#also sakura kiss for piano ???? what if i killed myself
genderqueer-karma · 8 months
ouran high school host club is so cool i wish classical music was real
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Matchup <3
Hi! Can I please request a matchup? I’m a 5’1 pan female with long hair that fades from red to blonde. I am very curvy/busty and I am very insecure about it, which leads to me shutting myself out from others. I am very soft-spoken, intelligent, patient, and I get flustered extremely easily. I love to play the ukulele, and sing! Learning is something I really enjoy doing, mostly because I am a very curious person. I have been bullied for most of my life because I am really shy. Most of my past bullying has come from people I called my friends, which left me with some deep trust issues. Loud people, noises, and places tend to make me kind of anxious. I don’t have many friends, but I treasure the ones I have. I’m also an INTJ, Aquarius and Hufflepuff! Thank you so much!
Hi, there love! Thanx so much for the request! I hope you enjoy and have a good day!  (◡‿◡✿) Hope you didn't wait too long for this love!  
So I match you with……………………. Kenshin
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Everything was so loud and overbearing. You had just saved a man twice your size from being burnt to a crisp in a fire. He whisked you off with him to the enemy camp and all the screaming and shouting between Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi was starting to make you anxious. You were feeling on edge the entire time. You finally cracked when Nobunaga pulled you close and asked you to rule the world by his side. You looked up into his red eyes and made up your mind. You broke loose and ran. You ran and ran and ran until you almost ran yourself off a cliff. Thank goodness for Yukimura. He was clumsy and gruff, but he definitely wasn’t the scariest man you had met that night. You stepped back from Yukimura and looked around at the new group of men before you. They had a  calmer aura than the oda forces, and a particular man caught your eye. 
A tall, pale man, who shone in the moonlight, he looked otherworldly, and you found that you couldn’t tare your eyes away from him. His eyes were captivating, and you found something in them that you very much related to….loneliness. You could see in his eyes he also had trust issues like you, he also was lonely like you, and someone dear to him had also caused him pain like you.
Sasuke broke your focus on the ice prince when he pulled you aside to explain what had happened to you tonight. You were shook. Never in a million years did you think you would be sent back into the past. You were on the verge of tear, you felt so alone and scared. Kenshin saw the look on your face, and something urged him to comfort you and offer you a place to stay. He stalked up to you and Sasuke and declared that you were coming to stay with them. After he made the announcement, he mounted his horse and offered you a hand up. You had no time to think as before you knew it you were on a horse with Kenshin and on your way to Kasugayama Castle.
They had given you the most beautiful princess room. It wasn’t even 10 minute since your arrival and Shingen had already paid you a visit and started flirting with you mercilessly. Thank goodness Kenshin came to check on you at that exact moment to save you from the flirt. You had lock yourself in the room for a few days now. You were feeling anxious and shy. You were used to shutting yourself off from the rest of the world, and being in the past was no exception. Whenever one of the warlords would pop into your room for a visit, you would just sit in silence and listen to them talk. You hadn’t seen Kenshin since the night he saved you from Shingen’s flirting, and TBH you hadn’t left your room since the day you arrived.
Kenshin was starting to get worried about you. There was just something about you that he couldn’t ignore. He wanted to get to know you, but he was scared of his curse. It wasn’t until the maids had told him that you weren’t eating or leaving your room that he sprung into action.
He was a clumsy man when it came to women, as he had isolated himself from women for most of his life, due to his curse. He looked out the window, contemplating how he would go about making you feel more comfortable during your stay, when his gaze fell on the mountain of sleeping fluff. He got up from his writing desk and made his way to the kitchen to make the two of you some lunch, he then summoned his bunnies to follow him. 
He knocked on your door, and slowly opened it peeking inside your room. He saw you sitting in the corner of the room, relaxing and reading in the sun. He gave you a gentle smile “I heard you haven’t been eating.” You looked up and gave him a shy smile. He made his way across your room to make the two of you some tea and then came to sit across from you. He looked up at you expectantly pushing the plate of pickled plumbs closer to you. You gently took one and took a bite. Kenshin smile triumphantly the second he saw the delight in your eyes and the small smile on your lips. You looked up at Kenshin’s smile and your breath caught in your throat, he had a bright smile, capable of melting even the coldest of winters. 
