#also she carries him out there wedding venue once they said there vows
(( a man dosent propose to georgette
She will be the one proposing the man like there babygirl while saying the most Romantic goth poetic shit youve ever heard that skips your heart a beat
She is the one to propose sekido like in the irish celebration where women propose at the end of leap year
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The Heathers + Veronica get Married
It took them long enough
It had taken a while for Mac to decide wether or not she wanted to propose
Sure she loved her gfs, and she knew from the bottom of her heart that she wanted to spend each and every day of the rest of her life with them, but she didn't know if she actually wanted to go through the whole marriage process
Her and Chandler had always dreamed of having a ceremony, getting all dressed up, wedding vows, the whole nine yards
But she also knows that Duke and Veronica didn't really care for it all that much and would be content staying as girlfriends forever
Plus, there are four of them, they don't exactly have the most conventional of relationships
Not only would they have a hard time finding a venue and chaplain who would be willing to do a four-person wedding, but legally they cannot all be married to each other
So if they were to get married legally, there would have to be 2 separate marriages, and she's worried that it would leads to cracks in their relationship
But on the other hand, like she's said, she's always wanted to get married, and just because Duke and Veronica don't care for it doesn't mean they would be opposed to it
And if they get married, they can go on a Honeymoon, and Mac has so many ideas on where they could go
She thinks on it for a while, and at one point settles on proposing and gets the rings made, before backing out at the last minute
But then they start planning a vacation to her dad's beach house, and the idea of proposing on the picturesque beach gets stuck in her head
She still doesn't know what do to and internally panics for a while
She's able to brush it off to her gfs as nerves for the upcoming trip, but secretly she's panicking because this is probably the best chance she will get to propose and if she doesn't take it she won't get a better opportunity
It all comes to a head one day when Veronica's friends come over
Veronica is excitedly telling them about her trip and all the different places they are going to go, and while that's going on JD notices Mac looking uncomfortable
Sensing something was up, he makes an excuse, saying that he's going to pick up some slushies and after taking everyone's order, he asks Mac to come with him to 'help him carry all of them'
Once they're on the way to 7/11 JD says to 'spill the beans yellow'
Mac and JD aren't best friends or anything, they aren't even that close, but Mac has very few people she could talk to about this, and out of her options JD is the best one
She starts out by saying that she's been considering proposing to her gfs, and while she starts strong she quickly breaks down, confessing that she doesn't know if she should, detailing all of the back and forth that's going on in her mind
He stays silent as they head into 7/11
Mac is worried that she said something wrong because JD isn't saying anything and isn't even looking at her
He pays for their slushies and they sit on the curb outside the store, taking a few sips before he finally speaks up
He tells Mac that her fears are understandable but ultimately unfounded
He knows that her gfs love her more than anything in the world and would do literally anything for her
Plus, they don't have to get married legally, it's their relationship they can do what they want with it
Although they probably should for tax reasons
And if they don't get legally married, they don't need a chaplain and as for the venue, they don't have to tell them that it's a wedding
Mac takes a minute to absorb all of the information before acquiescing, saying that he has a point, but that she's still nervous
JD tells her that is completely normal and that if she wasn't nervous he'd be concerned
Mac tells her about her plan for proposing and he agrees that it's a great plan
They talk some more before heading back to the house, telling everyone that they took so long because they saw a stray cat and brought it to the animal shelter
Flashing forward to the night before they left for the trip, Mac snuck out of the bed she shared with her gfs and went into her closet where she kept the box with the rings and hid it in one of her suitcases
Throughout the entire trip she was terrified that one of them would accidentally see the box, but thankfully they never did
Eventually they reached the beach house and as the day she would propose drew closer, Mac got more and more stressed
What if they said no? What if they hated her for even suggesting such a stupid idea? What if they abandoned her? What if-
She pushed those thoughts away, she knows that they love her and when they see the rings they'll be so excited and happy
The day arrives, and Mac pretends to be tired and refuses to get out of bed
Her gfs all leave to go drink coffee and finish packing up, while she quickly grabs the box, sneaks outside, and puts it near the door leading to the beach
She then heads back up to the bedroom and gets back in bed, right as Veronica brings up her tea
They cuddle while Mac drinks it, and when she is finished she packs up all her stuff and gets dressed, making sure to put in some earrings that are looser on her but also rather small, so that it would be more believable that she lost one and could not find it
While her gfs are putting the stuff in the jeep she tells them that she's gonna take one last walk on the beach before they head out
Thankfully none of her gfs find this suspicious, plus they're also too busy trying to fit everything into the jeep
She quickly makes her way to where she left the box and heads out down to the beach, before digging a small hole and placing the box in it, covering it up with sand
She takes off one of the earrings and places it in her pocket, before nervously heading back towards the Jeep
She cries very easily and with how nervous she is it doesn't take much to get the waterworks flowing while saying that she lost one of her earrings in the sand
Of course her gfs rush over to help her find it, and Mac's heart is beating louder and faster with every second that passes
They dig and dig until Duke finds the box
Its a small black box, nothing ornate or even notable about it
She brushes off the sand and opens the box, only to see 4 smaller boxes, one red, one yellow, one green, and one blue
