gxdmade · 6 months
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@lovehungered asked: [Birthday Boy!]
ㅤㅤ“Oi, that’s enough for one day. Finish up and come down.”  A cloth and a bottle of water are placed down on the ground besides Usopp, the late afternoon sun commencing to set with wondrous streaks of vibrant orange and rose gracing the canvas of the expansive sky, the plants of the garden being tended to having been abundantly sated by caring hands  (  peut-être que le cuisinier devrait envisager de placer ses herbes en pot ici…  ).  An emergent grin edges into place as fair hair sways in the opposing direction to beckon the sniper to follow, hands slipping into Sanji’s pockets as light-footed steps steadily traipse away, following a path of fairy lights curled sound the railings towards the lawn. ㅤㅤㅤㅤA sprawling series of blankets are set on the lush grass with comfortable cushions, a series of draped sheets arcing across the area in elaborate peaks on the odd chance that they may get a sprinkle of moisture later in the evening, iridescent colours catching the light to create a cornucopia of sparkling patterns that dance about the fabric wafting in the breeze. Having consulted with Franky to setup a sound system, there are plans for music as well as some karaoke a little later when more drinks have been flowing  (  Marimo est coupé pour le moment pendant qu'il soigne une gueule de bois  ).  A broad medley of prepared bite size party food originating from the Gecko Islands awaits to bring the other a taste of home, a large black forest gateau set aside alongside layers of genoise sponge with tropical fruits, the blond having painstakingly spent much of the day egaged in culinary feats a means of providing some variety for the occasion. ㅤㅤWhile everyone gets ready to join the festivities, a box with gold wrapping and an intricately looped blue ribbon awaits the birthday sniper, a brand new pair of goggles nestled within.  “I had to make an exchange of a thing or two…”  (  ne demande pas  )  “...but I called in a favour with one of the Vegapunk satellites. The lenses have an embedded HUD system in place. It makes tracking targets easier both during the day and night.”  Sanji hands over a glass of pumulani cocktail with an extra shot of blue curacao, a curly straw surrounded by mini umbrellas.  “Happy birthday to the great captain Usopp. Take it easy for the rest of the week, you deserve it.”
The sniper was meticulous about everything he worked on, whether it be art, weapons or gardening. He refused to do them half-way, sometimes to the detriment of his sleep schedule and spine. The latter of which currently screaming at him from his hunched position over his little garden. His focus outweighed the pain that began to turn numb, saying to himself that he'll get up in just a second. Just one more thing-
The thud of something being put next to him finally catches his attention, the words being lost to the noise-canceling setting on his headset. Turning, he realizes it's Sanji, a smile instantly forming on his lips. (Always the caretaker, their cook.) "Thanks!" Swiping up the water, he chugs about half of it, not realizing how thirsty he actually was til now. The other half is used to wet the offered towel, doing a quick wipe of his face to get rid of the sweat and dirt he was sure found it's way there.
Unheard sentence aside, he gets the hint when the blond gestures for him to follow. Standing, he stretches his arms high, several pops sounding as he finally uncurled from his painful hunch. Rolling his shoulders for good measure, he follows after Sanji, not noticing the fairy lights until about halfway down the stairs. "Huh..?"
The sight he steps into blooms very fond surprise in the sniper, taking in the aesthetics, food and hints at the promise of a festive time. There were even foods from his home! A bittersweet twist in his chest when he realizes, jogging over to the dishes. "Whoa... this is insane!"
The question on what the whole shindig was for was on the tip of the sniper's tongue when a prettily wrapped box is put in his hands, the surprise returning to his wide eyes. He listened to the cook speak, and the realization hit him like a brick. How did he forget his own birthday?? Well, not entirely forget, exactly, more like distracted himself a little too deeply. (How did he not notice all this set up..?)
Opening the package, an excited gasp sounds at the new set of goggles inside. (He wanted to ask. He wanted to ask so bad.) Giggling like a toddler, the sharpshooter switched the goggles in the box with his current hat (a sun hat, of all things) and immediately started fiddling with his present. "Sanji, this is amazing!!" His voice was breathy with awe, grin incredibly wide.
Pulling the goggles up to rest on his bandana, he yanks the cook into a tight squeeze. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
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sysig · 1 year
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The return of all time <3 (Patreon)
#Doodles#The Stanley Parable#TSP#Hhhhhhhh Ultra Deluxe was so goooooodddd hhhh <3 <3 <3 <3#The new characters! The new dialogue! The new endings!!!!#I'm absolutely updating my /10 listing just you wait I am Stoked to replay all of them first to let them congeal properly in my mind lol#Obviously the Confusion Ending - as featured here lol - had some Very Interesting additions :3c#Until then!! Love!!!#I wasn't expecting Employee 432/Settings World Champion (however that configuration of features works out) to play such a role#I did actually smile and get a bit giddy at chatting with him haha - I wasn't expecting anything!#I just casually had my iPod at my side and checked the time and then ♥ Ah delight#Really makes me want to replay lol#Anyway! Onto the main characters! Lol#Sinister again <3 I think he's finally been decided on as my main Stanley :)#I just think he's neat haha#Him and his little button thought bubble haha - I do like the idea of him only being able to express in pictures#So that POW is one of those cartoon SFX screens haha#Poor lad always getting his arm smacked around#I did some roughs for a Confusion Ending animatic - maybe at some point :0 - but until then he's cute#I want it to be my full style but chibis are faster and easier to draw so chibis for now! Haha#So frustrated ♪#And then ending off with Narra looking a little worse for wear ah <3 The Skip Button ending was So fucking good#I also related to it a bit harder than is probably appropriate lol Narra's supposed to be the worst/best/worst how troubling hehe#Gosh it was such a good ending on its own and then also as a setup! Heck!!!
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puranami · 10 months
✿ Omelette ✿
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A/N: A little fic based on one of the prompts I have~
Summary: Sanji finds you cooking an omelette in your underwear at an ungodly hour.
Content: Warning - my really bad attempt at writing anything outside of lil paragraph points (blz help, I have no idea what I'm doing)
Despite the scenario - it's all SFW and fluffy like dem eggs! A light dusting of pining, G/N reader. ✿
(Part 2) - (Part 3)
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You had tried to sleep and ignore the rumbling in your stomach, but the harder you tried, the more you felt it, and you had finally reached your limit. If you were to be at all functional tomorrow, you needed to eat something. Only then could you try to sleep again.
Exhausted, you drag yourself from the safety and warmth of your blankets, slowly ambling towards the ship's kitchen, single-minded in your endeavour. All that mattered was appeasing your stomach, leaving you completely unaware of the sudden cold that embraced you once you had left the confines of your quarters.
Flicking on the kitchen light, you quickly gathered everything you needed, deciding that the best thing to make would be an omelette. It's an easy dish, filling, and doesn't take long to make. In other words; it was perfect!
You make quick work of prepping the eggs, seasoning to taste, even considering throwing a little cheese in there before deciding against it. It's not like you believed the myth of cheese giving people nightmares if eaten before bed, but you were so desperate to be able to sleep afterwards that you didn't want to risk it. Stranger things have happened on this ship.
The pan hisses as you pour in the eggs, sounding much louder in the empty kitchen, only amplified by the late hour.
"Don't you sass me," you grumble, "The middle of the night is a perfectly acceptable time for an omelette!"
Unbeknownst to you, you weren't the only one awake on the ship, and your late night excursion had attracted attention, clearly not having noticed any of the noise you were making.
"I thought Luffy had snuck in on a midnight raid with all the clattering," a groggy voice behind you laughs, but you are too tired and focused on cooking to even register that you had been joined by anyone. Sanji leans against the table opposite the kitchen island, fidgeting with the hem of his nightshirt, waiting for an answer that never came.
Surely you heard him, right?
"Is everything alright, darling?"
Terms of endearment usually prompted some kind of response, be it a dismissive laugh or an equally fond term of your own, clearly thinking they meant nothing in particular. He'd accepted pretty quickly that they wouldn't be the way to win you over, but it certainly didn't stop him using them, at least on you. The same couldn't be said about everyone else, as he was no longer vying for the affection of anyone but yourself. Sanji wondered if you'd ever noticed that.
A clumsy flip of the omelette brought him back into the moment, honestly surprised that you hadn't dropped it on the floor.
He moved his way to your side of the kitchen, round the central island toward the stovetop.
"Why are you cooking at this hhhh-" he wheezed at the end, only now seeing that you weren't in the pyjama bottoms he'd assumed you'd be wearing, but in your underwear.
He clasped one of his hands over his mouth, the other grabbing the island for support as he felt his legs begin to fail him. Keeping his eyes fixed firmly on the floor, he blurts out, "W-WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?" as his face went fully crimson.