The two of you sat and ate pickled plumbs in a comfortable silence, when all of a sudden, a bunny came hopping into your room. The little snow-white bunny curiously made his way to jump straight onto Kenshin’s lap. You looked at the bunny curiously, which didn’t escape Kenshin’s eyes. “Would you like to pet her,” your eyes lit up in joy as you gave a small nod. “Umi call your brothers and sisters to come and play.” The bunny then hopped out of the room and returned a few moments later with an avalanche of bunnies. You gave Kenshin the biggest brightest smile and reached out to pet one of the buns. Soon you found yourself slowly opening up to the god of war. You started telling him about the different books you had read about rabbits. The two of you chatted the afternoon away, sipping on tea and playing with the bunnies. When it came time for Kenshin to get back to work, you felt slightly deflated, Kenshin saw the sadness in your eyes. “I will come by for a visit tomorrow,” he then gave you a small smile and left.
It had now become a daily occurrence for Kenshin to visit you and bring you some lunch so the two of you could eat together. As time went by, you, found yourself more and more drawn to the god of war. You confided in each other and told each other all the past traumas that hunted you. When Kenshin heard that your previous friends had betrayed your trust and bullied you, he was furious. He wanted to go to the future and kill them for hurting someone as sweet and kind as you. He loved your soft-spoken personality, you were so cute and sweet it low key reminded him  of his beloved bunnies. 
As the two of you started to get closer, you started leaving your room more often. Kenshin took you on a tour of his castle and of the Kasugayama’s market. Your tea dates would often now be in one of Kenshin’s favourite tea houses. He knew you hated loud people and places so he would be sure to always take the quiet route. He would hold your hand tightly the whole time, glaring at anyone who dare come too close to you. Even the bunnies would come along on your market trips as back up. 
They would happily hop alongside you and Kenshin glaring at anyone who would dare come near the two of you. You especially loved it when Kenshin would take you and the bunnies to a nearby flower field. It had become your new favourite spot. He would set up a picnic blanket under a big sakura tree, and the two of you would sit in the shade, sipping on tea and watching the bunnies play. You knew Kenshin worked hard and was often tired so you would let him rest his head on your lap. The two of you weren’t in a relationship yet, but both of you loved each other. You loved to sit and read while gently pulling your fingers through Kenshin’s golden locks as he rested.
Gosh, Kenshin just love everything about you. One day, as he was working on some important document, heard music coming from the castle music room. He followed the beautiful music, and as he got closer and closer, he couldn’t help but smile. He had never heard you sing before and the second you started to sing along to the song you were playing his heart had been won. He stood and watched you play and sing from the doorway, entirely enchanted by your beautiful melodious voice. When your song ended, you were startled by the sound of clapping. Kenshin gave you the softest most gentle smile “Absolutely beautiful.” You were feeling a bit bashful, so you gave Kenshin a small, shy smile. Gosh, all Kenshin wanted to do was kiss those beautiful lips. He smiled and made his way to the piano in the middle of the room he held out his hand for you to come closer and join him at the piano. Once you sat beside him, he started to play. 
It was a light romantic melody filled with love and untold emotions. He then began to sing, it was a song he had heard you quietly hum to yourself as you read. He legit looked you dead in the eyes as he sang “Wise men say only fools rush in, But I can’t help falling in love with you” Although he sang softly, it was laced full of love and adoration for you, and you couldn’t help sing along. As the last note was played, Kenshin couldn’t help but gently pull you in for a sweet kiss. And that my friend is how your relationship started
The two of you spent every possible moment together, you loved to sit in his room and read while he worked. He loved how curious and cute you were. You truly did remind him of a curious bunny. He loved the way your doe eyes would light up with curiosity whenever the two of you went out. He especially loved it when you were too bored to read, and you would watch him work “What are you writing Kenshin” HE would give you a sly smile and say that it was a secret. He loved the little pout that you would make and the way your eyebrows would raise, indicating that you were now even more curious. After a few moments, he would hand you a letter “There done!” You would slowly open it, and you couldn’t help but smile. It was a small little love letter with the cutest doodle of a bunny at the bottom. He loved how easily you get flushed, and he can’t help but tease you sometimes, just to see your beautiful blush spread across your face
This boy is absolutely smitten with you, and he can’t help but, want to be always near to you. He loves to hold your hand, wherever the two of you are, whether it is walking in the markets or during banquets, he loves the way you small hand fits so perfectly in his. He will play with your fingers and rub small circles on the back of your hands. 
You are the only one who can calm him down, who can keep the demons that haunt him in check, and the only one who can stop him from spontaneously fighting Sasuke and Yukimura during banquets. Just as he would start to pick a fight, you squeeze his hand and look at him with the sweetest smile “But Kenshin If you fight them, who is going to keep me company” that is enough to make him melt into a puddle. He also loves to pull you in his lap during the banquets and just hold you. When things start getting too rowdy and loud he will gently lead you by the hand outside to your favourite spot in the garden, where you will continue having a private banquet just for two, under the quiet of the moonlight
Kenshins all-time favourite though is just to hold you in his arms while he gently traces every curve of your body. He loves everything about you and, he thanks his lucky stars everyday for having met you. He treasures you in his heart, his love, his bunny, his sweet goddess of war
Other potential matches............ Hideyosi
I hope you enjoyed it dear! ❤🔥@shslpotato
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suteshiro · 5 years
ALL of the asks.