Seeing them, Chandler immediately knows whats going on, and Duke and Veronica have a good idea as well
Mac grabs the yellow box before handing each of them their respective boxes and getting on her knee
It's the moment, she cannot mess this up
She had a whole speech planned out but she's panicking and her mind is drawing a blank so she decides to just wing it
She tells them to open up the boxes, revealing each ring
Mac made and designed each ring herself
It took a few tries, but she eventually landed on something that she was happy with
The band looks like heather flowers with roses scattered around, coming around to the diamond, the color of which depends on who the ring is going to
Surrounding the diamond are four smaller diamonds, one red, one yellow, one green and one blue
It takes her a second to find the right words but she eventually starts with telling them how much they mean to her and that they've done so much for her, for which she is ever grateful
She first turns to Chandler, telling her that from the day they first met she's been enamored with her, that she's been someone that she can rely on and whose always been there for her when she needs it
She was her rock, her guide, her knight in shining armor, and for all that and more, she loves her
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She then turns to Duke, telling her that while they didn't start out as the best of friends, she's come to really care for her and that she's helped her with so much, like how she helped her get out of her shell, helped her to not rely on Chandler so much for everything, and helped her to stand up for herself, and for that and everything else, she loves her
Finally she turns to Veronica, telling her that she brought the three of them out to the endless mindless cycle of popularity, and without her they would probably be stuck in their old bad habits
She reminded them that there's more to life than popularity and that once high school ended popularity wouldn't mean anything anymore, and that she loves her
She then goes on to say that the three of them have changed her for the better (Yes this is a Wicked reference) and made her into the person she is today
She cannot imagine the person she would be if she never met them, and that she does not even want to consider such a world, and that's why she wants to make her world permanent
Everyone has tears in their eyes as she says the four magic words
"Will you marry me?"
They all move in for a big group hug, tears now visibly falling down their cheeks as the answers are given
Flashing forward, they start to get the details of the wedding set
Or at least they try to
It turns out planning a wedding is way more complicated than any of them imagined and so they get overwhelmed very quickly, not to mention they have to plan a wedding for four people instead of the usual two
Consequently, they have to balance the tastes and desires of four people
Stressed out and unsure, they decide to take it slow and figure out one detail at a time, they're in no real hurry, they have the rest of their lives to figure it out
One night they all sit down and Veronica writes out all the things they need to figure out
This list includes but is not limited to; Venue, Guests, Food, Chaplain, Photographer, Decorations, Cake, Honeymoon, Day/Time, Dresses, Bridesmaids/Maid(s) of Honor and Legal Marriage
They all look at the list which only gets longer and longer and their stress skyrockets
Veronica calms them down by reminding them that they aren't on a time limit or anything, they can go as fast or as slow as they want and they have as much time to decide as they wish
They go one step at a time, and over the next few days they knock out the easy ones
Chandler really really wanted to bake their wedding cake, and despite objections that she's never made a wedding cake before or that she should relax and let other people do it because its her wedding, she is eventually allowed to make the cake
The Chaplain problem also solves itself, as JD lets it slip that after Mac confessed that she was thinking of proposing he started the online certification for wedding officiating
Even though this marriage is invalid in the eyes of the law and wouldn't require an actual officiator, it would still be nice to have someone up there who knows what they're doing
As for dresses, it takes a minute to find someone who makes dresses that A They Like, B Can be made in time and C do colored dresses instead of just white, because obviously their dresses are going to be their colors, they're the Heathers
And eventually, they're able to find a photographer who after a large bonus agrees not to ask any questions and not to post their pictures publicly
Now that they've gotten some of the easy stuff out of the way, the hard stuff looms over them
The main one is Guests, because a lot of the other things depends on it
Between the four of them, there aren't many people who they interact with on a regular basis, much less people who know about their relationship
The list of invites only had Betty, Martha, JD, Veronica's parents and Mac's dad
After a bit of consideration they add some of Mac's friends from her volunteer work and some employees at her dad's business, Duke's boss and some of her coworkers, and Veronica's contact with the publishing company, but after that they can't think of anyone else
They don't really have anyone else to invite, Chandler and Duke's families are either dead (courtesy of JD) or don't speak to them over them being the sole inheritor of their parent's fortunes (also courtesy of JD)
Mac's family all sided with her mom during the divorce, believing all the lies she spouted, and aren't on speaking terms with Mac or her dad
And Veronica isn't very close with most of her extended family, and the ones she is closer with don't know that she's in a polyamorous relationship with 3 women, and she's not exactly keen on letting that fact be known
Outside of families, none of them have many friends, a side effect of being the HBIC for years and bullying everyone below them, or from being at the bottom of the totem pole
They're initially a little disheartened with how few people will be coming, and a little surprised at how few people they are close with, but eventually they realize that it's better to just invite the people they actually care about then try and fill up the rows with fake friends from school or people like Kurt and Ram
With the guest list sorted out, they're able to figure out how much food and booze they're gonna need, and they're able to start looking for a venue that would fit