That finally gets your attention, but you are slow on the uptake, mind completely glazing over the fact that you had at some point gained an observer. Finally, furrowing your brows a little, you murmured a soft "What?" You knew a question was asked, but nothing else beyond that.
"Your pants, darling!" he gestures wildly, continuing to look down, knowing if that he caught sight of your bare legs again, he would lose his mind.
You stand there, pan hovering in the air away from the stove in one hand, a plate in the other, looking absolutely lost; you had completed your mission of acquiring omelette, and so your brain had decided it was no longer needed. Looking down, you see your legs and feet, wiggling your toes a little, then you look back up at the mess of a man in front of you, things finally starting to fall into place in your overtired mind.
"Oh, Sanji, what are you doing here," you ask, sweet as anything, completely ignorant to the battle he was waging internally. Once you plate your omelette, you place it on the island before putting the pan back on the stove to cool and grabbing a fork to tuck in, oblivious to Sanji frantically unbuttoning his night shirt beside you. He refuses to look directly at you until he has covered you with it, cheeks noticeably burning with how flustered he is.
"Darling, you can't do that to me," he says, almost breathless, "I am a weak, weak man; I can't handle seeing you so bare!" He manipulates your arms into the sleeves of his nightshirt, ignoring your protests when he briefly pulls the fork out of your hand in the process, before buttoning you up, doing his best to preserve your dignity.
As you feel the warm sustenance finally begin to settle in your empty stomach, you feel your brain booting back up, at least a little bit.
"Ah, shit I forgot to put on pants..." You giggle, wondering why everything was always funnier when you were tired. Taking another bite of food, you look down at your legs once again, starting to fully comprehend the situation you found yourself in. "I guess I was just too hungry." He can't help but sigh at how nonchalant you are.
Looking back up, your brain once again decides to abandon you, not from how tired you are this time, but from your eyes being met with his bare chest and abs, causing your own face to turn a charming shade of red. Sanji was always so neatly dressed, so he most you ever saw was his forearms when he rolled up his sleeves to work. It made sense that he was in good shape given his fighting ability, but it never really hit you until you saw his body tonight. There wasn't really any way to get accustomed to it, not like there was with someone like Zoro, who had his shirt off at least half the times you saw him, flashing his man tits whenever and wherever he damn well pleased.
Sanji's eyes never left you during this quiet minute, one that felt like hours, and he couldn't help but feel a hint of pride when he watched your eyes dance over his shirtless body, clearly flustered, bringing a confident smile to his face.
"Everything alright down there, sweetheart," he laughed softly.
You were clearly lost in your thoughts, it finally clicking why he was shirtless; he'd put his shirt on you. You brought a long sleeve up to your face as you dragged your eyes away, looking awkwardly to the side to your recently emptied plate. The shirt smelt like him, only without the lingering scent of cigarette smoke. It was sweet and musky. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but you felt a wave of feelings crash into you. Feelings you knew were there but had simply brushed aside, assuming they were just a result of his natural charm more than anything. But, you couldn't so easily disregard them now.
Sanji followed your gaze. "Ah, don't you worry about that, my dear," he says, grabbing the plate and bringing it to the sink, leaving you standing in a bit of a daze. "I'll take care of things here, so you go and get yourself back to bed, alright?"
"Oh, no!" You couldn't help how loud that ended up being, surprising the both of you. "You shouldn't have to clean up my mess," you say with a more regulated volume. If there's one way to get you back in the present, it's offering to do something you feel solely responsible for.
"In all fairness, darling, you shouldn't have been cooking in my kitchen in a state of undress," his cheeks started to go pink at the recent memory. He clears his throat before continuing, "Do you know how dangerous that is?" Ah, the professional chef just can't help himself when it comes to kitchen rules.
You pout slightly as you lean back against the centre island.
"Sorry, Sanji. I wasn't really with it. Too tired, too hungry..."
He makes quick work of the dirty items you had used, all while prattling on about safety and other things you probably should have listened to. Drying his hands, he makes his way back to you. It is evident you hadn't really been paying attention.
"At least promise me this," you look up at his warm, smiling face, "if you ever find yourself in this predicament again, please come and get me."
He brushes back some loose strands of hair, tucking them neatly behind your ear.
"You know that I'm always happy to cook for you, right? Whatever you want, whenever you want it."
Returning a gentle smile of your own, you nod.
"I promise."
With that, Sanji leads you out of the kitchen, plunging it back into darkness as he flicks the light off.
You reach his quarters first since he's closest to the kitchen. He pauses outside his door, hesitating for a moment. There are so many things he wanted to say to you, yet he couldn't bring himself to utter a single word.
Oblivious, you carry on toward your own room, turning back to him to wish him a good night, nearly falling over your own feet in the process, to which he smiles, letting out a soft chuckle.
"Bonne nuit, ma chère."
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Guys, gals, and non-binary pals; I tried my best! This is my very first full fic ever, so if the grammar, wording, presentation, literally anything is bad; it's bc I am completely winging it! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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vinestaffery · 3 months
hello!! if u can write illumina … can u pls write some general dating hcs? if u cant i completely understand :-) (if ur reqs are closed IM SO SORRY HHHH)
hihi!! thankyou so much for requesting :3 of course ill write these for you, i absolutely love headcanons because it doesnt run me dry quite quickly when it comes to writing oneshots!!! i hope these were good enough and i hope i was somewhat able to catch illumina's personality!!
Illumina tends to lose track of time, like a lot. Sometimes, he doesn't even realize that you need to be sleeping and he would just love to spend time with you. He can't comprehend the fact of time itself; Day time and Night time are like hallucinations to him. If you were to correct him on such, he would utterly avoid any points you make or make counters, such as him tossing you around and ignoring each time you try to demand being let go. He absolutely loves how you get so mad at him for such a silly little thing!
He is very bird-like, and you can tell by his very bird-like notions. Sometimes he'll accidentally knock into glass-sliding doors and be completely confused. What do you mean there was glass infront of him? There's nothing there! Sometimes, you might even catch his cleaning his feathers at his favourite past-time. He used to get really grouchy about, in which you understood. At the start of your guys relationship, he was quite private, especially taking care of his wings. Now, he's completely fine with you doing so, sometimes even asking you to help.
He'd get really overprotective with you sometimes when you get to meet new people. He likes to let people know you are his. He is not willing to trade for anything about you, and you notice this a lot. Sometimes he'll wrap his arms around you, his wings slowly rising beside him and you and his chin relaxing on your head. He likes to humilate the other while embarrassing you, stating how much you and him are together, flaunting it in others faces. You set some boundaries around this and he followed, but he still likes to let his presence be known or noticed.
Because of your involvement with Illumina, and being his soon-to-be-engagement partner (I tried my hardest to make this as inclusive as possible I am so sorry), you were mostly greeted with gifts from many other deities. Deities such as Windforce, Venomshank, and even Firebrand and his two sons(?). They'll deliver care-packages to display their gratitude and that your always welcome under their care, even though Illumina is someone that they don't really connect well with.
Cuddling with him is one of your favourite things, mostly because you have the ability to embarrass him. Even though he's 7'0", you always big-spoon him. He'd always try his hardest to be the big-spoon, but in the end, he loved the attention you'd give him as he finally gets that big ol' sleep.
He is a horrible cook, but that's okay. Sometimes, it'd be hilarious bakings and dinners, and sometimes near-death from the house burning down. I promise you he doesn't mean it!! But he'll struggle so badly to impress you, which he always successes. You always tend to help him, in which he tries his hardest to shoo you away!! But in the end, the help is always met with great gratitude, cuddles and affection.
Illumina struggles with affection, I'm not kidding. Being unaware of his own presence and being someone so cruel to others, only to fall for someone like you? He struggles. He never had been this affectionate, on both giving and recieving side, but he's always keen to try. When he tried to figure out more, he asked Ghostwalker, someone he knew he couldn't go back to but he needed major help. Sure, they both broke off, but he was willing to try anything. Ghostwalker found it strange, dangerous but was somewhat grateful that Illumina was willing to change. In the end, Illumina came home and was in the most affectionate mood, taking care of you and also, forgetting to check up on dinner in the oven.
He does give you nicknames, but isn't too keen on big major ones. The ones he use the most is, 'My Angel', 'Princess', 'My starlight', or any other cheesy name that he can give you. He varies much and listens into other nicknames he can give you.
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peachy-posy · 1 year
Ride This Out - Vash x Reader (Chapter 1)
Summary: After putting yourself in a dangerous situation, you and Vash have one of your first major arguments.