Hey! I didn’t get to this right away so I’m making an educated guess on what ask meme this was for ksjvnksjfnv
chocolate: when was your first kiss?
Ah,, haven’t had that yet!
french vanilla: how old are you?
I’m 18 babey
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
America, Canada and I can’t really think of anywhere else because I just really want to see my friends skvjnfkjv
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
Probably Japanese! Hindi might be neat too
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
I’m not that into cosmetics skvnsjkfv but theres this one brand that keeps making Sailor Moon themed makeup, I think it’s Creer Beaute? I can get behind that. 
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
I’m an indoors guy
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
I’m learning the guitar! It’s mostly my voice tho
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
Rn I have All my loving stuck in my head skjfvnskjfv but I think my current favs are What’s a devil to do, Mordred’s Lullaby and Kick it up a notch? Idk, all I’ve been listening to lately is this one playlist i made for my character and every song there is great
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
Hijo de la luna has been in my heart for forever and will probably always be
Love like you is,,, very dear to my heart as a song that I can very much relate to
I can’t think of anything else at the moment sknsfvn
cheesecake: what's your zodiac sign?
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
Depends!! The pool is my fav by default bc I don’t have to deal with things like. The sun. But when I went to Córdoba with my friends and we hung out at the river I had a blast
chocolate chip: what's your most popular post?
A really dumb Yugioh shitpost sknvjsfvk it’s been years and every now and again it comes back and I die inside
bubblegum: books or movies?
hhhhhh both? A while ago I would’ve said books and they’re very dear to my heart but I’ve been having a harder time reading fiction lately. and I think there’s a certain beauty to cinema
pistachio: manga or anime?
Manga!!! Anime’s great tho. I have a great amount of respect and love for voice actors so I always love watching animated media
salted caramel: favorite movies?
Ponyo, Princess Mononoke, Princess Kaguya and Nausicaa of the valley of the wind are all. very very dear to my heart
Conqueror of Shamballa is also a fav skfvnskjfvn
Oh! And Moana!
I’m sure I have quite a few not-anime favs but I can’t think of any rn ksvjfnkfv
birthday cake: favorite books?
Geisha, a life by Mineko Iwasaki is very important to me. When I was a kid I was amazed by how much I related to her and really wanted to be like her. Also I just think it’s really cool that she went out of her way to right the wrongs of Memoirs of a Geisha (which I am upset about, let it be known)
Betibú by Claudia Piñeiro is a really really good Argentinian murder mystery and i looove it
Also Argentinian, I’m a big fan of La Doncella Roja/The Red Maiden
moose tracks: favorites for manga?
Uzumaki by Junji Ito!!!
Mermaid Saga by Rumiko Takahashi was very sadly short but I loved every second of it
orange sherbet: favorites for anime?
Card Captor Sakura and FMA03 are probably my absolute favorites
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
i don’t know what counts as an academic subject skjvnksfjvn
one of the subjects i have in school rn is based around making a videogame and im having a blast
in General Aspects I love art and have great appreciation for computer science in theory though im starting to doubt whether its My Thing academically
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
sadly no
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
fuck, I think it was like 6 or 5 years ago by now skvjnskfn and it was to be able to browse tags easier I believe
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
warm, windy, cloudy
black cherry: four words that describe you?
Kind, loving, needy, emotional ksjnsfjn
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
trying to approach a wide subject im not familiar with. even when i know i can handle it and have an idea of where to start its just so overwhelming
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
probably pop? I don’t know honestly
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
Bonafide, Royal, Cofler I think
toffee: a card game that you're good at?
I don’t fancy myself very skilled in any card games honestly skjvnskfjvn I enjoy this one called We didn’t playtest this at all. Oh and I love Uno/Crazy 8s
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
Yes!!! Every morning. Sometimes I forget to eat but I try to be very consistent with That
dark chocolate: turn ons?
Am I allowed to talk about this? Can I be horny on main?? Is this allowed??
fudge: turn offs?
See above skjnskjfvn 
peach: how do you relax?
if I’m doing real bad my go-to is a ghibli movie and some tea. I like laying down and playing games on my phone or reading to chill
praline: a popular book you haven't read yet?
there’s so manyyyy
The Magnus Chase saga I really want to read
Also Good Omens
superman: do you like sweaters?
