her coat on and shouldering her bag.
‘Morag, I was hoping you’d be able to get some supp…’ Sophia started, but she was already pushing past her to the landing outside.
‘Ah’ll be back the Monday.’ she said shortly, and Sophia was left peering over the banister to the stairwell after her rapidly retreating figure, wondering what had happened. She turned back inside to meet Bastien holding Theo.
‘Mama.’ he crowed in jubilant greeting. Bastien stepped out of the shadowed hall, and all became clear.
‘Bas, you shaved!’ she gasped. She’d never seen her husband without facial hair in the few years she’d known him. He still had a neat ‘tache, but his trimmed goatee was gone, his chin and jawline bare. He looked sheepish, and she knew she shouldn’t have teased him about the streak of white in his beard. He handed over Theo, who pointed at Bastien.
‘Dada face.’ he proclaimed.
‘Yes, I thought perhaps…’ his voice trailed off ‘Well, that is, I mean...’
‘Beatrice didn’t like it, did she? Honestly Bas, you should have thought – why didn’t you say something?’ He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
‘I thought perhaps a younger image might drum up some more business.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous, age means experience, people are more likely to trust a distinguished looking gent.’ she scoffed. He sighed in exasperation.
‘Well the damage is done. Beatrice took one look at me and bawled her eyes out. Morag tried to calm her down, but every time she saw me again she’d set off crying.’
‘Well no wonder, you look completely different. How about Theo?’ she asked.
‘You know him – a bomb would go off and he wouldn’t flinch.’ In response Theo wriggled to get down, bored at the adult conversation. He toddled off to the toybox in the lounge to rummage for his current favourite, a shape sorting puzzle.
‘Well, I’d better go and take a look at her.’ Sophia sighed. ‘If she’s been crying all morning she’ll probably not wake up for a while.’ She feared that the disruption to her sleep schedule meant they’d be in for a rocky night at the very least, if not a couple of days. She opened the door to their bedroom a crack but could see little, as the curtains were drawn tight. Normally they let a little light in for daytime naps so the children would know night from day. She crept in and let her eyes adjust to the gloom. Beatrice lay on her back in her day clothes, one arm flung back over her head and her other thumb in her mouth. That wasn’t a good sign – she’d not used that form of self soothing for a couple of months. Her hair was damp and face flushed, but her breathing was steady and peaceful.
Sophia carefully held her palm over her forehead, feeling the slight heat coming off it. Bastien joined her, gazing down at the toddler, but she motioned him out of the room and followed quietly.
‘Well, she’s okay for now. I’d better be here for when she wakes up, so you can go shopping for the weekend.’ Bastien’s face dropped.
‘On a Friday? The traffic’s mayhem – can’t we order in?’
‘I couldn’t stop on the way back, and there won’t be any free delivery slots until at least Monday, you know that.’ She sighed. ‘If you take Theo with you it’ll be easier for when Bea wakes up, and you can play the ‘Dad doing the chores’ role, that’ll get you to the front of the checkout queue. Give him a banana, that will keep him happy.’
‘Narners?’ Theo called from the lounge, and came toddling to find Sophia, clinging to her leg and pulling at her clothes.
‘Lunch first, Theo, then Daddy will take you shopping. Won’t that be lovely? All boys together.’
‘Sopping’ Theo cried happily, then looked over at Bastien. ‘Mummy sopping?’ he asked hopefully. He knew Sophia was more likely to treat him than his father, although he did like pointing out the things Daddy couldn’t find. Perhaps he’d treat him more without his sister there to steal the limelight.
‘No darling, Mummy has to look after Bea.’
‘Bee cwy. Dada face.’
‘Yes, silly Daddy took his beard off. He’s funny isn’t he?’
‘Dada silly!’ Theo cried triumphantly and pointed at him. Bastien scowled.
‘Yes well okay, let’s all laugh at Daddy.’ he grumbled as Sophia picked Theo up and balanced him on her hip.
‘Well it’s better than crying’ she said acidly. ‘Now, do you want to make lunch, or shall I?’
Lunchtime was much simpler than normal with just Theo to feed. The couple could eat their own food while the toddler busied himself with cheese sandwiches made with wholemeal bread. He left the crusts, but Sophia had discovered it pointless cutting them off, as he left some bread around the edge just as if the crust were still there. She often saved them to feed the ducks at the park with the twins. Bastien had literally just closed the door to take Theo out to the supermarket when she heard Beatrice stirring. She went into her quickly, to find her standing at the bars to the cot, hair curling round her face and cheeks blotchy.
‘Mummy.’ Her voice was croaky and she looked miserable. ‘Dada face!’ she told her. She stretched her arms up and Sophia scooped her up as she rubbed her eyes sleepily. Perhaps she’d think it was a dream.
‘Well hello my little Bea, you’ve had a difficult morning. Are you hungry?’ She nodded sleepily.
‘Sippy sippy, Mummy.’ The little girl was obviously thirsty too.
‘Of course darling, you can have juice. Do you want sandwiches?’
‘Widges, Mummy.’ She looked across to Theo’s cot. ‘Where Feeo?’ Sophia sucked in her breath. It was very rare that the children were separated and she braced herself for trouble.
‘He’s gone out to the shops to get more narners, darling.’ The little girl clung on to her and rested her head on her chest, seemingly pleased to have Sophia to herself. She carried her through to the kitchen and filled her sippy cup with juice. Gratefully Bea grabbed at it and drank greedily, eyes rolling back in bliss.
‘All gone’ she shook it upside down, sprinkling the last dregs on the floor. Luckily the sandwiches were ready from earlier so Sophia put them on the tray of the high chair. Bea shook her head and clung on tight as she tried to put her down.
‘Okay darling, you can sit on my knee this time’ she said gently, and sat at the table, the little girl firmly nestled on her lap. She reached out to take a sandwich and squeezed it in her fist before stuffing half of it in her mouth, crumbs falling everywhere. She was hungry, and Sophia wondered if she’d had anything to eat before her father’s transformation. She waited until she’d slowed down.
‘Morag told me you were upset this morning.’ she said gently. The little girl took a shuddering breath.
‘Dada face bad.’ she said, putting her hand to her chin. Sophia stepped in before the cycle of crying could restart.
‘I know, Bea. He shaved his beard off. He looks funny now, doesn’t he? Theo was laughing at Daddy.’ Beatrice burrowed into her side again, hiding her face. ‘It’s okay darling, he just looks different. He still loves you – and me, and Theo. Silly Daddy, he’ll grow it back.’
‘Where Daddy?’ she asked, voice muffled.
‘He took Theo out to get more narners.’
‘Sopping?’ Beatrice relaxed and looked up at her enquiringly.
‘That’s right. Is there anything you want from the shops? I can call Daddy on his phone and tell him.’ The tot looked thoughtful.
‘Ice kweem?’
‘Okay, if Daddy brings you ice cream will you give him a kiss? His face is all smooth now, like Mummy’s.’ Beatrice giggled at the thought.
‘Like Mummy!’ she exclaimed. ‘Daddymummy!’
‘You can talk to him on the phone if you like, tell him what you want.’ Sophia got out her phone and texted Bastien.
Call when you can, Bea wants to ask you for ice cream
It was a few minutes before her phone rang, during which time she had changed the little girl’s nappy and was dressing her in clean clothes.
‘Oh that will be Daddy, just wait a minute darling.’ Beatrice opened and closed her hands, demanding it for herself, but Sophia put it on speakerphone.
‘Beatrice is here, Bas. She wants to ask you something.’
‘Daddymummy!’ Beatrice burbled. ‘Ice kweem, Daddy.’
‘Come on now, say please.’ Sophia prompted. Beatrice put on her cutest expression, unaware that her father couldn’t see it.
‘Pweese Daddy, stawby.’
‘Okay Bea, I’ll get strawberry ice cream. I love you, my little Bea. I’m sorry I scared you.’
‘Silly Daddy. Kisses!’ There was a short pause before Bastien obliged, blowing kisses to his daughter. Sophia tried not to laugh, wondering where he was and who could see him.
‘Okay now Bea, Daddy has to get the rest of the shopping. He’ll be back soon.’
‘Bye Daddy.’
‘Bye, my sweeting. Be good for Mummy.’ Beatrice slid off Sophia’s lap and went off to the toybox, obviously happy with life, and she breathed a sigh of relief.
‘If it’s any help, I told her your face is like Mummy’s now, so be prepared to be called Daddymummy until she’s forgotten. You’d better grow that beard back fast, mister.’ she said in a low tone. 'and be prepared for a rough bedtime, she'll be full of beans after that nap.'
@sirbeepsalot @katedrakeohd @fluffyfirewhiskey @bascmve01 @rainbowsinthestorm @nomadics-stuff @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30​ @stopforamoment
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dreamboatisland · 4 years
walk with me | h.s.
Summary: feeling the need to prove your relationship to your coworkers wasn’t something that once concerned you. until their comments push you to join them on a hiking trip.
Pairing: Harry Styles x reader
Word Count: 3482
Warnings: bullying is somewhat present, none other than that I believe
A/N: So recently I decided to sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge hosted by the wonderful @helladirections with the prompt of hiking! As sort of my introduction into the Harry Styles writing world. In case this one doesn’t suit your fancy, definitely go ahead and check out some of the other authors and their works linked above! And if you would like to proceed, I would just like to say this is not where I intended to go with this prompt and that cracks me up. Sorry if it’s cringe. I can’t say it’s my first time writing, but it is for Mr. Harry Styles.
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It wasn’t unusual for you to sleep in on days that you had off. In fact it was more than normal for Harry to come home and find you still sleeping tangled between the sheets just like he left you in the morning. But when you hear the door creak open and his footsteps in the room, you wake up immediately as you don’t want to waste any free time that the two of you had. With him always being in the studio nowadays, you took any chance you could to spend time with him.
Which usually consisted of cooking dinner together or watching a movie neither of you had heard about. These were the moments you treasured. The ones where he would dust flour over your nose in order to see your cheeky smile. Where you would cuddle up close to him under the blanket while you were both sprawled on the couch watching the latest episode of a tv drama.
The domesticity between the two of you was something you both treasured as it was a feeling of peace and comfort you experienced together. Usually it’s experienced when meeting each other's gazes. Knowing that you had to keep a level of friendship with the lovers portion in order to truly move forward in your relationship. And it truly did work as you were able to find a balance of seriousness, love, and enjoyment.
There were many people who questioned how your relationship worked. It wasn’t always the fans on Harry's side, but truthfully it came from those close to you. Close to you in the way that you spent a lot of time with them in your line of work. Always seeming to have an opinion on the way you both spent your time together and trying to fill your mind with doubts. Doubts that quickly went away if they were to appear as you knew how your relationship worked. But they didn’t understand.
Truthfully you didn’t understand what all the constant badgering on their part was for. To you it almost seemed as if they had nothing better to do then to pick apart your life, specifically your love life.
Even with all the constant telling and stories you gave of how you made it work and that you both treasured and cared for each other, it didn’t seem to convince them. Usually, that would have been the point where you moved on. But you couldn’t stand having people you worked closely with constantly ask and tell you how your relationship is when they had no part in it.
One of the many things they’ve done since you’ve announced you were dating the world renowned pop/rock star, is to invite you two to join them on their weekly hangout adventures. While you weren’t close to them and only kept up appearances to not be rude, they actually seemed like they got along well. Apparently more than well if they were willing to spend time together on their only day off.
After constant asking on their part, you decided to ask Harry if he would be willing to attend this week. You figured it was a way to show them how your relationship worked and that all they told you wouldn’t matter. You also wanted to see if they would say any of the things they told you to your face to his.
“So love what do you want to do this week-end? You’re finally getting a two day break, so I decided to take them off as well to be with you.” His arms slipping around your waist and pulling you close to him. Looks like he asked before you got the chance.
“Well actually now that you mention it.” You can’t help, but drag on not knowing if he’ll be open to the idea of going hiking with some of your coworkers.
Sure it seemed like an excellent idea for you two to have as a date, something you haven’t done in a while, but with your coworkers? It didn’t seem all the pleasant even to you.
“Hiking as in the forest or…” He trails off not knowing if there even was a hiking trail near your city.
“Yeah they said they know this pretty hiking spot about an hour from here. I don’t want to pressure you Harry, but please think about it? It’ll only be this one time so they can get off my back about never bringing you around them. They think you’re embarrassed of me.” You accidentally whisper out the last part not intending him to hear.
With wide eyes you look up at him and he looks disheartened. Knowing that people you have to work closely with in order to do your job think he could be embarrassed of you, hurts his heart. You, his golden gem that he only wishes he could ever bestow the same amount of love you gave him. His beautiful sunflower that has always managed to bring a sort of happiness to him at any time of day. It was undoubtedly obvious that he practically worshipped you.
He’s heard countless stories of what your coworkers say to you. And while you may not understand the hidden meanings that their words hold, he does. But he doesn’t ever mention it as he knows it will only hurt and anger you more than they already do. Instead he subtly tries to tell you that you should ask your director for a change in coworkers. He knows how much you actually love your job though so he could never ask or tell you to quit and find a new one.
Maybe accompanying them will let them know you two are as serious as can be. And that you are the light of his life that they won’t be able to dim or take away.
When he lifts your chin for your gaze to meet his, he can feel the guilt radiating from you. Knowing you didn’t want to guilt trip him into this makes him feel more confident as you truly didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. You truly did love him with your whole heart. No matter how much you wanted to go so that hopefully the comments would stop, you would never want to put him in a position where he wasn’t happy or comfortable.
As soon as word hit your office, specifically those going on the hike this weekend, they couldn’t believe it. Mostly because ever since you entered this office and were hired for the current job you have, you were perceived as naive, standoffish, and unapproachable to your comrades. However, the one thing that irked them and why they resented you and made all those comments to you was because you had everything going for you.
You were hired soon after obtaining your degree in a position they weren’t able to acquire for years. Everybody always praised you in the work that all of the team managed to put in. And to top it all off for them, you managed to capture the heart of the sweetest man alive.
In your eyes, you worked as hard as you had to, even sacrificing friend or family time to focus on your career, always commended and put the focus on your teammates when working on a project, and managed to get lucky enough to meet Harry in the middle of a diner on one of the late nights working where they all sent you to pick up dinner.
You could never see how much they resented you and they would never understand how long you had to suffer for before the good started to come your way.
Eventually the day came where you and Harry climbed into your car and headed to the location your coworker, Laura, messaged you.
Blasting as many songs as you could on different radio stations was a great way to spend the drive with Harry. With his angelic voice seeming to soothe you even with the screeching coming from the radio artist.
But you couldn’t help but think as to why this was such an important thing for you. To be fairly honest you’re not quite sure as to why going on this trip was a priority for you. Even with all the comments they made about your relationship, you didn’t normally let it bother you. Being the girlfriend of Harry Styles was already an immediate case for backlash, but you took it harder when it came from the people you work with. Which made some sense as they are tied closely to your life, but usually you didn't care.
Not wanting to dive too much into it and instead focusing on the fact that you and Harry will be able to spend some time together in the forest, even with some not so desired people, you couldn’t help but get excited.
This was something you’ve always wanted to do. The climb didn’t sound all that much fun, but you wanted to see if you could push yourself. And from what you’ve heard the view was absolutely stunning.
When you both arrived at the parking area, you noticed they had already arrived and were gathering their packs for the hike.
Once they noticed you both exit the car they all walked over to you upon locking their car doors.
“Hey Y/N, Harry. Hope the drive was alright. Excited?” Harry notices the slight distaste on the girl's face when she faces you to speak. But it’s not something you either seem to notice or aren’t bothered about, which irks him deep inside. They shouldn’t be treating you like this.
“Yeah we had a blast singing along to the radio. I’m excited, but a little worried. I didn’t really know what to pack.” You’re reaching into the backseat to pull out the small backpack you managed to gather supplies in right before the trip here.
“Oh Y/N I’m sure you packed well enough. Shall we get going?” The guy with the sunglasses seems to only be looking at him and never faces you, Harry notices.
But you just nod and grasp his hand in yours. Pretty soon you’re all walking along the path many others have trailed along that foliage no longer grows.
The others seem to have agreed upon asking Harry seemingly normal questions. Mainly about what his work schedule is like. Does he enjoy what he does and all the spotlight that comes with it. The questions seem pretty normal and you all seem to actually be getting along which calms you down as you were worried they wouldn’t like him.
However that should have been the least of your worries. In fact, after working with then for years you should have known that it was the opposite.
It wasn’t until halfway through the hike when you all stopped for a break that they broke the peace and calmness.
You were all resting against some fallen trees for a few minutes before you had to go down one path on a fork in the road.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Laura sneak up next to Harry and stand up tall to reach his ear in order to whisper something to him. You can see him tense when she goes back down and smirks at him, but continues to speak lowly to him.
You stuff everything back into the bag from your place on the floor where you were looking for a bottle of sunscreen you thought you had packed. When you get back on your feet you can feel the heat of everyone’s stares shift between where you stand and where Harry stands with Laura.
“How dare you! You all can go to bloody hell!” You can hear his voice echo throughout the densely packed trees. You’ve never heard Harry curse is all you can think about as he suddenly grabs onto your wrist and pulls you towards the path on the left, the furthest away from them.
“I hope you all know you are all heartless human beings who do not deserve my sweet Y/N. I should make a call to your company to let them know how you’ve been harassing their most hardworking employee. And yes, hardworking employee as we all know you’re all busy being too jealous doing any actual work.”
As he walks away from them you can’t help but turn back and see them all look surprised with a hint of remorse it appears? You shyly look up to Harry and see how he is fuming. And think it’s better to let him calm down. Nothing better than taking an angry stroll through the woods to calm someone down.
You continue walking right next to him trying to keep up with the pace he’s set. But with you being a bit shorter than his tall frame it’s hard to keep up the pace. Especially when the pace he set seems to be increasing the more he realizes they could be right behind the both of you.
His hand still on your wrist seems to clench tighter and you find yourself almost tripping over a dip in the trail.
It’s not until you tug harshly on his sleeve that he pulls back and recognizes what he did.
“Oh crap I’m sorry love. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to pull you.” He lowers his head in shame and you know he doesn’t feel angry anymore, but instead awful at having hurt you.
“It’s alright baby. It’s alright. I get you didn’t mean to.” Rubbing his cheek with your fingers seems to calm him down as he leans into your palm.
“Do you wanna continue our climb? We’re already here. We might as well see what this view is that everybody is talking about.” You know he’ll talk when he’s ready about what happened, but until he does you want to let him know you’re not angry at him despise what may have happened when you were still with the rest of the group.
He softly smiles at you and intertwines your fingers to walk alongside you.
The walk seems peaceful until the actual hike part seems to appear once again and you have to walk upwards. You can’t help but sigh. The one good thought coming to your mind is that since you’re no longer with the others you can take your time and not feel like you’re going to pass out from pushing yourself in order to not get left behind. Harry seems to have a natural endurance for this sort of thing and is the motivational voice you need and end up hearing. Pushing you to take your time but to keep going and not give up.
Originally you wanted to keep going to give him something else to think about, but you were actually thinking about going back down. But with Harry’s words of support you want to keep going. Want to see what’s at the top of this mountain climb. He seems to distract you by the height of which you’re climbing by talking about his upcoming musical pieces. By which one is inspired by you.
It was meant to be a surprise but what a better time to tell you how you were his muse then when you were grabbing on tightly to his hand and sweater sleeve in order to not slip on the rocks below your feet.
You can’t help but feel honored at the fact that Harry had written a song about you. All he ever showed you was kindness, joy, and love and you hoped that one day you would be able to show him just how much he mattered to you. Whether that be by taking his last name, having a family with him, or just spending the rest of your life with him, you couldn’t wait to create more memories with him.
When you both reach the top of the hill, you can’t help but feel drained. And when you notice that it keeps going up, although more slowly, you want to turn back around yet again.
“They asked me why I decided to be with you. And said some awful things about you. Well at least until I walked away with you. Y/N I know they’re your coworkers but why do you put up with them? I’ve told you that you could probably get put in a different department, but still keep the same position.” You can tell this is tearing him up inside. And it really is, he doesn’t understand how you have such a strong group of dislikers that they get joy over seeing you get hurt. And yes he does understand that some of it may come with dating him, but these are people you work with. You even have superiority over them. Heck his haters seem to be kinder to you, knowing that behind it all you were still a human being.
He didn’t understand how one person could hold that much hate over someone who’s never treated them with an ounce of disrespect. Much less a whole group of them. The opinion that you’ve had everything in life handed to you was something they held on strongly to. And at the end of day he couldn’t do anything about it, but he could still protect you from that environment. It was also their loss is how he viewed it. They would never get to experience the true bliss he gets when you laugh at one of his lame jokes. Or the kindness you bestowed upon him when you brought him dinner after staying too long in the studio.
“Come on love let’s keep walking, well until we reach the hiking part.”
You hold onto each other as you continue walking forward and up the rest of the hike while he continues to offer his opinion on what you should do. And you know you should listen to him. That’s what you intend to do.
You honestly can’t believe it took you this long to grow a backbone to demand respect in your office group. With Harry’s help you decided you would be going to talk to your supervisor about it. Although you still didn’t know if you wanted to be moved or if you wanted to quit working there altogether. Harry was correct that you loved your job, but maybe it was time for a change.
Knowing the possibilities of what might happen when the week started was almost as exciting as coming over the bend with Harry. Seeing the top of the mountain finally flatten out was a great pleasure knowing you no longer had to walk up.
It really didn’t hit you that you made it to the top until you looked out past the peak and saw all the greenery below you. Towards the horizon you can barely make out a hint of your city. But that’s overshadowed by the beauty that’s right in front of you. The breeze that blows through your face and hair feels refreshing after working up a sweat.
