#also shout out to twitter and its fixation on piss today
sacredglitch · 2 years
alerudy proposal blabber
This was wayyy longer than I expected it to be but listen I had to get it out of my system. If you don't like long posts, whoopsie I guess.
We're gonna spit ball this because I thought of this at like 4am as well as another proposal with Henry my OC and Price which is a little...steamier. But I digress.
For context, I've got a lot of HCs with almost all the main characters in MWII but for this specifically, know that after Rodolfo came out, his family cut him off from some contact, his Abuela being the only one who actively stayed in contact and supported him and in turn he stayed in contact with his family for her sake until her passing (sometime after the wedding we'll say) but he's highly welcomed into Alejandro's family which is big enough as is, but Mama Vargas has always stated Rudy was a son that regardless of his sexuality, any family should be proud to have.
After x amount of years of them dating, and the ring Alejandro's own Abuelo passed down to him burning more of a hole in his dresser on base pestering his mind, he decides now is the time to propose to Rodolfo. However, with the workaholic both he is, he's been making excuse after excuse to his parents on why he hasn't done it yet. "Las Almas needs constant protection." "There's a new unit of recruits I have to train." "We can't afford to leave our guards down." Anything that seemed plausible of an excuse to cover his ass on why he just didn't gather the balls to finally ask the man he considered his soulmate to marry him.
He knows Rudy deserves it, they deserve the happiness marriage can bring but it's the fear of losing him. With their career, they could lose either one or both in a blink of an eye. But if Alejandro was to lose Rudy so soon after marriage? He couldn't live with himself. And sure, they're both aware marriage isn't necessary or pivotal for their relationship, but he felt he should so Rudy could have the one blood relation that's supported him for so long be with him on such a special occasion. Abuela Parra isn't getting any younger, despite the compliments Alejandro passes to her.
So, coincidently on the anniversary of them making their relationship official, his mother invites them both to a feast to catch up after half a decade of not seeing one another. Was it really that long since he saw his own mother? He was very  aware he lacked communicating to them on if they were still in one piece but seeing that the last photo he had, perched on a shelf in his office, was from his Tia's wedding that was even longer than that, he knew that would most certainly need to change, especially if he goes through with this. So, on his own and Rodolfo's behalf, he accepts the invitation,  clears time off their schedules for a long weekend and informs his beloved that he's going to need better dress wear than their dress uniforms.
Anniversary rolls around and in true Vargas tradition, Rudy is the center of attention for questions since, in best efforts made, getting updates from Alejo was as futile as getting blood from a stone. The Sergeant Major doesn't mind it, it's comforting in a way to him, that such a big and accepting family is actually interested in hearing about what's gone on in his life without some snide remarks thrown in.
That wasn't to say his own family was always like that...things just changed when you apparently 'warp' loved ones perceptions when they made the assumptions on his love interests in the first place. Even prior to coming out, he felt overly welcomed in Alejandro's family and always treasured that feeling as close to his heart as the Colonel was, hence the almost joy he had in informing whoever asked about their job or lives and all the endeavours they went on (ones he could actually talk about of course).
The encaptive way Rudy would talk about shenanigans on base or near death experiences they endured also warmed Alejandro's heart, delighted that he was able to provide that to both parties in the first place.
Of course, as much as he'd love to watch his boyfriend talk, the weight of the worn box snapped him back to the other reason they were here. Whilst Rudy was packing up his own duffle bag, Alejandro took a moment to call his Mama to clear one thing with her, just in case this feast was really for something else or if it was because it had been so long since everyone had been together. He explained that yes, they were both still coming, yes, they'll both happily stay for a day or two in his childhood home and yes, he's gonna change such a big gap in contact or visiting for now on, but the reason he called was because he was finally kicking the fear down and making Rudy his husband, and thought if everyone who can be there from his family will be attending, why not make it happen there?
The ringing in his right ear from his mother's scream still hadn't quite cleared up to that point, but he took that as a yes, he's in the clear to do so at the gathering (of course she gave a verbal confirmation once she settled down, her lil Andro finally growing up and growing a pair). He just needed the right moment to do so. The Vaquero was very aware his lover would be stolen by his relatives until dinner so he couldn't just pull him away from their talks. He could  but he knows well how much Rudy deserves the family bonding, so he chanced it for after dinner.
The build up to post dinner had Alejandro feeling as if he was back in recruit training, heart racing as his Major screamed drills and commands at them all. It has been far too long since he felt this nervous, over essentially just talking to his boyfriend and making a major step in their relationship. In front of his family. Nothing big. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a quiet deep breath.