Yes!!! but only if they’re Really soft
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
around 80% of my liquid intake is iced tea ksjvfnsfv mostly peppermint. I enjoy coffee when I’m made to drink it because I sweeten it to death but honestly I don’t drink it by choice unless I have to stay up quite a bit
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
well, i really want to get into the guitar, but also I would love to... piano
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
just a few times, but yes!!
latest time was when a friend narrated to us the story of his fish and it fucking killed me, I wish there was any way for me to replicate that mess
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
Give me an easy way to block through my side blogs pls
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
im having a Lot of trouble thinking of them rn ksjfvnkjsfnv but i just saw @un-repentant in my dash and everything they ever put in their blog is great
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
I,,,,, didn’t watch Mean Girls, 
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
They’re not painted, sadly
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
Nope! I mean, I have had my feelings reciprocated but nobody’s come up to me to tell me they liked me without prompting on my side
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
Yup! Still do
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
Not often which is a shame bc I love them
mint: the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
I don’t wanna think about it skjvnksjfnv
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
I love it and it’s sad bc I’ve only eaten it twice in my entire life
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
Cuddling with a good good friend,
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
Yes! I can barely see without them ksjfvnkjsfv
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
Mint with chocolate chips, bitter chocolate? idk how to name it in English, white chocolate and Kinder chocolate
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Danganronpa: Another IF (Chapter 4, Part 1)
            Makoto winced sympathetically as he massaged Maizono’s shoulder in her sleep. They were snuggled up together on his bed again, and had been like that for most of the day, ever since the trial ended.
            Sakura Oogami… had given her life so that he – they – could live. That was the execution she was forced to endure. That was the execution they all nearly had to go through because of that demented bear’s idea of, “an eye for an eye.” After they were released, Monokuma had explained to their shell-shocked selves that they were placed in danger because Togami had broken all those school cameras, and they had done nothing to stop him. They were just lucky that Sakura had managed to stop that train for them…
            Yet that didn’t stop Makoto from feeling righteous anger. Never mind endangering him, Makoto was angriest about Monokuma endangering Maizono and the others. All for a petty reason that they should never have been held accountable for. That was twice now that Monokuma directly interfered with them, spurring certain classmates to murder. Sakura might’ve been a mole intended to eventually commit murder anyway, but that was all because Monokuma had been holding her dojo hostage. There wasn’t any choice on Sakura’s part, nor on Celes’s part after the monetary motive was presented.
            Makoto… didn’t know how to feel about Togami. But he certainly felt like the heir had been a victim in all of this as well, even if he had murdered Yamada in cold blood. This school life of mutual killing was a sick joke that had gone too far, making them all do things they would never do…
            The one thing that stemmed Makoto’s righteous anger… was the concern his friends had for him after the execution. Junko, Celes, Fujisaki, Mondo, Leon, Sayaka… even Kirigiri seemed less distant than usual. He had hugged a sobbing Sayaka to him so tightly, Even though he hadn’t been injured, he had worried her so much, and he was very apologetic for it. He apologized to all of them, even though they insisted he didn’t need to do that.
            Monokuma had moved them back to the trial ground eventually, where they stayed for a while, consoling one another. Not even Mondo or Leon objected to Celes’s presence, and Naegi comforting her. The gambler had been reticent, but she had not objected to Naegi’s attempts at consoling her.
            Eventually, they left the trial grounds and returned to their rooms. Well… truth be told, Makoto assumes that Mondo, Leon, Fujisaki, and Junko hung out in the cafeteria for a bit. Makoto wondered if he and Sayaka shouldn’t have done the same, but he was so tired… and she was so tired. Kirigiri believed they should just allow themselves time to grieve and come back from all this – which is why no one stopped Celes from returning to her room.
            The nighttime announcement had come and gone. Tomorrow morning, a new floor would be open to them. But for the moment…  Makoto devoted his energies to consoling Maizono and resting. She was already riddled with worry over what might have happened to her idol group; he hated causing her more distress, even if it was through no fault of his own.
            “I promise to get you out of here…” Makoto solemnly whispered again. On instinct, he kissed her forehead, and his cheeks were rosy afterwards, but he nuzzled into her affectionately.
            None of them deserved any of this… But they’d make it through together. They had to. They couldn’t let Sakura’s sacrifice be in vain.
            The next morning, Makoto and Sayaka made their way to the breakfast meeting. Kirigiri and Fujisaki were there, and it didn’t take long for Leon, Mondo, and Junko to arrive.
            “Are we… down to only seven who’ll show up for breakfast…?” Fujisaki asked dejectedly.
            “That’s half of what we started with…” Leon groaned. Kirigiri gave a wry smile.
            “I can’t blame you for feeling lonely…”
            “Yeah…” Junko mumbled.
            Seeing the dim mood in the dining hall, Oowada growled in frustration before yelling.