You look back and find Harry grinning at you. Not being able to suppress it, you find yourself running back in his direction only for him to catch you in his arms. You can feel him spin you both around and you can’t help the laugh that comes from you. Feeling a surge of happiness you look down to meet his eyes as he slowly lowers you to the ground.
Knowing you couldn’t have done this without him, both deciding to finally do something about your job and the hike, you press your lips against his as a sort of thank you. Hoping he’ll understand. And he seems to when he moves his lips against yours, quickly finding a rhythm.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, so much.” You whisper to him when you separate and rest your forehead against his. The breeze blowing harshly against you causing you to shiver.
“It’s a lot colder up here huh?” He lets out a chuckle as he shrugs off his sweater and places it over your head and onto you.
“There you go all nice and cozy.” He quickly presses another kiss onto your lips until he’s spinning you around.
Hugging you from behind, you grip him closer. He can’t help but admire the way you hold his arms tight to your body. How nicely you tuck under his chin. Trying to be discreet, he presses a kiss onto your temple and you unconsciously lean into him. He can’t help but let out a sigh at how beautiful you truly are.
“My precious Y/N.” You can feel his mumble of words against your head. Softly, he begins humming into your hair as you both admire the view laid out before you.
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
Part SIX
This series is TICKLE related.
Series Summary:  You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read. 
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :) The first few chapters will be about random events, not really following a timeline until Chapter 9. Hope you enjoy!
I feel like this one is kinda bad, idk lol
Word Count: 2,419
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Sunday afternoon. You were walking to the gym to practice some dances when you heard some people talking in one of the common rooms. You decided to walk in there and see what they were talking about. 
“Alright, we’ll leave first thing in the morning.” Bucky stated, pausing and smiling lightly when he saw you come in. You pouted and looked at him, Nat, and Wanda with sad eyes. 
“You guys are leaving? On a mission?” You ask. So soon too? They exchanged looks and gave you an apologetic smile. 
“Yeah, it was sudden. They need us in Bali. We’ll only be gone two days. It’s a small mission, nothing too serious, that’s why it’s just us.” Wanda smiled. That made you feel a little better, since they weren’t gonna be gone too long. You nodded and smiled a bit, leaving to go practice. 
When you left, the three exchanged awkward looks, Nat finally speaking up. “I’ll take the kids out somewhere and explain a little more about the mission, hopefully that will make them not worry too much.” She hummed. Bucky nodded and watched as Nat left to go tell you and Peter.
You were almost done with your dance when Nat came in with Peter trailing behind. “Hey.” You panted. Nat smiled and nodded to the door. 
“I’m gonna take you guys to the park. Come on, get dressed. We’ll take the Lamborghini.” She smirked. You smiled widely and quickly made your way to your room. Nat always had a thing for nice cars so every time she’d go somewhere, she’d borrow some of Tony’s cars. 
You took a record time shower and put on a simple outfit, running downstairs to the garage to meet them. You and Peter raced over to the passenger side, pushing each other over. “I call shotgun!” You chirped, beating Peter to the door. He groaned and jumped into the back seat, you milking the moment by doing a victory dance and sticking your tongue at him quickly.
You had convinced Nat to get you both ice cream and you were very excited, now walking through the park with a cone of your favorite. You all stopped to sit at a bench, Nat smirking down at the both of you, taking off her sunglasses before resting her elbow on the back of the bench. “So. I just thought I’d bring you guys here to discuss the mission a little bit more.” You both nodded, taking another lick of your ice cream. “We leave tomorrow, come back Wednesday. It’s not a mission to be worried about, we just need to extract some information from a former HYDRA worker but now he’s selling illegal weapons in the Black Market. We need to disguise as VIP guests at a sales party and find out as much as we can about this guy to track down all his associates and shut down his business. Nothing much, we’ll get it done.” She smiled. You nodded, a little more relieved about the situation. 
“So, if something goes wrong and they find out who you are?” You lead, looking up at her. She smirks, giving you a sure look. 
“That’s not gonna happen.” She soothed. You smiled and sat back, satisfied with the answer. Nat was, well, she was Black Widow. A spy. She knew what she was doing. That’s why she was in charge of this mission. 
You were now home and chilling on the couch with Peter and Vision was in the kitchen attempting to make Wanda something. After a while of you and Peter cracking jokes about characters on the tv, Vision got curious as to all the slang you both were using. 
“Oh my god, look at that man!” You gushed dramatically, pointing to some guy on tv that was standing at an angle that showed his profile. “The booty do be thicc tho.” You smirked, looking at Peter with an impressed expression. Peter laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Chile, anyways, so..” He chuckled. You smiled and both continued to reference memes and slang, only confusing Vision more. 
“He really is flexing on us with those abs.”
“I bet you’re salty right now cause you don’t have a butt as thick as him.”
“I’m really bout to clap you for that comment.”
“I’m just spilling the tea, sis.”
“Children, may I ask what those things mean?” Vision asked from his place in the kitchen, catching you and Peter’s attention. 
“What what means?” You asked. Vision came closer into the living room and clasped his hands together politely.
“Those... words you were using a second ago. Thick, and... tea, and flexing. What do those mean?” 
You and Peter looked at each other, smirking widely at the exact same time. “Come, sit with us Vision.” You said in a dramatically polite way, motioning towards the couch and crossing your legs. “We shall teach you what we know.” 
You and Peter were snickering in your room, laughing at how funny it was to see Vision so confused. You both had finally gotten him to understand all the references, memes, and quotes you two were using, and encouraged him to use them in his daily routine. At that moment, Wanda came in your room with her arms crossed. 
“What did you guys do to Vision?” She asked accusingly. You pursed your lips, trying to keep yourself from smiling. She caught this and narrowed her eyes at you before coming closer. “Were you guys messing with Vision? He’s been using all of these analogies and words I only hear you two use. What did you do?” She asks again, this time poking your side as a warning. 
You flinched and held in a giggle, covering your side. “N-Nothing.” You said nervously. She gave you a look that confirmed she didn’t believe it and fluttered her fingers around your neck. “Ack!” You squeaked, scrunching up your shoulders and giggling as her long fingers raked around your neck and collarbone. “Nohohoho!” 
She smirked and slithered her fingers into your ribs, digging in the spaces. “Were you guys messing with him? You know that’s not nice; it’s not his fault he doesn’t understand teenage slang.” She sang, smiling wider when your giggles turned desperate and you fell back on the bed. She took that opportunity to get your belly, that was now exposed by your shirt riding up. Her tickles were gentle, but they tickled like crazy, especially on your belly. You squealed when she traced her nails along your waistline, kicking your legs out.
“okahahahay! ihihim sohohohorry!” You pleaded. Peter had gotten out of the way, giggling at you from a distance. 
“Is that a real, honest apology, or just a ticket to get me to stop.” She chuckled, pausing her attack to let you speak. 
“Yehehes, I’m sohohorry for picking on your manz.” You panted. Peter chuckled and Wanda rolled her eyes, standing back. You giggled as you watched her carefully, to make sure she wasn’t going to tickle you again. “But he did catch up pretty fast though, you gotta give him that.” You chirped, shrugging an arm. Wanda scoffed and turned around to leave. 
“Leave Vision alone.” She warned before closing the door. You sighed in relief and laid back on your bed. Peter also sat back down once the coast was clear and you both resumed your hilarious conversation about Vision.
After dinner and helping the team clean up, you and Peter decided to jump in the pool for a bit and swim. You couldn’t be there too late though, because tomorrow was Monday and you had school. Also, you had to get up extra early because you wanted to see Bucky, Nat and Wanda off for their mission. Nonetheless, you and Peter were going to have a sleepover in your room. You usually have one every weekend but since you didn’t have one Friday night, you weren’t gonna break tradition.
You and Peter were splashing each other, laughing freely and flinching as water hit your faces. The sun was going down so it was getting cooler, making the water more refreshing to be in. Tony came out into the yard with some popsicles in his hands, standing at the edge of the pool. “Want some?” 
Peter gasped, quickly swimming towards the edge to get his popsicle, you following close behind. “Thanks Tony!” You both smiled. Tony hummed and nodded, going back inside. You sat at the stairs of the pool while Peter stood at the shallow end. After you had finished, you both swam for about 10 more minutes before drying up and going inside. 
You both showered and got into your PJs before meeting in your room. You brought lots of snacks from downstairs and you were watching a movie on your bed. It was about 9:30 now, and the movie was almost finished. Almost all of your snacks were done and now you were just laying there, hugging your pillow and laying on your side, facing the tv. 
“Do you think I’ll get chest hair soon?” Peter asked out of nowhere. You spluttered, looking over at him with a brow raised. You decided to mess with him a bit, like you love to do.
“Ay ay ay, Peter, chest hair grows when you become a man.” You smirked. Peter gave you a wary look but you decided to keep going. “Even I have my chest hairs, where are yours?” You teased, poking around his chest. Peter sucked his teeth before grabbing the pillow behind his head and whacking you with it.
You gasped and let out shocked laughter, deciding it was time to fight. “Okay..” You slowly got up, standing in the mattress and puffing your chest out. “You wanna fight, bro?!” You asked. Peter instantly got up, copying your stance and beating his chest once.
“Bring it on, giggles! you know I’ll win anyway!” He sang. You felt your face heat up and growled, commencing the fight. You grabbed his shoulders, pushing down to try to bring him down to the ground but he swiped his legs under you, letting you fall on your back. You immediately start to giggle, just like he knew you would, and shook his head with a smile. 
You stood up and grabbed him in a headlock, moving your leg behind him and kicking behind his knee to take him down. It finally worked and you both fell on the bed, you landing on top of him. Peter chortled and wrapped his arms and legs around you like a koala, and held your back to his chest. You grunted and fought against it, launching yourself forward with force to try to break his grip. However, your attempts were short lived when he began to rapidly pinch your sides, up and down. You yelped and let out surprised laughter. 
“Nohoho! Peter stohohop, no tihihickling!” You cried. Peter laughed and flipped you over, now straddling you. You pushed at his knees to get him off but he quickly stopped it by slipping his hands under your arms. With a loud squeal, you brought your arms to your sides and threw your head back in ticklish agony. “Crahahahap!” 
Peter giggled along with you and tased his fingers in the middle of your belly, eliciting your loud belly laughter. You arched your back and pushed at his hands. You were able to grab them and you held them tight in your hands. Peter paused, letting you think you had a chance to keep him at bay. “I told you I’d win, giggles.”
“Thihihis isn’t fahahair!” You cried, keeping his hands away. Peter raised his brows and looked at you in mock concern. 
“Oh, really? You don’t say.” He gasped before ripping his hands out of your grip and tickled your hips, causing you to convulse under him. You let out squeaky laughter, making Peter chuckle at you. 
“NOHOHOOO!” You howl, slowly dissolving into silent laughter, trying to turn on your belly. Peter snickered and blew a quick raspberry on your neck, right under your jaw line. You screamed, recoiling and slapping at his face and chest. Peter sat back with an eyebrow raised and his mouth open slightly with a smirk. 
“Are you slapping me? Do I need to web your arms down so I can finish up here?” He teased. You immediately howled out apologies.
“NOHOHO I’M SOHOHORRY!” You said, shaking your head. Peter gave you a smug look and lifted your shirt, before grabbing your sides to hold you steady. You threw your head back in defeat, knowing what he was about to do but giggled nervously nonetheless. There was no use trying to talk him out of it. 
You shrieked, your laughter going silent and pushed at his head desperately when you felt him blow the raspberry on your belly button. You were literally just a puddle of uncontrollable giggles when he sat back, watching you with a satisfied smile. “There. I have created a masterpiece!” He gushed, putting his hands on your belly and shaking it furiously, forcing a another bubbly stream of giggles. “An adorable, giggly masterpiece! Muah!” He said, making a chefs kiss before getting off you. 
You turned on your side as soon as his weight was off you and curled into a ball, still letting out residual giggles. “Whyhyhy do you lohohove to torture mehehe.” You said, not really expecting an answer. Peter chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly. 
“Mmm, cause it’s fun!” He smirked. You rolled your eyes and snuggled up in bed, pulling up the covers. After making small talk with him and laughing about different things Flash has attempted to humiliate Peter with, Steve knocked on the door before coming in to check on you guys before going to bed himself. “Hey you guys alright?” 
“Yeah, we’re good.” You chirped, Peter nodding beside you. 
“Alright, well, you guys should get some sleep. You’ve got school tomorrow. Tv off.’“ He hummed, nodding towards the tv. You smirk and roll your eyes playfully.
“Sure, dad.” You quipped, making him tilt his head and give you a pointed glare. 
“Lay off the attitude, will ya? Goodnight.” He shakes his head, closing the door behind him. You smile widely, the both of you bidding him goodnight and get the remote to turn off the tv. You and Peter get comfortable and continue your conversation in the dark, not even noticing that you both fell asleep in the middle of your sentences. 
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sunrise-lou · 4 years
The Romantic
Ft. Lee Donghyuck x Reader / Zhong Chenle x Reader
Word count. 3k
Warnings. Fluff, tiny amount of angst, mostly  gender neutral but there are a handful of ‘he’ and ‘his’, Haechan playboy Au basically
AU: College / Unrequited love / Love Triangle / Song Lyric
Songs: ‘The One The Got Away’ Katy Perry + ‘I Feel The Love’ Tritonal / R5
Edit: I just got home from a closing shift and the paragraphs were all mixed around??? I have no idea how it happened, so I’m reuploading it- hopefully it’s fine this time
❥ - Wednesday 15th
"Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if we dated, rather than me just going out with any guy or girl that asks me out, then leaves when they get bored"
Face flushing as he jolted up from his previous hunched position, Y/n turns to his childhood friend, "Excuse me Hyuck, but, what the fuck?"
"You know," Donghyuck inhales before continuing "if you and I got together or at least tried out what I do so often."
"I thought you had a girlfriend this week?" You mumble back to him, sounding more like a statement than a question.
"I do, but I doubt it'll last long, and you should know I was just joking when I said we should date." Donghyuck laughed in between his ramblings, "We're too close to date anyway."
"Yeah, you're right" You say back, under your breath.
You jump at the shouting.
"Lee! L/n!"
You flickered your eyes up, smiling when you see rich kid extraordinaire and the other third of this friendships heart, Zhong Chenle, jogging in your and Donghyuck's direction.
"Hello Lele," you greet quietly, leaning back on your palms.
"How are you?" Donghyuck basically shouts before you get a chance too say the same.
 "I'm in trouble, my parents are getting on my back about improving my skills with instruments" He yelled before dropping to his knees and pretending to faint into your collective laps.
"Welp, I've already filled my daily quota for dramatic and annoying Chenle events with our class earlier," The older of the three says, "I'm gonna hop over and grab a drink from the cafeteria and visit my darling for this week." Hyuck promptly slides Chenle's legs from his lap and stands, before dusting off the grass from his jeans.
"I shall be back." He finishes, not bothering to turn to look at either of you, and instead just walking towards the pavement.
 After watching Donghyuck walk away, Chenle rolls off of you quickly, almost like his idea was to pester him till he had left.
"So, how did the planned confession go-"
"Horrible" You let out before falling back and laying in the grass.
"He mentioned his 'darling for this week' and he was single on Friday" Chenle complained, rolling his eyes during his air quotations.
 "You've been trying to confess for, what, 3, 4, maybe 5 weeks now and he's almost never single long enough for it NOT to be awkward! Can I ask who this week?"
"A girl from his Hospitality class, she's friends with the guy he dated last semester" You explain, resting your arm over your eyes to block out the sun. "He joked about us dating before you got here, I'm thankful you showed up when you did, I think I would've cried if that conversation continued" You finished, voice cracking midway through the later part of the sentence.
 Chenle gives you an almost pitying look and shuffles closer, grabbing hold of your free hand so he can swing it around in attempt to distract you from Donghyuck.
"Actually!" Shouting as you sit up, wanting to change the topic.
"I want to join the senior talent show, but I want to do it acoustic…"
The 'rich kid' hums, raising his eyebrows, knowing exactly what you're about to ask.
“Please, please, please can you play the guitar for me?” You plead, immediately turning on the puppy eyes.
 Chenle quickly turns away knowing your tactics by now.
“What do I get out of helping you?” he asks plainly, eyes scrunched shut as to avoid your infamous puppy eyes
“I’ll bring snacks to the practice sessions and if we’re both free after the sessions, maybe we could go for ice cream, not to mention practice for your instrumental talents- just like your parents want~.”
“That ice cream part sounded an awful lot like a date,” He coos back as you teasingly.
Rolling your eyes at him, you took your other hand and encased his, “Please, President Zhong Chenle, I’m begging you!”
Scoffing at the ridiculous nickname, Chenle smiled “Fine! But I want those ice cream dates!”
 “Dates? Are you two dating behind my back?” A third voice emerges.
Both of you spin to see a familiar boy, walking towards you.
“So, are you? I’m upset you never told me...” Donghyuck exclaims in an almost sarcastic voice, clutching at where his heart should be.
Laughing the elder makes his way from the pavement and plops down onto the grass, in front of you two.
You blink at him, confused, before looking down at your hands and essentially throwing Chenle’s hands at himself.
“Ow, the fuck Y/n, why did you yeet my own hands at me?”
  ❥ - Monday 20th
“I can’t believe you picked up an entire quarter of the song over the weekend! And then played it almost flawlessly every time!” You shout to your friend, your back to him as you lock the door to the music room you had booked to practice in during your free time.
“I know, I’m pretty impressive, aren’t I?” He boasts, earning a snort from your smiling figure.
“What about that ice cream you promise, or are you busy?” Chenle nudged you, crossing his fingers that you were free so he had an excuse to continue being in your company, as well as eat ice cream.
Beginning your walk back to the Student Services Desk, you mention your plans with Donghyuck later.
“Aww, okay Y/n, maybe after the next session-“
“Hold up, Lele,” you mumble, retrieving your phone from your pocket and unlocking it.
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 Sighing as you discard your phone back into your back pocket, “Never mind, I guess, it’s a cancel plans relationship this week. So, I’m about to get really lonely…”
Chenle rolls his eyes once you look back at him, expressing his own disappointment in your mutual friend, “How about I pay for ice cream today instead?” he says, awkward smile on his face in attempt to make you feel better.
“Thank you Lele,” you mumble back to him with a shy smile “Donghyuck has always flip flopped his relationship status and I’ve followed him around with heart eyes for ages, but you, Chenle, seem to have been a constant throughout my life… So, really, thank you.”
 Chenle glances in your direction, flustered smile on his face, bright enough to match his red cheeks, you pretend not to notice, but you do and it makes you feel some kind of way.
What you didn’t notice was the pure looks of adoration he seemed to shoot your way anytime you yelled happily or exaggerated a story that included your interests.
  ❥ - Friday 24th
A chime echoes through the ice cream parlour as you walk in, ‘Hellos’ and ‘Welcome backs’ are heard from the familiar faces that work there and you wave back to the happily, after all this was your and Chenle’s fifth weekday in a row visiting for ice cream.
You and your best friend waltz over to an empty booth near the counter, somewhere near the back too, it’s usually the seat you sit in whenever you frequent the parlour.
“Wait! Before you say anything- I actually bought this a little while ago, mostly as a huge ‘thank you’ for helping me with this, but also because you’re also my best friend…” Quickly you turn to rummage through, grabbing a little plastic bag out and from that bag a small cheaply made bracelet  with a locket on attached to it.
“I know it’s super cheap and flimsy, but here…” You finish, before slowly sliding the locket across the table.
“Y/n, you- you didn’t have to. I would’ve said ‘yes’ to playing the song regardless of all your little bribes.” He tries to fret the unimportance of him helping you with your performance, all while carefully tying the bracelet around his left wrist.
You lift up your arm and rest your chin on the palm of your hand, showing off your matching bracelet by jingling it beforehand.
 Before you know it, you’re looking at the same flustered face from earlier in the week, only this time you go just as red if not redder, in the face.
Both of you scoffing and laughing to hide the slight awkwardness of the embarrassing situation, “Hey, wait- isn’t that Hyuck?” your friend asks.
You turn to him, then in the direction he is now pointing to.
“Yep, that’s him alright,” you sigh, “why this of all places.” You growl as you pull at your face to exaggerate you distaste.
“If we ignore them maybe they won’t try to talk to us- wait, no, Donghyuck has spotted us and is walking in this direction, maybe if you look away, he won’t recognise your back.” Chenle chuckles, now clearly finding the situation funny.
You click you tongue and roll your eyes at him, a hand slapping down onto your shoulder, causing you to jump. “Jesus, why!” You yell and turn to glare at your childhood friend.
 “So, you two are dating~” Donghyuck smirks, before also jumping as his newest fling hooks their arms together, he drops his hand from your shoulder and you frown.
“I got us both mint choc and boba ice cream!” His date mentions, side eyeing you the whole time, you and Chenle glance at each other, knowing Donghyuck isn’t particularly fond of mint ice cream but opting to not tell her.
  ❥ - Saturday 25th
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  ❥ - Tuesday 4th
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  ❥ - Monday 3rd
You shuffled your feet as you stood in front of your locker, the showcase was getting closer, you were getting more and more nervous, surprisingly it had been nearly 3 weeks since Donghyuck and the girl had started going out.
You hadn’t learnt her name, you didn’t think you had to, but now it’s still going you guessed you should at least ask… right?
“Hey Y/n!” You turn to the voice and here comes prince charming himself, “Sorry, I haven’t hung out with you or Chenle lately, Ha-Won has been basically taking up all my time.”