You've brought your own soldiers into cruel fights with the cartels and gangs littering Las Almas. You can do this.
He just needed some way to get everyone's attention without overly making it obvious in his plans. Brown eyes landed on the woman across from him; his elder sister. Perfect.
Kicking her ankle gently, her eyes snapped to him, brows furrowing in confusion. "Aleja-" "Outside" was all he said before moving to the courtyard. It had enough viewing space for everyone inside to see out but still enough privacy to not feel as one was being watched by dozens of eyes. And with his darling sister involved, he knew the perfect way to grab Rodolfo's attention.
"Pretend you're pissed at me, I need to get Rudy out here." Alejandro explained, seeing his sibling's brows furrow in even more confusion.
"Get him yourself, and I certainly don't need to pretend, what the fuck was that for?" She folded her arms, not pleased that the first conversation she has with her brother after so long involved him kicking her like a child. The taller sighed, glancing at the open doors.
"Just...entertain it, please. I'm about to do something I should have done a long time ago, but I don't want him to catch on." That made her tilt her head in slight surprise.
"You mean you're-" "Yes! Yes...Please?" A grin reaching her matching brown eyes formed. Fucking finally. "Very well, Alejandro."
With a light but still meaningful shove, his sister began to rip into him on anything she could think of, mainly his lack of communication (such a theme the past week) and how he needs to step it up on letting them know, especially with how El Sin Nombre's cartel has been lately, if they're still kicking, and to visit Mama Vargas at least once a week or a month with Rudy in tow. Upon hearing their respective names, both Mama and Rudy looked to the 'commotion' out in the yard, with Rudy excusing himself to see what the matter was. Stepping out, he smiled wearily before asking if all was okay. The siblings looked at the Sergeant before Alejandro's sister groaned, moving past him. "You try and get through that thick skull of his, Dolfo." Confusion but slight understand filled the younger's face as he turned to his love.
"What did you do?"
"Nothing!" A pause. "...Okay maybe she's pissed at the fact that it's been over five years since we've visited. And...have talked to my family." He glanced back, seeing most eyes on them now. His heart was ready to break his sternum in two with how fast it was beating. "I tried to explain but...she didn't wanna hear it. I understand, I-...I should have done more."
"Love..." Rudy began, linking their arms, "You really should have."
"Ouch, honey, thought you were supposed to be on my side." He joked, moving to face the smaller, linking their hands instead. Rudy let out a small laugh. "She's in the right, you know. Trying to get a response that isn't work related from you is a struggle as is." His tone was just as jokey as Alejandro's was, eyes admiring his lover's face with a matching smile. This is it, Alejandro. Now or never.
"So I should change things, yeah?" Another soft laugh. "Of course, Alejo. Everyone would appreciate it."
Deep breath. Here it goes.
Alejandro's hands cupped Rodolfo's face ever so gently, making sure he was watching him and only him. "Well...Better start changing things off right, then."
As steady as he could, despite every nerve wanting to vibrate from the pure anxiety he felt, he moved to his knee, reaching for the box that was the cause of it all. The only part of Rudy's body to move was his eyes, widening in realisation. Was it planned all along? the thought running quickly through his mind while he watched his love, his partner in crime, his soulmate, open the worn box, revealing a just as worn but clearly loved ring.
"Rudy...Will you do me the honour of becoming my husband?" Alejandro rasped, only himself and his partner hearing the phrase. Everyone inside waited with baited breath as Rudy processed everything before him.
Alejandro. Asking for his hand in marriage. In front of everyone he's considered found family? If this is a dream, I'm never waking up his final thought before the flood gates he didn't realise he was holding back opened up, collapsing into Alejandro's arms.
"Yes!" the younger sobbed, "Yes...I will, Alejo. My love, yes!" Celebratory cheers filled the area as Alejandro pulled Rudy in as close as he could, tuning out his family just for a moment. He knows once they stand up, everyone was going to be congratulating them until they were hoarse, so he was taking this moment to soak in the bliss of finally conquering the fear that plagued him for years. Arms wrapped back around Rudy, burying his face into his shoulder as his own tears fell.
"My God, Rudy," The Colonel whispered, pulling back to meet emotional eyes, "you have no idea how scared I was of you saying 'No', no idea, love." Rudy couldn't help but laugh, pulling his fiancé (that's never going to get old to either of their ears) in for a kiss, letting him take his left hand to place the ring on his finger. Pulling back once more, he cupped Alejandro's face.
"For you, my dear? Never. I would never say no."
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