A/N: Third Trigun fic, woohoo! This was my first time writing something with the 98 versions of characters specifically in mind, so I hope everything feels in character! I tried my best hehe Last chapter will have smut (my first time writing any hhhh), minors DNI!!! Cross-posted to my AO3 <3
Chapter Tags: Established relationship, canon-typical violence, minor violence/injuries, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 3.1k
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Traveling with only men is decidedly… not very fun, in your opinion. At least not the ones you're with. You lean your head in your hands, listening vaguely as Vash and Wolfwood argue between themselves in their good-natured, but annoying way. You tuned them out about half an hour ago when the conversation started heading in that argumentative direction. 
You miss Milly and Meryl. When the boys start debating and arguing, the three of you have your own conversation, laughing and joking with each other. The insurance girls had been sent to a neighboring town several days ago, promising to meet back up with you three in a week or so. That day could not come sooner. 
Your eyes, which have been glazed over for some time now, focus as Wolfwood huffs, leaning back in his chair. Vash does the same, but you don’t feel any real malice between them as usual. Seems like they are finally done. 
You glance over at the blonde, feeling his turquoise eyes on you.
“Everything okay, Mayfly?” He questions with a smile, reaching across the table to take your hand. 
You smile, even as Wolfwood groans something to the effect of ‘Oh, here we go.’
“Yeah, everything’s fine. I was just thinking about Meryl and Milly,” you answer, prompting a bright smile from Vash at the mention of the two girls. 
“Aw, what, we aren’t fun enough for ya, sweetheart?” Wolfwood asks, his tone teasing. 
You glance at him tiredly. “Unfortunately not. Sorry.” 
He feigns hurt, over-exaggerating his reaction. “You wound me!” Vash chuckles to your side, and you share an amused smile with him. This ramps up the theatrics from the preacher, and he looks at Vash. “How can you lie down and take this? You’re included in that statement, you know.” 
Vash shrugs, rubbing his thumb across your knuckles. Your heart flutters at the action. 
“Oh, please. Get a room,” Wolfwood remarks. You can’t help but snort, even as Vash puffs up. 
As he begins to reply, gunshots echo from somewhere outside: perhaps near the town square. You jump, slightly surprised, and Vash’s hold on your hand tightens as he hears shouting from outside. 
You know what comes next. 
Wolfwood grabs his Punisher, stretching casually as he stands. Vash stands as well, walking over to you briskly, kneeling at your side. He takes you by your shoulders, locking eyes with you, and calls your name.
“You’ll be okay on your own for a bit, right? Don’t come out unless one of us comes for you.” 
“I know the drill, Vash. Be careful,” you reassure, giving him a quick kiss for good luck. He smiles against your lips, able to get lost in the moment, but only for... well, a moment. More gunshots and screams ring out, and he stands up with renewed urgency, meeting Wolfwood at the entrance with long strides. 
Vash glances at you one last time before exiting. You blink and the two are gone, leaving you behind in the old tavern. The few patrons that were there as well had gone to investigate the commotion, leaving you alone. 
You sigh, unwanted frustration with your situation bubbling up in your chest. Unfortunately, it’s like this all the time. After all, you aren’t some incredible, talented gunslinger. You’re just a healer in love with one. 
You slowly stand up, leaving the table you three had been occupying, scrutinizing the room for a good place to hide. After a few minutes, you find yourself a nice little spot behind the bar. It’s not necessarily perfect, but it’ll do. 
You lower yourself to the floor, preparing yourself for the waiting game. You wonder how long it’ll take for them to come back today. Fifteen minutes? Thirty? An hour? 
You hear more gunfire and shouting in the distance, and you try your best to ignore it for now, despite the uneasiness settling in your chest. There’s nothing you can do for anyone until the danger is over. You know that this general course of action is what is safest for you. You hide yourself away, waiting for the ‘all clear,’ then tend to any and all wounded people who happen to get caught up in whatever happens, a reassuring smile plastered on your face all the while. This is how you do your part in the small group you’ve found yourself in. 
It also allows Vash to not be worried about your safety while actively dodging bullets. 
You’d worked in a small clinic before meeting the Humanoid Typhoon what feels like ages ago. Your role as a doctor’s assistant made you happy at the time; it made you feel fulfilled and helpful. And it still does! 
That said, you sometimes find yourself wishing that you could protect others the way Vash and Wolfwood can. Not that you want to throw yourself into the fray of battle, but you hate feeling so… useless at times like this when the fighting first breaks out. Weak. Like something that needs to be tucked away and protected. 
Vash adores that you are a healer. He’ll sometimes sit with you on quiet nights, his fingers rubbing affectionate circles into your hands while he holds them, saying that your hands were made for saving people. You tell him that his hands were too, but he denies it every single time. He says his hands were made for violence. For destruction. 
You couldn’t disagree more. 
Not when you see all of the good he does, protecting those around him with the very hands he swears will bring destruction to everything they touch. 
You are startled out of your thoughts by the sound of a bullet ricocheting particularly close by. You hold your breath, trying to gauge how far away the person who fired it is. You can hear voices in the distance that sound closer than wherever the main incident is. You bite your lip, considering if you are hidden well enough. Slowly, you begin to notice the sounds of… crying? 
You know Vash doesn’t want you to put yourself in harm’s way, but what exactly would looking through a window do? Besides, the crying sounds too much like a child for your comfort. 
You rise slowly from behind the bar, finding your resolve to investigate. Making your way over to a nearby window on light feet, you carefully peek outside. At first, there is nothing that you can see. Suddenly, though, a small child running down the street comes into view. He’s crying, dust coating his hands and knees. He’s bleeding from a few small cuts that you can see from your current view of him, but otherwise seems physically unharmed. 
You gasp as the boy trips, tumbling hard into the dusty ground. He sucks in a sharp breath, bottom lip wobbling. In the blink of an eye, four men concealing their faces with bandanas are upon the boy, one of them grabbing him roughly. 
The child shrieks, thrashing in the man’s hold. To your horror, another one of the men points a gun at him. He can’t be more than five years old. The sight of it makes you nauseated. 
“You’re gonna regret running, you damn brat,” one of the men rasps angrily at the sobbing child. 
“Bring him back to where the other townspeople are. Make sure you don’t lose any this time,” one of the other men orders. 
“G-got it,” one of them replies nervously. 
“If it happens again, it’s your head.” 
It seems like this gang took some hostages when they got here, and this boy escaped. You can’t let them take him back. They don’t seem to have any issue shooting him, as you heard that gunshot earlier as they chased him. Your hands are trembling and clammy, but you know you have to do something. 
But with what? You don’t have a weapon. You desperately look around the tavern, and your eyes land on a knife and empty bottles. Acting quickly, you grab one of each, a messy and dangerous plan forming as you go. 
All you have working for you is the element of surprise. You can’t fight, but you know where to hit someone to make it count due to your medical training. You just hope you’re fast enough. 
You look outside once more, and you notice that two of the men are gone. The other two that remain are talking to one another for the time being, distracted. One holds the child in a punishing grip, surely causing bruises to form on his small wrist. He's wailing in earnest, despite the captors' barking at him to quit. 
It’s now or never. You open the door as quietly as you can manage, gripping the bottle. You’ll have to hit one of the men as hard as you can in the head with the bottle, then use the knife you’d pocketed to strike the other. Your plan is to slash the ligaments behind the knee, immobilizing the person. The bottle isn’t very ideal, but you’re worried your lack of skill with a knife will cause you to accidentally lose the weapon in a body if you try to use it for both men. 
Unfortunately, you know your plan has little chance of success. Once you attack one, the other knows you’re there. Your best bet is to incapacitate the one holding the child first and to assess in the moment if you can deal with the other. There is a large chance you’ll just have to grab the kid and run as fast as you can, hoping you find Vash or Wolfwood if you make it to the town square. You look down at the threshold of the tavern, trying to will your legs to move forward. Your body is frozen, unable to walk outside. 
Suddenly, one of the men turns on his heels, striding back down the street where they originally came from. That gets you moving. 
You hide yourself behind the door hastily, praying you haven’t been spotted. Several terrifying moments pass where you wait for them to descend upon you. You can hear your heartbeat thrumming in your head, throbbing in anticipation of the worst. 
The attack never comes. They haven’t seen you.
You can’t believe your stroke of luck. You may actually be able to pull off incapacitating a single person, even with your limited capabilities in combat. 
You carefully set the bottle on the ground, reaching for the knife you grabbed. You peek around the door, eyes finding the man and boy immediately. The man is yanking the child, trying to get him to cooperate. His back is towards the tavern. 