You nod back to him with a tight-lipped smile, “It’s fine Donghyuck, Chenle and I have been pretty busy with our own stuff.”
The two of you stood there awkwardly, it was usually comfortable silence with him, but it was different today, not a different you liked either. You just wished Chenle would run up and ease the tension that seemed to only grow the longer you were in your crushes’ presents.
Reaching up to close your locker, Donghyuck noticed the locket around your wrist and furrowed his brows. “When did you get a new locket, what happened to our locket necklace you had?”
“I bought them a while back, Chenle has the other one. That’s besides the point… What do you mean ‘what happened to ours’?” You made sure to air quote that last part.
“Matching lockets was our fucking thing.”  He pouts in reply, kicking the ground.
 “Excuse me, a lot of people do lockets, it’s not an exclusive thing. Not to mention, you haven’t worn yours for nearly a month! I don’t want to argue about this.” You turn away, trying not to notice the other students giving you two weird looks and begin to walk away.
Donghyuck has other ideas though, trailing after you.  “C’Mon Y/n, just because I never wear it doesn’t mean I don’t still have it! You said Chenle has one, but I never see him wearing it when we walk past each other!” He yells, grabbing onto your arm so you will look him in the eyes.
Naturally you look away, only to see a smiling Chenle running in your directions, he’s waving his arm in the air and you see he’s wearing the bracelet today. Assuming he took you asking why he hasn’t worn it to heart.
 You rip your arm from your childhood friends’ grip and step back to stand almost behind Chenle, Chenle cocks an eyebrow, sensing the butter thick tension.
“What’s- what’s going on between you two?” He asks with a light chuckle.
“This doesn’t concern you Zhong.” Hyuck spits, making Chenle furrow his brows too.
You laugh back at him, “Ha! This doesn’t concern him? You’re the one getting upset over a locket! It was a ‘thank you’ for him helping me with something I’m working on, but you would know that if you were ever around anymore.”
“I said I was sorry! Okay?!”
Both you and Chenle go wide eye at the shouting, Chenle lifts his am up to almost put a barrier in front of you.
“Donghyuck, I think this friendship needs to take a break…” Chenle mumbles.
“Don’t talk to us, we’ll talk to you when we’re ready…”  You add eyes tearing up and linking your arm with Lele’s, prompting him to continue the walk back to your class.
Leaving Donghyuck standing there to think about his actions and words.
  ❥ - Friday 7th
“I still can’t believe you chose to sing something so cheesy.” Chenle chuckles while helping you set up the microphones for your little performance.
You notice more and more people begin to walk into the assembly hall of the college campus, you knew this place was really only used for Performing Arts and the annual ‘Senior only Talent Show’. It was always nice seeing it being used.
“What do you mean, matey? Katy Perry’s older music can’t be beat.” You laugh in retort.
You dust off the chair Chenle would be sitting in, then yourself before looking up at the almost full seating area, locking eyes with Donghyuck. He smiles and waves, you turn away to test out the microphone.
 You clear your throat and speak into the microphone, “Hello- Oh, it is working. Hey everyone, I’m L/n, a senior obviously, I’ll be announcing the people performing today, as well as next Friday and then the Finale on the 21st.”
“So, first up actually, is me and Zhong Chenle…  I hope you enjoy it.”
You trotted over to fix the mic height for Chenle’s guitar and then walked back over to your own.
 ‘Summer after high school when we first met- ‘
Occasionally throughout the song you would glance over at Donghyuck, each time he seemed more and more surprised, you really hoped he realised you were basically singing at him.
‘Never planned that one day, I’d be losing you. In another life, I would be your boy~’
You sung and finally locked your gazed with Donghyuck, smiling sadly, his eyes wide and mouth agape.
Donghyuck’s look of realisation didn’t seem to settle the butterflies in your stomach, you turned to Chenle, seeing him focused on making this performance perfect for you.
It clicked.
“It’s time to face the music you’re no longer my muse.” You turn back to sing towards the audience, you hear a wrong cord play from Chenle, he hadn’t known you intended on changing the lyrics, then again neither did you.
‘Can’t replace you with a million rings’ Clutching the locket around your wrist.
“I’m glad I never told you, what you meant to me.” You were honestly beginning to tear up a little, but you only wiped them away quickly with your sleeve.
‘Cause now I pay the price’ You turn back to look at Chenle, you’re both smiling at each other like two silly children in love.
He looked at you like you were his world- his universe, you have his heart in the palm of your hands.
‘We keep all our promises, be us against the world’
“So now I get to say, I was the one that got away.” You slowly finish the song, smiling back at the crowd and waving at Donghyuck, who had by now, risen out of his seat.
 The crowd erupts out in an applause, they had not only witnessed a near perfect performance (minus Chenle’s little cord mix-up thanks to your surprise), but they saw two of the schools most notable students fall in love.
You waited for the crowd to calm down, before speaking into the microphone again, “So, I guess it was good-“ Some whistles and ‘yays’ sound throughout the hall, “thank you, I appreciate it, I actually prepared another song, that doesn’t involve Chenle. However, I would like the ask him to stay seated up here on stage.” You tilt your head towards him, and he cocks an eyebrow, still smiling though.
 ‘I've gone too many nights, chasing the shadow of your silhouette’ You’re tapping your foot on the wooden stage floor, it echoes louder than you had anticipated but it’s appreciated.
‘Stumbling through the crowd, feet lifting off the ground looking for you’ Midway through the line, you lift the microphone from it’s stand and walk over to your friend.
You smile at his face being beet red, and hold out your hand for him to take. He stands up and laces your fingers together. Chenle recognises this song, he had shown it to you not even a week ago, during an instrumental pause he whispers if he could sing along and you happily nod.
‘Standing here face to face, nothing to lose, I won't look back now’
‘I feel the love, I wanna get to know you’ He sings, tightening his grip on your hand and you respond the same way.
‘It's not over tonight, stay in this moment, we can hide away’
‘Cause they're gonna turn on the lights’
‘But we're burning bright, no, we'll never fade’ You sing together.
 Once the second song had come to a close, another round of applause sounded.
Both you and Chenle walked back over to the microphone stand, hand in hand, placing the mic back in its rightful place.
Throughout the remainder of the night, as well as the following Talent Shows you and Chenle MC’d together, always holding hands, smiling widely and joyful. Though the two of you never made it to the finals, because, let’s face it- with a performing arts department, you kind of have to be a bit more prepared than a guitar and a love story.
Neither of you seemed to mind though, but it will be a fun story to tell if anyone asks how the two of you got together.
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Taming of the Shrew
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Peter Parker x Reader
Words: 3035
Summary: Peter has been in love with you from the day he set eyes on you. The only problem is, is that you’re not exactly the most approachable girl in school. Your fear of your own feelings starts to break down as Peter charms his way into your life. 
Notes: Since 10 Things I Hate About You is my favorite movie, I wanted to draw some inspiration from that. Hope you enjoy! (I’m actually really proud of the ending guys. If you’ve seen the movie, hopefully, it’ll sound familiar)
Marvel Masterlist
He didn’t know what to make of you. In class, you voiced your opinions without a second thought, no matter how unpopular they were. You were unapologetically you, but you kept to yourself. You barely spoke to anyone unless you were arguing with them. It seemed that your only friend was Michelle. And he was completely head over heels for you. 
But, alas, you barely acknowledged his existence. Every time he’d pop up out of nowhere next to your locker, you put in your headphones and walked away. You sat alone at lunch, often reading or just listening to music. Peter found you absolutely fascinating, but Flash never missed an opportunity to make fun of you. 
“If it isn't the resident freak of Midtown Tech.” He mocked as you walked into biology. You ignored him, per usual and took your seat… next to Peter. 
“Just ignore him,” Peter whispered. “I do.”
“I can fight my own battles, Parker.” You snapped. 
“Hey, Y/N, did you take any creepy pictures lately? I heard the police are cracking down on that kind of thing.” Flash taunted. 
“I work on the yearbook, dickwad.” You retorted. 
“Miss Y/L/N, language.” Your teacher shook her head with disappointment as she walked in the room, conveniently missing all of Flash’s comments as usual. She began the lesson, which you hardly paid any attention to. You’d done all the homework the night before since this teacher tended to rant about her personal life instead of actually teaching. When class was over, you rushed out into the hall, but Peter was fast. 
“Hey, Y/N, this is going to sound stupid, but I was wondering-”
“If you don’t want a sarcastic answer, don’t ask a stupid question.” You said bluntly, but he just shrugged it off like usual and maintained his sunny expression.
“A group of us were planning to get together to study for the Biology final this weekend, and I was wondering if you would want to come along? It’ll be at the park, everyone is bringing snacks.” The nervous stutter in his voice was actually pretty adorable and your lips betrayed you by giving him a slight smile. 
“By everyone, do you mean you and Ned?” 
“No, actually.” He had a little skip in his step as he walked with you to your next class. “MJ said she’ll be there.” And if MJ was going, you’d be going. You did almost everything together since she was really your only friend, besides your cat Baymax of course. You blew out a breath. 
“Then count me in, Parker.” You were sure that if he smiled any bigger that his face would split in half. You jutted a finger at his chest and narrowed your eyes. “You better bring those cookies that your aunt makes.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ve already got her making, like, four dozen.” He laughed. Great. Now he needed to ask Aunt May to make four dozen cookies by tomorrow. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the park then.” 
“Wait,” You groaned. “My dad will probably make me bring Becca. Is that okay?” He shrugged. 
“Yeah, sure.” Peter had never actually spoken to your younger sister. Becca was a super popular freshman who he had heard was really good at physics. He had also heard that she’d been hanging out with a kid named Joey. He made Flash look like Mr. Rogers. “She, uh, she won’t bring Joey with her will she?” 
“Uh, no.” You snorted. “You definitely don’t have to worry about that douche being anywhere near me.” 
“Great because he used to steal Ned’s lunch money, so there would be that drama and-”
“Run along.” 
Becca had gotten a ride home with one of her friends so you took the subway alone. You didn’t mind. It gave you a chance to listen to your music rather than listen to her blab about all of her popular friends. Especially Joey. You still shuddered at the thought of that creep trying to date your little sister. You wanted to tell her to stay away from him, but you knew that it would just make her do it even more. The two of you had been at odds for as long as you could remember. She was Miss Perky and you were the self-proclaimed shrew of the school. 
The station exit was a few blocks down from your apartment, allowing you to take in the sites of the city while the afternoon sun hung high overhead. It reminded you of when your mother would take you and Becca on little adventures, walking around New York like it was some new foreign world. That was before she left. You were too distracted by your music that you didn’t notice the hand reaching out of the ally to yank you in. 
There had been reports of a masked mugger in your neighborhood for a while now, but you never took it seriously. Maybe you should have. 
“Hel-” You started to scream, but he covered your mouth with his hand. 
“Let’s see what you’ve got, shall we?” He spoke in a tone that was clearly lower than his natural voice. Something about it sounded familiar, but you didn’t have time to process before a flash of red replaced the mugger. 
You took off running without a second thought. You sprinted towards your apartment building, but seven blocks seemed like miles. 
Spiderman webbed up the mugger before swinging down the street to catch up with you. He had seen a knife in the bad guy's hand so he was worried that you had been hurt. When the masked hero popped up in front of you, hanging upside down from a street light, he had to dodge the punch you almost landed to his face. 
“Woah, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” He released the web and did a flip to land on his feet. “Your arm’s bleeding.” He reached out a hand to examine the cut, but you jerked away, the sudden sting shooting up your arm. You hadn’t even noticed. 
“I’m fine, Spider-boy.” You snapped. 
“It’s Spiderman,” He corrected under his breath. 
“Whatever. Can I go home now?” You pushed passed him, but he was persistent. 
“Here, let me help. Hey Karen, make a bandage web.” 
“Seriously, that isn’t-” He gently grabbed your arm before you could object. You should have shoved him away, but you didn’t. Why was your heart doing this weird fluttering thing? He pressed the webbing to the wound, making you wince slightly, but it actually felt really nice. 
Peter watched you watch him and he couldn’t help the grin spreading across his face. He felt more confident in the mask. 
“Go ahead, Peter,” Karen said. 
“Can I walk you the rest of the way?” Spiderman asked. You raised your eyebrows and scoffed. 
“You’re kidding, right? Are you hitting on me?” 
“You know, most people would be a little more grateful after being saved by a superhero.” He argued, the playful tone in his voice sounding so familiar to you. He was right. He might have just saved your life. But you would never admit defeat, especially to some kid in glorified spandex. 
“Oh, you mean like this?” You smiled seductively and leaned in, reaching your fingers up to his mask. 
Peter’s breathing hitched. Was this really happening? Your hands suddenly moved from his mask and grasped his shoulders, giving you better momentum as you kneed him the crotch. He let out a groan and toppled back into a collection of trash cans. You walked into the apartment building before you could change your mind. 
“That went well.” Karen teased as Peter stood up, kind of waddling as he brushed off the dirt and trash. 
“I told you.” Even with his now sore groin, he was smiling. “She’s something.”
Central Park was crowded, but if you could find the right spot, it wasn’t so bad. You met up with MJ early to do just that, finding some benches away from all of the running children and obnoxious dog-walkers. 
“So he asked to walk you home?” MJ wondered. You had been telling her about the previous day's events and she was just very interested in the fact that you kneed Spiderman in the balls. 
“What a creep right?” You scoffed, trying to hide how you really felt. You’d be damned if you allowed yourself to have a crush on some egotistical masked vigilante. Michelle shrugged. 
“Doesn’t sound that bad.” 
“He could be some thirty-year-old pervert who lives in his mother’s basement!” You knew that much wasn’t true. His voice sounded too young and oh so familiar. 
“Sorry I’m late, but I didn’t want to be here.” Becca chimed with her sickly fake sweet tone. 
“You could just, I don’t know, get stuck in a tree or something.” You snapped back. She stuck out her tongue and changed her focus to her phone, taking a well-planned selfie while you and Michelle rolled your eyes in unison. 
“Here comes the dork squad,” MJ announced, watching Peter and Ned trek towards you with a large picnic basket between them. 
“Hey everyone.” Peter greeted, setting the basket down on the bench. His eyes darted towards you and quickly looked away. “I brought some drinks and some snacks, so take whatever you want.”
“I brought an extra book in case anyone forgot theirs,” Ned added, pulling the Biology books from his bag. Becca made a face. 
“You guys are actually studying?” 
“Uh, yeah?” Peter gave her a confused look. What else would they be doing? She scoffed. 
“I’m going to go find a magazine stand.” She sashayed away in her mini skirt, calling one of her clones probably to whine about you. You were about to say something, but Peter interrupted you, wanting to keep everyone’s moods up. 
“I was thinking we could do flashcards?” 
Studying actually went really well. You had been struggling with Biology and Peter’s charisma made learning a lot easier than your boring teacher’s lessons. Okay, it helped that you may have had the tiniest little crush on him. Not that you’d ever tell him that. Your ‘tough-bitch’ persona would be ruined. It had just been an hour or so when you saw him. Joey, leaning against a tree, leaning over your sister. 
“I’ll be back.” You told the group and stomped over to the pair. You shoved Joey away from Becca, steam practically coming out of your ears. 
“What the hell, Y/N!” Becca shrieked, but you ignored her. 
“Stay away from my sister, Joey.” You commanded. He just laughed. 
“You jealous, freak?” He took a step towards you, his disgusting gaze traveling up and down your body. “Because if you’ve changed your mind about us hooking up, I would be more than happy to oblige.” Your stomach twisted into a knot. 
“Y/N, what is he talking about?” 
“Nothing, Becca, he’s full of shit.” You hissed. The commotion had drawn the rest of the group over to you and you felt Peter’s hand gently touch your shoulder. 
“Everything okay?” His eyes and his voice were so sincere that you wanted to cry. You knew what Joey was doing and you didn’t want Peter anywhere near here. 
“Back off, Parker.” Joey snapped. His lips spread into a cruel smirk, looking back at you. “You weren’t saying that last month at Flash’s party. I believe it was something like,” he moved his hips back and forth, mockingly moaning in a higher voice, “Yes Joey. Like that Joey. You’re so good at this…” 
“Y/N?” Now it was MJ sounding confused. 
“Shut. Up.” You growled, pushing Joey again. He grabbed your wrists. 
“Just like old times, right?” He sneered. “Freshman year, you couldn’t get enough of me.” 
“Leave her alone.” Peter appeared beside you. You’d never seen him angry before, but he looked ready to tear Joey apart. 
“I can handle this, Peter.” You ripped your hands away, still feeling his revolting touch. He was relentless. 
“Wouldn’t you like to, you little bitch!” His smug smile was broken by Peter’s fist colliding with his face. Becca screamed and you jumped back, Michelle catching you before you could fall. 
“Peter!” You screamed, watching the two in a whirlwind of punches. “Peter, stop!” Joey was nearly six inches taller than him and he had muscle built up from his years of doing football. Yet somehow, it seemed like Peter was winning. When the two seemed to have an equal share of cuts and bruises, Peter shoved Joey away. 
“Now get out of here.” He commanded. Joey gave Becca one last wink before running off. 
“What the hell, Peter?” You snapped. Without another word, you and MJ walked away, Becca shuffling along after you. Peter just stood there, dumbfounded. 
“Your lip’s bleeding,” Ned said in awe. Peter shook his head, watching your retreating back, shoulders hunched forward with humiliation. 
“Not now Ned.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Becca asked. Her usual brattiness was gone and her voice held the sincerity of a concerned sister. 
“Because I never wanted to remember it.” You sniffed. You’d been crying for the past hour. You felt so stupid. The worst part was that all of it was true. You and Joey had been an item freshman year and he was, unfortunately, your first time. “We were only together for about a month… when mom left.” Becca put a hand on top of yours. 
“And Flash’s party?” She grimaced. You nodded, an ashamed tear falling down your cheek. 
“That was the result of a surge of teenage rebellion and way too much tequila.” You held up your pinky. “Promise me you will never let alcohol make any decisions for you ever.” She laughed and hooked her pinky with yours. 
“I promise.”
A sudden knock on your window made you both jump. Outside, was none other than Spiderman. Becca could hardly contain her excitement as she leaped off of your bed and moved to unlatch the lock.
“Don’t let him in here!” You exclaimed. 
“It’s Spiderman, of course, I’m letting him in.” She undid the lock and pushed up the window, allowing him to slip inside. 
“Thanks.” He nodded, trying to lean casually against the wall. “Can I, uh, talk to Y/N?” She looked at you with wide eyes and a huge grin. 
“Don’t you-” You started, but she was already out the door. 
“I came to check up on that cut.” He lied. There was that voice again. 
“Don’t move.” You commanded, walking up to him. It was time to see if your suspicions were right. You lifted your fingers up to his mask, feeling for his lips. You hit a certain spot and he winced. Bingo. “Peter?” His heart pounded. 
“What? No. I’m not Peter. I-” You raised a brow and he knew that it was no use. Hesitantly, he took off the mask. His lip was split in the corner and a bruise had started to form on his right cheek. 
“Jesus, Peter.” You were more phased by his injuries than his secret identity. “Why the hell would you do something so stupid?” He just shrugged. 
“I couldn’t listen to him to talk to you like that.” 
You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying not to look him in the eye. Those big brown puppy dog eyes that held nothing but total admiration for you even after everything he heard. 
“You probably don’t think much of me anymore.” You wiped your face with your sleeve. “Everything that Joe said was true.” 
“Y/N.” Peter sighed. He took a step towards you and when you didn’t retreat, he put his hands on your arms. “I don’t care about what Joey said. I care about that spit-fire girl who wasn’t afraid to kick a superhero in the crotch.” You laughed. Despite everything, he could still make you laugh. His adorable smile turned sheepish. “I’ve liked you for a really long time, Y/N. Really really liked you. Got-my-aunt-t- make-four-dozen-cookies, liked you.” He held up a box in his hand. “Which I brought, by the way.” 
Just like that, your tough girl exterior faded. 
“I like you too.” Cautiously, you put a hand on his cheek and brought his lips to yours. Peter’s heart soared and he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. 
“You are not going to bel-” Becca burst into the room and gasped. Peter tried to hide his face behind you, but she’d already seen him. “Oh hey, Peter.” She only seemed slightly surprised. It was always the geeky ones. She closed the door behind her, a mix of excitement and mischief in her expression. “Good, I can show this to you too.” She pulled up an article on her phone. “The neighborhood masked-mugger… is Joey.” You snatched the phone from her hand. 
“No. Way.” Sure enough, the article listed the details of his arrest. Apparently, after his fight with Peter, Joey went on a spree and messed with the wrong woman. He got pepper-sprayed and was apprehended soon after. 
“That’s crazy.” Peter blew out a breath. Becca smirked and took back her phone. 
“I’ll let you two get back to it.” She wiggled her eyebrows at you and backed out of your room. 
“So I guess me kicking his ass helped get him caught,” Peter said with a hint of cockiness. 
“I’m still pissed at you.” You put your hands on your hips. He pouted, holding up the box of baked goods.
“But I brought you cookies.” You laughed, taking one out of the box, it’s gooey center melting in your mouth.  
“Okay, but you can’t just bring me cookies every time you piss me off.” You pointed out, moving to the other side of your room, taking the box for yourself. He shot a web out of his wrist and it latched onto your hand. 
“I know, but there’s always,” He tugged on the web, pulling you closer, “cakes,” closer, “pies,” closer, “and maybe, one day…” You were pressed against him now, grinning from his silly antics. “Muffins.” You shook your head, but your lips collided without hesitation for another perfect kiss.
I want you to want me….
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atinywriting · 6 years
Bloody Pen | Wooyoung Serial Killer AU Chapter 2
The First Blood
“You’re late.”