With such a small guest list they have the lion's share of choices
They all agree they're not doing it in a church, and after a bit of discussion they decide they want their pets there, so they have to have an outside venue, so they look for some spaces they could rent
Eventually they find a property available for rent on a cliff overlooking Lake Erie, providing a beautiful backdrop for them to get married against
After a bit of negotiation they are able to reserve it for the day they planned, and all that was left to do was get the final few details hammered out
When they talk about theming there are a few ideas thrown out
Mac liked a natural aesthetic, but Chandler was worried about attracting bugs so that idea was shelved
Chandler proposed a traditional white colored wedding, but everyone thought it was kinda boring and unoriginal
Eventually they settled on a 'whimsical' theme, which would have lots of bright colors (can you guess what colors), balloons, party streamers and mix-matched things like chairs or glasses
Chandler liked how it incorporated their colors and how it would match with their dresses, Mac liked that it was fun and not stoic and bland, and Duke and Veronica appreciated the symbolism
The last thing they have to talk about before the big question is about Bridesmaids
They don't have a lot of guests, so they decide they don't really need them or have enough people to have them
As for a Maid of Honor, they decide to just pick a collective one, with the choice for who being unanimous
Martha literally jumped with joy when she found out that she was being asked to be the Maid of Honor, she was so happy that she almost started crying
After that, all that's left is the question of getting legally married
The four of them cannot all be married to each other, obviously, so there would have to be 2 marriages
Chandler is opposed to it, saying that who cares about what the law or government says
Duke likes the tax breaks they would get, but concedes they don't really need it and they don't have to get married legally
Mac is unsure, she knows that it could cause issues but also knows that getting it done legally would make it "real"
Veronica thinks they should just go for it, there's no real reason for them not to, they're still gonna be together regardless of what the law thinks
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They all eventually come to the conclusion that this would need to be a unanimous decision, and since they don't have that they are not going to do it
However, the possibility remains open in the future if someone changes their mind
With that, all there's to do is wait until their wedding day
Flash forward to the night before, they all went their separate ways, not to see each other until the ceremony
Mac went back to her Dads, Veronica to her parents, Chandler went to Martha/Betty/JDs, and Duke stayed at their home
In the morning they all drove to the venue
Once there they all went into separate dressing rooms and did their makeup, hair and finally put on their dresses
Guests continue to arrive and as the time for the ceremony draws near, they all start to panic a little
They're about to get married, its normal to get a little nervous, but they take it to a whole new level
It ranges from Veronica's oh my god I am about to get married holy shit to Chandler's dramatic ass self thinking she's going to pass out
After a little reassurance they all calm down a bit and they get ready to start the ceremony
Chandler is the first to come out, walking down the aisle alone
She's wearing an all red slim sleeveless dress with roses embroidered all around, with a gold necklace and bracelet embedded with red gems, along with her signature red schrunchie
As the music begins she walks out towards the altar
They had decided that one of them would come out at a time, going in the order that they got together
So the order would go Chandler, then Mac, then Duke, then Veronica
Chandler went first because there was no one to give her away, and that's the way she wanted it
She didn't need no man to 'give her away', she was never anyone's to give away in the first place
She makes it to the end and turns to face the crowd
They had decided on a traditional setup, with two sides and the walkway down the middle, but instead of there being a bride & groom side they just told their guests to sit wherever the hell they wanted
Once she reached her destination Mac started making her way towards her
She had gone with the dress she had dreamed of since childhood
It was big and poofy and frilly
It looked kinda like Belle's dress with everything above the waist being Cinderella's with Elsa's cape in a shining gold color
It was not practical in the slightest
Mac's dad, who was walking her down the aisle, kept tripping on the cape, and her heels were getting caught on the bottom of the dress, casing her to slip up a few times
Despite this, she was beaming with happiness, a massive smile on her face
She was essentially fast walking towards Chandler, which was probably the cause of her and her dad tripping
Once they reached the altar, Mac's dad pulled her into a tight hug, told her that he loved her, and turned to Chandler, telling her (and by extension the rest of their polycule) to take care of his daughter, before taking his seat
Mac was bursting with excitement, literally unable to control it and stay still
The sight of Mac calmed Chandler down from her own panic a few minutes earlier, and she grabbed her hand as they waited for their other fiancees
Duke was the next to emerge, arm in arm with JD
With her dad being 6 feet under, and not wanting him to give her away even if he was alive, she had to find an acceptable substitute, landing on JD
He had a good laugh when he was first asked, thinking it was a joke, only to see that Duke wasn't laughing
Duke said that he was the most caring and stable guy in her life, and that him walking her down the aisle would make her dad roll in his grave
JD, always one to piss off terrible people alive or dead, agreed to do it
Plus, he could not wait to see the look on Chandler's face when he walks her down
And oh boy did she deliver
Her face scrunched up in confusion, then anger, before resigning herself to it
She squeezed Mac's hand so hard that she had to ask Chandler to stop
She had a similar dress to Chandler, but instead of it going up to her shoulders, it stopped at her chest, giving a nice view of her cleavage, and it went down all the way instead of stopping at her ankles
Instead of the bright colors her fiancees had chosen, Duke went with a darker color, like a forest green