You grip the kitchen knife firmly, trying to control your shaking hands as you emerge from behind the door. You approach as swiftly and quietly as you can, soon finding yourself within striking distance of your target. 
Just slash the back of his knee. He shouldn’t be able to chase you if you tear a ligament. 
Steeling yourself, you aim for the back of the man’s knee, slashing with as much force as you can muster. 
You know you succeeded when he howls in pain, immediately letting go of the child and grabbing his knee, falling to the sandy, dusty street. He is bleeding, gripping his knee tightly, and he turns to look at you with a shocked glare, his eyes filled with malice. 
You drop the knife in shock, your bloody hands making you nauseous. 
Time to go! 
The child is pale, shaking like a leaf as you scoop him into your arms. The man shouts from the ground, and you see him start fumbling around, looking for something. 
“Get back here! You bitch!” 
You turn on your heels, sprinting as fast as your legs can go. You hear a deafening gunshot, flinching as a bullet hits the dirt nearby. You realize that he had been trying to get his gun, and unfortunately for you, he found it.
He shoots again, but you have already begun weaving as you run, hoping to throw his aim off. The child is clutching onto you fiercely, burying his head into your shoulder. More bullets hit the ground around you, and your heart is hammering wildly in your chest. As you turn the nearest street corner, you find yourself shocked and relieved your plan is working. You just might actually be able to save this child. 
Your thoughts come to an abrupt, violent halt when you notice a dark blur in your periphery. A man slams his gun into your head with a snarl, and you are thrown towards the ground. On your way down, you attempt to shield the boy as best you can, wrapping your arms around him tightly and trying to absorb the shock of slamming into the ground. The breath is knocked from your lungs as you collide into the street with a groan of pain. Your head is swimming, but you unwrap your arms, trying to sit up as quickly as possible and get the boy to his feet. He seems relatively unharmed, but terribly shaken up. 
“Run! Now!” You scream, and he thankfully listens. 
He darts off, right as the man reaches you. You see him start to move after the boy, but you lunge for and grab one of his legs, causing him to stumble with curses spilling from his lips. He whips his head down to look at you, and you do your best to not recoil from his gaze. 
“You just don’t know when to quit, do you?” He scowls, kicking you off him. You gasp, hitting the ground once more with a painful thud. Your ears ring, and your vision is blurring. 
“Just who do you think you are?” He kneels in front of you, gripping your shirt’s collar and yanking you up. You whimper in pain, your head throbbing as he jostles you. 
“I hope it was worth it. You can take his place.” 
“I’m not scared of you,” you lie, managing to catch his eyes. Truth be told, you're terrified. But you’d never tell this scumbag that. 
He lets out a low, threatening laugh. Chills race down your spine. “Oh, you aren’t very smart, are you?” He laughs again, gripping your collar tightly. “You’re lucky I haven’t killed you yet. I’m still deciding. How about I rough you up a little till then?” 
You feel the burn of tears in your eyes, and blink quickly to dispel them before they can form. You refuse to cry in front of him. 
You desperately hope the boy is safe. You’re so close to the town square. Vash and Wolfwood should be right near here. 
Through your blurring vision and pounding head, you see the man rear his hand back. You shut your eyes tight, bracing yourself. 
Instead of feeling the collision of his hand, you hear a sharp intake of breath. You crack open your eyes hesitantly, vision blurring. 
Your breath is pulled from your lungs, tears of relief flowing immediately. Because even with blurring vision, you are able to recognize the long, red coat blowing in the wind. Standing behind the man who tackled you is Vash. He’s holding the man by the wrist, and he looks furious . 
“Vash,” you breathe out, voice trembling. 
The man drops you from his grip, and you fall into the ground, immediately using your heels to scoot away from him. After blinking several times to focus, you take a good look at Vash. You’ve never seen him so angry before. The hand he’s using to grip the wrist of your assailant is trembling with restraint.. 
“I-I know you! You’re Vash the Stampede!” The man realizes with wide eyes, his face pale. 
Vash says nothing, his eyes narrowing. The man continues his nervous rambling. 
“L-look, I didn’t… we didn’t know you were here. If you want this town, it’s all yours. We’ll leave.” 
You hold your breath, watching to see what Vash does next. Your heart aches for him, knowing that he is bothered by the rumors that precede him. That said, that infamous reputation is pretty convenient right now. 
Vash uses his gun to knock out the man without a word. He immediately goes limp, crumpling to the ground as Vash releases his wrist. You release the breath you’d been holding, noting the pain in your head and body, but mostly feel great relief. Vash’s gaze remains trained on the unconscious form before him, his expression complicated. Several beats of silence pass, and you feel yourself becoming slightly anxious. Why hasn’t he said anything this entire time?
“Vash?” You call hesitantly, voice quiet. 
Your voice snaps him out of his daze. His eyes flicker up to yours, relief washing over his features as he races forward, throwing himself on his knees in front of you. 
“Oh Mayfly, god, look what they did to you,” the words spill from his mouth as he holds you in a bone crushing hug to his chest. 
You let yourself be cradled in his arms, disappointed slightly when he pulls back after a moment. He looks pained. 
“Your head,” he murmurs, hand gently reaching for your temple. You hiss when his fingers graze the throbbing, painful area. He retracts his hand, the blood on his gloved fingertips making you realize you’re bleeding. 
“I am so sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” he whispers, holding you close again. 
You furrow your brow and shake your head, trying to ignore the dizziness it causes. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for. It was my-” 
The words die on your tongue as you hear a familiar voice chattering animatedly around the corner. Both you and Vash turn to face the noise, seeing Wolfwood strolling around the corner of the building nearby, holding a child in his arms. You feel the tension drain from your body fully at the sight of the familiar little boy unharmed. 
You hastily stumble to your feet, trying to get over to him, doing your best to ignore the dizziness that overtakes you from the sudden movement. Vash scrambles after you, holding onto you as you sway. 
“Easy, easy! I think you have a concussion,” Vash implores, but you press forward stubbornly. 
The child sees you, squirming from Wolfwood’s grasp to reach you. With dried tears on his face, he looks up at you with big, worried eyes. You feel Vash’s hand at the small of your back, gently steadying you. 
“Well, looks like we found her! Good job, bud!” Wolfwood praises, ruffling the kid’s hair. 
A bright smile forms on his little face. He reaches out and snatches your hand. 
“Come help me find my mommy!”
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rabioa · 1 month
Werewolf!Vox x Red Riding Hood!Reader??
Little You and The Big Bad TV
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Big Bad Wolf!Vox x Red Riding Hood!Reader - Concept - Gender Neutral
You were just the innocent Little Red Riding Hood, kept safe from the horrors of Pentagram City. When you meet the Big Bad Wolf Vox, your life is turned upside down. The only issue is do you even realize he's ruining you? Surely, he isn't the bad guy in this story, after all, Vox was your best friend, your only friend, the only person who just wanted the best for you, right...?
TW: Crazy amounts of manipulation and corruption, this feels like Valentino levels of toxic, he is such a red flag in this, any Hazbin Hotel warnings
Hhhh tumblr decided to be funny and delete my draft of this </3 Anyways, this was my first request! I wrote this as a general conception of the topic rather than specific scenes since I had so many ideas of how it would go. I wrote like three drafts until I finally settled on this lol. I really tried to push how he gradually manipulative Vox is towards the innocent Reader. Lmk if there are any typos!! Remember to stay hydrated and slay the day away
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Vox was the big bad wolf of Pentagram City. He was a wolf, both in character and in capitalism, managing to brand himself to monopolize anything material he could get his hands on. He managed to garner a fearsome reputation for being a greedy and hungry beast, yet everyone still relied on him for technology and whatnot. 
You were the innocent Little Red Riding Hood. You were always sheltered, living on the outskirts of Pentagram City with your mother and father, ensuring you had everything you’d need in the small cottage. No complicated technologies that could risk unsavory individuals from stealing your privacy were allowed in the house. There were no muggings or burglars in the desolate corner of land in the meager outlands. As you got older you craved to explore the concrete jungles. Your parents compromised by letting you go on trips alone to the other side of the pentagram to the humble apartment your grandmother lives in. You always went with your red cloak and a basket of goods. You’d spend the night at your grandmother’s to catch up before returning home in the morning; A neat weekly routine.
Although your parents told you tales of monsters in the world, you never really paid attention. After all, if your home was so pleasant then how could the world be so awful? Surely you wouldn’t be able to have such a happy life if it were as bad as they made it out to be!