Yeosang’s icy eyes regarded you as you burst through the door with a bang. You put your hands on your knees as you heavily panted. “Sorry—and I don’t know how—but I somehow forgot.” Yeosang raised an eyebrow. “That’s unlike you.” He peered at you from head to toe. Upon realizing the type of clothes you were wearing and how noticeably much neater you looked, it clicked in his head. A teasing smirk pulled at his lips. He put his hand to his chin and drawled, “Aw. Has our ‘forever alone’ writer found some love?”
You raised up a finger, still breathing heavily and huffed out, “Shut up.” “Alright. Alright.” Yeosang playfully rolled his eyes and patted the sofa chair. “Now, lets go over your manuscript so far. Shall we?” You collapsed on to the sofa and waved your hand. “Go on.” “It will be very quick.” Yeosang hummed and flipped to a specific page. “You have gotten more popular among the crime readers community. However, the same problem still remains.” You sighed. “Is it about the deaths being too general and not creative enough?” “Correct.” Yeosang nodded. “Your most creative one was when you killed off the civilian with the air injections to cover that it was a murder. But now” He pointed to the big written out letters on top of the page that screamed ‘BE MORE CREATIVE’. You grabbed the manuscript from Yeosang’s hands and eyed over it. You immediately noted the lack of marks in other pages. A few marks were made for punctuation and grammar. “So, I should take it further?“ You inquired. “If you do, it would add more to the suspense. If you’re wondering about the lack of marks, I think you did a wonderful job creating the suspense. It’s only that one problem you have.”
You nodded, thanking him and leaving for home. As soon as you got inside your apartment door, you kicked your shoes off. You grabbed your phone and texted a quick ‘Hello!’ to Wooyoung before tossing the phone onto the bed. You cracked your fingers and began to type on the laptop. Hours passed by until the sun set and late night fell. You banged your head against the desk and groaned as you slumped down in your chair. How the heck were you supposed to make the deaths more creative? You grumbled. Screw. This. Goddamn. Writer’s. Block. A ping rang from your phone. You glanced over at it and you squinted your tired eyes at the side of your bed. Who could be texting you this late at night? You walked over and picked the phone up. Your eyes widened, heart palpitating at the words on the screen. It was Wooyoung. If I said I was a killer, would you like me to take you out next weekend? ;) Your mouth fell open and you clutched your phone to your racing heart. Wow, were you really loving the heck out of his pick up lines. You pursed your lips as you tapped on the keyboard. Your finger hovered over the send button before finally pressing it. I think it would be a Crime and Punishment to refuse. A few seconds later and another text immediately popped up. Saturday it is. 6 PM at the Sen Restaurant. My treat :) You squealed in delight and fist bumped the air. Way to go! You cheered in your head. You actually got a guy to be interested in you enough for another date! The next week quickly arrived as you counted down the days. You waited in the front. You clutched your bag where your manuscript laid and tapped your feet. A familiar loud, high pitched “Hello!” made you turn to the side. A smile spread across your face upon seeing the familiar silver haired man. You waved. “Hello again, Wooyoung.” He beamed back and slid his around you. “Shall we go in?” With a nod of your head, Wooyoung led you in to your seats. While eating, Wooyoung asked about you and your writing. You immediately rambled, fired up as you blabbered about your fascination since childhood with crimes. Specifically with murderers, the way they killed and their psychological state. You were unaware in the midst of your rambles, however, how Wooyoung’s eyes darkened and how his tongue swiped over his lips as he listened to you. You stopped in the middle of your chatter and your cheeks burned when he grasped your hand. Wooyoung smirked at this as he intertwined his hands with yours. “Have you ever dated anyone before?” At your silence, Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. “No?” You looked down and muttered, “No one’s ever been interested in me before. I mean, I was just the quiet bookworm in the corner.” Wooyoung looked at you in disbelief. “Are you kidding me? I’d kill to have someone like you.” Quite literally, he mused to himself. You jumped up in your seat. Right! You grabbed inside of your bag and handed the papers to Wooyoung. “Would you like to read the manuscript for my next book?” An unreadable emotion flashed in Wooyoung’s eyes at the offer. He immediately snatched the papers from your hands without a word. Minutes passed by as Wooyoung flipped page by page. The same trembling feeling rushed through his body just like when he read your other books. He was in love. He was obsessed. But... “The kill doesn’t seem to be anything that interesting,” he noted. It was an effective way to kill. But, the description was far too short. Too dull for his taste. “I know.” You bit your lip and nodded. “Which was why I was wondering if you could help me with those parts.” His body heated up at the invitation like a fever. A fire bubbled and boiled under his skin and through his blood. He had to take a deep breath to calm himself down before he could laugh. Damn, were you driving him crazy. No one had ever inspired this much blood lust in him. “I will.” At his reply, your head perked up. “But, it’s a bit late. You should be home by now.” You seemed to deflate a bit but nodded. Were you eager as him about the art of killing? Wooyoung walked you to your car and waved as you drove away. He whistled as he walked to his parked place. He wasn’t sure why but he found you to be like an adorable puppy. The way your eyes shined when you rambled was cute. The way you blushed at him was cute. A stumbling old man with a beer bottle in hand suddenly bumped into him, interrupting his thoughts. The bottle dropped and glass shattered across the floor. “You brat!” The man screamed. Wooyoung scrunched up his nose at the rancid smell of alcohol and turned to the man. It was clear the man with his messy hair, unshaved face, grime on his face and dirtied, old clothes that he was homeless. Wooyoung’s eyes surveyed around him. No one was around this late into the evening as usual. A brilliant idea popped into his mind. A way to help your writing get more creative with murders. Why not test it out now? Wooyoung plastered on a smile and he slipped on his gloves that were stuffed into his jacket. “Have you been homeless for some time?” “Yeah! And what of it?” “You look like you need a bit of kindness in your life. I have a spare room you can use for the night.” Upon hearing the words, the man’s eyes almost bulged out of his head. “You’re lyin’,” he whispered in disbelief. Wooyoung shook his head and laid his gloved hand on the man’s shoulder. “I assure you, sir. I am not lying.” It was a ten minute silent drive to his house. Wooyoung led the staggering man in. “Have you been alone for long?” Wooyoung asked. Not that he cared for the man’s back story anyways. But, small talk always made people feel more comfortable and unsuspecting. He slipped multiple sleeping pills into the drink and mixed until it fully dissolved. He walked over to him and handed the drink with the sweetest smile he could muster.
“Enjoy.” The effects were immediate. The old man’s eyes grew hazy and they finally closed. Wooyoung let out a chuckle as the man fell to the floor with a thud. No one would miss him. The next day came. It was a normal Sunday morning like any other for Chief Park Seonghwa who had just arrived to the station and went into his office with a cup of coffee in hand. The door opened and he looked up. It was the new officer, Choi Jongho, that had been transferred to this precinct some months ago. Jongho held up an envelope. “There’s an envelope addressed to you. But the sender’s name isn’t on here.” “Let me see.” Seonghwa grabbed the envelope. To Captain Park Seonghwa Chief of Police Nocturne Town Police Department The handwriting was messy but was thankfully somewhat legible for him to read. He slid the envelope open and inside laid a small note. Dear Chief Park, Drawn from the deck is 12. Early start of the week, the clock shall tick down. An evening full moon rises on the third. The PENDUlum hangs from the trees. Here is your hint. good luck and lets have some fun. Seonghwa’s eyebrows furrowed as he read the small piece of paper over and over. He glanced at the calendar on his desk. The 3rd of April had a white circle in the corner of the square to indicate the full moon. Trees... Considering it was written in plural, perhaps it was reference to the small forest on the outskirts of Nocturne Town? “Jongho? I want you to drive over to the Lille Forest this Wednesday.“ Jongho‘s eyes widened and he fiddled with his fingers. “Is it a serious threat?” Seonghwa shook his head. “It is just a hunch.” He flipped over the note to show Jongho. “But, precaution should be taken. We can’t take things lightly, just in case.” “Ah, I see.” Jongho straightened his stance. “Am I going alone?” Seonghwa shook his head. “No, I’ll inform Yunho and get him to come with you. Understood?” Jongho nodded and went out the office door. Seonghwa gazed at the drawer where the letter laid. The note was unusual. The way it was written. It was almost like a puzzle in a video game. Seonghwa finally turned to the other papers in his desk and put that thought to the back of his mind. Hopefully, it would be nothing more than a joke he could dismiss. It was a dark evening when Wednesday had finally hit. The trees towered over Jongho and Yunho, and cast an overwhelming shadow over the duo. The only light that shown was the full moon glaring down at them. Jongho waved a fly off. “Are we going to be okay?” He asked as the pair treaded through the forest. Yunho snorted and patted Jongho on the shoulder. “I’m not quite sure why you’re so worried. If there was someone dangerous... why, I’m sure you’d just crack their skulls open like with apples,” Yunho joked. “Motionless apples and moving dangerous things are extremely different stories... I’m also pretty sure I can’t just Mortal Kombat crack skulls open.” “We’ll be fine.” Yunho waved the flies off. Was it just him or were there an unusual amount of flies the more deeper they went into the forest? “Anyways, what do you think the letter—“ Yunho suddenly stopped in his tracks. “What is it?” Jongho peered over Yunho’s shoulder. It was slightly hard to see at first with only the flashlight and the moon being their only sources of light. But as soon as Jongho saw it, he couldn’t unsee it at all. Jongho’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open. His chest heaved and stuttered. He wanted so badly to pry his eyes away but he couldn’t. The sight burned into Jongho’s eyes and imprinted itself into his mind. An upside down, topless deformed body was eyeing them, hanging upside down from the tree with their neck ripped wide open. Slashes, cuts and stabs covered the body. Flies surrounded the body. Maggots squirmed in its nest of decomposing flesh and wounds. There was such an enormous quantity that some of the maggots even dropped from the body, wriggling as they fell to the dirt below. The malformed body also looked like it had peen picked at by the bugs and animals in the forest. The victim’s glassy eyes and mouth were wide open as if they had been screaming in pain before their demise. Bile came up Jongho’s throat and he hunched over, retching on to the dirt. Yunho ran over and pat Jongho on the back as Jongho hurled on to the ground. Yunho grimaced as he kept a close eye on the hanging body. This wasn’t his first time seeing a body. In fact, this probably wasn’t even the worst. But, it was never easy seeing a dead body. And this was a particularly nasty one for a rookie like Jongho. Yunho took a deep breath. None of them could leave the scene just in case it was tampered with further while they were gone. The two couldn’t split up at this point. Jongho was too vulnerable and in shock to do anything clearly at this point. On top of that, Yunho didn’t know how safe the two currently were. The body may had been hanging for some days. But, who knew if the killer was lying in wait for new victims? Yunho exhaled and grabbed the radio by his side. He called in. “Chief Park? Officer Yunho reporting in. We have a 55-A in R3. I repeat, we have a 55-A in R3. Begin the procedure as soon as possible for the preservation of the scene.”
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asteroidbill · 5 years
Louder (Reddie)
I’ve had this work in progress for about a year, and finally was able to finish it. hopefully its as good as I think it is! Please leave some constructed criticism, as I have about 5000 other wip that I could use help on!
Synopsis: Somebody is having sex in the library, and Richie suggests that they can be louder. 
Ship: Reddie 
Rating: Mature (Language and mentions of sex)
Tags: aged up (college), library sex, fake sex, hair pulling, humping
Words: 1.9K 
Ao3 link
Finals week was going to be hell for Eddie Kaspbrak, and it didn’t help that his roommates decided to throw a party the weekend before all the tests were supposed to begin. In the weeks remaining before hell, Eddie could be found in the library. Actually, you could always find Eddie in the library. . His roomates, Bill and Mike, were not known for being good study partners. 
For the last few weeks that Eddie had been coming, the library had been filled with students preparing for the end of the semester. This time however was different. All of the tables were empty, which allowed Eddie to choose his favorite spot. He chose the spot closest to the back book shelves, facing towards them. With his books set up around him, Eddie began to go through his notes. 
It had been about an hour of complete silence, when it started. The moaning. And the loud kissing noises. At first, Eddie almost missed the sounds because of how quiet they were. After a very loud moan, Eddie’s head shot up in complete confusion. His eyes scanned the room trying to find the source. He found the outline of the couple in front of him, visible through cracks in the bookshelves, going at it quite literally in the stacks. He made a disgusted sound.
Eddie was conflicted. Should he go back to his room or stay here and listen to these people go at it? If he wanted to continue studying, he couldn’t go back to the rager happening in his dorm room. Eddie dug through his fanny pack and almost sighed in relief when he found some headphones. After sliding them into his ears, he turned on his music and began studying again. 
It had only been a few minutes, when he started to hear a rhythmic thumping. Good god, they really are going for the whole public sex thing, Eddie thought. He turned his music up louder and went back to work. 
He didn’t get much farther, when he saw someone all but run down the aisle of the back stacks. The guy had his hands up covering his eye, and didn’t remove them until he bumped into a table. He then placed a pair of large glasses on his nose. Eddie removed his headphones looking at the guy. The man lifted his head and scanned the room, smiling when he saw Eddie.
“Edward Spagedward! How’s it hanging?” Eddie recognized him from one of his classes, and his use of idiotic nicknames. 
“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that, Richard.” In Eddie’s opinion, Richie Tozier was one of the most annoying people on this planet. With his annoying hair, annoying jokes, and his annoying nicknames. 
“Only about a million times, Eds baby.” Richie started to approach the table Eddie was sitting at, when another loud moan filled the air. “I fell asleep in one of the chairs back there. How long have they been going at it?”
“The making out started about twenty minutes ago. The sex? I would say about 5 minutes before you stormed out here.” 
“And you have been listening to them the whole time?” Richie looked mischievous as he took the seat next to Eddie. “Kinky, kinky.” 
“No, you dolt! I had my earphones in until you came running out.” 
“Sure you did, Spaghetti.” Eddie groaned, looking back at his work. There goes a study trip wasted. The pounding sound from the stacks started getting louder and the two boys looked at each other. 
“Ohh, yes baby! Right there! Keep hitting right there!” A feminine voice rang out, groans from both parties increasing. Richie started to laugh. 
“Oh god! Does she really think that sounds sexy? It sounds like she’s drowning a cat!” Richie put his head down on the table, shaking with hysterics. Eddie looked down at his notes again, trying in vain to get something done. Richie lifted his head from the table, a wicked grin on his mouth.
“Whaddaya say, Eds? Think we can be louder?” He winked. Eddie’s mouth opened, confused about what to say. Surely he didn't say what I think he said, he thought.
“I’m sorry. Can you repeat that?” Richie moved closer in on Eddie, his lips oh so close to his ear. Eddie could feel Richie’s breath on his earlobe.
“I said. Do you think we could be louder than them?” Richie leaned back to look Eddie in the eyes.
“Richie, I am sorry but I am not going to have sex with you in a public library.” Eddie said, exasperated. He pushed him back by his shoulders. The nerve of this guy!
“No, my dear Eddie Spaghetti! We pretend to have loud sex and hopefully those fucks will leave.” Richie looked at Eddie with a glint of something in his eyes. 
“It’s elementary my darling Spageht! I shall just bend you over the table and pretend to fuck you in to oblivion.” 
“Yes. I get that dumbass. But how do we even begin to make it believable?” Eddie laid on to him a look of the utmost contempt. Richie rolled his back at him and continued on. 
“I bang a little on the table, you make some pretty noises with your mouth and we ruin whatever fun they are having by having more fun.” Richie made some lewd gestures to go along with his explanation. “So what do you say? Can we be louder?” 
Eddie looked into Richie’s eyes as if they could tell him the answer. Does he really think something like this could work? Eddie thought, If we moaned them out of the library, could I go back to studying?
“Fine! We can try but if I get in trouble for this, I will never forgive you.” 
“Now now Edward Spagedward, have no fear! Nothing will happen to get us in trouble.” Richie stood up from his chair and gestured toward the table. “Now my sweet Eds, bend your ass over this table so I can pretend fuck you.” 
Eddie gave him another look before he complied and got out of his own chair. He leant over the desk, resting his palms on the surface. Richie chuckled and stepped up behind him as close as he possibly could. He pushed his weight against Eddie’s back until he could do nothing but rest his forearms on the table instead. Richie ran his fingers up the side of Eddie’s bicep and moved his mouth to rest by his ear. 
“Now will you start making those sweet moans for me, Eddie?” Eddie rolled his eyes and let out a loud moan similar to the one the girl had let out earlier. Richie chuckled again, and moved his mouth to tickle up and down Eddie’s neck. “Not like that. Start softer and build up.” 
Eddie groaned, but took the advice anyway. The next time he moaned softly and added a soft Richie! to the end of it. The man hummed in approval, and began to hump against him. Eddie’s eyes widened as he turned his head to look and Richie.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He said it softly, but you could still hear the aggression in his voice. 
“I have to look like I’m actutally fucking you! And have to bang you against the table some how!” To prove his point, Richie humped against him a little harder. Now that he mentioned it, Eddie could hear a faint thump each time he humped up against him. And to be honest, it wasn’t really humping, more so a bump against his ass that pushed him forward enough to make that noise. Richie gave him an I told you so look and humped against him a little harder, resulting in a louder sound. 
“Now, moan!” Richie said, smacking his hand against Eddie’s thigh. Eddie gave him another look of contempt, but moaned nonetheless. Richie kept humping against Eddie, creating a rhythmic thumping noise. However, they could still hear the other couple going out it loudly. 
“Okay, now I need you to start getting a little louder.” Richie folded his body over Eddie’s hunched frame, and placed his arm around his middle. He also began to thump just a little bit harder. Richie moaned loudly, a smirk on his face. “God, Eddie! I can’t believe you this fucking tight!”
“Richie! Be quiet! We’re in the library!” Eddie fake giggled and let out his own wet small moan. Richie chuckled against his back, where he rested his head. 
“I can’t help it, Eds.” Eddie faked a groan at that, though it wasn’t entirely a groan. “I can’t help that you feel so fucking good.” 
“Rich…. Richie! God, you make me feel so good!” Eddie faked a loud moan and arched his back into Richie’s body. Richie placed a small kiss on the back of his neck, chuckling. Both of them could quietly hear the couple behind the stacks stopping, but they continued on anyway. Eddie reached back and grabbed a fist full of Richie’s hair and pulled him down towards his face. He gave him a wicked grin. 
    “Fuck me harder, Richie!” Richie smirked down at Eddie, and smacked his ass whilst slamming him a little harder against the table. Eddie moaned, “Fuck me like you mean it!”
    The couple from behind the stacks raced past them, telling them to Get a fucking room! as went. Richie collapsed against Eddie’s back laughing as hard as he could. Eddie was laughing too against the table, until he pushed back against Richie’s back. They both collapsed back into their chairs, still laughing their asses off. 
    “I can’t believe that worked!” Eddie, said when they finally got control of their laughter. He looked back at Richie, to find him already looking at him. 
    “I can’t either,” Richie said, grinning at him. “I honestly expected for them to ask if they could join in.” 
    That set the both off laughing again. As Eddie laughed, he looked back over the table strewn with his study notes and he groaned for real this time. Richie looked at him funny, but before he could ask, Eddie beat him to the punch. 
“I’m soooo not gonna be prepared for finals.” Eddie sunk lower in his seat with another groan. 
“Why did you even come to the library to study?” Richie asked, running a hard through his hair. “Why didn’t you just study in your dorm?” 
“My roommates, Bill and Mike, decided to have a party to celebrate Finals Week instead of studying. It’s too loud to get any actual studying done there.” Eddie straightened up in his seat, and began tidying his papers. 
“Ah, a famous Hansbrough party! They throw amazing parties!” Richie moved closer to Eddie and started shuffling through his papers. “What were you trying to study earlier before that couple decided to sex it up in the library?” 
“Actually,” Eddie started. “Anatomy and Physiology.” 
Richie burst out laughing before he straightened up and sending Eddie a swave wink. “Well, Eddie Spaghetti, I happen to know my way around the human body. Need any help studying?” 
“Oh fuck off, Trashmouth!” Eddy said, throwing an Eraser at Richie’s head. Richie just chuckled and threw it back.
“But for real, if you ever need any help. I’m here.” Richie got up and started to move toward the front of the library. Eddie’s voice stopped him. 
“Actually, Richie? I’d really enjoy the help.”
And turns out Richie was right. He really did know a thing or two about the human body. 
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Crash and Burn
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: She meets his family for the first time but it doesn’t go as expected
Requested: No
“If I shit myself, don’t bring it up unless your family mention it first,” Y/N tells Tom who cracks up laughing and it makes his girlfriend do the same but in a gentler way. “Hey, I’m not joking,” she says and Tom continues to laugh his eyes closing slightly. “Yes! Good idea! Close your eyes while we’re driving so we crash and I don’t have to go through this visit,” Y/N speaks up in false delight and Tom has to pull over to the side of the road because he’s laughing so hard.
“Darling, you’ll be fine. They’ll love you,”
“You’ve parked the car, I can leave,” Y/N gets so far as opening the door and placing one foot outside before Tom has grabbed her by the wrist and held her back, having collapsed into another fit of giggles at his girlfriend’s antics.
“They’ve wanted to meet you since I told them about you, darling, you’ll be fine!” Tom tries to assure the girl and Y/N pulls a face at him.
“You said that about Peter Parker in Infinity War,” she points out and Tom looses his shit again.
“I had to say that! I would’ve been fired otherwise!”
“You would rather lie to your girlfriend than be fired?” She asks teasingly and Tom reaches over her to shut the door again, placing a kiss on her cheek.
“I’m Spider-Man,” is all he says and Y/N scoffs at him.