But her dress, unlike the others, hers was not a singular color, as farther down the green starts to morph into a bright red
That had been the compromise between her and Chandler, as they had both wanted a red dress
Duke and JD reached the altar, with JD giving her a pat on the back and saying "go get 'em tiger" before taking his place at the altar
Finally it's Veronica's turn, walked down by her dad
Out of all of her fiancees she had chosen the most traditional wedding dress, a nice light blue number that hugs her waist and comes up to wrap around her upper arms
The anticipation is killing them as Veronica makes her way up to the altar, and as they reach it her dad pulls her into a tight hug, tears streaming down his face as he tells her how proud of her he is and that he loves her, before taking his seat
With that the music shuts off as the ceremony begins
JD starts with the usual "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today..." but as none of them wanted religious aspects in the ceremony he continued with "to witness these four wonderful women dedicate their lives to each other in a manner which while not legal is nevertheless a sincere expression of the depths of their love"
They move on to their vows, of which they decided that they would each make a general statement towards everyone, as if each of them did an individual one for everyone they would be there all day
They also decided that they would go in the order that they walked in, so Chandler starts
She tells them that for a long time, she was convinced that she was destined to end up like her mother, a lonely depressed bitter woman in a loveless marriage to a man who only cared about her money
But with them, a new path opened up for her, one of her choosing
She was able to see herself living her life the way she wanted, free of the scrutinizing eye of her parents and able to live the way she pleases
And looking back at it all, the pain, the teenage angst bullshit, the worry and fear and just everything they had to deal with to get where they are today, she knows that it was all worth it, because the three of them saved her, from her parents, from society's expectations, from herself and her own self-doubt bullshit, and she could not imagine a world where she didn't meet Mac on that first day of Kindergarten, didn't invite Duke to join the Heathers in Freshman Year, and didn't happen to be in the same bathroom as Veronica when they got chewed out by Fleming
She vows to them to always be theirs, to love and cherish them and never forget that she loves them, to always have a stick in her ass and never want to go along with their inane plans but do it anyway and begrudgingly have fun, to pretend to hate all their childishness but in reality think its adorable, to do all the housework while they lounge around and clean up after them and their pets, and to hold them and never let them go
She ends by telling them that she loves them more than she could have ever imagined loving anything or anyone, and that she looks forward to spending every day of the rest of their lives together
Mac goes next
She's barely keeping it together and is extremely close to crying, but somehow manages to give her vows without breaking down
She's already told them how much they mean to her when she proposed, so she does something a little bit different
She tells the story of when she fell in love with each of them
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For Chandler, it was love at first sight, although she didn't know that yet
When they were placed at the same table on the first day of Kindergarten, she saw what she thought was an angel dressed in red and felt a strong desire to be near her, a feeling which only strengthened as the day went on and this girl talked to her with no prompting and asked if they wanted to be friends, when she stood up for her against the bullies, and who continued to spend time with her when she acted in a way that was different than other kids
It took her many years to realize what that feeling actually was, and longer to accept it, but she's so glad she did, and she is honored to call Chandler her best friend
The ceremony has to pause for a second because at this point Mac can no longer hold back the tears and cries happy tears, but she eventually regains her composure and moves on to Duke
For Duke, she recalls her 17th Birthday party during Junior Year
It had been a regular party with Duke's bday being an excuse to have one
Chandler was being uncharacteristically nice and letting Duke take center stage, even letting her wear a red dress that she bought for her
Chandler later admitted that she did this only bc she wanted to see what Duke looked like in red, and she was not disappointed in what she saw
Duke was happier then she had been for a very long time, letting herself enjoy the party and eat without worrying about calories or anything like that
Mac was sitting on Duke's couch, just watching the chaos unfold around her when she noticed Duke really come into her own
It reminded her a lot of Chandler in a way, how she was able to effortlessly navigate the bullshit of parties and somehow float above it all
It was nothing like the meek Duke that she had seen up to that point, the one who like her stayed to the side while Chandler took the brunt of the work, and she realized that she was seeing the real Duke for the first time, and thats when she felt it
The same feeling she got when she was around Chandler
Upon realizing what she was feeling, she bolted into the bathroom and spent the rest of the night having an existential crisis, but that's neither here nor there
Finally she turns to Veronica
She remembers the day she fell in love with her vividly
It had been about two weeks since she joined the Heathers, and Chandler had concocted a scheme to have Veronica write a fake note from Ram to Martha inviting her to his homecoming party only for her to get humiliated
She glanced over to where Martha was sitting, letting out a quick 'sorry about that btw' before turning back to Veronica
However, Veronica steadfastly refused, telling them that she didn't care what they said or did, she would not humiliate her closest and oldest friend like that
Chandler was livid and Duke was giddy because she thought Veronica was gonna get kicked out, but the whole situation only reminded her of how Chandler would stand up for her when they were younger, and she really admired that about her
Her ability to stand up for what she believed in and stay true to herself and her morals despite the immense pressure being put upon her is something Mac could never do, and as Veronica stormed away from them Mac felt it again