            “That’s it! Let’s just eat until we drop! Don’t use this time to be all mopey… You’ll all feel better on full stomachs!”
            Leon quirked an eyebrow at the biker, arms crossed.
            “Speakin’ from experience, dude?”
            Mondo rubbed the back of his head, looking down.
            “… I guess you could say that…”
            Kirigiri shook her head in light amusement.
            “Well, it’d be bad if we ate until we actually dropped… We have exploring to do later, after all.”
            “Oh yeah… A new floor’s opened up,” Fujisaki muttered.
            “Plus, we have Alter Ego! We’re not completely devoid of hope!” Sayaka beamed reassuringly.
            Makoto chuckled.
            “Yeah, you’re right. Gotta stay optimistic.”
            Mondo gave them all a thumb’s up and a wide grin.
            “That’s the way! I know Bro for sure wouldn’t want us stayin’ down in the dumps!”
            Neither would Sakura or Asahina, Makoto nodded in agreement. Leon grinned as he rubbed the back of his head.
            “Yeah, we’d better start thinkin’ about what we’re gonna do when we get out of here! We gotta be close by now!”
            And then, an unexpected voice broke through their chatter.
            “Ah, my apologies for being late.” Celes greeted pleasantly as she entered the cafeteria. Aside from Leon looking at the gambler in annoyance, the rest of them were just surprised she joined them so soon… or that she joined them, period.
            Really, after the revelations from last trial, a number of them expected Celes to act on her own from now on, to become the ‘new Togami’ so to speak. Though that didn’t seem to be the case, as she gracefully took a seat that wasn’t far from Naegi and Maizono.
            “C-Celes…” Fujisaki stuttered out, unsure of how to feel about this. The goth acted slightly surprised at Fujisaki’s attitude.
            “Hmm? Is it not time for the breakfast meeting? It is only natural I join you all.” Celes giggled, folding her hands under her chin and beaming at the programmer.
            Mondo scowled at her.
            “’Scuse us for bein’ surprised you’d show up at all, considering you told us point-blank you don’t give a shit about any of us!” His accusation was sharp, but the gambler seemed to take it in stride.
            “I will admit… I wronged you all. In my desperation to escape, I would have thrown you all away for my sake. To live out my dream, I would have murdered you all if that was what it took. There is no denying it.”
            While the honesty was refreshing, it did make all of them uneasy. That Celes was willing to commit murder… willing to murder all of them, it made Makoto wondered what she was thinking right now. Had she changed at all, or was she trying to get close to them to lower their guard?
            … No, that didn’t make sense. To get close to them right after her murder attempt, and to be so honest with them like this, Celes couldn’t be planning to try again so soon. No one was going to extend her even an iota of trust for some time.
            “Damn.” Leon’s arms were still crossed as he looked at her disapprovingly. “Do you even have a heart in there, you gothic Lolita-wearing addict?”
            Celes tilted her head to the side away from the baseball star as a hand was over her mouth.
            “You are asking if I feel regret for my actions… The short answer is that no, I do not. I could not possibly regret trying to escape. My dream does not allow me to remain here, and cooperation has done nothing to aid our escape.”
            Makoto blinked before narrowing his eyes. There was something about the way she answered Leon that made him pause. While it did sound like Celes was being frosty toward Leon, and them by extension, she also gave only the short answer. Did that mean… she was going to try to feel sorry? To make amends?
            “Wh-What’s your dream?” Fujisaki asked the question on all their minds. In all the time she’d brought it up, Celes had never elaborated on it.
            “To live in a European castle, of course.” Celes giggled at all their gobsmacked expressions. “And to surround myself with the most gorgeous men in the world, to live as my butlers that dressed as vampires… It is quite a lofty dream, but it befits one of my stature, yes?”
            None of them knew how to respond to that. None of them wanted to respond to that…
            “You were gonna kill us all just to live in a fucking castle… You really are a damn cold-hearted bitch!” Mondo growled.
            As Celes tinklingly laughed, putting most of them on edge, Makoto couldn’t help noticing it was a hollow laugh. It was looking like he would have to talk to her later… just to see what had changed. Had their talk during the last investigation helped her at all?
            They’d just have to see.
            ‘The fourth floor opened up this time…’ Makoto noted after they all made their way upstairs after breakfast. ‘I hope we can find some answers this time… No, I guarantee we will…!’
            The hallways on this floor didn’t just go in one straight line. One branch seemed to go around in a rectangle, while two other branches led to rooms that didn’t seem to be normal classrooms. The stairs that led to the fourth floor were directly across from more stairs that led up to another floor, meaning there would be more to explore.
            Hopefully there wouldn’t be another murder to cause that gate to open.