“That’s such a bullshit excuse, you can’t use that to get out of doing the dishes and for lying to me,” she says, pouting and he grabs her hand, drawing soothing circles into her skin, understanding that her humour is only a mechanism to distract her from the absolute fear she’s feeling at the prospect of meeting his family.
“Come on, we’re already late. Mum expected us five minutes ago, let’s go love,” Tom keeps his voice gentle and Y/N sighs, flopping back into her seat as he starts the car again.
Her knee bounces nervously for the final couple of minutes of the drive and Tom keeps a hold of her hand, squeezing it often in an attempt at reassuring her that it would be fine. He glanced at her every so often but her gaze remained fixed at the window, watching as they passed rows of identical looking houses and, when they pulled to a stop outside of his childhood home, and she finally returned his gaze, she was so pale that Tom genuinely thought that she was going to be sick.
“If I throw up on your mum’s shoes the minute I meet her do I have permission to bail?”
“You won’t,”
“Then you have no trouble agreeing,” Tom chuckles and shakes his head, leaning across the centre console to press his lips against hers in a sweet kiss.
“I love you,”
“I love you too, but that’s not the issue we’re faced with right now,”
“We’re faced with no issue, love, we’re going to spend a lovely weekend with my family so you can get to know them,”
“Okay, okay, I see your point, I really do. But how’s this - we don’t do that,” Y/N proposes hopefully and Tom laughs, kissing her once more.
“We’re going in, Y/N/N,” 
“Again, I hear what you’re saying,” Tom laughs, shaking his head as he waits for Y/N’s next idea, “but I will fuck you in your car, right now if it means that we don’t have to,”
“Tempting as that is, love,” Y/N visibly deflates, knowing that he would have disagreed to anything she said. There was no way that she was getting out of this. “We can do that some other time and instead, let’s go and meet my family. They’re watching the car from the window anyway,” Y/N takes a deep breath before nodding, opening her door and getting out. Tom smiles, following suit and meeting her at the bunk, pressing a firm kiss to her lips.
“I love you,” she whispers and Tom kisses her again.
“I love you too,” Y/N is saved from replying by the door flying open and Tom’s mother running down the path to their house and wrapping her son in a tight hug.
“My boy,” she says, delighted at having him back as he hugs her back, lifting her up gently and twirling her around.
Y/N looked away, feeling as though she was intruding on a private moment, she knew how much Tom missed his family while he was away filming and, watching their reunion, she felt both privileged and intrusive. Instead, she busied herself taking both of their bags out of the car but Tom’s dad chuckles, coming over.
“Let me take them,” he insists, lifting them from Y/N’s hands with ease and placing them on the floor next to him. “We can always get the twins to cary them in,” he says with a wink and Y/N gives a polite chuckle, tucking some hair behind her ear.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr Holland, Tom is always talking about you,” Y/N says, smiling at the man and putting her hand out for a handshake which Tom’s dad happily accepts.
“Trust me, Y/N, the pleasure is all ours. Tom has only good things to say about you, and he’s always showing us photos of you, but it’s nice to actually meet you,” 
“Because there is only good things to say about her,” Tom announces cheerfully, pulling his girlfriend towards him and pressing a kiss to her head.
“That’s cute and kind of sickening,” one of the twins says and Y/N’s face gets hotter and Tom smiles when she hides it in his shoulder.
“Leave off, Harry,” Tom says and Harry chuckles, coming over to hug his older brother and Y/N steps away from him to allow him to do so.
“It is nice to finally meet you, though,” Tom’s mum informs Y/N, who turns towards her with a bright smile on her open, cheerful face.
“It’s lovely to meet you too, Mrs Holland,” Y/N says and Tom’s mother beams at her.
“Well I shall go and get the dinner on. Harry, Sam, take their bags up to Tom’s room and the spare room, okay?” Mrs Holland asks the twins, who nod, coming forwards to pick up their bags.
“I’m Harry, by the way,” 
“I’m Sam,” the twins introduce themselves to the girl who nods, a little thrown off by the idea of not sharing a room with Tom, who looked equally confused.
“Paddy’s inside, he was a little scared by the idea of meeting Y/N,” Mr Holland says to his eldest son, who laughs at that.
“He can’t be more scared of Y/N than she is of meeting him,” Tom says and Y/N pulls a face at him behind his back, which his father catches and laughs in delight at.
Tom frowns, turning towards his girlfriend with his eyebrows raised but Y/N’s face had morphed into an innocent expression, much to the continued amusement of Mr Holland who was still chuckling at her antics.
“Come on, love, let’s see if you’re still grinning when you meet Pads,” Tom says through a sigh but he, too, is smiling wider than ever. He slams the boot quickly before beginning to lead her into the house.
“I may cry, if I do, what would you do?” Y/N asks seriously as Tom holds the front door open for her.
“Laugh,” is Tom’s simple answer and Y/N gasps in mock offence.
“Fuck you,” she hisses quietly so that her father can’t hear and Tom laughs, feeling content that he had someone like her in his life.
“Love you,”
“Pads, there’s someone I want you to meet!” Tom calls into the living room, where his youngest brother is sat watching the TV. He watches in amusement as he pokes his head over the couch like a meerkat and slowly sinks down again, as if thinking that they hadn’t seen him. “Come on, Pads,” he hears his brother let out a sigh before he stands up and makes his way over.
Tom releases his girlfriend in order to wrap his brother into a tight embrace.
“You’re getting tall, bud,”
“Almost taller than Mum,” he mumbles, hugging Tom back and Tom laughs.
“I’m sure she’s thrilled about that,” Paddy laughs as well as they let go of one another.
Tom watched as Paddy looked at Y/N shyly, and smiled when Y/N slowly placed her hand in the space between them.
“I’m Y/N,” Paddy looks between the hand and Y/N’s E/C eyes for a moment before slowly taking her hand and shaking it, a slight smile on his face.
“It’s nice to meet you,”
“You too,” the handshake ends and Tom watches, amused, as the two of them just look at each other, unsure of how to go on with conversation.
“Do you two want to go freshen up? I think the twins have already taken your bags up to your rooms,” Mrs Holland offers, coming into the living room. “Dinner’s not going to be for another forty-five minutes at least,” 
“Sounds good,” Tom agrees and Y/N nods along and she smiles when Tom links their fingers together, gently leading her through the halls of his childhood home.
“We’re in separate rooms,” Y/N murmured after they had climbed the stairs and were out of earshot of the members of Tom’s family.
“Apparently so,” Y/N chews her lip anxiously and Tom puts his hand out, gently pulling away. “I can ask Mum if you can sleep in my room if you want?” He offers but Y/N shakes her head.
“No, I don’t want to be a bother. I’m just glad I didn’t actually throw up or shit myself,” she admits and it makes Tom smile, pulling her in for a hug when they pause outside of the guest room that Y/N was to sleep in.
“I told you it would be fine,” 
But Y/N felt anything but fine when, half an hour later, having showered and changed again, she headed down the stairs only to overhear conversation from the living room about her.
She knew she shouldn’t listen but she desperately wanted to know whether or not she had made a good first impression on Tom’s family. She loved him and hoped to stay with him for the forceable future but Y/N knew that it wouldn’t be possible for that to happen if his family didn’t like her.
“We just want the best for you, Tom,” Mrs Holland was saying and it filled Y/N with a little hope at hearing Tom’s aggravated sigh.
“She’s great, Mum, honestly. You just don’t know her,”
“She just seems a little... vacant,” Mrs Holland offers, unsurely. “And... she’s not quite as pretty as that other girl you brought home last time,” Y/N felt her heart sink at those words. There was no way that she could stop listening now.
“You mean Zendaya? We’re just friends, Mum,” Tom says, a little humour in his voice at that but Y/N has to choke back a sob.
“Well... she was a really very lovely girl, Tom. Maybe you should ask her out,” 
“Zendaya would just be a... better fit. She’s smart and beautiful and very fitting to your image,” Mrs Holland says and Y/N is startled to hear a voice behind her.
“What are you doing?” Y/N turns, quickly wiping her tears away forcing a smile onto her face.
“Nothing, I just, felt a little dizzy for a moment,” she tells Harry who looks uncertain. They stand in silence as Tom’s conversation with Mrs Holland continues and Harry’s mouth drops open in realisation. 
“I-um-I’ve got to... I left something in my room,” Y/N lies, rushing back along the corridor to the guest room, shutting the door tightly behind her and falling onto the bed, tears falling like waterfalls from her eyes.
Despite all of her jokes about it in the car, at no point had Y/N actually considered the prospect that Tom’s family would take a real dislike to her, especially so soon into the weekend.
“Love?” The door cracks open but Y/N curls further into herself, not wanting Tom to see her in such a weak state. “Oh, love,” Tom sighs, sitting on the bed next to Y/N and pulling his girlfriend so that she was lying on his lap.
“Maybe you should be with Zendaya,” she mumbles, sniffing but Tom shakes his head straight away, wiping away the stream of tears as quickly as possible.
“Mum doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She’s just scared of me growing up, love, and scared to give you a chance. She was mortified when Harry came to tell us that you’d heard,” Y/N doesn’t have the heart to respond and Tom continues to brush his fingers through her hair. “She’s just scared that she’ll lose me, because I told her you were the woman I saw myself spending the rest of my life with,” he whispered quietly, pulling her up so that she was resting against his chest, arms wrapped tightly around her. His cheek rested against her head and she kissed her hair every now and then.
“You want to be stuck with me for the rest of your life?” She jokes through a sniff and Tom laughs quietly.
“I know, must be something wrong with me, right love?” He teases and Y/N tilts her head to press a kiss against his jaw.
They sit like that for a while longer before there’s a tentative knock on the door.
“Can I come in?” Mrs Holland’s voice is small and quiet yet still puts Y/N on edge and she feels herself sink further into Tom’s arms, wanting to hide.
“Yeah,” Tom calls before asking Y/N for her input and he kisses her head once more just as Mrs Holland comes in. 
She takes slow, careful steps towards the two, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, leaving space between her and the couple.
“I wanted to apologise, Y/N. You seem like a lovely girl and Tom always tells us how wonderful you are. I’m just scared of my little boy growing up and I know that you’ll take him away from us because Tom would have to be stupid to let you go,” Mrs Holland says, a slight smile on her face when Y/N peaks out at her, a small smile on hers as well. “Tom is many things, but I did not raise him to be an idiot,” Y/N laughs a little, brushing the tears away.
“Thank you, Mrs Holland,”
“Nikki’s fine, sweetheart,” Tom’s mum says and when Y/N spares a glance up at her boyfriend, he’s beaming in delight. “I think Paddy wanted to play Mario Kart as well before dinner, if you two are interested,”
“Yeah, come play!” Sam agrees, poking his head in, Paddy doing the same in the doorway, underneath Sam’s head.
“Y/N is great at Mario Kart. She beat Haz a few days ago and he’s refused to speak to her ever since,”
“He was so annoyed,” Y/N adds in, laughing and removing herself carefully from Tom’s arms and standing up, wiping away the few final stray tears that were left.
“I bet you I can beat you,” Paddy grins and Y/N pulls a face at him.
“Nah, I’m fairly sure I could kick your arse at Mario Kart,” Y/N disagrees and Sam chuckles, pulling his younger brother out of the room.
“We’ll go set it up,”
“I really am sorry, Y/N,” Nikki says and Y/N turns to her, shaking her head.
“It’s fine, if I had a son as wonderful as yours I’d be just as protective of him,” Nikki smiles at that and takes a few, tentative steps towards her before wrapping her arms around Y/N in an unexpected hug.
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radiojamming · 6 years
can I request a reader/Jacob fic where they get stuck in the woods or something and have to snuggle for warmth and Jacob is Unhappy™️ about it but secretly loves it
petition for a winter-themed dlc where u can go cross country skiing and everyone’s wearing adorable winter wear
(also i’m so sorry i’m rusty with reader-viewpoint fanfic. hopefully u like it!)
- - -
Seriously, fuck Montana. Sure, it’s beautiful and scenic, and one look at the snow-capped Whitetails catching the winter sunlight is enough to take your breath away. The entire county looks like someone vigorously shook a snowglobe; yet all you can think is something along the lines of fuck this joint. 
Because Montana decides that four feet of snow is a perfectly acceptable amount. Four feet of snow to ski or stomp through, chasing after white-clothed cultists in distinctly white scenery. Four feet of snow with a blizzard bound in from the west, pressing hard on the mountains that you just so happen to be trying to meander through. And, fair to mention, it’s four feet of snow plus blizzard on top of Jacob’s territory, just to be the little flourish on top of a massive snowpile of disaster that your weekend’s become.
You hadn’t meant to get so far into the mountains. In early fall and well into November, the weather held off enough that what you’re attempting now wasn’t even a fraction of a problem. But now, you’re clumsy on borrowed skis, and a damn near fatal snowshoe attempt earlier in the week made that mode of transportation an impossibility. A snowmobile might be able to do alright, but there are way too many trees to do that safely, at least until you find a vague road-shaped stretch of snow to ride on. That’s pretty much your mission now. Find a road, kick some Peggie off their snowmobile, and ride into glory, a snowbank, someone’s house, or a combination of all three.
The clouds above you get patchy, bloated, and dark with snow. Sunlight attempts to burst through, but as the hour wears on, it grows weaker and weaker. Finally, when you’re within sight of a side road, the sky is one uniform layer of angry, frigid gray, and even through the layers you’re wearing, you can still feel the temperature drop degree by degree. Cold pricks your cheeks and your nose and it numbs your fingers. If there was ever a time to hustle out to the nearest Resistance outpost, now’s the time.
Except obviously, someone out there has very different plans for you.
You’ve made it about two hundred yards down the road when there’s a distinct crack of gunfire, and a plume of snow shoots up beside you. It’s hard to whirl around with skis, but you manage, sniper rifle already up and ready. The snow’s already starting to come down in heavy flakes, obscuring your vision. You squint through it, trying to find the shine of a rifle, the distinct red of a scope or sight. Nothing.
A few minutes of turning around, left, right, and backwards, and still nothing.
You start to wonder if it was a stray shot, or maybe someone–
Maybe someone cracks you in the side of the head with a rifle butt.
Well, you have your vengeance, because whoever it is doesn’t count for the fact that you’ve proven yourself to be a royal moron when it comes to skis. You stumble, dazed, one ski catching the other and causing you to careen hard to the left. Vaguely, you register hitting something, which happens to be large and warm and covered in fabric, but the sensation only lasts a second before the entire world turns completely sideways. 
The last thing you see is a stretch of mottled white and gray camo, and you hear a low groan of displeasure. Then, it goes pleasantly dark.
- - -
The first thing that you feel is a slamming headache. It’s like a cross between a hangover and a closed-head injury, and it might be both. It pulses hard in your right temple, like your heart’s taken up real estate next to your brain and has taken the responsibility of being a noisy, obnoxious neighbor. You wince, but the wince somehow makes it hurt more. 
The second thing you feel is that fabric-covered warmth at your side, and that is way more pleasant than your heart versus brain fight. Whatever it is, it’s faintly rumbling, and without thinking on it (because your brain’s preoccupied with shouting down the tenants), you try to get closer to the source. Said source makes a noise of distinct bear-like discontent, but doesn’t move away. 
Except vaguely, your brain takes a break from protesting to notice that something’s not quite right.
Hey! you think it says, shouting over your too-loud pulse. Maybe open your eyes a second. 
You do, with enormous reluctance. You’re greeted with more of that white and gray camo print, and red. Lots of red. A red blanket, red beanie, red beard–
Oh. Well. 
There are only two real possibilities here: one is that you’re huddled up beside who is, for all intents and purposes, a perfect genetic clone of Jacob Seed, down to the unflinching eyes staring a hole through your face and the ‘I’m going to make you mincemeat’ expression that he shares with his wolves. The second is that it is Jacob Seed, no clones needed, and with all aforementioned traits. 
The second can’t be likely, because there is no way on God’s green (or mostly gray and white, right now) earth that Jacob Seed would be curled around you like a motherly mountain lion without putting you in a stranglehold and threatening you with Darwinian theory. Honestly, there’s only one way to test this.
“Jacob?” you croak out, your voice sounding like it might compete with his on gravelliness.
And, in equally gravelly tones, he replies, “Deputy.”
You have to take a little more stock to figure out how the hell you got in this position. Everything around you is dark, except the telltale gold glow of a fire nearby. You look up to see a crackling blue tarp mounted on a crossbeam of PVC pipe, and you glance down to see that the two of you are huddled up on an unrolled and unzipped sleeping bag, blue and green flannel facing upwards. When you manage to lift your head up without passing out, you see that you’re in some makeshift camp tunneled into the snowbank. There’s a crate on the other side of the fire and little else. Obviously, it’s not a camp meant for an extended stay.
So, without a concrete answer, you just ask, “What?”
Jacob makes a strange, low wheezing sound which you feel more than see. It’s a warm rush of air that you can feel on your scalp. “Great question,” he mumbles, and that is something you feel through his chest. “You want the long, wordy version or the short and easy one?”
You dazedly mutter something that might be, “Short and easy,” but it comes out sounding more like, “Sortneeeez.”
Another puff of warm air and you realize it’s a laugh. 
“I tried to catch you alive, you tripped on your own skis, fell into me, rammed my head into a tree, and we were both knocked out for at least a half an hour,” he explains quietly. “I managed to get up and get us both here, but the temperature dropped into the negatives, so getting to the nearest cabin isn’t happening until morning.”
You blink slowly, trying to absorb all of what he’s said. It’s more than you’ve heard from him in awhile, excluding things that come out like sermons or lectures. The Seeds only seem to be blessed in one art of conversation, and it’s never anything good or truly entertaining.
“So,” you reply, trying to pull your wits back together enough that you don’t sound like you’re nursing a concussion. “Why’re we here?” The word we is accompanied by a slight elbowing at Jacob’s waist, causing him to grunt.
“‘Cause neither of us need to freeze to death. Basic survival,” he replies.
“So we’re cud–”
“Don’t say it.”
Yes, you’re still dazed and trying to work your way through a headache, but spiteful ye shall always be, and you’re smiling before your brain has a chance to coach you on why that might be a bad idea. Predators showing teeth and all that.
“We’re cuddlin’,” you finish regardless, and that’s about the extent of your eloquence for now. Any other word is going to come out in a slurry of consonants and vowels that won’t make much sense.
Another grunt, and it’s another wonder of the world that he doesn’t kill you now and just pull a Han Solo strategy on your still-warm corpse. Instead (and this might be a hallucination), you feel a slight tug around your waist, and you’re suddenly even closer to Jacob than you were before. Your mind is already sinking back into unconsciousness, and you manage to register that he smells like pine sap and campfire. You grin at this, and might say something about it, but Jacob’s sighing and keeping you close.
“Go to sleep,” he orders.
You happily succumb to sleep, but not before you swear you feel a hand running over your hair before it rests just behind your head.
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angstmatsuscenarios · 6 years
Hi! I love ur angst!!! So good! Could u please write a scenario where Karamatsu gets badly hurt by saving his one of his brothers and the brother who was saved feels rlly bad and worried. (like in a car accident or something) thanks u very much!! Sorry for my bad english. >.
Thank you so much! Funny you should ask this…I’ve actually had this fic idea in mind for ages and just never wrote it out until now, so hopefully you like it. 
Warning for car accidents and mention of blood and injuries under the cut:
“Karamatsu, come on! Let’s go already, before I leave without you,” Todomatsu huffed impatiently, tapping his foot as he waited by the front door. “Mom’s gonna be mad if we don’t get what she needs from the store soon.”
“Right, right! On my way!” Karamatsu took the stairs two at a time, hastily pulling his hoodie over his head. He’s always like a puppy when anyone asks him to do something with him, Todomatsu couldn’t help but think. Always so eager to get going. It’s so silly…but I guess it could be worse. At least he’s wearing normal clothes and not that ridiculous leather jacket, or those stupid sequin-covered jeans…
Karamatsu tugged on his shoes, then reached into the pocket of his hoodie and whipped out his signature sunglasses, which he put on with a dramatic flourish. Todomatsu sighed inwardly. Well, so much for that. Always so painful…
“Let’s just get going already,” Todomatsu muttered, swinging open the front door and stepping outside into the warm sunshine.
The walk to the store was quiet enough–neither of them spoke much, to Todomatsu’s surprise and relief. They arrived at the store in no time at all, retrieved the items on the shopping list Matsuyo had entrusted them with, paid for their purchases, and left in record time. They’d each bought a little something for themselves, too–Todomatsu had found a new face mask he’d been wanting to try, and Karamatsu had helped himself to a new fashion magazine. Todomatsu had tried not to roll his eyes and could only distance himself as the cashier rang up that purchase.  
It was on their way out of the store, though, when their ordinary trip turned into something far more excruciating. Two women–two really pretty women that were way out of their league, Todomatsu thought–were standing by the bike rack outside of the store, chatting and giggling with each other, clearly absorbed in their conversation.
Todomatsu was prepared to walk right on by without making any sort of scene, but not Karamatsu. No, it seemed that would’ve been far too simple for an idiot like him. Instead of minding his own business like he should’ve, he chose to go out of his way to approach them.
“Good afternoon, lovely ladies,” he greeted them, flashing them what he must’ve thought was a charming smile. “Wonderful weather we’re having lately, hm?”
The girls eyed him cautiously, their smiles fading into condescending leers. Todomatsu mentally smacked his hand to his forehead, wishing he could just disappear–or at least completely disassociate himself from his dumbass brother. He shot him a withering glare, silently begging him to leave them alone and follow him home.