Turning back towards all of them she said that just like what she said on the beach all those months ago, she truly cannot imagine a world without them, and she is so glad that they said yes
She then vows to always be by their side, to love them as much as they've loved her, and to remind them each and every day that she loves them and needs them in her life
Next up is Duke
She starts by that she never thought she would make it to see her wedding day
TW EATING DISORDER/SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, If that triggers you then skip to where Veronica starts, the tldr for Duke is that they helped her and she loves them
They all witnessed firsthand her bulimia and how she could never keep a meal down
She wanted to be skinny like them more than anything, and that mindset nearly killed her
But despite all the pain, yelling, tears and general bullshit, they stayed by her side, always being there to rub her back as she vomited, always reminding her that she was beautiful, always just being there when she needed it, and that without them she wouldn't be here
She then goes on to say that when she proposed Mac told Veronica that she broke them out of the endless cycle of popularity, and while that was true it wasn't the whole picture
They all compliment each other because they broke each other out of their destructive cycles, from her bulimia to Veronica's smoking to Chandler's aggression to Mac's suicidal thoughts, they each support each other to break free from the cycle and come out of it better people
She then vows to keep supporting them for whatever and for however long they need her to as they have done for her, to cherish every moment they spend together, to always beat Chandler at every single game they play (Chandler made a face and twitched a little when she said that), to listen when Mac gushes about one of her many hyperfixations, to be there for Veronica to bounce ideas for her books off of, and to love them for as long as they live, which she hopes will be a very long time
Finally, Veronica's turn begins
She starts by saying that for the longest time she hated their guts, like face on a dartboard level hate
She wished nothing more for them to finally get a taste of their own medicine, to feel what it's like to be an outcast and treated like crap
Later on she realized these feelings came from a place of jealousy, envy and hatred for her own lot in life, but at the time she interpreted them as anger towards them
The only reason she wrote the note that day in the bathroom was because she saw an opportunity to get something from them
Imagine her shock when they not only gave her more than what she asked for, but then treated her nicely and respect
Her, 2nd to last on the totem pole that was Westerburg, getting treated good by The Heathers???
She couldn't believe it
She originally believed that this was some sort of long-term prank and that the whole school was in on it, all just waiting for the day they would reveal their true colors and show everyone what a fool she was for actually believing that they would even associate with a nobody
When the day came when Chandler asked her to write the note from Ram to Martha, she thought that this was it
They were asking her to do an impossible task and when she refused they would have a reason to kick her out and have the entire school point and laugh at her
But then they didn't
When she came to school the next day there were no things thrown at her, no scornful gazes, and Chandler apologized to her and told her that she didn't have to write the note?
She thought she was dreaming or that maybe someone put LSD in her coffee, but no it was all real
As the day progressed she realized that for the first time that the Heathers might have souls, and that caused her worldview to shift
She took the time to actually watch the Heathers, and she saw the cracks in their carefully crafted facades
Gone were the Telfon bitches, impervious to attack, and in their place came three scared girls doing what they could to keep their heads above the water, even if that came at the expense of everyone else
And sure, they had done some bad things, but nothing they had done was truly unforgivable, and everyone has the ability to grow and change
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And as their budding friendship turned into a budding romance (it caught her off guard that they wanted her, not that they were in a polycule, it was kinda obvious to anyone who had been to one of their sleepovers) she discovered little things about them that helped her finally shed the illusion of The Heathers and allowing her to truly see The Heathers for who they were, the real people she fell in love with
She goes on to say that on that fateful day she thought of the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, with her writing the note being the fork in the road
She could have easily traveled down the clean path, letting them get their detention and staying away from all the bullshit, but she chose to go down the less traveled path, rife with uncertainty, but as the poem goes, going down that path made all the difference
Finally getting to her vows, she vows to get up early everyday to make their coffee and tea while they sleep in, to hold them tight every night as they fall asleep, to stick with them thought the highs and lows, and to love them as she had been loved in return
With the vows over, JD instructs for the rings to be brought up
Betty, who had been holding onto the rings since Mac made them, heading up to the altar, presenting the box and opening it
Inside were 4 similar boxes to those that held their engagement rings, and when opened up revealed their new rings
Mac had found the intricate design of the band visually appealing but impractical for wearing, so instead she went for a thinner, smaller band, instead heaving heather flowers circle the colored diamond on top, as well as keeping the four smaller diamonds surrounding it
In turn they each took off their engagement rings, placed them in the box, before putting on their new rings
Betty closed the boxes and headed back to her seat, not before giving Veronica a big hug and telling her how proud she was to be their ringbearer and telling her that she loved her no homo
Veronica quickly replied with her own no homo before turning back to her fiancees
JD went on to ask if there were any objections, to which there were none
If someone had objected he had a gun but thankfully he didn't have to use it
There was only one part left
"By the power invested in me by www.becomeaministerquick.com, I pronounce you wives. You may now kiss the brides."