You met him on one of your journeys across the city. He was charming, so much so that you completely ignored the cybernetic wolf ears on his head and how they resembled the devil horns your mother warned you against. He was so polite that you were surely you were mistaken each time you saw a hungry glint in his eyes. During your interactions his claws were all over you, constantly resting on your shoulder or guiding you by the small of your back. You never really minded it, his hands occasionally heavy against your flesh but never drawing blood. He was always kind enough to escort you to the edge of his domain ensuring you were safe in his lands, how sweet of him to protect your innocence.
You grew to adore your outings solely so you could see your new friend! He always managed to find you when you were on your path, and you never questioned it. It must be fate and totally not him spying on you whenever you step within the range of any VoxTek item! Eventually, though, he grew greedy. It was in his nature, to want to consume everything, a gluttonous beast. Your innocence was amusing for a while and he was content with the brief interactions, but he found himself wanting to corrupt you. After all such a naive person was rare. 
It started as small things. He would encourage you to spend a little longer on your outings. He would gift you small items, slowly building up into him gifting you a VoxTek phone. Vox would whisper temptations in your ear, guiding you into cafes as you both share some sugary drinks and laugh together. The city was nothing like your organic home life, everything was artificial but it was all so entertaining! He would escalate his plans though. Eventually, he had you lying straight to your family’s face so you could sneak a little more time with him. You lied to your grandmother, saying your visits would have to become biweekly due to some new plans at the house. In truth you’d spend your nights with Vox, learning more about the city. He would take you to clubs, to stores, and even to the V Tower! It put stars in your eyes as you tasted the sweet forbidden fruit of the citylife.
Over time you realized Vox was a lot more popular than you thought. Your friendly wolf was a busy man yet he always made time for you. How kind of him, really shows how much he cared about you! 
When you were home, you’d sneakily text Vox throughout the week, hiding the phone constantly so your parents wouldn’t be clued into your rebellious behavior. You slowly became more modernized, learning more about the outside life your parents hid from you. Vox would constantly point out their “controlling” behavior, persuading you that they were being cruel, trying to keep you caged like some bird, they used the excuse of “safety” so they could keep you trapped. This began to lead to more conflict at home. Of course, you made sure it wasn’t anything too extreme, after all, you couldn’t bear to be too aggressive. You couldn’t risk them taking Vox away from you. Vox was your best friend, your only friend, the only person who just wanted the best for you. 
Occasionally Vox would even appear outside your house in the late hours of the night, sneakily giving you charming gifts of the latest fashionable accessory or tech toy as he chatted with you. Soon you amassed a collection of contraband that you hid under your bed. 
Vox was the only person you could rely on. The only one who cared about you. Even your family was against you. Your family, the ones who raised you, didn’t love you. Only Vox was the honest person you knew. Perhaps he was an angel?
That’s why when one day shit hit the fan, you turned to Vox. Your father needed some old box that was kept under your bed but he ended up finding an odd black and cyan box. Upon further examination, he was horrified. Modern tech, being snuck into his house? His child, the very kid he thought he raised to be honest and good, was involved in bad things. He and your mother were furious. It got messy, leading to a big screaming match as they threw away all of your beloved gifts from Vox. You ran out of the house, going to the comforting neon lights of the city. You called Vox, sobbing, begging him to take you away. He was right, your parents were awful cruel people. Vox was all too pleased when you crawled to him. 
He settled you nice and neat into his penthouse in the V Tower. You were officially isolated from everyone but him. He made sure you got controlled tidbits of information. Slowly, he introduced you to Valentino and Velvette. He began to show you more extreme things, normalizing them. He had the lowest performers shot? Well, maybe they should’ve worked harder! People were being exploited in Valentino’s films? They signed the contract, they consented to it all! Velvette verbally abused her workers? She was just encouraging them to be better! Your innocent mind became twisted into Vox’s little pet. He was your everything. The outside was scary after all! You’d be in danger if you wandered without him. Just rely on him.
Ignore the way he loomed over you like you were prey. Ignore the way you weren’t allowed to see your family anymore. He was the only one that mattered. Look at him. Worship him. He was your everything. You were now his caged bird, happily chirping along to whatever song he wanted. The big bad wolf consumed Little Red Riding Hood; The only thing left was your newly corrupted self.
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mothxmoons · 1 year
Hhhh gently presses kisses to Naga wesker.
You know you can't go on like this without something extra, Raven.
Naga wesker but one of the eggs is finally fertile
He’d be so excited, his eggs are kind of like gelatin. So if they’re duds they just dissolve inside of you, but if it’s fertile? It stays, the shell grows before it hardens to keep the baby naga safe, kind of painful to push out, but hey..nagas. He will realize it the second your stomach has a little bump, and you will not be able to get out of his coils for a long time. Friends? No, what if you got hurt? Work? No, he can’t have you getting injured. Shopping? No, he can do that. You have to stay at home until it’s time to let it lay and hatch on its own.
Speaking of which, it takes a while for it to hatch. But god damn does he keep it warm and safe. Even takes days off of work just to make sure it’s safe. Sorry to whoever he’s working with at the moment, it can wait, he has a child literally on the way.
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Corrupt Girlfriend part 6
Day 5
You wake up and look around for Ashley. You find her on her phone again.
you know your girlfriend is a whore, you're excited to check the cameras you installed to see what else she does when your gone.
So you excitedly get ready for work kiss her good bye and then leave for work.
A while later you get a text
Hey babe, Im going to be busy for a couple of hours, so I won't be able to talk!
Damn, that's alright. I'll talk to you when I get home then!
Thank you for understanding i miss you!
I think it's time to check the cameras you smirk to yourself and make your way to the office toilets.
You open up the cameras on your phone and check the front door. You See a Man Enter your home.
You think he is her ex from that video,
Your girlfriend is in that dress you just got a picture of.
You check the bedroom camera
They are half undressed laying on your bed
She grabs hold of his cock and slowly starts stroking him
Shes treating him like royalty
She voluntarily moves down, kissing his tone body
Her head reaches to the level of his cock
She starts licking the head
Its not long until you watch her head start bobbing partly down his thick cock
She keeps going at at a perfect pace you can see her looking up for his reaction
You see, her ex starts to jerk his pelvis, slightly humping her mouth
Shes not satisfied yet
He never seems to never lose an erection
She climbs on top of him
To get what she really wanted
never wearing a condom
She Makes his cock hit every place she wanted
He starts to help by thrusting into her as she grinds on him
You see her in extacy
They pick up the pace, yet again, he wraps his arm around her leg
Hes playing with her clit and penetrating her pussy roughly.
Shes Screeming But you can't hear any of it
She then starts to go crazy
shes cumming and shaking on him
She is stuck in an orgasm state for what she feels for over a minute until she falls over onto the bed, shivering.
You decide to finish work early, and you race home. Upon arrival.You Hear Loud Moaning From the bedroom.
"Muffled Crying*"
*muffled Speaking*
You slowly sneak up the stairs, making your way to your bedroom. You hear her crying from the doorway
"Oh my god, oh my god!"
"Who owns you?"
"MmM, you do! You are the best! HMmmm"
You look through the crack in the door
Hes still fucking her like he did all day
Your girlfriend looks like shes in love. Her pussy is coated and filled with the cum he has shot in her all day
"OH god, im all yours, but I need you to hurry. My boyfriend is coming home soon."
"pft what a lucky man"
She turns around
"He is.. but so are you fuck me before its too late"
He wastes no time
He's pounding into her
Her cum fluid mix is dripping out of her pussy
"OH god, UHgh,"
"OH god, im cuming"
"Im not done."
He puts her on top of himself for one last fuck. Shes a whore..
"OH god, I love it. You're so good. Hhhh,"
"Im filling you up now!"
"Thank you so much, sir."
"Okay, let's go"
He exits the room first
"Hey man"
He bumps your shoulder and leaves
You look back for your girlfriend. although she knows your kinks. She has a slightly guilty look on her face.
"Hey baby.. I've been bad."
She starts to reveal what she has been doing all day
"Sorry, I got a little carried away."
"No its okay, I saw it all"
"We didn't have sex very long, but it was really good."
Why is she lying?
"No its okay but I think i need a turn now"
"Ugh, sorry, I'm all stretched out and in pain."
She gives you a smirk
"Why dont I tell you about the plans we have for tomorrow! I'll even help you with your problem."
"Yes ma'am"
She starts to stroke your cock over her cum filled panties
"Well.. as he was fucking me he told me That He showed my photos to his friend."
The thought of this stanger interested in your girlfriend excites you
Shes playing with you cock
"Oh, interesting.."
"I know, his friend wants to meet me. Im sure hes interested."
"Luckily, my ex offered to introduce me"
She starts stroking you faster
She wispers in your ear
"Wouldnt that be fun baby"
You start to orgasm
She watches your cock trobbing against her underwear
She giggles
"I think thats a yes!"