Karamatsu didn’t seem to catch the hint from any of them, though. “Do you come here often? Perhaps we shall cross paths again one day, if fate allows–it would be an honor to be graced with the sight of your pretty faces again!” He raised his sunglasses and winked at them, as if that would make the painfully lavish flattery any more appealing to them.
“Gross,” one of the girls muttered, sneering at him.
“Freak,” the second girl jeered, and the two of them spun around and walked off in the other direction.
Todomatsu could only gape at the scene that had just unfolded before him, his jaw nearly scraping the pavement. “Karamatsu…what the hell was that?” he exclaimed, once he’d finally recovered enough to find his voice.
Karamatsu blinked, fazed at first, then slipped his sunglasses back on and grinned.  “You know how it is, my dear Totty. I was merely trying to recruit some Karamatsu girls, but they didn’t seem interested.”
“I should say not!” Todomatsu sputtered, glaring at him. “Do you really think any girl is going to like being approached by some random guy and then flirted with?! Because I can almost guarantee you that’s not the case!”
Karamatsu blinked, stunned at the sudden outburst. “I wasn’t trying to do anything bad…I simply enjoy complimenting anyone who seems like they’d enjoy it.”
“And has anyone so far, Karamatsu?” Todomatsu prompted, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. “Because last I checked, you don’t exactly have a swarm of Karamatsu girls flocking around you. Your act is ridiculous, and I can’t stand it anymore.”
“Ahh…my sincerest apologies, my dear brother. I certainly never meant to cause you any issue with—“
“God, do you even listen to yourself talk?! Everything always has to be so flowery and perfect with you!” Todomatsu spat, suddenly unable to hold back. “Why can’t you just be normal for once? Why couldn’t I have a brother who won’t constantly embarrass me whenever we go out?”
Karamatsu blanched, looking stricken…and maybe just a bit hurt by Todomatsu’s harsh words. “Todomatsu…” he began, voice quieter than usual.
“No. I don’t want to talk about this now.” Todomatsu twirled on his heel and marched forward. “Let’s just…lets just go home.”
Karamatsu said nothing in response, but Todomatsu could hear his footsteps shuffling dejectedly after him. He tried not to pay any attention to it. His cheeks were still bright pink and burning, and he felt a tight knot coil around his stomach. He just wanted to get home and forget this whole stupid thing even happened.
His phone buzzed in his pocket then, and he slid it out and glanced at the screen. A text from Atsushi. His eyes lid up as he read.
Ooh, a mixer next weekend—and he’s inviting me to go with him again! I guess I didn’t do too badly last time around if he’s willing to ask me back…if course I’m going to this!
Todomatsu ignored Karamatsu, brushing him off. His fingers flew across the screen as he rapidly composed his text, eyes on his phone as he kept walking.
Again Todomatsu didn’t listen. He was too busy debating on what emoji would be the best to end his text with. Hmm…got it, playful smile. Aaaand done! He smirked with satisfaction as he hit “send.”
This time Karamatsu was screaming, pulling Todomatsu’s attention away from his phone at last and to the road he suddenly found himself walking across.
It all happened in a blur.
Todomatsu saw the car careening around the corner and driving too fast toward him, too fast for him to react. He froze right there, too stricken with horror to react, to move. A loud, bellowing honk from a car horn ripped through his ears, making his whole body vibrate…
…And then he was pushed forcefully out of the way as Karamatsu ran forward, shoving him as hard as he could.
Todomatsu hit the ground face-first at around the same time he heard a sickening thunk from behind him. His phone slipped from his grip and bounced across the street, a spiderweb of thin cracks spreading across the screen as it landed. The screen flickered before fading to black.
Todomatsu scrambled to his knees and snatched up his phone, hands shaking. Behind him, he could hear the door of a car open and slam shut. He didn’t think he could handle turning around.
No. This didn’t just happen.
There was a commotion all around him, but all he could hear was a loud ringing in his ears. Through the din he heard someone calling for an ambulance.
This is not happening.
“I didn’t see them there!” A voice, screaming frantically. “They just ran right out in front of my car, I swear!”
It’s not, it’s not, it’s, not…
“Please, get an ambulance here as soon as possible!” Someone was barking into their cell phone. “He’s unconscious and losing blood!”
Todomatsu couldn’t deny this anymore. He immediately got up and turned around, to where the group of people had gathered.
It can’t be Karamatsu, he can’t be hurt, he can’t be, he just can’t be…!
He pushed his way through the crowd…and when he saw who they were circled around he felt like he was going to be sick.
Karamatsu lay on the ground, inches away from the front end of a car, his body looking twisted the wrong way. He couldn’t see where it was coming from, but there was a pool of blood leaking under his head. Blood…oh god, blood….
“Karamatsu-niisan…” Todomatsu’s voice wavered, and suddenly he was breaking down in tears as he knelt beside his brother, hands hovering over him, wanting to hold him but too afraid to touch him. “Nii-san…nii-san, p-please, be okay, you have to be okay…can you hear me? Can you answer me?”
Silence. Karamatsu’s eyes were closed, as if he were deep in sleep. The only indication Todomatsu could see that he was even still alive was the slight rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.
“Nii-san…” Todomatsu whispered, sniffling, moving to gently touch Karamatsu’s shoulder. The second eldest didn’t so much as flinch. “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…this is my fault, this is all my fault….”
The shrill wail of a siren pierced the air then, and the flashing red-and-white lights of the ambulance came into view. Todomatsu wiped at his tears with one hand, reaching down and squeezing one of Karamatsu’s hands in his own.
“Nii-san, help is here…they’re going to help you, okay? You’re going to be okay…please, nii-san…I-I need you to be okay…I need you to live…okay?” He squeezed his brother’s hand again, tears blurring his vision.
He didn’t get so much as a tiny squeeze back.
The wait in the hospital waiting room was unbearable. Todomatsu couldn’t stop pacing—not even after his own family had arrived, smothering him in hugs and fussing over his own minimal injuries. Everyone was a nervous wreck, on edge as they waited for any news on Karamatsu’s condition.
The whole time Todomatsu paced, he was silently berating himself.
This is all your fault. You did this to him. If you had just been watching where you were going he wouldn’t have had to save you, and he’d be fine right now.
Another thought occurred to him, one that made him feel instantly sick to his stomach.
All those awful things I said to him…they felt true at the time, but that was the last thing I said to him before this happened…what if something is seriously wrong and he…he doesn’t make it? I’ll never see him again, I’ll never talk to him again…I never got to say I’m sorry.
Fresh tears sprang in his eyes, and he collapsed onto the upholstered chair between Osomatsu and Choromatsu. They did their best to comfort him through their own concerns, but it was no use. Todomatsu didn’t think he deserved to be consoled, anyway.
It’s all my fault. I deserve to be miserable for the rest of my life…and if anything happens to Kara, I will be.
A couple of hours passed before a doctor finally came out to talk to them. By then everyone was holding their breath, terrified by what they might hear. It came as a huge relief when the doctor finally spoke—Karamatsu was pretty badly injured, but he would be fine. He had a concussion and a couple of broken ribs, and they planned on keeping him there for observation for a few days, but it was nothing life-threatening now that he’d regained consciousness.
Yet even with that good news, Todomatsu still felt wracked with guilt. He’ll survive, but he still shouldn’t have to be here now in the first place. I should be the one in the hospital right now…
When the doctor let each of them take turns visiting Karamatsu, Todomatsu couldn’t bring himself to at first. He let everyone else go before him, as he sat quietly and contemplated everything. Would Karamatsu even want to see him now? If it had been the other way around, would Todomatsu want to have a visit with the person who’d risked his life just after insulting him so brutally? He didn’t think he would…
“Todomatsu? Honey?” Matsuyo’s voice broke into his thoughts. “It’s your turn, if you’d like. Karamatsu was hoping to see you.”
Hoping to see me…? He really does want to see me? Who knows why…probably just to yell at me.
But he didn’t say that. All he could croak out was a weak, “Okay.”
Slowly, Todomatsu stood on shaking legs and walked down the hall toward Karamatsu’s room. He braced himself as he knocked, then turned the knob, not knowing what to expect.
Karamatsu lay in the bed closest to the window, propped up by a few pillows. His head was heavily bandaged, and when he turned toward Todomatsu he could see the bruising on his cheeks and around his blackened eye. Todomatsu drew in a deep breath, resisting the urge to gasp.
“Todomatsu…hi.” Karamatsu tried to sit up a little in bed, winching as he did so. Todomatsu flinched inwardly, thinking about his broken ribs and how badly that must hurt.
“Hi…um, you don’t have to sit up,” Todomatsu said quickly. “You can just lay down again…it looks like you’re in pain.”
“They put me on an IV with pain medicine to help for now….but I think I will lay down again anyway, if you don’t mind.” Karamatsu slowly eased himself back against his pillow again. He looked a little worn out, as far as Todomatsu could tell.
“Mom said…she said you wanted to see me?” Todomatsu ventured hesitantly, wringing his hands. “Is…is everything okay…?”
“Actually…that’s what I wanted to ask.” Karamatsu’s voice was so sincere right now, lacking the usual sparkle he spoke with. “I was worried about you…I wanted to make sure you were doing alright after the accident. Are you okay?”
“I…wait…you mean, you were worried me?” Todomatsu asked, taken aback.
“Yes…the whole situation must have been so scary, and I was worried about how you took it and if you’d gotten hurt…are you okay?”
Todomatsu bowed his head, gaze locked on the floor. Suddenly his eyes welled with tears, and before he could stop himself he was burying his face in his hands as he sobbed.
“T-Todomatsu…?” Karamatsu asked, alarmed. “What’s wrong…?”
“You…you idiot!” Todomatsu wailed, voice trembling as he struggled to contain his tears. “Y-you were the one who got hit by a c-car! I’m the one who was worried about you this whole time, thinking you might die! I don’t…I don’t deserve to be worried about! Not when this whole thing is my fault!”
“I-I was so horrible to you today, and I didn’t get a chance to apologize…” Todomatsu babbled on tearfully. “I said such terrible things…but the truth is, if you weren’t like this, if you were just a normal brother…I’d miss it! I’d miss you! I…I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”
“Todomatsu…please, come here.” Karamatsu patted the spot next to him on the bed.
Todomatsu relented at first, then gave in, perching at the edge of the bed. Karamatsu leaned toward him, wrapping him up in a one-armed embrace with the arm not currently hooked up to tubes.
“Todomatsu, I don’t want you to beat yourself up over this so much,” he said after a moment, still holding his sniffling younger brother close. Todomatsu stayed a little rigid, terrified of hurting him again.
“B-but…it was my fault…”
“This could have happened to any of us. It was all an accident. Please don’t keep worrying about it.”
“But…what about those terrible things I said…?”
“I’ve heard worse before. Don’t worry about that, either.”
Todomatsu sniffed again, wiping his nose with his hoodie sleeve despite his better judgement. He still wasn’t convinced that it wasn’t his fault…but at least Karamatsu was speaking to him, rather than screaming at him or, worse, giving him the cold shoulder. Maybe that meant something, after all.
“I…I’m so sorry, Karamatsu-niisan,” Todomatsu whispered hoarsely, brushing away the last of his tears.
“It’s okay. Let’s not worry about this anymore today…tomorrow will be a brighter day, and I think everyone could use some rest now.” Karamatsu yawned a little then, and scooted over slightly in bed. He indicated for Todomatsu to lay beside him. Reluctantly he did, resting his head against one of the pillows. Karamatsu kept his arm protectively around him.
Todomatsu still felt terrible. Deep in his heart he knew that what happened today was still his fault—if not due to his biting remarks, than because of not paying attention. No matter how he spun it, all the evidence pointed to him being the one to blame. But right now, he didn’t want to keep pressing it. Karamatsu seemed so exhausted, and Todomatsu was tired, too.
Together, the two drifted off to sleep, Karamatsu holding Todomatsu close and guarding him once more.
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edsrich · 7 years
I Walk The Line - Reddie [ 01 ]
Summary: Eddie Kaspbrak is finally enrolled into the Boarding School that he had been fighting for years just to get in. However, not all is what it seems between these walls, full of shadows and unsolved mysteries that dangle on loose threads. Derry Academy has a dark secret that is yet to be revealed and the more Eddie finds out about the unknown, more grains of sand fall to the depths of the hourglass.
Warning(s) For the Whole Series: Rape, self harm, sexual assault, depression and death.
A/N: Please ask in my inbox to be tagged in a taglist for this series if you wish :)
Playlist ( X )
Part 1 | 2 (Soon)
"And this is your room, Edward."
"It's uh, Eddie. My friends call me Eddie."
Mr. Maguire lifted a single key that was attached to a metallic hoop, it hanging between the Principal's wrinkled fingertips and scraping at the thin air. Other students passed, giving almost shocked looks as the two stood in front of his now new dorm room.
"Well, Eddie, I'm sure you'll be a good student here at Derry Academy however, I'm going to go over the dorm rules with you. Does that sound good Eddie?" Mr. Maguire spoke with his monotone voice, his eyelids slitting his eyes.
Eddie could only nod, feeling very intimidated by how his new Principle said his name in such a broad manner.
"One, in your dorm you shall not play any loud music after 8pm. Two, you shall not have lights on past 11pm. If you are going to study, you should use your desk lamp and not your main room lamp. Three, you only leave your room for the bathroom after 9pm and you shall not stay in other dorms overnight; weekends are an exception." Mr. Maguire paused before tilting an eyebrow down at Eddie, "Do you understand, Eddie?"
"Yes Sir, I understand completely." He tried to keep his voice stable, however his tone only quivered all over the place.
A smirk toyed at Mr. Maguire's lips as he then nodded at Eddie's hands, Eddie caught on straight away and held his hand out before his Headmaster who placed the key into his palm. Eddie quickly closed his fingers around the silver key, tightening it between his fist.
"With that in mind, this is now your room Eddie. I expect you to design it to your liking; this room is already slightly altered as someone used to live here before you. Although, you can't alter the wall colours."
"Oh, thank you Mr. Maguire!" Eddie grinned, pulling his pastel pink polo down by the collar to allow air to flow through.
"No problem, kid." The Principal's facade faded slightly as something flashed through his eyes, but with a clear of his throat the facade was quickly hardened. "If you need me, I will be located in my office. Have a good day."
Before Eddie managed to muster the words to even form a goodbye, the Principle of Derry Academy had already legged himself down the halls of the boys dorm. Eddie sighed shakily, pulling his suitcase along beside him in his other hand, stopping it right in front of his wooden door that had a chalkboard before him that was nailed deeply into his door along with a stick for him to write his name upon. The chalkboard itself looked as if it had been scrubbed at many times with faded skids of white crossing over each other's paths. Eddie's fingers lifted away from the suitcase handle and grabbed at the thin stick of chalk and that was then he wrote his name onto the black surface. He simply wrote the name 'Eddie' with a smiley face right next to his name and a few squiggles here and there to let his personality shine through his name introduction to those who walked by.
Eddie placed the chalk back down on the small indent of a shelf before lifting the key to room 27 and unlocking his door to be revealed to what was before him, his new room.
The room was quite bland, as if it had been cleared- but some aspects shown that someone had been living here before his presence was. Such as how the bookshelf was half full with a variation of different colours and sizes with some more thick and some more slender. Even how the bed that was cramped into the corner of the room and how it had a plaid bedding with specifically three pillows and the fourth tucked at the end as if it were a foot rest for when the boy that lived in this room previously slept.
Something about this place was off, though; Eddie couldn't quite put his finger on it.
Eddie walsted his way inside with his brown suitcase rolling behind him, chipping at his heels with discomfort. A ragged sigh left his lips as his feet sunk into the rug below him which too must've been something that the person previously had in the room as an accessory to give a more homey feel.
His hand dropped from the suitcase as he placed it up against the pale wall and resting against a few cracks that had surfaced past the thin paint which showed its age just by that small detail of a crack. Eddie then walked forward, going over to the bed and bouncing down on it to test its comfiness.
It wasn't comfy.
Eddie could practically feel the springs through the thick blanket sticking up into his skin, causing his eyes to narrow as he quickly became unimpressed.
He was already starting to regret stepping his foot through the door of this school. He recalled how his Mother actually was hesitant to let him go after forcing him to go here herself; all because she was scared of him around other kids his age and staying under the roof of other girls. Eddie rolled his eyes at the thought.
Eddie was glad to be here though, he was finally away from home and from the tight grasp of his Mother, he finally felt independant just being away from her. The truth was that Eddie's Mother was far too protective over her son; to the point where Eddie couldn't leave or sleep without taking his medicine and wasn't allowed to eat certain foods for some odd reason. Eddie hated it, but he knew that he needed to take the medicine.
As he thought about his medicine, he stood up and walked over to his upright suitcase and quickly flattened it against the dark oak wooden floorboards and pulled the zipper across to unravel its insides. Inside of his suitcase was mostly matching pyjama sets and a few weekend clothes that he could rewear; most of the things inside contained medicine, decor and some personal belongings to keep him occupied.
Eddie huffed, grabbing his medicine packet which was sealed tightly at the top and placing it on top of his chest of drawers- quickly organising them after taking them out of their clear plastic bag.
Each was labelled with when they should be took, for example, the bright orange packet had the words '9pm / 7am' stuck to them from his Mother, alike to others but with different times. Each capsule holder was organised with what time they were to be took so that it was easier for himself somewhat.
With that done, he knelt next to his open suitcase once again to start packing away his personal belongings neatly just as he always would. His underwear kept tidy inside of his top drawer, his pyjama set collection and in the final and bottom drawer he kept his usual clothes and soon to keep his uniform for school days. Eddie sighed at himself, shutting over the final drawer and resting his frame against the wooden chest.
Did he really want to be here? He had friends back at home that he would barely see until Christmas at this rate and who was to say that he'd make friends at this school? Bad vibes were written all over it.
The only good thing that was coming out of all of this was that he didn't have to have his Mother breathing down his neck at every possible moment. He felt free, but at the same time these walls still enclosed him.
The air that surrounded him in his own dorm started to thin; becoming congealed. For some odd reason also, Eddie's small brown thorns along his arms stood on ends along with the goosebumps that strengthened the strands upwards.
Eddie didn't feel as safe as he probably should within his own dorm.
Maybe it was something about the aura of this place- afterall, it was quite an old building from the 1800's. Who knew what lurked these halls.
He hummed a soft tune, setting up his boom box up against the side of his chest of drawers and setting his stack of mixtapes next to it- each one labelled different to the other. Yes, he labelled his mixtapes based on certain moods and vibes that he was looking to listen to, some even labelled just as genres. It was out of habit, he couldn't help it.
What was also left in the room was in fact a large grandfather clock that was snug into the corner of the room and ticked itself to and thro by each passing second. The clock currently struck itself at 20 past 7 in the evening.
Tomorrow was going to be his first official day.
Eddie clung the metal key in his grip as the thoughts of his uniform and schedule ran over his brain, as he now realised that he should probably go and grab what was his from the office- which was probably downstairs where he came in through the dorms.
Bonus points: he also stayed on the first floor, so it wasn't hard to find his way around.
With making sure his keys were intact with him, the small boy walked towards his dorm door and opened it up- walking out as it shut itself behind him. Other male's of his age walked past his door and up and down the corridor and getting lost into the shadows of the night.
Eddie walked by his lone self, not making eye contact with the unusual eyes that scanned over him. They could probably already tell that he was the new boy, hopefully that wasn't a bad thing. But from what Eddie had seen so far, he couldn't tell; this place gave him a bad vibe. With each step that he took against the oak wood creaks beneath him, he felt like an outsider even more. Everyone here already seemed to have cliques, especially since groups of either those in two's, three's of four's were just staring in confusion.
Please, don't let me be an outcast again. He thought.
His feet strode to the staircase and eventually he allowed himself to tiptoe down each step; each one creaking which put Eddie on edge. Again, this was another reminder to how old this building truly was.
One person shoved themselves into Eddie's side as they passed on the stairs, causing the hand railing to stick into Eddie's waist- causing a subtle squeak to surpass Eddie's parted lips.
When Eddie glanced to the side, he saw a slightly older and much taller blonde with a scraggy mullet glare at him with a sickening smile of some sort- his three other friends trailing alongside him. One more on the chubbier side with a few pimples sporting to his face and dark brown thorns sticking up on his head, showing that his hair was gelled a bit too much. One of the other boys was rather thin and was the smallest out of the boys that were stood, he was more of a platinum blonde and his face was sort of scrunched up from his sour expression and oddly pale. Finally, a lanky tall boy with wavy brown strands of hair that almost danced at his shoulders, his smile wasn't as teasing however- but more odd, it was hard for Eddie to specifically pinpoint an emotion to it. He did know that it was weird, however.
"You're next, girly boy! " The mullet boy snickered, his friends too laughing.
Eddie felt as if they knew something that he didn't know, yet. His chest tightened as his thoughts were swarmed over with his kneecaps trembling close together.
Great, I've only been here for 30 minutes and I'm already being teased. Eddie thought. But why? No one knows who I am yet.
The laughs echoed through the small space, before they trotted upwards and to the dorm sections. Eddie could feel himself able to breathe properly again, for once not needing his inhaler.
With that situation quickly passing, Eddie stumbled his way down the stairs much more urgently so that he could get back to his room as soon as possible. The new scenery of the entrance to the dorm space and it's bottom office came into view, a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling before Eddie and down onto the long old fashioned rug that was placed over the new change of floor, tiles.
Eddie sighed, noticing another boy was waiting at the office and leant up against the wooden desk. Eddie didn't want to start a conversation at all, especially after his first experience seconds earlier- but he needed his schedule and his uniform for tomorrow. The sooner he got back to his room the better, right? Right.
The desk grew closer as Eddie eventually found himself in front of it, with no one attending the desk as they probably should. A sigh drew from his lips yet again as Eddie pressed the bell in order to alert the receptionist that someone needed assistance.