They all leaned in for their first 4-person kiss
It was not that great all things considered, it was hard to get to a point where their lips all met, and even then it was hard to kiss, but they eventually succeeded, the cheering and clapping of their family and friends accompanying it
They then walk hand in hand towards the tent they had set up
It wasn't anything special, just a large white tent with balloons and streamers set up, several colorful tables with mixmatched chairs scattered around
There also was a giant sign saying 'Congrats on getting married you homos!'
It was JDs idea
Chandler facepalmed but everyone else thought it was hilarious
They quickly grab plates before filling it up with food and scarfing it down, along with downing a hefty amount of booze
While this is going on various people come up to talk to one or more of them, congratulating them on getting married and various small talk
Eventually the time comes to cut the cake
Chandler, being the one to make it, gets the honor of cutting it
She made her first four-story cake, with a blue bottom, going up to green, then yellow, finally ending with red (She went in rainbow order)
Each layer was their favorite, with Veronica's being the traditonal wedding cake (not her fav but thats what she wanted), Duke's being chocolate, Mac's vanilla, and hers strawberry cream, and each being topped with a candy them, similar to what she does for Duke's cake on her birthday
They eat the cake, before kicking off their heels and heading to the dance floor
They looked but there were no four-person dances that didn't look like they came out of Cirque du Soleil, so they decided to do one with each of each other
I know literally nothing about dancing and I'm not even gonna pretend like I have any idea of what dances are appropriate at weddings, so I'm just gonna say they dance with each other and their dances are a little off because of how tipsy they are, but that's the way they like it
By the time they are all finished they're exhausted, sweaty and tired, so they decide to call it a night, going to everyone and letting them know that they were heading out, as well as thanking them for coming
They round up JD, Betty and Martha, who agreed to drive them home, and they make the trek back to Sherwood
Once they get home, lets just say they got X-Rated
They finish that, and as they lay in bed waiting for sleep to overtake them, Mac says to no one in particular "So when's the Honeymoon?'
Aaaaaaaand it's over, thank god, this was a pain in the ass to write, mostly because I suck at romance
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auroralightsthesky · 10 months
Mary! darling! i know you said that you weren’t quite ready to write for Calvin just yet, but i can’t get the thought out of my head of Calvin & soon to be wifey reader getting married🥹
it’s an intimate event, only a few close friends & family are gathered up at a little venue. Both Calvin & you are nervous wrecks, but are overall excited about starting this new chapter in your lives together & being able to celebrate your forever lasting love for one another ;,)
we obviously know how great of a dog Six-Thirty is & he of course can’t be left out of such a life changing occasion. so, he is given the honor & official title of being the ring bearer🥹 i can see it perfectly in my head. he would be wearing a little bow tie around his neck. he’d be instructed to carry a little woven basket between his teeth, that holds the two shiny wedding rings down the isle & for everyone to see. he would go through it flawlessly & then remain off to your side, watching you two on this special day.
the vows !! okay, so i can definitely see Calvin being overwhelmed in this moment, & not just because of all the eyes on him, but also at the very sight of you. you are what makes him practically melt into a puddle, which of course is no surprise. that’s the effect you always have on him, but today it’s more amped up. it’s just the way that you’re looking at him so lovingly, so inventively as he reads out his vows. he can’t get over how breathtaking you look, in your mama’s wedding gown that she’s passed down for you to wear & with your makeup lightly done up. your hair is in its usual pin up curls, but styled around the pretty veil that sits atop your head.
he promises to you, through a shaky voice & teary eyes that he will love you unconditionally, till the very end of his days. he promises to stick by your side & support you through all of your passions & endeavors. through all the ups, the downs & through sickness & through health. he promises you his heart, & with it, he is yours completely & indefinitely.