You both clean up and then lay down to go to sleep
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flesh-machine · 21 days
I had signed up for a local CAD program thru our rez college. this is the first STEM program they've ever had so ppl have been nervous about getting into it; everyone they've interviewed for have wanted x2 what they're able to offer for salary. They've finally gotten an instructor (yay!) but they had to push the program back from July until (maybe??) this month - or December (idek). I got an email that the instructor is working on the coursework finally 🫠
big props to them for pursuing this! I'm just frustrated bc IDK how it being pushed back is gonna affect my financial aide; I signed up for two more classes bc I wanted to be able to get Pell grant monies like I'm able to while doing school
hhhh I need to go into the school tomorrow to ask but I hate to put stuff off more 🫠🫠🫠 or maybe I'll have to take another class then take the CAD one while doing the others ?
tldr - I'm feeling like this image rn
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be-good-to-bugs · 7 months
i wish i wasn't so shy
#the bin#theres a party happening where i work tomorrow after close. i really like my coworkers but i cant make myself go#im so tired of being home alone all the time but :/ the coworker i dont like isnt even gonna be there so i wouldnt have to deal but :/#i just cant. i know at least most of my coworkers like me but. hhhh. the thought of going makes me super anxious#i dont know why it makes me so nervous. but the fact ill definitely have to see all these people again doesnt help bc if i seem weird its#a permanent fumble. until i move at least.#i can be normal in work settings because i dont HAVE to talk. i can focus on working and i think that actually makes people see me as very#professional. it certainly did at my last job. and where i work now im always tryna make sure if theres stuff to be done that im doing it#and asking. whenever theres nothing to do i feel so awkward and bored. a few of my coworkers are nice to talk to but we only talk bc they#have nobody to talk to. when its more than 1 other person then those 2 people usually talk to each other and i do nothing#idk. this sorta thing isnt the kind athing everyone likes doing but it feels like the kinda thing i would actually enjoy if i wasnt so shy#its weird to me that i was able to push past some of my social anxiety in order to get a job. but that only happened bc i was fully forced#to. and i procrastinated it quite a bit. i forced myself to deal with stuff previously so i could go to the store and that was the same case#i fully tan out of food and drink for 3 days before i finally forced myself to walk to the store out of pure necessity bc i HAD to#since the ppl i lived with refused to go to the store even tho i was out of food#and now i do those things fine. i get kinda anxious but its really fine#but i cant force myself to do other things. it sucks so much#well. it doesnt matter.
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inu-jiru · 8 months
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Completely forgot I was posting my Stella Week art here, so here's the last three ^^
Day 5 is Alternate Form, so I picked a future scene in The Hunger Series involving Stella and Octavia in Hellhound form. I rushed that piece admittedly since I was late by a day, so I'm not the biggest fans of the designs, but I think I was able to get close to my vision for them. I was aiming for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel for Stella, and a Poodle-Spaniel mix for Octavia (If I drew Stolas, he'd be a Poodle).
Day 6 is Alternative Clothes. Stella's outfit is supposed to give off templar knight vibes, but, of course, bearing Lucifer's symbol instead of a cross. The symbol is what Lucifer uses in my AU, and that middle part with the spots is supposed to be a stylized pomegranate (I'm using that instead of apples as the forbidden fruit in my AU).
Finally, Day 7 is Tea Party, and I wanted to do something cute with Stella and Octavia. This was the day I realized that I was using the wrong color for Stella's eyes in my other pieces, but by that point, it was too late hhhh. I'm one of those people who see Stella as having some sort of eating disorder and body image issues, something she struggles to avoid inflicting on Via. Stella's not perfect, but she wants to do better than her own mother.
Admittedly, this week's gotten me into writing again so MAYBE I can finish this next chapter ^^
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faerieismm · 2 years
hello hello hi hello hi i know there’s still alot in the workings but there are just no words coming out of my typing fingies and i finally had this idea thanks to @squid-boo n mine’s autistic little brains (and them requesting it djdjkdjsj) and decided to write it while it’s still fresh on the brain👍👍 so for all my little autistic people…
mamm0n and lev1 with an aut1stic s/o includes;;
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ps: autism can look different for everyone! i just took some of the traits/things i heard of from people with autism and my own struggles/traits, they might not be what others experience!!!
ps 2: okay so ive been having so much trouble writing lately,,, theres alot going on in my life and honestly my body is giving up on me i may come here sometimes to write some small things but im not sure if i'm gonna be able to write everyone's requests sorry!!!
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tw? none a oui
genre? fluff, humor, comfort??
type of writing? headcanons!!! :D
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mamm0n !!
i hc mammon somewhere on the neurodivergent spectrum
so in some ways he might be like 😃💡!!
but he may sometimes cross certain boundaries in his enthusiasm
however, explain to him what to do and not to do and he’s better than ur therapist
really tries to focus on ur special interests !!
finds it really annoying you can poke through his barricade so easily
especially if you confront him with his feels for you
mammon can be very spontaneous, which may be hard for you, especially if they are plans of going out ect (and whatever the heck he comes up with lets be honest) at some point
sorry y'all i really tried to milk my two braincells for more mammon hcs but there is nothing in there :,)
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leviathan gets you
he's been there, done that
he's on the spectrum for sure and he knows what ur going through at times
obsessing over your interests is not a special occasion for the two of you
sometimes you might get a little too deep and lucifer has to pull you out of his room to get you guys back to functioning again
will help you plan stuff if thats what you need and want some help with!!! he understands that sometimes being spontanious is hard and wont blame you if you need to pull back for a little while!
especially when you start overexplaing yourself about how you really like to spend time with him but sometimes your mind is too full and you didnt expect this and ur not prepared and you love him but
comforting eachother~
you may always use his headphones if ur overstimulated :)
they are noicecanceling ones too~
at some point he buys you your own (if you didnt have them on you when you got randomly teleported to the devildom)
hhhh that was all i have for now,,, maybeeeee simeon and beel next time?👀
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alagaesia-headcanons · 11 months
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@marimo331 Thank you for the prompt!!! The timeline I'm working with is rather different, so I though an AU would be fun for this! I didn't exactly include dragon egg idea, but something along those lines. (also I already broke my resolve to keep these under 1k hhhh I am nothing if not long winded :'V !)
As a vague set up for this AU, the conflict that decimated the old Riders doesn’t go so favorably for Galbatorix and he isn’t able to secure power, so he and the Forsworn don’t last long after the war. When the chance to rebuild the Riders later presents itself via Eragon and Saphira, it doesn’t require the bloodshed it does in canon. There’s more weight on the Riders’ impact on Alagaesia’s cultures and power dynamics.
One month ago, after a series of concerning reports from the port city of Reavstone, Orrin contacted Eragon and requested aid for their investigation. A number of sailors- too many to be explained away as a crew that helped themselves to an excess of rum- have told similar tales of damaged ships and lines, snatched glimpses of uncanny creatures in the water, and ghastly sounds echoing in the caves of the eastern cliffs. A few weeks later, Eragon declared that Murtagh and Thorn would meet him at Reavstone in five days.
That should make the day of their arrival today.
Orrin can’t help but tersely wonder if the reason Eragon didn’t come himself is because of the wrong foot Orrin started off on years ago when the issue of the Riders suddenly reared its head after nearly a century of their absence. Eragon is kind hearted and has likely forgiven his past falters, and it’s of little consequence either way since he did provide the help they asked for, albeit not personally. But all the idle waiting leaves his mind drifting down such paths.
Lost in thought, he doesn’t notice at first several raised voices mingle with the cries of seagulls overhead. “Sire,” Graytooth utters, touching his arm once. His guard points up, redirecting his returned attention to the horizon. A glittering spark of red hangs there in the sky.
“Tell Powel to hail them and ask that they land in the north courtyard when they draw near,” he instructs.
More than an hour passes as they close the distance, the buzz throughout the city steadily mounting as they do. When he finally gets a clear view of them, Orrin worries briefly that even the north courtyard might not be big enough, but Thorn lowers himself with remarkably graceful precision, neatly nestling his enormity amidst the buildings of the keep. His ruby hide casts dazzling sparkles all around. He tastes the air primly, then lowers his noble head, observing all of them curiously.
As he does, in a flash of movement between his wings, Murtagh dismounts with an unhesitating leap to the ground. Running a hand fondly along the length of his neck, he makes his way around his dragon and Orrin gets his first look at the second Rider of the new generation.