"I-I've been here for ten m...minutes now, I wouldn't get your hope up."
Eddie's eyes flickered beside him, seeing the boy that he saw when walking up to the desk. The boy was tall and looked around his age, his hair was cut neatly with some of his forehead exposed to the light, his bright blue eyes blinking as he too scanned the new Eddie.
"Oh." Eddie replied, feeling a sense of awkwardness rile up.
The boy blinked again, before speaking up. "Y..You new?"
"New, as in new t-to D-Derry Academy?"
Eddie finally managed to pick up on the fact that this stutter wasn't just a nervous habit- but an actual thing for the boy.
"Oh... Yeah, I'm Eddie Kaspbrak."
"I'm William D-Denbrough, but call me Bill."
Eddie finally found a smile to twitch over his face as he finally had met someone who was nice despite his first experience. He nodded to the boy known as Bill and fidgeted with his sleeves.
"So... W-what's your room number?" Bill questioned, his head slightly tilting.
"Oh, I uh- room 27 on the first floor, what about you?"
Eddie also too found out that he was terrible at continuing small talk, or any type of talk in general.
However, with Eddie's response Bill almost stiffened up- with his prominent adam's apple bobbing up and down in his throat, signalling something had changed in this innocent conversation that Eddie was unable to figure out.
"O-Oh, I um, I-I share o-one of those spuh-special rooms with another g-guy, it's r..room 45 on the second f-floor."
Eddie could also pick up on how his stutter had gradually gotten worse within the few seconds between their answers.
"Oh!" Eddie nodded, tapping his fingers against the polished wooden desk to create a soothing rhythm for himself. "I didn't know you could share with others."
"Y-yeah, we've been friends since kids a-and when we first joined we.. we saw that it was an o-option in the leaflet."
Luckily for Eddie, he didn't have to respond as the receptionist at the office was quickly back in her seat with smudged crimson lipstick and a pen between her claws. Eddie gulped but before he could speak up, the woman cut him off.
"Oh you must be the newbie." She cooed, almost admiring him. "Edward Kaspbrak, right? Mhm honey, I've been expecting you- Mr.Maguire informed me about you."
"It's Eddie." Eddie spoke up, trying to be polite as possible.
He hated being called anything but his nickname that he had grown used to over the years, Edward was just too much and Eddie was simple.
"Oh alright, Eddie."
Eddie flashed his eyes down to her name tag on her blouse, the name Elaine imprinted onto the shiney gold. Of course her blouse had popped buttons upon her white blouse and her glasses were slid down to the tip of her nose. Her eyebrows were drew overly arched, almost Marilyn Monroe like; her hair was curled into tight ginger ringlets. If she wasn't wearing so much makeup, she'd probably look around mid-20's, however right now she seemed late 40's at the youngest.
Her green claws moved away from the pen and pulled out a cupboard near her feet, rummaging around for a few seconds before pulling out a sheet. She then handed it over the desk to Eddie, looking through her clumped lashes at him.
"I'll go get your uniform, honey."
"H-hey, can I-"
"Wait your turn, Billy." Elaine spoke sickly, standing up and flattening her skirt down before strutting into the back office.
Bill sighed exaggeratedly, rolling his eyes at her usual behaviour and drummed his fingertips into the wooden surface; his eyes rolling back to Eddie.
"Well... She's certainly a character." Eddie muttered, glancing at Bill.
"Y-yeah, she's banging the Principle."
Eddie almost choked.
Bill smirked at the smaller boys reaction, "Yeah, that's the only r-ruh..reason why she still has her stupid job. She can barely s-stand in her own heels, n-nevermind sort out who's timetable is which. I'm surprised his wife hasn't found o-out already."
"Wife?" Eddie expasterated, completely in awe of shock and disgust to already find out that an affair was taking place under the school premises.
"Yes, wife." Bill hummed, standing a little closer to Eddie and shakily picking up the sheet that was his timetable, "Lucky, she g-got yours right."
Eddie peeked at the sheet, wanting to see his classes and teachers.
Bill's eyes scanned over quickly, as if he was digging for information that he needed to confirm for himself- however, his eyes quickly settled on a class that he wasn't sure to expect or not.
Eddie felt his face flush lightly to a dusked rose, "Yeah, I suppose I take drama."
"Suppose?" Bill looked to Eddie.
"W-well.. I specifically asked for that to be my chosen subject."
"Ah." Bill confirmed it with his very eyes, "Well h-here."
When he handed the sheet back, Eddie could almost see something click in Bill's brain. But again, Eddie found himself to struggle why he saw that.
Bill then hummed between his stutters again, "W-well, I also saw you take History with a friend of mine, Mike. He's one of m-my teammates."
"Teammates?" Eddie asked, tilting his head.
"Yeah!" Bill smiled, his straight teeth poking through his lips. "W-we're on the b-basketball team."
"Oh!" Eddie nodded, trying to show as if he was impressed in order to seem kind to Bill. "So you're popular?"
Bill practically laughed in his face, in mockery of himself.
"P-popular? With this stutter? I wish." Bill's smile only grew in surprise to Eddie, "I-I also write a lot, which is n-not cool at all."
Eddie shrugged, "I think writing is pretty cool, it's cooler than acting."
"I write about c-creepy stuff, it makes m-me look weird." Bill stuffed his hands in the pockets of his pants and swayed back and forth onto his heels, then his tiptoes.
"Well, you're not weird to me Bill." Eddie spoke gently, smiling softly.
Bill just looked at Eddie with soft eyes, his eyelashes dangling over his own iris as he scanned the boy with his own thoughts battling against one another. Eddie, confused, just stared back awkwardly.
"I'm g-going to make an offer, Eddie." Bill paused, "And this is s-something I or we don't do anymore."
"Oh? Do go on." Eddie urged, his curiosity growing by the seconds.
Again, Bill was silent for a few seconds before clearing his throat.
"I'm willing to offer y-you a place in a club, there's si- I mean f-five of us, including myself. We're all weird or d-different and I think you'd fit in."
Eddie felt his heart skip a beat at the thought of actually being offered to practically make friends; his first day of school had not even started yet and this was already a sign of luck.
"What kind of club is it?" Eddie beamed, trying not to show too much excitement.
Bill poked his tongue into his cheek as if to think for a moment before finally finalizing on an answer, "Well... I guess i-it used to be a uh- well... A club where y-you'd go if you needed to t-talk to someone for help or to let something off your c-chest, a escape." He paused, his smile growing and infecting his face yet again. "Over time w-we all became friends, did things t-together and the club just became... ours. We call it the losers club now. Because w-we are all losers."
Eddie enjoyed watching how Bill was obviously happy reminiscing on how he met his friends and how he found his place in school, the nostalgia clearly softening him.
"Are you calling me a loser?"
Bill's smile quickly fell and his lips fell into an 'o' shape.
"No! It's just... I feel as if you'd fit in with us e-even though we might have differences, we call ourselves losers b-because its funny."
"Oh, are you sure they wouldn't mind? The rest of your members- friends, I mean." Eddie fumbled around with his words, his eyes flicking down to his pumps.
"They'll u-understand why you've joined, so they'll be f-fine." Bill grinned, cutting himself off at the sight of Elaine.
Her buttons were fixed this time, but her lipstick still remained trailed to her chin; a stack of clothing in her grip.
"I hope this is the right size, pudding." She dumped the fabric against the wooden surface, "Your Mother called up earlier and told us all of your measurements and sizes- even telling us what fabric is the best for you!"
Eddie felt ashamed.
"So this seems to be the best match, now you hurry along. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow sweetheart."
Eddie nodded frantically not bothering to say goodbye, scooping up his new belongings. Just as he was about to walk past Bill, he was stopped when Bill placed a hand on his shoulder.
"If you d-d-do want to join, go to the room next to the d-detention room just beside the cafeteria during breakfast time." Bill smiled, "W-we always provide breakfast anyway, so you won't g-go the day with an empty stomach."
Eddie nodded, making a mental note. "Got it. I'll see you there?"
"We will." Bill nodded, smiling as Eddie parted pathways with him.
That night Eddie laid in bed wide awake with his matching pyjamas, his eyes staring at the cracked ceiling above him with soft and strained eyes. His bambi like eyes were slid over with exhaustion, but for some reason he still couldn't sleep like he wanted to. Something about this very room seemed off, almost eerie.
His window was shut, along with the blinds and curtains. His door was shut and locked tight too. So why did it feel as if eyes were boring into him?
Everything about this place was just weird, more weird than expected.
This school was supposed to be strict and ordinary, like any other boarding school. But it wasn't. How is a married principle having an affair a receptionist normal? Also, the vibe of this school had gotten worse as the night ticked on. The building would constantly creak and the sound of the old grandfather clock ticking put Eddie on edge, despite his medicine calming him down as they usually would.
But what did that boy mean by 'you're next'? Eddie could only imagine the possibilities of what it could mean. Was he next on their list? Was he next to be shoved into a locker? Was he next to die?
Oh gosh, he didn't want to die.
Eddie's exaggerated thoughts quickly became calm whilst he turned onto his side, facing the chipped wall in order to cut off the feeling of being stared at.
With those thoughts pushed back, Eddie closed his eyes once again and brought up fluffy thoughts of rainbows and future dreams. Anything but thinking of how stressful and nerve wrecking tomorrow was going to be.
A/N: Thankyou for reading part 1!! Like I said at the top ^^ if you wish to be added to a taglist, please ask me in my inbox :)
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dreamhimcloser · 7 years
7 Stages Of What You Call The Person You're Dating
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Inspired by this boldly video.
Word count: 2,750. Genre: exclusively humor, fluff and a light will to bury yourself in the ground for being too embarrassing.
“So,” Joy took a seat you didn’t offer besides you, the cup she was holding in her hands releasing a cinnamon-y smell into the air. “Who’s that?”
Your hand itched to press the button that would shut your computer screen off and get the picture of Namjoon away from your friend’s eyes.
“Just… Someone I know.”
“Someone you know?” The tone and rising of her left eyebrow showed you just how much Joy wasn’t buying whatever you were trying to sell.
“Yeah, someone I know,” You leaned back in your seat, hopefully appearing enough laid back about this. “I’m allowed to know people outside of work, you know.”
“I know,” Joy’s hand wrapped around the mouse and you felt highly uncomfortable as she clicked through Namjoon’s picture, looking at him from every angle she was able to. “You’re allowed to know hot men outside of work, that is very correct.”
You groaned and took the cup from her hand. Joy didn’t even try to stop you, instead she pulled her chair closer to your desk. “Stop making noises, look at what a nice piece of ass you found.”
You willed yourself to ignore the whistle sound Joy made when the next picture appeared on the screen, taken from behind Namjoon to show off his shoulders and, well, ass.
“How do you know him?” Joy leaned her chin on her hand. She didn’t look at you once since she started looking at pictures of Namjoon, and until she spoke up you wondered if she even remembered that you were there.
“You know, from around,” You downed the last of her drink before setting the cup down. “Sometimes you just… know people.”
“I wish I could just sometimes know this kind of people,” Joy sighed and when the last picture didn’t change, she switched to web view just to start looking at the pictures again from the top. “I’d be doing a lot more then discreetly checking pictures of him at work if I did.”
You pressed your lips together as you eyed the pictures passing across the skin. Joy wasn’t lying, Namjoon looked crazy good.
“What’re you doing this weekend?” Wendy asked, her lips soon wrap around the straw of her drink.
You weren’t much of a drinker, but something about girls’ night out with a couple of cute drinks and some juicy gossip sat really well with you right before a weekend. You felt really comfortable around both Wendy and Joy too, so the conversation was good and helped you loosen up from every tiring week you had to go through at work.
You could feel Joy’s eyes on you, she already knew about your plans to see Namjoon this weekend. It was her fault anyways, after she got tired of looking at his pictures she started pestering you about wanting to hear his voice. The moment he answered the phone she draw big letters across your memo pad like she was silently yelling at you to suggest doing something in the weekend.
You lost your nerve after he told you about his day voluntarily and actually did what Joy aggressively suggested you’d do.
“I have a date with Grape Nerd,” You answered, feeling sort of like you lost when you heard Joy squealing besides you.
“We call him that because he has purple hair and he takes some hardcore math-history classes,” Joy filled the gap, watching with excited eyes as Wendy took in her information with a nod.
“Weren’t you dating fish necktie though?” Wendy’s eyes were on you even though it was so useless, Joy would jump in to speak before you could even string together a sentence anyways.
“Too childish, now Y/N has found herself a man,” Joy bit into her lip as she made an animalistic sound you didn’t know how to react to. “And what a man it is! Show her the picture.”
She started annoyingly poking your shoulder and you gave into her once again, pulling your phone out to show her the pictures. Joy snatched the phone right from your hand and leaned into Wendy to zoom in and out of every picture like she was showing her the highlights of poor Namjoon’s body.
You sort of felt ashamed of seeing this kind of behavior directed at someone who seemed like a really nice guy so far. Also, Grape Nerd was another concern to you. You were big on giving people nicknames because remembering names was kind of hard for you in the beginning, you never felt bad about narrowing the men you met down to a word or two but something about Namjoon just felt like… He deserved more than two words.
You suggested it out loud and regretted it almost immediately when Wendy decided his new nickname shall be Yum Butt Grape Nerd.
It didn’t make you feel any better.
Dates with Namjoon were fun.
He was always considerate of both your interests and his, and he always found fun things to do that you’d both liked. He took you to a poet museum once, the kind that takes inspiration from poems and pasters them all over the walls. You were awfully skeptical about it, but when you were actually there and Namjoon’s deep voice spoke stories into your ears, you couldn’t help but feel it. Namjoon’s enthusiasm grew on you and your interest in what else he had to say grew with each room you passed.
After the museum came a dinner at this place you spoke maybe a word about in the past, but Namjoon being Namjoon, he remembered and made sure you’ll visit it together. The food was just as good as recommended, but you had to be fair and say that the best part was the company.
The air outside was a bit chiller than what you prepared yourself to, and Namjoon solved your problem wordlessly and efficiently as he wrapped an arm across your shoulders. The wind got to your exposed skin less now and even though you held hands with him maybe once before, you felt comfortable to walk alongside him, tucked into his side.
It got a lot less comfortable when you spotted your coworker walking in your direction, his eyes just about to leave his phone –
“Hey, Jimin!” You greeting came out louder than you intended, but that was just the nerves. Your arm shot out to throw Namjoon’s from your shoulders, your legs taking you a step sideways and away from him quicker than you intended. You lost your balance just a little bit but caught yourself on Jimin’s arm as he leaned in to hug you.
Jimin smiled so lightly at you and you felt like one of those cartoons, like you broke into heavy sweat and it might pool at your feet. You ran the back of your hand against your forehead just to make sure it lacked the sweat drops you felt gathering there, “How are you?”
“I’m great, thank yo – “
Before he could finish replying to the first question you felt yourself already pushing the next one, another wave of heat from embarrassment washing over you. “How was your weekend abroad with Taehyung?”
You could barely hear Jimin’s answer over the pounding in your ears, but you could feel Namjoon’s confusion and slight uncomfortableness as he awkwardly stood beside you clear as day.
“Who’s this?” Jimin bowed his head politely and the taller man by your side, a gesture Namjoon returned.
“T-This is my, ugh, my,” Your tongue felt heavy as you tried every hard to make it seem like you’re looking at Namjoon when actually that’s the last thing you wanted to do.
“I’m Namjoon,” His deep voice cut off your horrible attempt at speaking, his hand coming out to shake Jimin’s.
Wrong. This moment is going to sting for a while, and there’s nothing you can do to change it. You made a bolded mental note to pay Namjoon back for having to go through it. You wasn’t even sure why you acted this way to begin with, it wasn’t like Namjoon was someone you were ashamed of.
You prayed he’d believe it when you’d tell him that exact thought later tonight.
You had very high and reasonable suspicion to believe Wendy and Joy woke up with the unexplained will to torture you. You knew they’d pester you about the date you had with Namjoon yesterday like they do every time. They always dig into it a little bit just to the point it made you the right amount of uncomfortable before they’re satisfied. You didn’t expect them to do it next to Jimin like they already knew what kind of terrible act he witnessed that one time he caught you in the middle of a date.
“By the way, Y/N, who was that guy you were hanging out with?” Jimin’s back was turned on the three of you, so he missed the comically widened eyes. Maybe he heard the smack of Wendy’s hand against your shoulder though.
“You know, just a guy that I,” You paused, leaning away from your friends to maybe avoid getting hit, “Hang out with.”
You barely dodged Joy’s flick.
“Hanging out with?” Jimin threw a raised eyebrow above his shoulder.
You wrinkled your nose at his obvious lack of help. “You know, a man that I see.”
“Romantically,” Joy emphasized her words with a wiggle of her eyebrows that made you want to be the violent one this time.
“Oh wow, a boyfriend?” Jimin’s hands closed around his cup as he hurried to take a seat at the desk, eyes shining with endless joy at unexpected gossip.
You started shaking your head, but Wendy’s loud voice swallowed whatever you decided to mumble as a response. “He sleeps at her house four times a week – “
“ – and sometimes on weekends – “
You clamped both hands on your friends’ mouth before giving Jimin an awkward smile, “We haven’t put a label on it yet.”
“But he is your boyfriend, right?”
Joy lowered your hand from her mouth and Wendy mimicked the action, but neither said anything. Three pairs of eyes looked at you and you wondered if this feeling you have in your chest is what stage fright feels like. “Yes, we’re dating,” You gestured wildly with your hands. “But what’s a title, really. You know.”
Jimin made a small sound, eyes watching you like he’s laughing at you as he took a sip from his coffee. He definitely didn’t know what you meant, but could see through the cracks of your nervousness.
You felt like Namjoon could smell the question you refused to voice in the air. You met each other in this warm and cozy café he went to when he needed inspiration to write, you actually walked in on him writing but he immediately shut his computer and focused solely on you the moment he saw you.
“You look like you have a question to ask,” He tilted his head as he watched you.
You thumbed the handle of the cup in front of you, which you finished almost in one chug.
The truth was you did have something to ask. There’s this party your office decided on throwing, and Wendy and Joy spent the last couple of days just nagging and pestering and making your time in the office almost impossible with their will to meet Namjoon.
When Jimin started joining them you felt like you could scream from the rooftops and it won’t help lessen your frustration. You could ask him to the party, he’s most likely to say yes since it’s been a while for you guys and you already feel like a couple even though you never declared it.
If made sense that your friends will finally meet him and it made sense for you to ask him to come with you. Everything made perfect sense and felt absolutely natural and you couldn’t push the question past your lips.
You felt the tip of his fingers brush against the hand you laid on the table to pull you out of your thoughts. You smiled at him, nervously at first until he returned it and you felt safer. Safe enough to maybe actually ask him this time around.
“My office is throwing this party, and – “ You shook your head lightly, squaring your shoulders in preparation. “I was wondering if you’d want to come with me.”
“Of course,” Namjoon’s words were soothing, and you let out the air you didn’t realize you were holding when you waited for his answer. “It sounds amazing.”
You smiled widely, shyly looking down when his touch against your hand progressed to him actually holding it. You gave him your hand willingly. “Wonderful.”
“Ah,” His deep voice dropped a little deeper when he dragged out the sound, centering your attention on his face once again. “Just, what will I be going as?”
Just like that the nervousness came back, crashing into you with a heat wave that very vividly flushed your cheeks. “Ah, my plus one?”
Namjoon ducked his head, a chuckle leaving him. He still looked amused which you took as a good sign, but you felt your eyebrows frowning. You wondered if Namjoon knows you well enough to read through this situation to what you really mean, instead of what your words wrongly implied.
“I was hoping to come as, you know, your boyfriend.”
The heat became worse with that simple sentence but this time, it was a good heat. You felt excited at hearing this word you thought and pondered about so much, finally spoken and not from your own lips. The look Namjoon gave you was almost worried and you suddenly realized he put himself on the line here, in a way you were too afraid to for the last couple of months. “You can. Most definitely yes you can.”
The worried look on his face quickly transformed into pure happiness, almost glowing as he lifted your hand to press two soft kisses against your knuckles.
“So, I’m meeting Namjoon’s parents this weekend,” You said absolutely nonchalantly in the high hopes that Joy would flip out.
You weren’t disappointed. “Oh my god, are you serious? I can’t believe you reached that point and you didn’t tell me about it! Me, who rooted for you from day minus five – “
“Who’s parents?”
You turned your head to find Jimin leaning against the buffer of your cubicle. “My boyfriend’s.”
Joy squealed a little too high in your ear, making you wince. “Her boyfriend!” She said in a tight voice, small noises following to make Jimin chuckle on your other side.
“Glad to hear you finally have a boyfriend,” Jimin nudged your shoulder with a fist, a wide smile decorating his pretty face. “We were starting to get worried about you and Yum Butt Grape Nerd, but there you go, finally we can shorten that to boyfriend.”
You had a little feeling Wendy would still keep calling him that, just because she was so proud of the nickname she came up with. Nonetheless, you couldn’t be happier that boyfriend finally came to cover for that embarrassment.
You stretched your body in Namjoon’s hold, raising your arms high with your back slightly arched away from him. It was a quiet Sunday, the first one in your new, shared home. Namjoon moved his chest forward to still touch your back and you chuckled at his chance of touch even though you’ll rest right back against him once your body felt a little less stiff.
“Namjoon,” You watched your boyfriend move his attention from the television to look at you, curious at why you spoke his name. You felt a little honored as the drama Namjoon’s been addicted to kept playing on the television in front of you, but Namjoon’s eyes remained on you.