this is actually quoted from someone’s vows but i just had to include it because it just seems like something Calvin would say during his,🥹
“I wish that I could promise smooth sailing, but the winds aren’t mine to control. What I do promise is a ship built to carry you to safety, and sails to weather any storm.”😭
he’s a mess after he finishes. but once you read out your own, forget it. you’re shocked that he’s still able to stand at the end of it all, but it’s only because he’s so overcome with emotion & the realization truly hits him that you are now his forever, you are his wife & his companion for life :,) the kiss that is shared between you two is nothing short of passionate & everyone around you is just beaming in celebration.
now all i can think about is how at the reception, you & Calvin are breaking it down on the dance floor! Cal of course busts out his shaky little shoulder move😂 which causes you to let out a fit of giggles. but when you two actually have your first real dance together, it’s like time just stands still & it feels so magical. Calvin holds you close. his arms wrap around your waist, as your head finds purchase against his chest. you two sway back & forth to the music. just enjoying each others warmth & company in front of your loved ones. he occasionally whispers sweet nothings into your ear, which makes you melt further into him & causes your cheeks to blush up. you are just absolutely content & so in love with your now “husband”🥹
afterwards, the fun doesn’t quite end yet… even though you two are tired from the day, Calvin may have found himself having had a bit too much wine & just can’t wait to get you back home to properly unravel you for the first time since becoming his wife. let’s just say he rocks your world that night & keeps repeating in hushed breaths while ramming into you, “look at my pretty little wife. taking my cock so well.”😵‍💫😵‍💫 ugh i’m salivating just thinking about this…
Mary i’m sorry this was sooo long! but i just had to tell someone about it. need a full fic about Calvin & readers wedding so badly🫠 i’ve got some others thoughts & thots swarming around in my head, so i’m sure i’ll be back in here soon to tell you them hehe ;) thank you for reading 🥰 mwah!
MEGGY MY LOVE!!!!! OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS TO NO END!!!! You.....you are an absolute treasure!!!!
No, no but seriously though!!!! The wedding day itself, Cal would be an absolute bundle of NERVES!!! He's shaking a little bit but his dad and his brothers are all probably trying to keep him calm, even Father McDowell is telling him to quit shaking and that he'll be fine (he may be a man of the cloth, but Father McDowell is a cheeky little smartass who's known Calvin since he was in the cradle, lol).
But Oh my God!!! Six-Thirty being the ring bearer??!! Meggy I AM SCREAMING!!! Just the thought of it alone, him walking down the aisle with Calvin's little niece as the flower girl is turning me into a giant puddle (lol). She's holding onto his collar because she's still really little but oh God does she look so cute with her lil curls and the little flower wreath on her head.
During the vows there isn't a single dry eye in that church, especially from Cal's mom, Patricia. Henry's probably sitting in the pews with her like, "Pat, you've gotta get a grip for the boy," but of course she's like "How can I? Our baby's getting married" (lol).
Oh and the dress!!!!!! You look absolutely gorgeous beyond words!!!! It takes everything for Calvin not to break down in tears when he sees you, his two older sisters and a couple of the girls who are students in your nursing classes, walking down that aisle looking like something out of a dream. I definitely feel like you, your mother-in-law and the girls would do the whole "something old, something new" tradition to go with it (lol).
Speaking of which, the girls go all out with that one. Your momma's dress is something old, your shoes are something new. Patricia let you borrow her veil from when she and Henry got married (although it needed some serious TLC and she and the girls all had to stitch it back together) while the something blue was a little blue phoenix hairpin that one of your students/bridesmaids had brought with her when her family immigrated from China during the war. They're all a little of everything, but you hope that when you and Cal have children of your own, that you can pass that on to them.
Oh and the reception, you all have an absolute BLAST!! You and the girls are absolutely dying at Cal and his brothers trying to dance and the shenanigans that ensue when some of the family members and friends are walking around with the little 8mm video cameras filming the reception? You and Cal watch the footage in later years and go red with laughter every time.
Ooooooh but the first night together as husband and wife??? 🥵🥵🥵🥵. You and Cal are just....uugh. It's the gentle little touches, the exploring each other's bodies and trying every position you could think of. One of your very well traveled students had gotten you a copy of The Kamasutra of all things as a wedding gift and as soon as Calvin had gotten his hands on it, he wanted to try it out. You very quickly discovered his favorite position (he'd sit cross-legged with you on his cock, legs around his waist and your arms around each other so that you could rest your head against his shoulder and oh God does it feel sooooo good, in fact that's also the position in which you conceived your first child together lol).
Meggy I'm gonna get to work on this right away, I think you've finally convinced me to write for Calvin and there will be many more thoughts/thots to come (it's gonna end up being posted on the side-blog but either one will do, lol).
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hatchetnewsarc · 1 year
@whatscanon ( Emma ) : can we go now ?  like ,  right now ?