Only having Eragon as a reference point, he’d pictured Murtagh resembling his half brother, but in the flesh, he is actually quite different. His figure is wiry and angular, at once appearing more lithe while also sharper around the edges. Loose curls of dark hair are half tied up behind pointed ears, a mark of the changes of a Rider, although he clearly hasn’t shared Eragon’s transformation into the spitting image of an elf. Murtagh doesn’t look entirely human, but he’s not sleekly polished in that elven way.
He’s very handsome, in fact. His eyes are clever and the subtle, sly curl of his lips is compelling. He wears a fine, form fitting tunic with sleeves that reach to his elbows, perhaps to better accommodate use of magic. Orrin would think he’s more of an athlete than a warrior if not for his scarlet sword.
Hand on his chest, he bows his head and greets, “Murtagh, at your service.” Then he holds his hand out towards his partner. “And Thorn, at your service.” Thorn pushes a paw forward in such a way that it hinders the other nobles from approaching, something Orrin feels an unexpectedly profound pulse of gratitude for. The dragon chuffs sonorously and blinks at him, and a breath of awe flutters in Orrin’s chest.
“I am honored,” he exhales, after almost forgetting his decorum facing the odd pair. “I am King Orrin, and on behalf of Surda, I want to thank you for providing your help with these unusual troubles.”
“Of course your majesty, the Riders will always serve people’s needs,” Murtagh replies automatically, giving the formalities only a cursory consideration. “I am the Riders’ expert on unusual troubles, after all, and I feel like I’m due to get another one under my belt,” he quips, wryly alluding to his past which Orrin isn’t wholly familiar with, but that he grasps the broad outline of well enough to know ‘unusual’ is an understatement. “Eragon told me what you said. I was impressed by the insight you had on all the reports.”
“Ahh, well,” Orrin fusses his fingertips over the clasp of his cloak. He didn’t realize that’d been passed along. “With Aberon’s library at my disposal, it seemed only right to do a bit of research.” He pauses for one beat, but Murtagh doesn’t interject, watching attentively. “Well- from all the sources I could gather, I’m very skeptical that it could be a Nïdhwal of any kind. It would be far too close to shore and I couldn’t find a single thing that would account for the sounds. One crew had convinced themselves that Ra’zac had made a den in the cliff-” Murtagh hums in his throat, entertained- “and their paranoia was threatening to spread into a panic. Luckily they listened well enough for me to assure them that it can’t be Ra’zac, as they’d never get so close to the sea.”
“Exactly, exactly,” he concurs intently, waving a hand towards him, “because they suffer in damp nests and-”
“They can’t swim,” Orrin finishes, gesturing back. “Right. Old accounts were thorough enough to rule them out easily, but left more to be desired about other creatures. I have a handful of theories on what this could be, but nothing definite.”
Thorn snorts, his breath ruffling Murtagh’s hair. “Thorn’s right, it sounds like you would be quite the asset for figuring this out. Do you plan to be on the ship that’s going to guide us to the cliff side?”
Orrin falters for a moment, taken aback by the prospect, then instinctively glances over at Graytooth. The look he gets in return is faintly exasperated, although not particularly determined to deny him. His guard wontedly remarks, “It would be dangerous.”
But Orrin can’t focus on that, his mind alive with the thought of fresh, open air outside of city walls, escaping the overbearing and ever present pressure of his court, the allure of a meaningful mystery where his curiosity and urge to understand might have a purpose for once. -And having a dragon and his Rider circling overhead! Surely, with them, the danger wouldn’t be so great.
Indeed, Murtagh offers, “We’d do everything we can to see to your safety.”
“...Do you think it’d make any difference? If I were there?”
Murtagh considers him with an even stare. “I think there’s no way it wouldn’t. In my experience, the right companion might make all the difference when it comes to unusual troubles.” The right companion. Orrin struggles to believe he could ever fill such a role. Murtagh tips his head and shrugs, saying, “It’s up to you if that seems wise, though. I can’t say for sure, and there’s only one way to know.”
Scattering the people gathered in the courtyard like a flock of startled sparrows, Thorn rearranges his legs beneath him and lays down, resting his head on his front paws, flicking the tip of his tail. Orrin feels the projected touch of his mind and his instinct to immediately refocus on his mental defenses lurches up, but after a heartbeat, he relaxes and listens to the dragon say, We’d like to hear your theories.
Orrin can’t restrain a small smile, touched. Murtagh shifts his weight and straightens his shoulders. “I’ll tell you what I learned, then. Whatever I can do to keep this danger from harming anyone else, I’ll do it. So- if it might help, I will join,” he vows.
Thorn purrs as Murtagh grins.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
Then and now - shippy edition! 💜
Enabled and inspired by @pinkyjulien @humberg @arcandoria @breezypunk @kharonion and everyone else who's done something similar XD My little VP and modding journey featuring Vince and Kerry over the last few months!
So, I figure, most of you can relate to my disappointment when I realized at the end of my first playthrough that there's so little interaction possible with the main NPCs outside of their respective questlines. The text messages your LI sends you are adorable, yes. Being able to sleep in their bed and then waking up next to them? A+ game design, 100/100, every game with romances needs this. But where is my option to hug, kiss, spend time with Kerry? Rude!!
Still though, I was undeterred to create some shots for my new favourite blorbos with my vanilla game (I had never heard of AMM then (or at least was too chickenshit still to install it)).
Behold, my first attempts at creating something shippy (and I do still like these a lot) - title: Kerry meets Nibbles.
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The idea behind this is probably kinda self-explainatory XD I had these as desktop background for so long, it feels so nostalgic to look back at them now. I think I have some slightly edited versions somewhere but cannot find them for the life of me, but there's no big difference really, just some slight colour/contrast editing.
I was always a bit bummed out by the fact that Kerry's default outfit for idling at the villa is the one with sunglasses on (while over the progression of his questline he wears it less and less as he gets to know V better, as if he is letting his guard down). But oh well! Also yes, that was and still is my favourite photomode pose for V really, because it is very versatile:
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But that's... really it when it comes to opportunities for shippy moments outside of the quests.
I was yearning for more!! As you can see, these are only 3 days apart. I had done some research and learned about the "[NPC] Interactions Enhanced" mods that I highly recommend for the options to kiss and hug your LIs alone :3 And! More shippy shot opportunities, because Kerry will finally be somewhere else in his huge-ass villa besides the sofa or the bed, and take off those beloathed sunglasses:
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Hhhh.... I can't tell you how happy I was about this shot. I remember yelling to my friends on Discord about it half in tears (none of them really knowing much about the game yet apart from my occasional screaming about all the angst and plot twists). I think I described it as "Vince finally feeling some actual, real happiness, daring to imagine a future", just content and relaxed, having a late night talk with Kerry. I still like it a lot, and because of the mod enabling me to take this pic I still low-key wanna look into quest-modding some day and see if I can make something in a "romance-enhanced" direction. The "Kerry calls V and wants help with cleaning up the villa" quest we all deserve xD
Another couple of days later, and with one toe dipped into modding now, I finally installed AMM (I think, since this was around Valentine's Day, this must've been when I saw a tutorial by @pinkyjulien on how to pose your blorbos for kissing poses with AMM, and my mind was blown XD). My first attempt to even get anything accomplished was kinda frustrating though (because I wanted to do too much too quickly). In a couple of the other "then and now" posts I saw earlier that the more common approach for getting into AMM used to be "swap your characters with NPCs around the city" and I was like.... "oh, yeah, that would've made things a lot easier" 🤡 Nope, I went right in with spawning them in and trying to squish them together with poses that somewhat matched XD
The following were my first AMM-posed screenshots that worked how I wanted them to, and aösdhfdsaf I am somewhat self-conscious about them still. What is a "look at" feature? What are expressions?
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I never shared these publically before but hhhhh... this is it, this is the moment where the brainrot started. They're at Dark Matter, talking about V's childhood in Charter Hill, musing about how it's insane how they both occupied almost the same spaces for such long periods of their lives and only never ran into each other due to their age difference. I'm actually still (slooooowly) working on a little comic with this scene/story as topic, cause it is so essential and important to me (based on a random spontaneous decision I made about V's past before even knowing the Dark Matter existed... right across from V's childhood home asdöasdhfjds. Setting the whole "we were destined for each other" trope I have going on with them so much in stone ;A;). This is one of the shoots I'd also really like to redo with my current VP skills... maybe when I've finished my hand-holding poses, cause yeah... hand holding ;__;
Speaking of which:
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Five months later, still stupidly in love with each other, still regularly back at the Dark Matter because the place is so gorgeous and important to them. Kerry's getting some more outfits slowly but surely (even with sunglasses!), I have a much better understanding of AMM and the VP possibilities in general now. These two unlocked completely new ways of creative expression for me that I wouldn't even have dreamed of possessing or wanting to follow. VP has become such an amazing creative outlet, for creating all those little scenes I wish I existed in the base game, or which I'd love for them to have in their future.