            “Damnit… locked tight.” Mondo grumbled as he attempted to open a door with a sign over it that read ‘Data Processing Room’. Makoto and Sayaka watched him stalk off around the corner to the other classrooms, and decided to let him have that side.
            “Hey, Makoto… Let’s go check out this room over here!”
            Seeing Maizono point to a set of double doors that was down another branch of hallway across from the Data Processing Room, Naegi shrugged, and they went to check the room out. When they entered, Sayaka gasped in amazement and bounced on her heels a little. Makoto chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. Of course she’d be excited about this.
            “Makoto, they have a stage!” Sayaka let out breathlessly. “A music room!”
            “It looks less like a classroom, and more like a concert hall.” Makoto mused appreciatively. There was a recording booth behind a nice set of windows, lots of chairs, and a magnificent grand piano set up on the stage. A lightbulb went off in his head as he considered the room. “You should hold a concert in here for everyone, y’know? I bet that’d be a great way to connect with everyone!”
            At his suggestion, Sayaka’s eyes sparkled, and she excitedly planted a kiss on his cheek, not even blushing as she withdrew due to how pumped she was by that idea.
            “You’re absolutely right…! I haven’t gotten to sing on a stage since coming here, and it’s been driving me nuts!”
            As she began to run off toward the sound booth, Makoto called after her.
            “H-Hey! Where you going?!”
            “I’m gonna see how well-equipped this room is! You can go ahead and tell me about the other rooms later!” She called back.
            Makoto chuckled weakly and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Seeing Maizono anything like her usual bubbly idol self… It warmed his heart to see she could still be happy, even after the last trial. He blinked as he registered Kirigiri approaching him.
            “Seems like she’s back to her usual self.” The mysterious girl remarked casually. Makoto just rubbed his head bashfully.
            “Yeah… I’m glad. This room’s going to do wonders for her. She’s been singing to me when we’re alone, but if she gives all of you guys a concert, I think she’ll feel a lot better.”
            Kirigiri simply smiled and said nothing more on it. Though her eyes did become slightly more serious.
            “Naegi. I wanted to tell you since you’ve been named the ‘leader’ of sorts. I found a secret room in the men’s bathroom on the second floor.”
            Makoto blinked at that random bit of information. He opened his mouth to speak, but she brought a finger to her lips to remind him to speak quietly, as her eyes panned over to the camera of the room.
            “A secret… room?” He mumbled. “What the heck was in it?”
            “Nothing much.” Kirigiri revealed. “If I had to describe it, it was like a small office area, with a desk and some shelves with files. Sadly, no helpful information for us. The important thing, though, was how there was no camera in that room. Meaning that it may be another blindspot for the mastermind.”
            Makoto processed what Kirigiri had to say, and then rubbed his chin.
            “What in the world is a room like that doing in Hope’s Peak…? If it was, like, in the Headmaster’s office, I could sorta understand. But in the bathroom on the second floor? That seems way too random.”
            Kirigiri didn’t appear to have a comment on that, turning on her heel and leaving the room.
            “While we don’t know the purpose of that room, if it even has one for the mastermind, we might be able to find a use for it later. Either way, I just thought I would tell you. Goodbye.”
            Makoto chuckled sheepishly as he was left to his own thoughts.
            “… It’s so weird being a leader… especially a leader of all these amazing people.” As he scratched his cheek in embarrassment, Naegi sighed and decided to move on. It never did good to dwell on his own insecurities.
            Mondo and Leon were apparently checking out the two classrooms on this floor, so Makoto left them to it. Fujisaki had found the chemistry lab, which was the closest room to the closed off stairs that led to the fifth floor. The programmer was apparently nervous that someone might use the poison left on a section of shelves, but Naegi assured him they’d be okay. There were eight of them left, and they were growing closer than ever. Monokuma would have to coerce someone into killing again, and Makoto doubted he’d interfere in the game a third time.
            … Or at least, he hoped that damn bear wouldn’t twist their arm again.
            “Ah, Naegi.” Celes greeted as the Luckster turned onto the second branch of hallway that had a staff room and another set of double doors at the end. “Come to investigate these rooms, have you?”
            Makoto nodded in confirmation.
            “Yeah… They’re the last rooms I haven’t seen yet. Do you know what’s behind those doors?” He pointed to the end of the hall, but the gambler shook her head solemnly.
            “Unfortunately, I do not. They appear to be locked. Enoshima is looking into the staff room, so I left her to it.”
            “I see…” Makoto mumbled. He had a small debate with himself before reaching a decision. “Hey, Celes? Do you mind if I ask how you’re doing?”
            The goth beamed pleasantly, though Naegi was able to tell there was a level of uneasiness behind that smile. She knew what he was really asking, and she probably didn’t want to talk about it yet.
