#also sanji this is so SWEEEET AAAA
gxdmade · 6 months
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@lovehungered asked: [Birthday Boy!]
ㅤㅤ“Oi, that’s enough for one day. Finish up and come down.”  A cloth and a bottle of water are placed down on the ground besides Usopp, the late afternoon sun commencing to set with wondrous streaks of vibrant orange and rose gracing the canvas of the expansive sky, the plants of the garden being tended to having been abundantly sated by caring hands  (  peut-être que le cuisinier devrait envisager de placer ses herbes en pot ici…  ).  An emergent grin edges into place as fair hair sways in the opposing direction to beckon the sniper to follow, hands slipping into Sanji’s pockets as light-footed steps steadily traipse away, following a path of fairy lights curled sound the railings towards the lawn. ㅤㅤㅤㅤA sprawling series of blankets are set on the lush grass with comfortable cushions, a series of draped sheets arcing across the area in elaborate peaks on the odd chance that they may get a sprinkle of moisture later in the evening, iridescent colours catching the light to create a cornucopia of sparkling patterns that dance about the fabric wafting in the breeze. Having consulted with Franky to setup a sound system, there are plans for music as well as some karaoke a little later when more drinks have been flowing  (  Marimo est coupé pour le moment pendant qu'il soigne une gueule de bois  ).  A broad medley of prepared bite size party food originating from the Gecko Islands awaits to bring the other a taste of home, a large black forest gateau set aside alongside layers of genoise sponge with tropical fruits, the blond having painstakingly spent much of the day egaged in culinary feats a means of providing some variety for the occasion. ㅤㅤWhile everyone gets ready to join the festivities, a box with gold wrapping and an intricately looped blue ribbon awaits the birthday sniper, a brand new pair of goggles nestled within.  “I had to make an exchange of a thing or two…”  (  ne demande pas  )  “...but I called in a favour with one of the Vegapunk satellites. The lenses have an embedded HUD system in place. It makes tracking targets easier both during the day and night.”  Sanji hands over a glass of pumulani cocktail with an extra shot of blue curacao, a curly straw surrounded by mini umbrellas.  “Happy birthday to the great captain Usopp. Take it easy for the rest of the week, you deserve it.”
The sniper was meticulous about everything he worked on, whether it be art, weapons or gardening. He refused to do them half-way, sometimes to the detriment of his sleep schedule and spine. The latter of which currently screaming at him from his hunched position over his little garden. His focus outweighed the pain that began to turn numb, saying to himself that he'll get up in just a second. Just one more thing-
The thud of something being put next to him finally catches his attention, the words being lost to the noise-canceling setting on his headset. Turning, he realizes it's Sanji, a smile instantly forming on his lips. (Always the caretaker, their cook.) "Thanks!" Swiping up the water, he chugs about half of it, not realizing how thirsty he actually was til now. The other half is used to wet the offered towel, doing a quick wipe of his face to get rid of the sweat and dirt he was sure found it's way there.
Unheard sentence aside, he gets the hint when the blond gestures for him to follow. Standing, he stretches his arms high, several pops sounding as he finally uncurled from his painful hunch. Rolling his shoulders for good measure, he follows after Sanji, not noticing the fairy lights until about halfway down the stairs. "Huh..?"
The sight he steps into blooms very fond surprise in the sniper, taking in the aesthetics, food and hints at the promise of a festive time. There were even foods from his home! A bittersweet twist in his chest when he realizes, jogging over to the dishes. "Whoa... this is insane!"
The question on what the whole shindig was for was on the tip of the sniper's tongue when a prettily wrapped box is put in his hands, the surprise returning to his wide eyes. He listened to the cook speak, and the realization hit him like a brick. How did he forget his own birthday?? Well, not entirely forget, exactly, more like distracted himself a little too deeply. (How did he not notice all this set up..?)
Opening the package, an excited gasp sounds at the new set of goggles inside. (He wanted to ask. He wanted to ask so bad.) Giggling like a toddler, the sharpshooter switched the goggles in the box with his current hat (a sun hat, of all things) and immediately started fiddling with his present. "Sanji, this is amazing!!" His voice was breathy with awe, grin incredibly wide.
Pulling the goggles up to rest on his bandana, he yanks the cook into a tight squeeze. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
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