Am I crying about fictional pixel men too much? Maybe. But over a short period of time they've become so important to me, and I got to meet so many cool and inspiring people in this community after not really feeling part of or even drawn to creating for a fandom for a long time anymore. Can't wait to update this post some time in the future to see where my and their journey will lead to!
I feel like my progress is kinda slow, and I wish I had more time to dedicate to them and all my creative endeavours, cause they'd deserve it for all the joy they bring me xD But alas... Fingers crossed for more spare time and better time management in my future! Thanks for reading this far and coming to my blorbo talk 💜
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yeonsu-bh · 10 months
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i am SOOO excited to see beonhwa finally open and can't wait to write with everyone here and see muse development! i am here to introduce my toll and veryyy internally conflicted and overwhelmed muse YI YEONSU the recently returned heir apparent of house gladiolus. i've editted this part like three times now - barely have any pages set up but pulled this plot page together last minute for something at the least!
bec i have nothing else to offer but extreme volume (LOUD) please feel free to take a dive into my best attempt at yeonsu's tldr bec i literally wrote an entire essay for my app and still feel sorry for that hhhh,, (to save u time if u read his app this is basically that cut in half so u can skip to the bottom OR vice versa if you didnt want to read his app bec it was so fking long u can read his intro!)
full disclosure! i may be slow to get back but if you'd like a plot below feel free to reply with which one specifically, or if you'd like to brainstorm/plot pls give this a like an i will meander my way into ur dms as soon as i can!
trigger warnings: kidnap, assumed death
heir apparent of house gladiolus
twenty-seven old man (weeping for older fcs)
was born to the yi family of gladiolus
as a young child growing up, yeonsu was very naturally talented at everything he learned and picked up from academics to physical training! he also had great relations with his parents and grandparents
wasn't exactly doted on but was regarded with as much respect as the growing heir apparent could get so that he would understand his role from a young age versus being treated as a usual child would be
at 12, yeonsu was kidnapped during a large town celebration hosted by the villagers after the house of gladiolus supported them against an issue with the nobility. it was clear that families of the nobility were behind the kidnapping however there wasn't any concrete evidence to pinpoint which families were responsible for hiring kidnappers
a ransom was demanded for yeonsu's life along with certain demands to accommodate the nobility. however, the yi family came to odds against each other between deciding how to save yeonsu and what was the right thing to do for the people as a whole
during this time, yeonsu was able to escape from his kidnappers after finding a moment of opportunity. he was chased to a town far from beonhwa where he found refuge within a poor town - collapsing in front of a small farmer family that took him in.
yeonsu's escape was kept secret from the yi family as the kidnappers continued to hunt him down. he was only able to survive after being hidden in a home full of sick villagers where he then fell ill with pneumonia from being exposed to the sick along with all the distress his body and mind were under.
eventually, the kidnappers stopped looking for yeonsu and it was reported to the yi family that yeonsu was killed due to their inability to pay the ransom or accommodate the nobles.
for his safety, his adoptive mother encouraged yeonsu to assume a new identity as one of their children until someone from his family came to retrieve him - unaware of his true background. from a poor farming family in a town barely able to sustain itself, there was no one that would be able to truly protect yeonsu or provide him safe passage back to beonhwa.
thus, yeonsu became chae dohwan. as the years passed by with no one from the yi family ever coming to search for yeonsu, he slowly let go of the hope that he would ever be found and truly began assimilating into his life as dohwan.
after 15 years, yeonsu was finally pulled back to his past and true identity when his true birth mother suddenly showed up after hearing about yeonsu through many attempts of contact from his adoptive mother.
with his true identity confirmed and restored, yeonsu was immediately whisked back to beonhwa to return to his rightful place as the heir apparent of the gladiolus house.
yeonsu is going through A LOT of internal conflict and strife!! it's only been about three months since he's returned. short enough of a time to still feel out of place, but long enough to have a routine established.
kind of feels like impostor syndrome but? he's the real deal hello! how do you deal with that?! aka he's feeling suffocated on top of all the other negative feelings!
he's in an odd place of reassimilating into the lifestyle of those in beonhwa
for one, he misses his family dearly and is struggling with trying to reconnect with his original family after finding out the truth all these years that they had believed he was dead this entire time
from the fifteen years he's lived as a poor farmer, there are a lot of things about politics, luxury, power, and the people of beonhwa that yeonsu is having a hard time accepting with ease
but wait! underneath all the commotion dotion yeonsu is actually a heckin great guy! smart, strong, talented! and super control of his emotions actually which is why he hasn't lashed out or anything. he just needs to catch a break!
people who knew yeonsu before he was kidnapped (so childhood friends?)
people who think that yeonsu is a fraud
someone that sees yeonsu as a threat
yeonsu is going through MAJOR emotional changes! he's processing and not really processing at the same time because he's just been thrown into responsibilities for his role rather than really be eased into them.
plots (copy pasted from the page above)
yeonsu heard muse talking shit and now he’s avoiding them. but the thing is, he doesn’t have context! muse isn’t a bad person! OR maybe yeonsu did have context and he honest to god just doesn’t want to get involved with whatever is happening !
a huge feast is being held at the house of gladiolus officially celebrating yeonsu’s return. it’s too much though and yeonsu wishes he was anywhere but there. while muse sneaks around the estate to secretly find a quite place, yeonsu follows to join them.
muse doesn’t know that know or realize that yeonsu is the newly returned heir apparent of the gladiolus house. they catch him on the street interacting with non-nobles and start treating him like one of them ! (could be a positive or negative interaction!)
[ claimed ] in a field near the outskirts of beonhwa, yeonsu has found a moment to escape. muse comes across yeonsu by chance - hidden by the thick grassy field, and lays down to join him.
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bropunzeling · 2 months
hello hi!! it is me again!! finished my bropunzeling doubleheader and ahgggghh hhhh!!!!!! i swear to god the payoff in only fools rush in is so good it made me see STARS . i loved it so much oh my god. i’m obsessed with matthew the sort of unreliable narrator who cannot for the life of him figure out that leon is so down bad it makes him look stupid. the spain chapter !!!!!!!!!!!!! just sooooo good!!!!!! it’s been a while since i’ve reread girl!leon (my beloved) and one thing i do remember vividly is how much i loved the sicily chapter, where she’s pining so bad. idk there’s something about them on vacation that hits different . maybe it’s because it’s july but maybe not who knows. the portrayal of the loneliness matthew feels and the moving across the continent about it felt so real to me (and relatable. ouchie!!)
also. the porn. the feelings that are expressed through it. that is so well done and so hard to come by? like the way they express their affection through it is phenomenal. gagged me fr i’m going to be thinking about it for a while
there’s one bit that made me go insane fr fr. near the end, when they’re in leon’s hotel room and they’re finally resolving:
“I do," he says. His voice is shaking, from fear or nerves or adrenaline or the hope that's threatening to consume him. It akes all of his courage to uproot himself, to make himself move wards Leon. To take that last, final step, until he and Leon are almost touching. Are close enough that Matthew can feel Leon's sody heat, can see the lines around his eyes, can smell hotel shampoo and skin. "I do want it."
i don’t know if the narration break (i don’t know the right word for it) between “i do” and “i do want it” done on purpose as in the wedding vows i dos but anyways it made me go CRAZY. JUST AHHHHHHHH SICK SICKKKKKKK. genuinely made me glad i have eyeballs and a brain. GOD.
anyways. i do still believe you are akin to jane austen . i love you and i am going to read the matty/shane fic i had put off (bc i don’t really know them) with an open heart and full trust. i love you and u live your writing <33333333333 hope your pillow is cool on both sides tonight <3
anon it is potentially indulgent to publish this but i dont want to lose it in my inbox!!!! im kissing you on the mouth!!!! ty for being so kind! especially since i've been feeling less creative than the past few years (which, tbh..... the output of the past two years were deeply unsustainable 💀) and the current wip is going slow. ur timing is so wonderful. thank you!!!! it amazes me every day that people like, really like these things that i write.
also not to take as an excuse to babble but i DO think there is something generally when writing a romantic fic where taking ur characters and sticking them somewhere outside their normal circumstances they're better able to get to those deeper feelings? like, being away from "reality" of rivalry or hate or what have you allows to like, tap into those big big emotions. this is why i love writing vacation scenes. i cannot be stopped.
anyway ty so much, what a nice start to the day, i hope you enjoy shane and matty!!!!! they're nice boys!!!!
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