            … But she knew that she would at least have to talk about it with him.
            “Not at all. I am… fine.” She brought a fist to her mouth, though Naegi could see her frowning behind it. “You… gave me much to think about, Naegi. I cannot say how much will actually change… But I shall at least… think on everything.”
            Makoto let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. It looked like his intuition was correct. Celes wasn’t planning another murder… at least, not yet.
            “You could tell everyone that you’re at least reflecting on all of this.” He couldn’t help but suggest. He knew it was futile, given Celes’s personality, but he wanted to try getting her to open up to the others.
            Celes giggled, hands folded under her chin again.
            “Ehehe… It is far too soon for that, Naegi-kun. I cannot trust them in the same way I do you. And even if I did open up to them, they would not accept me. Human emotion is not always logical, and I did plan out a murder, framing Leon in the process.”
            “You should give them more credit than that,” Makoto muttered, but didn’t try to force the issue. “You’re in the same boat as the rest of us, so we’ll be ready when you wanna talk. In the meantime, I guess my door’ll always be open.”
            “You’re too kind, Naegi.” Celes remarked, though the Luckster swore he could detect a certain fondness to her tone. “Then, I will take my leave.”
            And just like that, Celes departed. Makoto watched her retreating back briefly before entering the staff room. When he got in there, Junko instantly brightened.
            “Heeey, Naegi! I found somethin’ really interesting you’ll wanna see~!”
            Makoto looked around the room, seeing potted plants at all the desks for presumably the staff of the academy. Beyond those, the room just looked like a regular staff room, though if Junko said she found something, then she probably did.
            “What’s up?” As he made his way over, he froze when she held up another picture, like the one he and Sayaka found in the art supply room when the third floor was opened to them. This one was different, of course. It looked like it was taken at some school assembly or sporting event, since everyone was in bleachers.
            Naegi didn’t recognize a lot of the faces pictured, but he did recognize a few, and they made him wonder what was going on. Hifumi was running around with what looked like pamphlets, and Ishimaru was chasing him around. It looked like Ishimaru had run past Togami, who appeared annoyed that he was bumped into, and Asahina was off to the side, presumably cheering Yamada on, while Sakura had her arms crossed beside her and looked highly amused.
            “What the heck?!” Makoto couldn’t help but let out. That first picture just had Hagakure and Fukawa, but now all the victims and killers of the second and third trials were captured on film, and they looked so… normal. Like they hadn’t gone through traumatic experiences in this school.
            Had they known each other before entering the academy?
            “It was like the one interesting thing in this room,” Junko drawled. “I guess you and Maizono weren’t kiddin’ when you said you found that one pic… It’s so weird, though! Why’s that bear leaving these out for us to find?!”
            “Are they even real?” Makoto had to wonder.
            And just like those words were a summoning spell, Monokuma appeared looking highly amused as he swiped the picture from Enoshima’s hand.
            “Yohoho! Forgery this, conspiracy that—what are you, twelve?! Don’t say you think the moon landing was faked, too!”
            “Then, what? You’re saying it’s real?” Makoto just couldn’t help being skeptical.
            “I’m so honest, if they had a Nobel Veracity Prize, I’d win that baby easy as pie.” Monokuma proudly proclaimed. He then clutched his belly as he laughed. “Psych!”
            “Just tell us if it’s real or not!” Junko demanded.
            The monochrome bear made an irritated noise.
            “Oi vey, you kids… I can see you’re trying oh-so-hard to make sense of things… but that’s no good. No no good good. It’s nonsensical to try and make sense of the senseless. The picture’s real. Nothing more, nothing less. Upupu!”
            Having spoken his piece, Monokuma departed without explaining anything. Makoto and Junko both looked after him in aggravation.
            “So that picture… isn’t fake?” Makoto wondered.
            Junko sighed.
            “I dunno… I wouldn’t take that bear at his word until we can confirm it for ourselves… I mean, he’s lied about so much already, right?” She tilted her head curiously at the Luckster.
            “I guess…” He sighed in aggravation. “I just wish things would start making sense already!”
            “No argument here.” Junko muttered.
            After a period of investigation, the eight teens returned to the cafeteria, where they’d review everything new that they learned.
            “The chemistry lab on the fourth floor has these huge cabinets, and they’re full of medicine…” Fujisaki tentatively reported. “Supplements, nutrients, I think Asahina and Sakura really would have liked it… Though, there was also poison in there…”
            “Poison?!” Leon yelped fearfully. Mondo, Junko, and Sayaka appeared pale as well.
            “They’re all clearly labeled…” Makoto explained. “So I don’t think anyone would pick them up by mistake, though it doesn’t hurt to be careful.”