“You know what you are?”
As always, he humored you, “What?”
“My cutie bear.”
Namjoon’s dimples flashed at you through his smile as he responded, “Yeah? Well, you’re my Lilliput.”
“Did you just call me short?”
“Yup,” Namjoon didn’t sound sorry at all, his eyes returning to the television.
“Still adorable.”
“Ew, Y/N, stop giggling at texts from Yum Butt Grape Nerd.”
“Wow Wendy, it’s been a year and his name is Namjoon.”
“How in the world do you expect me to remember that?” Wendy cheekily raised her eyebrows as she wrapped her lips back around her straw.
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barpurplewrites · 7 years
Easter Getaway
Part 12 of Bad Things
Gold Lace Fluff
Gold’s plans for Easter weekend involved a romantic get-away at his cabin in the woods. True the cabin was located in the woods that surrounded Storybrooke, so perhaps getaway was a bit of a stretch, but it would give Lacey and him some time to themselves away from the prying eyes of the rest of the town. The town had become obsessed with their relationship, Gold had thought that the interest would die down as time went by, but the longer he and Lacey were a couple the more nosey the townsfolk got about them. Their few appearances in the local paper probably hadn’t helped matters, but the attention was irritating, especially the speculation as to why they were together, and how long they would remain so.
The weather was typical for Good Friday, wet, cold, and miserable. Not that either of them minded once they had got a fire blazing away in the hearth and cracked open a bottle of wine. Saturday dawned bright and hot.
“We should sit out by the lake.”
“Did you remember sun block?”
Gold burned in the sun, and lobster red was not a good colour on him. Lacey rolled her eyes at him and waved the bottle of factor 50 she’d picked up at the pharmacy.
“See I can be organized.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
While Gold prepared them a brunch picnic Lacey made several trips out to the deck that was built by the lakeside. By the time Gold got out there with a basket filled with food and drinks she had constructed an easy seating area that could have served as a set for a film of Arabian Nights, she’d even pulled the parasol over so he could sit in the shade next to her in the sunshine. Even after six months of dating it made his heart flip that Lacey though of this little things for him; she’d also commandeered a tall plant pot to serve as a holder for his cane, when she spotted that he’d noticed that she grinned; “Figured we needed to corral it after all the times we’ve lost it.”
He had to laugh at that, the amount of times he’d ended up stranded on the floor because neither of them could remember when his cane had been abandoned was rapidly becoming a habit, not that Gold minded in the least, but his ankle had a different opinion.
Lacey bounced on her toes giving him a quick flash of the denim cut offs she was wearing under her beach cover-up.
“Is the caddy unlocked?”
“Aye. Not that many car thieves out in the woods.”
She gave him a thumbs up and bounced away, while she was gone Gold tucked his cane into the impromptu umbrella stand and settled himself on to the cushions in the shade with a happy sigh. Lacey had piled every pillow the cabin had to offer in just the right way to support his back and his gamy leg; he really needed to put a ring on this woman’s finger. Gold blinked hard at that stray thought, was he honestly considering proposing marriage after only six months of dating? Before he could answer that Lacey bounded back into sight carrying a beat up transistor radio. He watched her with a fond smile on his face as she twiddled the dials and angled the antenna until she landed on the classic rock station she was looking for.
“I could get wi-fi installed up here, then we could stream your Spotify playlists.”
Lacey’s hair fanned out around her head as she freed it from the hair band and shook her head at him.
“Nope, got to be a crackly transistor for a day at the beach, same rules apply for a day at the lake.”
Gold chuckled at her and caught her hand to give it a kiss, Lacey let her hand trail over his shoulder as she shifted behind him and gathered his hair in her hands,
“What are you up to?”
“Tying your hair back so I don’t get it covered in the factor billion sunblock I have to put on your pretty face.”
He snorted at her description of his features, but held still as she pulled his collar length hair back into a pony tail and secured it with the bright blue sequined band she had been wearing.
“You need a trim, getting split ends.”
“I’ll call Mott on Tuesday.”
Lacey shifted around him and settled herself in his lap. Gold closed his eyes as she started rubbing sunblock over his face. His nose wrinkled at when the scent of chemical coconut hit him. Lacey’s finger bopped his nose.
“Don’t bitch, it’s this or you burn and then peel and there is no way in hell I am sharing a bed with you when you’re moulting like a snake.”
He shuddered; “I don’t blame you, I don’t want to sleep with me when I’m peeling.”
Gold squirmed under her touch as her hands skimmed under the open collar of his loose linen shirt. Lacey appeared determined to cover as much skin as possible, he cracked an eye open: “I’m pretty sure the clothing will protect me, sweetheart.”
She leaned in close to his ear as her lotion slick hands slid further under his shirt; “I might go skinny dipping later, want to make sure you are prepared to join me.”
He growled and caught her head in his hands, pulling in her in for a fierce kiss. Lacey gave as good as he gave and by the time the need to breath forced them to pull back he looked more wreaked than she did mostly because her fingers had been scratching over his scalp and had made a mess of his temporary pony tail. He pulled the hair band out wincing as it tugged at his hair and shook his head in an imitation of her when she did this. Lacey laughed at him; “Don’t think Loreal will want you in their adverts any time soon.”
“Probably better for their bottom line that way,” – he picked up the bottle of sunblock and waved it hopefully, - “Your turn?”
Much to his disappointment Lacey stretched and rose from his lap. His pout vanished as she plucked at the ties of her beach cover up and shimmed out of it to reveal her skimpy cut-off jeans and halter top bikini top.
“My plan is to lie in the sun and have you hand feed that brunch you rustled up.”
He dropped the bottle of sunblock and placed his hand on his chest.
“Your servant, my lady.”
As the day warmed up and the picnic basket emptied Gold edged further into the sunshine and closer to Lacey’s side. She insisted on reapplying his sunblock, skimming her hands further and further under his shirt until he gave a growl and stripped out of it to grant her hands the access they were after. Her eyes roved over his bare chest, a wicked smile tugged at her lips.
“That happened faster than I thought it would.”
Gold’s hands skimmed over her bare midriff.
“Really? You should know by now that you just have to crook your little finger and I get naked for you.”
“Inside, yeah, but I wasn’t sure about the great outdoors.”
For a beat Gold felt panic. He’d worn his layers like armour for years, but Lacey had made him confident enough to shed them as easily as she brought a smile to his face and melted the mask of cold, indifference he wore. None of that had changed just because they were outside now, and they were on his property, there were very few hiking trails near-by. Why the hell shouldn’t he feel the sun on his skin and indulge Lacey in her skinny dipping idea?
He pushed her gently from his lap and rose to his feet. It took him a moment to find his footing on the soft pillow nest, but once he felt stable he gave her a cocky grin.
“How fast can you get out of those painted on jeans?”
Lacey stretched her arms and flexed her fingers; “Last one bare arsed has to cook breakfast in the morning.”
Gold huffed a laugh, knowing damn well that she was trying to get him to lose so he didn’t suffer burnt pancakes in the morning, Lacey was not at her best first thing.
“Okay, deal. On three?”
“Three, two, one!”
Of course Lacey won; partly because she was steadier on her feet than Gold and partly because he found her striping out of her clothes rather distracting. Gloriously naked and kissed by the sun Lacey whooped and dashed off toward the lake. Laughing Gold limped after her, his cane forgotten in his haste to wrap Lacey in his arms.
The sun was so warm and bright that they had both forgotten about the heavy rain that fell yesterday, the landscape had not forgotten. As Lacey neared the lake she slipped in a huge mud puddle, Gold shouted a too late warning and redoubled his efforts to get to her, which put too much strain on his ankle and he ended up on his arse in the same puddle. Lacey sploshed her way to him; “Are you okay?”
“Covered in mud, but I’m fine. You?”
“Covered in more mud than you, let me fix that.”
Gold yelped as she splatted a huge handful of mud over his head.
“You little rat!”
He lunged forward and wrestled her into the mud. They rolled over each fighting for control, laughing like crazy until Lacey cursed.
“Fuck! Ow! Stone!”
Gold pulled her on top of him, “Are you hurt?”
Lacey rubbed her back, “Might have a bruise. Shall we take a dip in the lake to rinse off?”
He ran his eyes over their mud streaked bodies, “Aye that might be a plan.”
They slipped and staggered out of the mud totally unaware that two pairs of startled eyes were watching them from the tree line. They didn’t find out about the witnesses to their muddy romp until they got back into town on Monday morning and saw the paper. On the front page was a grainy photo of them with the headline, “Does Bigfoot holiday in Storybrooke?”
After a carefully worded phone call to the offices of the Mirror Gold tracked down the photographers and found he couldn’t be angry with Ava and Nicholas Zimmerman.
“We knew it was you and Lacey, Mister Gold, but we made sure that you couldn’t tell that from the photo.”
“And you know Sidney Glass loves that sensational nonsense, so we thought we’d make a few dollars out of him.”
He’d managed to keep a straight face long enough to warn them about invading people’s privacy and the laws on trespassing, before making the kids promise that they would never reveal who was actually in the photos. By the time he got back home Lacey had framed the front page and hung it out of sight in the downstairs bathroom. When he asked her why, she shrugged; “I like keeping our press appearances, and this has got to be the strangest one ever.”
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jenmedsbookreviews · 6 years
Well this has been a week and a half. Well, technically it is a week and a day, but it one I would and wouldn’t like to repeat. It was with a very heavy heart that I had to say goodbye to poor old Mars on Tuesday. I discussed his condition with the vet and sadly she could tell the mass in his abdomen had grown dramatically in just a week. He wasn’t gaining weight even with the steroids and he was more and more tired so it was the kindest thing to do. I will miss him terribly, as does Luna who has had to say goodbye to both of her friends and really doesn’t know what to do with herself right now. I know the feeling.It didn’t make it easier that on the day in question, for the first time ever, WordPress through a wobbler and managed to delete the content of my post, a blog tour review for Louise Voss’s The Old You. A massive thanks to Jo Robertson for letting me know but I was awful rushing to prep the post while bawling my eyes out and trying to get to work. Apologies to Louise if my review wasn’t up to normal standards. I really did love the book. I was only working half a day too as on Tuesday afternoon I headed to London with Mandie for Johanna Gustawsson and Steph Broadribb’s joint book launch in Covent Garden. One moment of sun in a dark day. Well, that and the Chocolate bun from Ole and Steen. Well I was in mourning.
So, after that ordeal, I only had one more day to work last week as I was off to CrimeFest!!! Did I mention that? I think I may have … I’m not going to bore youa ll to death about it in this post, I’ll do a round up later in the week hopefully, but I will share a few book pics as I may have bought one or two whilst away.
Please note – Chris Whitaker loves me. Understandable as I am fab, but there you go. books I purchase this weekend are Big Sister by Gunnar Staalesen; Hell Bay by Kate Rhodes; Tall Oaks by Chris Whitaker; Hydra by Matt Wesolowski; Head Case by Ross Armstrong; Dark Pines by Will Dean; The Reckoning by Yrsa Sigurdardottir; and The Ice Swimmer by Kjell Ola Dahl. I also received copies of Ten Year Stretch, Hidden Killers andHer Name Was Rose and a signed copy of A Fractured Winter from the lovely Alison Baillie.
I’ll update you all on the CrimeFest shenanigans soon (ish) but I have to say one of the highlights for me was finally getting to meet Rachel Amphlett. I absolutely love her work and she so lovely. And tall. Thanks to Rachel and Nick for the photo – not embarrassing at all 🙂
When we meet again, I shall wear stilts …
In addition to the above books, I may have purchased a few and also received one direct. Books I bought are: The Taking of Annie Thorne by CJ Tudor; Cross Her Heart by Sarah Pinborough; My Husband’s Lies by Caroline England; Motherlandby GD Abson; The Watcher and Head Case by Ross Armstrong; Songs of Innocence by Anne Coates; The Echo Killing by Christi Daugherty and Murder Map by Richard Parker. I also received an advance copy of Seven Bridges from LJ Ross and Peter Ritchie’sShores of Death where I am also quoted inside.
Today I braved Ikea and went shopping for a new desk and chair. I am working from them now and am slowing building up a writing space. This is what I have so far…
I can tell you’re impressed. When I got home, I found that my certificates from my recent online courses had been delivered so I’m like a proper expert now. Or something. No – hold your applause now. This wasn’t neuro-science.
And apparently over the weekend I became the second funniest blogger in the Bloggers Bash Awards. Can’t help feeling the badge needs the world “place” in is as the wording makes it seem like a gentle put down lol. Thank you to everyone who voted for me but it is a weird category for me to be in really. I may be a funny/sarcastic Facebooker/Tweeter but my blog is actually full of really long and really boring posts. Not funny at all. Unless you’re laughing at my typos. Some of them are hilarious.
Now because of the cat and Crimefest, my reading has been pants this week. I finished Ten Year Stretch, plus I managed to read a couple of others, Murder at the Grand Raj Palace by Vaseem Khan and Seven Bridges by LJ Ross. You can read about them below.
Books I have read.
Ten Year Stretch – Crime Fest Short Story Anthology
Twenty superb new crime stories have been commissioned specially to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Crimefest, described by The Guardian as ‘one of the fifty best festivals in the world’.
A star-studded international group of authors has come together in crime writing harmony to provide a killer cocktail for noir fans; salutary tales of gangster etiquette and pitfalls, clever takes on the locked-room genre, chilling wrong-footers from the deceptively peaceful suburbs, intriguing accounts of tables being turned on hapless private eyes, delicious slices of jet black nordic noir, culminating in a stunning example of bleak amorality from crime writing doyenne Maj Sjowall.
The foreword is by international bestselling thriller writer Peter James. The editors are Martin Edwards, responsible for many award-winning anthologies, and Adrian Muller, CrimeFest co-founder.
All Royalties are donated to the RNIB Talking Books Library.
The contributors to Ten Year Stretch are: Bill Beverly, Simon Brett, Lee Child, Ann Cleeves, Jeffery Deaver, Martin Edwards, Kate Ellis, Peter Guttridge, Sophie Hannah, John Harvey, Mick Herron, Donna Moore, Caro Ramsay, Ian Rankin, James Sallis, Zoe Sharp, Yrsa Siguroardottir, Maj Sjowall, Michael Stanley and Andrew Taylor.
A cracking anthology which I have reviewed in full. You can find the links for the final few at the bottom of this post and can order your own copy here.
Murder at the Grand Raj Palace – Vaseem Khan
In the enchanting new Baby Ganesh Agency novel, Inspector Chopra and his elephant sidekick investigate a murder at Mumbai’s grandest hotel.
For a century the iconic Grand Raj Palace Hotel has welcomed the world’s elite. From film stars to foreign dignitaries, anyone who is anyone stays at the Grand Raj.
The last thing the venerable old hotel needs is a murder…
When American billionaire Hollis Burbank is found dead – the day after buying India’s most expensive painting – the authorities are keen to label it a suicide. But the man in charge of the investigation is not so sure. Chopra is called in – and discovers a hotel full of people with a reason to want Burbank dead.
Accompanied by his sidekick, baby elephant Ganesha, Chopra navigates his way through the palatial building, a journey that leads him steadily to a killer, and into the heart of darkness . . .
Started on audio, finished in book format, I do love an Inspector Chopra book. Murder, mayhem and missing princesses make for another cracking read. You can find your own copy here and my review will be published soon,
Seven Bridges – LJ Ross
Ryan’s most explosive case yet…
It’s been five months since a killer walked free and DCI Ryan is preparing to leave Newcastle to hunt him down – this time, for good. 
But Ryan’s plans are scuppered when events take a dramatic turn and he is forced to stay and face his past one last time, or watch a friend suffer the consequences. 
Amid the chaos, another killer is preparing to strike. When the Tyne Bridge explodes, Ryan’s team are faced with a frantic race to uncover a deadly foe who won’t stop until every bridge is burned, along with everybody on it…
Murder and mystery are peppered with romance and humour in this fast-paced crime whodunit set amidst the spectacular Northumbrian landscape. 
Love this series and this is another belter but writing the review will be tough as there is too much chance of a spoiler. So I will just say – read it. It’s fabulous. And if you do then no it’s not but yes it is me. You can buy your own copy here and my review will hopefully be up on publication day.
And that was it. You can catch up with my daily blog posts at the links below:
Ten Year Stretch Part 4: Ten Years of CrimeFest
The Old You by Louise Voss
Ten Year Stretch Part 5: Ten Years of CrimeFest
Ten Year Stretch Part 6: Ten Years of CrimeFest
Guest Review: Broken Bones by Angela Marsons
Dying Truth by Angela Marsons
Fault Lines by Doug Johnstone
Blog Tour: The Cathy Connolly Series by Sam Blake
Freefall by Adam Hamdy
This coming week I have a few tours to take part in and possibly some reviews if I get time. Tours are for As Good As Gold by Patricia Furstenberg; It Was Her by Mark Hill; The Chosen Ones by Carol Wyer; and Songs of Innocence by Anne Coates.
So that is it for now. I am hoping for a far less problematic week this week. Thankfully only four days at work for the next three weeks and then I am on on my hols. Cannot wait. Unbelievably I also celebrate my second blog birthday on Thursday. I am beside myself with excitement. Actually, I am quite impressed. Never been able to concentrate on anything for two years before. Go me,
Have a fab week all.
Rewind, recap: Weekly update w/e 20/05/18 Well this has been a week and a half. Well, technically it is a week and a day, but it one I would and wouldn't like to repeat.
0 notes
ponkinitha · 7 years
The last Weekend Coffee Share I put was in May. May. I haven’t been all that busy but the thing is that, I don’t realize the importance of time when I’m this free. I just loiter away time doing mindless things like play Super Mario or Solitaire, when I could study the present course (Gender and Sexuality), study Indian Polity or even Japanese. But nooo.
Instead, I wake up at 10, eat breakfast, sit and do nothing till 2, when I have to have lunch and leave for class at 4 in Rajajinagar. The only good thing about Rajajinagar is how I’ve discovered this fabulous place which sells flavoured tea. I’ve had two so far, Mango and chocolate, and there are so many more types! After I have had all of them, I plan on writing an elaborate post. Hopefully, next weekend will be it.
I come home at around 7 in the evening. I finish my work for the day (newspaper notes and whatnot) and then after dinner, I watch something. My ongoing K-drama currently is She Was Pretty, recommended to me by the lovely Parvathi (who is currently in another city from me and having a good college life) and I only have 5 more episodes to finish. I’m freaking loving it.
Then the cycle starts all over again.
Yesterday was Ganesha Chaturthi, and it was quite low-key for us this year, because not too many people came to visit our house.
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The tradition is that we keep an idol of Ganesha, preferably made from clay, and we perform a puja for it. at the end of the day, or end of three days, or however long you want to keep it, we submerge it in a body of water. The story is that Ganesha goes back home to his mother after you’ve had him in your house as a guest.
And this year, there have been so many new types of Ganesha, in the name of creating awareness and lake clean up, including a charcoal Ganesha and seed-ball Ganesha. Pappa was skeptical about them, so went with our good old fashioned, clay Ganesha, with no paint. We’d been buying from this called Raghu for years now, and each year, the idols are as beautiful as ever.
I have no idea what I did for the past few months, especially June and July. I had something to do starting August, but otherwise, nothing. I had decided to make postcards for the Bookstagram community, but I’m failing miserably to do so. I did make a few cards, however, for the Postcrossing Society of India, and they’ve loved it. I met with some of them last Saturday, and I had fun! There are loads of opportunities for printing my designs. I don’t think I can print them, at any rate, but let’s see. I’m open to options.
Let’s see, what else?
I had met up with a few friends on my friend Salka’s birthday. And after that, on Independence day, Smriti left for Wageningen, the Netherlands, for her higher studies. Prince sent me a postcard with a cryptogram message, which I have to crack now, for which I have less than 0% ability. Let’s see. He sent me an easy one, apparently, so I shall try it soon.
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  Too much excitement to take a solid picture. 
  The only good thing to come out of August was my weekly planning layouts. I started with a theme and developed on it. August was all grey and black, because of the monsoons. It has rained almost every night for the past two weeks. I also started a Daily Writing Planner, where I write everyday, 500 words. It went great for a few days, and I stuck to the routine, but then it fell away unceremoniously.
My best friend from school has started her masters after securing 1st rank in her final year!! I’m going to see her so much lesser. And Sam is also starting her masters in Conservation Future from September 4th. They are all growing up and I’m still here. Hopefully not for long.
August, September, and October call for a lot of festivals, so Akka has been home a lot. I’m happy that she is because I’ve missed her. On the 22nd of August, it was Howie D’s (of the Backstreet Boys) birthday, and usually, VH1 hosts a show playing all the music videos of the band. They do this for most singer/band member’s birthday, and this time, I’m glad I saw it early. I watched it with Amma, who, well, kept making fun of the videos, but I sang it out loud all alone. It was quite sad, because my sister is my singing partner, especially when it comes to the Backstreet Boys. God knows how it’ll be when I move away to study or when she gets married. She doesn’t want me to go, but I need to. For me.
I was also trying to make her jealous. She was stuck in her office, bored out of her head, and I sat all by myself and sang the Backstreet Boys’ songs.
My Japanese learning is going quite badly. I had been too distracted to study for a while, and I’m trying to get back on track. It’s not very hard, but I need proper dedication for it. Which I lack, at the moment.
Before this “break” started, I had so many plans, and I haven’t followed a single one of them. And I sort of like where this year is going. Also sort of not. I’m just becoming a lazier bug, and nobody can help that but me.
  Weekend Coffee Share #16 The last Weekend Coffee Share I put was in May. May. I haven't been all that busy but the thing is that, I don't realize the importance of time when I'm this free.
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