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It was a perfect day. An actual perfect day. Ted couldn't put it into other words, but he knew the day he married Emma it'd be a good one. He just didn't expect it to be this good. He'd been glowing since the moment he got out of bed and down to the venue. He socialized with some of their guests for a bit, already eager to see Emma at the appointed time she was meant to walk down the aisle. Eventually he was going to his own designated room to change, dressing himself in a brown suit and green tie-- the accent color of the whole shindig. He'd taken a few minutes in front of a full length mirror to brush his mustache as well as mumble under his breath his vows, wanting to remember then entirely so he didn't have to pull out the notecards Pete helped him make.
Because remembering "you have such a succulent peach" wasn't going to fly in being the only thing he managed to say. He had a whole set of words to say and he wanted to say them, he needed to. Emma deserved to hear every reason Ted loved her and every promise he was going to make her. He'd once envisioned his wedding, when he was younger, but nothing prepared him for the joy he was going to feel in the moment. Then again... he was always imagining marrying someone else. Didn't expect the end game to be who it was but... he couldn't be fucking happier.
He stood beside his brother at the front of the venue when it was time, Hidgens also present for the necessities of being the one to marry Ted and Emma. When the music played, something light and melodic-- nothing traditional, Ted had to bite his tongue to keep from letting dark eyes well up. The sight of Emma knocked the breath out of him and he'd shook a bit where he stood, Pete's hand coming up to clasp his shoulder as a means to ground the older Spankoffski and to show excitement for him. Ted lifted his own hand to pat his brother's, a gesture that was rare between the two but one he didn't put thought into stopping. Ted was happy.
He didn't take his eyes off Emma for the entire ceremony almost out of fear that she'd disappear if he did. Guys like him-- guys who make themselves into guys like him? They didn't luck out like this. They didn't make it and they certainly didn't find an ounce of real happiness, but Ted had. He'd been able to somehow convince Emma he was the right guy for her and now they were going to spend their lives together-- pretty fucking scary, but also? Ted couldn't picture himself with anyone else at this point. He remembered what it was like to love Jenny, but Emma... loving her was easy.
They'd said 'I do' to each other a few hours ago, kissing at the alter in a near movie fashion as tip lifted her off the ground only to scoop her into his arms. He'd carried her from the venue to where they could change into outfits for their reception, but it'd taken them a bit longer to get down there due to the fact Ted refused to stop kissing her.
'we need to go, t!' 'they can wait.'
However they were eventually down that way, Emma in a dress she could easily move around in and Ted in a new Hawaiian button down, green in color to continued the matching theme. They had a late lunch/early dinner with their guests before the festivities occurred, music pouring from speakers and folks dancing with no intentions of stopping. They had the venue until midnight, but Ted was getting randy and antsy by the time ten o'clock rolled around. Okay, fine. He had been since they got undressed in front of each other to change, but he'd bit it back as best he could for as long as he could. Besides, Emma was having fun. He didn't want to take that away from her.
It was only twenty after ten when she came back to him, finding him in conversation with Bill and Paul before being dragged away towards the outdoor area of the venue. A few people were about, but most were engaged in conversation-- only smiling quick in their direction before letting the happy couple do as they wanted. Smoke a joint. It made Ted even worse and he didn't know if she was aware of that, but he was going to make it her problem quite quickly. And when she put the joint out, the silence still lingering between them-- he pounced.
He gently grabbed her by the wrist and gave a yank, pulling her a little further off from the main of the outdoor area and mostly out of sight of others. He released his hold on her only to regain a new one, hand on her hip and other sliding along the side of her neck until he could cup the back of it. He used the hold to tip her head back, drawing her in for a slow and warm kiss that had him rolling just slightly up against her. The action stepped her backwards and him forward, pressing her between the taller and the side of a shed they were stood by. He hummed into the touch, tilting his head and giving her his all despite knowing they had a room full of people celebrating them.
And of course that didn't stop Ted from dropped the hand on her side to the skirt of her dress, flipping it up to drag his palm along her side and hip-- fingers tracing the spot panties met skin. He snapped the band of the lace material, groaning a little at remembering what she wore under the dress. He wanted her. He knew he should be patient, but it was starting to feel impossible. And call him a wimp, but it'd been at least since yesterday since they'd had sex and he was hurting for it. He nipped at her bottom, tugging at it as he drew back to look down at her.
Their eyes met and he let out a low growl, hand falling from her neck to her hip under her skirt on the opposite side of the other. He used the found purchase to spin her around, pressing her up against the shed as he thrust her ass back against his groin. He panted a breath, mumbling out a low, "Fuck, do I want you, Mrs. Spankoffski..."
' can we go now ?  like ,  right now ? '
Her question had him shutting his eyes in thought, breathing hard through his nose and trying to tune out the sounds of everything around them. He knew she meant it despite the fun they were having, he could tell by the way it panted from her mouth. And he knew part of him should tell her they shouldn't go, that they should stay and round it out, but... His eyes opened and he looked down at her, bumping his hips to her then speaking again, "I think we get to make the rules and frankly I'm all for the wedding couple leaves to fuck while everyone else does whatever the hell else--"
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