            Some suspicious eyes were on Celes, though no one said anything outright. The gambler rolled her eyes and decided to take that time to make a report of her own.
            “There were a couple of locked rooms on the fourth floor – the Data Processing Room and the Headmaster’s Office.” At Naegi’s curious glance, she elaborated about the second one. “Monokuma explained that’s what the door was by the staff room.”
            Sayaka voiced the excitement some of them felt at that bit of news.
            “The Headmaster’s Office?! There has to be some clues in there!”
            “If we could just get the doors open, we could have a look around…” Makoto agreed.
            “Who cares about fucking locks?!” Mondo grinned animatedly. “I betcha I could get that puppy open in no time flat! Just gimme a few minutes!”
            … And then, like that was another summoning spell…
            “I heard that…” Monokuma growled as he appeared, staring straight at Oowada. “I heard what you said… ‘Monokuma has some fine, fine birthing hips, dude. I’d just love to tap that fluffy round ass!’”
            Mondo’s hand twitched as he resisted the urge to beat up the monochrome bear.
            “That ain’t what I said, dumbass…!”
            “Then what was it you said?” Monokuma challenged the biker. “Surely you weren’t hatching a scheme to break down the headmaster’s office door. Yeesh, what do you think this is, School Wars? Trying to break down doors… The headmaster’s office… is my room, you know. And you wanted to try to break in? Make a bear mad, and I promise you’ll regret it. We got hella bacteria on our claws.”
            “Like… I… give… a fuck…” Mondo groused, vein pulsing on his forehead. “It’s not a damn rule, so I can break down whatever the hell I want!”
            Monokuma sighed, turning his back on the biker.
            “Hmph. I didn’t wanna tighten your guys’ leash anymore, but if that’s how you’re gonna be, what choice do I have?” He whirled around angrily. “I’m gonna have to make a new rule!”
            “You’re… making another rule?” Makoto felt wary.
            “I’m adding this to the school rules: ‘You are forbidden from destroying locked doors!’” The bear then took his leave.
            “Fuck!” Mondo swore loudly. If they’d just talked about this in like the sauna or something… then they could have busted down that door without breaking rules…
            “The fact Monokuma felt it was necessary to make a new rule means… we were probably not far off the mark about the crucial information it may contain.” Celes mused.
            “Either way… since it’s now against the rules, there’s nothing we can do…” Makoto sighed.
            Leon ran a hand through his hair in annoyance.
            “Well… Let’s keep goin’. Like all the other classrooms, the ones on the fourth floor have thick iron plates, too, and those suckers aren’t comin’ off.”
            It seemed as if they still weren’t making headway on escaping the academy yet. Still, Sayaka’s radiant smile cheered the atmosphere up, somewhat.
            “Well, the only other room on the fourth floor was a music room, and it’s fully equipped! And if everyone doesn’t mind, I wanna hold a concert for everyone in a couple days!”
            “That sounds awesome, Maizono!” Leon grinned, doing a complete turnaround.
            Mondo, on the other hand, was still a little sour.
            “We should be focused on gettin’ outta here… not on bein’ entertained.” At the annoyed glances he received, he sighed. “… But I guess a little downtime won’t hurt…”
            Makoto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
            “I guess before we get all excited about Sayaka’s concert, I should report me and Junko found a picture in the staff room that was just like the one we found in the art supply room…”
            Sayaka blinked in astonishment.
            “Yeah…” Junko confirmed. “It showed Ishimaru, Yamada, Togami, Asahina, and Sakura, and they were all outside of Hope’s Peak somewhere, like a stadium or something. We don’t know if they knew each other before Hope’s Peak, but that psycho bear was hinting it was a real picture, and not fabricated…”
            Kirigiri shook her head.
            “We shouldn’t take the mastermind at his word. There are many things we still do not know.”
            Sayaka rose to her boyfriend’s defense.
            “If Makoto said he found another picture, then…!”
            “We’re not sayin’ we doubt he ‘n Junko found another picture,” Mondo explained for Kirigiri. “We’re just sayin’ we should take whatever that bastard says with a grain of salt. There’s Photoshop and other crap like that out there, right?”
            Makoto ran a hand through his hair.
            “Yeah, I know. Junko and I were thinking the same thing. It’s just so weird, finding these pictures.”
            Kirigiri fiddled with a strand of her hair.
            “Yes, well… The matter of the pictures aside, we should turn our attention to something else. Perhaps we should adjourn to the baths?”
            Fujisaki gasped as he stared at Kirigiri, catching the meaning of her words immediately.
            “Is it done?!”
            But the mysterious girl didn’t give an answer as she simply left the cafeteria. Makoto and the others followed soon after her.
            What information could Alter Ego give them? What were those files he decrypted…? 
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